Friday, May 13, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #110 5/12/11 A triumph of bad editing.

Yep, Leonela said that Guillermo is Max's dad. Everybody's pretty freaked out by that. Can I get a "No puede ser?" Nobody believes it, but Max takes Leonela's confirmation as actual confirmation. Os says she's trying to hurt them all. He admits Gui and Leonela were carrying on, but he doesn't think that means anything. On the other hand, he can't swear that it isn't possible. Max says that means there's "no doubt" that he's Guillermo's son.

I've been sitting here for a full five minutes. I don't even know where to begin. This has gone beyond a need for beanie tightening and/or just lining the whole thing with lead and having it permanently affixed to my head. Did I miss the episode where they did the PSA on the sad state of education and students graduating without a grasp of critical thinking skills? Or is this supposed to be it?

Leonela got a kick out of the look on Vic's and Fer's faces. Gui is bothered by her drinking, but Leonela doesn't like to be controlled. She threatens to live somewhere else and then says she drinks to forget her years in jail.

Oscar's brain cells are still working. "My mother wouldn't be capable of lying to me about something so important." There's a bunch of yelling. I miss it because I'm busy banging my head against the coffee table. I think there was something about Max mocking Os for raising a kid who wasn't his. Fer comes to his defense. Max breaks Fer's heart, telling her they're not really related.

Leonela doesn't think Os will turn her in.

Vic is crying and telling Max he's part of the family. He's insisting on calling her "Victoria." All of a sudden Max is concerned about blood relationships. When the hell did that happen? In the face of everyone else's sudden outburst of logic, Max pouts and leaves.

Vic tells everyone to let Max and Os talk. Maria D comes in and says she agrees. Where the hell did she come from?

Leo wants to get her acting career back. Gui looks like he's SO over her. "You could never forget me, Guillermo!" He says it's true…he always remembers her kisses, her skin. I'm not going to dignify the rest of that by translating it. Here she's talking about being unforgettable as an actress and he's talking about how she's an unforgettable lay.

The room clears so Vic and Maria D can talk alone.

There's trouble making rent in the vecindad. Alacran threatens to kick them out on Burnie's orders.

Burnie spouts some pseudo-religious crap and remembers PJP asking if she killed…someone. She admits she did.

How is everyone going to make rent? Napo suggests Mili hire Poli and Trini as waitresses. That doesn't go over well.

Burnie is surprised at Eva's new makeover. "I ordered you to change your appearance, but I never thought you'd take it this far." Eva blames it on Luciano. But she's ok with it. She thinks it makes Eva look like she's worthy of her position.

Crazy Xi infiltrates the vecindad. Please, like no one will notice her just because she's got a shawl over her head and dark glasses on.

Vic is the one who approached Maria D first. Now when Maria D takes her up on her offer, she accuses her of jumping at the chance to get revenge. Lady, make up your freekin' mind! Maria D takes the high road. Vic insists on her point of view. She doesn't understand why she's so conflicted in her feelings about Maria D. MD says she came because she admires Vic's courage in trying to regain her position. She admits she talked to PJP, but also she wants a better future for her child and she doesn't want to depend on Max.

Xi sees Nathy and JuanJo walking through the patio with the baby. I don't pay attention to their conversation. Xi is going to fire the gun, but she's stopped by Fausto. Alacran sees the fight from the balcony. Xi gets away and Nathy and JuanJo only see Fausto and stop to say hello. They continue their walk and Fausto looks around for Xi.

Gui and Leonela are post-coital. She's still fixated on making a triumphant return. Gui tells her to go back to her roots in modeling and offers to introduce her to someone, probably Burnie.

Vic announces that Maria D is the new star model of the New Casa Victoria. PJP is around for the announcement too. What, is he the official priest of the New Casa Victoria Team?

Gui advises Leo to get some new photographs to take on modeling calls. "I don't need them. My beauty will impact anyone who so much as looks at me. I don't need to take photos" Wow. Oh. Just. Wow. Yeah, let me try that one on my agent…"New headshots? Oh, no, I don't need those. I'm not taking headshots to auditions anymore. I'm just going to blind them with my beauty and talent in person. Headshots aren't necessary." Gui seems to be realizing that Leo doesn't live up to the idealized Leo he's been carrying around in his head. He insists she needs them…"Imagine, all that beauty captured forever in a picture! We'll get the most famous photographer in the city!"

Cruz misses his name on the list of people who passed the test. A helpful student points it out to him and he runs to tell Fer.

Fabian hopes Fer has stopped feeling useless. She has, but she's worried about Max. Fab says he just needs time to think. And maybe also a fresh infusion of brain cells. Max walks along, remembering mommie dearest drinking, Gui saying "Max, I am your father…"

Toni and Pip do a "Maria D is back" cheer. They show her the designs. Why? Since when does anyone care what the models think about what they wear? Toni and Maria D reminisce about the good old days. Pip dances around with fabrics. Maria D reminisces about the bad old days and Toni tries to justify Vic's behavior.

Cruz stumbles through Fer's window. He might have actually broken his butt this time. Fer's not home. He leaves a rose on her pillow.

Fabian asks Fer if she loves Cruz.

Cruz asks the pillow if Fer thinks of him. The pillow nods. Just go with it. He asks if she loves him. The pillow's not so sure. I say consult a Magic 8 Ball…they know everything.

Fer tells Fab she doesn't know. She does like him a lot. She says he's her conscience, her shadow, and her guardian angel. Fab would like her to say that about him. He tells her he loves her with his whole heart. "Yes, but Cruz told me first."

Leo gets her modeling shots taken by Alonso. Gui goes to run errands. I don’t think Leonela's any prettier than any other pretty woman. Al doesn’t like her sexy pose. He's not comfortable putting his name on cheap-looking semi-porn shots. Leo plays nice and pulls her skirt down to cover her knees.

Nathy and JJ…he's going to tell her something when Cruz interrupts with his news.

Vic is still pissed that Os didn't tell her the truth about Leo. Os repeats his reasons. No new ground is covered.

Gui ponders the irony of having Os take away what he wanted most in life and now he's taking away what Os wants most--Max. If I had told you that Gui was pondering the irony of being crazy over a woman he hasn't seen in years, who turns out to be crazy when he finally gets to have her, would you believe me? Cause from the look on his face, that's where I though he was going with "isn't it ironic…."

Vic, supportive as ever, tells Os Max's pain is all his fault. Vic wonders how Max is going to react when he finds out that the real baby daddy of his kid is his mama's alleged baby daddy. Os thinks Gui deserves to be taught a lesson. Get to it, man.

Nathy does a "JuanJo was about to kiss me" dance for the baby…who could care less! There's a knock at the door and she thinks it could be JuanJo.

But he's busy griping out Cruz for interrupting him when he was just about to tell Nathy that he's into her. Cruz says, "I thought you didn't like her." Oh, but JuanJo has realized the error of his ways and he now knows that love is not about looks…it's about what's in your heart. What a load of crap! Explain, then, why you didn't fall in luuuuuuurve with her until she had her makeover. Stupid shallow twit. Just shut up JJ. Shut. Up.

It's Alonso at Nathy's door. With a toolbox. He coos at the baby, then knights Nathy as his official accomplice. Whatever.

MD is ready to walk the walk. Vic gives critiques. "You're a star. No one can reach you. Your beauty shines!" Vic is happy and says MD will be queen of the catwalk again. "I created you! That's why I'm proud of you." Fer overhears and cries. I could kick Vic right now.

Hijinks at Milagros' restaurant with Poli, Trini, and el Profe as waitstaff. Spare me.

Fer gets a call from Padilla, who tells her she killed his son and he's got a surprise for her. He wishes her a good afternoon as Fer freaks out. "It was him! Padilla! He said he wants revenge because I killed Federico, but I didn't kill him!" Os and Vic try to comfort her, but in the end MD holds her and says nothing is going to happen. "Why are you holding me like this?" "I don't know!" MD apologizes, but Fer says MD makes her feel protected and thanks her. "Thank you for forgiving our snobbishness and being here." Os and Vic are confused.

For no apparent reason Vic is lecturing Max about how he insisted on bringing Os back to the house after Vic had already told Fer that she'd kicked him out. Max is calling Os his father again. Fer needs Os , blah, blah, blah. This conversation seems out of place. And Max's shirt is unbuttoned way too far. It's reminding Mr. 5ft of Mauricio Aspe's role in Dos Caras de Ana where the farther down his shirt was unbuttoned, the crazier he was.

Milagro's customers have all run off without paying. El Profe blames Napo. And calls him stupid. They hear about a singing contest on TV and Mili says she's going to enter. She won't sing for them, though, and says she wants to enter someone else. Cruz comes in singing.

Os and Vic again. Os says they need to stick together. I feel like I'm getting whiplash. The kids need them to stick together? Vic agrees? They need to put the kids first? Qué the hell? Os asks if she still loves him. "Why do you want to know?" Well, that's more like it. Os says they can only solve their problems together. Vic says maybe he's right. She tells him about working in Padilla's factory and Padilla raping her. Os hugs her and she cries. That could have been a great moment if the editing hadn't completely screwed up the emotional arc of the episode…or the show. "You shouldn't have hid that from me. I swear he'll pay!" Vic tells Os he's still recovering and she doesn't want him to get hurt. "I need you now more than ever, Osvaldo!" What? Since when? Two seconds ago? They start kissing.

Nathy hands the baby off to Maria D and tells her that she almost got kissed by JuanJo. She runs off and mentions a meeting with her thesis advisor. MD tells her to be careful.

Alacran is waiting outside the apartment and warns her about how dangerous the neighborhood is. Alacran is determined to have her.

Guillermo rolls up. Alacran turns his back to the street. Xi lurks behind a scrawny tree.

Alonso is in the baby's room waiting to surprise Maria.

Gui knocks on the door and asks to be let in. He says he's there to exercise his rights as the baby's grandfather. He also says he's the other baby's father. "That's life. Max thinks he's little Osvaldo's father when they're really brothers." Alonso hears all this from the baby's room, presumably.

Tomorrow: Vic and Os are back together; Xi pulls a gun on Gui; the cops threaten to hold Rox responsible for any shenanigans Xi gets up to; Alonso passes out in the baby's room and Max comes in and thinks the wrong thing. Oh, spare me!


Finally! I guess Blogger has been having issues. I hope they're fixed now.

If it seems like I'm a little lost about what's going on, I probably am. I missed Monday night, but watched Tuesday and Wednesday, so I thought I was reasonably caught up, but some things were not making sense. And I know there's a great recap out there for Monday, but I haven't had time to read it!

This is my last weekend of Phoenix Symphony Chorus performances, then I start rehearsals for a new show on Monday! Today I have a general audition for next season at one of the local theaters and I just hope today is an "on" day for me!

In my other, other professional life, I'm trying to get a bunch of Excel spreadsheets orgainzed into one cohesive Access database so that every time the accountant asks me a question or a grant application asks for some statistic it won't take me as long to find the answer. Granted, it takes me maybe 5-10 minutes now, but if I could shorten this to 5-10 seconds my day would run much, much smoother!

Anyway, have a great Friday!

OMG Kat, I only got past the first paragraph and I was rolling on the floor laughing. That is exactly how I felt when Max said that is proof that he is Gui's son! QTH!!!? You mom was sleeping with at least 2 men at the time of your conception, probably more, and yet you can pinpoint, without ANY DNA evidence, one of them as your bio-dad!? And that leads you to reject the man who raised you, the woman who raised you, and the little sister you were raised with? I wanted to smash my tv. Max reached new levels of stupidity last night.

OK, on to the rest of the recap.

Kat, I don't even know the accolades to say for this recap. I'm sitting in the office, having worked on too many spreadsheets myself today, ecstatic that Blogger is back up. I had to close the door because I started blurting out with the laughter, and the poor woman outside myoffice keeps leaning back and smiling at me. This was so hysterical - and sadly true.

"Stupid shallow twit. Just shut up JJ. Shut. Up." Those last two words could be applied to a WHOLE lot of our town players. If it wasn't I invested so much time in this TN already, and I would miss PJP, I would just give up on this cast of lame-brains. They all just deserve each other and I'm not really feeling the luuuurrrvvv myself towards this show anymore. I think the basic writers must have gone on vacation and asked the night watchmen of the studio to fill in. Sorry excuse for the terms "dialog". Random unconnected thoughts might sum it up better.

How many more episiodes are there to this TN? I fear some of our beloved recappers are going to hurt themselves soon with, as you call it, head banging or beanie adjustment.

Good luck in the auditions by the way. And plug away at those spreadsheets! Always good to streamline those processes.

Kat wonderful funny recap.

I hope this blog is fixed from these problems soon but thank you and Jardinera who i tried repeatedly to thank yesterday for your great recaps.

I read someone say this novela is going to be 169 episodes? No Puede Ser! No Puede Ser! No Soporto! No Soporto!

Someone also mentioned that Teresa after tonight will stop showing two episodes per night and then go back to one hour episodes while TDA will go back to 2 hour episodes.

I believe Univision is trying to end this novela quickly as possible over here now and it can't be soon enough for me. What another mess by Mejia bad editing, writing wow you just can't make this up and the stupidity of these characters unbelievable.

OMG! have there ever been so many brain dead people in one place at one time as these idiots? Not a word about DNA from anyone. Just believe any bull pucky a drunken looney spews.

Terrible editing and writing all the way followed by some pathetic acting. However this has become so bad it is fun to watch.

Head shots for a "model" who has to be over 40. Wonder where in her delusional mind she thinks she can get a job. Oh of course Bernie and her place of business is the obvious choice and think of all the havoc LL and Miss B could wreck on the dim wits at Casa Sandoval.

What was with Lon passing out the other day and suddenly he is barging into MD pad and then lurking in the bedroom. Lordy does the creepy factor never end.

I did think the scene when Fer overhead Vic and got upset was out of place but did like the little bit with the sisters together. I can't understand why Vic doesn't see the resemblance between them and herself - oh right dim wit.

MD and Hot Padre were on their way to accept the modeling job when they came upon the remnants of Leolooney's big reveal. Too bad they missed all the fireworks.

Have come to the conclusion this show is incorrectly named. It should be either A Thousand and One Secrets or All God's Fools Deserve to be Miserable.

I can't believe another two hour show. I still haven't recovered from the daily two hour dose of FEA but if it will end this one faster go for it.


OK, HTH did Alonso get up after passing out in the park? Someone should have called an ambulance and he should be in the hospital now.

The whole business about DNA trumping upbringing is probably the myth I hate the most about this stuff. For Max to address Os and Vic by their given names is so wrong-headed. Not that I think Gui is his sperm donor, but even if he were that doesn't make him a father.

But I think Vic already said that.

Max needs to have a very long talk with JP, but that will take yet another misunderstanding.

Nobody seems to have called Max to warn him that Ximeana is on the loose. The entire staff of that hospital has to know she's dangerous.

Will it be Gui or Xi who kills Leonela?

Nati and JuanJo? No puede ser!

Fernanda has to be feeling really superfluous right now and Padilla's threat has to be even more frightening to her. Cruz needs to move in to protect her.

Gui was a world-class creep last night. WTH would he bother Maria with these mentiras? What has she ever done to him?

Finally, Alonso must have been very young when Leonela ended up in the slammer. He must also not watch a lot of TV.

Thanks, little lady. You are busy, busy and have come through for us once again. Since I couldn't watch and didn't record, your recap was perfectly clear as a mess of Mejia can get.

Blogger, however, has been dissing us everywhere. We seem to have lost the recap and all of Wednesday's comments (#114) for TDA and same for half the comments on CME for Wednesday.

HELP!! According to last night's episodio, Alonso is up and around taking Leo's headshots, arriving at Nathy's with a toolbox, and later in Maria's place, in the baby's bedroom??

I thought we left him lying in the park with his camera around his neck. Whaa Hoppen?

Good post, but goodness a bit pessimistic for our protagonists and all the other cast members. This is entertainment, right?

Blu - tell me that TDA isn't going to two hours. Our recappers may all quit!! I've been seeing some promos for a pretty poor looking, unexciting TN that I thought was slated for the Teresa extra-hour slot. I can't keep up with Univision anymore. Thank goodness for online viewing.

Dani - your post was hysterical. "Just believe any bull pucky a drunken looney spews" yep, they do. And Max needs a head-slap. My heart goes out to those two bambinos - what a horrid gene pool they have spawned from. we should get a TN in a few years that fast-forwards to them growing up and hating their families. I'd root for them all the way!

how the heck these actors are able to keep a straight face, with the terrible script, is beyond me!!

Kat, thank you for shining some light on this dreadful show.The recapers are the reason we keep coming back.I am now down to one TN a night.The only reason I chose this one was because of the talent on there.What is the producer doing? He has incredible talent working for him and all he can do is make them stupid. At what point does it stop being entertainment and becoming an annoyance. Max suddenly chooses nature over nurture? Os has always shown him nothing but love and this is how he repays him? what an ingrate. Is he willing to throw Fer and Vic away for a woman he just met? even if she is his mother.I am convinced, like someone said the writers must be new.What a disappointment.

Like many of you I am really bored to death with this TN. I don't know how much longer I can hang in there. ON top of everything they have replaced the Kayak with Victoria in her "trensas". I can't take it!!!

Wow, Kat. Another beauty of a recap.

I'm on board with Gui as Max's dad. Explains a lot. Perhaps the only thing that Gui enjoys more than a good lie is a hurtful truth.

Alonzo must have just had a touch of low blood sugar.


Kat: I look forward to your first comment as much as I look forward to your recaps. Always a laugh and always complicated.

Cheer up amigos, we only have 30 or so to go. Tks so much 5ft for recrapping this mierda.

I still feel better about it than FELS though.

Why on earth would anyone want to work for Mejia, he produces nothing but crap & I still think this is his best. What does that say about his others, you don't want to know.

Max knows his madre real is a lyer,
cheater & asesina, buuuut of course I believe you. Why wouldn't the dead guy be his father? He doesn't know just how bad Guillermo is, but he does know that he tried to cheat his father (Osvaldo). And he believes him??????

And the point of Guillermo telling María that Max & Osvaldito are hermanos????? Probably just to get him in Jimena's line of fire for tonights nonsense.

And they deprive us of the kayak.
That makes up for a lot of mierda.

Kat, thanks for your recap. It was great. Wish I could say the same about the episode. As someone else noted, I'm hang around here for the recappers and the bloggers as this TN is unfortunately quite bad.

My fave line of this recap:

I've been sitting here for 5 min and I don't know where to begin.Did I miss the episoide where they did a PSA on the sad state of education and students graduating without a grasp of critical thinking skills?
ROTFLMAO... u are awesome

Like many of you I couldn't beleive how dumb Max is. O's told him that Leo is crazy and here to start problems. He hasn't seen this woman in how many years and he takes her word to be the gospel?Then he goes on to be a jerk to the only family he's every known. They calling Vic by her first name... he has lost the little mind he has.

So the writers want us to really think that after days of being drugged up and break out that she still has the energy to overpower Fausto? Ok. I can't wait till she gets to Gui house. I hope she shoots him.

I was on the verge of tears when Maria came in to comfort Fer. But I ended up laughing at the shocked/confused look on both O's and Vic's face. I'm glad they are on the road to getting back together becuase they really do love each other.

Yet again we have to vomit thru another love scence between Leo and Gui.Nuff said

Am I the only one who finds it ultra creepy that Al is waiting in Maria's room and she doesn't even know he's there?

So I guess with Max walking in on Maria taking Al's clothes off is going to lead him to have yet another break from critical thinking. Whatever this TN is getting to be to much but I'm already deeply into it and I guess I'll just grit my teeth and bear it.

O I want to thank whoever(sorry I can't remember your name) who welcomed me to this board. It was on the Teresa recaps but I think they watch this to.


OMG you're telling us this is Mejia's best work out of all of his novelas? No Puede Ser! Now that's bad and frightening how has this man stayed employed for this long creating this type of crap? He must have some comprising photos on his boss or somehting?

The writer of this novela is a veteran also who should be ashamed for being associated with this mess?

I believe Mejia is Director of Televisa Novelas- so he IS the boss - at least up the creative content chain.

I've heard this novela disparaged as "Triumfo de Horror", and maybe last night show explains why. The show ratings were quite poor in Mexico, in spite of several of the celebrity actors such as the soccer player doing Juanjo. Or maybe that was part of the problem.

I think the plot counts on the characters having no critical thinking skills whatsoever. It's all gut instinct and emotional reaction. But then again, lots of telenovelas depend on dumb protagonistas.


I still don't understand why they dropped the Nati-Fabian love story in favor of Nati-JJ, and randomly bringing in the secretary for Fab. Why? Do people love the soccer player that much that he not only gets brought back from the dead, but also gets the smart/pretty girl?!

I did hear that Juanjo was written off, but he is so loved (the soccer player) that they kept him around & got rid of Linda because she was not liked. Grain of salt thing.

5ft Latina (Kat), thanks for the superb recap. I just love your writing that is full with humor.

Osvaldo, you gave this woman a break and not report her to the police for shooting you and now look what she is doing to your family. If I were you I would report this sociopath right now. If you keep letting her be, she will continue to hurt you and your family. She deserves to be in jail where she belongs.

Jimena is another sociopath and lunatic is out of the psychiatric hospital about heaved her revenge and pain. I wonder what she is going to do to Guillermo and/or Maria again.

Leonela and Guillermo seem to not get enough of each other. More disgusting love making by these two. They can’t even make it to a bed. Do they worry about the carpet stains and impressions on their bodies? I had enough of their love making. We need someone else to do the love making.

My favorite scene of this episode is Maria hugging her sister, Fernanda and giving her support after talking to that crazy El Alacran. It was a touching moment which both Victoria and Osvalda were surprised at.

This novela is all over the place and characters pouting and wining.
Good grief!!!!

I do love the recaps so much more than the TN itself. It hurts to listen and watch so much bad writing and acting . The recaps are wonderful & witty.

BTW does anyone know what time & channel TDA is on in wyoming? I have to be there on busines next week and would welcome a little Levy in my life.

Thanks again.

Kat - thank you for the recrap. I'm glad to see is back up and running after 36 hours of being down for their thirty-minute maintenance. Meh…..

OMGosh,,,, someone remind me to never watch a Meh-ía production again, please! I bow to you and all the other recappers, for honoring your commitment and continuing to watch this basura, and then recap it.

Max walks along, remembering ….., Gui saying "Max, I am your father…"
I am visualizing Darth Vader's voice, saying to Luke Skywalker: Luke, I am your father.

Stupid shallow twit. Just shut up JJ. Shut. Up.
I so totally agree! Too bad we cann't import Gardenia from MEPS-land, and pair her up with JJ.

Dear Beloved Recappers,
When this tontería goes back to two-hour episodes, you have my vote to not watch and try to recap/recrap it all. Just start a topic here where we can all complain about the episode. And the characters. And Meh-jía. Seriously.

Dear Recappers,

I second Doris' suggestion. Minimize your work with 2-hour episodes. You are all busy people (5 ft. you have two busy, busy lives and deserve our thanks for last night's recap.)

Eek -- the last few nights, with crazy Leonela cooing and stretching and looking too old for the role of ingenue. And the creepy music.

The babies are so cute, however. They light up the screen.

No more Mejia for me, though I'm hanging in to the end, I guess, on this one.

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