Thursday, May 05, 2011

Teresa Wed 5/4/11 #41 Arturo gives Teresa a credit card. Ay, profe; #42 What’s it to you?!

I was trying to be proactive today, so I could get the whole recap up in the morning, so I started this recap early and did it based on the youtube episodes; I am going to go through my DVR and fix any differences tomorrow. The new parts have been added in.

Episode 41: Arturo gives Teresa a credit card. Ay, profe.

We begin where we left off, with Tere hugging her slightly abused Teddy bear and remembering the fun times with Mariano. She also remembers him declaring his undying love for her, saying she will never be happy with someone else.

Hector and Aurore re: Mariano. Hector says Mar is a great guy and nothing would make him happier than if things worked out with Mar and Aur. He begins to bring in the BUT factor but she cuts him off. Please, Dad, don’t say anything. I know he is still in love with Tere, but I hope soon this will change. That he’ll be ready to love again, and I will be there, at his side.

Tere is sleeping with Juana at her side and her cell rings. She answers sleepily. It’s Luisa. She’s been up all night thinking about Fer and the model. She doesn’t know what to do. Tere reminds her she has no claim to Fernando, there is nothing between them. Plus, if she is going to like someone like Fernando, such a lady-killer, then these things are going to happen all the time (a cada rato.) Luisa says she knows. It is impossible to change that. So, what should she do when she sees him/how should she face him? (que cara yo voy a ver?) If someone has a better translation, please share! Does Tere then say, Que oso? That bear? Like calling him an animal? “No te das por vencida, Luisa” (Don’t give up, Luisa!) Luisa says, I got my hopes up with him, but I know I am not his type. Tere’s response: If you really like him, then you have to do exactly what I say.

Arm and Ref are cleaning out the things in the girls’ room. Basically, they say the same old. Ref: It pains me to do this, this space belongs to my daughters. Arm: We need the money. Ref: Ay, Rosita. Tere left to marry a man for money.

Mariano still fully dressed, with his face smashed into the couch. Haven’t we all woken up like this once? Pops Ramon walks in and wakes him up. M: Que paso?  Que paso, papa?  I don’t remember anything? R: You got super drunk and acted a fool, yelling for Teresa outside her house. M: Teresa? R: Uh huh. She was in the middle of her Asking-for-her-hand dinner. (Pedida de mano; this seems to be used as a noun to describe the event of asking.)

Johnny and Pati: Too bad Old Grumpy didn’t re-hire Armando, but on the plus side, you didn’t get fired! She hugs him just as Armando walks up—for a second I thought it was Old Grumpy. Pati leaves. Arm: Careful Johnny, she likes you but she’s the boss’s granddaughter! Johnny talks about, oh, the injustice of it all. Arm says, be careful. You could get fired.

Aurora is fidgeting with the pretty blue shirt she has on, and considers letting her cleavage show, but immediately says “Ay, no” and puts them back in their cage. Looks like she’s ready to fight for Mariano, but not with the same tactics as Teresa. She is showing more skin than usual, though. This tank top is with a black skirt with a slit. She considers a dress when her papa comes in and asks how she is. Very good, but, she’s worried about talking to Teresa. Dad says, if she’s marrying another guy, then you have a free shot (camino libre, free path) at Mariano. Dad: You’re beautiful, did you do something different? A: No Dad, it’s just that I’m happy. Dad: You’re right. You don’t need anything to make you look good. He lists all of her qualities and says that any man would be proud to have her at his side. Cute father-daughter hug.

Ramon put some food in front of Mar and tells him to eat. Yes, I say Gatorade and French fries. Father and son talk. Dad says he needs to find the way to move on, succeed without her (salir adelante.) Mariano says he will keep trying to change Teresa’s mind. Why, Ramon asks. She’s doing you wrong, (ella esta portado muy mal contigo.) Mar: she’s confused. This guy’s just dazzling her, (deslumbro; I like this word.) just to get her to react (se va a reaccionar.) Dad says he can’t forgive what she is done. Forget about her, try and find someone who deserves you (si te merezca)! Mariano’s opinion seems unchanged.

Arturo at the table, Reina walks in with an envelope for him—oh boy, I hope that’s not what it looks like. Tere walks in and kisses him. She asks how he slept. His answer: Very peacefully because I am happy that your parents are finally aware that we are going to get married (muy tranquila porque me alegro que tus padres ya estan enteraros que nos vamos a casar.) T: Yes, but my mother’s attitude really hurts me (si, aunque me duele mucho la actitud de mi mama.) A: Don’t worry. They’ll accept me once they see us together and happy. And look what just came for you! It’s a tiny piece of plastic that will ruin my whole financial life!—er, I mean, it’s a credit card! For you! Juana walks in and says she can’t accept a credit card from you until she is Senora Teresa Chavez de le Barrera. Tere make a face at her like, ‘um, hey, what the hell!?’ But not to worry, Tere, you’ve got Arturo so whipped he cuts in to explain. A: In other circumstances I might agree, but with things the way they are, this is for Teresa so she can buy everything she needs to the wedding and the wedding dress. T: Yes, that you are unable to see, mi amor. (que vas a no poder ver, mi amor.) Juana: Yes, that’s bad luck. But, like I told you, the dress, I will make, mi reina. (Yeah, by the look on Tere’s face, that ain’t gonna fly.) Juana says plus, now, they’re doing one wedding at the church. Yes, but, Teresa says, we have to buy fabric, we have to buy other bride-y stuff, do makeup tests, Ay, there are many thing and so many expenses. (Tengo que comprar telas, tengo que comprar la ajuar, hacen pruebas de maquillar, ay! Son tantas cosas y tantos gastos.) Juana is won over and asks to see her name on the card while Tere thanks Art for being such a putz. He’s happy to do it. The topic turns to Luisa. Tere says she called very early, why? He said he couldn’t get a hold of her, (yo no le localizado), her phone just rang. (I think!) Tere says well, she’s in a place without very good phone service.

Cancun: Luisa is talking with some woman about the project. In comes Fernando, asking if she’s okay. F: Estas bien? Arturo has been calling and so have I. L: I’m perfect. She rented a jeep and went out to look at the clearing (desmonte) where the building will be built, JEFE.  Did you want something else? F: Yes, I want to talk about what happened last night with Sasha. L: Why? We have nothing to talk about. (She’s studying a paper and making him follow her.) Better if you apologize to her for the way I left, but, I just didn’t like the way your NOVIA treated me. F: Sasha isn’t my girlfriend. L: Fine, you’re galána (think that’s what she said. Is this a real word, or was she just saying galán and putting the a to make it feminine?), friend with benefits (amiga con derecho), whatever you want to call her. F: Luisa, what happened was—L: What happened was you made me realize, that because I am your friends little sister, you have to accompany me to dinner or to eat. (me hizo darme cuenta que no que soy la menora hermana de su amigo, tienes que acompañar me a cenar o a comer.) F: I didn’t do it because you are Arturo’s sister. I have a great time with you, (yo contigo me paso muy bien.) L: But I don’t want you to feel obligated. (she uses ‘comprometido.’) It’s better if from now on, they only deal with each other for work, nothing else. (paraphrased) F: Luisa, don’t have a tantrum like a little girl (berrinche de niña chiquita.) F: Come on, let’s just go to the fashion show together—L: No. I was only going out of obligation. Now that I know you’re not going alone, I don’t have to go with you, JEFE. Con permiso, I have to talk to the architect. Oooh, smack down! That’s right, Luisa. Stand up for yourself. Especially after he basically called you a brat! She walks away, but looks back at him (he can’t see her) and he looks slightly disappointed and sighs (she can’t see this.)

Aurora arrives at the hospital and runs into Dr. Ledesma. They talk about how Mariano hasn’t shown up yet, which is weird because he is always on time. They hope it is nothing serious.

Tere and Juana at breakfast. Juana asks if she is going to the University today. No, Tere says, she doesn't have one final exam. All she has ledt to do is her thesis, but she's already on the last chapter. Oh, Juana says, then let's go visit the vecindad, and see your mom and Cutb--er, water my plants. No, madrina, Tere says she wants to go to the mall and use her new credit card. And that it is going to drive Aida nuts. Juana says she should invite her friend Aurora. She says, you're right. I'm going to call her.

Later, Ledesma is saying he hopes he is alright. He still hasn’t shown up—but he walks in just then, apologizing for being late. He has no good excuse for being late and Ledesma tells him that he is late, and not even for a good reason—this can’t happen again or next semester he won’t be able to help him teach. Mar is apologetic and says it won’t happen again. Ledesma leaves Aurora and Mar. She asks what happened. Teresa, he says. The same as always. Teresa. Yesterday el Lic asked for her hand. She knows, she says and he begins to say something but her phone rings and sees it’s Teresa. Mar leaves and she answers. Tere invites Aur to lunch.

Tere is at a store with Juana. An attendant comes to ask them if she can help and Tere goes on a rant about wanting to see this dress, in every color, and that she had better get some of her coworkers to come help them, and not to worry about the price because she is paying with this, and she hands the credit card to the very annoyed sales associate. Tere and Juana laugh to one another.

At the university. Ivonne and Aida are talking about, what else, Teresa. Aida is nervous about Paulo and what Tere said about him leaving Aida for Tere once he gets his mama’s money. Paulo shows up and Aida is all over him, then asking him questions about staying together forever and never betraying her.

Rubigote and Genoveva at his office. She is there annoying him about coming up with the money for the Cancun project, and fast (a week.) He uses the expenses of the wedding as an excuse, but she laughs that off. He says he might sell the departamento he has since Aida and Paulo won’t be living in it. Gen says she thought he should keep it so they could escape there together. Looks like it may be three women after all. He agrees to get the money.

Tere is at the hospital giving her dad some money. Wow. Let’s take that in for a second… okay. He says mama won’t want to take money from el Lic. Tere says to take it, she doesn’t like seeing him cleaning floors (limpiando pisos.) She wants him to quit, he says he signed on for three months and he doesn’t want to leave and make Espe look bad (because she got him the job.) Tere understands. Espe shows up and Arm gets back to work. Espe asks Tere if it is true that she’s marrying el Licenciado. Yep, she says, and shows Espe the ring. Espe wonders what kind of rung Ruben will give her. Tere says she hopes it is soon. Espe wonders how it’s going to affect Mar, you two were making plans for a wedding. Yes, Tere knows. And she knows that he is her friend and she loves him, but he disappointed her (me decepciono) and he’s changed so much. She asks if she knows what he did last night. Espe hasn’t heard. Tere’s happy to tell. He was drunk and screaming in the vecindad, WORSE THAN CUTBERTO! Mariano esta mal, muy mal, Esperanza. Definitely another lie coming out soon… Espe can’t believe it. Tere invites her to coffee to talk about it further.

Oy, more Rubigote and Genoveva. She wants to know how he is going to get the money. He says not to worry. He’ll make her sign some papers that will basically be giving him the money. Then you’ll be committing double fraud, Gen says, como marido y como notario. But nothing will happen, she says. Because he is definitely going to make the money back.

Tere and Espe are walking, coffee in hand, talking about their men. Well, Tere’s former man. And Espe understands if she doesn’t want him anymore, then she won’t bring him up anymore. Tere is grateful. Espe notes how wonderful that Tere’s so good with Profe Arturo and she’s so good with Ruben. He wants to find another apartment for them both. Tere loves this bit of gossip, and tells her that she should look for the place that will be where they (RubEspe) can live together. Espe says, can you imagine if we could go to your wedding together! Nothing would make Tere happier, she swears, but better not say anything to Ruben, so he doesn’t feel pressured (para que no se siente presionado.)

Ay-ida and Gen are at lunch. Aida is afraid of what Tere could do—she’d do anything to bother Aida. Aida then does some lobbying to Gen that she shouldn’t give him his business all at once, do it little by little. Gen agrees. Anyway, Gen says she has ideas for the business to grow, not just in the DF but elsewhere in the country.

Rubigote and Espe meet in a parking lot. How romantic. She’s so excited they are looking for an apartment. Him, too. They kiss. Oh, but look at this creepster! A phone glides out from behind a column and there is a Tiburoncita attached to it with a big freakin’ smile. She gets a very clear photo of Espe and Ruben besando with only his bigote between them. Now she has Aida’s present completely, the fake divorce papers and the photo.

Johnny and Pati are walking and talking about her grandfather and their relationship. He stops to give her something. I think he makes a joke here, like a play one words. I have something pa’ ti, Pati, (like para ti, Pati.) He pulls out a bracelet and puts it one her. She loves it. He brings up how she said the other day that the only thing she needs to be happy in life is love. He asks if she really believes this. She says, claro. If her parents loved each other then they wouldn’t have had so many problems (no tendrian tantas brocas.)  (?--> no wonder I was confused. The youtube version cut out a few of her lines.) They really get along so badly? Johnny asks. Yeah, she says. For them, I'm just a reason that they can't get away from each other. He says he is sure her parents love each other. She says no, her mom told her that he's just her grandfather forced her to marry her dad. She is sad and they hug.

Back to the parking garage with Espe and Ruben. He basically says that they can’t buy another apartment because he needs the money for the divorce (and I think he says that the person who was going to buy the old apartment fell through.) It doesn’t matter. The divorce is what matters most. He gives her new keys to the old place because he changed the lock (chapa.) Te amos and kisses.

Tere sits at a table in a nice café. She looks up and is surprised to see Mariano with a bouquet of roses. M: Mi amor, we have to talk. T: I have nothing to say to you. What are you doing here? M: Would you prefer I went to Arturo’s house and asked for you? Next time I will. T: You’re crazy. I told you I don’t want to see you. M: I told you I wasn’t going to stop insisting until you came back to me. They stare at each other while their song swells in the background.

Johnny and Pati: he doesn’t want her to be sad. He asks what he can do to cheer her up. He starts naming things, including juggling and she laughs. Ah, see, he says, you are much prettier when you smile. He says he believes the same as her. Love is most important to make one happy. His parents are proof. Despite being poor and having a sick child, they are happy. This is what she has always wanted in life. Someone that loves (querer) her so so so much. He says he likes her so so so so so much. He takes her hand, and gives her a quick peck. She jumps a little and he says, you don’t like me at all, huh? She says of course she does, pero… she is embarrassed to tell him that she has never had a boyfriend. Well that’s what any 26 year old should suspect when he is dating a 14 year old girl. This time she gives him a peck, and they kiss a little more.

Tere and Mar at the café. T: forget it. I have no interest in returning to you, when you are going from bad to worse (vas de mal empeor.) The charade you pulled last night during my perdida de mano with your drunken wailing only disappointed me more. M: I know I did wrong and it will not happen again. I swear I will never get drunk again. But you need to beli—T: From you, I don’t need to believe anything, Mariano. And you need to be careful not to make problems with Arturo. M: I don’t care about the problems I might face, instead I have to react, Teresa. (?) It’s time to break this commitment. You and I could be happy. You just have to give a little on your part. T: I am not willing to do anything on my part (no estoy dispuesto poner nada de mi parte) because I don’t love/want you anymore, Mariano. Go. I don’t want to go with you. M: You’re going to regret all of this, Teresa. He kisses her on the cheek and leaves. She picks up the flowers and smells them sadly.

Johnny and Pati talk about all the things they have in common—liking music and movies, how lucky they found each other—and how they will go anywhere without her abuelo knowing. She says he thinks the school bus comes later than it does and that gives her some time. If her abuelo found out, Johnny could be out of work and he needs it. For her, he would be happy to be fired. More kissing.

Dario and Magda talk to Mar about why he was late and how he is so bad. He talks about wanting to kiss her and hug her when he saw her, he can’t let her go with someone else. Madga says he needs to forget Teresa. Since her mom was sick and she was here, she said she was going to make her future with el Lic. Yeah, yeah, he knows, Mar says, she calculated everything. And he’s out the door. Dar tells Magda he told her not to tell him that. Look how upset it made him. Mag looks like she might regret it.

Tere and the roses. She’s all sad and again, on a dime, wipes away the tear and puts on the angry face. Mesero, she calls. The waiter comes and asks if she wants the flowers put in water. Nope, she says. Take them and give them away, throw them away, she doesn’t care, she just doesn’t want to see them anymore. He takes them away and she wipes her tears with her napkin. Amiga! She says as Aurora walks up to the table. She is very happy to see her. They order some lemonade. Tere is happy to say that today, she will pay, flashing the credit card and saying Arturo gave it to her. Aurora congratulates her, el professor es—T cuts her off and says to call him Arturo. She mentions that it may take some work because he was her teacher and (really? El Lic was her teacher? In pre-med? Did I mishear?) Tere knows he is not young, but this doesn’t matter to you, right? Aur asks. Of course not. When you are in love, nothing matters. How quickly you sorted through your feelings, Aur says. Why do you say it in that tone of voice? You know very well, Aurora says, you have no doubts about the professor, since before you told me you had decided to marry him. Why didn’t you say anything to me?

Cancun: Thanks for walking me back, Luisa says. This ends the work day. Okay, and what time do you want me to come get you for the fashion show? Luisa, thanks but no thanks. You have someone to go with and I don’t want to disturb you. Please Luisa, Fer says, I told you that—I’m sorry Fernando, Luisa cuts him off, but I am going to work on the changes for the architect. See ya later. Fernando is disappointed and it looks like her door actually hits him as it closes.

Back to Tere and Aurora: (paraphrasing) T: I told you that I fell so quickly into love with Arturo. I happened so quickly. And right after we talked, I called you first thing. Before I told my mom about the great news. A: No, you didn’t call me. But, this isn’t important. T: What is really important is that you could be there last night in such an important moment. A: Are you sure about what you are doing? T: Totally. I’m in love with Arturo and I am feel happy that I am going to marry him. A: Then this is best. T: I will have it. I will have the best. A: I am happy for you. And for me, too, Teresa, because I want to tell you this face to face. Since you are going to marry someone else, I am going to fight for Mariano’s love. Teresa looks pissed.

We’re back with them. Tere flips out. No way. You can’t go for Mariano. Aurora’s like why not? You don’t love him anymore. Tere says that she’s mad that she obviously been lusting after him all this time, and as her friend she is saying she can’t try for him. Mariano will continue to be in love with Teresa. It’s better if you forget about him, Aurora. He’ll never consider you that way. She leaves Aurora upset at the table.

Aurora with her dad. He want to know who made her cry. She explains she talked to Teresa and she flipped out. She loves Teresa, but after the way she reacted, she doesn’t believe anything will be the same between them. He is an awesome Dad as usual and is practical and compassionate with what he says.

The driver and Reina tell Luisa they put her sewing machine in the guest room and by the window. She thanks them, says she will love it, and under her breath, especially without Cutberto bothering her. They ask what she said and she says, nada, gracias! They leave just as Teresa enters. She is super pissed. The girl that is supposed to be my best friend, told me outright (abiertemente) that she wants to go out with Mariano. Juana says that she left him for another man, and she can’t have both. Or do you still love Mariano? Teresa, tell me the truth. Are you in love with Mariano or Arturo? Because if you love Mariano I am not going to let you marry Arturo.

Aurora and her dad. A: I don’t know what to do, dad. I feel bad. The only thing I wanted was to be sincere with Teresa. Her dad says she had good intentions but she should wait a little longer. Take leave of being Mariano’s friend. A: That’s what I thought it would do. You know me, dad. I am not thoughtless, senseless (inconsciente). He knows she isn’t and he’s sorry she and Tere are fighting. But don’t forget that she hid her relationship with the profe from her and even less has proved to be the best friend. But Aurora says she thinks of her not just as a friend, or her only friend, but like a sister.

Teresa: Believe me, Madrina. I love Arturo without any doubts. Juana hopes this is true or wow is Tere going to suffer. She goes on about being angry with Aurora and Juana points out that she keeps saying she doesn’t care about him, yet she hasn’t stopped bringing him up. She continues to say Aurora has been purposely getting close to him, even before she knew her real feelings. That’s why she volunteers in the dispensario. Juana’s like, yeah, sure. What are you saying, Teresa. Only the truth! But, whatever, she asks madrina to ask reina if she can make her some tea. Madrina leaves. Then she puts on that song she’s always listening to and talks to the teddy bear. “I need to control my emotions. And not even this great big love I have for you, Mariano, is going to change my decision.” She looks at her ring.

Luisa calls her and she dances with her teddy bear over to the phone. T: “How’s it going with Fernando?” L: “I did what you told me.” She explains about renting the jeep to go see the construction site and Tere asks if they talked about the modela esa. Luisa says he tried to give her and explanation but she didn’t let him. And then he asked when he should come for Luisa for the fashion show. T: “But you aren’t going to go, right?” L: “No. I’m not going to go just to see them together in front of me. I would die of jealousy.” T: “You have to be firm. Don’t go for anything.” Luisa says she won’t. Tere says she needs to keep her place and not show that she is interested in him. Luisa goes on to say she feels so useless in front of him. When he looks at her, his eyes, his smile, she missed talking to him.. the way he smells… Teresa says she not to be sentimental. Luisa says she doesn’t think she’ll ever change, or she’ll never be able to not care when he is out with women.

Much later. Refugio is ragging on Armando about the money he gave her. She wants to know exactly who gave it to him. If you don’t—knock on the door. It’s Ramon, Mar’s dad. He want to talk to them because he feels badly about what Mariano did last night in the middle of her pedida de mano.

Cancun. There is a knock on Luisa’s hotel door. She thought it was room service, but unless Hunkasaurus is on the menu, her meal will be coming later. She said she forgot to eat because she was working. Notice again, she is walking backwards and he is following her. We can eat later, he says. He came for her for the fashion show. This boy doesn’t listen. Or is very persistent. F: Luisa, I want to go with you. L: Fernando, I said it’s better I not go. He looks over at her work and she explains it is a new proposal she’s working on, she’s just about done with it. Good, he says, then tries to explain what happened with Sasha. She cuts him off and says it is not necessary. F: Luisa, I go out with her but its not a serious relationship. L: Good. It was what it was and I hope you enjoy it a lot.  Look, this isn’t my world and I really am over it...(I think she says you, de verdad, paso. ?)  He takes a few steps to her and it looks like he might try to kiss her but instead he reaches down and looks at one of the papers she has been working on. He says, you know what, she’s missing some information that he has in his notes. He’ll go get them. She sort of looks around all dumbfounded and he uses the adjoining room door to go get them. He walks back in with the papers in his mouth, rolling up his sleeves. L: “What? You’re not going to the fashion show?” F: “Eh, if we finish on time.” He still has the paper in his mouth and moves her out of the spot she’s standing in so that he can sit in the chair and get to work. Dude, this guy knows he is hot and that she is attracted to him--I can see how he is so used to getting what he wants. She hesitates, but then goes to sit on the arm of the chair he is sitting in so she can see what he is typing on the computer. He looks back and gets close to her face but she moves back quickly, and he gets back to work… is he smiling? Oh, yes, big smile. Laughing almost.

Mariano walks into Hector the directors office and asks some lady (his secretary?) where the director is. She says he just went outside with his daughter… uh oh….

Ramon says he talked to Mariano very seriously and he won’t bother Teresa anymore. Ref thanks him, and says she understands about the way things are with Mar and Tere. They talk a little about Tere and Arturo, but basically come to the conclusion that no matter what they will all still be friends. Sure, but Ramon says he can’t look at Tere the same way. Ref says, well, she continues to see Mariano like a son.

Mariano runs outside and sees two people talking. Once he gets a closer look he sees Hector and Aurora talking. “Aurora is the daughter of the director of the hospital?”

Back to Cancun with Fernando and Luisa.  Fern says that this one door should be where it was in the original plans. Luisa disagrees. She thinks it should be here. Okay, he says, takes her pencil, and moves over to the plans to make a change. Okay then, the access point…[moves over] we can change… [moves over] it to…[he’s getting pretty close to her now] to here? She looks up and he is right up in her face. He gives her a quick peck, and she looks a bit stunned while he smiles, and then goes in for a real, slow kiss. Takes her a second to react, but she does and kisses him back.

Fin de part 1!!

Espisode 42: What’s it to you?!

We start just before he goes in for the kiss, and we see her slowly but surely kiss him back. I don’t know if he is a good guy yet, but I am happy for Luisa right now.

Magda appears out of nowhere, calling for Mariano. He shushes her and asks if she knew that Aurora was the director’s daughter. No, she says, she had no idea. Anyway, they got to run. An emergency with a patient and Ledesma wants Mariano to help.

Back to Cancun, Luisa comes up for air and immediately steps back, while saying, “No, no, no Fernando. This cannot be. Please leave.” F: “But… why? If we like—” L: “You have a girlfriend.” F: “She is not my novia.” (he’s supposed to be from Spain right? It’s easy to notice the difference between Luisa’s no‘b’ia and his no‘v’ia. Unless he is just emphasizing the word…) L: “Fine, you’re girlfriend or whatever she is… plus, we’re in my room.” He laughs at this. “I know that you are accustomed to other types of women, but I’m not (like that.)”  He says she is different and he loves that. She says, yeah because you like to be crude, right? He asks why she is so defensive with him. She says they are very different. He is accustomed to living in Europe where the European women are much more liberal. European sluts! Fernando’s response, everyone’s slutty these days. (Hoy en dia, en todas las parte de el mundo es igual.) She says she just isn’t that way. Understand me. Since she was a kid, she has been dreaming of the typical fairy tale (cuento de hadas), with prince charming (el principe azul), the wedding, having kids, learning together (educarnos juntos.) He says her dreams have nothing bad about them. It’s marvelous. She says, yeah, but, that’s just not the way the world works nowadays. They have relationships that could end at any moment for any reason. He looks like he wants to kiss her again, but she says no, Fernando. Please. Believe me. It is best. F: Luisa, at least, let’s go to… but she cuts him off and says por favor. He nodds and leaves. She takes a moment to touch her lips and take in what just went down.

Teresa is still holding her teddy bear and smelling the roses in her room. She sighs when she sees who is calling her, but answers, “What happened Luisa?” She’s like so excited and confused she’s jumping and pacing and says, “Teresa, Fernando kissed me!” “In front of his ex?” Tere asks.  “No, no, we were alone in my room,” Luisa says. “In your room?” Tere asks, as if she wasn’t just making out big time with El Profe ON her bed in her room. “And what else happened between you two, Luisa?” L: “Nothing… but… .I could have done everything with him.” Tere says something to the effect of, wow, you like him so much (?). Luisa says “me encanta, but also he makes her nervous/scared.” She says how much she likes him but she made him leave because she doesn’t want a relationship, just for a little while, then it’s over. Teresa says, this [was good of you to do.] You need to make clear your place/position. Luisa says that Fernando said he liked that she was different than all the other women he knows. But she is really worried. He’s a playboy, and she doesn’t want to just be one of his galanas. Teresa says, she told her. If she really wants Fernando, she needs to listen to her advice.

Ruben and Espe get out of the car. He is dropping her off, but can’t resist a kiss in the middle of the street. Her parents and Pablito walk up and her dad says “Buenas Noches!” Pab askes if that’s her bf. She says yes. Pab makes a big deal about his car and her mother is looking very warily at Ruben. Espe makes up that instead of him going to dinner, he will invite all of them out to eat. Good, her dad says, because he wants to talk with him. Her mom invites him to come in for coffee but he says he needs to go…he has a prior commitment…for work. But they will go to dinner.

Luisa on the phone with Arturo, while Teresa stands behind his chair. Luisa is saying not to worry, she is good. He says she sounds so serious, but she says she is just tired, that’s all. A: And how is Fernando treating you? L: Good.. good. A: He better be. Are you guys going out for dinner? L: No, I don’t think so. A model friend of his is here, or something, and I think from now on, we’ll only see each other for work stuff. A: Do you feel lonely? Aw, what a good big bro. L: A little. Really, I miss you a lot. A: I miss you, too, hermanita. L: “You don’t know how much I would like it if you and Teresa were here with me (No sabes como me gustaria que Teresa y tu estuvieran aqui conmigo.) But anyway, I send you guys many kisses, goodnight.” Art to Teresa: Poor Luisa, she misses us a lot. T: I imagine. I miss her, too. A: Have I told you that today you are more beautiful than ever? Hah, wow. She says that she likes that he likes her clothes and that she bought them for him. He says she looks so beautiful, he is going to ask her madrina permission to take her out, wherever she wants. Oh, she seems delighted with having to make this choice.

Oh, yup. Here we go with one of these moments! Luisa sadly walks over to the adjoining door to Fernando’s room. On his side, he does the same. He almost knocks, but decides not to. They lean against the door thinking about each other. He backs away first, but she stays.

Art and Tere out to dinner. Guess he got permission. He says he knows she loves him, but what is it she likes about him? What can’t she wait to be married to him? Her answer, listen closely Arturo!! “With you I feel safe, protected, and by your side I won’t lack anything. And never again suffer a humiliation.” Before he can blurt out, Oh how romantic! she kisses him—probably because this will make him forget what she said.

Aurora and Cutberto: Aurora: Poor Mariano. So then, he knows that el profe was asking for Teresa’s hand? *(but I thought she and Mar already talked about this. Editing mistake?) Curberto: Yes. And forgive me, I know you are friends with her, but what Teresa did is no good. A: I don’t think this is something we can judge, me or you. Cutb then says that what she has done has made him lose his Juanita, too. He goes on talking about how he is such a bruto, drinks tequila instead of wine, wants to talk better, etc. Then he says, “You can teach me!” Well, ladies and gents, fate just found Aurora in the form of a Bruto Cutberto. She agrees to teach him.

Juana is lying on the floor of the guest room listening to music when Reina comes in to ask if she is having dinner. You mean alone down there at that big table. Yes, Reina says. No, Juana says she is fine. And she thanks Reina for lending her her tape recorder. Apparently the song is about having green eyes, like Juana’s Reina says. Yeah, Juana says, a suitor sang this to me.. She is totally talking about Cutberto. Que romantico! says Reina. Yeah, the truth is, Juana misses him. They sit and sing together.

There is a knock at Luisa's door. She asks who it is and the voice says "Room serviiiiiice."
Luisa opens the door and in comes her food, with Fernando pushing the cart. “Here is your dinner for two. So sorry it was late, but it was at the last minutes that we were told there would be two hamburgers, rather than just one, with their own fries and salsas.” Smiles.

Teresa, Arturo says, I know that you are afraid to suffer more humiliations because of what you had to deal with in school and in the university, but that was the past. I want you to always remember that you are not alone. I will be at your side to support you and defend you. She thanks him for his comforting words. He talks of her valor, and how he meant what he said to her dad. He loves that about her. He finishes the scene by saying, you are simply marvelous.

Luisa to Fernando. I thought you would be at the fashion show. Fernando: No, he says as he smoothly pushes the cart of food away from them. He didn’t go because he realized he wanted to be here with her. He moves closer to her. She asks if he wants to go walk on the beach. He laughs. He says something like, why don’t we open the door so you can leave running the second I do something impertinent. She says, don’t worry. She won’t let him do anything like that. “I assure you.” (Te lo aseguro.) Don’t you worry, he says, I’m already knowing you more. She asks, and what you’re getting to know, do you like it? He moves closer. Yes, he says, a lot. And before the night is over, they are going to have to talk about what happened between them. She sighs. Or, are you going to pretend that nothing happened, he asks. You’re right, she says, but I don’t want us to talk here. Can we go somewhere else? He nods.

Mariano blows into the clinic and Aurora is there. She is happy he’s here, everything is ready… she notices he is upset. What happened? –Why didn’t you tell me you were the daughter of the director of the hospital? –Mariano, don’t be mad. –Why didn’t you tell me? –Why does this matter to you? (Eso que mas da?) –I thought we were friends, that there was trust between us. And you never told me your father is? –Please, Mariano, this doesn’t matter. –It matters to me Aurora! It matters a lot. Because now I am asking if all this support I got from the director, his school, is for him or because he is her friend. –Mariano, of course my dad helped you for YOU. For the value of you work, your proposals.-Now I’m not so sure. –What you are doing with all this is a very good idea. That’s the only thing that matters. –No, of course not. You know that I hate playing favorites and I don’t want to succeed for favors and relationships like Teresa. This was Teresa’s idea, right? –Why do you care? (Eso que mas da, again.) –Answer me Aurora. She told you not to tell me? ….with your silence you tell me everything. She told you not to. –And now I understand. You are too proud, Mariano. –What else did she tell you to do? What else? To ask you dad to help and to help me so that I learn faster? –And if that was what happened, what? You wouldn’t continue with the dispensario to help those who need it? (I think she might be making a point here that this is his vecindad helping his neighbors??) This is nothing bad, the opposite. -This is different Aurora, very different. –No. No, it’s not different. What is wrong with helping someone who deserves it and has talent and who offers a lot, Mariano? –Whatever, I have the right to know to decide if I should stay here or go to a different hospital. –You’re exaggerating, Mariano. –Aurora, thank you for your support, but I don’t want it. I don’t need it. She leaves crying and he is steaming mad. Well, they may not be a couple but there is definitely enough intensity between them for a fight like that. You don’t bother to have a fight like that with someone unless you care about them on some level.

Cancun, Luisa and Fernando are out by the pool. He wants her to give him a chance, but she says she doubts he can change so radically to be what she needs. He says he understands that she has doubts, him being a playboy and all, but he hopes she will give him a chance. She asks if he is serious or it it if just another one of his seduction tactics. He swears he has never been more sincere. It’s clear they like each other but she asks him a favor. Please don’t hurt her. If he thinks he can change, she will try, but if not, she asks him not to play with her.

Aurora is telling her dad how furious Mariano was. He says it’s ridiculous. He would have backed the dispensario no matter what. I know, dad I know, she says, but he was so mad he wouldn’t listen to reason. Mariano is prouder than I thought, Hector says. The worst part is, he realized it was all Teresa’s idea. Well then why was he demanding/complaining to you? Hector asks. (Good question, Hector.) She says it was because he was so mad that she hid something so important from him. He’s so mad at me that he said he doesn’t want my help. Dad asks, and what are you going to do? Leave the clinic? She doesn’t have to work with anyone who will treats her badly.

Next morning. Espe goes into the clinic to give Mariano the latest hours from the priest regarding Pab’s first communion. Mariano hopes he is excited. Espe says he is counting down the days. She brings up his and Tere’s break up and says she feels in the middle because she loves them both so much. She knows that what happened between them won’t be remedied and she wants him to move forward. He is trying. She says, yeah, its not easy, but little by little. What’s more, before you believe it you’ll have a new love.

Juana is leaning on the desk where Tere is typing away. Juana asks what she is doing. She says she is opening a new email account. Juana has no clue what she is talking about. Juana walks out and Tere is trying to think of what her fake name will be…Lolita Perez. It’s time for Aida to pay.

Ruben is on the phone saying he needs to make an appointment with Arturo de la Barrera, when Aida walks in and says they see each other a lot. Rube says they have lots of work to do together. Then she says she went to the apartment he gave her and the key didn’t open the door. You went? Why? Rube asks. To show Paulo, she is not thrilled about the idea that the might live in his mom’s house. Rubie believes this is best, and to not ignore what Genoveva gives them. He says he didn’t think she really even liked the apartment. That’s true, but it’s a lot better than Paulo’s casa. Then he says he will find another property here or in Cuernavaca for them to have but she wants to choose which one. Sure, he says. She is just so happy. Her wedding is going to be awesome, and it’s going to be the boda of the year! (You sure about that one, Aida? Cause I think that the big bad Arturo and his little tiburoncita are going to make a bigger splash…) It will be, says el bigote, he’s sure of it. She leaves for school.

Back to Espe and Mariano in the clinic. She talks about both his and Tere’s helping her with the whole Rubigote thing. He asks how goes the divorce. She says it may take a while and he thinks his wife wants a lot of money but he is willing to pay whatever to be free so he can marry her! (Oy, Espe take off those blinders!) Mar is happy for her. He knows the situation isn’t the best, but he hopes that she is happy. Ruben met her parents and invited them all to eat today. Oh joy, I get to recap that scene? She leaves him.

Aurora comes in and he is immediately mean. -What are you doing here, Aurora? –I am committed to helping with this project and I am not going to quit that for you.

At the university. Aida is reading her email and Tere and Juana walk up behind her. Juana is commenting on how nice the school is and how she would love to be able to study somewhere like that. Tere walks up and says that since they always fight she thought she would write her an email instead. Aida says, good. You know I don’t talk to gatas. Tere says the circumstances could change a lot, Aida. And she could end up eating her words. Tere and Juana leave. Juana goes to the restroom, while Tere watches Aida open the email she sent her this morning with the photo of her dad and Espe makin’ out! Aida is impactada.

Ivonne asks what Tere said in her email. Aida says she didn’t open it, but shows Ivonne the photo. Ivonne, being the genius we all know she must be, says oh, that’s your dad… but that’s not your mom! She gets up to comfort a distraught Aida. Tere is practically pole dancing with the column she’s so happy… ooh… future employment once all her lies are uncovered?

Espe calls Rubigote and they talk about meeting at the restaurant at three. Johnny walks in and Espe asks him to help her convince Dad to like them. He agrees. He tells her happily that he is now officially a sex offender—I mean is going out with Pati.

Juana and Tere are walking and talking. Juana says she misses Cutbert—eh, the vecindad mucho. Tere says she understands, and then something about seeing her mother. Tere’s phone rings and it is Luisa. Teresa asks how everything went. Luisa isn’t sure. She’s about to meet with Fernando and she feels very insecure. Tere says this is the worst she can do. She needs to appear very secure. Teresa tells her she needs to dominate her emotions. Luisa doesn’t think she can. Tere says she needs to, or she will suffer. Luisa asks Tere what will she do if Fernando says no?

Aida and Ivonne. Ivonne tells her not to cry. These days anybody can do anything with a photo. It’s probably fake. Aida says no, it’s from a cell phone, it’s real… clearly. The apartment, everything he deceived us all. Me, my mom. Ivonne asks, what apartment? Nothing, never mind. All of Ivonne’s efforts to calm her down are for naught and Aida flees to go talk to her dad, almost leaving her computer on the table.

Quick scene with Paulo and the receptionist of Rubigote. He asked her to get a bunch of papers pertaining to his wife and they are a lot. Paulo offers to help.

Aurora is helping a little boy with a small burn. As he leaves mar tells him not to be so close to the stove when his mom is cooking. Aida says if he doesn’t need her help, why doesn’t he fire her? Cause she she was ready to quit. Why didn’t you? He asks. Because, she says, my commitment isn’t with you. It’s first with Dr. Ledesma who invited me to help; secondly, to all the volunteers she said she would help; and thirdly, for everyone who needs medical help but can’t pay. Aurora, Mar says, I want to know the truth. Why did you come to the clinic? For you, Mariano, I did it for you. What do you mean you did it for me? She says he opened her eyes to how great being a doctor can be and now she loves it. Fine, he says, if you want to work, then take these to the director. He needs to sign these. Can you take care of that? With pleasure, she says. She is sure her dad will sign if everything is correct. She said she won't come back without his signature on the paper and she is off.

Tere is annoyed that Rubi’s secretary, Eva, I think her name is, is taking too long to find what she needs. She finds them and Tere apologizes for not being able to come get them earlier. Paulo walks up and they have the usual talk about Aida. She wants to reconcile with Aida, she says. He says admit it, you’re jealous we’re getting married. And that it will be a great big boda. And that Arturo will be our witness. Well, she says, this is why I want to reconcile with her. I wouldn’t want there to be problems with my future husband. Que? Paulo asks. Oh, she says, you didn’t know that I am getting married to Arturo de la Barrera? Paulo is impactado as she flashes her ring in his face.

Luisa and Fernando sit down to presumably breakfast? Well, she wastes no time. What did you decide about us? Uh oh, he looks concerned.

Paulo asks when her ambicion will have enough. She says that the sky is the limit. She can’t believe she wasted so much time on someone as insignificant as Paulo. And how important was this taxista? He didn’t have money, but is worth a thousand times what you are. He asks why she didn’t marry the taxista and she goes on saying soon he will be way more important than Paulo. Plus, how can he criticize her when he is only marrying so that he can get his mom’s money to pay for his vices. He says he loves Aida. She laughs and asks who he is trying to fool? He says he doesn’t love Aida like he loved Teresa, but he loves her, but you don’t love Arturo.  She says, oh why wouldn’t I? He’s smart, brilliant, respected, has a ton of money; the difference between them both is enormous. And after a year, when you’re bored and you want to go out to the club, what? Are you going to get him out of his library? She says that she isn’t interested in club; she wants to learn, be cultured. She insults him a little more and says, see you at your wedding. She leaves but stops when she runs into Aida. She says she wants to talk to Aida, but Aida says no, and Tere shrugs it off and leaves. Paulo stops her before she goes into his office, not just to ask her what’s up but also to say her dad isn’t there.

Espe’s whole family is taking in their ritzy surroundings just when Ruben shows up. He says he wanted to tell them all that he loves their daughter. Her mother stands up and says when’s the wedding!? Espe is like, woah, mom, slow your roll. Then her dad is like, why are you defending him. He’s no spring chicken. Espe is embarrassed. Ruben says, yeah I’m a man. She’s a woman. And we love each other. And I hope you guys accept our relationship. Yes, Espe says, that’s why we’re here. And of course we’re going to get married mom. Pedro says but you can understand why it is difficult for us to see her with someone who has already lived! Has a child! Yes, I understand, says Ruben, and I like that you worry so much about your daughter. Believe me that she understands perfectly my circumstances. She says she does. And he is so happy that she accepts him the way he is. The waiter comes and Ruben orders. I think we are all uncomfortable watching as he and Espe are sitting there, as the poor people see the expensive prices on the menu, etc.

Fernando is talking to Luisa. F: I didn’t sleep last night thinking about you. Luisa, you are incredible. And very different than all the girls I know, but…(Ugh, but. Her face falls.) He doesn’t know if he is ready to change his life, to commit to something to serious. How funny, she says, I was going to say it would be better if we just forgot everything that happened. (Wow, she’s taking Tere’s advice well about controlling her emotions.) We can’t pretend it was something so serious, it was just one kiss. She wants to give him back the gift her gave her and she takes the red necklace she wore as a bracelet and handed it to him. He thinks she is overdoing it. No, believe me, no she says. You and Arturo love each other like brothers and I wouldn’t want to be a reason you two fight. He says this has nothing to do what what happened, (I believe.) Plus, she says, she knows he won’t change. And the truth is she doesn’t querer him. She exhales, gives a small smile, and walks away, leaving him pensive. (See, if she wanted to be, she could be an even better (or worse) manipulator that Terror because she actually can control her emotions.)

Oy, the Espefamily and Ruben dinner is getting more awkward. The food comes and the kids are pissed that they have to have chicken, then never get to eat steak, and when Rube suggests a toast, they don’t hear or ignore him because they are too focused on the food. Johnny asks why his daughter didn’t come. Lucky for Rubigote his phone rings. (It is Aida coming and she is super pissed! Paulo keeps asking her what is up.) He shuts his phone off. What if it’s work? Pedro asks. Ruben doesn’t want anyone to disturb him.

Aida is again super mad she can’t get a hold of him. When Paulo asks why again, she shows him the photo. Eugh, he says, your dad with another woman. Don’t cry mi amor. What we need to do now is worry about your mom. Does she know? No, Aida says, I got the photo from someone on the internet. Who sent it, he asks. She doesn’t know, some Perez woman, which is weird because she doesn’t know anyone named Perez. Then it dawns on her, she remembers Tere giving her a hard time at school earlier. Of course, she says, of course it was her. It was Teresa. She throws a fit and Paulo tries to comfort her. When he says to calm down, she escalates, calm down!? How can I calm down??!? She then says, you don’t understand. If you deceive me, if you are unfaithful, I will kill you. Kill-you. Paulo looks a little worried.

Cancun. Luisa walks on the beach. Oh, can I go to the beach? It looks so nice there. Well, not nice for her. She is remembering what Fernando said. And can I just say, even though she didn’t want to hear it, I found his honesty refreshing. Tere answers her phone. Hey, Luisa, how did it go with Fernando? –It was awful (Fue fatal.) Did you say what we wanted, that you are also very regretful (I think she means to say she is regretful that she kissed him.) –No, I said that I didn’t believe he could change either.. –You need to maintain your pride and tell him that he doesn’t interest you at all.-Before I said that, I would have cried in front of him. –You need to control yourself. When you work with him, you need to act more dignified. Don’t let him know what you love him. –That’s impossible. –You need to be careful or you’ll be without a boyfriend and without a job. –A job isn’t important to me. -And your dignity, what? She turns around and sees Mariano walking toward her and tells Luisa to think about it and they will talk later, Adios. Mariano: You’re a manipulator Teresa. Why didn’t you tell me before? Teresa: What are you talking about? Mar: You know very well I hate favoritism and you went behind my back to tell Aurora’s dad to help me. She makes a pouty face at him.

Back to the most awkward meal of the century. Pablito asks Ruben if he is working this Saturday. He laughs and says, no he was going to take Esperanza out early on Saturday. Pab says she can’t. It is his first communion, and then Pab invites him to it. After some hesitation he agrees to go and Espe raises her glass and says cheers.

Tere: Ah, look. You and Aurora are closer than ever. You tell each other everything. Mar: She didn’t tell me. Tere: And what does it matter to you? (Que mas da, again.) It was to help you with school. Mar: I don’t need your help. My work I do for me. Tere: This is what made her want to do it. She did it because she loved him. You just don’t realize. Mar: Oh really. If you love me so much, why don’t you leave Arturo and come back to me. Tere: Understand, you lost me just because you don’t know how to take advantage of your opportunities. Mar: Like you are taking advantage of Arturo? Like that? Tere: He loves me and I am happy. Mar: Tell me something, Teresa, did you also plan this to dupe, fool, tirck, bamboozle (embaucar) you boss? Tere: Think what you want, Mariano. It’s too bad you didn’t take my advice, to become ‘somebody’ more quickly because this is the difference between you and me. Que entre ser y no ser, yo soy. And with that she flounces out.

Aida is wringing out her hands waiting for her dad. Hola princesa, he calls as he walks in. She is very serious with him says they need to talk. Okay, go ahead., he says. I want us to talk about your mistress (amante, lover), she says. Que? I explained to you that there is no one more than your mother. Oh yes? Well this photo, she says, says the opposite. She shows him the photo and we end on Rubigote Impactada.

Fin de part two!

Avances: Teresa in a wedding dress. Mariano punching someone else. Aida learns about the wedding. Aurora sees Mariano kiss Teresa. 

As always, correct me if I was wrong on anything and please excuse any grammar mistakes. Also, my apologies for being extraordinarily inconsistent with the format in which I wrote the conversations. I was all over the place on that--I just haven't figured out which way I like best...


Samantha, thank you for the absolutely superb recap!

To quote my favorite lines: "unless Hunkasaurus is on the menu, her meal will be coming later", "He tells her happily that he is now officially a sex offender", and "most awkward meal of the century". They were all just smashing!

Loved the scene with Juana lying on the floor and pining for her mariachi.

Most excellent recap. The vocab was thorough and very much appreciated. I also liked your editorial comments. Thanks so much for your great translations, it really helped clarify what was going on.

Thanks Sylvia! You read that quickly!
*Small note. I am going through my DVR now and see at least one difference between the youtube version and the TV version. I will add in paragraphs as necessary!

Great! Then I will re-read tomorrow over my cup of tea and enjoy the recap again.

I said yesterday that I loved the scenes where Tere sticks it to Aida. However tonight's scene, where Aida saw her dad kissing la otra and was totally broken up, was just horrible. Oh Tere, you are MALA!

Marvelous Samantha.

My favorite line (of many) is: "Aurora is fidgeting with the pretty blue shirt she has on, and considers letting her cleavage show, but immediately says “Ay, no” and puts them back in their cage". Excellent! Your embedded vocabulary was amazing.

My favorite scene was Ruben and "the family" - awkward hand shakes all around. The kids shining their plates with their napkins was priceless. Poor Espe - so deluded, so taken advantage of. Ack.


Good work, Samantha. This is a monumental task to have ready so early.

What I loved about last night's episode is the scene with Juana and Reina. What a contrast between that and Reina's first encounter with our little Tiburoncita.

Aida could use that photo to blackmail more out of her dad; I wouldn't put it past her. And Paulo will lose it on drugs.

I don't know how old Johnny is but Pati has to be jailbait. Not good.

Mariano needs to wake up. Lots of people make it on connexions regardless of merit. If merit were all it took I'd be a partner in an agency.

Most awkward dinner of the century indeed! Esperanza is aptly named because she's in deep denial.

Splendid, Samantha! Thanks so much! I'm amazed at how much wit and dialogue you're able to put into these double recaps.

Teresa is so gauche, waving that credit card all over and snapping at people. Hilarious eye roll from the sales clerk at the boutique. Tere will never pass for high class, I don't think. Her behavior just screams "insecure poser."

In contrast, I thought Esperanza was much better behaved. She cringed just for a tiny moment at her family's behavior in the restaurant, but then just smiled and acted pleasant. She didn't berate them or let on that she was embarrassed or do a lot of whiny explanation of how this is all because they're poor, the way Teresa would have. Aside from the affair with a married man thing, Espe has way more class.

Was that the same fancy restaurant that was used several times in En Nombre del Amor? It looked like different furniture but the same building. It looks really cool in night scenes with a fire in the fireplace and the stained glass ceiling and windows lit up.

Mariano is getting really frustrating. He seems to think his attitude is pride, but it seems to me he's just trying to make things harder for himself for no good reason. Besides, his attitude is inconsistent. He wants to help other people, but no one is allowed to help him? Does he think he's better than the patients he treats or the neighbors he gives money to? I'm glad Aurora let him know what she thinks of his attitude. Maybe once he cools down, that message will sink in better coming from her than from manipulative, money-grubbing Teresa.

Gracias everyone!
I agree Mariano is getting frustrating. And can I just say that the way he feels about Teresa seems less and less like it is love and more and more like it is just plain old obsession.
Yeah I don't really know how old Johnny is supposed to be? But he looks way too old to be with Pati.
Hunkasaurus is a word I borrow from Paquita's recap, when she commented on how good Arturo and Fernando looked in their polos, and I just love it. I will be using that word every chance I get, lol.

This recap rocked Samantha. There was so many funny one-liners in it, I can't choose which ones were the best. I think we are learning with Fernando that a leopard doesn't change its spots. He will always be a womanizer. What happened to the other guy that liked Luisa. He just fell completely off the face of the earth. I like that Luisa is becoming stronger and more self assured. Teresa can give good advice at times.

The whole dinner scene with Esp, Ruben, and her folks was definitely awkward.

I thought Mariano was too hard on Aurora. He should be grateful for her and her dad's help to get where he is instead of biting her head off. He really needs to control his temper and attend some anger management classes.

Arturo is so whipped. Now he has given Teresa her very own credit card. I wonder how long will it be before the blinders come off.

The person Mariano punches in the previews was Paulo. I guess he came to harass Teresa some more. I was surprised she told him that she was marrying Arturo. He could very well tell Aida who in turn will tell Gen who will tell the administrators of the university. Bad move there Teresa.

Thanks for the great recap Samantha. ITA w/your assessment of Luisa. She could become quite the manipulator as she followed Teresa's advice to the letter. She hasn't shown Fernando (the dufus) how much she cares for him which is good as the previews seem to indicate he went back to his old ways. I hope she finds someone great.

Mariano is losing points with me fast. First his obsession (right again Samantha) with Teresa (how many times must she say she's not interested) and now blasting Aurora for help. As UA mentioned, most successful people have had some assistance (get a clue and control your anger).

I really like Luisa. She's very sweet, but not a pushover. It's going to be very upsetting when she finds out how Teresa has used her and her brother. Kind of refreshing how honest and firm she was with Fernando. She acknowledges she likes him, but rather than just falling for his moves and going along with what he wants because of her lifelong crush, she tells him exactly why she is saying no. I respect a lady who knows her own mind and what sort of life she wants and who won't settle for something else just because "everyone else" is doing it.

Samantha: Thanks for a terrific read! "Hunkasaurus" for dinner had me rolling today, not to mention your asides about Johnny and Pati's relationship.

Aida deserves whatever Teresa dishes out after the two school pobresa "outings" in the classroom and the graduation party. I'd never forgive her EVER. I do admire the way she schemes and gets back at the bullies, because, as someone else mentioned here, she actually does what we all can only wish we could at times.

Yes, yes, I agree. I love Luisa and LOVE how she handled the Fernando situation. She knows what she wants and she won't take any less. I love that.
Hah, Mariano in anger management classes...that is just too funny to picture.
Oh, yes, he hits Paulo. That makes sense. I can't believe she's told Paulo about the wedding either... I mean, this is something they want to keep quiet until she graduates, right? But she's too excited about the ring and money to stop from telling anyone. It will be interesting to see what happens when Aida finds out.
And yes, Tere really does do a lot of things we wish we could do---but a lot I think most of us would never do. We should do as Luisa, take the good, leave out the bad!

Thank you recappers for all that you do. I haven't been watching, because its just too difficult w/out the english captioning ( I start to lose interest - like I did with TDA).

But I am reading the recaps daily, so thank you again.

Damn...if only real men like Arturo existed in real life.

Mariano needs to let Teresa go. Why do you want to be with someone who's basically called you a loser? Yes, Teresa is smart and pretty, but so is Aurora (who IMO is prettier and she's nice). Hopefully he opens his eyes and stops being a dunderhead.

I see everyone thinks Arturo is being pushed over by Teresa. Well, I am hoping it turns out Arturo is a bigger manipulator than Teresa ever was.
It will be such fun to watch Arturo's character unfold to match or rival Teresa.
There has to be more to his backstory than we have been given so far.
And what fun to watch Teresa realize who Arturo really is.
Now, if Teresa has been able to hide who she really is from Arturo for the past 3-4 years. It is entirely possible that Arturo has been hiding who HE really is also.

This is plot development I am hoping will happen because I can't bear the thought of such a manly, hunkasauras, drop-dead gorgeous man being a doormat for a trepadora like Teresa.
But if he turns out to be a sexy cad, a la Rhett Butler, I say Yeahhhh, bring him on!!!!!


Diann I thought something similar the other day! I would absolutely love it if that were the case!

Look at his two best friends... international playboy and mustached philanderer.
What's that saying about the company you keep?

It would be nice if Arturo had some hidden depth. Up till now he has been a big pansy. But if there are hidden depths, they sure have been hidden!

So far I've just seen easily led guy but with some occasional very scary jealous temper flashes. Not really anything in between. That just seems odd.


I agree Audrey.
Hah now my brain is working over time. How much do we know about what his parents were accused of? What if he had something to do with it? Not necessarily meaning it was all his fault, but what if something he did played a hand in it?
I'm gonna be thinking about this all night now!

Great job Samantha! Thank you for the one-liners.

I agree Arturo isn't showing much depth other than his flashes of temper. But maybe he is tightly wound up and one of these days, BAM! He's going to snap. Agree with Dian, it would be wonderful if he's been hiding something from us. I really don't think he'll be downright evil. He may be over controlling once he begins to realize who he's mixed up with.

The Johnny/Patty relationship is kinds creepy. It think it was Samantha who noted he's 24ish and she's just a child. Although Grandpa seems really evil, he should protect his granddaughter from head-scratching Johnny. Are they really going to pursue this? Are we supposed to forget he's an adult and she's a child? hmmm

Teresa really does give good advice. The trouble is, that she steps all over everyone on her way up the ladder and lied every step of the way.

It'll be interesting to see how this all pans out.

I think you're on to something Diann. We really don't know Arturo's background except for what Luisa told Teresa about their parent's murders and his trying to clear their names and the broken engagement. I think Arturo is a volcano ready to blow and once he finds out he's been duped watch out. I'm loving the slow build and can't wait to see what's underneath that calm exterior. Arturo fascinates me.

OT my word verification is bulsheak. I can't stop laughing.

Thank you Samantha. I've been too busy to comment, but wanted to drop in to say how much I enjoyed the recaps.

By the way, almost every tn has a relationship between a teen girl in high school and a man in his mid-20s who's already in the working world. It totally creeps out the US audience, but apparently doesn't seem to bother the Mexican/LatAm audience.

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