Thursday, April 07, 2011

Teresa Wed 4/6/11 #6 Teresa wants to see her sister...

Wow, this turned out way longer than I had anticipated. Hope you can suffer through it! I'll try to be shorter next time...

Let's dive right in:

We open where we left off, with Teresa meeting Ruben, Aida’s papa. Then everyone at the competition wondering where Teresa is, including her sister Rosita, who is disappointed that she hasn’t shown up yet. Then, on a dime, she is ecstatic to go get ready for the competition.
Back to the book party, where El Professor tries to give Teresa a signed book, and she charms him by saying to wait until she has read it and then they can talk about it together. Arturo is impressed.

New Stuff:
He agrees that this is a great idea; he wants her to read it. She lays on a little more charm and flattery, and then he gives her the book, saying he looks forward to what she has to say about it.

At the gym, in the locker room where Rosita and the others are preparing for the competition: El Johnny sneaks in to give her a good luck kiss. Quick beso, and she tries pushing him out. He first wants to ask how she feels. First she answers about the competition; when he clarifies, she says she feels fine health-wise. Better than ever. She talks about how she said she was going to dedicate the dance to her dad, but she wants to dedicate part of it to Johnny. They discover a secret way for her to dedicate the dance to him, by signaling with her eyes. They pinky-promise-peck on it.

Esperanza shows up—I think everyone in the vecindad will be coming to the competition—but she says she can’t stay and wants Rosita’s parents to tell her she wishes her good luck. Her mom begs her to stay un ratito, and she agrees to stay for ten minutes, she can’t be late on her first day to work. Whoopsie, she’s been lying about actually working at the hospital. Mom notices the slip up and she covers, by saying this will be her first day with this specific patient. An old lady who needs a home-care nurse. Momma doesn’t like that. She warns Esperanza to be muy careful, muy aware of what is going on, etc. Esperanza agrees. Mom is just worried about her kids, you can’t imagine how anxious she is to get the results from Esperanza’s friend-from-work doctor (she basically begged/bribed him to lie for her.)

Mariano is at the hospital talking to a former doctor that taught him before he left the medical program. He came to bring a little more money (The money Esperanza gave back to him bc Ruben, aka el hombre de bruto bigote, is crazy controlling and won’t let anyone else help her sick brother.) The doctor is delighted to hear that Mariano is back on the Med School track, and for good this time. Mariano has mucho talento! And I think the doctor even says that he doesn’t have to keep paying him, he is so happy to help. Mariano won’t have that. Something else? Yes, Mariano says. He asks about (I think!) Some doctor, who is the brother of his former doctor-professor, and then about the doc that came to help Esperanza’s hermanito the other day. They are all waiting on analyses from said doc, and Mariano thinks that what is making him sick could be something really bad.

Back at El Prof’s Pad. Teresa hears Malo Mustachio (I'm sorry but it is all I see when I look at his face!) talking to Arturo about her, the very beautiful girl that Arturo introduced to him. “No me digas que andas con ella.” The prof is pissed. “Que classe de pregunta es esa? Teresa es mi alumna mas brillante y punto.” Ruben spouts a whole bunch of crap amounting to this: I’m a sleazebag. When you’re married, you’ll understand. (Not a direct translation.) Arturo shows he’ll be one of the good guys, saying that marriage is a committment and a responsibility and dude, your daughter is like, totally the same age as Teresa. Gross! He knows this perfectly well. Of course he does. Blah blah, Teresa says something aloud to some flowers about Ruben and him making a big mistake.

Rosa is stretching, Johnny is fretting.

Teresa walks into a room, and once she sees Luisa, she fakes a headache—her excuse for leaving early and getting to the competition so she can see her sister, I assume. Luisa offers to get some pastillas (pills) to help her headache. I think she adds in something here about how she knows Luisa doesn’t like her very much, but hopefully when she knows her better that’ll change.

Aida walks in. Insults fly. Aida says Teresa always pops up in places where she doesn’t belong/doesn’t expect her to be. Teresa says, you want surprises, this is nada. There are muchas cosas about me you (all) don’t know. Aida says it’s an unpleasant (desagradable) surprise. Teresa says, you have no idea how unpleasant this little surprise I have for you will be. Aida wants to know what she is talking about. Teresa makes a Mock-what-could-it-be?/I-am-really-going-to-enjoy-this face.

Back to the crowd and the group part of the competition. With hula hoops. El Johnny and Armando are yelling but I can’t really hear with all the noise. Johnny is holding a sign “Vamos Rosa”, yelling excitedly, and I think sweating and scratching his face out of nervousness.

Aida vs. Teresa. A: Are you here looking for Paulo? Because if you are trying to get back with him— T: What fear of me you have! Sure, as you know Paulo continues to think of me. A: You don’t know how fast he came back to me once he left you. T: Stop worrying about Paulo. He’s [my gift to you], with a bow (moña) on top. (??) My surprise has nothing to do with him. For now. [Smirk.] Aida runs into her dad, and her dad talks about having met Teresa. They make it clear they are not friends. Aida calls Paulo, “You’ll never guess who I ran into at the Prof’s book signing.” (My apologies for the clumsy English translation. I just wanted to try and see if I could do a scene (almost) word for word.)

Aurora runs into Mariano in the hospital. He tells her he is studying again, and medicina at that!

Mariano goes and talks to the doctor who helped out Esperanza’s brother. The doc almost lets it slip about his little deal with her, by commenting that doctors are used to secrets—Secrets? “What are you talking about? Tell me. What happened with Esperanza?” Mariano is in concerned neighbor mode.

Paulo is at the book party. Teresa walks up to Paulo and Aida, usual stuff. I probably missed one or two of the famous Teresa lines, fill me in if I did. When she walks away, Aida says she is not okay just being there to make Teresa jealous.

Luisa and Teresa talk, meanwhile, Luisa accidentally hits a waiter’s tray and it makes a loud crash. Everyone looks, Teresa apologies, acting like it was her mistake. Luisa is grateful.

The doc and Mariano: He brushes off the secret talk, saying he thinks that the boy has a tumor in the riñon (kidney.) Mariano says he studies medicine and sort of understands all this, so please tell him the truth so he can help. He won’t know 'til the tests are done. Mariano explains he is the neighbor and friend of the fam, and the doctor realizes he is NOT Esp’s boyfriend. Mariano says she has no bf. The doctor hopes he really can help her. She needs help. Trust me dude, you’re telling the right guy. Mariano is ON IT.

More hula hoops.

Mariano visits his dad at work. Shop talk, then onto school. Mariano really is a future doctor. Papa is proud; it’s what mama would have wanted.

Aida talks to the prof, apologizing for being late. She totally lacks the magnetism of Teresa. Malo Mustachio comes around, tells her to ingratiate herself with the prof, he’s important. She’s annoyed, and lets it slip Teresa is poor. Sr. Mustache looks positively evil when he hears this. Another pobre chica he will try to control? Good luck with that. Teresa is no Esperanza. We’ll see.

Okay, now the whole neighborhood is officially at the competition. Minus Teresa and Esperanza. But everyone else is there. Seriously. Rosa is doing well. Refu realizes that Teresa is with the licenciado. Another person for Mariano to add to his list. This time it’s Refugio asking him to watch out for Teresa. He was so already on that one.

With his daughter gone, Ruben jumps on Teresa (not literally.... yet.) But Arturo sees and swoops in before much is said.

Cute scene with Aurora and her dad. He seems like a good guy. I bet he will be okay when she explains her teaching aspirations.

Later that day: The part we are all anticipating. Big dance. Johnny is over-excited from the other neighbors’ point of view. Teresa is still not there. All is going well, until Rosa's baton goes up, and she goes down. Mariano almost literally flies out of his seat, (maybe his instincts are part of the talento the doctor spoke of.) Wow, he even gets a tn character to call an ambulance within a few seconds. He should be able to graduate on that alone. CPR. Caras impactadas.

Teresa got a ride to the gym with icky Ruben. They talk outside. He is slimy. She realizes he may be useful to her with an eyebrow raise as she turns away.

The ambulance is there. Rosa’s not waking up. Teresa sees the ambulance and hopes nothing serious has happened. She takes Ruben’s card. He kisses her cheek. She runs into Mariano, who tells her that her little sister had a heart attack (infarto).

Luisa and Arturo talk after everyone has left. They thank each other. She says how much Teresa helped her. She asks if he has another motive for helping her. She mentions Paloma and he flips—he doesn’t want to hear that name and anyway, she’s dead to him. He seems like the dead one, Luisa says. Paloma left him before (or at?) their wedding. He is fuming but he walks away. She regrets saying anything.

Paulo is picking up his mother. Again. Is he also her chauffeur? I thought they were rich. She rips the photos of Teresa he was looking at. Momma is not thrilled to hear that Teresa will be at the same university as him. If he gets back with her, he can forget about his money and his credit cards. She also tells him to get over her by getting with otras. Good advice mom.

Teresa is crying and upset about her sister, insisting they all go to the hospital. She curses money (or lack thereof). Johnny is also very upset.

Aida talks with her mom and dad. I have no interest in this scene.

At the hospital: Teresa and Johnny are the most visibly upset. Teresa holds the card and says she would even go there—to Aida’s dad—to help her lil sis.

Esperanza’s day at work was difficult. There isn’t anything she can do for her paitent. She felt useless. She hears the news and (though worried about her lies) rushes to the hospital with Cutberto. They run into Aurora and she goes with them. She walks in and sees Teresa crying on Mariano. If there was any jealousy or surprise in that instant, it was barely visible and gone immediately. She says Teresa can count on her for anything.

The doctor comes out. I’ll use Mariano’s translation for my translation: Rosa’s condition is delicate. The doc says they are doing everything they can, but right now, her life is in God’s hands. Teresa begs to see her. She can’t right now. Everyone breaks down a little more. Then the girls from the competition show up. Rosa got first place. They bring a medal and give it to Rosa’s parents.

Luisa apologies. Arturo accepts. He says his books and work are his life now. Love, women, etc. are just not in his plans. (Not if Teresa has anything to say about it.) He clarifies that Teresa is just his alumna. I wonder how many times he’s said that/will say that before this tn is over.

More sadness, crying. Teresa flips on the people from the competition because the coach lets it slip that Rosa fainted earlier in the week (I think.) She flips more, a nurse shushes them, the coach and girls leave. Esperanza’s mom tells her to talk to the nurse, tell her she works there. Esp snaps, then apologies. Juana hands some money from her and the others to Rosa’s parents. Aurora overhears and calls her papa. He barely lets her explain before he offers his help and says he will call the hospital. See! Nice guy.

Aurora tells Teresa that she called her dad. Count of me, Aurora says. Teresa, almost like a knee-jerk reaction, says that she doesn’t want to depend on her. Aurora’s dad got the head of cardiology to help with anything he can. The parents beg to see her. Cut to them with scrubs over their clothes and masks on. Dad is first. He gives her the medal. He has to put it in her hand. Sad conversation between papa and hija.

Mom’s turn the next morning. She is talking excitedly, trying the positive attitude approach. She talks about her party, dress, etc. Rosa says she wants to see Johnny, admits they like each other, and that, with permission, they want to be novios. Mom agrees to help convince dad. Then she says "Do you think Teresa" (and this part was hard for me to make out because she was whispering) “tambien quiera… Mariano?...” Did anyone get that???? Refugio’s answer is that Teresa loves Rosa. Rosa starts a sentence, “Yo…” then, uh oh. Flat line. Panic. Doctors run into her room. Teresa flips again. Woah, seriously? Did he just say what I think he said? Yep. People are freaking out. Black clothes in the avances. Rosa has died.

Vocab is embedded. I am far from fluent in Spanish so please don't hesitate to correct me on any mistakes!!!



Samantha: Congratulations! This was marvelous. What an amazing beginning...We are very fortunate to have such intelligent, insightful recappers. Your debut sparkled and shone.

All of the thoughtful details and embedded vocabulary you provided are greatly appreciated. "pinky-promise-peck" and "Ruben spouts a whole bunch of crap amounting to this: I’m a sleazebag. When you’re married, you’ll understand" were only a few of my favorite lines.

Rosa's death really tugged at the heartstrings. True despair and heartache. I don't know which was worse - Johnny's cries, Teresa's stunned disbelief or Rosa's mother's anguished cries. Ack. Difficult to watch.

Now we know the catalyst as to the person Teresa will ultimately become.

Aida obviously inherited all of Ruben's bad traits. Could Ruben possibly be any more despicable?


Samantha- Great debut recap! Not too long at all. Thanks for the details and the embedded vocab.

I was a crying mess by the end of this episode when it was announced Rosita had died. Armando and Refugio had been stoic up till that point, while Teresa and Johnny were a mess throughout.

Teresa was also really ticked off to learn Rosita had been having these health problems. Mom, Dad, Johnny, and the coach knew, but no one had told her. That was really feeding into her rage and grief. And now she didn't even get to talk to her sister before she died, even though she was the one begging the most to see her. At least everyone else got to see Rosa in her last shining moment at the competition.

I know the neighbors are all in each other's business, but they are REALLY good neighbors and friends. No one hesitates to help someone (with money or resources they barely have), or to look out for someone. And Aurora's dad is also a gem. He knows Mariano is poor (Aurora spoke of him as Teresa's neighbor), and is pleased he's studying medicine. During his cute talk with her when she mentioned Mariano was studying medicine at the same university, he pretended to be concerned, and then when she said Mariano was ahead of her by a few terms, he said he was pleased because his concern was about her staring at Mariano all day at not paying attention in class if they were in the same classes. He was clearly teasing her. I agree that he would be understanding if she finally came out and told him she wants to be a teacher instead.

When Mariano first heard the name of the doctor who is Esperanza's "friend", he remarked that it was the same last name at the doc who treated his mom and assumed they were brothers. He was right. They are brothers and have a practice together, with the younger brother specializing in pediatrics. Both of them seem like nice guys. I wish Mariano would have accepted the offer to forget the debt. That would help him and his dad out a lot.

Running gag: Juana eats fruit ALL the time. Oranges, red apples, green apples. Last night she even brought her own chili powder to sprinkle on her apple at the gymnastics competition. LOL!

Great job, Samantha! Thank you so much. :D

Here are the You Tube links for Episode 6:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

I just woke up; I'll be back...

I think Teresa is planning a surprise to reveal to Aida, and all, what a cheating scumbag Ruben is. He thinks he's the hunter, but with Teresa he's the prey.

Luisa really made a turn around in attitude towards Teresa. She sees the attraction between Teresa and her brother and wants him to have a love life and be happy. She said that when Paloma left him at the altar she (Luisa) was only 11 years old. So it has been a LONG time since Arturo has had a serious relationship. Damn, what did that Paloma do to him?! His life has been taking care of Luisa (since their parents are dead), and his work. Along with saying Teresa is his student (how many times will we hear this excuse), he says that she's even younger (mas chica) than Luisa and there's too much of an age difference. Luisa answers by pointing out his charms (he has many), and that age is not that important. She's totally on Team Arturo-Teresa.

Samantha, thanks for your hard work. Your first recap was fabulous, lots of good details! Thanks! 

Well the plot thickens, it seems that Arturo, after an untimely and unpleasant breakup, has dedicated his life to his books and work. Did I hear him say something about vindicating himself to his parents? This is a VERY complicated, interesting relationship setup. All Teresa novios are sympathetic characters. 

I seldom cry in a novela, but Rosa's death was very emotional. I'm glad she learned about her metals and I'm relieved that Teresa made it to the very end.  I did feel a little inner peace, because Rosa would have been so unhappy on the sidelines as a heart patient.  Very sad! 


Vivi, I think Teresa has something GOOD in mind for Aida. This is ridiculous, but  when that happens I plan to close my eyes and pretend Aida is Bertha from LVO again. Bertha never got her just desserts in that novela!!!! 

Esperanza has created such a quagmire of lies for herself. She is really needed now, her hospital coworkers could have helped Rosa and the sick boy. I don't see how she stands to look in the mirror!  All this for for the guy wearing the worst rag in television? Wonder what will happen to his pelo in a romantic scene! I think I'll FF through that one! 

Is Rosa really dead? How could it happen so fast--in one episode? Thinking that in other soap operas it would be continued for weeks...It was strange that the doctors were only in the room for about 2 minutes when they announced she was dead. They did not do much to try to revive her.

Forgot to say what a great recap!

Congratulations, Samantha; this is an excellent start.

Ruben will be in deep merde if he attempts to mess with Teresa. I don't think she'd be above blackmailing him. I agree that he is uber-creepy for wanting to hit on a classmate of his own daughter.

Arturo is trying too hard and his sister is right. For him to forswear love forever is absurd, so that won't last long. It's too bad that he will fall into Teresa's trap.

Samantha: A terrific start! Full of charming snark, too. LOL! I loved your descriptions of Aida's preppy-lusting papi.

"With his daughter gone, Ruben jumps on Teresa (not literally.... yet.)"

" el hombre de bruto bigote, is crazy controlling "

Well, it took a long time for Mariano and the paramedics to revive Rosa in the gym so it's really not a surprise she crashed again, this time for good.

Samantha, again, thank you so much! Great job. Don't worry about the length; IMO they naturally get shorter the more you write them.

It looks like Teresa might use Rubén to get revenge on Aída and Paulo; she promised them she would. Looking forward to that -- and control-freak Rubén has no idea what trouble he's in for.

Man, I could hardly believe they actually killed off Rosita! Well, there is going to be lasting fallout of the guilt variety for Teresa, I'm thinking. It's a defining moment for her.

Yeah…Arturo seems like still water; but there's a lot of suppression going on under there, it appears. That will be interesting to resolve.

Vivi, LOL, I had not noticed about the fruit; thanks for the tip!

Samantha, really, really good recap. Looking forward to reading the next one. I love "malo mustache" ITA, he'll get what he desearves, that eyebrow of Teresa spells trouble for him-she'll probably never dish out but will tease all kinds of amusement and revenge for herself.

Great recap, Samantha!

I think when Rosita was dying, she asked her Mom, "Do you think Teresa loves me, too?", And her Mom said yes. This gave Rosita peace.

The younger doctor's name is Hernán. I think his last name is Ledesma. I'm hoping Esperanza breaks up with Rubén and goes with Hernán.

I also could barely believe that Rosita died, so early in the novela, but it looks as if she did. And of course, this will really harden Teresa, who will NEVER (for a while, at least) love anyone again.

Samantha: Congratulations on your first recap! Great job fellow newbie.

When Refugio and Rosita are talking about the Quinceanera after Rosita asks permission to be novios with Johnny, she asks mom if she thinks Teresa would want to dance with Mariano. That's when Refugio says Teresa loves her and Rosita says "y yo.....a ella" flatline.

So sad. Teresa is really torn up. I was also surprised at how soon we had a death in the cast. Fast work.

Awesome recap Samantha. Loved it from start to finish. When the doctor announced that Rosa didn't make it and Refugio screamed, the tears started flowing down my eyes. Such raw emotion and anguish. I think this is the turning point for Teresa doing whatever it takes to get out of poverty.

Arturo protests too much that Teresa is just his alumna. He can't admit to himself that he is very attracted to her and we know that he was burned in the past per his conversation with Luisa.

I'm wondering if Ruben thinks he's going to be Teresa's sugar daddy. I wonder will Teresa do it just to get back at Aida.

What an episode. I know tonight's show will be just as riveting.

Woo, Pirate Babe, I was worried when Teresa whipped out Rubén's card, thinking she'd get into hock with him or whatever it took to pay for Rosita's hospital bills.

Luckily, Aurora and her dad came to the rescue. Wow, I really like Aurora. It is hard not to; I have a feeling of dread that Teresa is going to screw her over.

I have the same dread about Teresa screwing Aurora over too Jeri. We all know Teresa doesn't want Aurora to be interested in Mariano. However, Aurora truly cares for Teresa and thinks of her as her best friend. I'm not looking forward to the friendship souring as I'm sure it will as the story goes along and Teresa becomes more hardened.

Thanks for the nice comments everyone! Thanks Homobre de Misterio and Paquitadelbarrio for the clarification on Rosita's last words! They are obviously important and I wanted to get them right but after rewinding and replaying my recording five times with my ear to the tv and my eyes closed, I decided that I would just put what I heard and ask you guys.

And Jeri, I hope that is true about them getting shorter as I go. I think this was something like five pages!

I can't believe Rosa died, either! And on my first recap ever! I agree it was really well done, how quick they made it happen seemed to only add to the shock/confusion/sadness of the family and all of us viewers.

I agree that I love Aurora. She is awesome. And it seems like Teresa refuses to just let herself be friends with Aurora. No matter how hard Aurora tries, Teresa is still distant and lies and tries not to lean on her in any way, like a real friend would.

Special thanks to Vivi in DC for giving me the info about the tagging!!

Again, you guys are all awesome. Thanks for the nice words! It was great fun and I'm excited to do it again!

Did you notice that Teresa lied to her family right away when she got to the gym?

She laid on a big story to excuse her lateness, claiming with arm waving and fake frustration about the insane traffic and taxis, etc.

That's why I think that guilt is at the root of her reaction to Rosita's death -- the reason she screamed at the poor gynmasts -- and that she is going to ride guilt to heights of ruthlessness.

I don't think it's just because she loved her sister and regrets it; but she's going to lay it at the feet of that and sacrifice all love. Whadya think...

Jeri, I'm hoping it doesn't actually become ruthlessness, but fear you have pegged it (once agin) amiga.

Guilt ia a powerful motivator in and of itself but when combined with blind ambition is an unstoppable combustible.


Samantha: Thank you for the fantastic recap, you got a big episode and you did it more than justice.

I think Teresa does care about Aurora but she is too guarded and I think that while she cares about her, she also feels for her the same as she did for her classmates in high school: that she is unfairly priviledged.

The promo's of Teresa in México spoiled Rosita's dead before the novela started but I'm glad univision kept quiet about this because my guess is that the shock of what happened must have been effective.


I think Teresa does care about Aurora but she is too guarded and I think that while she cares about her, she also feels for her the same as she did for her classmates in high school: that she is unfairly priviledged.

And this is sad because for all we know (and all Teresa knows) Daddy Alcazar could have been just as poor as Mariano, but decided to make something of himself and is now a millionaire doctor.

And if Teresa becomes rich herself and had children going to the rich school, wouldn't other poor people feel that Teresa and her spawn are unfairly priviledged, too?

The promos in America showed Teresa crying at a funeral but doesn't show who's funeral it was.

Samantha, great recap and what an episode. I could not believe that Rosita died in the first week. I could figure out the look on Aurora was it shock because of the death or the reaction of the death by the family?

I noticed the fruit being passed around by Juana and pegged her as the mother hen of the neighborhood.

They are a lot of loving and caring characters in this TN which is very unusual. I hope some of it rubs off on Teresa before this is over.


Samantha, thanks for the recap. I missed the episode last night. Never ever expected Rosa to be gone so soon.

I don't like Teresa not being straight with Aurora about Mariano, but I do understand Teresa wanting to hang onto both Mariano and Arturo at the same time. My guess is she'll cling to Mariano even more now that she needs comfort.

Samantha this was a fantastic first recap. Thanks so much for giving us your time.

I give the same praise to Frances for your wonderful first recap also.

Jeri - thanks for posting the lyrics of the title song and translation!

Thanks, Samantha. Maunuel Landete looks so different...and smarmy ...wearing that rug. Is Teresa's friend's dad the same actor who played Sixto in Amor Real . If so, he's gained a lot of weight.

Samantha, I haven't seen this episode yet, but when I heard it was your debut recap I had to come over here and check it out. Buen hecho! You recap like a skilled veteran; very informative and entertaining. I feel like I saw it!

I'm glad we're getting some recappers on board for this show; it's looking good. Teresa and both her manly prospects have way more chemistry than our leads on LldA, where the sparks are so one-sided.

I think the toupée makes Rubén look older and Teresa's youth (AB was just 21 when this episode was shot) makes him look more smarmy.

Julia that's too bad considering the leads in LldA are together now in real life. Maybe it was nerves os showing too much of an atraction at that point.



Samantha, a great recap! In my opinion, the more detail, the better! I loved your observation about Mariano's incipient medical skills:

"Wow, he even gets a tn character to call an ambulance within a few seconds. He should be able to graduate on that alone."

How perfect.

Jeri and Pirate Babe, put me in the group of really hoping against hope that Theresa doesn't screw Aurora over. Aurora's character is very sweet.

I'm liking the Arturo character more. I've never seen him in anything before and he looked too much like a pretty boy. But l like how they are portraying him as a "still waters run deeper" kinda guy.

Theresa looks like even at such a young age that she will be able to handle Aida's father. That's going to be mucho divertido to watch.

Yes, I have to say, this part of the lyrics bothers me in connection with unsuspecting Aurora...

"Esa Mujer fue mi amiga,
Maldito sea el día,
Robó lo que más quería,
Y todo por ambición,
Yo sé que ella estan bonita,
Que hasta parece bendita,
Pero es un ángel caído,
Ella es una maldición."

P.S. Aurora's father did play "Sixto" in Amor Real (Óscar Bonfiglio - "Héctor Alcázar").

I was glad to see him; there's always been something about him I find attractive.

Yes those lyrics are worrisome Jeri. They sound as if they could be coming from Aurora's viewpoint. Hope not!

Incredible Samantha. You really hit the ground running. Love your fresh point of view. And great comments. You are going to enjoy recapping and all the great response you'll be getting on this one. Congratulations!

Thanks Julia, JudyB, Barbara, everybody! I tried to capture the brilliance (and fun) of all the recaps I've been faithfully reading up until now. I love the whole idea of this blog and have visited almost every day since I first discovered it... oh, about six months ago? I'm happy to be a part of it!

Samantha, thanks for the excellent recap. I appreciate being able to keep up with Teresa even when I don't watch every moment.
La Paloma

Great recap! I felt like I was actually watching the episode (I watched it last night but have to read the English bc my Spanish is about 80 percent-- I'm always missing stuff!!!) I'm loving this novela!

So sorry for this very late comment, am just now catching up on last week's episodes.

Wow, Frances and Samantha you two are amazing! What fantastic first recaps. They were fascinating and perfect, thank you so much for your hard work. I would not have enjoyed Tuesday and Wednesday's episodes as much without your terrific interpretations. I can't wait to read more of both of your recaps.

Sixto! That's who Aurora's dad is; I couldn't place him.

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