Saturday, April 09, 2011

Teresa Fri 4/8/11 #8 Trading BFFs and possibly BFs

Aida and Aurora are at the gym talking about how they've been friends since grade school. Aurora tells of a certain guy she likes (doesn’t mention his name) and how she spilled atole on her arm. When he offered to help her and touched her arm, she felt a something like an electrical charge or chemistry between them. Aida says, yup, you’re in love.

At Aurora’s house, she and Teresa are having a little visit. Teresa thanks her for advising Arturo about the funeral although she would have preferred he hadn't gone to the wake. She doesn’t have a problem with him but his sister doesn’t like her. She feels she needs to fix that because this could be an issue. She must think of her career and can’t run the risk that he won’t help her due to his sister’s influence.

Teresa says as friends they had always promised to be honest with each other. When she told Aurora she wasn’t interested in Mariano, she was being truthful. She didn’t think she was going to end up with him again. Aurora feels it’s obvious Mariano still cares about Teresa and points out they were novios before. Teresa says that’s way back when they were children and it was just a game to her. She knows Aurora likes him and volunteers to step aside because Aurora’s her best friend and doesn’t want to risk their friendship, not even for Mariano. Aurora admits she likes him but it was just a simple attraction, nothing more. Teresa says she could never forgive herself if Aurora were hurt. Aurora knows this and asks why Teresa decided to give Mariano another chance. Teresa thought he was a slacker, but he’s changed. He’s back at the university, he’s kind, generous and well, she realized that she loves him. The BFFs hug and Teresa has a Cheshire Cat smile on her face. Hmmmm.

Aurora and her father talk about Rosa and he asks her about Mariano. She asks him not to mention him again. Concerned, dad asks her if Mariano did anything to hurt her. Al contrario, he is the nicest person she’s ever met but he’s in love with her BFF. She now just wants to go away and leave everything behind so she doesn’t have to suffer through meeting them together. She just would like to disappear. He says it's not a good idea to run away. She doesn’t seem convinced.

Teresa reports to work and Luisa is surprised to see her there. She’s following Arturo’s instructions not to have any distractions. Luisa tells her this is different; this is a special circumstance. Teresa says oh no, there's no such thing as special circumstances for people who depend on others for money. That's how life is for the poor. (Asi es la vida de los pobres) Luisa says she now understands her brother. Teresa is a very responsible person but pain has nothing to do with responsibility – everyone understands that. Teresa emphasizes that she needs to keep moving forward. Yesterday, she buried her sister. Today her mother is taking in laundry, her father is back at the garage and she’s here ready to work.

Gym teacher comes by to visit Armando and Teresa to drop off Rosita's ribbon. They put it next to her medal and the Virgencita because this way they are together, just as they are in heaven. They thank God for the time they had with Rosita. They agree they should now focus on Teresa and support her as much as they can and enjoy her rather than constantly arguing with her. Refugio struggles with understanding Teresa's ambition. She remembers Teresa said she needed a new sweater and will go out to buy some yarn to start on it right away.

Luisa tells Teresa she misjudged her so severely before getting to know her and she now understands why her brother believes in her. They share an embrace (sounds like the theme from Jaws playing in the background). Teresa has tears in her eyes and thanks her for the embrace but she doesn't want her sympathy. Luisa shares her pain. Her parents died when she was 11. Their lives changed forever that night and it’s too painful to discuss. Teresa wishes Luisa would learn to trust her. They agree to start anew. Teresa reminds her that she told her on that day she was pretty and she meant it. Luisa gushes and disagrees. Teresa has a bright idea and recommends a makeover with a few changes here and there. Teresa turns around and she has a look on her face like, boy, this is gonna be tough. When she looks at Luisa again, she brings on the tears. At the estetica (beauty salon), Luisa and Teresa share some galpal time and we see Luisa with a new do and picking out clothes. Profe likes the change in his sis. Luisa says it's all thanks to Teresa.

Arturo tells Teresa he's sorry she wasn't able to make it to Rosita's meet. Teresa says no need for apologies; no one could have predicted this tragedy. If anything, Rosita understood the need to work hard to get ahead. Arturo wants to begin paying her for her work, as it is keeping her from seeking paid employment. Teresa says no way, she’s already indebted to him for the tuition. She refuses, saying it's humiliating enough to have her career thanks to his charity. Let's not mention it again.

Esperanza is talking to El Bigote on her cell phone. She's home alone with Pablito and Ruben appears to be at a restaurant. Espe: “How will I manage while you're gone? I'll miss you so much.” Ruben: “I'll miss you more. I don't know how I'll manage without being able to embrace you and kiss you.” Ugh -- he's checking out a chica walking by as he says this. Espe: “Stop or I'll chain you down so that you can't go anywhere. Promise me you'll take care of yourself and think of me.” Ruben: “All the time. And promise me you won't spin cobwebs in your head. Remember – no job hunting, and no jealousy. Keep yourself busy.” (really?) Espe: “I’ll keep busy with Pablito – I get his results tomorrow. I'm so worried.” Ruben: “Remember that he is in good hands. The sooner we know what wrong with him, the sooner he can be cured.

Refugio knitting (man she knits fast!). Teresa walks in “Never mind the knitting, look at the beautiful sweater Luisa gave me. Es muy fino (very nice/expensive).” I felt so bad for Refugio. Teresa goes on and on about how beautiful her sweater is and wants Juana to check it out so she can make her something similar to that style. Juana steers her into the bedroom while Refugio sadly pulls apart her knitting (sniff). In the bedroom, she tells Juana no way does she want to wear the sweater her mom is making with that cheap yarn. Juana reminds her how sensitive her mother is now and convinces her to wear the sweater she's knitting – she doesn't have to wear every day. Oh, ok…if I must.

As her parents are off to check on the mass for Rosita, Teresa stays behind, holding Rosita's competition ribbon and speaks of her continued efforts to get ahead. Now that her tuition is paid for, she will focus on how Aida will pay for all the humiliation she caused Teresa. Then the mantra begins: “Yo soy, yo soy, yo soy” (I got a little creeped out here)

Espe and Teresa are out walking. Espe hopes this is the last time Ruben does anything with his wife but since she has some free time, is there anything Teresa needs? Teresa doesn’t skip a beat and suggests she use that free time to find a job: “I already told you it's not a good idea to depend on men, especially if they're married! Look at me, I'm working toward being independent so I don't have to rely on anyone but at the same time considering all my options.” Espe: “Like what?” Teresa: “Meet the right people, open the right doors, to get a good job. You never know when things won't work out. For example, what happens if your boyfriend ends up reconciling with his wife during this trip. What would you do?” (bullseye!) Espe: “No, no don't even joke about that.” Teresa: “I'm not joking. Consider finding a way to earn money. Wouldn't that be best?” Espe: “Now you got me thinking. If my novio leaves me, I'll simply die.”

Refugio is trying to give Mariano some money. Mariano: “How can I take your money. You have so many expenses.” Refugio: “What expenses (que gastos?) I know you pawned (empenar) many of your belongings. Besides what better way to use the money we were saving for Rosita's quinceanera. I am so grateful for all your help for Rosita and for how much you love Teresa. You're the best thing that ever happened to her.”

Teresa is at Ruben's office (ooooo this is gonna be good! Jaws theme playing and everything!) ooops, Mariano shows up and tells her he's there cuz Ruben is his main squeeze for his taxi business and he has some papers to deliver. (Rats! I was looking forward to a confrontation.) They make a big show of introducing her to Ruben’s secretary.

Cutberto continues his pursuit of Juana. Time for the luto to be over. She says she stopped the luto awhile back. He tells her “No, that's not the kind of luto I'm talking about” and tries to steal a kiss. Cute scene. She chases him off.

Teresa is saying goodbye to Mariano with a hug and a kiss and Aida sees them. “Oh so now you're novios with the taxista!” Mariano: “Is there a problem?” Aida: “No... My dad says you're a good, um employee. I'm surprised to see Teresa here.” Teresa explains they were companeras in school and now will be going to the same university. Aida: “Well, so sorry I interrupted your apapachos (hugs). Ta-ta! I'll say hi to Paolo for you!” Teresa: “I hate her! See the humiliations I have to suffer? I hate how they ridicule (menosprecien) me.” Mariano: “Then do what I do. If you can't handle it then go the public university.” Teresa (incredulous): “How can you say that?” Mariano: “What, would that embarrass you? You understand my school is one of the most recognized schools in Latin America, right?” Teresa: “It's not that, but how can I give up this great opportunity. The best attorneys come from the universidad del sur.” Mariano: “I hope that's the reason because I'd hate to think you're embarrassed of where I study, much less embarrassed of me.” Teresa: “ How can you say that? You're so much better and worth much more than that idiot Aida is dating.” She hugs him then she gets this hateful look on her face.

Mariano runs into Aida as he's delivering a package to Ruben's secretary. Aida and the secretary both comment on how cute he is but don't understand what he's doing with that novia of his.

Aurora arrives at Teresa's home and tells Refugio that since she's leaving Mexico, she brought by a few things that she thinks Teresa can use. Her chauffer brings in a few shopping bags filled with clothes.

Aida arrives at Paolo's house. Paolo: “What'sup?” Aida: “Nothing, nothing. I just don't understand what I see in you when you're so attracted to chachas (tacky girls; literal translation-servant). Those girls who aspire to reach a higher station and end up with someone just like themselves.” Paolo: “What you talkin bout?” Aida: “ I ran into Teresa” This perks up Paolo’s interest: “Did you her?” Aida: “Yup, and with her new novio. I saw her kissing a lowly (vil) taxista!”

Teresa is telling Luisa that she's sad cuz her BFF has just told her that she's moving away from Mexico. “It's awful because now I have no one to talk to, to share with.” Luisa: “I know how you feel. I'm the same. Even though I have Arturo, there are many things I can’t talk to him about. I hope you will give me the chance to be your friend and confide in me.” Teresa: “It would be an honor for me if you'd consider me your friend.”

Aurora still at Teresa's talking with Armando and Refugio. She’s such a nice girl. Empathizing with them in their sorrow. Armando tells her Teresa is also very sad. Aurora admits it's hard for her to leave her at this time. She thanks God for this trip, for her father and for the opportunity to distance myself from someone who....In walks Mariano. I thought I saw a spark between them?

Eperanza at the doctor's. Doctor has bad news (oh no) Pablito has what is called Wilms tumor (tumor de Wilms) (?) a form of kidney cancer that can result in death. Espe is muy, muy impactada.

At the vecindad, Mariano is walking with Aurora and she's telling him she's going to France. Pablito is playing with some kid and they begin to rough house. As the other kid picks up Pablito, we can hear him asking to be put down. Then we see the bigger kid holding Pablito in a kind of chokehold (not really, but Pablito doesn't look too good). Pablito passes out and the kid thinks he's playing. When he doesn't respond, the kid calls to Mariano who begins checking for a pulse.


Martes: Teresa in a couple of provocative poses with Mariano, then Arturo
Arturo's mystery woman from the past turns up
Teresa tells Arturo – you're not alone, you have me.


Thank you, Frances! Here are the You Tube links for Episode 8:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

To repeat the front-page post:

Teresa Schedule Change
DirecTV is showing the following upcoming TWO-HOUR episodes for Teresa:


TUE 4/12 TERESA 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Eastern/7 Central
WED 4/13 TERESA 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Eastern/7 Central
THU 4/14 TERESA 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Eastern/7 Central
FRI 4/15 TERESA 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Eastern/7 Central

MON 4/18 TERESA 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Eastern/7 Central
TUE 4/19 TERESA 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Eastern/7 Central
WED 4/20 TERESA 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Eastern/7 Central

(End of shown schedule)

If anybody is seeing any different than this, please let us know; thanks!

Thanks for the great recap! I'm still pretty unsure about what Teresa's game is with Mariano and Aurora. It's a shame because Aurora's clearly the sweetest person in this TN!

Wonderful recap Frances and thank you for the YouTube links Jeri. I think whenever we hear the Jaws theme that's to show that Teresa is in her manipulative mindset.

I felt bad that Aurora wants to leave town to try to get over Mariano. I wonder if Teresa told her all that stuff about her and Mariano so that Aurora would leave? Aurora is definitely a very sweet character and friend.

Teresa is bringing Luisa out of her shell and even got her a makeover. She looks great. Arturo was definitely appreciative. I'm worried though that in Luisa confiding in Teresa that she may use that to further her agenda of getting ahead.

Things are definitely heating up with Arturo's ex coming back on the scene. Looking forward to how this all plays out and how Teresa will get her revenge on Aída.

Aurora is of no use to Teresa now. She has Luisa now.

Plus I don't think Teresa trusts Aurora b/c 1) Aurora's one of the "rich kids" and 2) Aurora is friends with Aida and the rest of the rich bunch.

I don't think Aurora has the disdain for poor people like Aida and the rest b/c IMO Dr. Alcazar doesn't seem to have a problem with poor people, unlike Aida and Paulo's parents.

I wonder if Teresa will reject all the things Aurora brought for her?

I caught the tail end last night while waiting for a knitter, it broke my heart to watch Refugio rip out that sweater :-(

I feel bad for Luisa. I feel like Teresa is just manipulating her. But then, Tere is pretty much manipulating everyone, isn't she?

Sara, I'm no knitter, but I do other needlework and I thought it was a shame to destroy all that work. Teresa didn't have to flaunt the sassy stylish bolero in front of her mother. IMO, Teresa still bears a very strong resemblance to Rubi.
La Paloma

Frances, thanks for your well written recap with so many definitions and vocabulary words. I liked your title and hope that Mariano, Teresa's BF is Aurora soon!!!

The sweater scene was so sad. Teresa has empathy in her personality, but it is buried so deep under her ambition, it couldn't escape without Juana's help. I have said it before, the Chavez family situation has such a ring of truth to me, loving parents struggling with a child they can't understand and that child miles apart from her parents in viewpoint.  Can they ever truly understand each other? 

Ordinarily I would have loved the BFF day with Teresa and Louisa, but I can't help but think that Louisa is just a stepping stone to Arturo for Teresa. 

Frances- Thank you for yet another stellar recap!

I really like Aurora and Luisa. Teresa has SO MANY good people in her life- her family, her neighbors, Aurora and her dad, Arturo, and Luisa. And yet, all she ever lets herself see are the bad people- Aida and Paulo and their stupid gang. She also is guilty of just the thing she accuses the rich snobs of doing-- she dehumanizes rich people. She doesn't seem to think they suffer or feel as much as she and other poor people do, and so she feels no real empathy for them, nor feels guilty about using them.

When Luisa told her about losing BOTH her parents at the age of 11, it looked that Teresa seems to think that Luisa and Arturo having money made that huge loss less painful than it would have been for a poor family.

I was really looking forward to Teresa starting her game with Ruben. Foiled! It will have to wait till after he gets back from the trip with his wife. Teresa is starting to see how hard it's going to be to keep her relationship with Mariano secret from her other world- the world outside of the vecinidad. I really think she only got back together with him to keep him from Aurora (she sees him as her property), and because he's back on the med school path. He's her backburner guy. But she promised Arutro that she would have no distractions like boyfriends, and it will be easier to play up their obvious attraction if Arturo thinks she's single. I really want Arturo to dump her and move on to Aurora. But the whole "love of my life" thing means it will take a lot of time for him to get over Teresa and really open his heart to someone else. It's a shame, because he and Aurora are perfect for each other.

I meant I want Mariano to dump her and move on to Aurora.

Vivi, on Mariano, “He's her backburner guy.” Others have said that here as well and it is so true. I’m sure it will take time, if for no other reason than the “love of my life” declaration that he made, but there is one good thing about Mariano, I don’t think for one minute he’ll put up with Teresa’s untruthful shenanigans, AND he seems far more observant that most novela galans. He is so on top of the conditions and feelings of others in the vecindad, I can’t see him being fooled time and time again like so many people in the world of fiction seem to be while viewerville wants to yell,....”Open your eyes!” at the screen. I can’t see that happening week after week... I hope!!!

I’m ready for Teresa to start her plotting against Rubin as well. She was able to figure out that Mariano is the carrier for R’s personal documents.....great! Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.....Well, better Teresa than me, I’d be afraid to dig into someone’s papers!! You know we’ve been tough on Rubin, but Esperanza is just as guilty as he is, she knows he is married and has a daughter and she has gotten plenty of pep talks from Teresa warning her about her actions.

While it is in a way upsetting, because it is a reminder of the realities of life, I’m so pleased the they are using real medical symptoms and diagnoses for the illnesses. It gives the program a more reality based feel. Pablito’s illness is very serious and frightening.

Thanks for the recap, Frances.

I didn't really like Luisa's makeover. It almost seemed as if Teresa made her into a carbon copy of herself! She had the same curly hair, and even more eye makeup than Teresa. I agree that Luisa's wardrobe needed an update, but to me, she looked better with her more natural hairstyle and makeup.

I don't really like all the medical problems. Of course I realize that several of the characters are doctors, or are studying to be them. Also, medical problems really pull the heartstrings. But I want to see some legal action. Arturo is a great lawyer, right? Well, besides writing that book, maybe he'll have some trial or legal proceeding.

Frances, Thank you for the great recap! Due to a very full plate right now, I am only watching bits and pieces of this novela, but I like to check in and see what's going on and who's commenting.
I chose to spend my time watching
Destilando which I am recording
and watching at different times.

Vivi and Sandy, I see that you are
following Teresa closely. I just had to tell you that I was watching
Destilando today and saw none other
than EDGAR (Jesus Briones) of LVO as one of the field workers.
¡Qué divertido! Did you (or any other viewers) watch that novela in years past, and how did you like it?

Thanks again, Frances. A big commitment.

Hi, Floridia! Nice to see you again; I did see your post at the last LVO blog, but didn't get back in there to say hi to you.

Hope you had a great time in Mexico. You should tell us about it.

OT, to your question: During Destilando first-run, I wrote 102 recaps for it at Telenovela World.

It's before I came to Caray (and of course, Caray has great recaps for DA).

So, yes, you could say I was interested in DA, LOL.

If you want to see my take on the recaps, they start on this page at Telenovela World:

and continue

I didn't cover the whole show; I started some weeks in and stopped before it was finished.

But I did them in a row, so they are consecutive within themselves.

Floridia and Samantha, thank you for the fun and, oh, so helpful recaps this week. I am trying to watch as many of the Teresa episodes as possible but haven't been able to watch every night.

I will continue viewing just to see what happens to Teresa in the end..Teresa and Mariano, Teresa and Arturo or like Scarlett..." tomorrow is another day" after she's realizes too late she's alienated those she loves and who loved her. Right now you can't help but root for Aurora, Luisa and Mariano instead of Teresa. As Vivi mentions, Teresa is unfairly blaming her problems on poverty and not appreciating all the good things around her, mainly family and close caring friends. So she ruthlessly goes forth and seems to be planning to use some good people .

Floridia, I am watching D A for the 3rd time. The short dvd I have, doesn't includes all the great scenes so I must watch again. I am hooked on the ham in this is just so much fun and over the top. And I love the scenery and music. I didn't know about Jeri's recaps (which I will visit at TNWorld) but have been reading the recaps from the Caray Caray site which are filled with appropriate snarkiness.


Paquitodelbarrio, excuse me please, for absentmindedly naming Floridia instead of you for the great recaps which I have enjoyed.

Maybe I can blame my fogbrain on staying up too late to watch D A? Good thing I'm retired and a night owl.


Floridia, I did see Edgar as a jimador. I knew he looked familiar when he showed up in LVO. He looks as if he is smitten with Gaviooota as well.


Frances thanks so much for another great recap.

I am sorry to see Teresa become such a user of people. Aurora and Marino have been faithful and loyal to her and the game she's playing with both of them is mean. Moreover, their personalities are wonderfully compatible. And as Vivi noted, Teresa keeps reducing rich people to the idiots she knows not other rich people who have been kind to her.

Sandy - ITA w/your assessment of Teresa's family and their not understanding one another. Though Teresa is ambitious and often cruel, her mother sometimes concerns me b/c she reminds me other mothers (in movies) who want their children to remain where they are. Her mother's concerns about Teresa are valid, but it often seems she wants Teresa to be like her when they are very different in personality.

Floridia, so glad to see you back safely and I’m sure with much better Spanish language skills. Did you have a wonderful time? Yes, many of the old LVO crowd moved to this novela, along with other Caray aficionados AND some newbies! So far I really like Teresa, the novela, not sure about the character yet! As you might have seen, there are many, many very good, loving people to balance out the bad. In fact, I’m thinking of moving into their vecindad so I can have more fun learning Spanish. As of yet, the good people seem smart, we don’t have super dense novela characters to deal with.

On LVO, oddly enough, from time to time, I still think of Elsa. She was a very well done novela character, hope she is happy working in the orphanage she created, Caramelo. I can’t believe “Edgar” is in DA, we learned late on the last day or two of LVO that he would only kill men, no women or children! Yes, that was comforting!!!! Floridia, I always loved your well-reasoned, forthright posts. If you feel like it, and continue to watch Teresa a little, stop back by and comment from time to time. There is lots of family interaction to talk about in Teresa.

Hombre, I thought Luisa looked liked Teresa as well, same curls, same makeup!

Karen, on Refugio, “it often seems she wants Teresa to be like her when they are very different in personality.” Yes, Refugio is having more difficulty accepting Teresa than Teresa is accepting her...good point!

Frances: Thanks for a very good and faithful run down of events! They talk so quickly at times I don't catch it all--even with the cc-- so I appreciate reading those parts in your recaps.

" while Refugio sadly pulls apart her knitting (sniff)." Yeah, tho' I crochet instead of knit, I felt Refugio's pain, too..... LOL!

Frances, thank you for another great recap.

Teresa is one of those people that will never be happy. It is just unfortunate that she is going to make a lot of caring people unhappy before this is over. At some point she is going to find that money does not buy happiness.


Frances: A late (but heartfelt) thank you for the marvelous recap. My favorite line was "trading BFF's and possibly BFs". Excellent!

I'm sad to see Teresa's masquerade beginning: "Teresa has a Cheshire Cat smile on her face. Hmmmm." I want her to be sweetly cunning and determined but I don't want the "innocent bystanders" hurt. Hmmm.


Univision is running Teresa from 8-10 EDT starting tomorrow. Yikes.

I don't know how the recappers manage to do one hour, let alone two.

Hombre, I meant to say earlier that I wholeheartedly agree - Luisa's makeover was overdone. The hair color and makeup was too dark and harsh for her skintone. I like the actress (only time I've seen her was as EY's sister in DA) and she deserves a better, more natural look.


Hi, Diana, check out the first post above.

Univision is showing 2-hour episodes of Teresa at least until 4/20...

Diana, thanks for reminding me where I had seen "Luisa" before, in Destilando Amor. She was wild in that one, with different colors in her hair, and a black boyfriend, right? But I agree as to her skin tone.

Thanks Jeri. I did see the post and probably needn't have checked the Uni schedule - I guess they all have to have similar airings.


Diana, oh, no; I'm glad to hear what other sources say, thanks. DirecTV is unfortunately not completely dependable.

More than anything, I just wanted to repeat the info so people can adjust their schedule and/or recording devices:


In other news from the front page, many thanks to Elvira for sharing Thursdays with someone! -- Caray still needs the other half of Thursday.

SueS, if you are looking in, are you ready to begin Fridays?

Frances has done an amazing job filling in all the spots until the schedule firms up. Many thanks, Frances!

Frances, thanks so much for doing these recaps. You are a saint. I just finished Thurs and Fri and am now caught up and ready for tonight.

I think Luisa is quite beautiful and I don't fully understand why she needed a makeover. I guess we are supposed to think she is mousy or something. Now she looks exactly like Teresa.

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