Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #98 4/25/11 Yo Yo Yo -- The Father is a father!

As Victoria holds little Juan Pablo in her arms, she has a powerful flashback — the car in the night and the loss of la pequeña María. Confusing present and past, she refuses to return the baby to Max. But then Max’s words jolt her back to the present and she hands Juan Pablo to his father. She herself doesn’t understand what happened – she is mortified. She cries. Max comforts her and reassures her she can see her grandson as often as she likes. (Armchair diagnosticians: Shall we go with PTSD?)

Naty – and now we know that’s short for ‘Natividad’ – sure cleans up nice! But then we knew that, right? She has the full attention of the boys – young and old – in the vecindad. Juanjo leans on the runway and howls like a lonely hounddog. Scorpion guy has balcony viewing and takes it all in.

Max leaves with little JP and Victoria pulls out her old photograph of la pequeña María. She cries.

The fashion show is over and Toni, Pipino and Millie comment on how María stole the show with her beauty. Juanjo is a little miffed: And what’s Naty? Chopped liver? Scorpion guy still watching.

Max and María are enjoying some smoochies in her place in the vecindad when Get a Life Alonso bursts in without knocking.

Pipino, the old teacher, Napo and Milagros chatter about Mexicans and how they love to party >>FF

Max gets in Alonso’s face: What’s the big idea of walking in without knocking? He’s had it with Alonso’s “ternura” crap. It’s time for Get a Life Alonso to … well… get a life and find a woman of his own! [Are those whistles and cheers in livingrooms across the land?] Alonso’s weak comeback: Max is a troglodita (a caveman, lout)! Max gives him the punch in the face he’s been asking for.

The Xi and Gui show is running out of steam. Evil is just not as much fun as it used to be. And now Ximena realizes she’s lost everything. Guillermo promises they’ll get even with the Sandoval family but Xi finds his threats hollow. After all, Osvaldo took Leonela from Gui, even had a child with her and Gui stood by and did nothing. And then Gui remembers Osvaldo’s scornful voice pointing out that he exchanged his own son for a theatre.

The Lovely Luci is concerned that others – especially his girlfriend -- may misinterpret that fact that she is staying in Fabián’s apartment. When Fabián admits ruefully that Cruz seems to be gaining on him, Luci tells him she’ll help him conquer Fer.

Meanwhile, back at the Casa Sandoval, the Lovely Fer muses over her dueling swains, their gifts, their attentions, their songs but then concludes sadly that in the end, no one will want to stay with her because of her paralysis.

Post punch in the vecindad. Alonso tells María not to get in the middle of the fight, “Ternura”. Oy, again with the “ternura” crap, says Max disgustedly. The boys take it outside and both get in a couple of good ones while María flutters helplessly imploring them to stop. Scorpion guy continues to enjoy his balcony sightline. At last María runs for help. Cruz and JJ come to the rescue, separating our two macho guanabees. Milagros reads them both the riot act for bringing their bad vibes to her neighborhood. Then she points at Alonso and sends him packing. Scorpion guy still watching and licking his chops over how much Doña Demente is going to enjoy hearing about the goings-on in the vecindad.

Fer wants to know what’s happening at Victoria’s office. She is way way way behind in the news. Vic updates her on the hostile Demente takeover.

Luci has discovered that even metrosexuals like Fabián conceal nasty secrets in their refrigerators. ¡Guácala! (Blech!)

Fer is shocked by the (old) news about Casa Victoria but she perks up when Vic explains they’re selling their minority 49% and starting up a new Casa Victoria – and it will be better than ever. Fer is thrilled. She wants in on the new company – she’d like to start work tomorrow!

Apparently Juanjo got a little bruised in the war of the macho guanabees and now Naty is cleaning his wounds, ever so tenderly. He is disconcerted (well, I think that’s what he’s going for – always hard to discern emotions on that flat face) … anyhow he doesn’t seem prepared for Naty’s blurted “I love you” and impromptu smooch. [What Naty needs is a makeover from the inside out. Then maybe she’ll finally realize she is much too good for this particular troglodita.]

Now that Get a Life Alonso has slunk away with his tail between his legs, María scolds Max for hurting him. Max stands his ground. Alonso is an opportunist and in the guise of helping María he has usurped Max’s place. When he repeats his intention to divorce Ximena and marry María, she expresses some doubt. But they end up all loving and smoochy.

Alonso has taken refuge in a bar, maybe The Only Bar in El DF (TOBIEDF) where he is not so much joined by as accosted by the XiMonster. [She is wearing a brown fedora hat which is actually very cool and makes her look like a dame in a 1950’s noir film.] He is quick to tell her he now hates her as much as he once loved her. She doesn’t believe it:
Donde hubo fuego, cenizas quedan.
(Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Literally: Where there was fire, there are still ashes.)

Besides “La Desamparada” is never going to love him – she’s in love with Xi’s own husband. Now Alonso shows us that underneath his creepy exterior there beats a heart of stone. Yeah I know it’s Ximena, but still…

He rejects her in the cruelest possible way calling her vacía (empty), hueca (hollow), sin vida (lifeless) because she can’t give him the only thing he wants: a child. She has nothing to offer, he says coldly.

It’s been a long day. The poor, battered XiMonster stumbles drunkenly into her room at Bernie’s and flops on the bed. She finally realizes: Nadie me quiere (No one loves me.)

Padre Juan Pablo paces restlessly. He knows that sooner or later Victoria will reveal that he is the father of her lost daughter. And when that happens, he’ll have to man up.

Osvaldo, alone in his study, and now completely rehabilitated in our eyes, reads soulful love poetry. ( José Angel Buesa – Quizás te diga… I think.) Victoria [who, let’s face it, still has some therapeutic work to do] is touched by his reading. She’s there to thank him for staying with her all night when she was in jail. She knows he’s always been there for her – he’s her pillar. The two reflect on the oddness of her arrest and agree there’s something funky going on. Someone must have planted the incriminating evidence in an attempt to frame Victoria. But the only person who hates her enough to do that -- is Bernarda! But she has no access to Vic’s bedroom.

At this moment Bernarda has become concerned about Quality Control at Casa Bernarda. She sneers at a bunch of drecky sketches and sends Eva (the modernized, no longer the fresh from a Frankenstein movie set Eva) to get Roxana.

Say, where are Ximena and Roxana living these days? wonders Osvaldo. At Bernie’s, Vic tells him. That must be it! Ximena or Roxana must have planted the damning evidence on Bernie’s orders!

Osvaldo gets it that Bernie hates Victoria but what he still doesn’t get is why. One day, she promises -- One day, she’ll tell him.

Bernie gives Roxana her first performance review. Her designs are disgusting (asquerosos) she declares as she tears up the drawings. She despises them! Bernarda realizes she needs professional help. [No, not that kind. It’s way too late for that kind of help.] They will call Pipino’s archrival: Luciano Ferreti!

Guillermo lurks in his red convertible and watches Max get into a taxi with one of the babies. He follows him to the offices of the new Casa Victoria. Max leaves baby Osvaldo in Toni’s care. Gui enters the building…

María and Naty are giggling over Naty’s bold move. If JJ didn’t reject her kiss, there must be something there! [It looks like this time the makeover is going to stick. Naty’s frizzy red perm is gone and now she has lovely, smooth chestnut tresses. No glasses either. I’m waiting for Juanjo’s makeover.]

As if Padre Juan Pablo didn’t feel bad enough, Osvaldo shows up wanting to talk about his relationship with Victoria, how she still loves him but her pride is getting in the way of their reconciliation. Os still doesn’t understand why she kept her first daughter a secret from him all those years – you have your own secrets, PJP reminds him – but now what he wants to know more than anything is: Who was that baby’s father?

Obsessive Alonso is obsessively poring over his obsessive María photo collection. What’s next? The María Desamparada action figure? The doorbell rings. It’s Max. We have to talk, he says. He is divorcing Ximena tomorrow and then he and María will be able to be together. Alonso throws the pregnancy photos in Max’s face and reminds him meanly that he’ll never recover the time he missed at María’s side. You stole those moments from me! retorts Max. Alonso tells him that Ximena is getting ever crazier and more dangerous and Max can’t protect María from her:
Tu esposa estuvo a punto de matar a María.
(Your wife almost killed María).

Apparently not everyone is on board with the divorce plans. When Max’s lawyer presents the demand to Ximena, she refuses to sign. The lawyer reminds her that she is legally vulnerable because she abandoned her home. Does it say in those papers that my husband tortured me? she asks the nonplussed lawyer.

Pipino and Toni get called away from Osvaldo cooing duty when Oscar needs them for some actual, er, work. That’s all Gui was waiting for. First we see his silhouette and then we see the slimeball himself. He slithers in, approaches the bassinet and picks up little Osvaldo. With surprising gentleness, he cradles the baby’s head in his hand, locks eyes with him and kisses his cheek.

Padre JP ruminates over his conversation with Osvaldo and decides that he needs to talk to Victoria. She has to be prepared for what’s coming.

Victoria is back home communing with the Doll That Trumps DNA. She remembers the terrible moment when Bernarda forced her to confess that Juan Pablo was the father of her baby. She cries. Osvaldo comes in and begs her to tell him the name of little María’s father. He thinks it would take a great weight off both of them. But since he hasn’t mastered Demente’s interrogation techniques, Victoria remains silent. Por favor, he says again: Dímelo. (Tell me!) Nada.

But then we hear a weird echo in the room: Yo yo yo. [And if Scuzzy Boy hadn’t gone to that tattoo parlor in the sky, I’d think he had snuck in with some hiphop music.] But no. A ghostly ghastly Padre Juan Pablo stands before them:
Yo soy el padre de esa niña que Victoria perdió.
(I’m the father of that little girl Victoria lost.)

Sweet William Levy in a kayak.


Very fast & witty recap. Thanks.

Love the "get a life Alonzo" line along with the reference to "M.D. action figures."

But really, how can this craziness go on for 40-50 more capitulos? How much more tortured behaviour can happen?

I agree about Alonso's verbal brutality...I wouldn't have thought it possible, but he actually made me pity Jimena for a moment.

"I’m waiting for Juanjo’s makeover". Oh, you and me both NM. Like maybe another actor?? Just infuriates me that they are sticking Nati with this loser. Argh@!

Speaking of losers, our favorite nasal-whiner Xi wonders why noone loves her. That's rich. And yeah, Alonso let the booze overtake his common sense and just stoked the crazy fire in said nutcase. At this point, she'll think she has nothing to lose making her even more dangerous.

Gui having a "dad" moment. Reminded me of Low in Llena. Total dreg who would do anything for his children...we going to get that here too?

Our resident Hottie with the collar - did not see that coming that the truth would come out this soon. Will he still keep secret that Maria is the child though? What a mess...but I agree with so many episodes left, there has to be some turns or twists yet to come...or really dragging out the story. (Watch, it'll be the latter.)

I have no pity whatsoever for Ximeana; she made her own problems. She cheated on Max with Alonso, then had an abortion and told him after the fact.

He knows he dodged a serious bullet and that Max needed to hear another warning. Alonso did talk a bit too much when he had too much, but who knows what other evil Ximeana would have thought of on her own.

The Big Secret is now out. Osvaldo isn't an idiot; he will put two and two together and get five on the issue of Bernarda's insane hatred of Victoria. Which only makes sense to Bernarda.

It also isn't right that nobody else will rock JP's world from this point on, but I know I'm preaching to the choir.

There is something very creepy about how Gui picked up and kissed the baby, the genetic heir of so much evil. It was like a blessing in reverse, but if JP can beat that kind of DNA, Osvald1ito will.

Total agreement on the inside-out makeover for Nati. What the hell does she see in JJ, anyway?

We all know that the fight between Max and Alonso is going to be interpreted by Bernarda as proof that Maria is a loose woman and therefore an unfit mother. El Alacran most likely will be told to kidnap JP-ito.

Thanks for another great recap NvMv, I loved the part about "even metrosexuals conceal nasty secrets in their refrigerators". and "Eva (the modernized, no longer the fresh from a Frankenstein movie set"

I'm not holding my breath over JuanJo's makeover though. I had hoped better for our Natividad.

Loved the Bernarda scene where she "realizes she needs professional help. [No, not that kind..." Roxy is just a comic figure at this point. And the Doña's starting to lose control of the situation.

Alonso has got to go. What right has he to "fight" for a woman who doesn't love him. He showed a really nasty side last night. I think he's vicious and obsessive and I wish he would go away. But wait, then I'd have to find another T-N to watch. I just wish Maria D. had a little more dimension to her character. For a protagonista she's such a wimpy caricature that her great love for Max just looks like so much filler.

NovelaMaven - Thank you for the recap. Lots of action last night!

Ximena definitely looked good in that hat last night -- the only hat she's worn, that I liked.

What a creepy, sweet moment when Gui kissed the baby. Perhaps there is a nano of heart and/or soul inside his sociopathic brain. Maybe he'll kidnap the baby.

I did not recognize Nati, even after the fashion show. She looked beautiful in her fashion show 'look.' Sort of like Cinderella...I was looking for the birds & butterflies to flutter around her.

I was over the Max/G-A-L-Alonso before the fight even started. Meh. If Max had any brains, he'd tell MD to choose one of them: him or Alonslow. End of argument.

In the previews for the next (tonight's) episode, it looked like Xi might jump/fall off a balcony. One can only hope . . .

30 - 50 more episodes of this stuff? ?No puede ser!

NovelaMaven, another fantastic recap.

"Obsessive Alonso is obsessively poring over his obsessive María photo collection. What’s next? The María Desamparada action figure?"

My distaste for this creepy stalker grows each day. Good looks do not excuse antisocial bad behavior.

New Naty... ¡Guau!

I really liked the way Ximena looked in the black and white dress that she was wearing at the beginning of the episode and that hat suits her well. Now if we could do something about that lunacy...


It's too bad Linda isn't still around. MD could just sic her on G-A-L-Alonso. He'd be running for his life.

Thanks NM for this great recap.

I've been pondering why JJ bugs me so much and I think I've come up with something. The lazy writers made him a firefigher but he says things that only a internationally famous soccer star could get away with about Nati and still be a galan[Max, Fabian, and Cruz never make mean comments about Nati]. And he's not bright; so, he's basically mean, stupid and unattractive. In most other TNs he would never be paired with someone b/c he has nothing going for him as his niceness is situational. I feel like I'm back in Llena with Dee going back to Axel.

Lol at "Get a life Alonzo". I also was surprised at his verbal digs about Jimena. I kinda felt sorry for her for a minute. The fight scence made me laugh. I don't understand how Alonso is so in love with Maria? He barley knows her.

So all it takes for Maria to forget Max beating someone up is for him to sell her the Ilove you and my divorce will be soon speech? Well seeing the clip from today's show about Jimena saying she's gonna jump. So it's safe to say that a divorce won't be taking place any time soon..

I'm kinda mad that Pip and crew would think that leaving a baby alone in a room by itself in a office building, where anyone can walk in is okay.

I think JJ is worse than Axel in LldA. Axel at least had reasons for being the way he was...he was abused and totally screwed up by his mother. Delicia still shouldn't have taken him back, but at least I could understand why he was the way he was and feel some pity for him.

What's Juanjo's excuse? He's a knuckle-dragger with two modes regarding potential ladymates: disdain, or tongue-hanging-out-eyes-on-springs over their physical attractiveness. Did his mama really raise him that way? I think not. He has no redeeming qualities as a romantic interest. I agree, only a big fútbol star could play a role like this because just based on the character, NO WAY would Nati be interested. Ugh. Why couldn't he stay dead?

@Julia ITA. I was wondering why/how someone as pretty as Nathy could fall in love with JJ.He's mean, not so cute and totally was a jerk when he was drooling all over Linda. I would rather she be with Fabian.


P.s. I had a thought, what if Teresa was the one going after Max? Would Maria still have a chance?

@Julia: "knuckle-dragger" how funny! But spot on for JuanJo.

I thought it was pretty funny that Getalife Al called Max a troglodyte.

Anon Tue Apr 26, 03:40:00 AM EDT

- craziness is right... it's a merry-go-round just like most univision tns.

Anon Tue Apr 26, 06:42:00 AM EDT

- Xi does not deserve pity whatsoever, no matter what.

"I’m waiting for Juanjo’s makeover." Ackkk! You and gawd knows how many others of us, too! action figures and GAL Alonso! LOL! Thanks for making my afternoon!

Hi everybody! Thanks for the great comments today! It has been interesting in my neighborhood (As in the famous curse: May you live in interesting times!) I was going to post the blog this morning but decided to just go ahead and do it at night, as usual. Good thing because we lost power here in the madrugada and had no electricity or internet for several hours. (Good opportunity to realize how pathetically dependent I am on things electric. Sobering, really.)

I've grown very comfortable with our characters. The villains are so over-the-top that I feel safe in their evil presence. I'm not being sarcastic here -- I love the bits of business with Demente and the Xi and Gui Show. (The G-A-L Alonso and "knuckle-dragger" JJ scenes -- great description, Julia!-- are less fun.)

We should have plenty of plot left, especially when César Evora's character steps on stage. And then the (presumably) wicked Leonela should shake things up too.

I know this will never happen but I wish -- oh how I wish -- the telenovela gods would wave their magic scalpels over Fausto and get rid of his burn scars. For once, I'd like a character like this -- who walks on the scene wearing a "V" for "victim" on his forehead -- to be given a chance for normal unhappiness, like the rest of us!

As always a great recap NovelaMaven. Things are at an all time BAD at work (can you say 4 weeks left in the school year and the natives have gone BSC?) and I barely have time to comment on recaps anymore. Thank you sooooo much for the laugh with:

"But then we hear a weird echo in the room: Yo yo yo. [And if Scuzzy Boy hadn’t gone to that tattoo parlor in the sky, I’d think he had snuck in with some hiphop music.]"

I would love love love the actor who plays Pip to also be the one playing Luciano Ferreti and they are twins in a fued...but I guess that *is* kind of hokey...

Oh and ditto your sentiments about Fausto and victim characters, NovelaMaven.

NM, thanks for a wonderful recap. Props to PadreJP for admitting his paternity, interesting that the child's identity is still hidden.

Wish for Fausto to be given a shot at ordinary unhappiness: at this point in the TN, he and Fer are more or less equal, both stymied and stuck with their "disability." Of course, Fer has a team of supporters, active therapy, and hope of recovery. Fausto had very limited or no assistance for his injury/scars. Too bad they can't get together and make a support group.
La Paloma

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