Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #102 5/2/11 María Breaks PJP’s Heart; Victoria Goes Shopping; and Osvaldo’s Life Hangs by a Thread

Padre Juan Pablo tells María Desamparada that he is her father for real. No kidding. Pinky promise.

She rejects him bitterly. Now she understands why he always tried to defend her mother: It’s because he’s the one who abandoned her in the street. And all to avoid scandal – a priest with a child!

Osvaldo has been shot. He lies bleeding on his back outside the gate to the mansion while his androgynously black-clad, red-gloved assailant drives away in Os’s camioneta.

And now tonight:
Padre JP pleads with María not to speak to him so cruelly. But she just keeps twisting the knife. Now she demands to know who her mother is – the poor woman he deceived! She rejects his argument that his lips are sealed by the secret of the confessional. He has lost the right to call her ‘hija’. You’re not my father, she spits at him.

While inside the apartment, María is busy skewering this gentle soul who has shown her nothing but kindness, outside Victoria arrives on a mission: She’s there to claim baby Juan Pablo for the Sandoval clan. For once in his irritating life, Alonso, holding the baby while JP and MD talk, makes himself useful. He won’t let Victoria barge in on JP and MD. And when she tries to take the baby, he holds on tight telling her she has no right to him. She’s not Max’s mother and she’s certainly nothing to María!

The raised voices reach JP and MD. María runs out and snatches up her son protectively. She orders PJP to leave and he does so submissively.
Alonso is surprised at how roughly María is treating the padre but for Victoria it just confirms what she knew all along: María is an ingrate. The women detach Alonso’s suckers so they can go inside to talk. Alone.

At Casa Sandoval, Max’s lawyer explains that the only way to get custody of little Osvaldo is to demonstrate that Ximena has a severe mental illness that makes it impossible for her to care for her son.

Their conversation is interrupted by screams coming from downstairs: No puede ser! (It can’t be!)

Cruz and Fer are in her room and they hear the screams too and rush out on the landing in alarm. The maids tell them that Osvaldo has been shot and he’s on the way to the hospital. Cruz, Max and Fer set out to follow the ambulance.

Back in María's place, Vic is sneaking a peek at the photo album Alonso made for María – you always were a good model, she acknowledges bitterly. But she gets right to business: I came here to offer you money for little Juan Pablo. How much do you want?

PJP is devastated by MD’s rejection. Padre Jero reassures him that he did the right thing. He needs to give María time. Eventually, she’ll hear the whole story and know that he never abandoned her.

MD is enraged by Vic’s offer: My child is not for sale! Vic is undeterred. Everyone has a price, she insists. Besides, it would buy you your freedom and give your son a shot at a better life. How dare you, retorts María. You are just like your worst enemy – or worse! Now it’s Vic’s turn to be enraged at the comparison with Doña Demente. She slaps MD hard: How dare you compare me with her! One day, says MD, that slap will hurt you more than it hurt me!

Things aren’t looking too good for Osvaldo. The bullet seems to have punctured a lung and he is being prepped for emergency surgery. Max goes to call Vic while Cruz tries to comfort Fer.

Os’s assailant drives up to a gate and puts the gun on the passenger seat of the camioneta.

MD is still locked in combat with Vic. Her only sin was to fall in love with Max, she tells her. Vic claims to love him but to María, it seems like he’s just another thing she owns, part of her inventory. How else can she explain why she was so hot to have him marry Ximena?

María will never be separated from her child. Do it for Max, says Vic. If you love him, give his child a good life! It’s precisely because I love Max, answers MD, that I would never part with his child. Then she orders Victoria to leave. Leave and don’t come back, she says. “Thank God my child doesn’t carry your blood”! “¡Hasta nunca, sra Sandoval!”

When Victoria finally leaves, María tearfully replays PJP’s recent revelation and all the times he took the role of father in her life.

Outside the vecindad, Victoria paces and grudgingly admires María’s tenacity: “She’s just like me”. But before she can follow that train of thought, she gets Max’s call about Osvaldo and she rushes off to the hospital.

PJP is also replaying the tender moments he spent with María during her pregnancy and after her baby’s birth. He kisses the little carved crucifix – the gift from young Victoria – and then falls prostrate on the floor and prays for forgiveness.

Bernarda walks in on his misery. She wants to hear about his visit to the bishop. PJP says he asked permission to tell MD he’s her father. You can’t do that! cries Bernie. Too late, says JP. I already told her. And now we get the second bofetada (slap on the face) of the evening: Bernarda slams her son so hard, she knocks him down and leaves him bleeding.

Don’t look at me like that, she tells him. I gave you life and I can take it away. You’re wrong, says JP. God is the one who gives us life and only God can take it away. Mad Bernie insists that God himself has given her permission to give out punishment. And besides, she loves her granddaughter and she loves the child. How can JP think she would ever hurt them?

Says JP: Um. You tried a few times already.

Bernie has a perfectly good reason: She felt she had to destroy María because she was coming between him and his ma and because she’s the daughter of the woman she hates most in the world.

Fortunately, for the moment María is safe in the vecindad. Alonso has rejoined her and wants to know the scoop. He is outraged when he hears that Vic tried to buy little Juan Pablo. Then he has to try to make things look even worse by suggesting that maybe Max himself was behind the offer.

The operation is taking a long time. Osvaldo’s condition is critical – he may not make it. Fabián is there now and Fer is flanked by her suitors.

Alonso has baited the hook but María isn’t biting. Max wouldn’t be capable of such a thing, she tells Alonso. Alonso (who never, ever, shuts up) muses that a woman who thinks a child is for sale is the worst – but wait, he corrects himself, there are worse women – the ones without the slightest maternal instinct, the ones who are hollow and empty…

Cut to the exemplar: Hollow, empty Ximena, drunk as a skunk, ranting about how she’s the best model, she’s better than that slut, that’s why she’s so envious…

Pip and Toni get to the hospital. In the OR, the medical team talks about blood expanders to stabilize Os so he can withstand the surgery. (Will they ask for donors and discover that Max is not his son?)

Vic arrives on the scene and the doctors come out to talk to the family: Osvaldo’s condition is critical and they aren’t sure they can save him.

Alonso is blabbing platitudes to María: Caras vemos, he begins…
and María finishes: corazones no sabemos. (We see faces, we don’t know hearts: you can’t tell a book by its cover)
It’s true, agrees MD. She never dreamed sra Victoria would be capable of doing all those things to her. And then MD addresses her child: Don’t worry, she tells him, you’ll always have your mother’s love – what PJP kept me from having.

Alonso’s ears perk up. Now he wants to know just what she and PJP talked about.
He told me who my real father is, says MD.
Well that’s excellent news, says Alonso. Who is it?
El padre Juan Pablo.
You heard right. Padre Juan Pablo is my father. He abandoned me – and I’m sure he tore me from my mother’s arms to hide his own sin!

Alonso clasps her hands comfortingly.

And PJP – who appears to have learned nothing, nada, zip, zilcho -- clasps Demente’s hands as HE TRIES TO REASON WITH HER. He tells her María has nothing to do with Bernarda’s hatred for Victoria – why she doesn’t even know that Vic is her mother!

And Demente shoots back: She’ll never know! You committed the heresy of telling her you’re her father but you’re not going to tell her that that whore is her mother! You can’t break the seal of the confessional!

JP feels that he is losing his daughter for the second time and in both cases it is because of his mother’s silence. He begs her to speak to MD on his behalf (abogar) and tell her the truth – that he never abandoned her. But Bernarda refuses, even in the face of his pain (it’s fitting that a priest follow the path of thorns trod by Christ himself, she tells him) – speaking the truth would leave an opening for Victoria. And she’ll never allow that.

Now JP reaches for the secret arrow in his quiver: Either you tell her willingly or I’ll oblige you to tell her – if you don’t want to spend the rest of your life in jail! Because I’ll force SOMEONE ELSE to talk – someone who knows your crimes very well!

Padre Jero pokes his head in the door at just that moment and Demente looks at him with hatred. Has PJP just signed his old friend’s death warrant?

Cue the kayak


A very snarky recap... the way I like them. =)

I was shocked that Victoria tired to buy little JP.I don't understand why she hates Maria so much. I think she hates her more than X-box and that's sad. I feel like it won't be long until it comes out that Vicki is Maria's mother.

I saw in today's intro that Leanola is coming.I wonder what drama that will bring? Will we find out that Max is not really O's son? It's getting good! I think she might be the one who shot O's. But then again it could have been G we'll have to wait and see I guess.

How could Maria think that JP a person who has been nothing but good to her would kidnap her from her mother. I understand she's mad but that totally clashes with JP's nature. Maybe when she calms down she'll get some common sense back. I wonder how she's going to react when she finds out that Max knew the whole time and didn't tell her.

Oh no O's got shot! I knew he would be okay though. I wish Vicki would stop being so hateful and admit she still loves him.They need to come together as a family more than ever now.

Jimena getting sloppy fall down drunk never fails to stop being funny. When does she ever have Lil Os? I hope that they get that sweet baby out of that house with Bernie ASAP. When she said that Lil O was gonna be her next priest to save her soul(Yeah like that can happen) I wanted to go thru the T.V. and snatch the baby.


NM, a great recap of such a sad and depressing episode. Thanks for interjecting a little humor into the telling.

My heart just broke for JP. Couldn't quite accept Maria's rant as the logical conclusion someone would jump to, but the writers decided that's how her brain was going to work. I thought when she started having the flashbacks, she would realize he could never abandoned her, but nooooo.

Have to say Burnie sure brought the crazy to the scene with JP. The two of them were reiveting to watch. Well done!

As for Vic, I don't even know what to say about her anymore. And this women gets redeemed and her daughter at the end? Except for the fact she had her baby stolen at the beginning, his woman is begging for a Mi Pecado ending.Win your daughter back, and then bite the dust. Sorry so cruel, but she brings out the worst in me. At least Burnie is shown to be cruel, but Vic hides behind this sweet, loving image and is really a heartless snob is all about how events affect HER.

Not liking where the Oz thing is going. What is that family going to do if he gets bumped off? He's been the voice of reason lately...And heavens, we would have to deal with Vic doing her best wailing? Please let him live if only to spare us that!

And yes, I agree PJ is our next man with the target. How much more can PJP take if he loses his mentor...someone needs a hug ().

Thanks for the excellent recap. I agree with daisynjay--it was pretty sad. PJP just broke my heart. Thanks for the snark to bring a little levity.

Excellent work, NovelaMaven. This is an episode we've been waiting for.

Dona Dementa has finally shown her true colors to her own son. "I gave you life and I can take it away"? Also, how can the bishop who excommunicated her have given her the power to punish sinners? That's about as insane as it gets. I hope Padre Jeronimo is never alone from this day until Dona Dementa meets her fate.

I am tempted to head to the online video to see whether that scene continues and JP sees that deadly look when Padre Jeronimo enters. 10PM is 16 hours away!

Alonso is right about Ximeana. She is the most useless, soulless of this lot. She doesn't even have any sense of responsibility for herself. However, he blew it when he suggested that Max could be behind Victoria's attempt at offering money for the baby.

Finally, Maria's knee jerk reaction was beyond cruel. How on earth can she think that the man who cared for her and was present for the baby's birth could have abandoned her as a child? Where did she get the idea she was abandoned in the first place? If it was at the orphanage the nuns did her no favors.

Osvaldo is going to make it; trust me.

NovelaMaven - Thank you for the recap. Wow, a lot happened last night.

I'm glad Alonslow finally was useful by way of preventing Vic from stealing JPito. Uy, Vic, give up on buy-a-baby and just go to build-a-bear to make a pretend nieto.

Mad Bernie insists that bishop has given her permission to give out punishment. What a nutter. This is the same bishop who excommunicated her, right???

I won't be able to watch tonight, so here's hoping my recorder does not fail me . . .

Ooooh.... word verification:
hotingle (as in Padre Hotingle?)

What surprises me about the excommunication is that it happened in the bishop's office. I've been informed that they are normally public, like in FELS.

Now that I'm thinking about it rather than reacting, why on earth did JP even go to Bernarda's house? Surely the better place to pray would be the rectory's chapel. Padre Jeronimo is the person he most needs now.

The line about giving and taking life is sticking out in my mind.

jeez, PJP, if there is one thing I have learned from this show, it's how to do a big reveal. take note: the key is that you tell the extenuating circumstances first, not last. then you don't have to wait days or weeks or whatever while the other person clams down enough to talk to you before you can tell them how you really aren't as bad as they think.

thanks for the great recap! i haven't been staying up to watch the late show, so i really appreciate your efforts to keep us up to date. though i clearly am too caught up in these shows---i had a dream the other night where i was trying to convince max's mom to accept his relationship with maria desamaparada. except his mom was fedra from llena de amor instead of vic! it was a fun dream, but, as my husband pointed out, i was probably putting my life in danger ;-)

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Thank you for your recap.

The hardest thing about this episode was Maria D's stupidity. Too much stupidity. No sympathy.

Why can't they just call her "Maria"?

NM thanks for a great recap. Your snark got us through a painful episode; I hate to see poor Padre is such pain and then accosted by his mother.

Daisy - ITA/w you regarding Vic. I don't remember disliking that character in EPDA as much as I do Vic. As someone posted from the weekend, the writers have made her so extreme she's a new character every day. They've just made her so irrationally evil to Maria is beyond the pale.

Kristoise - your dream is hilarious and your husband is right, you put yourself in danger ;)

Thanks for the excellent recap. It was so vivid, I felt like I was rewatching and experiencing poor Padre Hottie's pain all over again.

I am so ready for Victoria to be taken down a notch or twenty. Every time she opens her mouth I want to shove a cork in it. Or maybe a stick of dynamite.

How can Maria really think her parents deliberately abandoned her on the street? Especially nice PJP? Even if he didn't want to keep her, wouldn't he have delivered her directly to the orphanage, not just let a toddler wander in traffic? Maria has very little capacity for reason...but then, seeing as how she gets this from both sides of her family, it's pretty amazing she isn't worse. I wonder how PJP sidestepped the mental illness.

I am confused. I really thought that Doña Dementa said that she had recieved her power to rid the world of evil-doers from Christ himself. My understanding creeped me out even more than the bishop granting permission. BTW is Padre Jer next on her hit list?

You're right! I went back and listened. I misheard 'el señor obispo' when in fact Demente said 'el Señor mismo' -- the lord himself -- had given her the right to punish sinners. Thank you. I'll make the correction.

If looks could kill, Padre Jero would have been shot, stabbed, drawn, quartered and burned alive by the look Burnie gave him. Yikes! I think he is for sure at the top of the hit list now.

Maria needs to get her brain working again. She won't doubt Max (ok, fine), who has been pretty flaky and was just recently doubting if she was kissing Alonso, but she is willing to think the worst of PJP, who since the day they met has been nothing but kind and loving to her and her baby. She is her mother's daughter.

Thank you for the wonderful and snarky recap NovelaMaven.

NM, thank you so much for this recap. There was a lot of heartbreak and stupidity. Fausto is the one that will give Burnie up but thank goodness she doesn't know that he is the one. Poor Padre J, I hope he makes it to the end of the TN. Burnie makes a great villainess, she is so much fun to watch.

How many times is Vic going to say that Maria is just like her before the light bulb comes on!

The previews shows someone pointing a gun at Gui, any guesses?

I had to laugh at the thought of Max, Fer, Cruz and the wheelchair trying to get into Max's toy car. It amazed me that the Three Muskateers (Toni, Pipino & Oscar) got to the hospital before Vic. When the doctor came out to the talk to the family, he talked to Max not Vic. Vic should take care of what she has and not try and buy more.

Lastly, never forget the words of Robert A. Heinlein "Never underestimate the power of human stupidity."


Oz, of course, will make it. He is the only person on this TN with a heart--which is why he got used by (Linda), Ofelia, and Gui, and berated by (Vic), and lied to by everyone else except, of course, the saintly, MD.

PJP is as nuts as everyone else, too. He just gets to hide behind El Senor robes.

Karen, I think that a big issue with Mejia's productions is that the characters are exaggerated deliberately from their previous versions:

EPDA vs TdA: Luciana was more convincing as a fashion designer than Victoria and had a lot more self-control. Ana Joaquina was controlling and suffered from hubris, but only committed two murders. She also had better control of her temper and she genuinely loved her son. Fernanda was a lot brattier than Lisabeth. Ximena is crazier than Tamara, Guillermo more evil than Nicolas. The two padres are about equal, although in TdA he's given more emotional scenes.

PdG vs FELS: Eduardo Yanez' Juan was more emotional than Mario Cimarro's; Augustin was more eccentric than Martin (but still full of spit and vinegar); Pablo Montero's Franco was more interesting than Michel Brown's. The biggest differences were in Gabriela and Fernando. Gabriela was only a garden-variety snob in PdG, but in FELS she could teach Bernarda Alba a few things about cruelty. Fernando has a lot more crimes on his rap sheet in FELS. Also FELS had a priest whose confessional gets abused by both of the primary villains.

CS 1993 vs. 2009: Eduardo Yanez' Juan del Diablo had a faster temper than Eduardo Palomo's (damn, I miss him). The two sisters were also more exaggerated and less real in that Regina was a porcelain doll compared to Monica/Ana Christina and Aimee was more evil and a lot sluttier. Leonarda was more evil than her counterpart in YCEM, but Rodrigo was about the same.

Thanks UA as I thought I had misread Luciana's character. I forgot the whole Mejia's thing and his unfortunate tendency for exaggeration. His handling of Victoria does not make sense if he wanted her to be read as a protagonist. As Daisy mentioned, Victoria puts on a facade of being nice but is actually more like Burnie than she wants to admit. Hence it's going to be hard for the audience to now turn around and want things to turn out for her in light of how she's treated everyone in her life.

Ironically Vic is very much like Teresa (from the other TN) but Ter is much smarter than Vic.

How does Victoria put on a facade of being nice? She bullies everyone. It's only occasionally that she acts a little civilized for a few minutes.

¡Gracias a todos por sus comentarios tan alentadores e interesantes!

Urban, what a great discussion of the typical exaggeration in Mejía's stuff. But I think that when it comes to Victoria, it isn't the exaggeration that bothers me; rather, it's the inconsistency or implausibility of her character. People like her -- who can be kind and supportive but also explosive, abusive, controlling and cruel, both in their personal and professional lives -- don't have lifelong loyal friends and colleagues like Toni, Pipino and Oscar. They don't inspire marital love and fidelity for 20+ years. And they surely don't raise a loving step-son and a daughter who, in spite of her brat phase, has a loving heart.

On the contrary, people like Victoria burn through friends, colleagues, lovers, spouses. They may be surrounded by sycophants but the faces are always changing. No one can stand to be around such a person for very long.

Unlike the other characters who undergo somewhat credible changes over time (Max is a mujeriego until he meets the love of his life; Osvaldo's weakness and need for adulation leads him to infidelity but tragedy reminds him of what really matters in life; María's loses some of her softness and innocence after the hard knocks she receives; Fer's adolescence is brought up short by Scuzzy's death and her own paralysis) -- Victoria stands alone as a character written by a committee. It's as if the writing team from one day to the next keeps forgetting everything we have been told about her personality.

I don't see any major similarity between Victoria and Teresa.

Teresa is incapable of love despite having had loving parents; Victoria is capable of love despite not having had any.

Teresa manipulates her way to money and luxury; Victoria worked her butt off.

Victoria was a loving mother first to Maria, then to Max and Fer. Teresa wouldn't even agree to be godmother to a neighbor's son. In fact, would she even want to have children?

Both have mental health issues, but I think Victoria is redeemeable while Teresa is not. Victoria's problem is that she is repeating a lot of Bernarda's toxicity because that's all she knows.

First of all thanks NvMv for another stellar recap. I swear when the little indicator on my browser says there's a new feed, I get a rush just like eating a carton of Haagen Dasz. Anyway, I like your analysis of Vic. She is unbelievable. First of all she just doesn't have the self-possessed panache of a top tier fashion designer. She's pathetic & completely uncharismatic (in contrast to every other member of her family). She's worse than bi-polar and for this I fault the writers (maybe tri-polar, quadri-polar). I agree about the long-term relationships. No one would have stuck with after the abuse she spews.Has Vic ever apologized to anyone for anything? I started out knowing I would have to end up liking her—despite an initial revulsion to her vile egotism—but she's irredeemable by now. Unless, they break the TN rules and she actually gets her just deserts like a true villain. And we thought Fer was the immature selfish brat.

Thanks, NovalaMaven. I guess I love novelas because the characters are just sooo bad or sooo good...no shades of gray here. You're either a good guy or a bad guy, and if you're a bad guy...you are a very bad guy. It makes everything so simple...hate him'her...love him/her. I suppose Victoria will redeem herself and become an ideal madre y abuelita, but she really is just a nasty , pompous piece of work. She is the epitome of what bitterness can do to someone. Wow. Burnie just gets scarier and scarier. That was quite a slap she laid on Padre Hottie. By the way, padre's wimpiness is starting to make his innate hotness cool for me. I thought that Padre Jer might just melt or burst into flames from the laser beams comimg from Burnie's crazy gaze. She makes Dona Juana in Alborada seem soft and cuddly by comparison.

I hate to face this, but I now also think that Padre Jeronimo is not much longer for this world. I wouldn't doubt that he caught that Satanic look Dona Dementa was throwing at him.

Dona Dementa is a fine one to talk about heresy. How does one define her non-confessions?

Thanks for the great recap. I like having details straightened out for me.

All Maria Desamparada knows about her history is that she was found wandering the streets, then taken to the orphanage. She was named Mary Forsaken because she literally was abandoned as far as anyone (outside JPJ, Vic & Burnie) know. She doesn't know about the car accident, she doesn't know about PJP's & Vic's relationship. So it makes sense to me that she would react to PJP this way. She's always wondered why she was abandoned, who and what her parents were - she's had a lot of time to wonder. And now a priest reveals he is her father. I think her reaction is understandable.

It's too bad PJP didn't begin from the beginning so she's understand the circumstances and that he never knew about her.

I wish TdA wasn't on 10pm!! It's so hard to stay awake & I like to have the closed captioning on while watching. I've already watched tonight's episode & I encourage everyone to watch it! Lots is going to happen

Awesome recap NM, thank you!!!

It seems to me that when JP asked for a special sanction to tell MD he is the father, he could have also gotten one to tell MD Vic is the mother!? Why stop with one????

NM, ITO about Alonso never shutting up and loved the sucking tentacles comment. Also agree that, for once, he was the calm voice of reason when speaking to potential baby-snatcher Vic. Just when I start to like him, he makes a dig about Max and then I hate him again. He can't go 5 minutes with MD without putting the moves on her.

Vic said it well when she said MD was just like her because her reaction to JP was classic Vic--completely irrational and unjustified.

Love this show and I LOVE these recaps!! :)


Mariquita, I just did, too. Tonight's episode is heavy stuff. With one hilarious moment.

I agree with the comment about the dispensation; JP should have asked permission to reveal Victoria's identity. Both Padre Jeronimo and the bishop know exactly how evil Bernarda is.

BTW, since she was excommunicated and therefore has no right to be a godmother, what happens from there?

Why does PJP need permission to reveal that Victoria is Maria's mother, if he was already able to tell her he is her father? The fact that Victoria is the only woman he's ever been with is his own history, not a confessional secret.

NM I also liked your analysis of Vic.

Regarding my comparison of Vic to Ter though the latter is not really capable of love, when Vic gets on a roll ("accepting" Oz back but always reminding him of his infidelity, forcing Max to marry Xi, and her treatment of Maria are the most noticeable) she has Teresa-like tendencies with her friends and family. As NM said, she's cruel and hurtful though has moments of kindness and love. NM summed it up perfectly when she said, "Victoria stands alone as a character written by a committee. It's as if the writing team from one day to the next keeps forgetting everything we have been told about her personality."


I am grateful for all your kind words and perceptive comments but I have to say to LXV -- the TdA team is humbled and honored by your words:

"I swear when the little indicator on my browser says there's a new feed, I get a rush just like eating a carton of Haagen Dasz."


Thanks for your great recap, NovelaMaven.

Why does Maria think PJP abandoned her because he was a priest?? What makes her think he was a priest when she was conceived?? It was 20 or more years ago. All along she believed it was her mother who abandoned her. Or anyway that's what she thought.

He has always been so good and kind to her why would she believe he would do a thing like that to her?? It's so unlike her to jump to that conclusion without thinking of a lot of other questions, like did he know of her forthcoming birth, was he a priest and is that why he was not in her life.


Actually, I think Mariquita makes a good point about Maria D's reaction. It is understandable when you consider how much in the dark she has been and frustrated by her quest for the truth about her parents. All these people have been concealing the truth from her since she met them. She's not dumb, just stubborn, and I think overwhelmed by the emotions. She couldn't accept it dumped in her lap like that, but I think she will—didn't we see her flashing back to all those moments of "paternal" support and care. The good padre, also overcome by emotion and hope for his future as a real father was a bit unsavvy how he broached the subject. I can't wait for tonight!

NM, thanks for another great recap. So many good comments have covered most of the high points. Best one for me: "The women detach Alonso’s suckers so they can go inside to talk. Alone."
Dona Dementa was just amazing in this episode. She's so eeeevil and she's giving a riveting performance.
La Paloma

I've never been one to use nicknames in the TN series as you all know. I do ahve a good one for Dona Bernarda. Dona Bernarda 'TKO' De Iturbe. Hahaha. Very fitting with that knockout slap/punch to the good Padre.

Julia, Could you please make a new cover of Mother of the year featuring Dona Bernarda like the one you did for Gabriela from FELS. Mpther's day is around the corner. Lol.

UA, in your comparison of Mejia's over exagerrated remakes, how would you compare Las Aguas Mansas with PDG and FELS?

I'm glade all you ladies here don't like Alonso. I'd like to knock that guy out. I'm completely with Max on this one. That dude is beyond irritating and he can make even the least possessive guy (which I'm not) go nuts because of his infringing on another guy's woman. Oh, btw Nathy is very hot in her makeover. Uber stunning that I ended up staring at her.

I need to comment on Victoria's toxicity. I'm not excusing the behavior but we need to take into consideration that she must have been so bitter after all those countless years as a servant to Victoria then getting pregnant and then being raped by Padilla then having to steel her resolve to rise up from the ashes so to speak. Like a Phoenix rising to found Casa Victoria. Surely, we cannot expect her to be a doormat and acept all the *bad things* that happen to her.


Ibarramedia, I never saw Las Aguas Mansas. I looked for it on YouTube but it only had two short clips and the video was bad. When I heard it was a novela de epoca I was doubly bummed out because I love those. In fact, I'm watching one right now as I post this!

Everything I have ever read about toxic parents includes warnings that this is a gift that keeps on giving in the sense that she who has a toxic mother is very likely to become one. I think that also works with employers.

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