Saturday, April 09, 2011

Llena de Amor #166 (Mex. 194-195) Fri 4/8/11 And justice for none....

We are at the hearing room waiting for La Gartha who shows up 20 minutes late looking like she’s going clubbing…they start by calling Brandon as witness who whispers to Mau he will undo him.

Jose Maria is thanking Emi for the rescue; apparently JM had friends in low places from his jailed up days who were able to locate Netty? Eman walks in congratulating everyone, Emi won’t be away from his wife to be ever again. Glad notices how upset JM must be that his love is unrequited, she consoles him. He swears he’s not given up yet…Hmmm let’s ponder this shall we? Drifter, post jailbird, man o’ the sea scruffy type versus wealthy, stable, socialite powerful polished business type with a mansion and servants…yeah JM you are still in the running for sure…. Well, actually JM type sounds a bit familiar to me, so maybe we shouldn’t count him out just yet….;0)

Fedra yells at Bernardo for somehow letting Netty escape, he plants that Low must have betrayed her, Mau was with him…

Back at the hearing, BranMuffins testifies that Orangemau tried to sexually assault Vick several times…yesiree judge…of course Mau’s counsel objects claiming all B is trying to do is smudge Mau’s character and B’s only objective is to free La Gartha, besides they have a pretty lengthy history themselves. Not sure these are accepted objections in our system, but what the hey, we are in the court of the terminally idiotics so anything goes. They get into a match here about what the relationship was, and V’s counsel calls Doris to testify she saw Mau advancing himself on her. Next Low is called and testifies V offered her bod in exchange for shares in the PR agency and to screw up the marriage of his daughter to become Eman’s lover, even then that she offered herself as Low’s amante…ok, I know I’ve missed things not watching much lately, but what is she on trial for here? Being someone’s lover is actionable in MX? Interesting!! So the judge in his infinite fairness asks Vick if there is a witness with whom she has not had a relationship. Nice impartiality there…she of course rolls her eyes.

Ok so we are not left without our dose of Fresa, Kristel is rehearsing her testimony outside with the proper prance (something every witness should learn to be the most convincing) when Gretl walks up wondering what evility she’s up to now, and can she dare to speak on behalf of slimy snake. She says true she’s 1000 times better off without Mau, but she was required to testify. By now jolly Olli walks up not so jolly, telling her she should do what’s right for a change…she wonders what the “super cop” will give her in exchange for helping out Vick, he says she’ll get a good conscience knowing she helped out all the other women that Mau hurt along with her. Kris flashes back to pulling a gun on Mau who had pinned down Ilitia. She appears pensive, but I can see the pains the harder thinking is causing our dear Fresa…

Back at the hearing..She goes in “wanting justice”

Bernie is still trying to convince Fedi her love is betraying her, remember like he did when he had an affair with Kris..she noted him nervous this morning and starts to have some doubts, but they are to marry and he will share all his money with her…Berni lays it on thicker now, he’s the only one who really loves her, he’s not just a servant. Esta freaky…don’t say that anymore she says… It looked like she really bit her tongue or gum or something…she continues he’s only her servant he’ll never be more…he finally tells her not to humiliate him. He reaches for her neck, but we know he won’t do it. Yet. My money is on his betrayal eventually that will lead to her coveted demise.

Back at the hearing Kristel accuses Vick of ruining everything for her. Mau smiles. Vick can’t believe she is doing this to her. Kris warns Mau on the way out, she won’t betray him publicly here, but if he touches Ilitia, she’ll make pieces out of him.

Mau’s counsel requests that she be detained, that there is enough evidence against her…she pleads for her freedom, they beg if she must stay to give her bail. Just when the judge says he can’t do that, and she must remain in custody, our super leather hero ELDP shows up to the rescue declaring her innocence.

Fedra tells Berni to get his slimy hands off her. She starts to repent only slightly and tells him he needs to accept his position in her life, he is like a bro, remember? Bernardo gets dissed by Fedra who says he’s good for Nereidas, she’s a bit too grand for him. She leaves and He tells the air she’s turned all the love into hate, and she will pay. Yep, I’m predicting a murder attempt by our jilted one.
Back in court, el Lirio has something to say, he’ll be quick. He’s a criminal but he’s worth hearing…I love Brandon’s attempts at pointing the gun. Also the court reporter is cracking me up, there’s no way she can do this with a computer…
Gret and Doris run into the bathroom. Gret has to change into Manolo to get the story of the century from el Lirio..

Back in the courtroom they fight over whether ELDP should be allowed to testify, he is a criminal and of course MV doesn't want him to jeopardize himself or reveal himself...she begs him not to.

Muneca wonders why ELDP is here and Doris says they want him to turn himself in and take off the mask. She screams he’s hero…Vicki gets a note from Mano…she begs ELDP not to reveal the face behind that shiny vinyl. Brandon wants him to, he says he will do anything for Vik, she says then let me do it and whispers about the gun in Gman’s vest. ELDP takes G-man hostage, blows a smoke bomb and gets away with G-man…outside she begs for an exclusive e-mail but he escapes behind a locked door and G-man is left with nothing.

We go to another plot where Low is turning over a check to Mayela so she won’t talk. Unexpectedly Ili runs in grabs it and tells her she won’t blackmail her Pa anymore. She’s all ears so if there is something to tell her, let her know, she doesn’t care if the woman knows who her real Ma is. Pa is pleased and Mayela is pissed.

Back to the ELDP plot where he now emerges with Eman as a hostage…they yell a bit, and oops more pyrotechnics and ELDP is gone in a flash. Eman grabs Brandon’s leg holding him from chasing claiming he needs help, he was hit…

In yet another plot, Netty is crying to Emi about JM having left, she is worried about his broken heart. She later begs to go to the hearing to help Vick

They were unable of course to catch the ELDP, he vanished in thin air as always. Mau comes out to the stunned after ELDP math and demands Vick be cuffed, and that he’ll get her…Bran dismisses him. Vick thinks Eman needs to be checked out, he’s fine and thinks she still has a little love for him. She just doesn’t want bad things to happen. Seems the judge has stayed the proceedings and she doesn’t need to go to jail yet.

Vick goes back to the house telling everyone she thinks they are going to lose…Doris is getting out and her Ma begs her not to.

G-man wants an interview with Eman about his kidnapping….he seems to be tricking G-man that she is hiding something too, they go in for an interview.

Mayela is approached by Mau at the bar..she knows who he is and blows him off, but he is there to help her, he’s investigated her, knows she owes a debt and wants to know why she is blackmailing him. He will pay her whatever to ruin that guy forever.

Nereida is thrilled they are going back home. Fedra wants to be with her son..Berni thinks once he knows her true provenance, he’ll hate her too. She is blitzed!! Low wonders que the hell he is talking about.

Eman tells G-man he knows the real identity of the Leatherman, Eldp will tell her himself when he interviews, but G-man too needs to take off his mask. G-man is perplexed..Eman pulls out his mask…she is muy impactada…he tells her now take off yours, ok she pulls off the moustache and another one knows he is a she….the bricks are a tumbling…

More to come....I'll be away from internet on Sat, but feel free to comment, I have to finish the second half...195 coming...

Epi 195

Netty is begging Vick to convince Doris to stay away from Andre because of his illness. MV says she is old enough and they are in Loooove.

Emi busts in upset because he can't reach anyone on the phone. Netty wonders what that is all about, MV says you can marry tomorrow, Emi doesn't have ot get a divorce from Fedra. Emi says Gretl and she have been investigating Fedra Curiel and Emiliano's marraiage doesn't exist. Jorge has been protecting the documents that did not burn.. Emi is muy impatacdo and Vick continues to explain Fedra is a watery slut named Juana Felipe.

More bonding over the discovery by G-man of ELDP and vice versa. They praise Doris' talents, and each others acting skills. He notes that she also helps turn a Mar type person into a Vick type person, Gman's eyes get wider than pancakes.

Back at the house Emi is cursing how this could happen and how Fedra could do this to him and the kids etc. How is he going to tell them, and how could he have spent this much of his life with a prostitute. He urges Vick to get him the docs right away. He wants to find out what is up between her and Jose Maria.

We are back to Mau trying to get Mayela to accept his check, she won't, he thinks they can hep each other, he wants her to avenge Low, she says there's someone else involved. He mentions Ilitia, she looks down and says look I still have other ways out of my problems, so thanks but no thanks, adios. He mumbles something about getting with Ilitia after she left.

Back with Eman and G-man she asks him why he thinks that, it's a pretty big accusation that Vick is Mar is Vick. He rattles off all the reasons why, like duh, it took months to notice these things of course...they chat about not trusting Jorge and where did he come from and what not..

More to come


Hey Kris...thanks for getting this up so early. I'm making an early dash to the grocery so will read when I get back. But love the title!

Great start Kris. Enjoy your Saturday.

Wonderful observations on the farcical trial. Court of the Terminally Idiotic indeed.

Vicky "looking like she's going clubbing"(hardly recommended courtroom attire for a defendant in this country), your riff on José Miguel's slim chances with Netty...yeah, in addition to all you mentioned, I assume he's earning peanuts at the cantina (or did he lose that job) in which case he's penniless and your labeling of el Lirio as Super Leather Hero.

I'm glad some secrets are finally leaking out. It's been a loooooong slog.

Great first half. I love your commentary on the most frivolous trial ever, and agree Vicky should have rethought that outfit. Honey, you're trying to convince the judge you're NOT a maneater...or something. What exactly is she charged with? I've been watching and I'm not exactly sure. Breach of contract for not hooking up with Mau after he ditched Kristel? I didn't think agreements to have sex were legally binding, even in Telenovelaland. And I thought the same thing about the court reporter...NO WAY is she keeping up with this! Even if she had one of those special machines, which she didn't, they were all yelling over the top of each other! I imagine her notes went something like "throw this entire bunch of monkeys in the brig, and throw the orange one to the sharks."

I think my favorite part of the whole trial thus far was Kristel's "o sea, I WANT JUSTICE." Her line delivery is masterful.

I thought it was hilarious they were even standing around debating whether Lirio should unmask in exchange for Vicky's freedom or whatever. Lirio is standing there surrounded by police and court officers, like they're really going to say, "okay, walk away and don't tell us who you are." Of course he outsmarted them anyway, but I had to laugh at MV telling him, "oh, no, don't unmask to save me."

I really enjoyed Gretel's and Emanuel's chat in the second episode, and people finally spilling some secrets.

Kris, thank you for the fun romp, and boy, did you nail it with the title. What the hell is this trial all about? Jail? For what? Brandon with a gun in the courtroom? Sheesh!

What the hell kind of trial was that anyway? I gather Vicky is on trial for telling mafia guys that she'll sleep with them if they do what she wants? If that's the case then why isn't Lowrenzo up for trial? Or Mau? I'm confused. It was hilarious when Vicky kept yelling "It's a lie" every time someone testified against her because, as I recall, what they were saying was actually the truth. Not that her behavior was actionable, as you say.

So anyway, absolutely perfect title.

Wow, Emiliano, I thought his head was going to pop, all those months of maintaining his dignity and now his wrath comes pouring out. Nobody does indignation like Cesar Evora.

"Watery slut", hee, good one!

I liked it when Gman told Eman that Jorge is an "imbethile".

Perhaps the best moment of 195 was when Lowrenzo and Bernardo eyed each other up and down after Fedra's drunken rant.

Good stuff tonight. Amid the ranting filler (Emiliano, Netty, Gladiola) there were some great revelations. As Judy says, some secrets are finally leaking out. I was surprised that Mayela made her admission to Muneca right away. No typical TN beating around the bush with her. And Ilitia's little slip to ELdP...Wow!

Thanks Kris, terrific recap on these episodes!

Thank you Kris. I loved your recap - fresh and sassy: "Drifter, post jailbird, man o’ the sea scruffy type versus wealthy, stable, socialite powerful polished business type with a mansion and servants".

My other favorite line was: "Kristel is rehearsing her testimony outside with the proper prance". Excellent!

Sylvia, I also shook my head as the crazy trial goings on. Ridiculous! In content and in form.


"Watery slut" Sylvia, I loved it. One never knows what that interesting Kris brain is going to come up with.

I'm fascinated by Mayela's eye shadow. When she's onscreen I can think of nothing else. They must put that stuff on with a trowel.

Hard to believe this is the same actress who played the goofy sister in Fea Mas Bella. It IS very easy to believe she's Ilitia's biological mother. Good casting.

And Syl..once again I agree...nobody does INDIGNANT like Cesar Evora. Hope his cardiovascular health is good.

Kris- Watery slut was a favorite of mine too. :)

I'm glad I'm not the only one confused about why Mari is on trial. Granted, I have fallen behind on watching the show, but this makes NO sense. Anyway, I'm glad some truths are finally being revealed.

Good morning Kris, I've pretty much been out of touch all weekend so am just now checking in. You always mange to crack me up and today is no exception.

"Hmmm let’s ponder this shall we? Drifter, post jailbird, man o’ the sea scruffy type versus wealthy, stable, socialite powerful polished business type with a mansion and servants…yeah JM you are still in the running for sure…"

Perfect and perfectly hilarious analysis.

So this is or last full week? A lot of loose ends to tie up. I'm actually looking forward to Friday's recap when I get to collaborate with Kristoise. That will be fun.


Amazing how there's never anyone else in the hall when Lirio needs to come or go, and how you can get into a courtroom with a gun or smoke bombs. Can't Vicky countersue Mau for wasting everyone's time? Alternately, of course, Vicky could just vanish into thin air, never reappear, let there be a warrant out for her arrest, and since she doesn't actually exist, whatever. As long as law-abiding Brandon could just keep his mouth shut.

I think it's hilarious that Jorge rushed off to Madrid to make sneaky arrangements, not knowing Eman already knows all about Mari's deceit, and also not knowing that Marianela doesn't trust him anymore. He thinks he's on top of his game and Mari's just like, "okay, buh-bye!" and probably doesn't care whether he comes back. I hope that he comes back just so Kristel can get him in her sights and leave poor Oliver alone. Wasn't Kristel's original plan to go after Jorge first, as revenge against Mari?

Julia, I agree with you. As the judge was talking about locking her up I was thinking, "Why not just disappear?" Of course this whole court thing is ridiculous. Why would Mau want himself scrutinized and why in the world would they even think of negotiating with eLdP?


I guess the complication in making Vicky disappear is that Mari doesn't want to wear the fat suit forever, and sooner rather than later she wants to give up the secret and just be her new thin self. Still, though, the whole case is a farce. I guess Mau isn't worried about being scrutinized because he figures judges can be bought off. Hey, it's always worked before.

Whaaa? Mayela is the air head sister on La Fea? I didn't even recognize her through all that eye liner/eye shadow/false eyelashes/etc. My eyes get tired just watching her because I keep thinking her eyelids are drooping from the weight of the makeup.

Julia, I also thought Kristel was going to hit on Jorge much earlier. I think the other guys like Oliver were more convenient targets so she went after them sooner.

Sorry, just got around to watching the episodes last night. Was at my sons' colleges for track meets and opera performances. Both did Mom proud.

I'm starting to suffer from LLena-burnout. Maybe it's not such a bad thing to have this TN tie up, even though it was done horribly. Some of the plots are becoming mind-numbing, MV is becoming mind-numbing...would just like to get Jorge back so he kinda sorta gets his and would also love to see him and Kristel together.

As Gretel would say "Secrets secrets". Yep, in this TN, everyone has a secret. Now we just need to get everyone in one room, lay it all out on the table and watch the couples go tripping off. I'm doubting if any of these characters will meet an untimely death, but if there has to be one, I vote for Super Mau. I can't even watch his scenes anymore. YikeS. He could fall into a vat of boiling orange-hued tanning lotion. Despite their past discretions, I'd even vote to have Low, Fedra and Bernie meet a more ,degrading. non-death demise. They have to pay for the deaths they caused somehow.

Did love the scenes with Eman and Gretel. So brother/sisterly, yet they share no bloodline. Loved it.

Thanks for the lovely quips in this re-cap, k-Fuego.

Some of the viewers have wondered whether Agent Orange’s abuse of the court system resembles anything in reality. I don’t know about Mexican law, but in the UK and Australia there is something called “breach of promise” and it is actionable under certain circumstances. I believe an American approximation of this concept is the “alienation of affection” lawsuit. I don’t know what’s actionable currently, but under the British system, you could sue over a breach of promise related to, say, an engagement. Maybe Mexico’s court system recognizes a similar concept. I think Agent Orange’s (shaky) breach of promise claim was prove that I kidnapped her, we were lovers, and I ditched my bride at the altar because she promised to be with me, a promise on which she reneged. The scandal stemming from her broken promise damaged my reputation.

That being said, I believe Malicio abducted Marianella at knifepoint in front of everybody, so yes, this is stupid. With all the witnesses to that abduction, a chimp with a law degree should have told him to be glad he’s not incarcerated and to leave well enough alone.

Regrettably, the choppy editing caused me to miss some really awesome scenes. Julie, I agree that Jorgie Boy isn’t the sharpest crayon. He knows that Marianella has what appear to be three men pursuing her, but he, in very distant fourth place, still runs off to Spain with no explanation, telling the cat to stay away from the cream. Even Ilitia knows better than that. Oh, well.

Daisynjay, I totally agree with you. I’m really looking forward to seeing this one wrap. Put this one out of its misery! I no longer care about the fate of El Lirio or his lady love.

Vivi in DC, in an earlier conversation, you suggested “Querida Enemiga”. Thanks - I got it on DVD and it is heavily edited (and no Spanish captions, just English translation). The zealous efficiency is a nice break from this current Telenovela’s practice of going through Brooklyn to get to the Bronx. Those of you who had the stamina to brave another telenovela, I hope you enjoy Juan Soler’s new series or “Teresa”!

Take care, all.


Julia, did you and Maggie coordinate for tonight's recap? Maggie had already done most of it due to last night's preempt.

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