Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #114-115 5/17/11 TDA Minicap and Discussion

I will leave this up as a discussion page, but again, if anybody has a few highlights to add, I will be happy to include them here.  Also, as I am unable to post to the sidebar, will somebody be kind enough to do it for me?  Thanks in advance!   --Jardinera654

Osvaldo is Max's father, Max is not Osvaldito's biofather, Victoria remembers Bernardo coming to tell her who her daughter is but cannot remember what name she said, Padre is supermad that his mother was so devious and chewed her out, she insists she kept her end of the bargain, he's still trying to get her to be a good girl and seems to have forgotten that she's a MURDERER.

Cruz wore supertight pants and a big hat and did the singing competition and was a big hit.

Maria got in a fight with Bernarda and told her she'll never see the baby again.

The fashion show was flashy but the clothes were boring and why the heck was Pipino still designing the night before? Doesn't it take time to make fancy designer duds?

JPito was left in the care of Milagros so of course Bernarda takes the opportunity to kidnap him.


As a fledgling Spanish learner, I hope someone can recap last night briefly. I got nothing out of it, not even the results of the DNA test. I gather from body language that baby Osvaldo was Max's son, but I could not even tell if there was a "no" in the results statement Max made.
I picked up a little more when the fashion show began. Maybe it was because I was so worried that Maria was going to fall out of her dress, I paid more attention.

It was all gibberish to me that I had to keep rewinding...but I believe that I heard that Osvaldo is Max's father (Leonela lied)but Max is not Osvaldito's father (this, we all knew).

Jardinera, I posted this to the sidebar for you.

Capn/Julia: Thank you both!

Having been in the fashion industry I can tell you they are NOT working on their designs the night before. Maybe a hem adjustment here and there but not creating the designs!? But again, this is Telenovella land. I've also never seen a "Battle of the Bands" format for fashion shows where there are multiple runway shows and then one designer wins?!

Where did Milagros go that she left baby JP unattended? I caught something about delivering a magazine of Casa Victoria fashions. That seems unlike Milagros to leave the baby with the door unlocked, especially in that bad neighborhood and while the baby was wide awake!

Thought the same thing about Cruz' tight pants and I think even he was self-conscious because he kept his sombrero in front of him the rest of the time he was in that get up!!!

Can't believe JP is letting his mother get away with telling Vic while she was asleep. As far as I'm concerned, that gives him free reign to tell her himself!


My favorite part was the conversation between Maria and Padre JP, when she told him that Alonso was sick but seemed to have finally accepted she wasn't interested. She said Alonso was foolish and PJP made this hilarious amused expression and she laughed and said, "I know, I'm foolish, too." I love what that actor can do with small moments.

Oh, another plot bit was that Ximena was nearly arrested backstage at the fashion show, but then the scummy guy whose name I can't remember showed up with papers that were somehow "in order" so then they didn't arrest her. After Bernardo did some imperious bossiness about not allowing the police to arrest her model, like they're really going to agree that this little fashion show is more important than the law.

OK, please indulge me again. Why was Xi being arrested? Do we know?

Also, what was the cancer diagnosis? Is it malignant and requires chemo and/or radiation? I thought I caught first a good diagnosis and then a bad one.

Thanks so much Julia. I also did not understand how there could be any kind of legal loophole that would let an attempted murderer go free to do fashion shows and what not. QTH?!!!

So glad that Big Os is Max's bio dad.

Stupid, stupid move on Milagro's part. It's not like the baby is too big to carry with the magazines she was taking to the Jarochas. In fact, it's not like delivering those mags couldn't have waited till the next day. Stupid plot device and totally out of character.

I was also waiting for a wardrobe malfunction with Maria.

So if Bernarda, of her own free will, revealed her confessional secret, why can't PJP do it now and just tell Vicky? They are playing real fast and loose with these confessional rules.

Why does everyone in this have an extreme lack of curiosity? Wouldn't they push some more to know why Vicky has to stay in the hospital for an extended time for what was some "simple, routine women's" procedure? I know they're men, and kind of ignorant about women's anatomy, but since most lady parts are internal (reproductive) or are otherwise breasts, there should be some red flags raised in their minds.

Padilla the troll aparently is the consiglieri for the Bernarda team. He brought in some official papers that said it was ok for Ximena to escape from the manicomio as long as she takes her medication. I don;t know much about the fashion world but it would seem incongruous to have padilla and the scorpion tatooed guy backstage amongst all those glittering models. Whats up with Fausto and Eva these days? Aren't they plotting revenge on Bernarda? They hardly talk anymore. Eva seems to have been beguiled with her new look. I loved the photo they took of the three crazy women.

They got the first tumor out, but also found another tumor which was also malignant. So now the doc is saying Vic needs chemo and/or radiation, but may need a mastectomy. So even though the doctor says the prognosis is pretty good, Victoria is just destroyed at the thought of a mastectomy and wants to die. Or something; I don't pay much attention when she's crying.

I think Vicky's doc said the good news was that they got the whole tumor that was found to be malignant. Yay! The bad news is that they found another malignant tumor that they had not detected before and is harder to get at. Boo! So she will require further treatment. How in the heck she plans to hide this from her family is beyond me (except that they are incredibly stupid). She has also not learned her lesson about secret-keeping. Sheesh!

Absolutely LOVE this show even though I understand Spanish only marginally better than I speak it, which is to say, not that much. Can someone maybe answer a question for me? Has this show already finished in on Mexican TV? Reading about it on Wikipedia, they seem to be quite a bit ahead in the plot.....Is the show we see on Univision behind by a week or two or something?

Obviously stupidity was in the air again with Milagros leaving the baby unattended in a dicey neighborhood with the door not only unlocked but open. If I were Maria and Vic I'd tear a piece of skin off her for that horrible (plot dictated) bad judgement. And all this to deliver flyers!

Yep bad news on the cancer front. It seemed to me that the original lump was encapsulated and had not metastasized but during the surgery they found another one that had not shown up on the original speed of light test and it was bad news. I seemed to remember mention of chemo and surgery. Later on Vic was moaning the loss of a breast and not being a complete woman.

Horrible stupidity before the fashion show. I guess in TN they can whip up couture duds in mere minutes just like getting cancer diagnosis and DNA results. The show itself had the most ghastly clothes and Leonela looked hideous in that ill fitting dress. I'm curious to see how Gui and Bernie will stage manage those exclusive interviews to keep the truth about the prison time out.

As I recall the guys came to arrest Xi for escaping the looney bin and being a danger to the public but somehow Bernie had pulled some strings and claimed that they had papers (probably from a TN quack) that said she was in treatment and no danger.

Leonela lied about Gui being Max's dad. Surprise, surprise, surprise! That was a nice little scene but as I was watching the beginning of it i kept thinking Max being dumb would not open the envelope and that it would fall into the wrong hands as these kinds of things always do.

Noticed that when he was being carried around by Natty the baby spit up again. I may be petty but i would dearly love to see him really toss his cookies all over his bis abuela.

Bernie has to be nuts if she thinks she isn't going to the be the prime suspect at least in JP's eyes since he appears to have some brains. I just wish he would stop trying to SAVE the unsavable and turn his mother in before she commits yet more crimes. How many does she have to have on her resume before he realizes she is a danger to everyone.

I remain curious to see how Vic thinks she can hide her cancer especially if she suddenly ends up with a missing breast?

I am in complete shock that nobody locks their doors. I'm often told by people who live outside NYC that they don't have to, but this is beyond belief.

I also have a problem with the idea that someone could have papers that allow a dangerously insane person to run around scot-free.

Osvaldo is Max's dad, Max is not Osquito's dad; this is exactly what I expected. Nurture will trump nature here, we know. Max beat the bad maternal genes but he will have to work twice as hard as Osvaldo did to beat the deadly combo of Gui and Xi.

Bernarda kidnapping little JP is no surprise. Nothing is beneath her. Knowing her attitude about JP being a father if I were Maria or Max I would blackmail her into returning the baby by threatening to go to the media.

Isn't it bizarre that after this much time Max and Osvaldo still haven't compared notes to realize that Maria is Victoria's lost hija? I don't know whether I'd rather they figure it out first or Victoria finding it out by Maria telling her that JP is her father.

The tight pants are de rigeur for a traje de charro. In concert life Pablo Montero is very much at home in them. But he still needs to shave. That's all he needs to do to look like a fairy tale prince.


I read on another site that this show is still filming and is due to end on June 26. They are a month ahead of us so we have much more stupidity to watch. This show is actually so bad it is fun to watch not like Teresa which i found virtually unwatchable from the first week.


Thank you for all the comments everyone, especially Julia for clarifying "who's the daddy" and who isn't. I thought William Levy and Osvaldo both did a wonderful job with the scene - very heartfelt.

I also loved the few light moments, especially Maria (Maite) making no attempt to hide her laughter at Pep's antics on the runway (he will alwys be Braulio to me).

This is getting better each epiode (cancer and baby abduction aside).


yes, Dani that's exactly it; it's so bad, it's fun to watch. Also, I'm totally mesmerized by the ability of every cast member to cry, profusely, at the drop of a hat.

Hopefully they'll figure out a way to show flashbacks of Linda or something cuz, I couldnt take my eyes off of her anytime she was on screen....

Jardinera and Julia thank you for posting this for us today.

Finally the Sandoval men are using their brains for a change it took them long enough to go and get a DNA test. That should have been the first thing Max should have done after telling Os what his real mother told him about whose his daddy.

I don't think Max ever pressed charges against XXX-factor for the attempted murder of him and her son. We all know dopey Maria D didn't when she should have for the knife incident.

Milagros really i agree if that was your precious JJ you certainly wouldn't have been happy with him being left alone like that.

SO we're supposed to considered that top fashion and Leonela outclassed Maria D. who did look great in that blue number she wore?

Know one knows yet the exact number of episodes this novela is right?

I'm glad someone misses poor Linda. It seems like when they started this tn, the writers had very different ideas for some of these storylines and just changed their minds, due to the public or something else:

1) Linda/Ossie/Victoria afair
2) Nati/Fab love story
3) Dead JuanJo
4) Fake Maria (Magdalena/Desarreglada) and Lorena (her real mom?)
5) Eva/Fausto and their revenge
6) Ofelia/her husband/Gui/Ossie

Thank you Jardinera for opening the discussion on last night's episode.

Major rolling of eyes when I saw the Burda World of Fashion magazine patterns hanging on what looked like a clothesline behind Pipino in his studio. AFAIK, using them for Vic's clothing line would be copyright infringement ..... not to mention a sad commentary on Pip's (lack of design or pattern drafting) skills. Or laziness. Or else they didn't think Viewerville would recognize them. Meh.

I thought Milagros was going to have a heart attack, not go off and leave JPito to be kidnapped.

Leo's dress in the fashion show definitely made her butt look big and here look fat. Ewww.

We could have done without the chipmunk designer brawl.
doris. From my phone

i do miss linda also, she made the show funny and the designers make it funny also. leonela looked terrible in that dress and Marie looked good, and poor x factor as she is called is completely crazy and what doctor give pill to a addict. max is luckly hes not that losers son.

That fashion show was just sad. I know they don't have the wardrobe budget to do real high fashion, but can't they at least pull something more interesting from the closet? Or hire a few just-starting-out young designers to make some stuff for supercheap in exchange for a listing in the credits and an opportunity to showcase their wares? Or at least put the big star model in a dress that fits?

Taking a super basic strapless mermaid dress and stapling some crap to the bust is a pretty sorry excuse for fashion. Bernie, your company sucks.

My title for these episodes are more foolishness where villians continue to get away with mischiefs/crimes and a foolish fashion show where the characters displayed themselves and boring outfits.

I am glad that Osvaldo is Max's real dad. However, I feel sorry for baby Osvaldo who have two crazy parents that don't care about him. I bet they would or try to rid themselves of little Osvaldo before this novela is over.

I personally didn't like Leonela's dress that she modeled on the cat walk. She looked like a ship that was sailing. Especially didn't like the black ruffles that covered her breast. Finally, I think she is too old to be modeling compared the other models that were featured.

I am enjoying this novela, for one reason seeing Pipino acting foolishly and silly. He makes me laugh. I do mute some areas that I don't want to hear.

We will see what happen next now that Bernarda and her two cronies kidnapped baby Juan Pablo. I wonder how long the baby will be missing and be rescued. Hold in there, baby JP.

Haha i agree i found nothing at all attractive about the gown that Leonela was wearing strutting down the walkway. I did love Maria D.'s dress and she was really working it now who ever voted that Bernie's had the better fashions should get their eyes checked.

So now we are led to believe you can breakout of the manicomo after being put there because not only are you a danger to others but yourself.So the law will easily over look this because they got a Dr.'s note stating that the druggie and alcoholic is on medication prescribed by her Dr. it's ok to let her run amok?

Real nice work from Mejia and his minions great message he's sending out with this basura.

Leonella is waaaaay too old to be a model. For that matter, so is M ya no D.

ITA Anon1:06. That photo of the three sociopathic murderesses is priceless. How many murders/attempted murders between the 3? It will take more than make-up and tight dresses to make them beautiful...

Judy B.

Whew, Jar, what a lot of filler we got in this episode--and then WHAM! just what we expected--in the last 3 seconds. Lucky you.

Just how does Dona Dem think she can abscond with a baby, take care of his physical needs and bring him up HERSELF as a pure, unadulterated little PJP? Doesn't she have a business to run? There's no one left at home--she's shipped Fausto off to the Barrio; Eva is working for her, as is Roxy; Alarcan and Padilla wouldn't know which end to diaper; and Xi--I think Bernarda knows better than enlist her as babysitter.

About the fashion show--yawn. If it was to be such a big deal, they should have spent a little more time on the individual models and their gowns (what, no spring suits in the bunch). AND, I kept wondering what Bernarda was going to be showing, being as she made such a big deal of Victoria's line of clothing when she got ahold of the business that it was too revealing and provocative. Leonela risked a wardrobe malfunction just as nearly as Maria did.

Everyone elses comments are right on down the line--nice moments with PPJP/Maria; Os/Max; LOL with the police barging in on the show; good spitting contest between Maria and Bernie--of course suspicion is going to fall on her first.

I hate it when Uni and Telef start teasing us with Muy Pronto and then don't follow up with times, start dates, etc. I never saw Alborada and am looking forward to it, even in the middle of the day or night.
Newbie O-K

You know, I really hate seeing children model adult clothes. A few months ago I was handed a copy of WWD with a photo of three models who couldn't have been more than 14 years old and had 0% body fat. I think this is sick.

Leonela once must have been beautiful, but time hasn't been kind to her. Her face is not even symmetrical; it looks like she once had an operation that didn't go well. Bernarda would have been a better model than she.

Speaking of whom, why didn't baby JP scream his head off when she snatched him?

Thanks Julia and Jardinera for the post. I have decided to let my mind go blank and not think too much about the plot lines in this TN. I find that I am able to enjoy it that way. So Dona Mill decides to lock a baby in alone to hang out with her friendenmies.How is that a bad thing in TN world? It would have been understandable if she had to use to ladies room but hey we can't have it all.Real life sucks enough,so let's all just let this temporary nonsense wash all over us. Let's all take a deep breath and exhale calmly. There, don't you all feel better.Those of you with your daggers drawn to do battle with Majia , forgive his trespasses and let him be. Think of the beauty of the young actors and just enjoy them. You know 5yrs from now,you'll wonder what happened to their looks. I hope this show gets better but I am not holding my breath. it really could be worse.

Bernarda certainly has a flair for dressing appropriately for a crime. I loved the outfit she donned to kidnap little JP.

I don't know if it's been mentioned here, but last night I noticed that Bernarda's designer looks a lot like Tomas Mora (LFMB).

As far as I'm concerned, Bernarda has told Vicky who her daughter is so Padre JP is released from any restriction and is free to discuss his daughter with her mother... punto.


"Speaking of (Bernarda), why didn't baby JP scream his head off when she snatched him?"
- My guess is that it's 'la llamada de la sangre.' ;o)

There is something deeply wrong about Bernarda looking to an infant male as her salvaltion to reedeem her from her sins, if you know what I mean . . .

Carlos - I believe you are correct! The actor playing LF is Tomas from LFMB. There was something about his face that was bugging me, now I know.

Too funny..... I thought Bernarda looked like Zorro with her black outfit on.....Yes anon @ 4:37 I agree with u.....i really think of this novela as entertainment and remember when i start to get critical that it is a novela and thats what they do...they are outrageous and over the edge in all they do......we all know there is no where on this planet we can get diaginosed with cancer have surgery in the same where.....and stay up til who knows what time to sew dresses for a fashion show and have them not look home made...i have done that with halloween costumes and they look like shit the next day.....If i was a Sandoval i would change my last name.....they have bad juju.......hahahahaha.......i really don't think i will watch tonights episode because we all know what is going to happen.........everyone crying , running around looking for the baby, running around some more more crying.......i think i will just read about it the recapp and all...... its bad enough i see the news filled with Arnold schwartnager and his novela.... BNinCA

Thanks so much Jardinera. I really hope things pick up. I can't believe so little happened in those two hours.

BNinCa maybe we should recruit you to finish writing this novela lord knows you would probably be doing a better job than what we have gotten so far. I'm lol right now because from the way this novela has been written what you described as might be happening tonight later in our two hour episodes will probably be happening.Blech!

ROFL with the Arnold Schwartnager comment i do wonder if Maria Shriver gave him the same look Victoria gave Osvaldo as she was being locked up for murdering his mistress? You just couldn't keep it in your pants huh look!!!!!!!!:)

Thanks for the summaries, recappers. I have been reading your recaps for a few years now, and I would not have been able to follow the stories without them!

why are they bringing up the arnold s deal, who cares leave the family alone, there are more going on thats important than is like our country. The show was good but how many more times do we have to see marie cry about the baby. and max factory druggie is really crazy do something about her plz. she has lost all reality.

Doris, what’s wrong with a big butt?? as far as I’ve heard people like big butts and They cannot lie;)

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