Saturday, May 07, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #106 5/6/11Ghosts of Wives Past

Maria is ready to shack up; Jimena is ready to crack up; Max has avoided a major whack up; and Victoria is ready to give Osvaldo a little bit of emotional back up as Viewerville tunes in for their Friday night TDA fix.  

Maria has nothing but hugs and tears for Papa Padre Juan Pablo as she’s decided not to kick her broad-shouldered bio-daddy out on his hassock after all.   (Now, if he’d have just given up the collar for good, we in Viewerville wouldn’t have to feel so guilty about going ga-ga over him every time we look into those pleading, deep, dark eyes of his!)  We get the signature, multitudinous mi’ja’s from PPJP.

At the same time, Ji is spacing out on drugs in the middle of town somewhere.  She stumbles her way along the streets and stops in front of a store running a loop of Maria’s “Lovely” commercial.  Apparently Jimmie still has enough functioning grey matter to recognize Maria.  She mumbles a few curses at Maria’s image through the window and staggers on.  

PPJP insists to Maria that her mom never abandoned her; that instead she lost her and could never find her again.  He reiterates that he’s bound by a confession and so cannot tell her her mother’s name.  He gives her the cross Victoria gave him before he went to the seminary (hopefully as a way to get around his mad mama’s confession, tho’ Viewerville is sceptical) and suggests it might be a bit of consolation until Dios reunites her with her mother.  Maria is thankful to finally have something that once belonged to her mother.  More tears and hugs.

The next day at Casa Bernada’s, a very high Ji is alone on the platform stage telling herself, in between slugging down pills, that she’s still top model there.  Suddenly there’s a nasty-looking switch-blade in her hands and she’s mesmerized by it.  She places the point of the blade on her neck, but doesn’t quite have enough loca in her yet to actually do the deed.   (To which the nastier among us say more’s the pity.)

Back int the bowels of the barrio, Fausto drops by Mari’s to give her the news about Max and Osguito’s close call with a freight train, courtesy supposedly of Max’s murderous and vengeful missus, the night before.  Fausto takes care of the baby while Maria races to the hospital waiting room to catch up with Max.

At Casa Bernarda’s, Mama Roxy walks in on Ji just as she’s attempting to slit her wrist and the knife drops away somehow.  Ji falls to the floor in tears, blathering on about Max and the baby being dead and a train dragging them.  Roxy chalks the blather up to the mental breakdown.

Back in the barrio at the mercado, Napo and Milagros are chatting about Juano and Nathy as a good twosome when Nat walks up, all giggles and smiles, because JJ has just asked her out dancing that night.  

Meanwhile, Rox has apparently called an ambulance.  Max walks up to the building on his way to the offices to look for Ji and give her holy hell and spies her being wheeled away to a waiting ambulance by attendants.  Rox comes over to blame him for her daughter’s breakdown and then races back to her baby chic.  Max looks at her like look inward, lady.  Time for a bit of your own introspection!

A while later, Mama Rox sits by Ji in her room in the loony ward which, granted, is not padded, but at least has  leather cuffs on the bed rails.  Ji gains a bit of lucidity and is immediately  beset by the memory of watching Max and her baby stuck on the train tracks,  sandwiched in by our dour Dona Demented’s two fiendish felons-in-waiting, El Alacran and Padilla, as the train rushes towards them. She tries explaining this to Mama, but Roxy thinks it’s just the rantings of a model daughter in meltdown.  

In the waiting room, Max is told by the psychiatrist in charge of Ji’s case that she’s lost her mind [perder la razon].  (You’re kidding, right?  Could the writers have used a less dignified turn of phrase?  I mean we are dealing with a medical professional in this script, ya know?)  Max looks at the doc like hey, tell me something I don’t know, already! Is this what you get the big bucks for? As Max has already told the doc that he’s Ji’s estranged husband and that they’re in the middle of a divorce, the psych counsels that this is not a good idea.  (Sorry, but when is it ever? Viewerville senses another looooong year of self-denial for Max and Maria and another opportunity for Alonso to leap back into the picture again.)

At Casa de los Sandoval, Cruz sings his signature ballad outside Fernanda’s bedroom window.  (I keep wondering if it’s because that’s her favorite, or just that he’s got a limited repertoire? I mean, there are so many other wonderful mariachi ballads to choose from.  It’s starting to get on my nerves.)  The two have flashbacks to their romantic and riotous times together.

Maria manages to locate Max in the waiting room of the psych ward. Smoochies and hugs abound as she tells him that Fausto gave her the low-down. Hearing it was like a “knife in her heart.”  “--Yes, he saved our lives.”  More smoochies and te amo’s.  (The writers must have momentarily run out of steam while writing this part of the scene.  Yawn.)  FF>>

Across the way, Vic visits Oz and says she’s ready to forget and to forgive.  They kiss and make up.  

Back at Casa Scandal-val post commercial break, Cruz is still crooning.  Fer opens her notebook to begin writing.  However, Feddie’s photo stares up at her and she has flashes back to their accident in all it’s bloody, bone-shattering detail.  

In town, meanwhile, at Fabian’s apartment, he and Lucy are getting ready for breakfast.  He sees a full fridge, immediately seeing the advantages to having a female roomie. (Millie is apparently on to something when it comes to reaching a man through his stomach, and this probably bodes well for Cruz’s crusade with Fer.)  Fabian enthusiastically agrees to keep Lucy on.

Back in the psych ward waiting room, Max tells Maria how he feared he’d never see her or his other son again.  Maria says no more sacrifices for evil, nasty people.  She won’t wait any longer.  More hugs and smoochies.....  

A bit later Max walks in on Oz and Vicki in mid-smooch and tells them that he’s gotten Osguito back safe and sound.  Smiles all around.

Maria visits Papa PJP to explain that she and Max are ready to move in together.  He asks if she’s ready to abandon her principles.  She says absolutely!  They’ve waited too long already and are tired of sacrificing.  Why should Max stay tied to a woman who tricked him into marrying her and most recently tried to murder him?  PPJP cannot give her a moral judgment against the sinners, he says, since it’s his duty to council them.  Maria is like “--Whatever!”

Loony Leonela walks in on the sleeping Oz who immediately awakes with a fright and Vicki and Max show up a few seconds after.  Ruh-roh!  Vicki’s face fall back into its former frown.  “--What’s going on here?  Who are you?”  “--I’m Leonela Montenegro, Osvaldo’s wife.”  She looks over at Max.  “--Max, I’m your mother.”   Vicki and Max are a pair of WTF-impactados.   

At the same time, Guillermo sneaks into Ji’s hospital room.  She goes all whiny and starts begging him to find a way to get her out of the place.   The whine gets louder and more shrill.  

Back over in Ozzie’s hospital room, Vicki angrily tells Looni-ella that Oz’s first wife is dead.  Looni-ella says that’s a despicable lie!  She’s alive and she’s Oz’s legitimate wife.  Max asks Oz if she’s telling the truth.  Oz, red-faced, says yes.  Death-rays start shooting from both Vic and Max's eyeballs.

In Ji’s hospital room, Gui gets an impish gleam in his eye and tells her that he’s better off having her stuck in the loony-bin the rest of her life.  He doesn’t need her now that Leonela--yes, the love of his life--has returned.  Jimena’s worthless to him now.

Returning to Oz’s hospital room again,  Looni-ella demands that Oz tell the others how he cut her off and out of his life.  He tells her that’s a lie and to get out of there before he calls the police and reports her for attempted murder.  She backs off at that and leaves.  Max shoots his dad another death-ray stare and walks out of the room after her.  

Vicki blows another gasket.  Why did Oz lie to her all these years about something so important to the both of them?  Because she was dead as far as he was concerned, says Oz.  Vicki could have forgiven him, if he’d bothered to bring it up.  He’s sorry, he says, that the past has reared its ugly head this way.  He did it for Max, so that Max wouldn’t have to hold his head in shame all his life.  (So what about Max now? Ozzie, you’re all beautiful brawn but with so little brain!  Toy-boys can be such a boor!  No wonder Vic spent so many nights at the company all those years.  At least designing was an intellectual pursuit!)  She, as his wife, had the right to know this!  Just like he, as her husband, had the right to know she had a daughter before she met and married him, he yells back!  (Touchet and away!)

Max finds his bio-Mom in the coffee shop and demands an explanation.  Long-suffering mother, take one:  Looni-ella’s version is that she and Oz met and married and then realized what a bust their marriage was.  They separated, but then they learned that Max was on the way and tried patching things up.  She had a movie to make outside the country and they went on the shoot together.  She was accused of a murder she didn’t commit and wrongly condemned to life in prison.  Oz supposedly didn’t lift a finger to help her get out of jail! He   took little Max away with him to Mexico and never looked back!

Max looks doubtful and asks why he never got a letter or a phone call all these years, something to at least let him know she was alive?  Looni-ella claims she was isolated in a horrible jail with no one to help her or to lend support.  Fortunately, the authorities took pity on her and they let her free.  Her first and only thought was to find her son!  Max says his father always told him that she was dead.  “--No! He snatched you from me.”  She was abandoned and forgotten.  She was once a famous actress and though she may be out of jail,  her life is in ruins and she's condemned to a life of solitude, thanks to his very cruel and self-serving father!  He took the only thing of value in her life --her child!

Max defends Oz and insists this doesn’t sound like the man he knows.  He’s too truthful to have hidden something like this from him.  Looni-ella tells Max, with well-time crocodile tears streaming down her cheeks, to go ask Oz himself then!  Max has a right to the truth!  

Max, now misty-eyed himself, storms out of the coffee shop.  Looni-ella gloats.  It’s now her turn to snatch Max away from Oz!!


Just throwing this out there: why has Jesus, er, JP been so eager to go "Tu es mi hija, Maria Desamparada!" but so stubborn about revealing to anybody that Victoria is her mother? I suppose that goes back to him getting special dispensation from the church to declare to Maria, but still... (Obvious snarky self-answer: "Because if he did that there wouldn't be a show, genius.")

Ximena getting "stuck" in our friendly neighborhood manicomio and being completely blown off by Guillermo would have been great if they hadn't shown her getting out in the avances.

As for Leonela and her nonstop wall of smug: it gave us two series of nonstop "What? Bitch!" faces between Victoria, Os, her and Max in the same episode. I can live with that.

Again, Osvaldo's failure to disclose is creating a family crisis. He and Victoria have to acknowledge that both of their secrets have equal weight in what's wrong between them. Had he once told Victoria about Leonela and why he kept this secret was to protect Max, she wouldn't be angry with him now.

How the hell did Guillermo manage to get inside the manicomio in the dead of night?

Bill, I think that there is still a gray area regarding JP's non-revelation about Victoria. I think this was part of his motive for leaving the magic crucifix with Maria. That which burned Bernarda could create a halo around Victoria (not that she's been an angel but as a way of identifying her to Maria).

Since Maria's forgiveness of JP only took one episode (in EPDA it took 5) we may not have to wait long before Victoria knows that Maria is her daughter. She will probably find out in a different way from the previous version.

For Maria to tell her father that she and Max will live together WBC (without benefit of clergy) would not be unusual for three reasons:

-- He didn't freak at the idea of them making love WBC
-- Max and Ximeana only had a civil ceremony
-- JP knows Max only married Ximeana because of the baby (which isn't even his, but neither he nor Max know that yet)

Roxana really has no conscience in view of her most recent behavior toward Max. The blame for Ximeana's latest breakdown clearly belongs to Dona Dementa.

Ximeana's final fate might be different from EPDA, which is kind of a shame. That one was epic.

Leonela is just as much a sociopath as Ximeana and Bernarda; she just hids it better. In her insane revenge against Osvaldo she doesn't give a damn about how this will just Max. She's going down and by that I don't mean she'll be giving Gui a b**w j*b.

Just think of the genes that baby JP is inheriting between his grandparents and great-grandparent.

Somebody said in the previous TDA thread that Monica Ayos (Leonela) is only supposed to be around for 17 episodes or so, so I suppose they're trying to maximize her crazy in minimum airtime. That said, including her we're up to...eight?...villains on this show (Bernarda, Guillermo, Ximena the Mad, Roxana, Padilla, el Alacran, Eva the maid, and now Leonela--I'm excluding Linda and the dead scuzzball kid). That's a bit much, isn't it?

As for Victoria and Os: I thought it was good that he brought up her concealing her hija desamparada (drink!) when she lit into him over Leonela, but UA is right. They both kind of need to go "Okay, we both messed up..." at the same time, but that brings me back to my earlier statement--if they did that, we damn sure wouldn't have a show (well, maybe we would if it led to Victoria smacking Leonela around a bit and/or branding Burnie in the helmet hair with the magic crucifix). :)


Maria accepts Big JP.

Big JP gives Maria the crucifix Victoria gave him.

Os begs Vicky for forgiveness. She tells him no b/c she's already forgiven him.

Fer has a flashback of the accident when she sees a picture of Scuzz in her photo album.

Millie, Napo & Nati talk about Nati & JP FF>>>>>>>.

Luci & Fab propose being roommates. FF>>>>>>>>>>>>

Maria tells Big JP she will be forming a family with Lil JP & Max even though he's still married to Xi.

Fausto tells Maria about the train incident. She runs to Max.

Xi stumbles 'round the streets and sees Maria hawking Lovely cosmetics*. She whines that she hates Maria.

Later Xi stumbles down the Casa Bernarda runway, dropping pills all over the place and whips out a knife trying to cut herself. Roxy sees this and has Xi carted off to the manicomio.

Gui comes by the manicomio to tell Xi he's finished with her b/c Leonela's back.

Max swings by the manicomio and the Dr. tells him that he should do nothing to disturb Xi's mental state (Max, no divorce for YOOOOU**)

As Vicky, Max and Os are all happy in the hospital room, Leo swings by to let them know she's alive. Max & Vicky are impactada!

Vicky is pissed at Os who is all weak with the "I did it for Max". Vicky then cries at Os that he shouldn't have kept a secret like this from her and how wrong it was and Os puts her in her BLANKETY BLANK place by reminding her she did the same thing re: Primera Hija! (Go Os!)

Leonela has the SAME WHINE as Xi and spins some tales for Max, who is not feeling Real Mommy. He then runs back to the hospital and Os.

No kayak. Just scenes of Victoria & Big JP pretending to be 25 years younger than they actually are.

*If Maria is making all this money for Lovely Cosmetics, why is she still living in the vecindad?

**Why can't Max just annul his marriage to Xi? The marriage has not been consummated. They never got married in the church. Does it have anything to do with lil Os?

I've been amongst the missing for a couple of wks & just catching up.

How did Fabian & Luci get together?

The marriage can't be annulled yet, because it appears that it was consummated since there is a child.

I don't see Eva as a villain, she has good reason to want revenge, unless I missed sth & she did sth against an innocent.

@Variopinta: Luci got kicked out of her apt. cuz she couldn't afford the rent so Fabian offered her his extra bedroom. They are just friends but you can tell there are sparks.

Were Leonella and Oz ever divorced? Leonella made it sound like they weren't.

Anon207 ITA about Leonella's whine being the same as Ximenas! They remind me of each other in many ways: Both use their sons for their own gain and could care less about them.

I'm glad that finally Oz and Vic's deep dark secrets they've kept from each other are out in the open. Now maybe they can FINALLY move forward and really fix their relationship.


Anon 207 -- thanks so much for your quickie summary to get the ball rolling. Great job!

Katy -- Osvaldo told Padre JP that he divorced Leonela. There's no reason to doubt the legitimacy of Os and Vic's marriage.

Oh and Bill C and Variopinta -- I don't see Eva as a villain either. It's true she has been harsh with Fausto but compared to the behavior of the actual villains on this show, that hardly counts! She is out to get Bernie. Punto. And in my book, that makes her a public servant.

How the hell did Guillermo manage to get inside the manicomio in the dead of night?
Special tools in his Bad Guy kit.

. . . we're up to...eight?...villains on this show. . . . . . That's a bit much, isn't it?
For a telenovela from Liliana Abud & Salvador Mejía, the answer is ... no, not really.

Anon207 - Thanks for the Cliff's Notes version of recap/recrap!

(Max, no divorce for YOOOOU**)
Oh, that is a great snarky sentence. ;-)

Max *thinks* he pre-consummated his marriage to Xi, because of Lil' Gui.

Where there are more than one pair of protagonists, there are usually more than two villains. El Alacran hasn't done much beyond following Bernarda's orders and Roxana just obeys Bernarda and caves to Ximeana. That leaves us at 5 with Leonela being only short term (17 eps is from the IMDB information).

I love the image of the crucifix burning Dona Dementa and leaving a mark. Fausto needs to start carving stakes. How does she manage to be able to go out in daylight?

Anon207: I've also wondered why Maria stays in the vecindad when she is finally making some good money. I think it is because she feels she has found a place where she is accepted & cared for by others. She longs to belong & this is the closest she has come to it. She & Nati are good friends, she probably enjoys some of the mothering-hen, Milagros clucks in her direction. And now that it is in JPJ's parish, it's a bonus for her to stay near her papa. The onl thing I don't understand is how Vic & Os' mansion is in the same parish as the barrio.

It's not in the same parish. Victoria would stop in his chapel to pray to the Virgen because it's adjacent to the orphanage she was supporting.

How does she manage to be able to go out in daylight?
BuaHahahahahhaaaa! I'll bet she eats broken bottles for breakfast, if not small children, puppies and kittens.

IMO, MD has stayed in the barrio because that's where her friends are, and money means nothing to her beyond paying the bills. She doesn't love Max for his money, and would marry him even if he was dirt poor.

I just read on TelenovelaWorld that TdA is going to 2-hour episodes in another week. Good grief .....

I once listened in on a conversation on the subway the morning after some bus driver in Queens won a very big lottery. Everybody was speculating about what they would do with the money if it were theirs and the consensus was that nobody would move out of their neighborhood.They might look for a bigger apartment and buy a dishwasher and a car for their mother and make sure their kids could go to college, but move away, Nah!.

At least María can afford a couple of cans of paint.

Fernando Colunga on Sal y Pimienta tonight at 10 EST

The recap is posted. Thanks for your patience!

Thanks so much, J. As usual, better than the episode.

My DVR didn't record for some reason, as I snoozed away on the couch, trying to stay awake.

Happy Mothers' Day to all who have taken care of children in one form or another.

I guess I'm asking why Maria doesn't move away because she has a baby that TWO people have threatened to take away from her and has been assaulted/nearly killed by a third. That particular apartment isn't safe for Maria and as long as Vicky, Burnie and Xi are on the loose she needs a more secure residence.

Also Maria shouldn't have been the one to go buy some Behr and paint the walls. Instead of bringing toys, kisses and life size pregnancy photos, Osvaldo, Max and Alonso could have brought over a can of Glidden and freshened up the walls. Even Padre JP and the orphans could have painted the walls at the same time they were bringing over new furniture.

And I need for Maria to get rid of that poor-girl braid. ugh.

Urban Anthro: I had no idea that Vicki was supporting an orphanage. The things you miss when you are learning a new language. Thanks!

Anon207: Yes, you make excellent points, especially concerning security. I've been thinking that Maria isn't dumb, but she is naive and lacks common sense. And there are, what, 5 men who could have painted the apt for her? All I can think is they thought she would refuse? Of course, they could have just sneaked in - but would they choose the color she likes?

Traveling Lady: What a beautiful way to send out mother's day greetings. I prefer your sentiment.

Jardinera—I loved every minute. But will you stop it with the alliteration already: "Back in the bowels of the barrio" & "model daughter in meltdown" to name just two. I'm falling down laughing. or is that ROFLMA? (I never got the hang of this internet talk).

This whole Leonela sequence is s-o-o-o predictable. Vic is going back into monster-mode (again) and Osvaldo has to crawl & eat crow (again). And Max has to scrunch up his pretty face in consternation (again). Oh well, I'm in for the duration however long it will be.

Attempted Homicide List:

Maria, age 2 & Victoria, 20something...being run over by Burnie

Maria, age 20something & Fetus JP...being run over by Xi

Maria, age 20something & Fetus JP...being burnt up by Alacran & Rudy on orders of Burnie

The people in the apartment building...being burnt up by Alacran & Rudy on orders of Burnie

Fernanda...cut brakes by Alacran & Rudy on orders of Burnie

Osvaldo...shot in the gut by Leonela

Max & baby Osvaldo...being hit by train by Alacran & Rudy on orders of Burnie and assisted by Xi

Harm to oneself:

Victoria...ODing on pills

Xi...pills and booze

Xi...wrapping herself up in a seatbelt and getting dragged down the street

Xi...jumping off the roof

Xi...downing pills and trying to slash her wrists

Poor Os that movie out of the country must be looking pretty good about now. He refused it to be with his family and oops in the blink of an eye they are gone.

Interesting how Os snapped at Vic about her not telling him about her lost daughter after she got on him. However his secret is much worse because in my mind bigamy trumps hidden children by a whole lot.

Hot Padre is showing the first sign of smarts I've seen by giving MD the cross. Of course Vic will go ballistic when she sees it but it is a clever way to let the truth get out since obviously everyone in the place is virtually incapable of telling the truth.

I was seriously hoping Gui would just put a pillow over Xi's face and kill her once and for all. What a criminal waste of good oxygen to have her and her histrionics all around.

Sorry but Max is as dumb as a brick falling for all that babble his " mother" threw at him. Does he ever think to ask questions of anyone. Now i suppose we will be treated to endless scenes of him and MD whining about deceitful parent.

Jardinera - Thank you for the recap and snark. I have full faith and confidence that this recap is better than the episode.

So Osvaldo is a bigamist?! sheesh… This guy is dumber than a rock. That definitely trumps long-lost daughter secret.

Anon207 - another one to add to the attempted homicide list:

- Osvaldo shot during movie/TVshow scene, when Guillermo put real bullets in a gun.

I think you are giving Vistoria too much credit. It hasn't even entered her mind that a girl with the same name as her hija and abandoned at the same time could be her hija. She thought the other María was her daughter, but can't transfer those thoughts to MD. She'll probably think the worst of María or Papa John for her having the cross.

And Maria is as dumb as her mother!!! She knows Vic lost a daughter, she knows Dona Dementa has an irrational hatred toward both Vic and "her mother". She knows her mother is someone JP many more clues does she need?

And anon 207 ita re the braids. It was so nice seeing Maria all glammed up for her photo shoot but then 5 minutes after she was back in jeans, a frumpy sweater and braids. Especially when everyone else in this tn is so glam, it doesn't seem right she has to be frumpy. Even Eva got a makeover!!!


Jardinera, thank you for the great recap, I appreciate your work.

Friday night everyone was stuck on stupid but at least most of the secrets are out. If Vic would stop thinking only of herself and reflect on what JP has told her she is smart enough to figure out who her daughter is.

I wonder what the scene with Fer finding Fred's picture was all about, is she going to remember something important about that night?


I wonder what the scene with Fer finding Fred's picture was all about, is she going to remember something important about that night?


Fernanda told either Vicky or Oz when she was in the hospital that Scuzz tried to put on the brakes but the car wouldn't stop. Maybe she will tell somebody (probably Cruz since her family ain't too bright) that Scuzz tried to put on the brakes but the car wouldn't stop and Cruz will do some investigating.

Which should have been done in the first place since

a) Fernanda is the daughter of two very important people...I would think the police would want to cross all their ts with a case like that

b) it was a new car

c) a death resulted from the accident

Maybe Detective Toledo from STuD has been reassigned to the car accident division and can make the connection.

Anonymous @ 3:04 and Doris, Osvaldo isn't a bigamist; Leonela is a liar.

When he discovered she cheated on him and killed her lover (no details provided) he divorced her and took custody of Max.

Got the sons home from college and unpacked. (And more laundry than I care to mention done).Fun relaxing and catching up on all the comments and great, funny recap That first paragraph alone is a major gem!

I'll throw my hat into the ring of folks frustrated that Maria insists on staying in that lousy-doored apartment of hers. And did I get it right the other day, she honestly thinks Max would move right in there too? Please tell me I got that wrong, because if I didn't, she's one brick short of a load herself.Must be the Vic gene.

Predictable plot - doc telling Max not to proceed with divorce right now.That has got to be one of the most overused devices to drag out a TN and the evil spouse. Argh! Screechy needs to bite the dust!

We have Leonela's demise to look forward to shortly it seems...wonder who does her in? And who gets blamed? Need some other major movements on pairings and plot as well. Friday was a bit of a yawner.

But please, oh please, I do NOT want to see any "plot developments" with JJ and Nati. (Though I know we will - I'll need to watch online so I can fast forward.)

Jardinera thank you for the recap another good one from you.

Urban i also remembered Os saying he divorced Leonel and plus he told PJP this he would have no reason to lie to a priest about that.

Because the what we have seen of Leonela so far i no longer believe that it was Gui who killed her lover but Leonela who did the deed. Now she out on the loose trying to get her revenge back on Os for what? She doesn't seem that she is wrapped too tight in the mental department either.

The crazy XXX-factor is right where she belongs why couldn't they put her there like say about 60-70 episodes ago huh?

UA - Thank you! I'm glad to know Osvaldo is *not* a bigamist. (...breathing big sigh of relief...)

Leonela straight up told Gui that she killed her lover.

I hope we get an explanation of Leonela's motive for killing her lover.

I completely agree with everyone who said that painting Maria's place should have been the first priority, but even with a new paint job it's still depressing. Maybe they thought she'd be out of there by now?

UA, we have to remember that Maria grew up in a convent orphanage in Mexico so I guess anything is better than what she came from.

O dear, I sound like these are real people that I know. I must get a life beyond TNLand.


Jardinera, thanks for another marvelous recap. Your first sentence is a beauty and says it all.

My favorite scene Friday was that tender yet chilling moment that Gui shared with Xi. His voice was so gentle and soothing as whispered the most hurtful things... good job Guillermo.

"...(To which the nastier among us say more’s the pity.)"

What a great way to start off a Monday... finding myself ensconced in Group Nasty.

Well I admit it... time for Ximena to go... Leonela had made her superfluous. Gui doesn't need her... we don't need her... ta ta.

Anon 207, add Nathy to the suicidal gestures. I believe that it was Max who talked her out of jumping off a roof.


Hi all! Thanks! Thanks also to Anon. 207 for helping out again!

Anon. 207: I think it would be great if you would want to do highlights for Tuesday nights!!

They are making Crazy Xi so pathetic I'm wondering if she's not scheduled for a little redemption before she meets her maker.

I'll think about it. When I do the mini-caps is when I can stay awake. Watching Teresa for 2 hours and then trying to stay away from TDA is rough!

I forgot all about Nati trying to jump off the roof! LOL

Thanks for the great recap Jardinera and Anon207 for the mini-cap.

I'm playing scenarios in my mind with Vic seeing Maria with the cross and losing her mind. Then Maria saying her father said ... and watching Vic reaction.

Also ITA w/Katy and Maria should have picked up on some clues too but with her mother's genes we know that's pretty hopeless.

Jardinera, thanks for the recap, which I'm very late reading. I'm at the point where I'm ready to have Fausto dig a very large pit and push most of these people into it.
La Paloma

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