Friday, April 22, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #96 4/21/11 A triumph of rules and regulations.

While Vic rots in jail, Maria D and Max are in their respective abodes pledging undying love to their offspring. They face each other in split screen with the babies in the middle.

Out in the country, Alonso spends some quality time with a bath towel. He remembers Maria D. No tenting visible…yet. Wait, was there supposed to be a toga party? He makes time with her blanket, then cries over the pictures of her in the park. He flashes back to all the best times…you know, the times when she thought they were just friends and looked uncomfortable every time he got a little too grabby. Dear Alonso: get over it. There are plenty of female viewers willing to console you. Not me, but, hey, you can't have it all.

Max tells the team that Vic is in jail and they're pissed. He tells them the best thing to do is make the business a success and surprise Vic when she gets out of the big house. Pip and Toni talk about Milagros agreeing to sell their clothing from a catalog (did I hear that right?). Pip says he's Pip the Great because he's modest enough to sell clothing in the mercado. And he wants to kick Burnie's butt. The gang gets to work.

Burnie tells Fausto that he's getting new digs in the barrio so he can watch over Maria D. He has no problem with that at all! Burnie says he should expect surprise visits from her. Eva gets told to shut it when she says that Fausto will behave himself. Fausto goes to pack.

Max brings Baby Os over for a play date. He tells MD that Ximena is out of the house and Mama Vic is in the big house for killing Linda. MD in classic sweet protagonista mode says Vic couldn't have done that! Max things someone's trying to frame her, someone with access to the house. Xi.

Burnie tells Eva not to offer Rox any more of the good sherry. Rox comes in and greets "Bur". She gets informed that this house has rules and a schedule. She sends Eva to go wake up Xi. Rox smarmily agrees with her.

Max wants the drama with Xi over with already.

Xi is on the phone to somebody hearing that Vic is in jail. She's thrilled. She hangs up when Eva stalks in and summons her downstairs. Xi gripes at her for coming into the room without knocking. "I'm just following orders. Get downstairs before there's trouble." And no, this isn't jail…it's Burnie's House. Now there's a reality show for you…seven skank-ho's living under the watchful eye of Burnie…every week the biggest sinner, handpicked by Burnie following no human logic, roasts in the fireplace until only one skank-ho is left. That one repents and wins an all-expense-paid trip to join the Sisters of Our Lady of the Iron Underwear. Burnie's House…no pool table, no hot tub, no escape!

Max and MD marvel over their babies. MD can't believe that Xi is such a lousy mother. Max says she has no maternal instinct. MD says she'll be Little Os's mom. Max is moved. Because motherhood is hawt! Max tells the babies that from now on they'll have the most beautiful mommy in the world. Smoochies.

Os tells Vic he's the one who should be in jail. A guard comes to retrieve Vic, since the witness has arrived. She gets heckled by the other women, who were strangely quite while they had Os to ogle. I would have thought El Señor Osvaldo Sandoval would have made a bigger splash in there.

The cops bring the witness in to identify the murderer. As soon as Vic comes in, the witness seems to fixate on her. Ok, seriously, they're all wearing sunglasses and wigs, but the wigs aren't all identical. The witness thinks Vic could be the one, but she's not sure. The witness rejects #4 for being too tall and too large…right…and Vic has the same body type of modelrexic Xi?

Toni and Pip bring the catalogs over to Milagros. They want her to help out by handing out catalogs and collecting orders. They'll pay her a commission. She insists that Napo get them tortas for the road before they leave. Pip comments that if they get a free torta every time they come over, he'll come over all the time! Toni says she's going to get fat. Ja ja ja.

The witness is nervous. She's still fixated on Vic and asks to have her step forward again. Vic starts coughing and the witness says it could be her.

Oscar yells at the cops. The cop informs them that they have a witness. Oscar argues it's difficult to recognize someone from behind the wheel of a car. The cop counters that because Linda was Os's lover, that makes Vic suspicious.

The witness is still convinced it could be Vic, but then she says there's no way. It's not her. She remembers a taller woman, not a whole lot taller, but taller. None of the women there are the one and she's sure of that. The cop dismisses them all. They're pissed that they're back where they started.

PJP talks to the bishop. He's happy to be PJP again. The bishop asks about his young age on entering the seminary. "Now that you've had a taste of the secular life, are you still convinced of your vocation?" PJP is sure he wants to be a priest until he dies. The bishop tells him he's still allowed to see his daughter.

The cops let Vic go. She and Os hug tearfully.

The parish guys welcome PJP back to work. Some chipmunking about paying for MD's furniture.

The Jarochas come visit Napo at work. They beg to get a look at the catalogs.

Something about soccer practice. Alonso comes up and asks to talk to PJP…urgently!

Maria D sings to both babies. She talks to them about needing to love each other because they carry the same blood. Riiiiight.

Mili asks about the girl Cruz brought to Loteria the other night. Juanjo teases him about Max being his brother in law. Mili says she saw the kiss and he shouldn't get too excited about her. Napo says they're different social classes and it's never going to come to anything. Cruz doesn't care. He only cares about Fer and that she keeps going to therapy. And besides, he has a gentleman's agreement.

Fabian walks in on Luci crying. She tries to cover, but does a lousy job of it. Finally, she admits that she's going to get kicked out of her apartment soon and she doesn't know what to do. Fabian offers her his spare bedroom, if she doesn't take it the wrong way. Ay, Fabian, we've all seen this before and after running into each other in the hallway in skivvies or accidentally walking in on each other in the shower, it's inevitable that you're going to get together.

Napo makes fun of Cruz…and Don Joel, which upsets Mili. JuanJo wants an explanation. Cruz says Fabian is also interested in Fer and they agreed to fight clean.

Fabian tells Luci he knows she'll find another place soon. Luci agrees to stay with him…"But won't it cause problems with your girlfriend?" Fabian says she's not his girlfriend. He's in love with her, but that's all. He wishes she was.

Vic comes to Fer's room to visit. Fer tells her she had a bad dream the night before. Vic tells Fer she was accused of Linda's murder, so yeah, Fer's sensing of a disturbance in the force was right. She's pissed that everyone knew but her and that they hid it from her. She doesn't think it's fair for them to discount her like that. She doesn't care what happens, she's still a member and she demands that they don't hide things from her again. "I'm not a little girl anymore. The accident has made me grow up." Vic agrees and promises she'll be informed of everything. Cruz comes in the window with a rose in his teeth--an unpleasant surprise for Vic.

MD leaves the babies with Nathy for a few minutes. She falls asleep on the couch.

Alonso has come to plead his case with PJP. Dude, move on. Move. On. PJP is attempting to explain how awesome Max and MD's love is. Alonso makes some good arguments, but then he ruins it by saying PJP doesn't love MD as much as he says he does. Alonso finally says MD is in danger from Xi and while MD is with Max, she's in danger.

Bernarda walks into Maria's place without knocking. She picks up the baby on the table and looks speculatively at the tub half full of water. PJP comes in and says, loud enough to wake up Nathy, "What are you going to do with the baby?" He has to repeat the question. Burnie says she came to visit MD and little JP. Since she wasn't in and "that irresponsible girl" was asleep, she just decided to pick him up. Nathy goes to tell MD they're there. PJP takes the baby and demands the truth. "What were you going to do with my grandson?" She's shocked he would think her capable of killing a baby! She insists she loves him and wants him to spend as much time with her as possible. PJP doesn't object, but he also doesn't want anything bad to happen to the baby. "I would be incapable of hurting him. The only thing I regret is that he's also the grandson of that slut!" MD says if they know her mother's name, she wants to know right now, and she won't accept "pretextos" (excuses).

Sweet William Levy in a kayak! That's all for today.

Tomorrow: PJP accuses Xi of attempted murder; Os and Vic make nice; Gui proposes infanticide; and in all likelihood, MD will not get the name of her biomom, so don't even try to convince me otherwise, promo monkeys!


OMG, finished a recap before midnight! What decadence!

I'm am in full-on, post-show withdrawal mode. I need another gig, stat! I finally managed to get some pictures up on my blog

5ft Latina great recap!

I had to laugh at the look on Ber's face when she heard Roxy's voice. And I almost cried when she told the maid to keep the good stuff away from Roxy.

How sweet that Maria is willing to be a mother to Lil O's, I knew she would be up to the task. I was kinda mad at Max for leaving her with two newborns. Good thing Nattie came in and helped. Well Max was said XiMonster had to be the one who planted the murder kit.

So he's smart enough to know that she tired to frame his mother but not smart enough to divorce her?And why didn't Maria tell Max his wife tired to kill her? I mean that would be the first thing out of my mouth if I was her. Then later if Xi tries to take the baby they can use that against her.

Does Cruz know any other songs? I'm so tired of hearing that one dang song.

Alonso is really really really getting on my nerves. He can't be to shocked that Maria wasn't feeling his kiss. She was preggers when she met him and said from day one that she loves Max. So it's really his own fault why he feels so sad. Then I wanted to go thru the screen and slap ,for crying like a baby while looking a pictures and rubbing a towel. Really?

It seems like Big O's(who is sexy for a older man =)) and Vicky are going to makeup. I hope they do because as hard-headed as she is she still loves him.

Fer has some really pretty hair. What I didn't understand is why do they think Fer is so fragile? She's old enough to understand what's going on.


Kat - Thanks for the recap! You make me wish I had seen this episode. I lurve your yellow glitter wait!... is that LindaHo's wig on your dressing room table?

Thanks for a fabulous recap! I love the reality show idea! jeje

I've been having trouble getting into each episode of late. Thank goodness for our recappers!

5ft. Latina this was an excellent recap and in such a rapid fashion. I got to work at 7:00 a.m. and it was already up. I enjoy reading this with my coffee and donut. Regarding anon asking why Fer is supposed to be fragile. I think it is because of the accident. She has enough to worry about so they avoid telling her things.

Great pics! Hope you land another "gig" soon.

Love the "Burnie's House". Wouldm't some compeititions be a hoot - maybe Xi would have to clean something...that would be a scream to watch.

That whole Alonso scene seemed to be nothing more than the gratuitous galan shirtless scene required every few weeks on a TN. Not bad, but it's no compensation for JP now back in the collar. Man, I am so missing those t-shirts and open collars.

My new favorite actors in this TN - those two babies!! The little guy playing Osquito is fabulous> I love watching how he just lights up and cracks up when WL is talking to him. Want to reach through the screen and squeeze him. WL looks like he was about to crack up in the duel screen scene himself at the little guy laughing. Nothing better happen to either of those munchkins!

Whiny Al had a point about MD in danger. Can't anyone, even Max, get that woman a place with a secure door? She's already had an attempt on her life, and yet...oh well, plot device. I need to come to grips with the whole stupidity of her still living there.

Vic better not come between Fer and Cruz. Isn't it also amazing how coifed she was after stuffing her hair into the wig. She should open a business on how to look picture perfect even after time in jail.

5ft. Very funny. Thank you.

See, Alonso isn't so bad. His dance with the towel showed us his beautiful six-pack. And, he does have some character. He warned PJP about Xi. PJP knows Maria D is in danger - but from Mommie Dearest.

For a minute there I thought La Bruja had picked up little Oz. Think about what that would have done for Maria D.

Thanks 5 ft. And good luck with search for new gig. I look forward to following the link you gave us.

Alonso quickly became one of my least favorites in a sea of goony-birds and maleantes. But, the guy speaks sense. Maria, the baby, Max/Gui's baby -- no one is safe! Padres, wake up and smell the disasters about to make us in viewerville nervous (although we've pretty much seen it all now!)

Have a good day, all.

Great stuff!

Personally I think Bernarda must have run a Magdalene Laundry in a previous life. She'd probably love to revive them.

PJP needs to get on Max's case about getting Maria out of the barrio. Since he knows his mother is a killer and since the attack by Ximeana, Maria and the baby need to be in a safe place. We know that these two locas will try again before they enter the deepest level of Inferno.

I don't think we'll need to wait until the last three weeks for Maria to find out who her parents are, but it won't be tonight.

But the family kept things from Fer even before the Oz & Vic's marital problems.

I'm thinking about 18 months have gone by in this story so if Fer is not 18 she will be very soon.

Kat, thanks for the great recap and all the sniggles (snarky giggles, but you knew that already). Glad you called out the promo monkeys.

So, when does production start on "Burnie's House?" I want it on my viewing schedule NOW, please.

As much as I like Cruz singing his love song, it is getting a little repetitive. However, it's still better than listening to him sing "Ave Maria" again.
La Paloma

Yes Anon, I forgot that Vic and Oz kept things from Fer from day one, not just after the accident. Regarding the comment from Pasofino. I think Alonso's telling Padre abou Maria being in danger with Max, was self centeredness only. He was out for himself. If Padre talks Maria into avoiding the whole family because of the dangers, that lets alonso back in the picture. don't we always see the the woman start seeing someone else, but they never get to be totally involved, because something always comes up and in the end, they get their knight in shinning armor back (fea mas bella, Gaviota) etc.

Paloma: De acuerdo. I'd like to hear something else from Cruz, too. He's growing on me, but, he's beginning to sound like Johnny One Note.

Thanks Kat! I can't believe you've been recapping so brilliantly during the run of a show! Best wishes for your next gig.

i confess the ten o'clock timeslot is getting to me. I was asleep during half of the episode. So I missed Alonso with his towel (is that right?, sounds weird). I don't like Al anyway, so no loss there. Who I do like is Fer, because her smile just lights up the screen (and her hair is pretty). I think she plays a teenager really well, unlike some teenagers who look old before they're twenty. Fer has a really childlike face, so I'm not having trouble believing she's still a high-school kid, but with intuition and a kind of primitive wisdom (as in: we can learn from Maria's goodwill instead of being spiteful and mean).

I guess we have to assume that Max is helping out financially (although, he hasn't lifted a finger to improve the filthy home environment). I mean, he's dumping the other baby on Maria like she's some kind of daycare center.

Kat thanks for your blog address and the recap. I hope you find a new project quickly! Loved "Burnie's House" it would be must-see-tv!

Yes Alonso continues to annoy. ITA w/Anon 12:05 about his warning to PJP though necessary was for selfish reasons. As Diasy noted, this plot device of leaving the innocent vulnerable to lunatics is annoying.

Thanks Kat, you are always clever, witty, and fresh.

"There are plenty of female viewers willing to console you. Not me, but, hey, you can't have it all."


The case that Alonso made to Padre JP only has one flaw... Maria D isn't on board. Thanks for encouraging him to move on, Kat. I don't think that he is listening, however.

That witness has great eyesight if she was able to discern that Ximena was slightly taller than Vicky... even though she was seated behind the steering wheel of a car.

Vicky needs to come out with a line of gangsta chic now that she has street cred from her night in the slammer.


This comment has been removed by the author.

@Carlos, I love the idea of gangsta'chic. But whatever happened to the barrio-wear they were planning? I thought Milagros was going to be the model and inspiration for a new line; not that she was going to sell out of a catalog. Now that would present serious credibility problems for any successful casa de modas. Do they want her to go door-to-door; or perhaps hold tupperware-style parties in the vecindad? Ha-hah, my word verif = "insell"

I think Fer is viewed as fragile because she's the youngest; the baby of the family. Sometimes parents and a family always think of the youngest as a child, treat them that way, and are in denial that the person is an adult. It happens in real life. My bet is that's Fer's place in the family dynamics. They protected her from truths and realities long before the accident.

Max has to be the best-looking dumb-as-a-rock galán in telenovela history. He's wealthy, drives a Lamborghini or Maserati, but doesn't even buy MD a cell phone so she can call for help? Gah! Where's my beanie hat.....?

OMG!!! ITA.... Osquito is soooo adorable!! ever since he came onboard, I always have to rewind just to see him over and over.

Doris - I am so with you re Max. That's why I'm hardly into this show.
such a waste of WL's talent and good-looks. I miss 'Alex Lombardo.'

I don't know that Max is providing that much now that he's had to sink so much money into a new company. Again, where is the paycheck Maria should be getting for the cosmetic ads (unless Alonso was using that as a come-on)?

Max does need to man up. Tonight somebody needs to tell him about Xi's latest stunt.

BTW, Ximeana wasn't driving the car that hit LindaHo; she shoved her off a balcony or something.

Urban A. Thanks. I forgot that Ximena pushed Linda in front of the car. So was the witness the person driving the car or someone standing nearby?

Fausto looked like he won the lottery when Bernarda gave him his new assignment... Eva seemed less pleased.


Eva is concerned that Fausto may be obsessed with Maria. She should never have told him that he isn't blood-related to JP.

Yes, Ximenaza was lying in wait on the sidewalk (well, standing, actually) and pushed LindaHo into traffic in front of the car and that witness was a bystander on the sidewalk where it happened. They all went into a restaurant or hotel or something and the lady went on and on about what she saw to the police (who showed up pretty fast) meanwhile X was in the restroom removing the incirminating costume. She later waltzed out, unrecognized, right past the testifying witness.

Kat: "modelrexic Xi" --LOL! Well, exactamundo! Stupid scene and even stupider to keep us wondering if the broad was going to pull a Leonela redux. Speaking of which, I wonder if we'll ever get a chance to "meet" her.

If Alonso has a shred of self-respect he will head back to wherever he hailed from. How does a guy like that fall in love with a bitch like Jimmie? I don't see it.

Love these recaps.

I'm glad to see Fer growing up. It becomes her.

Can anyone tell me where I can watch the episodes if I miss one?

Many thanks.

Anon. 4/22 11:23 PM
Try this link.

or Televisa's link.

or Daily Motion's link.

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