Friday, April 08, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #289-290 4/8/11 Hopes dashed: Saimon, Omar, Tomás, Carolina.

Capitulo 289.
Read 5ft Latina’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fern tells Lety he’ll defend her wedding because he only wants her happiness, and he returns to the cave. She’s so moved that she almost calls after him. Later he gazes and tells her she’s much prettier than she wants to seem.

2. Saimon shows off his technology degree. He asks for a promotion and they refuse. The cuartel begs, and Lety says they’ll need a new messenger.

3. Omar takes Caro flowers, but he sees a man exiting her house, talking about an explosive night. The man was the electrician. Omar tells Fern that Caro has a novio.

4. A man follows Luigi and Marcia at the mall. I’ll call him Señor Zapatos.

5. Ali tells Marcia about last night. She’s unsettled when Marcia calls it love. She says she had no other option. Marcia says marriage means having relations, and she warns Ali that if this continues, she’s asking for serious problems. Marcia asks if Ali took precautions, and Ali asks, “For what?”

6. Carmina takes Aldo diving. Lety calls Aldo and Carmina picks up. Lety whimpers jealously, and Fern steps in. He wants to know if Aldo is making her jealous and angry.

7. Caro thanks Omar for the necklace. He remembers the man at her house and says the necklace means nothing. She gives it back to him and leaves. She’s angry at herself for thinking Omar had changed.

8. Fernando taunts Lety about Aurora to make her squirm. Later he taunts Omar, getting him to declare that Lety is ugly and Aurora is gorgeous. He says to himself that Omar can’t see the essence of beauty, but he, Fernando, has learned to.

9. Marcia gets a love note from a secret admirer. He invites her to exchange e-mails for a time. Ali warns that he might be a murderer.

10. Fern and Lety meet Saimon downstairs to unveil his new position, computer coordinator, which appears to be management level. Saimon asks Paula to marry him.


Capitulo 290.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Paula says yes. Saimon faints. Fernando and Lety exchange googoo eyes TWICE.

2. Alicia has fond memories of last night in spite of herself. But she tells Tom that the doctor says they must abstain for 3 months if they want to make babies.

3. Paula gets a call from Jaimito’s dad (Jaimote? Jaimón?), inviting them to live with him in LA. She has to choose between love and money.

4. Jax visits, and Fern and Lety team up. Fern taunts Lety about Aurora. Fern says Jax doesn’t need Aurora to finish the project. Jax leaves, and Lety frets that they need Aurora. Fern very compassionately tells her some things are much more important. He goes to the cave and says to himself, “Things like your relationship with Aldo. I know it would hurt you very much if Aldo felt you deceived him. So I’ll button my lip.”

5. Los tres hermanos tristes go out. Fern reminds Saimon that drinking doesn’t fix anything. Later los tres hermanos borachos stumble out of the bar and fall into the bushes. Camil tries hard to not laugh.

6. Paula tells Jaimito the news and asks him to choose. He just wants to be with her. Paula thinks he wants to be with his birth father, and Jaimito thinks she wants to move to LA. Paula tells Saimon they’re leaving.

7. Aldo shows the Padillas yachts in PV, and Lety is at best bored. Then they see the photo of Aldo with Carmina. Aldo gives an explanation for why she was in PV (a fact Lety already knew), but not for why he’s wrapped around her. Julieta drags Erasmo upstairs to make sure he doesn’t interfere. Aldo tells Lety he didn’t do anything to apologize for, and he hopes she’s in a better mood tomorrow.

8. Fernando counsels Marcia to not answer her admirer. Fern thinks it’s dangerous and he worries for her.

9. Fern finds Lety crying at her desk, and she confirms that Aldo went to PV with Carmina. El Fiero storms into Aldo’s office and flies across the desk, ready to pulverize him for hurting Lety. But all they do is have a choke and slap fight. Lety stops them. Fern says he won’t let Aldo make Lety suffer. To prove his love and respect for Lety, Aldo grabs her and drags her to him as his prize.

10. Lety tells the cuartel she’s going to cancel the wedding.


Yes, Lety! Cancel the boda! Pleeeeeease cancel the boda!!

Great pix today! Love the one with Carmina feeling Aldo up.

The photo of Aldo with Carmina looks a lot different than that old photo of Aldo with Lety, doesn't it?

ITA with Julie, cancel the wedding! Fern is so amazing, Aldo is so not.

Although, I don't like Aldo, I do feel kind of bad, Carmina is a sneaky one. On the other hand, at least she wants to be with Aldo, which is more than Lety shows, unless she's jealous.

The cuartel usually exasperates me, but their solidarity is nice, and it was so great that Saimon got a promotion. Paula Maria and Saimon actually brought a tear to my eye; he's so sweet.

Oh, and Omar drunk is so funny. Camil was having a hard time playing it straight, and I think the other two did as well. Was the fall in the bushes planned? I only ask because I think I saw the actor who played Saimon laugh and heard at least one other guy laugh as well.


Notice, when Julieta told Aldo to get lost, Lety begged and groveled, and Aldo was still cold, even thought Lety did nothing wrong. But when Lety is upset about Carmina accompanying Aldo in PV, Aldo does NOTHING to win her back. He feels he’s right and Lety should recognize it. When she sees the photo of him with Carmina, he says he has noting to apologize for, and he hopes she’s in a better mood tomorrow. Don’t forget, his only obligation is to be happy.

Cancel Cancel Cancel!! Aldo does not understand the primary objective. He behaves as if HE is the primary objective.

I don't usually enjoy watching actors play drunks but the tres borrachos were hilarious. Poor Camil looked like he was trying to hold his laughter in the entire time.

Poor Saimon. It must be tough to be in love with a terminal air head. I guess I could say that about Tomas too.

Wonderful recaps and superb screen shots. Thanks everyone. I will be offline this weekend so will check back in Sunday night or Monday.

Thanks for the post Paula. Thought the funniest scene today was when Jaques was talking to Lety and Fern.

When did Julietta tell Aldo to get lost? And Lety begging and groveling? I missed something.
Best scenes today were Fern toying with Lety about Aurora.....
And Fern getting Omar to say Lety is ugly Aurora is beautiful and Fern getting laughs off of it.

Love the comments. Can't wait to get back home and view the two shows before Monday's show runs. I'm with everyone on cancel the wedding. Aldo is so in this relationship for himself and when Lety is putting out like he wants, he easily gets cosy with Carmina. I ask once again, does anyone wonder why his first wife left him?

Oh gee, proofread Barbara, proofread. I mean Lety not putting out, Aldo goes looking elsewhere or is amenable to another woman hanging all over him.

I think there's enough in today's episodes to really support Paula's theory about Aldo trying to "disengage" from Lety.

Up till now, his faults have mostly the been the pushy/controlling behavior and some jealousy. These have escalated over the last few weeks, but they haven't been enough.

Maybe Lety is like the (apocryphal) frog who jumped into a pot of water and didn't notice that the water was gradually heating up, and so Aldo felt that new tactics were needed. His handling of the whole situation almost seemed calculated to make it worse. Because his outing with Carmina really was innocent - at least on his part. (Carmina may have had other ideas, but she didn't have her way with him!) But the way he responded to Lety actually made it seem more suspicious.

I'm still not clear on exactly when Operation Un-Lety would have started, but I thought it was odd that Aldo asked Lety to marry him so soon after she got upset about Carmina's goodbye kiss in his office.

Normally, when someone is having an attack of jealousy/insecurity (assuming he recognized it as such; I'm still not sure), that might be exactly the WRONG time to propose marriage... unless you WANT to make them mad! Alas, he underestimated Lety's desperation to get that monkey named Fernando off her back.

In 286, MamaJ tells Aldo, “You need to leave Lety so she can be happy with Fernando.” That, and the fact that she chose not to go to PV with him for wedding preparations, made him pretty pissy with her.

In 288, from the summary:
Lety calls Aldo to apologize. She basically comes groveling back, and other than the statement, “You’re the one I love most,” his main response is, “Yeah, whatever.” She pleads, “You believe me, don’t you?” and he dodges the question. Obviously Aldo never earned the forgiveness merit badge.

But in this moment of tension between them Aldo & Lety were finally in coordinated outfits -- bland & beige but matching.

I am so frustrated that I messed up my VCR & recorded the wrong channel today. From the screen shots and the detailed original recaps I can tell that there was MUCH that would have been fun to watch.

Disengage evidence
Yes, Julie, I was just about to post that. Lety just saw him HUGGING Carmina, and he did NOTHING to calm her fears. His reaction was essentially, "If it bothers you, that's your problem, not mine." That would cause most women to seriously reconsider wedding plans, and Aldo refused to do any damage control.

Also, look at the two things that made Lety angry.

A. Carmina answered his phone. Aldo was still on the deck when his phone rang, and he ignored it and walked away, leaving Carmaniac alone with the phone. He had to know what she is capable of.

B. Lety saw the hugging picture. Now, maybe it was stupid of Aldo to take that picture, and maybe not. But he takes his computer to the Padillas with the specific plan of showing them the yacht photos, and, Aw, Shucks, how did this picture of Carmina hugging me get in there with the yacht pictures? Oopsie! Silly me!

If he was trying to disengage, these actions would be pretty effective steps toward that goal.

DrJ, from your post on yesterday's board, I get the impression you like to pepper your English with Spanish? If so, consider learning some dichos, the Spanish language proverbs. You'll find a page of them on my site too. Your bilingual coworkers will be blown away if you employ them at the right moment. Dichos are wise, funny, folksy, and a great way to improve your vocabulary and grammar.

I think that yes it's possible that Aldo is trying to disengage with Lety before it gets worse, but to be honest - her behavior has been pretty poor throughout their engagement. Honestly Aldo hasn't done anything that Lety hasn't done in spades recently.

We've seen this jealous streak from Lety before, but I don't quite understand why she's so distrustful of Aldo. It's actually quite different from how Fern was in his relationship with Marcia. The only thing I can think of is that generally people who are so jealous like she's been with no 'real' evidence of cheating are just projecting their own untrustworthy behavior onto their partners. That's the best I can make of Lety's weirdness. And by weirdness I mean her total lack of engagement in planning the wedding, lack of enthusiasm about getting engaged to Aldo and then totally freaking out about his relationship with Carmina.

I get that Aldo hasn't done any real damage control to try to make Lety feel better about Carmina, but really - Lety hasn't done much to make him feel all that secure about her relationship with Fern either. I think the relationship and wedding should be canceled just because she's just not that into Aldo.

I actually made use of my fast forward button for the first time during PM & Saimon's scenes...sorry I just didn't have the patience for it and I thought it was sort of a stupid side story - especially given that we have a week left (I guess it would have been 2 weeks left back in 2007 though).

I was totally expecting Fern to go after Aldo - especially since he verbally warned Aldo that if he hurt Lety he'd have to answer to Fern at least 5 or 6 times. I totally expected a count on this board actually because for a while he was doing it almost daily - almost as much as Aldo kept saying Aurora was perfect for Fern. ;o)

That's all I have to say for today's caps. The Saimon getting his certificate was nice, but I really didn't care... Loved Julieta telling Erasmo to stay out of it - nice to see her grow a pair.

Pat, thank you for the screen shots. It really gives life to the summaries. Julie, thank you for posting links on the old recaps yesterday. I'm always overburdened on Thursdays.

In the meeting with Fax, Lety is pretty much useless. Fernando takes charge and is totally the president. He even kneels down so it’s as if he’s sitting at the presidential desk, the throne, and he pushes her out of the way just a smidge. Jax wraps up the meeting and offers his hand to Fern, not Lety. Lety flounders, feeling like she’s supposed to do something presidential but she doesn’t know what. She even bows to Jax. Fern also covertly protects Lety. Jax wants to get Aurora back, but Fern insists that Jax doesn’t need Aurora to finish the project.

Yes, Aldo is not doing damage control and that in its own way is an attempt to control Lety. He's driving her emotions knowing that she still has strong feelings for Fernando. His attitude of what-me-worry and he's done nothing wrong is pathetic. He knows Carmina is after him and he's trying to control Lety and her reactions by using Carmina. Believe, Aldo is not above using anyone. He used the cuartel, Tomas, Alicia, basically anyone that would further his plan to capture Lety including her parents. Yes, Lety has not be very receptive and a brighter man than Aldo would have questioned the wisdom of getting married. But with Aldo, it's all about control. It's okay if he breaks away and there's no marriage, but heaven forbid if Lety does that. Control, ladies, control.

One of the pieces of evidence about Aldo disengaging has a flaw. The photos that Aldo was showing to Lety and family were not photos that he took. They had been sent to him by Carmina just before he brought them over. He said that he hadn't even reviewed them yet. It was Carmina who slipped in that photo, sly dog that she is. It looks like one of those photos that are taken in restaurants in hope that the patrons will pay for them later. So I don't thik Aldo asked for the photo or knew it was there. That doesn't excuse him for his attitude that Lety is being jealous for no reason & that it's her problem to get over.

The three drunks were hilarious and I'm not sure the second fall into the bushes was planned. Also heard the inadvertent laughing and watched them struggle not to break character and laugh.

When Omar saw the electrician leave Caro's his eating the flowers also set me off. Considering how well they both know each other you would think they could talk things out but no we get the off hand remark about the necklace not meaning anything and her tossing it on the desk. Obviously nothing is coming easy to anyone on FEA.

Looked like Erasmo might have moved back off a little as one of the last remaining members of Team Aldo when he saw that picture. He is also the one the other day that warned Lety that men left alone do stupid things.

Lety's jealousy is tedious. She is one of those people who wants to have her cake and eat it too. She secretly loved it when Omar, Fern and Aldo were all in love with any one of her personalities. Now she is down to two and no matter how she protests that she doesn't want Fern hurt she hangs on to Aldo as well.

Aldo's remark that he would talk to her in the morning when she was calmer was just the kind of remark that drives most women insane but Miss Mealy Mouth just stood there and said nothing. I would have heaved one of Julieta's cups of coffee at his head. It is such a demeaning thing to say and once again points out that Aldo prefers baby Lety not the one who show flashes of backbone. If there is any disengaging on his part it because he is getting the feeling that he doesn't have her under complete control.

Guera, I didn't know that Carmina had just sent the file of photos, and Aldo hadn't looked at them yet. Thank you for catching that important detail. Yes, I can certainly believe Carmina planning that little surprise.

Last week Paula posed the question what novela cliches has FEA avoided. Since we are nearing the end I'll provide a list of my own.

Fea did not have any of the following

The all knowing/wise/meddling priest/housekeeper/maid/servant who dispensed advice like a vending machine

No one went to prison accused of a crime they did not commit

No one had amnesia faked or real

No child was lost unusual since many novela mothers misplace their children like I lose umbrellas or sunglasses

No one came back from the dead

There were no fatal or not car/plane accidents and no one was run down in the streets (Aldo's wife doesn't count since she was just backstory)

No one fell or was pushed down a flight of stairs which cause miscarriages, amnesia, accusations of attempted murder, paralysis real or faked

No one was switched at birth

No one had a sibling they never knew existed

No one was raped/kidnapped/ locked up in a manicomio or shack some place

There was no trial which reflected poorly on the judicial system

No one ended up in a hospital where all their visitors wear face masks which only happen when infectious diseases are involved but always in Novelaland

No one passed out while the entire group of people in the room scream for doctors or ambulances and no one ever uses a phone to call for one

No one was slipped poison in their drink

No one married the wrong person and spent the entire novela mooning over the one they should have and eventually would

No divorces contested/bitter or otherwise

No obsessed character plotting and scheming and using dirty trick to win the love of one of the protagonists

No character constantly running around screaming Dios Mio.

I know there are more which are slipping my mind at the moment but inmost novelas have at least one or usually many of the above.

Great list Decie Girl. No wonder we love this show.

PAUla, loved your 'senor zapatos' good one!!
TOTALLY agree that Aldo is in DISENGAGE mode... and when he is not, he is in total dictatorship mode.
Fer and he fought, Lety splits them and Fer says he loves LEty enough to let her decide... Aldo yanks Lety towards him and says he loves her enough to know SHE WANTS HIM...
and at the end, Fernando shows how far he has come... Lety is afraid that if Aurora does not show up they are lost, Fernando notices how reluctant she is to bring Aurora back and he says if she doesnt want Aurora to come back, they will be ok. Lety says but what will happen to Conceptos? He says 'THERE ARE THINGS THAT ARE MORE IMPORTANT, DONA LETY!'

Decie Girl, one correction to your list. We did have a rape - Ariel raping Alicia. But as TN's go, this one has been fairly straight forward. Can't wait to see what Aldo does on Monday. Now that I'm home, I'm going to watch Thursday's and Friday's shows.

Barb you are right I forgot about Ariel maybe because Ali never said anything about it and it was never mentioned again. My bad. Maybe it because I was thinking of MDA which has had two rapes and an attempted one. And this is on an afternoon show where that kind of thing usually doesn't happen.

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