Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #107 5/9/11 Leonela and the XiMonster: Parallel Lives

Poor poor Osvaldo. Still languishing in the worst attended hospital in the world: a place where a man whose heart had stopped -- who was clinically dead! -- whose damaged heart is hooked up to monitors that apparently no one … well, monitors -- And these crazy people keep coming up to his bedside to pick fights with him!

Os is still trying to explain to Vic why he kept Leonela’s story a secret. He wanted to protect Max. And if Victoria had a right to know his secret, well hell’s bells, he had the same right to know hers.

Meanwhile, Leonela is in the cafeteria playing the loving mother tragically separated from her son by the scheming Osvaldo. If you don’t believe me, just ask your father, she tells Max.

And in the church, papá padre Juan Pablo explains to María ya no Desamparada that as a papá, he wants her to be happy; but as her spiritual advisor, he’d prefer she seek that happiness elsewhere, with someone other than Max…

Take that nice boy Alonso. Please.
Get a Life Al sits on a park bench and mopes and moons about the old days when he could still exploit M ya no D’s vulnerability. Good times!

Milagros is astonished when M ya no D fills her in – the father is her father but he wasn’t yet a father when he fathered her, so it’s all cool. María declares the life lesson she has learned: she is going to be faithful to her love and fight for her right to happiness with Max.

Victoria must have missed that class because she continues giving Osvaldo his unorthodox cardiac stress test. She can’t forgive him, she snarls through gritted teeth, turns and leaves. (Someone check the monitor! Please!)

Enter Max to the sound of ominous drumbeats. He demands to know why Osvaldo lied to him, why he denied the existence of his mother.

Back in the vecindad, María assures little JP that now no one can keep them from forming a happy family with Max and Osguito. Uh oh. Watch out María – here comes trouble with a capital “R”. It’s Roxana and she wants to talk about Xi.

Os tries to explain why he lied to Max – it was to shield his son from a painful reality. Max can’t square what he’s hearing with what Leonela told him – that his father snatched him away from her.

Roxana sniffs dismissively at the vulgarity of her surroundings as María puts the baby in his cradle. So ordinary. Once María is back, she tries to lay a guilt trip on her – it’s María’s fault Xi is in the manicomio, that the marriage failed. Xi isn’t responsible for what she did – she’s insane! And only Max’s love can save her now. Isn’t María ashamed of being so cruel and selfish?

Well Roxana is right about one thing. Xi is truly nuts. We see her in her bed in the loony bin, raving “Mi hijo está muerto… no no no.. el tren… el tren” and flashing on images of the train and the car with Max and Osguito inside.

Osvaldo tells his son the parts of the story Leonela left out. His mother was an impulsive, unpredictable woman who tended to take out her rages on Os. When he could no longer stand the situation, he separated from her. Then out of spite, she took a lover. One day, she and her lover argued and – cue the echo machine – Ella lo mató… Ella lo mató… Ella lo mató!!! She killed him.

She was sentenced to life in prison (cadena perpetua). It was only after she had gone to prison that Os learned she was pregnant. And Max was born in jail.

Os couldn’t let his son grow up in prison in the care of an emotionally unstable mother. And he thought it would be easier for his son to believe his mother had died than to cope with the shameful truth that she was a convicted murderer. Of course Victoria’s loving presence was vital.

Ay ay ay. Vic still has those teeth gritted. Toni gets an earful: Osvaldo deceived me! Max’s mother is alive!

Leonela has made her mad way back to Gui’s Palace of Pretense and Porn. [And she is so eerily Xi-like. Aha! That’s why Gui had a thing for Xi! She was Leo-Lite!] Drink in hand, she relives her thespian past – I was Medea (still are, sweetie!)! I was Julieta! I was Ofelia! She thanks the public that only she can see and then dissolves into diabolical laughter. The laughter turns to sobs as she sinks onto Gui’s whoopee cushions.

Osvaldo begs his son to forgive him. Max gets why he protected him when he was a child, but once he was an adult, surely he had a right to know the truth. But Osvaldo was afraid of the harm it would do to invite Leonela back into their lives.

Now Max wants to give him some good news – this is what he came to tell him in the first place – the judge has awarded Max custody of Osguito!

We get a brief glimpse of baby Os snuggled on Fabián’s chest while Luci looks on fondly. [Sorry, Nati. You get stuck with the lout.]

And Rotten Rox is still trying to persuade María to step aside so Max can save Xi with his Magical Love Beams. Go see Ximena, Rox tells her. You’ll find out for yourself how obsessed she is with Max.

Images of delirious Xi – mi hijo…

Even as Rox throws herself on her knees and asks if María can be happy at the expense of someone else’s misery, María stands firm. I have to look out for my own happiness now, she tells her.

The news about Osguito’s custody gives Os a moment’s joy. You’re the first one to know, Max tells him. Then Os reflects: Maybe I was wrong to hide the truth; I was afraid I’d lose you and Victoria, your love and admiration. You chose badly, says Max. And now you may have lost both of us.

Lurking Leonela (who must be traveling around town by magic broomstick – didn’t we just see her at Gui’s?) is enjoying Os’s despair. Payback is just getting started. Soon he’ll be weeping “lagrimas de sangre” for abandoning her in that damn jail!

Rotten Rox pleads for María’s help. But María hasn’t forgotten who Ximena is -- a cruel person capable of murder. She shows Rox the door.

Wow! Those Lovely Cosmetics commercials are everywhere. Xi goes ape when she sees María’s face on the tv in the dayroom and grabs another patient’s doll and starts a fight. Attendants rush in to restrain her.

Casa Bernarda is not a happy place at the moment. The Demented One rails against the ineptitude of her contract killers, Padilla and Scorpion Guy. The latter thinks Max must have a pact with the devil – nothing seems to touch him. He gets a Demente swat for his trouble – how dare he mention the evil one in her presence! (Professional jealousy?) And she slams Padilla even harder with her words: He was going to get even with the Sandovals, but Victoria is winning; he’s the one with the dead son!

Eva announces that Luciano Ferreti wants to show her his new designs. The Demented One welcomes him with a smile. (I’m disappointed. I was hoping for Pipino’s evil twin. This is all your fault, Sara!)

Victoria is back home and stops in to see Fer. Vic knows that her daughter felt excluded in the past when the family hid things from her. So now she is going to be upfront with her: Osvaldo’s first wife is alive. That means he and Victoria aren’t really married. And this woman -- Max’s mother – is a murderer who until recently, had been in jail.

[Timeout: Is this a continuity problem? An Os problem? Because Os told Padre JP that he was divorced from Leonela. So is he? Do the writers know? Is it just that Victoria didn’t give Os a chance to tell her about the divorce? Inquiring recappers want to know.]

Let’s take a moment in the mercado where Napo is trying to teach Nati a few dance moves for her date with JJ. The Jarochas move in until Millie loses her patience and shoos them away.

Another cardiac stress test for Os: Leo’s back. She slithers up to his bed and admits she’s there to make his life miserable, to upset (perturbar) Max’s life. It’s what Os deserves for his selfish behavior. Os says he did try to help her but that Leo brought her misfortunes on herself.

Max updates Fabián on the Leonela situation. He still doesn’t know what to make of it all. But his one consolation is that finally, María ya no Desamparada has decided to come back to him. And the divorce is a done deal.

In the vecindad, Nati holds JPito and advises María not to go see Xi. But María has made up her mind to confront her.

For attacking the other patient, Xi has earned herself a stay in a padded cell, straightjacket and all. She sees the train, she hears an infant’s wails – Max! No! Mi hijo!

The other Xi, that is Leo, looks like she’s bucking for a padded cell of her own. We get to hear more of her crazy diabolical laughter. (Is anyone checking Os’s heart monitor???) She is there for vengeance!

Os reminds her that he was forced to save their son from her. Well now she is ready to switch things around. She’s going to turn Max against him, she’ll take him away from him. And she’ll destroy Osvaldo.

Fabián congratulates Max on getting back with María. He wants to know what he’s going to do about Os. After all, he was only thinking of Max’s welfare.

Fabián is right. And even in his hospital bed, Os continues to defend his son from the forces of darkness. He looks hard at Leonela: Don’t dare hurt Max, he tells her. Go back into the shadows! You’re dead to us and we won’t let a dead woman harm us! We’ll see, smirks Leo and leaves. She doesn’t seem to notice when one of her earrings drops to the floor beside his bed.

Fabián urges Max to put himself in his father’s place. What is he going to say to little Osvaldo – “Your mother was crazy and she tried to kill both of us”???

The great Leonela Montenegro sashays down the street. She is replaying some memories: she remembers how she looked her lover in the eye and shot him dead; she remembers how the police found her, gun in hand, before his dead body; and she remembers demanding that Osvaldo get her out of jail. The real world intrudes on her reveries when a police car passes by, siren blaring. Leonela hugs the wall as if to hide and takes a swig from a bottle.

Just as Oscar arrives with Max’s divorce decree, Rox bursts in and pleads with Max not to abandon her daughter.

María gets to the manicomio and spots Ximena sitting quietly, knees drawn up to her chin. She is lucid enough to recognize María but not lucid enough to understand that Max and little Osvaldo are still alive. María doesn’t get distracted by Xi’s whining and blaming. She wants Xi to know she is done sacrificing her happiness for her. She and Max are getting married, they are forming a family and they are going to raise the boys.

And then canny crazy Xi looks at her slyly: ¿Aunque mi hijo no sea de Max? ¿Aunque mi hijo muerto sea de Guillermo? (Even if my son isn’t Max’s? Even if my dead son is Guillermo’s)

Kayakless credits roll.


Bless you. I love your witty, prompt and right-on-the-money recaps. My fuzzy Spanish appreciates it.

So what is with LL's dropped earring in Oz's room? Will some voodoo happen and make LL begone!!

And I still love Oz. Even though he is the only one in touch with his heart and his head, he can't get a break from anyone, even the hospital staff as you comically pointed out.


Oh NovelaMaven...I too got excited when they panned up. I was thinking "oo ooo, skinny legs it *is* Pip's evil twin!" I almost cried when it wasn't.

Thanks so much for the recap. It took all my energy to stay up for it last night.

I really can't wait until school is out and the 10 slot won't bother me.

Blast you, Looneyvision!

You must have been reading my mind last night. I was going crazy watching that stream of confrontational people hitting up OS, and nary a nurse in sight. Bet that poor guy wishes St.Peter had said NO NO NO and kept him up at the pearly gates.

Thank goodness for Fab. Not only was he in my favorite scene of the night ( asleep with bambino), but he seemed to be the only voice of reason. Yeah, bro, your little dude is in the EXACT same situation. THINK!

As for Vic - she of the horrendous hair-do, just gets to be all self-righteous again. I think she's just jumping to conclusions in that little self-absorbed mind of hers, and believing Os is still married.

Far too little PJP in this episode - like to see him and the wife have a good Priest meet crazy lady scene.

NovelaMaven: Wonderful!

I smiled throughout: "Victoria must have missed that class because she continues giving Osvaldo his unorthodox cardiac stress test", " sniffs dismissively at the vulgarity of her surroundings" and "Leo-Lite!] Drink in hand, she relives her thespian past – I was Medea (still are, sweetie!) were marvelous.

Love the crazy, over the top performances but glad to see Maria is standing her ground. The biggest question now is: will Victoria morph into a halfway likeable character so when she finally reconciles with Maria, we will actually give a damn? :)


Good work, NovelaMaven. Excellent zingers as well, particularly "unorthodox stress test", "still are, sweetie", the broomstick comment and especially "professional jealousy?".

I'm sure everyone has noticed Leonela's black nail polish.

No continuity problem; Osvaldo didn't have a chance to say that he divorced her. He is not a bigamist and all this needs is a phone call to his lawyer. After Max's talk with Fabian he will have his turn as the voice of reason.

Since Leonela is messing with Osvaldo's and Max's heads, the next issue will be the question of Max's paternity.

Is there nobody at Casa Bernarda (the office) who can overhear her conspiracy conversations with her two toadies?

Padilla's threat is obviously
going to be played out. The question is against whom?

NovelaMaven, what a great recap. There were a lot witty comments that I loved especially "whoopee cushions"!

Did BSCLeo break out of prison? Being the great actress, it would not surprise me after seeing her reaction to the police car. Maybe she killed the real owner of the earrings and they catch her with the one lost in Os's room. How did someone just out of jail get the money to travel to another country, etc.?

Please let the JJ & Nati date tonight be a bust. I want Nati for Fabian. Luci can go back to her old happiness.

I cannot decide if Padilla kills Burnie or Tattoo Man, maybe he can do both for the price of one.


I'd rather see JuanJo with Israel's widow, Fabian with Luci, and Nati getting a handsome doctor.

Which reminds me, when do we finally see Cesar Evora?

The dropped earring will lead to something, but I hadn't thought about it. It's interesting that Leonela also appears to be an alcoholic.

I wouldn't be surprised if she broke out of prison, but why wouldn't she have bragged about it to Gui while on his whoopie cushions?

Thanks, NovelaMaven, for that fast and funny recap. You have a way with words, amiga. I especially liked ''Gui's Palace of Pretense and Porn'' and your nickname for Crazypants Madame X....Leo-Lite. They are two chicks cut from similar crazy cloth. Leo seemed to be speaking to Gui's tikis . She is a real piece of work. Maria had some good advice for us all about being responsible for one's own happiness. By the way, who finally painted Maria's shabby [and not chic ]livingroom ? ....Maria, marry that person....someone who will do something to really help you. Flowers are nice, but you should marry the guy who will take care of life's everyday issues.

Thanks everyone for the kind words -- as always, chicken soup for the bleary-eyed recapper's soul!

Rosemary, Leo told Gui her lawyer got the case reopened. They convinced a judge she had acted in self-defense. And that, in addition to her "good behavior" and the "best performance of her life" as a mother longing to be reunited with her son, resulted in her release from prison.

Susanlynn, in the Department of Looking After Your Own Happiness --
María herself -- with Nati, of course -- painted the place. The first thing she did with her Lovely Cosmetics money was run to Cheddraui's (product placement that only works if you're in Mexico) and buy stuff for the baby and for the place, including paint. (Which place stolidly remains, as you say, "shabby non-chic"). Maybe paint is prohibitively expensive in Mexico -- liquid gold -- and none of her suitors could afford to buy it:)

NM, just because BSCLeo said she was released because she is such a great actress doesn't make it so. She could be in Act II and making Gui believe the story. The other alternative would be that she killed someone else after being released (she did have a gun to shoot Os) possibly the owner of the earrings. There has to be a reason for hiding from the policia. She is also putting on an act with Max and telling him lies. The two BSCs don't know how to tell the truth, which leaves us all scratching our heads?


I can't figure out why Os hasn't called the police or told anyone else that Leo shot him. Does he realize that it was Leo or was she disguised ? Poor Os just cannot catch a break.

Very true, Rosemary. BSC Leo could be making up the story of her release. On the other hand, and as susanlynn reminds us, her skittishness when she hears the police siren is understandable since she fresh off another attempted homicide.

And yes, susanlynn -- it's absurd that Os hasn't told the police she's the one who shot him.

I am sure he isn't telling about BSCLeo shooting him because he doesn't want an escandalo. Escandalo seems to play a big part in what he does or doesn't do - his public image I guess.


Thanks for another wonderful recap, NovelaMaven. I really admire your work.

I'm really smitten by Leonela. Wow! I just wish that she didn't have a drinking problem. Oh well, I guess that she had to have some little flaw to keep her from being too perfect.

Does anyone remember seeing her in another TN? She looks familiar... maybe from my dreams...


I don't think Os intially told the police that Leonela was the one who shot him because if he did that, then he'd have to explain that Leonela was still alive, in jail for murdering her lover, Max was born in jail etc.

I don't know why Os condemned Max to marrying a crazy woman when he did it himself. And Os divorced Leonela. Why didn't he stay married to her for Max?

Victoria popping off at the mouth at Antonieta and Fernanda telling them Os is a bigamist is par for the course. She always jumps to her own conclusions, never listening to anyone else.

Maria is really dumb, for real, for visiting Xi in the manicomio. For what? Max has his divorce, Xi is locked up in the nuthouse. What are you accomplishing by visiting her in the nuthouse?

I don't know why Roxy sniffed her nose up at Maria's house when she ain't got a house of her own.

I didn't know that jails let prisoners take care of their kids in the jail. Of course Os would have gotten custody. But it's very likely Max could have 2 other fathers.

And I just want to know why Leonela killed her lover. For the fun of it?

Anon 207,

"But it's very likely Max could have 2 other fathers."

Yes... and my money is on Gui... which would make Osguito Max's brother, thus explaining a rather odd llamada de la sangre.


NovelaMaven--This is a Triumfo del Autor. There wasn't a single sentence that didn't have a terrific turn of phrase, allusion or just plain LOL craftmanship.

So, Xi and Li are cut from the same cloth. Alcoholic, BSC, calculatingly evil--attractive (sorry, but you have to tell it like it is)--homicidal maniacs. At least Xi is where she ought to be. Will Max fall for the Rox mamma mia line?

ITA, not enough Papa Padre JP, although we got an eyeful of these two adorable babies. Do they get any recognition in the credits? I still can't put Padre Hottie and BSCLeo together as real man and wife.
Newbie One

NovelaMaven- This was a snarky, funny gem! Thank you.

There are so many things that people do in this tn that make no sense that I shouldn't bother to ask why. But I did also ask why, now that the Leo cat is out of the bag, doesn't Os tell the cops she shot him. And why is MD going to try to reason with a crazy woman? Why is everyone yelling at a man who could have a heart attack at any moment? Why can't Max see the parallels between his situation and Os's? Oh, I give up!

Carlos- So glad that you have a sexy bad girl to take Ofelia's place. This actress in from Argentina and doesn't seem to have any Televisa work. Maybe you saw her in some South American tn? She and PJP make quite a handsome real life pair.

Cardiac stress test is right. When those three characters marched into Osvaldo's room one after the other, I thought he was going to code.
What kind of a hospital is that? Only in telenovela land.

Another fun recap!

Carlos: Per wikipedia, the actress who plays Leonela is an Argentinian supermodel, so maybe that is why she looks familiar. She's also married to JPJ so perhaps you've seen photos of her with him?

Carlos~~Have you, too, forgotten dear , old Ofelia? Everyone else seems to have not noticed that she is MIA. Old Gui really got around. It must have been his palace filled with porn, whoppee cushions, tikis, booze, and a Bose sound system for all his classical favs. What mujer of loose morals could resist ? P.S. Do you think that Leo's cheekbones are the real deal or surgical implants ? Usually we are talking about other implants, verdad ?

Hi Susanlynn, as best I recall, poor beautiful Ofelia sleeps with the fishes. I almost jumped ship. Thanks a lot Gui.

As for Leonela, I'm going to believe it's all real and original parts. Good for Padre JM.

Speaking of the good padre, Susanlynn, he seems to meet your specifications.


Ha-ha Susanlynn! they look pretty terrible don't they. I had cheekbones like that for a couple of years after they removed a melanoma (only on one side though). Me no like that look.

Thank you NovMav. You keep breaking your own records for fabulous recaps. I missed this whole episode as I was watching another sort of telenovela at the opera last night. Siegmund and Sieglinde are twins separated in childhood who meet and fall in love before they recognize each other. Brunhilde, their half-sister, who does a lot of talented yelling, disobeys their father by protecting them. 5 hours of heavy-duty drama. Loved every minute even if I had to sleep in this morning.

no lo puedo creer! Max possibly the biological son of Gui?!?!? que es tan locura!! eeeww!

Thanks NM for another great recap. I'll post more later but had comment on your Professional Jealousy zinger regarding Burnie. Thank goodness I was not eating or drinking...I had been vexed about something silly and that quip made my day!

Susanlynn, I have not forgotten about Ofelia, I still want to know where her body is? I hope it comes back to haunt Gui. Everyone in DF thinks she went to Spain with Pedro but we know better.


NovelaMaven - millones de gracias for the recap. I had to watch the hometown NHL team get beat by Vancouver last night, so I have an excused absence for not watching last night. Great snark in the recrap, too!

NM you are HILARIOUS!!!!!

"Palace of Pretense and Porn" and the Whoopee Cushion line. And all the cardiac stress tests. LOL funny. I don't know how you do it!!!

I have watched 3 TNs so far and all three have had a lost earring plot device:

Mi Pecado: Renata's earring planted at the scene of the crime (burnt barn).

Llena de Amor: Ilitia loses her earring when Mauricio attacks her

TDA: Leo's earring at the hospital bed.

Don't know what it means but it means something!!!

Speaking of Vic's character redeeming herself so we like her at the end, doesn't she need to learn that M ya no D (another hilarious line NM!) is her daughter so she can start her steeeeeeeeep climb up the hill to redemption?

This was one of the best recaps ever! I hope you recappers will tell me which TN you go to after TDA so I can follow you!


In Teresa, Teresa lost an earring at Paulo's house, and Paulo's jealous novia Aida found it and knew it was Teresa's and suspected they were still hooking up.

I hate the idea that Gui could be Max's sperm donor but we know this is the next thing he will be told.

On another note, is there anything in Mexican law that Dona Dementa could be slapped with for the shameful conditions in her slums?

And we'll find out Osvaldo knew all along that Max was not his bio-son but loves him anyway, just like Max loves lil Osguito. LOL

Thanks for the humerous recap. I just love your humor. Keep up the good work.

You are right - POOR, POOR, POOR OSVALDO. The man died and came back to life to care and protect his kids and grandkids. Both Max and Victoria should remember this. What would happened if he goes into another cardiac attack or something and actually dies. BOTH OF YOU WOULD REGRET IT.


Just love the two adorable babies. They steal the scenes. I just love the scene with baby Os snuggled on Fabián’s chest while Luci looks on fondly. It is so sweet and cute. It touch my heart. Fabian demonstrates that he would make a terrific dad.

I just want to hear some more music from one of the singers - Milagros, Cruz, or even Maria. I love their singing.

Thanks for your comments. I enjoy reading them.

Eeeeeew.... scrubbing my mind with Clorox over the idea that Guillermo might be Max's bio-dad. Eeeeewwwww......

NM, reading that recap cheered my heart and made me laugh much more than watching did. Such a mixed up bunch of tortured, tangled hearts, good intentions, evil intentions, and ineptitude.
Loved Anon207's comment about Rox despising Maria's apartment when she has no home of her own.
La Paloma

OT to lxv: Sounds like you enjoyed yourself last night. 5 hours is why I have a Friday series.

That was the scariest set I've ever seen on that stage.

Carlos~~~Yes, Padre Hottie meets my criteria...tall, dark, and handsome. I just wish that he wasn't so morose. I like my heroes happy with big grins.

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