Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #122-123 5/23/11 Alonso rescues a baby and prevents a murder but still can’t get a date. Cruz cruises to victory.

Queridos amigos,

The Committee to Keep NovelaMaven Sane, spearheaded by Mr. Maven and the Maven yerno and language consultant, Heriberto, (seriously) has spoken. As long as Loonivisión keeps dishing out two-hour shows, NovelaMaven will follow Sgt. Friday’s dictum: Just the facts, Ma’am. So.

Part One

Alonso’s balloon idea has paid off.
Lulu’s grandsons take the bait and lead Alonso right to the apartment where el pequeño Juan Pablo has been hidden. When she realizes Bernarda was deceiving her, Mama Lulu hands over the baby meekly. Alonso gives her a wad of bills so she and the little boys can get away safely – Bernarda will be furious when she finds out Lulu gave the baby back -- and then hotfoots it back to the vecindad with JPito.

Word spreads of the attack on Padre Juan Pablo.

Fausto tells the gang in the vecindad.

Osvaldo finds out from Padre Jerónimo when he stops by the church looking for PJP. And where is PJP now? At Doña Demente’s. At the thought, both Jero and Os look like they are smelling something unpleasant.

Os phones Victoria and the two arrange to visit PJP together.

Demente fusses over PJP in her creepy, quasi-incestuous fashion.

Then we see her downstairs with Padilla, demanding to know what he has done about Alacrán’s little mistake – you know, stabbing the wrong padre. The ever loyal Padilla tells his mistress: I killed him! Bernarda is only sorry she didn’t get to kill him herself.

Now Demente and Padilla go on a little field trip to Mama Lulu’s. When Demente sees the apartment is empty, she orders Padilla to kill Max, if possible before he has the joy of seeing his baby returned.

When Heri met Leo
Leonela rages at the desk clerk at the boutique hotel, Casa Vieja, for not providing her with booze. Somewhat spitefully, she plucks flowers from an elaborate planting in the lobby. We hear the marvelous, mellow voice before we see the face: You’re not allowed to pick the flowers. And then, when he lowers his newspaper, we see Dr. Heriberto. Leo switches from fiera to flirt. She’s surprised that he turns down her suggestion of “una copa” – coffee or a soda, perhaps, but he hasn’t drunk alcohol in many years, he tells her.

Doña Demente is back and blocking the palace gates when Os and Vic appear on her doorstep. Demente has no intention of letting them see her son. But when she lets loose her usual invective against Victoria, Vic slaps her hard. She and Os have her number and they’re not leaving without seeing PJP. Demente tells them their presence soils her house. Os promises they’ll wipe their feet before entering. Then they stroll around The Demented One who is left hitting her forehead in the universal “I coulda’ had a V8” gesture. Her only comfort -- the pain they will feel when Padilla kills Max.

Alonso: Hero Schmuck Hero
The incredibly annoying Alonso hides little Juan Pablo behind a huge floral display and watches while Max and MD go through disappointment, anger, and heartache before the poor kid leads them to him with his cry.

Padilla lurks on the upper level of the vecindad. He aims his gun at Max. Somehow, Alonso catches sight of the weapon but not the shooter, and pushes M & M & baby out of the way. The bullet grazes Alonso but does no damage. Max and Fausto chase after the shooter. Max realizes the attempt has Doña Demente de Iturbide written all over it.

At Casa Sandoval, Cruz is working in the garden, too broken up over little Juan Pablo’s disappearance to think about singing. But then Fer gets the good news from Max – the baby has been returned unharmed.

Fer and Cruz and a Contrived Fight
Fer tells Cruz she’s going to have an operation. She may be able to walk again! Then she’ll be able to tell him whether she wants to be his girlfriend. She can’t give him an answer now because she’s sure that what he feels for her is pity, not love. Cruz has heard this too often and now he flies off the handle. He tells Fer it’s she who feels sorry for herself. He has shown his love for her over and over ever since they met. Well this is the end. She doesn’t deserve to have him kiss her again! [Maybe I missed something here but this seems pretty lame – none of the usual snap, crackle and pop of their scenes together. ]

The gang in the vecindad thanks Alonso because even if he’s a jerk, he does get it done. Then Juanjo and Nati make the announcement that Nati has agreed to tie herself to this charmless lout for the rest of her life. They ask M&M to be their godparents (padrinos) at the wedding; only if you’ll do the same for us, they say.

When Alonso slips out quietly, Nati follows him and offers her sympathy. She knows he’s in love with M ya no D, but it’s time to forget her. (Ya think?) Alonso asks Nati to come by his studio later but won’t say why.

PJP, Vic and Os are all smiles at Bernie’s house after the Sandovals have delivered the news about the baby’s homecoming. “Our grandson” says Vic happily -- “because he’s Max’s son”. PJP swallows uncomfortably.

Back in the vecindad, Max says it’s time to put an end to all the wickedness – they should get married and show their enemies the strength of their love. Sounds good to M ya no D. Smoochie sandwich with little JP in the middle. ♪♪A partir de hoy…♪♪

Part Two

Ximena sits before her mirror like the Wicked Queen after a self-esteem workshop: I’m Ok – You, Not So Much. She’s well, she’s taking her meds, she’s gonna be beautiful, and successful. She’s gonna vanquish her enemies.

Padilla turns the other cheek
Slam Bam goes the heavy hand of Demente on Padilla’s face, first on one side, then the other. He is “un inepto”, “un imbécil”. But Padilla, thin greasy hair falling on his sweaty face, has had enough. After everything he’s done for her and she treats him like a slave, a lackey (lacayo). He’s sure Victoria would pay plenty to know the name of her daughter… Unless Demente is ready to treat him differently, starting with an apology. Bernarda backs down and apologizes. Padilla kisses her hand and leaves her shaking with fury.

Holy Sandoval!
Before the Virgen de Guadaloupe --
Vic gives thanks for returning little JP and pleads for a chance to see her daughter now that her life may be cut short by cancer.
M ya no D gives thanks and prays for Vic to find her daughter soon.
Os gives thanks and asks for forgiveness for not keeping it in his pants.
Max gives thanks and prays for Vic in her illness.

Fer and Cruz continue their unconvincing quarrel – he, who always played the simple gardener is anything but humble. And he’s a sore loser to boot! He stalks off leaving her sadly calling after him: Cruz! Cruz!

Fabián is on the phone with Max asking for his help in “Operation Fer”. He just has to ask the maid, Micaela, to let Fabián in the house. [Why? He has been to the house many times and the staff know him.] Fabián is delighted to hear that Cruz and Fer have quarreled [How does Max know this?]. After hanging up the phone, Fabián whirls the waiting Luci around, unable to contain his happiness.

M & M want to visit PJP but Demente tries to send them away. After a nasty exchange of words, Demente tells them to leave saying menacingly, “You don’t know what I’m capable of doing…”

She is startled by the sudden appearance of PJP, fully dressed and collar in place. [Yeah, it’s nice that he’s feeling well enough to put on his priest clothes, but we were kind of enjoying the PJP’s pjs.] He asks: “Just what are you capable of doing to keep my daughter and grandson from seeing me?”

If his mother insists on preapproving his visitors, he’ll have to leave her house. M ya no D offers her place and Max agrees; it would be preferable to Bernie’s jailhouse.

And off they go leaving Bernarda alone, apparently stricken. She kneels and offers one of her crazy-ass prayers – “Yo soy la cúspide, Señor” (♪I’m the Top, I’m the Coliseum♪)

Micaela comes looking for Cruz to cut a bouquet of roses for Victoria and sad Fer tells him Cruz isn’t around – and she doubts he’s coming back.

Meanwhile Cruz laments to Napo that Fer told him to get lost (“Me mandó a volar”) and he answered that he’d never come back again.

Osvaldo is surprised to find Fer still at home. Wasn’t Cruz going to take her to her therapy session at CRIT? Fer tells her daddy about the spat they had. His advice – If you love him, set aside your pride and go see him. Fer explains that Cruz is probably at Televisa right now – he’s a finalist in a singing contest. Osvaldo has an idea. He makes a call, speaks to someone at Televisa, and he leaves the house with Fer.

At CRIT, Dr. Heri the Heartbreaker is concerned that Fer missed her appointment.

Max, now back in the vecindad with M ya no D and PJP, gets a call from Leonela. She needs to see him right away.

Mating ritual in the vecindad. Don Joel shows off his verbal plumage. Chente seems to be trying to escape from the Jarochas by hiding behind Millie.

Now the gang – Millie, Nati, JJ, Napo and Chente -- is anxious to leave for a trip downtown but no one has heard from Cruz. Fausto tells them not to bother waiting. Cruz is a Mexican Idol finalist and is probably at Televisa right now.

Now we get an exterior shot of Gui’s house followed by an interior that seems to be Leo’s hotel. Oops. Leo and Max are joined by Guillermo. The urgent issue? Leonela wants Max’s permission to act in a play in Gui’s theater. [This is urgent? And she needs his permission? Really?] Max isn’t happy about his mother having anything to do with Gui, but reluctantly consents with one condition: She has to enter Alcoholics Anonymous.

Millie, Nati and Napo browse at the bridal gown store. Clearly, Nati is going to be more tractable than the late LindaHo.

As part of his plan to win Fer over, Fabián is setting up some crap on the Sandoval lawn. Whatever it is, it has loser written all over it.

The wardrobe lady at Televisa can barely keep her hands to herself when she sees Cruz all gotten up in his pale blue traje de charro.

What a surprise. Alonso wants to take photos of Nati as a gift for Juanjo.

Luciano is watching his models walk the runway at Casa Bernarda when he is ambushed by Pipino. Pip cuts up a dress – while the model is wearing it -- and he and Luciano fight chipmunk style. But when a new and improved Ximena walks down the runway, they are so dazzled, they forget their squabbling. The Queen is back!

Juanjo likes Alonso’s pictures of Nati. Very glam.

Can This Mother be Saved?
Max brings Leonela to her first AA meeting. She has switched from black to red nail polish. Probably a good sign. She comes forward and speaks, taking responsibility for the harm she has done in life and the losses she has sustained. The group supports her. Max nods his approval.

Now the semifinalists are onstage at the Televisa competition and the nacos are there to cheer their boy on. The audience has narrowed the field to five. The host narrows it down to four, three, two – and now “el ídolo de la canción ranchera” – Cruz Robles!

Cruz steps forward and dedicates his song to the love of his life – even though she doesn’t love him back – Fernanda Sandoval! And now we see what Osvaldo arranged: at that precise moment, Os wheels Fer front and center. We hear the first notes of the song (mercifully, instrumental only)…

Alonso, alone in his apartment, collapses.

M & M are back in the vecindad with PJP. They want to ask a favor of him: Will he marry them? Right now? [Like before one of the crazy ladies in Max’s life can make impossible demand on him?]

The news of Alacrán’s death has been greatly exaggerated.
Padilla and Scorpion guy are hunkered down together. Padilla has had it with Bernarda. He can’t wait any more – it’s time to get rid of her.

Fausto has come to Bernarda’s house looking for Padre Juan Pablo but Eva tells him the padre has gone to stay at María’s. Then she adds meanly: “Just hearing her name makes your eyes shine!” She warns him again that María would never look at him. He can’t allow himself to be distracted by her. There’s only one reason they are staying in this house – to get revenge!

Bernarda suddenly materializes. “Get revenge on whom, Eva?”

Uh oh.

At Casa Sandoval, Victoria walks down the stairs and addresses a man’s back: ¿Qué se le ofrece? (What can I do for you? Can I help you?) The man turns to face her. It’s Dr. Heri the Heartbreaker. Is that mutual recognition we see?

Sweet William Levy in a kayak


I know this is not as detailed or carefully written as usual. Sorry guys. Two hour time slots are a recapper's nightmare.

Lucky for me that I'm one of the few people around here still enjoying this silly show. Yes, it is a big shambling mess. But it's also great fun!

Thanks for a fabulous recap!! I wouldn't say I'm not enjoying the show. I think I'm more annoyed that Looneyvision has been so fast and loose with the programing. Two hours is a lot. I get especially annoyed when I think of all the roads this TN has opened and not followed. Someone wrote a list a couple days back...

I found myself wishing last night that they would focus on Cruz and Fer more. It's about the only story line that brings me any joy.

NovelaMaven, I think the recap was excellent. I can't help but wonder why so many people are murdered and attempted to be murdered, yet the police are not involved and no one reports them. In this istance, the kidnapping. Maria and Max go abou their normal routine after getting back the baby, nothing asked about who kidnapped the baby. Nothing about calling the police and no one called the police when a shot was fired at max/maria/baby. I realize that viewers and recappers have spoken how TN's can be over the top, but to this point. I would have enjoyed a different way of them getting the baby back, with police involved, everyone watching the tv for the event where baby is returned to momma and instead Alonso just brings it back and nothing is asked.????????

Gracias, NovelaMaven. After doing the last episodes of Aurora I appreciate what work a 2-hour episode must be, especially when wit is a prime objective.

Let me get this out of the way first: Pale blue is not the right color for a traje de charro for anyone like Cruz. He needs something dark because he is very alpha. Trust me, when Pablo does a concert he wears dark ones and all other men in the venue become invisible. BTW, his competition in this episode were both contestants in a mariachi competition Televisa had on the air about two years ago.

At long last Victoria slaps Bernarda! This is so long overdue. Dona Dementa, the only dirty thing in your house is your mind.

I now totally get why Alonzo didn't reveal Mama Lulu's identity to Maria and Max, but hiding JP-ito in the floral display was far too risky. Considering that the evil-doers could have been watching them to enjoy their pain, he put that baby at risk.

Max, it's long overdue to get Maria out of that neighborhood. I'm surprised that Osvaldo isn't getting on your case about this.

That black and white dress Ximeana was wearing was awful. No woman in her right mind would ever buy a dress with anything horizontal on it.

Padilla's Darwin Award is coming soon. He should know by now that Dona Dementa is capable of anything. He may not live long enough to tell Victoria about Maria.

I kept forgetting to bring this up, but does anyone else think there is something sick about how Leonela usually refers to herself in the third person? Also, I don't think she's going to stop drinking. Doctor Hottie better not have romantic ideas about her.

Eva better think fast and Fausto needs to stop fantasizing about Maria.

Ditto XXX-factor's dress.

I meant to mention before, is it just me or are there more and more continuity problems? I think you mentioned one NM, but I spend most of last night going "wha? how'd that happen?"

And I know I'm the only one, but I'm team Alonso. I hope they intro a character at the last minute that he can be with.

Great recap! You did a great job with "just the facts". Don't know what I enjoy more - the show or the recaps!

Can Max's jackets get any tighter?

NovelaMaven, thanks. Perhaps "just the facts," but spiced with your wonderful wit nevertheless:

"We hear the first notes of the song (mercifully, instrumental only)…"


So Lulu just hands the baby over to Alonzo?

"Look into my eyes. Do you think that I'd lie?"

Please lady, you've already demonstrated your terrible skills at sizing up people... call the police and let them sort it out.

Well... OK... WE know that Alonzo has a good (if not pure) heart.

Speaking of Alonzo, how about him and Nathy together? She could do worse... and has.


I agree - excellent "Just the facts" recap. With the 2 hour TNs I prefer some condensing anyway.

I just couldn't get over that Alonso thought it appropriate to have a giant flower arrangement left outside with the baby stuck in the middle and unattended! That was so awful!!!!! And the TN making such a big surprise deal out of it as if this were the most wonderful way possible to deliver a stolen child. Dragging it out and milking it for all it was (not) worth. SICK!

This TN has always been over the top, but this beat all for me. I am just incredulous.

Oh, and Maria and Max are so proud of "lo nuestro". Please! Gag!


LOL @ Mariachi Idol. That 2nd place winner (Poncho Villa) looked like Bob in Televisa's accounting department they grabbed to be an extra.

Why is PJP still calling Maria "Maria Desamparada?"

Annoyed at Get a Life Alonso hiding baby JP in the flowers. What if he had an allergy to flowers? LOL @ the special glowy effects around baby JP.

Tks so much NovelaMaven, facts are all this pedaza de mierda deserves.

I'm sticking with it though, still 90% better than FELS.

We have seen plenty of stupidity but the return of the baby was the height of estupidez. Alonso places the baby in the bushes, bugs, yuk. M & M approach with caution (it's only a baby, not Jaws). I'm sure any mother recognizes the cry of her baby, they should be running toward JPito.
No one called the police that the baby is returned, oh right, no one called the police that the baby was missing. No one wants to know where the baby has been????????? Usually the hospital is the 1st stop to make sure the kid is ok.

How many slaps have we had per episode, I think we are over quota on those as well as hospital scenes.

Where did Chente come from?

Ojala, Cruz had shaved.

I see redemption for Leonela. Someone has to be redeemed & all the others are too far gone.

Pobre Bernarda, she has hired the gang that couldn't shoot straight, have they gotten anything right?
El Alacran kills Padilla's son, he stabs PJP instead of Padre Jer.
Padilla misses Max. I know there are more screw ups, just can't think of them.

Isn't it high time that Max got security for Maria & the baby? He thinks the kidnappers won't try again??????????

This comment has been removed by the author.

NM, this was just the right amount of detail,and well more than this TN deserves at this point. My head hurts watching...definite park the beanie episode.

I ditto, third, fourth the whole flowers thing. Really? Such a Meija moment - in other words it was stupid, inappropriate and an insult to the viewers intelligence. heck, I can't even blame Alonso - he';s just the poor pawn they stuck the scene on.

Speaking of Al - so Nati will naturally find him? not bad idea about her and Al, Carlos - but I think we all have to face the sad sorry truth that the powers that be seem to think hooking her up with JJ is a good idea and we're all jumping for joy over it. NOT!! Could not sit thru a wedding of those two.

Love seeing Burnie getting her come-uppance last night from just about everyone. Must be getting to the ultimates - she'll get desperate now - someone (but who) will suffer and then we get happy happy.(I still worry for PJP) Right now, I care about Fer and Fab getting happy happy's - just with their separate partners.

What is the deal with Dr. Heart-throb. They sure are creating a story background for someone who isn't around much - we know he lost his family, and now we know he stopped drinking alcohol (connection?) and now maybe he knows Vic? WTH?

Sending the beanie out to the dry-cleaners. Won't be using it for some time.

NM--Just the facts is just fine. Don't lose any sleep or family time. We love your recaps.

Maybe Padilla missed so we would be saved another trip to the hospital. After all, we still have Fer's operation and Alonslow's illness--maybe a relapse by Ximena and/or Leo. Too many for this overworked hospital staff to deal with.

Hmmm, Dr. Heri-Hermoso is only in 5 episodes? They are giving us waay too much background information and then throwing Leoni and Vicki into the mix. If he was just here to do Fer, I can understand it, but his appearance can go in several different directions. Leola looks as though she could "clean up" pretty well.

I, too did a double-look when they showed the outside of Gui's house and then the inside of the hotel.

Cruz should have worn something from Pedro Fernandez' closet. And Sara, I agree with you, minus the singing, I like the Fer/Cruz involvement. She's conflicted because Fabian is dull and predictable but from "her social class," while Cruz challenges her emotions but isn't her social equal. Os has given her a green light with Cruz, so go for it, girl. She has Max' example to follow.

The previews for last night showed JPito behind the flowers and a hand parting them like Moses in the bullrushes. Is this the best Meh-jia can come up with? This baby has been through enough trauma without this last little bit of theater.

Oh, and where is JP going to sleep?

M&M need some witnesses in order to get married, don't they? I hope PJP tells them they have to wait--no paperwork done.

Talking about police follow-ups--WHERE'S THE KNIFE USED on the PJP attempt at assassination.

For someone who started out not watching, nor wanting to watch this TN, I can honestly say I've been drawn in by all the silliness, but the story outline is at the core a good one.

Three cheers for Dona Demente. I maintain that without Daniela Romo's interpretation, this whole thing would be a flatline.

Univision started giving us notices about the Novelas y Series awards program on Sunday night.

"We hear the first notes of the song (mercifully, instrumental only)…"

Amen, Amen, Amen! I've become like Pavlov's dogs whenever I hear the whistling intro to that song. I drop everything (wine, knitting, dog) and rush for the FF>> button!

Perfect recap NovelaMaven. As others have said, it's more than this TN deserves.

Honestly, hiding an infant in a flower arrangement? Alonso deserves the next slap upside the head. I would've decked him. So sick of his little "surprises". He finds the missing baby and all he can say is basically, "gawrsh, 'twas nothing.' AAARGH.

So no one brings in the authorities before or after kidnapping. No hospital visit for little PJP. Do they have such little confidence in the PD in DF?

I'll have to reconstruct a new beanie, this one's plum worn out.

What on earth gives anyone the idea that athletes can act? Oh, well; I think I mentioned in a previous discussion that Blanco is there to attract male viewers. Presumably ones without hormones now that LindaHo is gone.

Alonso just might fall for Nati through the lens. He'd be far better for her than JuanJo.

Great recap. Please God, no more people in love with Victoria (or Osvaldo for that matter) that have come out of the woodwork. I'm still reeling from Gui loving both Victoria and Leonela and supposedly Os stole both of them. Aren't there any other people in this town. It seems the Sandovals have made many people fall in love with them and hate them. Jeesh.

Wow, for a "just the facts, ma'am" recap this was plenty detailed and also funny. Very apt description of Burnie's idiot-slapping herself...maybe if she'd had a V-8, her whole life would go better. Those stupid little glasses of sherry or whatever aren't doing a thing for her.

Poor Alonso, getting stuck with the stupid theatrical cheesefest of the night. I know he's nuts but he still doesn't seem like the type to take extra time returning with a missing baby to stop off for a truckload of flowers, then torture the parents even more. SO idiotic. And that CGI glow on the baby nearly gave me a hernia from laughing so hard.

I SO want Alonso and Nati to get together! He may be irritating but he's a gazillion times better than useless lunk Juanjo.

I think Max and Maria need to stop hassling Alonso and hire him as a nanny. Not for the baby, for themselves. They're such morons they really shouldn't be wandering around unsupervised.


I was wondering how they were going to recover the baby without recovering major intelligence at the kidnapping's perpetrator. I shouldn't have bothered. Apparantly the writers are going to hope we forget.

The neighborhood is more violent than Darfur, they need to call the police.

NM, thanks for "just the facts", I appreciate it.

Well, Max does it again, leaves his lover, child and parish priest in the barrio while he runs off to help his long lost mother. He must have the attention span of a gnat. They have just recovered the kidnapped baby, Padre has been stabbed and someone just tried to shoot one of them. Why doesn't he move the group into a hotel with security?

With the huge billboard, flyers, ballons, etc. I am surprised that the police have not figured out they had not been called about the kidnapping.

I don't get the point of Chente (Vicente Fernandez, Jr.) the least he could do is sing for us. But no, he just stands around.

So do Vic and the good Dr. have some history?

Cesar Evora turned down the offer of starring in this TN because he was shooting LdA, our loss.

WL is not one of my favorite actors. He is another one that just stands around but that is not his fault. I saw him in an episode of Asesina Mujers where he was the villian and he was terrific. His talent is wasted in these romance roles.

Is there a romance brewing between Pipino and Luciano?

This TN must be nearing the end, we all are getting a little cranky. But I still enjoy Burnie being evil, she does it very, very well.


Novela Maven: thanks for the recap. Your outline is great - covers the main points & if we have questions about a finer point, we can always ask.

There are two things that have really been bothering me. First the electronic xylophone ditty which always plays when one of the babies is around! Do we really need a musical motif to tell us "here's a segment on a baby!" yick - and the tune isn't even cute; it's more like a annoying repetitious ice cream truck.

The other is Victoria & Max's relationship. Why is she confiding and depending on Max and not Osvaldo? I know there were some concerns about a pseudo incestuous thing going on with PJP & Maria a few weeks back. I definitely think it's emotionally suspect that Maria will go running to Max (her lost hija, cancer, etc) and tell him not to let Osvaldo know.

All we were missing in last night's episode was a vampire swooping in and beginning to attack folks in the dark of night. lol Of course, it will probably be an inept vampire like Alacran & Padilla. My beanie will really go flying off.

Are you kidding NM? This recap suits us fine. Great work and thank you for all your efforts. Meija doesn't make it easy. Where do they get all these well behaved babies from? Baby JP is so adorable.When he smiles it lights up the screen. This TN is worth it just to see those babies acting so perfectly. I am also on team Alonso. He doesn't always use the best judgement but you know his heart is in the right place.

NM--even your "rough cut" recap is still hilarious and wonderful. Thanks for hanging in there for us.

Sorry I missed the glowing baby in the flowers--had flipped over to dancing stars. Just another moment of sheer idiocy.

Speaking of glowing!! I've never seen a charro suit in that shade of blue! QTH?? Where'd Cruz get the money to buy that abomination? Or did he rent it? Ay yi yi.
La Paloma

I don't get the point of Chente (Vicente Fernandez, Jr.) the least he could do is sing for us. But no, he just stands around.


Maybe he and the rest of Mariachi Idol are going to sing on the Gran Final and they need a reason why Vicente Fernandez Jr. would randomly start singing at Max/Maria wedding?

That Televisa wardrobe lady is evil. What is it, the 70s? Put him in a black suit! Although she was already having a hard time not groping him; maybe she was afraid of getting arrested for assault if she let him look better.


Wow, I have just been sitting back and reading the hilarious comments. You guys have me cracking up today!

NM- This was way more than just the facts. You gave us facts, snark and much more. Thank you.

If only this thing were in its final episodes. It sure feels like it SHOULD be, but it's not. I cannot believe they are throwing in another possible love story with Dr. Heri. I also don't understand the purpose of bringing in the singing cousin who's not going to sing. We also do not need a story about Alonso getting ill or Vicky having cancer. Ya, basta!

Things the writers SHOULD focus on:
-Eva, Fausto and their revenge on Burnie
-Casa Victoria regaining glory
-Vicky and Os getting back together
-Vicky and Maria finding out the truth about each other- emotional reunion, tears, Vicky being sorry, repenting, yada, yada, yada
-Fer walking again
-Fer choosing Cruz
-Cruz becoming a star
-Fab moving on to what's her name
-Burnie's crimes being revealed and her punishment (jail, death, whatever)
- Gui's murder of Ofelia being found out and his role in Linda's muder- jail
-Xi's murder of Linda- jail or nuthouse
-Padilla and Alacran's crimes being found out and their revenge on Burnie- jail or death at Burnie's hands
-Weddings galore- M&M, Fer&Cruz, Nat&JJ (ugh!), Fab&what'shername, Vicky&Os

That's plenty writers. Let's wrap this train wreck up!

Howlingly funny recap and the comments hit the spot as well.

From the glowing baby hidden among the flowers to Bernie going ape sh** over her inept killers there wasn't a dull moment even if most of them made no sense at all. Why the time killing with the gay designers and a looney model admiring herself. How can PJ who lost so much blood in the attack, be up and about in no time and moving into the barrio? Why is the brain dead Max moving his lush mother into a fancy hotel but continues to let his true love and baby live in a combat zone? There must be a boat load of ESP floating around in the area because people suddenly know stuff no one has told them.

I know this is supposed to be entertaining but at least give us a bit of reality. The child is missing and Os goes to the cops to report it but they never appear to do anything., The baby returns and no one calls the cops to call off the non investigation. Lon knows who is behind the the kidnapping and says nothing. Father Jerry has the almost murder weapon and doesn't give it to the police. PJ has a bucket load of evidence about his mother's too many to count crimes and remains mute. Dios Mio my heading is spinning.

Good call on whoever mentioned the other day that Dr. Hot is brought in to fall in love with either Leo or Vic. But why bother this late? Also why all the backstory, drinking, the lost family? Does it matter or is it just a cheap tease.

Forgot to mention this on my first post but doesn't any one seriously believe that act Leonela put on at AA or is it just another ploy to get out of the little prison Max has her in. After all she IS an actirz.

Your doing great Novela Maven......I appreciate all you recapers do......really.....Its a novela and dumb things happen....i would of been really shook up if someone had shot at me...i would not of come out of my house for weeks had it been in my neighborhood.......but this is a novela and like i said dumb things happen........i too love this novela it has alot of plots and soon all will reveal itself......BNinCA

Just a word or two about the barrio. Actually the folks in the hood all seem like amiable, poor but honest people. It's the vermin (Alacran and Padilla) that Bernarda sent in that are causing all the trouble. What is really needed is an exterminator.

Maybe locks, a neighborhood watch, and perhaps a cop making regular rounds would be useful.


I don't know. Leonela now has "Glamourous Red I Wanna Be an Actriz" nail polish instead of her "Billy Bad A$$ Black" nail polish. Maybe she really does want to change?

NM thanks for your great recap. As others have mentioned you gave us more than the facts and we are grateful.

The comments are so hilarious it eliminates my need to complain about the TN. Mejia's TN generate some of the best recaps and comments!

NovelaMaven - Thank you for the recrap. It is wonderful and absolutely no need to apologize for it - at all! If it was any longer, I wouldn't have time to read it. You gave us lots of great snark, too. BTW, I love your sub- headings. Very creative! :o)

So many great comments here that already voiced my thoughts . . .

If Dr. Cesar "His Hotness" Evora doesn't drink, and Leo has to go to AA, maybe she'll see the good doctor there and they'll become a couple? The woman need something else to focus on.

And what is it with Meh-jía and alcoholics on his telenovelas? He had one on La Madrastra, too, who had to go to treatment and AA.

"Is that mutual recognition we see?" Yes, from their stint together in La Madrastra as husband and wife. ;o)

VarioPinta - I'll have to respectfully disagree with you.
:-) ;-)
Maybe my beanie hat is too tight, but I think FELS made a lot more sense than this tontería. and that isn't saying a whole lot about either telenovela. (grins)

I just found FELS painfull to watch, couldn't wait 'til it was over. Victoria's mi hija's drive me nuts, but Slowfia's sobs were never ending. Evidently an Adela Noriega trademark, the only flaw in Amor Real.

What great comments today -- so funny and on point. It seems that really bad novelas, like natural disasters, can sometimes bring out the best in a community:) Maybe I should have called the episode "Plot enough for you?"

When a piece of fiction is carefully written, details make sense. They are consistent with character development and place. For example, in "La Reina del Sur", a novela that is a gazillion times better than TdA, the lead character is shown running away in ridiculous blue tacones. They were part of her "uniform" in the life that has now become "before"; she grabs them in a panic, not taking time to think about the fact that they will impede her flight. And she ditches them as soon as she can.

In TdA, hugely pregnant María stumbles around in towering platforms. Later, she wears absurdly high spike heels to chase after her lost baby. The detail makes no narrative sense. The character María Desamparada might wear shoes like that on the runway or in a photo shoot but surely not in real life. But someone high up in production has decided that Maite Perroni needs to look taller even if it means she has to appear in circus stilts.

Now Leonela is wearing red nail polish and going to AA. Everything we know about her character suggests that she is faking. Her alcoholism and her malicious sociopathy seem to be two separate issues: one may be treatable, the other not. It makes no narrative sense for her to be redeemed -- certainly not so easily. But the writers will take this in the direction they choose based on some secret aesthetic. Or maybe based on nothing at all.

I don't expect anything here to be logical, in the usual sense of the word. But sometimes it's fun to speculate on the "telenovelógica" (a term coined by LukeM during "El Clon") behind a particular narrative detail.

Ruffo and Evora were also married to each other in Abrazame Muy Fuerte.

Hmm.... he might have been Victoria's doctor after her "accident" when Maria was lost (or at least an intern working on her case).

Jeri: I make special trips to Target for my babies' Fancy Feast. Did you see the extended commercial for it?


Abrazame Muy Fuerte, another Mejia nightmare, even Colunga couldn't save it.

One word: shave!

Thank you for this wonderful recap! It was just right! My heart goes out to you with the 2-hour episodes. I did a few of the 2-hour ones for Teresa and I'm glad they're over. Now it's TdA's turn! Bwahahaha!

I actually did a spit take when you described the thing Fabian was setting up as having "loser written all over it." I like Fabian, though!

I also like Alonzo. Okay so he's a dope, but he's much better than JJ and I'd prefer that Nathi end up with him instead. I also wish for some nice girl for poor Fausto.

That commercial is so cute, tks Urban.

12 years later, this recap is excellent! The community comments are Hilarious, and this TN makes even less sense now.
Maria- I know we like to portray the leading female as innocent and naïve but she has crossed naïve and gone into completely brain dead doesn’t make the viewer sympathize with her or like her makes you annoyed by her.
Max: thank God he is good to look at because the character they’ve given him to portray it’s just his brain dead as his love interest and also has a weird sense of obligation why do you continually runoff and leave your child and the woman you claim to love for a woman you’ve known less than a month who is obviously not only alcoholic but has no consideration or love you whatsoever did he forget she just lied about who his father was a few days ago? ( makes me slap my head v8 style)

Vic: because I’ve read ahead I know what happens and I’ve seen the clips on YouTube so I know that she finds out Maria is her daughter I also know Maria eventually forgives her I can’t figure out why though she was the most awful person to that character the entire show I felt she didn’t deserve forgiveness or redemption sorry? Lol

PPJP: here’s the stories real villain and nobody could convince me otherwise so much as I love looking at him he’s the true bad guy in the story not his mother because he actually holds all the cards to solve almost all of the problems and does nothing but ask God to help and God keeps giving him the tools ( all the info) which he does nothing with.
Dona D: psycho character if I ever saw one and can only exist in a Telenovela because even in a soap opera someone who has overtly been that crazy and overtly gotten away with so many crimes would have to face some sort of justice which never happens in this TN and I don’t know if writers are not intelligent enough to realize but if the bad guy never gets their karma the show is poo

Also just wanted to mention I saw a lot of the comments wondering why Max won’t take Maria out of the vecinidad, is it just me or has she not said multiple times in this TN that she wants to live there? To prove to everyone blah blah lol

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