Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #104 5/4/11

Last night’s leftovers:
Burnie can’t believe the conditions the baby is living in. She thinks God has given her another opportunity to make up for PJP’s sins. She wants the baby. Maria tells her she won’t let her take the baby.

Tonight’s fresh helping of crap:
Os is in the hospital. He can’t believe Leonela has returned.

Gui and Leonela. He can't believe Osvaldo kept such a big secret. She says it doesn't matter. He's been eliminated for good. Gui never forgot her. He never found anyone to take her place. 

Max and Os. A doctor thinks is Xi unfit to take care of Osguito. Max doesn't want to, but he's going to fight for custody. Os tells him not to feel guilty.

Gui and Leonela stick their tongues down each other’s throats. FF>>!!! Oh my eyes!

Suddenly, after 20 something years, Max wants to talk about his verdadera madre, Leonela (Leonela Leonela.) Os says she was wonderful blah blah. Max decides now to question why there are no reminders of her in the house not even photos. All he has the  a picture on her tomb. He goes there sometimes to pray.Os tells him, your mother is Victoria. Victoria is your mother. Forget Leonela Montenegro.

Gui and Leonela.... Hark! there is a knock at the door. Ha! It’s Xi and she wants in! He tells her to beat it and slams the door in her face. Xi is left screaming on the doorstep as Gui returns his attentions to Leonela. She asks did he really never stop loving her? What would he do for her? Anything she asks. He is her slave. He is at her feet. She tells him to kiss her. *blech*

Fer thanks the chicos for bringing her home. Cruz grabs his book on milk cows and tells Fab about how Fer is helping him study. Fab asks Fer for confirmation. She says she is helping Cruz study, but begs off for tonight ‘cause she is tired and stressed about Daddy Os. Cruz and Fab have a pissin’ contest that puts Fer to sleep. The both try to get their gifts in the most advantageous spot. They leave. Ha! Fer was faking! She takes the rose and the candy. Oh men! She sighs.

Burnie is with Alacrán. Soon she will have a job for him. He has to go with Padilla to get rid of someone who has dared to challenge her. Alacrán says he’s her guy. Fausto has heard the entire exchange and wonders to himself if it’s possible that Burnie is going to try to attack Maria again.

The new and improved Nati (well, looks wise…she’s still into JuanJo which makes her dumb as a brick in my book) is railing against Dona Dementa and her wish to take the child. She also throws a shout out to Vic and her wanting to buy the baby. Maria says she doesn’t need either of the two women. She’s going to make it on her own (very Mary Tyler Moore.) Alonso enters and gives Maria her check from Lovely cosmetics. ¡Híjole! WOW!!! That’s a lot of smackers! (We don’t actually see the amount, but from the way Nati and Lonso are acting it must be a lot.) Maria talks about being about to provide for JP-ito and ridding herself of Vic and Dona Dementa. Alonso asks about love (love love love.) Maria tries to explain again that they won't be together. A little I don't catch, but Lonso is pretty sure they are going to be together. (Wow. What nerve.)

Cruz and Fab have continued their petty quarrel to the vecindad. Dude, you’re jealous! Dude! I am not! Napo comes along and tells them to put on their big boy pants and to hell with their “gentleman’s agreement.” They agree. It is on like Donkey Kong. (Napo also says to hell with Fer, so the two of them can get going with their noviazgo...courtship...har har.) Napo walks off singing “Florecita” to himself…pretty much on key.

At the hospital, Os confirms to PJP that is was Leonela that tried to kill him. After so many years, a ghost appeared. Padre wonders how she could have gotten out of jail. Os doesn’t know. He fears for his family. PJP tells him he has to tell the authorities who tried to kill him. Os, in true TN fashion, gives some lame-ass reason why he can’t…the scandal and all. Os thinks maybe he can convince her to leave them in peace. PJP asks if he will succeed. Os says with Leonela Montenegra, one never knows anything. PJP tries to convince Os to tell Max the truth. He reminds Os that this woman went to jail for killing her lover. He needs to protect Max. PJP goes on to say that one runs the risk of losing their children when they hide things from them (how well PJP knows!)

The doctors take credit for the celestial miracle and Max and Vic celebrate Os’ resurrection. The doctors assure Vic that Sr. Sandoval is going to be fine. They leave. Vic heaves a huge sigh of relief. Max asks if it hurt her that she thought Os was dead (I’m winging the translation here. Having some comprehension issues this evening.) Vic says more than he can imagine. Max asks if she is going to forgive Os. Vic doesn’t know. Part of her says yes, but another part is still hurting. Recapper’s rant: Look, chick. He almost….no.. DID DIE!!! Didn’t that get through your thick skull? After that you are still whining about the Linda thing? Max tells her to put her pride to one side and be happy with Os.

Clouds roll past (That's TN code for "some time has passed")

Leonela is chillin' like a villain at Gui's pad. She is watching the news. Os is out of danger. Leonela is not too pleased. She says he may have survived this time...but next time no. This she promises him!

JuanJo plays coach. FF>>

Luci comes into a bed room in her skimpy jammies looking for something. she squats down to look in a bedside dresser. Meanwhile, Fab walk in in his skivvies. Embarrassment and conversation about drawer space. FF>> (PS: looks like it's official Nati with JuanJo and Fab with Luci.)

Nati is pouring out a bucket of water and sloshes JuanJo. JuanJo says he's been thinking about her a lot. (Well, that seals it. Nati with JuanJo.) I'm pretty sure he asks for an opportunity to see what could happen and Nati accepts.

Vic is about to visit Os in the hospital. Leonela is there and bumps into her. Vic spills coffee. Leonela asks her pardon. Vic says it's ok and makes a joke about being in the right place if there is an accident. Leonela laughs. Vic asks if the lady has someone at the hospital. Leonela says not exactly. She's just here asking about the health of an old friend. Vic asks how he is and Leonela says he's doing better. Leonela asks why Vic is there. Vic explains about Os (and calls him her marido...guess she forgot the "ex" part.) Leonela hopes he has a quick recovery. Vic says he will recover because Osvaldo is very strong. Leonela is impactada. Osvaldo? she says. Yes, says Vic, Osvaldo Sandoval. (Mi marido es Osvaldo Osvaldo Sandoval)

Max and Maria sittin' on the couch k-i-s-s-i-n-g. They take a break to talk about Osvaldo. He's going to be fine, thank God. Love talk and smoochies. Can't wait 'til the divorce is done and they can be happy forever (41 episodes to go, children.) Maria thinks the time is very near that they will be together forever. More smoochies....that last forever. sheeesh.

Vic has noted Leonela's impactada demeanor and asks about it. "Well of course my expression changed" says out newest nutcase, "Osvaldo is a pretty big deal, isn't he?" Leonela excuses herself. Vic hopes her friend  gets better. After Leonela makes her exit Vic thinks so herself  "What a strange woman!"

Max and Maria are laughing. I guess we missed the joke. Max loves the way she smiles. He hates to leave, but he has to. Maria says not to worry, she understands...and in a complete non sequitor moment she says she found her father only to lose him again. Max is know who your dad is? Maria says the man himself told me. Max can't believe PJP finally told her. Maria is impactada and she asks "you knew he was my father?" Max has that classic "oh, crap whatdidIdoijustscrewedup?" look that men get when they realize they are in deep mierda.

Burnie is 'fessing up to trying to buy baby Maria all those years ago. Vic didn't go for it. PJP is horrified that Burnie would try to take JP-ito from Maria. Burnie says the baby is an Iturbide and shouldn't live in such a dirty place. PJP says she can't keep living with the hatred that has caused so much pain. Doesn't she realize she is going to have to repent. One day it will be to late and they will never forgive her. Burnie doesn't want or need Vic's forgivness. Vic awakened in her this relentless rage that dominates her and won't leave for even a second. Vic dared to touch PJP... who was the most sacred... she sullied his mouth, his body with her kisses and caresses...and she can't stand that image. (ewwww. Why is she even thinking about it? I am really grossed out right now. Doña has hit new heights of Dementa. Even PJP is discomforted) But, that's why Burnie ran over her. PJP is impactado. Say wha? Yeah, says Burnie. I hit her. I was the one that cause the accident that made Vic lose your daughter. She isn't sorry either. (a tu hija a tu hija...did Meh-jía get a new echo machine? We've been treated to a lot of echoes the last couple of weeks.)

Maria and the inevitable flip out. How did you find out he was my dad? Max says he told me himself. Maria asks why he stayed quiet? Why didn't he tell her? He promised PJP. He didn't have the right to tell. Maria says he was obligated to tell her and that he betrayed her. Max says stuff (?) Maria is tired of all the secrets that people are keeping. Max asks what she would have done in his place. Maria says I don't know over and over. PJP has disappeared from her life. Max says not to think that way. How can she be so unfair? He was the kind of dad she wanted. He took care of her and protected her. (Had a little trouble with this dialogue.)

PJP is really upset. He's pulling out his rosary. Burnie has been excommunicated and if she doesn't repent, she's going to burn in the fires of hell (oh please oh please oh please....) Burnie doens't want him to talk to her about flames or hell anymore. She tells him to leave. She has nothing to repent for. She is an avenger of God (with a big cross to prove it. I think I read in the latest issue of People en español that the cross is actually Daniela Romo's...not a prop.) PJP tells her this can't go on. She's crossing a line! Burnie tells him that she is not a sinner. God will reward her for her actions. PJP looks truly pained and leaves.

Maria says Max doesn't understand. She always blamed her mother for abandoning her and now she knows  she didn't matter to either of them. Max thinks she should find out what really happened before she judges them. She thinks the truth is very clear. They abandoned her to avoid a scandal. Max wonders why Maria is holding a grudge. He knows her life was rough wondering why her parents abandoned her, but this is not like her. She asks what he would do if he'd been deceived all his life? (hmmm, methinks we will get to find out.) She says she's been deceived by her own dad. She asks what he would do if he discovered he'd been decieved by his dad. Would he forgive him? Max says he doesn't know. They hug.

PJP is talking to Padre Jer, but for a brief moment he looked like he was having a run of the mill convo with the cross that burns ...well, I thought it was funny. Ok I'll shut up.

Soo, PJP is talking to Padre Jer. Maria was hard on him and her words destroyed his heart. Padre Jer tells him Maria had a hard knock life. Don't blame her. PJP doesn't blame her. Maria thinks he abandoned her; that he convinced her mother to give her up to avoid the scandal.  But he never even knew she existed! Padre Jer counsels that PJP talk to Maria. Clear everthing up! Talk to her patiently and sweetly. He's sure Maria Desamparada (chug *hic*) will listen. She's a good girl and she needs PJP. Padre Jer says talk to her with your heart.

Maria is shopping for furniture with Nati. She says she opened a savings account in JP-ito's name. FF>>

Oscar is letting Xi know she has to give Osguito back and hands her a copy of the court order. She and Rox say no one is taking away her cash cow hijo. Xi flips when she reads the "she's irresponsible and not mentally fit" part. Xi says Max is coward and an infeliz (loosely translated: bastard) Oscar says that Max had nothing to do with it. It was the nurses that worked at the Casa Sandoval that testified to that. Xi has 12 hours to return the baby. Oscar leaves. Mama Rox says it's a court order. There is nothing Xi can do. Xi says oh yes there is...she can leave the country! Burnie sneaks up from behind and says Xi won't do that. Xi will hand the baby over. Burnie tells Xi not to act like she loves the child. No one believes it. At the end of the day, she thinks the  baby just gets in the way. That's why Xi  is going to return the baby...on Burnie's conditions. Burnie tells her Xi will call Max and tell him what she (Burnie) tells her to say.

Padilla and Gui are waiting outside. I'm confused. I miss most of it. Something about Burnie needing it for her vengeful plan? Gui says something about robbing a truck...does he mean the Sandoval truck? I thought Leonela stole that? Or is it a different truck? (I think this is more likely) Something is up, though. I'm sure of it.

Max is on the phone with Xi. He doesn't understand mumbledy mumbledy with his son. Xi says those are his conditions. He accepts them or she leaves the country with the baby and he'll never see him. She hangs up.

Cue the kayak.


  • Padre begs!
  • Vic forgives?
  • Max is trapped!


this show just keeps on trowing these crazy people at us. i believe Leonela is crazier than Burnie. Poor Max his life is worse than Maria's jeez

Fast work, once again!

I believe that Gui and Padilla were talking about stripping the SUV for parts, as this was meant to look like car theft was the motive for the shooting.

He must therefore know that Os hasn't called the policia as JP advised him to. I'm disappointed: When it's Safety vs Scandal, Safety should win.

Leonela is seriously mental. Who wants to bet she will steal a nurse's uniform to infiltrate the hospital for a second shot at Os? She's only in for 17 episodes, so something is going to take her out of action.

A catfight between Ximeana and Leonela would be interesting.

I'm wondering whether Dona Dementa is going to tell Padilla and Alacran to rape Maria. This poor excuse for a human being has no limits.

Memo to JP: You have now witnessed Dona Dementa's blasphemy and there is no seal of the confessional to stop you taking action this time. Fly (do not run) to the nearest police station and report this. Talk to Max and tell him to get Maria out of that neighborhood to someplace safe. And tell Victoria. Max knows you're Maria's father and Osvaldo knows you're the father of Victoria's missing daughter. They will eventually compare notes.

I was right Leonela did shoot O's but why? Is it just me or do Max's mom and X-Monster seem to be alike.They both are crazy, prone to drinking and both of them of have been with Gui. I have a feeling that Xi is close to her crazy boiling over. Max has rejected, now the only man that she had some kind a relationship Gui has kicked her to the curb for good.

I don't know why but I was shocked that Burnie fessed up to hitting Vic and trying to buy Maria. I was even more shocked that JP seemed to be surprised that she would do such a thing. Hello!! Fausto told you she burned his parents alive!!!! And she gave him the slap down in front of Jesus the other day. He just needs to wrap his head around the fact that his mom is crazy.

I really could have done without Leonela Gui love scence. It kind of creeped me out.

Alonso has got to take a break from begging Maria to be with him.Again and again she keeps telling him that there is no chance and he just won't quit.


Thanks, Sara, for the snappy recap. I feel like I'm swirling down the deep drain of craziness, with no way to escape the madness.

El Alacran looked so very attractive with the cigarette hanging out of his tattooed mouth. It was at just the right angle to add that extra touch.
La Paloma

Thanks for the great recap. I had to miss this episode, which displeased me to have to do in the middle of all these new developments. But I feel like I saw it all now!
I'm glad Fabian has a new love interest. Anyone else that watched Contra Viento y Marea watching TDA now? The actor that plays Fabian (can't recall his name)was much hotter in that, and I don't think it was because he was a bit younger. I think it's the lack of a mustache (which I rarely like, but it suits him to have one)and especially the lack of chemistry between him and Fer which has really reduced his appeal.

Sara, thanks for the recap.

I was thinking that Juan Pablo needs to stop enabling his mother and put a stop to her causing harm to people like his daughter, Maria. The lady has no limit to her evilness. Now tonight, JP just hear his own mother confess to causing the accident to Victoria and as a result losing Maria. The lady is delusional and psychotic. She thinks she is better than anyone and is right in what she is doing.

Wake up, JP, start using your brain and do something about your mother before she comes after you. I predicted that she will go after her own son and justified it.

I knew that Leonela will try and mess up Osvaldo's life and relationships with Victoria and Max. Another crazy lady who will try to use her son to get her revenge.

Guillermo and Leonela belong with each other. I too was digusted with the lovemaking between the two of them especially on the floor. They couldn't even make it into the bedroom. Leonela is gullible if she believes what Guillermo is saying about loving her. He keep string along Jimena and make a baby with her.

I wonder what is going to happened next when Jimena gives her baby back to Max and does what crazy Bernarda wants. Like I said, there is no limit to her evilness.

Need to hear Cruz singing again. I just love it, but just another song.

This was hysterical Sara. Your recap was far better than the episode. I actually thought this was a rather lousy episode, and frustrating.

"My eyes" - boy, you got that one right. Could have definitely done without that whole Gui/Leoloco reuniuon.We had better not have to deal with that on a regular basis.

What is driving me nuts in this TN is the constant excuses people make for just not telling authorities what they know and be done with the villians. The lunatics are running the asylum and everyone just wrings their hands and worries about "scandal". These are murderers for cripes sake.

Is Alonso's insistence on riding off into the sunset with Maria some foretelling of a coming plot development? Writers just are not having him let up, has to be a reason. (Besides aggravating viewerville).

I'm hoping Maria sees fit to forgive PJP tonight 'cos methinks she's going to need his massive shoulders to cry on really soon. And frankly, he needs her just as much. Still wish Vic would be the one to go away. Wouldn't that be a nice twist.

Thank you, Sara. Speedy and good work.

This novela is getting worse instead of better IMHO. Last night, while Max-who-needs-a-shave was visiting Maria, I was mentally begging her to find creepy Alonso and to take herself and the baby to the mountain retreat. I repeat, no one who comes to steal or baby or her heart thinks to put a coat of paint on the walls!

All feeling over-the-top, including the 10 p.m. hour. I am hoping that something sane and reasonable happens soon. I did enjoy Fer and her two galans who can't stop being civil to each other. Nice touch!

Traveling Lady- I have to agree. Thanks to the later time slot and the laborious plot lines I'm not enjoyng this TN very much.

Tonight’s fresh helping of crap:

Sara - I'm running out the door and haven't had time to read, but that sub-header caught my eye. LOL
Thank you for the ... er .... 'recrap' and I look forward to reading the snark with great pleasure this afternoon. ;o) Meh-jía telenovelas are never recapped. They're recrapped.

Daisyjay, this non-communication with law enforcement is not unique to this novela. Police corruption is one concern, but Osvaldo's fear of scandal is another factor. The gutter press would make hay out of this.

However, as I said upthread, safety needs to trump this. There needs to be an APB out on Leonela.

As for Dona Dementa's crimes, no physical evidence has yet been found. Padre Jeronimo is the only person who knows all her crimes and the seal of the confessional binds him. Here's hoping JP has a prophetic nightmare.

I was also squicked out by Dona Dementa's rant about Victoria violating JP's body. Not by imagining them making love, which was -- as he described it -- a desperate search for love by two young innocents, but by the fact that she is obsessed with this. A normal mother wouldn't even want to picture her child (of either sex) during the act of sexual congress, but Freud could have written a library about her.

So can we suppose that Octavio never got any after JP was born?

As has been repeatedly pointed out, the sex in Guillermo's house is disgusting because it's done by exploitational sociopaths. It's all a game to them and there is no emotional connexion. Guillermo Garcia Cantu has been cast as a perv before this; we all remember his most perverse murder in FELS, so we should probably expect a similar one as we get closer to the finale.

This comment has been removed by the author.

This comment has been removed by the author.

@UA "so we should probably expect a similar [perverse murder]" yeah but, who's going to kill whom?

Sara, great work! " ¡Híjole! WOW!!! That’s a lot of smackers!" don't these people sign contracts? Why were they so surprised?

There were some pretty tedious scenes to wade through last night. Thanks for putting your side-splitting spin on this mishigas. We really didn't need the "pacto de caballeros" crap, nor the silly pillow nonsense between Luci & whatshisname. What I also want to know is, if Bernarda owns that dump, why is she griping? She should buy a can of paint and hire the local help to fix up the joint instead of trying to tear a family apart. Sheesh!

Sara: Great recap. Thanks.

Urban Anthro: Very interesting observations. Imagine a fight between Ximena and Leonela. I think Leonela would win. She seems so much more independently devious and evil.

I think Gui really loves Leonela. He has said that he is seeking vengeance against Oswaldo because Oswaldo stole her from him. My guess - she's going to do something to enrage him, and he will destroy her.

Blogger is driving me nuts again. Comments in triplicate

testing, sorry

Thanks for the fun recap Sara.

"...for a brief moment he looked like he was having a run of the mill convo with the cross that burns ...well, I thought it was funny. Ok I'll shut up."

For some reason, that cracks me up.

I guess that I'm finding myself in a small minority once again... I was devastated when they murdered Ofelia, but so far I'm finding Leonela a very suitable replacement. She exudes sensuality and is totally devoid of morals... excellent. The floor? What better place for unbridled rutting?


watching gui and leonel make love was so disgusting i couldn't even watch it. He sure like to make love on the floor alot, what he doesn't have a bed? bernie is really really crazy, she has lost it completly. leonela is one crazy women, she even looks crazy. thanks for recap.

Sara thanks for your recap and hats off to you for wading through this stuff.

UA - ITA w/you regarding Os and the poli. He needs to tell them Leo is back b/c she's dangerous and crazy.

Since Meija exaggerates things do you all think Alonso might snap and kidnap Maria and JPito? He keeps lurking around like a stalker and ignoring her rejection of him. It seems the only reason he's still around would be for him to snatch Maria as he hasn't won her heart.

Sara - loved the '..fresh helping of crap'

'nuff said

Doris - just caught 'recrap.' really good one!

We have been using 'recrap' since the FELS days.

I agree the Alonso may do something foolish to Maria and baby. The dude is up to no good.

I too agree the Leonela is too young to be Max's mother. And 17 episodes? How did you guys get the intel? I hope there are no spoilers......

OT: You guys might like this. I found a period series that may make it to Univision. Or I hope it does. It seems really well done in the Alorada,Amor Real and Pasion style. Don't know if it was Carla Estrada's work. Here check it out and let us know what you think. Maybe Jarocha and Aribeth can chime in...


I remember learning that "people in the Spanish-speaking" world take offense at us Nortes for keeping la distancia in our day-to-day relations. In other words gringos are perceived as being stand-offish and not so in your face. Well, I for one, would like to see Alonso maintain a little of that distancia with Maria. He is all over her. Grabbing at her and leaning over her and about inappropriate behaviour. I wanna strangle him

Ibarramedia: guau! this looks good. It is not a Carla Estrada production. I found this on the esmas site: "... bajo la producción ejecutiva de los señores Bernardo Gómez y Leopoldo Gómez." I wonder where, when it is showing (or has it shown here already?) I can't stand watching video on my computer, but in this case I would make the exception. Perhaps when TdA is over, as I have not been able to warm up to Teresa.

Oh my, Sara, you do have a way with a wisecrack! This is a hoot! Thank you.

You did get stuck with a boring episode -- pobrecita! -- but I confess that most of the time this crazy show still entertains me. Osvaldo, the tunnel, the light -- c'mon! Are you made of stone???? But I do have to watch it on tv and not a youtube quality video because for me, the visual richness has a lot to do with its charm.

I have my fingers crossed that once "La Reina del sur" ends on Telemundo, Univisión will move TdA back to 9pm. I'm still convinced this whole crazy 2hr "Teresa", 10pm TdA thing is aimed at keeping viewers from the first Telemundo's first really competitive primetime novela.

People who are lucky enough to get Telefutura should check out the new 7pm (6pm central) show: La Pola. This historical drama set in the time of Colombia's struggle for independence looks like it's going to be head and shoulders above the usual tn, to judge by the first three episodes.

Sara - I just now read your hysterically funny recrap (Thank you!!!), and I have no doubt that it is far, far better and more entertaining than the episode itself. There are too many funny, snarky comentarios you wrote to list here. roflol

I am hoping that something sane and reasonable happens soon.
@Traveling Lady - Don't hold your breath. This is a Mejía production with Liliana Abud writing this version. The circo is just beginning. De veras.

Oh. And another thing (Takes cigar out of mouth and pauses significantly)...

I loved seeing Leonela luxuriating in Gui's bed. All the girls get vanquished on the cushions, but only the ones on the A-team are allowed into the bedroom -- as Linda learned, to her chagrin. (Can't recall whether Xi ever made it past the bedroom door. Hmm.)

NovelaMaven - I happened to stumble upon La Pola, and though I was not really concentrating, it did seem interesting. I was not aware it had just started. I'll try and stick with it, then.

Sara: Excellent and full of your devil-may-care wit. Thanks! I'd forgotten I'd fallen asleep and missed the last 10 thanks for filling me in.

Shallow gal, We're talking about whether we want to talk about "La Pola" on the Telemundo page right now. Obviously it's not a Telemundo show but I think the page would be a good fit for this wonderful new Novela Desamparada.

Sara wonderful recap of this challenging novela that is quickly going down hill.

I sure do hope this is Mejia last production it makes no sense how he taken some of the characters in this version. Not to mention all of the crazies running amok and no police called in? Ok if not that how about the men in the white coats with a one size fits all straight jacket?

Speaking of PJP i thought his reaction to Victoria confessing to trying to buy Maria's baby was lukewarm at best. He should have been enraged and told her off for being almost exactly like his mother.Most importantly tell her to get off her high horse and become humble and stop harboring all of her bitterness much less take it out on a innocent like Maria D. like she has been doing.

I thought when Mad Bernie told PJP about trying to first buy little Maria then trying to run them both over it was not a confessional. So if that is the case nothing should be stopping PJP to going to the police to report dear old mentally deranged mom now should it? Only just bad writing from the writers of this novela.

Ibarramedia, that looks fascinating. It looks more like a novela historica than a novela de epoca. According to IMDB it started in August.

Although the video isn't great on the opening, here's a novela de epoca from Argentina you might like:

I love novelas de epoca. I just ask that they get the costumes and hairstyles correct and cast actors who look believable in them.

Back on topic: As a priest, JP would have more patience than an average human being. Most people have tremendous difficulty accepting madness or criminal behavior in their own parents.

No, he isn't bound by the confessional in this situation. However, I don't think he will do what he should.

I could see this going in a similar direction as BdA, when Dona Jacinta took her bisnieto into the portrait gallery and went on about "purification" before starting the fire. Fortunately she was the only one to die in it.

NovelaMaven - if it does happen, I will look for La Pola discussion on Tmundo page. gracias.

Thanks for the recrap - I mean recap. The zzzzz's won out last night. I'm curious - did Maria give Max a hard time at all for never telling her he knew JPJ is her father? From your recap it doesn't sound like she did - I want her to really get mad at him.

I thought it was hilarious that two episodes ago we saw Gui fall back on the pillows on the floor - usually, it's the women who are down there. I guess he's really been keeping a torch for her.

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