Saturday, April 09, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #88 4/8/11 Jimena Goes Slip-Slidin’ Away; Maria’s Outed To Max; More Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes Ahead at Casa de Modas

As we return to life in the passing lane, Max learns from Private Eye Lady that the picture of little Maria was taken at an orphanage school, and that she was never adopted.  Max takes the big mental leap and assumes that since the orphanage moved to the D.F. years ago, his “sister” (Ugh! I don’t like the sound of that) may still live there in the city.

Maria Desamparada (said “sister” and lover) is currently on the rooftop of the vecindad, taking her dry laundry off the clotheslines.  The two Jarocha’s approach her to hawk some new maternity clothing.  Maria politely declines as she’s saving her spare centavos for the baby.  (These two old hags are like Vampires with no fear of sunlight!)  They continue to stalk her.  They badger and wheedle Maria, hoping to persuade her, but she hangs tough. 

Downstairs on street level, Alonso has come by to take her to dinner.  He walks on in and seeing she isn’t there, he gets creative.    A few minutes later he’s got some sort of surprise up on her wall.

At the same time at the Scandal-val manse, Victoria enters Fernanda’s room to see how Brat-Baby is doing.  Who knows? Maybe BB will deign to allow her a civil mother-daughter chat.  Fer is snide, but Vicki has all the answers this time.  Yes, Vicki has come bearing gifts and says it’s time she tells Fer what it is that has been causing her so much emotional pain. She then confesses her hidden past to her daughter: how she worked long ago as a housekeeper, how she had an affair with the wrong guy, how she had a daughter afterwards, and then how that other daughter went missing during a car accident that nearly killed Vic.  Vicki gives Fer her sister’s rag doll as a reminder that she’s still (like the Truth) out there, somewhere.  Fer reconciles with Vicki now and encourages her mother to continue looking for her long lost sister.  They share a big hug and lots of tears.  (Perhaps  Brat-Baby’s learned a bit of humility since her Humpty-Dumpty do over?)

Back on the roof-top, Maria is backing away from the Jarochas who are trailing after her like something from Day of the Living Dead.  She suddenly falls backwards down a couple of stairs.  Oh noes!  (Excuse me for being so critical when our heroine has nearly bought the farm on those darned stairs, but you’d think Maria would know enough by now to trade in those 5” platforms for a good pair of flats!)  Luckily, Lonnie-boy’s there to catch her--like an ever- faithful knight in rusting armor.  They stare meaningfully into each other’s eyes as the gossips upstairs worry about what might have happened.  (Unfortunately for Lon, his definition of meaningful does not match Maria’s.  More’s the pity, because Max and Co. are such undeserving LOSERS!)

Later, at the restaurant, Maria thanks Lonnie-Boy for the (still unseen and most mysterious) gift.  She tells him how much she appreciates the way he’s always so cheerful and optimistic about life.  Just then Max and Jimena arrive.  (Nix the cheer and optimism.)   An angry thunder cloud forms around Jimena’s head as both couples notice each other from across the room. Max is heartbroken when he sees Maria sitting there with the competition.   Lonnie and Maria anticipate the worst and Jimena does not disappoint.   

In the barrio once more, X-Padre Juan Pablo, Milagros, Nat, Cruz, Napo and Juanjo have just finished dinner.  They discuss coaching ball for the orphans to keep them off the streets and from getting into mischief.  Nat mentions she thinks JJ is a hero for all he does with kids, and she gives him a quick peck on the cheek before running off.  JP leaves right after.  Up walks Don Joel with a bouquet of flowers for Millie.  Napo is very jealous.  Cruz and JJ rib him about it later.  (Yawn.) FF>>

Back at the restaurant, Jimeana immediately starts whining to Max about Maria’s being there and their having to be in the same restaurant as “that imbecile female”.  Yes and she’s been lying about Jimmie and insulting her in the dressing room at work!  Max can’t find a crack in the floor large enough or near enough to crawl into.  He lowers his voice (a hint as broad as a barn) and begs her to nix the (disturbingly high-pitched, high-volume kvetching and) the insults.  That, of course, just sets her off even more.  She raises her voice to an even more irritatingly high and very audible level. “--Oh, so now you’re going to defend her?  YOUR LOVER! YOUR GOING TO DEFEND YOUR LOVER INSTEAD OF YOUR WIFE?  YOU’RE GOING TO HUMILIATE ME, NOW, EH?  I. AM. THE. MOTHER. OF. YOUR. CHILD.”   (Honest to gawd, I think even fingernails on a blackboard would sound better to me than her voice about now!)  Max futilely whispers to her not to raise her voice and to avoid making the kinds of scenes she usually does.  (Of course, he might as well have spit in the wind.)  Anyway, he points out, she chose the restaurant, not him! So, if she doesn’t like it they can leave.  Ji says she isn’t about to give Maria that pleasure!  She’s staying right where she is, thank you very much! 

Across the room, Lonnie asks Maria if she’s uncomfortable enough to want to leave.  Maria admits she feels awkward, but he’s given her the courage to stick it out there.  Lonnie sighs a love-sick sigh and flirtatiously tells hers that when she tells him something like that he just melts.  She pauses and stares away.  He asks what’s up.  She says being there with him reminds her of the times she was with Max.  Lon asks if she’s still in love with Max.  Maria admits she is, like she’s never loved anybody else in her life!  (Ok.  Viewerville will overlook the fact that the girl was brought up by nuns, was a virgin who had never dated till she and Max got together, and that Max was her first and only experience with Love.)   

Max leaves to take a call. Jimmie takes advantage of the time alone to pop a few more pills and down them with her martini.  Maria and Lonnie watch this.  He’s totally disgusted with the scene.  “-The woman is so selfish that her own child doesn’t even matter to her!”   

Max returns and stops Jimmie from going over to Maria’s table and making another scene.   Max and Maria spend the evening making goo goo eyes at each other.

After dinner, up in their bedroom, Ji is still harassing Max about Maria being at the restaurant.  Max reminds her that he didn’t pick the restaurant.  She insists he must have told Maria where they were going.  He denies it and asks her to stop and think how he feels seeing the woman he loves out with another man.   Ji pounds the bed.  “--Do you have to say that all the time?”  “--Well, it’s true.” “--The woman doesn’t love you!  Look how quickly she exchanged you for another young and handsome rich guy!” Suddenly the alarm bells go off in Max’s noggin.  He wants to know how long ago Ji met Alonso and where.  She says it was a very long time ago and wants to change the subject.  He asks why and mentions they seem to have known each other for years.  Why every time they look at each other do their eyes look full of hatred?  Where were they together and when?  She evades answering. “--I don’t know!  The only thing I know is that I want this thing between you and Maria Desamparada over with already!!”  Max walks out of the room.  Schemeana thinks to herself that she simply has got to get rid of that damned Maria and that kid of hers!  

JP drops by for a late night chat with Maria and Lon after their return from the restaurant.  Maria tells JP how frightened she was that Max might have noticed she was pregnant while they were at the restaurant. She doesn’t want him to find out for anything in the world!  JP tells her the truth always floats up to the top, so she might as well tell him and be free of the added anxiety. Maria refuses and says that’s why she wants to live somewhere else.  Lonnie again offers his house in the boonies.  This time she accepts.    

The next day, Schemena sneaks into the vecindad disguised poorly in huge dark sunglasses, an haut-couture maternity dress, and a poorly matching loud print head scarf (typical telenovela rich woman camouflage gear).   She takes out a reel of thin twine and begins to tie it to the stair rails, till El Alacrán catches her and wants to know what’s up.  She nervously offers him a wad of cash to do it for her instead.  He gladly takes the money and the twine and then merrily finishes the task.

Upstairs on the rooftop, there’s another fight between Millie and the Jarochas a few minutes later.  Maria leaves the fight and starts down the stairs.  She doesn’t see the twine across them and falls head first.  Luckily, Lonnie is there to catch her again.  We get another long meaningful stare between the two of them.  He looks hopeful.  She looks just plum scared.  

In the city at Bleak-Chic Fashions, aka Casa de Victoria BURNIE, Schemeana gripes to Mama Rox about how she has to get rid of Maria so Max won’t find out that Maria is expecting his child. Max is standing at the doorway, listening to Bitchy Big-mouth the whole time, though.  He asks if Maria is really pregnant with his kid.  Jimena lies and says he misunderstood what she said.  Max remembers feeling Maria’s belly in the dressing room, and how he thought he felt something move in there. He tells Jimmie he thinks she’s lying to him. He races out the door and jumps into his little green machine, racing off to Maria’s for confirmation.    Ji and Rox follow him in the car to head him off in traffic, but Max outsmarts them and leaves them in the dust. 

When Max finally makes it to Maria’s place she’s not there.  He notices the huge poster of her modeling a maternity frock and melts into tears at the sight.  He peeks into one of the bedrooms and sees the crib and baby clothes.  More tears.  “--Why didn’t she ever say anything to me?”

At the same time, Bernarda has summoned Vic to her office.  Burnie begins needling Vicki,  with a basic "the more things change the more they stay the same." Here they are again: Burnie large and in charge and Vic taking orders.  Vic says the insults aren’t working.  She’s proud of what she was able to do with her life and she’s never denied her humble beginnings.  “--Not many could have done what I did: to start with nothing and end up the queen of fashion.”  (Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Burnie!) Burnarda says nice thought, but it was a waste.  “--I’m personally seeing to it that not a trace of your heroic deeds remain.  Today I took the second big step: as of today Casa Victoria ceased to exist.  Today your empire crumbled away completely.  This morning the company name changed. It will be called Casa Bernarda.”  Vicki is frown-to-the-ground impactada: “--You can’t do this!”  “--Now nothing remains of what you had to be proud of.  You came out of nothing and to nothing you will return.”

At the same time across town, Lon and Maria get back with groceries.   They give us more PSA pronouncements about proper diets for expectant mothers.  Lonnie helps her with a bouquet of flowers and asks if she really wants to leave.  Maria says it’s for the best, so yes.  Max walks out of the baby’s bedroom then and sees the two of them together.  He surprises them with a question. “—The best for who?”  Maria and Max’s eyes lock.  “--Answer me.  The best for who?”  She fibs and says for their impossible love.  He says no, it’s more possible than ever now that she’s expecting his child.  Lonnie steps in and lies for Maria.    It’s really his child, not Max’s.  Max looks at Maria.  “--Is this true?  Is the baby his?”  She’s at a loss for words as Uni breaks for a few shameless ad spots from their sponsors.

As we return from the pause that refreshes, Viewerville is waiting on the edge of their sofas and easy chairs to see if Maria has the courage of her convictions. And...she does not.  Max asks again.  “--Tell me.  Is it mine?  Is the baby mine?”   She folds like a pile of fresh laundry.  “--Alonso has been great to me.  He and I share a dear friendship, but that’s all.”   Max hugs her.  “--I knew it!  It’s mine!”  Lonnie shakes the dirt off his boot in the corner and sucks in his disappointment.  Max asks Maria why she kept quiet about it. Maria explains that she was going to tell him, but that was the day he told her he was going to marry Jimena.  She still should have said something to him, he says.   “—Well, really I wanted to, but it was always your family or Jimena who was always doing something to force us to put a stop to our plans!”  She just wanted to get away from that and to avoid putting his child’s life at risk.  “--Yeah, Jimena runs the risk of losing the baby.”  Lonnie pipes up from the corner.   "That’s only because Jimena doesn’t want anybody’s child, not yours, not anybody’s.” 

Maria warns Max to take care of his child because Jimena is completely crazy [desquiciada].  True, he says, but he’s got her to worry about now also.  It makes sense to him now, he adds, that special shine in her eyes and the glow in her cheeks yadda, yadda.  She begs him to forget about her.  How can she ask him to do that?  It’s his child!  Maria stops beating around the bush.  “--Because there’s no room in your life for me!  It doesn’t matter how much we love each other!  I don’t want you to feel obligated to me,  like it’s some sort of added responsibility!  If it’s certain that we can’t be together, I don’t want to force it!”  Max reminds her that she knows how much he wanted her to have a child of his.  He wants to go away with her.  Nothing else matters now!

Maria refuses.  There are too many people involved now, too many will get hurt, she says.  Jimena could get rid of the baby if the two of them get back together and she couldn’t deal with that guilt.  She begs him to let her go.  He begs her to stick it out with him.  She won’t because he has too many other obligations.  “--They all need you.  Your mother needs you!  Your sister needs you!  The company needs you!  Please let me go to start my life over.”  He asks if she doesn’t love him any longer.  She assures him she loves him more than ever, with all her heart and till the day she dies.  Then why can’t she trust in their love to triumph, he asks again?   Max hugs her and asks to touch her belly.  She says fine. He gets down on his knees and kisses her stomach.  Of course, that’s precisely the moment that Schemeana flies in on her broom.  (She parks it and jumps off.)  “--You miserable wretch!!  How dare you!”  Max wipes his nose with his sleeve and looks guilty as charged. 

Meanwhile, back at the fashion studio, Vicki and the gang mourn over the name change and what it signifies for her.  In walks Bruja Bernarda and shoos them back to work.  Time is money.  Nobody wants to work, then out the door they go.  By the way, where is Max?  Nobody knows.  Better find out.  She won’t tolerate lazy or undisciplined employees.  Maybe he’ll just be the first she gets to sack.

Back at Maria’s modest abode, Jimeana plays the long-suffering wife to the hilt.  Maria just couldn’t keep quiet!  This makes Max curious and he asks just how long she knew Maria was expecting and why she pressured her to keep quiet.  Ji starts screeching again.  She says she’s not seen her let alone pressured her about anything!  She isn't important to her!  Max tells Ji that he marvels at how easily she fakes it all.  How shameless of her to hide this from him!  Well, it’s been all for naught, he adds, because as of today they’re finished!  Nothing and no one is going to stop him from going away with Maria!

“--You’re not leaving me!”  Jimeana yells at Max and then lunges towards Maria, but Max holds her back.  “--Enough!”  Ji circles the table to try again from a less protected angle.  She screams at Maria.  “--Damn you for getting in our way!”  Lonnie now blocks Jimena from attacking Maria.  Jimmie turns on Lon now.  “--You stop interfering!  This doesn’t concern you! What happened between you and me happened a long time ago!  It ended!  It ended and you won’t forgive me!  Because you’re a spurned lover [despechado]!”  Ok. This gets Max’s attention.  “--What are you talking about?”

Jimmie’s rather questionable explanation is that Alonso used to be madly in love with her and still is; but she kicked him to the curb for Max and he’s never gotten over it!  Lon yells back that she’s lying.  He turns to reason with her.  “--For once in your miserable life tell the truth!”   “--You see!  The truth is you hate me!  You hate me! Hate me hate me hate me!  And ever since that moment you’ve been pursuing me, harassing me…offending me!!” She looks over to Max.  “--And you know why?  Because I never loved him the way he loved me!  Yes I cheated on him!  I cheated on him because of you! Because I love you!   Now look at how you repay me! You get involved with this bitch!! [zorra=vixen, whore, bitch]  You can’t believe how I feel seeing you caressing that slut’s [golfa=tart, tramp, slut]  belly!!” 

Maria’s heard enough and makes a lunge at Jimeana.  “--Don’t you dare insult me!”  Max blocks her.  Again, Ji manages to make the other one look guilty of emotional blackmail.  “--Well, you promised and you did it!  You told him!  You wanted to take him away from me.”  Maria won’t let her get away with lying this time, though.  “--I was ready to sacrifice myself for your child, so I would never have told him!”  “--You think I’m going to believe it?  That I’m that stupid? Here you were, right here!  Like a vulture, lying in wait [al acecho] for the right moment!”

Alonso tells Jimena to nix the insults.  Jimena turns around and tells him to stuff it. She turns back to Max and whines that he prefers Maria’s child to hers.   Max insists he feels responsible for both children and that they both deserve his love and protection.   Jimmie starts to threaten him again if he leaves her for Maria.  Max doesn’t care at this point and tells her enough of the little scenes she’s so good at causing.  This sham is over! He won’t forgive her for not telling him about Maria’s pregnancy.  She begs him to reconsider.  They got married and planned to raise their child together.  If Maria wants to sacrifice herself, then let her!  He tells her she’s so wrong about that, and what’s more, he’s going to start the divorce proceedings that very day!  He turns to Maria and tells her to wait for him to return.  He’ll be back for her later, he says, and he walks out the door.  

Jimena tries running after Max, but Lon grabs her by the arm and stops her.  He drags her into the other room and bawls her out.  “--Stop ruining other people’s lives!  If I didn’t tell Max the truth just then it’s only because I really do have a heart!”  He leaves to go back and join Maria.  Jimmie comes out, points an accusatory finger at them, and warns them that the death of her child is on their conscience.  She storms out the front door and tries to catch up with Max. Maria breaks down into tears.  Lonnie lends his shoulder most willingly.

Max storms away to his car and starts the engine.  Jimena comes out, see’s Mama motion her in the right direction and races to his car.  She tries to get in or catches her belt or maybe she purposely wrapps her seatbelt around her hand  somehow.  (I couldn't really tell what she could have wrapped it around or whether she didn't crack the door open.)   Anyway, as he pulls out and drives off she is pulled to the ground.  Max doesn’t notice because she’s fallen out of his range of sight, and because the street noise and the rumble of the engine drown out her panicky screams.  Roxi watches in horror as her daughter is dragged on her back along the street behind Max’s car. (If it were anybody else, Viewerville would have been horrified, too.  As it’s Jimeana we’re dealing with, Viewerville just sits back and watches the fun.)  Suddenly a car races up from behind and screeches to a halt as the driver slams on the breaks to avoid running over Jimena.  Max hears the screech and stops the car.  He gets out and sees Jimena lying unconscious behind his car.   Roxi races over screaming “Mi hija-a-a!”.  Max checks to see if Jimmie’s   still breathing and yells at Rox to call for an ambulance.  It seems that Jimena may have nine lives also.  If we’re lucky she may be on #9 and down for the count. 


Hola.....i thought Jimena grabbed the seat belt and twisted it around her hand.... on purpose...she is not going to let maria have max in anyway....i did not see her open the car door....Why in the world does Victoria and company stay and take Bernarda's shit???? i would sell my 50% and start my own company...she did it b4 with less money....I know....its a novela....beanie adjustment....I too thought maria should be wearing flats to climb those narrow stairs.... and just to walk around mexico in general....Great Recap.......Much more fun to read then it was to watch.....BNinCA

BN in CA: sorry, I couldn't really tell what happened and assumed that's what I was seeing. I added in the other possibility just in case.

Fabulous recap and GREAT title!!! I LOLed at Bitchy Big-mouth. I swear I have just about had it with her. And I agree with BNinCA...I also thought it looked a lot like she wrapped herself up in the seat belt on purpose.

I think Fer is going to be the character with the most growth in this TN. I am more and more impressed with Livia Brito every day.

Jardinera - thank you for the recap. I didn't get to watch (had a NHL game to attend... we won) so I appreciate this. Looks like last night's ep is more. of. the. same. gah.

Wait, Max finally knows Maria is having his baby; Vicky finally told Fer about her past and first child; Fer finally forgave her mother; and Ximena has a life and baby threatening accident. How is this more of the same?! Sounds like a lot happened. I will watch my recording now, but the great recap sure makes it sound exciting! Thanks so much Jar.

Oh, and PS to Jar-- I've been wondering the same thing about Maria's shoes. When I was preggers I avoided shoes at all cost and when I did have to wear them...they were FLAT!

Thank you Jardinera. Splendid recap.

It being Friday night I allowed myself a late cup of coffee and stayed awake through the entire episode. A first since the move to the 10 p.m. time slot.

Maria has three men stalking/bothering/caring for her and not one would think of applying a coat of paint to the hovel that they are living in. Alonso, who seems to have more smarts than JP or certainly Max, hangs a giant photo of Maria on the wall, only calling attention to the need for a paint job.

That said, Maria certainly gets it: Max really doesn't have a place in his life for her. The upcoming episodes with Ximena are sure to illustrate that fully.

No singing Cruz last night! Que pena. Touching scenes with Fer.
I must say that the actresses who play Victoria, Fer and Maria certainly look like they could be related.

Have a good weekend, all.

Great recap Jardinera, tks mucho

Jimena just doesn't seem the suicidal type to me, accidental overdose yes. She is just too much into herself, pretending yes, actual no. But this is Mejia.
Now she will be in the hospital & Max will feel guilty, typical.

Good work Jardinera. I loved the "two old hags are like Vampires with no fear of sunlight!" and the "Bleak-Chic Fashions". I thought it was a good episode, with a couple of long-awaited reveals. Maybe Fer will be able to do more with the muñeca that trumps DNA than her mamà was able to. I'm liking Livia Brito too. She's so pretty, but still does the busted-up face thing really well.

I was starting to get nervous about El Alacràn and his devious methods, but after last night, he just seemed comic to me. I'm sure he's after a piece of Nathi, but remember, she grew up with a bunch of boys (as did I) and I don't think she's easily threatened.

I'm with TravLady (and others have said it before); Vic, Fer & MD have a striking resemblance to one another.

Good work, Jardinera. This was a hell of an episode.

I'd love to know where the writers get the idea that a company name can be changed overnight. Nowhere in the world is this possible, even after a hostile takeover. There is far too much paperwork and too many legal filings that have to happen before a name change takes place.

Ximeana can't keep up the crazy act much longer without losing her mind for real. Thus far she's been manipulative, passive/aggressive with Max and directly aggressive with Maria. She knows exactly what she's doings so far.

She is completely incapable of loving anyone and has no self-respect else she wouldn't be into making scenes in public. She has no relationship with the truth.

However, this thing with the car is probably where she really crosses over the line.

Will Max tell Victoria that Maria is pregnant? Will he tell Fer? He will definitely tell Fabian.

We have a theme here of men willing to parent children that aren't their own: Gonzalo, Octavio, and now Alonso. Major contrast to Dona Dementa, who neither appreciates nor loves her own son (who will publicly acknowledge his daughter), and Roxana who -- apart from having been a godawful mother -- must see Ximeana as a meal ticket by proxy.

Oh, and I love your title, Jardinera.

Xi chalkboard voice sounds like a screaching otter... Xi held on to the seatbelt and it was stuck in the lambo's door. She was getting dragged and Max turns and sees Rox yelling HIJA!!!HIJA!!! (trying to act like cares about her daughter) .< Xi should be dead!

Terrific title for a rarin' recap. So the staircase of doom was used to scare us, but no lasting damage done, thanks to Alonso's strong arms.

UA's comments on the business name change made sense to me. Besides, if you spent decades building up a brand name, what do you gain by just dropping it and giving it a new name? Not that people act with logic here in telenovela land.

Vicki and her two hijas do share a resemblance. I'm looking forward to some scenes with the two girls.
I could do without Ximena, but that would be too easy.
La Paloma

Max is kinda stupid... His moms lost daughter is around MD's age, they both had a rag doll, they are both orphans found on the street DESAMPARADAs saying the name MARIA,went to a orphanage school in Guadalajara, Jalisco and then moved to the D.F, come on Max the name says it all (MARIA+DESAPARADA=Maria Desamparada)

Thank you, Jardinera!

So glad Maria didn't go along with Alonso's lie about the baby being his. I thought it was so touching the way Max kissed Marias stomach.

I love Alonso but did anyone else think he wore out his welcome during that very personal conversation between M & M when he discovers he's the father and begs her to not leave him?! Alonso hovered when he should have excused himself!

And I thought when he was measuring and hammering that he was painting the apartment or building shelves but oversize blow up of Maria pregnant?!! (she looks gorgeous in the photo btw). Just what every penniless, single mother living in the slums needs. Thanks, Alonso!

Urban Anthropologist !RESPONSE! ~Max will of course tell Fab & maybe Os then Os will tell him he already knows, Vic will find out and say its not Maxs kid, i doubt he will tell Fer but she will probaly find out from Cruz or Fab P.S were is Gaby isnt she suppose to be Fers BF Sure she can go to Fers crib and listen to Cruz whistle But she cant go visit her Friend being paralized Or maybe all of her friends hate her because they blame her for Fedes death but thinking of it they are probaly paralized too!

The writers put to of a goodlooking rival for Max, they should have put some uglier like Eugenio Siller, wait he is even hotter, maybe someone like Valentino Lanus, nope they just keep getting better, Maybe Marco Mendez, nope he's for Natty... I guess someone Fausto! yup thats it, ugly poor Fausto.

JaJa! ugly poor Fausto -Dolphin Lozoya

XI~crazy~MENA swallows bottles & bottles ¤f pills! ~ p.chavira

Ximena's voice is more terrifying than Ms. Briggs and her bag pipes.

I would have preferred Eugenio Siller or Valentino Lanus as Max (although Valentino is 6 years older than Levy). They're both hotter and Valentino's voice is incredibly sexy.

Hey, I would have preferred Pablo Montero in this part, but as Cruz he displays his romantic comedy talent.

As to Victoria selling her 49% and leaving, I'm sure she's thinking "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Eva is her distant eyes on Bernarda and Victoria can keep an eye on her at the office. It's also probably harder to sell that 49% after the other 51%.

And the rest of the story would be less interesting.

According to the avances Max will have to decide whether the doctors save Ximeana or the baby. Will someone tell me how this happens in 2011 in the real world? I have never bought this as a plot point anywhere.

Jardinera, no need to be sorry....your recaps are always spot on right....BNinCA

Thanks for another terrific recap, Jardinera! I especially loved your description of the restaurant scene -- you captured every nutty nuance!

Urban, I confess I stopped worrying about plausibility a long time ago. We are in Fantasyland and I suspect that like many of us, the writers spent their formative years soaking up Disney images of Snow White and Prince Charming, of Good and Wicked Queens. Would I watch this show if it were in English? Not a chance. But as a Spanish class, it has more than enough to keep my interest.

OT -- So far I've only seen two novelas that I probably would have watched in English -- 'Alguien te Mira' and now 'La Reina del Sur'. And interestingly, both have aired/are airing on Telemundo, not Univisión.

Hi all! Thanks! I think for once I'd like to see the heroine leave the first guy and fall in love and marry the second guy once guy #1 has wrecked her life for her. I know it doesn't meet the tn principle of overcoming adversity but it sure would be refreshing. Maybe there are other tn's where this has happened, but none that I remember watching.

Well,,,, oops---my bad! on my earlier post where I thought this episode was 'more of the same.' I got distracted while reading the recap and when I came back I completely picked up in the wrong place (ack) and missed the part about Vic telling the truth about her past, to Fer. :-o My telenovela beanie hat needs a flashing neon "do not disturb" sign on it. I still haven't had time to watch my recording of this ep.

Jar- Querida Enemiga. Hot Doc (Galan #1) does not win back the sweet, orphan, nun raised heroine. Instead she marries Chef Hawt (Gala #2).

Jar and Vivi --
La Esposa Virgen. Adela Noriega chooses Sergio Sendel over Jorge Salinas.

Marco Méndez (Fabian) was in Querida enimiga, how was his performance? Did he get the girl or play the bad guy?

Yes, and I was shocked by this. Both opening and closing title sequences made you think she would be with Jorge Salinas at the end. When they sent a female physical therapist for Sendel's character I was sure she would become his novia.

And if Jorge Salinas really defects to Azteca I will have to wear mourning!

Thanks for the recapp, at this point my daughter and I are at the point of rooting for guy #2.. Max better make a big move soon or lose his groceries!!

Jardinera--also Las Tontas No Van al Cielo. Candy ditches cheating husband, and even after he eventually redeems himself in most respects and reforms his character, she ends up with devoted and hilarious galán #2.

Jardinera wonderful recap still LOL at two old hags are like vampires with no fear of sunlight. Hilarious but if they're vampires what in the world is Roxana and her evil spawn?

Vivi you beat me to Querida Enemiga i'm trying to remember if has been done in another novela other than that one.

How awful is Roxana she even encourages XXX-factor to run after Max leaving.

Regardless Max isn't at fault with this accident so if he stays with XXX-factor he is once again choosing her over Maria and this time if that happens then Maria should leave him.

I think XXX-factor is crazy even though she started off conniving and manipulating she still wants Max to love her.Which is not happening i just can't wait for him to discover that her baby isn't his.

Marco Mendez played a villain in Querida Enemiga.

Yeah, Marco was a brute in Querida Enemiga. I couldn't believe how much I loved him in LVO, despite his flaws in that one. And he's just a sweetie in this one.

Thanks for the recap Jardinera. Your title was classic. I know this is another beanie moment but based on all the stuff that X-factor has pulled how can anyone belief she's sane. There is so little that she has done that shows reason or logic are activities she is even capable of.

All I can say is Marco is adorable, he could be FC's little hermano.

It's high time FC played a villain, just not a creepy one.

Oh yeah! Thanks for reminding me about those other tn's. I totally forgot! Maybe I'm just ready for that plot type again.

Blusamarai: Rox & XX are zombies!!!! lol

After reading this recap I went back and watched the final scene. X definitely wrapped the seatbelt around her hand. She wanted to scare Max & put a huge guilt trip on Alonso & Maria. Can I just say I really like how Maria pronounces "Alonso."? I never thought of Alonso as a guapo name until this TN

I hope Maria sees Fer with the doll & mentions something about it. That would be a nice way for them to figure out they are sisters.

Jardinera, thank you for another great recap.

I am really sorry that Lon didn't spill the frijoles to Max about what BSCX had done.

So BSCX and Gui are going to frame Vic for the death of Linda. That should cause some real fireworks. Surely Vic has an alibi.

UA, your comment about BSCX having no relationship with the truth was priceless and so appropriate.

I agree with everyone about the great casting of Vic, Maria and Fer - they do look as if they could be related.


Thanks, Rosemary.

I don't see how they could frame Victoria for the murder of LindaHo. Victoria would either have been at home, in her chauffeur-driven car, or at the office.

I will also be very disappointed in Max if he doesn't figure out that Ximeana set up the dragging on the car.

She's as bad as Veda Pierce.

Jardinera - I don't think it is max (heroine #1) that ruined maria's life for good. It was x-factor. Max was in his room drunk, but by himself, when she connived to have sex with him, so he would think the babe was his. I see him as an innocent person here. Granted getting drunk, but it is not like he was in the bar picking up women. He was in his bed. Also, I watched the novela with Fernando C and in the beginning, the woman, whom I can not recall the name, was in love with someone else, was kidnapped, I believe the day of the wedding and for much of the novela, she was trying to get back to this man, when she realized that he had married and then she falls in love with Fernando. I would have thought that Love #1, was "always" the one the person returned to in the end in these novels, so this surprised me. I can't see this happening here, because love #2 is someone I don't remember ever seeing before, but Max is a regular spanish actor mas popular.

Great comments --and even greater memories! Thanks!

Anon. --I think you're referring to Amor Real? I suppose we could add Sortilegio to the list, too.

I guess Sorti sort of counts. But Galan #1 turned out to be the Number 1 Villain. Once she figured out he was evil and using her, she never wanted him again.

Anon- I wouldn't always say that the lesser known galan/actor always loses out. In Querida Enemiga, Galan #2 is an actor I have never before or since seen in a novela. Can't even remember his name, but I can remember his muscles... But Galan #1 was played by well known Gabriel Soto. And actually Marc Thatcher is very well known. He came to TdA fresh from being one of the main characters in Para Volver a Amar- the novela that won all of the awards this past year.

Since I have not seen any of the originals of this novela, I don't know how far it has strayed from the original story. But I am guessing they will basically keep the end the same and have the heroine end up with galan #1, as I assumed they did in the original.

I also don't think the reason we are hard on Max is because he stupidly slept with Xi in Miami. It's his actions since. He kept giving Maria hope, then caving in to his family and Xi. He did this over and over again. After he made his decision to marry Xi, he kept coming around to Maria and wouldn't leave her alone, despite how many times she and others asked him to. She's not the one who sought him out. He turned her into his mistress and made her situation harder than it already was. Meanwhile he has not done anything concrete on the home front to protect Maria from being harmed by his mother and wife, nor done anything to end his marriage-- despite his empty threats. Until he can come to Maria as a free man, then he should let her live her life. And since he's married, he has no claim on her. He shouldn't be prohibiting her from speaking to or being friends with other men. He shouldn't be acting like a jealous lover. He's not free. He shouldn't expect her to shut herself off from the possibility of finding love elsewhere.

ViviDC: ITA re Max and what he's turned Maria into at this point. She has other opportunities and he's too selfish to let her go. He keeps her as tied to him through emotional blackmail as Schemeana as kept him.

I will be very disappointed in Max if he doesn't get Ximeana locked up in the manicomio after this latest stunt. It's time for Alonso to come clean with Max about her.

Thanks, Jar. The titles always draw me in. This is a good one.

The comments were great, nothing to add that's new. Loved the lack of taking a paint brush to the place.

WL would probably have gotten the top role in any new telenovela, when his other ventures didn't work out. He still has a great deal of appeal and people liked him with Maite.

He can deliver a wide range of emotions. He does the sweet-smoochy and torrid love-making scenes as easily as the word-spitting, vein-popping, madder-than-a-wet-hen angry scenes.

The stairway that Xi and Alarcan rigged looks exactly like the stairway in Sortilegio that Fernando was thrown off in a fight with some toughs. I guess tableware and knicknacks aren't the only things that get recycled.

Anon at 7:44. From your description, you are most likely thinking of Pasion with Fernando C. and Susana Gonzalez. She's about to marry when she's kidnapped and sold into slavery.

Vivi--I've no idea why Chef Hawt (aka Jorge Aravena) isn't a much bigger star than Gabriel Soto. I guess he mostly works in South America so he's not on our screens so much? He was certainly a much better actor in QE. I saw him later in some Venevision show that was set in Panama. It was pretty good until Univision got bored halfway through and started editing it down so much that it made no sense.

Can someone confirm there is no TdA tonight? Is the only episode on Tuesday night?

It looks like Eva Luna is going to be on 2 hours tonight, so no TDA.
But who knows, it seems the TV listings are the last to know.

My cable box is showing no TdA tonight, but episodes for the rest of the week.

Max did not want to marry Jimena....He is so in love with Maria and she with was not his idea to marry her....he was against it and refused to do it until his mama and daddy talked him into it... they put a guilt trip on him big time and he took the responsibility.....maria keeps telling him she loves him too so why should he not come around...yeah i nieve am i......

Galan number 1 or number 2 discussion --

Does anyone remember the Daniela Castro novela with Ernesto Laguardia as a firefighter and Juan Ferrera as an older man in love with her. She ends up with EL, but he dies and then she goes to JF. I think it was called Desencuentro. Great resolution in terms of giving her a chance to end up with and in that sense truly love them both.

NO TDA tonight preview of what has happen during Eva Luna at 7pm then the final two hours of the novela from 8-10pm. Don Francisco will have a wrap up show like Cristina used to have when it was on.

Starting tomorrow two hours of Teresa at 8pm until April the 20 when it goes to back to one hour at 8pm. On April 20 Cuando Me Enamoro with Sylvia Navarro will start in the 7pm slot replacing Llena de Amor.

Now it's not saying whether TDA is remaining in the 10pm slot or not but it could be like i speculated it will go back to the 9pm time slot and the preempted regular 10pm scheduling will come back in to the 10pm time slot.

I dont know how accurate tv y novelas magazine is...but it has TdA showing at 9est/8cst. I just dont know when that starts.

I believe that TDA will move back to the 9pm time slot once Teresa goes back to being a one hour novela.Which will be on April 20.Right now they are advertising Teresa going to two hours from 8-10pm.

Roxana is too much first she encourages her hell spawn to run after Max and the heifer deliberately wraps her arm around the seatbelt so she can be dragged by his car. He should have had her locked up when she tried to jump from his car before to avoid all of this nonsense. So tomorrow Victoria still wants to continue to blame Maria E. for everything that has happened to XXX-factor but she doesn't see her own fault in this? She deserves what Bernie is dishing out toward her.

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