Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #17 Friday 5/13/11 It's Matias's party and they'll make Renata cry 'cause they want her to.

Viewerville, have a virtual box of tissues on me.

This episode is full of tears, tears, and more tears as vicious plans come to fruition and everyone seems to need a shoulder to cry on.

Agustin asserts to Dr. Nesme that he will win Renata over and make her his. All his.

A downtrodden Ines and Isidro join Regina in the hospital waiting room. Andrescito is finally asleep, so Ines tells Isidro and Regina they can go home. No way, says Regi. She's going to stick with Ines. "Remember all those times you stayed by my side when my hija disappeared?"

The party at Mansion Monterrubio is in full swing. Jero starts asking Roberta pointed questions about how difficult it must be for her to find a man who can "give her a life she is accustomed to". Rob is sure Jero could support her with all the dough he has. "Even if I had economic problems?" Jero presses. Rob knows Jero is an important business man, he would be able to earn back a life of luxury. "Social position and money are more important to you than love, right?" Jero asks. Rob starts to get uncomfortable with this game of 20 questions. "Jero, the idea of love is very romantic but not real. Romances only happen in novelas or movies."

Jero disagrees and tells Rob that he knew a man who killed himself because of a woman. Roberta laughs in disbelief. "It's true. He gave everything to her and when she left he feel into a deep depression. After all he had achieved, it was not enough for her." Jero is cut off before he can properly accuse Roberta of being a rotten, brother-killing, Bonita. He stalks off moodily, losing his nerve.

Gonzalo takes the stage at the party and gives a nice little speech to welcome Matias home. FFWD...

Jero stares at his reflection and wonders what to do next with his revenge plot. "Mat and Gonzo don't deserve a public scandal. I have to think of another way to get back at Roberta without hurting innocent people."

Carlos, Matilde, and Lazaro have lunch and chat about wine. Carlos is so proud that Rafa was able to get such great land to grow such marvelous grapes. "If I had enough money, I would buy the land and the vineyard myself in memory of Rafa. The place reminds Jero of so much of his brother's pain that I doubt I could convince him to do it."

Regina calls Cata to tell her that she's going to skip the party and stay with Ines. Especially since Ines still doesn't know that Andres probably has leukemia. Regi also isn't going to Spain with Antonio since her amgia is going through such a tough time.

Renata finds Jero alone in the house and wants to clear the air. Jero frostily turns her down. "It does not interest me to talk to someone like you. Someone who lies and seduces for the fun of it." Renata warns Jero not to insult her; she has an explanation for everything she said to him. (Selene slinks in, overhears them arguing, then slinks back outside).

Jero is not interested in Renata's explanations. He gives back her bracelet, since there is no longer a reason for him to have a remembrance of her. Jero coldly leaves the room while Ren is left pensive with only the theme song to keep her company.

Sure enough, Selene ran outside to tattle on Renata and Jero like a good minion. Roberta is furious at the thought that Ren could be flirting with Jero and drags Selene back into the house. "If she was hitting on Jero, I will kill her." They don't find R+J but Roberta is still suspicious.

Constanza runs into Jero and greets him warmly. She uses her powers of persuasion to convince him not to leave the fiesta so early. Coni mentions how odd it is that Regi and Ines never showed up but Jero tells her that neither of them received invitations. Que raro, no?

Renata reconvenes in her bedroom and the theme song has followed her upstairs. She just can't get Jero out of her head. "Why does it matter so much what you think of me? Even though you want nothing to do with me." She wonders aloud.

Ines tearfully asks Regi to forgive her for telling Regi that she should move on after what happened to her hija. Ines now has to face what life would be like without her hijo and the thought kills her. "How do you do it, Regina?" Regi cries too and says the reason she keeps living is the hope that one day she will be able to spend even a minute with her hija.

Coni introdues Jero to the few Monterrubios he didn't already know by coincidence. Roberta joins the group and Fina congratulates her hija on planning such a great party. Rob pulls Jero away for a drink, which gives Coni the opportunity to comment about Regi and Ines never receiving invitations. Confusion all around. FFWD...

Meanwhile at the hospital, Adriana dissolves into a puddle of tears after the doctor tells her that there is little hope that her madre will survive. Adriana masters the ugly cry.

Regina overhears the sad news and can't help but scoop Adriana into a comforting hug.

Ezequiel tells Agustin that they will have to be wary of Carlos, he knows more about the vineyard business than he let on. Augie tells Zeke to make sure Alfonsina keeps tabs on every detail of the business at La Bonita.

Dr. Nesme stands over a sleeping Karina and muses that he doesn't deserve her. Maybe he can't love her because she is so perfect. Too creepy not to FFWD...

Fina talks cryptically on the phone. Something can't wait another day and it is a matter of life and death for her. Growl, scowl, somehow this is Regina's fault. According to Fina, so is global warming, the price of gas, and the sinking of the Titanic.

Carlos holds the "R" necklace and hopes that Jero doesn't do anything crazy for revenge.

Matias and Renata awkwardly share a table with Jero and Roberta. Jero makes snide comments about M+R being step-siblings. Ren and Jero end up left alone at the table and Ren says Jero will have to listen to her explanation even if she has to call/mail him daily. Jero still has no interest but he promises not to tell Matias that Renata kissed him. "It will only be a matter of time until he finds out how dishonest you are anyway." Ugh. Is it possible to kick a fictional character through the television?

Renata lets Jero's nastiness roll off her back. "Look. I don't know why your presence in my life is so important. It confuses me but I don't want you to have the wrong idea about who I am. Besides, you have not been entirely honest with me either! You never told anyone you were Roberta's novio!" Their fighting becomes flirting but Mat's return puts an end to it.

Diego stands in front of a helicopter (!!!) and Roberta urges him to get the show on the road. Diego can't wait to humiliate Renata the way she humiliated him. Rob tells Fina that her plan is in full swing. She is going to make Mami proud. Fina says this will be the perfect opportunity for Rob to steal Matias away from Ren. Roberta has no interest in Mat; no matter what Mami wants, Rob will never be his woman.

Adriana has calmed her hysterics and appreciates Regina's help even though they are strangers. Regina comforts Adri by telling her about her own sad past. More tears, more hugging. Later on, (after more hysterics and sobbing) Adriana gathers the courage to go into her mother's hospital room. Regina promises to help Adriana anytime she needs someone to talk to.

A huge black helicopter hovers over the fiesta Monterrubio, which puzzles all the partygoers. Hundreds of pictures suddenly rain down from the helicopter. Renata looks at one with a stunned and hurt expression.

Jero and Rob look over at Renata in shock.

Gonzo crumples up a picture in disgust.

The helicopter flies away while the entire Monterrubio family and all the guests look at the pictures...

...and then stare at Renata.

This will not turn out well.

Gonzo hurries over to Ren, demanding an explanation. The pictures (which we never see) are apparently compromising (photoshopped) images of Renata. Ren swears she never took any such pictures, it's her face but not her body. Fina storms over. "Then who is it? Your identical twin?" Fina spouts awful insults at Renata and slaps her fiercely. Matias quickly rushes to Renata's side to defend her from Fina. Ren buries her face in his shoulder until Fina leaves in indignation.

Renata can barely hide her tears as she swears to Gonzo that she never had such pictures taken of her; they have to be fake. Gonzo tries to quiet her but Renata shouts that she has to clear her name in front of everyone else. "This is slander (calumnia)! Someone is trying to disgrace (infamia) me! I won't allow it! I know I have to take responsibility for my actions but not for this. I am innocent, Papá!" Renata apologizes to Matias for ruining his party before retreating into the house. :(:(:(

Roberta apologizes to Jero for her smutty sister. Jero isn't fazed. "Everyone's true colors come out eventually." He says. Jero takes his leave of the party but not before Matias furiously asks who could have done such a thing to Renata. Jero shrugs. "At least you know what kind of woman she is now."

Instead of backhanding Jero like I would love to do, Mat sticks up for Renata with words and not fists. Meanwhile, a hurt and humiliated Renata sobs alone on the floor. :(:(:(

At least Renata has a few people in her corner as Constanza and Honorio have recruited everyone with able hands to destroy the pictures and throw them out. They are both incensed that someone tried to ruin Renata's reputation; both fully believe in her innocence.

Roberta and Fina squeal and hug to celebrate their evil.

"Now everyone will know Renata isn't the white dove they think she is!" Roberta says triumphantly. A quote from the show Absolutely Fabulous fits Roberta perfectly in this scene: "Oh, she's so cold, sweetie! I'll just bet she has her period in cubes!"

Gonzo reconvenes with Honorio, who tells Gonzo to have faith in Renata. Gonzo doesn't know what to believe but he does want Renata's name cleared.

Matias finds Renata on the floor and kneels down.

He believes in her and knows everything will work out in her favor sooner or later. Renata has no idea who could have done something so horrible to her.

Roberta ruins the moment by bursting in to tell Renata that Gonzo wants to talk to her. Later, she calls Diego to congratulate him on how perfectly the plan worked out; nobody knows they're behind it. Poor Renata is crying her eyes out just like they wanted. "I hate her." Rob fumes. Diego has similar sentinments. "No one rejects me." Ay, dios mio.

Fina sobs all over Gonzo about the ~*shame*~ of it all. Renata is such a ~*disappointment*~. FFWD...

Gonzo sends Matias away so he and Fina can talk to Renata privately. "How could this happen, Renata? What kind of people do you associate with if they would do something like this? It is an embarrassment to the entire family. Who would want to hurt you and our family?"

Renata still doesn't know. Fina pipes in. "Everyone criticizes me for being so strict with you. But obviously I have reason to be since your immorality has such grave consequences!" Renata says what happened was not her fault. "Of course it's your fault! I just caught you macking with some guy at the last fiesta we had!" Fina raves. Renata sticks to her guns. Everything has an explanation but Fina never hears her out. Ren swears she will find out who did this to her and why. Gonzo agrees to help; he will not have his family name, much less Renata's reputation, be ruined by such a prank.

Fina refusing to stop victim-blaming. Renata gives in. "If we never find out who did it and I can't prove my innocence, I will renounce the Monterrubio name so you won't have to share my embarrassment." She heads for the stairs but stops long enough to see Matias hang his head while looking at one of the pictures.

Jero muses about the situation in his hotel room. "Rafa, you loved Roberta and I can't figure out what I feel for Renata. But the two of them are sisters." Jero has a violent mood swing and he slams his jacket on the bed. "Two sisters who aren't worth anything!!" Ugh, no comment.

Avances: Regina and Renata meet and hug each other. Carlos tells Jero that Renata could be the real Bonita, not Roberta. Just when you thought things couldn't get any more depressing!


Ha ha! Love the box of kleenex and the title.

Just when I thought things couldn't bet more depressing I read this:
"Oh, she's so cold, sweetie! I'll just bet she has her period in cubes!" Bless you amiga for quoting Ab Fab. Just about my most favorite program ever! (aside from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) I needed the laugh.

During that whole helicopter/leaflet/slander thingie I couldn't help but ponder how my family would have handled such a thing. First of all, ruining any party is a cardinal sin so the helicopter probably would have been shot down with rocks, rubber bands, discarded bras, anything. Second of all, wouldn't any family be suspicious of such a slander campaign? It just doesn't make sense. Lordy how I hate that mother and daughter.

Dr. Nesme...yo, creepier than ever.

Amy, thank you for getting your recap up so quickly and for your great pictures and conversation translations. As I was watching tonight I couldn't help but feel for you what with all the interminable but important conversationhs going on. Great job!

floresdeazul, great job. great pictures. I love how you allowed the pictures to quietly tell the story of the photo-drop. Very effective.

In each and every episode, Jerry gives me more and more reason to dislike him. I would have thought that the photo-drop would have awakened his protective side and sense of fair-play, but... nopis. So far, his aura shouts, "JERK!"

And speaking of jerks, Gonzo could have been supportive but instead seemed more concerned about his own image and the spoiled party. Honorio was the much better "father" last night.

Dr Nesme does a great creepy. It helps that he looks like he was constructed with spare parts. I so hope that Alfonsina hasn't fallen for him. If so, that would make Zeke (as Sylvia would put it) inconvenient. I don't recall having seen that actor make it safely to the end of a TN.

Carlos (still cringing over the Ab Fab quote)

Yay, PICTURES! And thanks for the great recap and the Kleenex. So sad! But I think I might be afraid to approach my fridge ice dispenser today....

Wow, wow! This episode was very well done! As each episode goes by I am more and more I impressed with this producer/director and the screenwriters.

What a horrible prank! And Diego feels justified just because Renata rejected him? And what a total ass Jero was.

Wow did the witches come out tonight! It's incredible that Roberta hates her sister so much. And it's just envy! But I suppose a natural envy from a lazy personality augmented by a mother's spoiling and encouragement can turn into such a deep hatred even though it is in no way justified. Fina I can "understand". Due to her crime she was forced to raise the daughter of a woman she hated bitterly as a rival. And she's had to face the love and affection showered on Renata every day by the other people around her. Her hatred is an obsession. But she doesn't see how ugly a person she appears to the people she is dependent on - her husband and family. Discretion does not appear to be this woman's forte. And she's so dumb! She really doesn't think the other family members will question such an obvious nasty prank!

Gotta love that Gonzo: "What kind of people do you hang out with that would do such a thing?". Like, what?!?

The only good thing I can say about Roberta is that she refuses to be Matías girlfriend or wife since she is totally not into him. Except we know how far Fina is willing to go to force Roberta's hand.

Poor Renata just doesn't realize she is so hated. It's beyond her comprehension.

Thanks so much Floresdeazul, and thanks for having iy posted so early.

This week I am out of state on a trip for most of the week, so I'll really be counting on the recaps, although I may catch up via Internet as I can. I'm just really enjoying this show.


Flores, great recap. Thanks for the pictures. This really was a depressing episode, and your retelling of it was so much better than the episode. Loved your "to creepy to not FF" line. That really was a "creepy" scene.

I got brave and tuned in last night. Ay yi yy! My heart was breaking for poor Renata. I mean c'mon people...think! Someone sends flyers by helicopter - prank, fake, stupid. And immediately even those who have lived with her and known her all their lives doubt her?

I bow to your Ab Fab quote, humor was desparately needed on this episode. I'm with you Sylvia, Sweetie, darling!- one of the best shows EVER.

I have to remind myself that Jero really doesn't know these women like we do, so if he's harsh, it's because he doesn't have much to go on. Plus he's mad at himself for feeling as he does now about Nata.
Soon we'll see Jero start sweet-talking her to try and get revenge, thinking she's Rafa's "R".So I may not cut him so much slack later.

So what about Matias, does he bow out or she tells him their off totally, not just the three month let me think thing? Ok,I admit, I'm intrigued how this will play out. Just sad to watch too.

I'll be going out for a box of kleenex myself today. Thanks for the loan!

Carlos, haha! Dr. Nesme constructed from spare parts. That's perfect! He's kind of a more pathetic version of Spiderus from Llena, who also looked kind of Frankensteiny.

The Gonzo quote, "what kind of people do you hang out with", I wanted to yell at the screen "Yo dumbass, you're married to her!" So out of character for him.

I really want to like Jero since he's supposed to be the galan and all, but so far he leaves me cold. I've only seen Juan Soler in La Fea where he was also kind of cold except for his scenes with Jaime Camil which were usually funny. So all you Soler fans, can he heat up the screen? I hate to say it but if I were Renata at this moment in time I would really be liking the handsome red wine drinker with a hacienda in the wine country, far my horrid home, who is bad (so far) only because sinister music plays in the background whenever he's on screen. I could learn to live with that music.

Oh, forgot to say, Amy you did a fantastic job with the pictorial sequence of Renata's anguish. Nice job amiga!

Happy Saturday, all! I'm thrilled to see Ab Fab getting the love it deserves! Ab Fab and Gilmore Girls are always my go-to shows for a pick-me-up. We needed a dose of humor in this doom-and-gloom capitulo.

I was pretty disappointed in Gonzo too. He never seemed the type to worry about appearances but he does seem prone to snap judgments, like when he wanted to kick Regi out for being five minutes late. When Renata said she would renounce her name, Gonzo did look upset at the thought.

Excellent call on Dr. Nesme being "made out of spare parts", Carlos. There's always something a little off about him. I saw him in Mundo de Fieras and he was just as strange as he is here. Hopefully Alfonsina won't fall for him.


Thank you so much for the recap. It was so much better than the actual episode.

Renata should have taken Matias up on the moving into an apartment together. The sooner she is out of the house, the better.

I hope Fina doesn't try to pawn Roberta off as Renata to get the inheritance. There has to be some connection between all of the phone calls to the attorney/friend and the Renata's inheritance from Roberto.

I am so disappointed in Gonzo and his reaction to the dropped bomb. I hope he is smart enough to find the culprits and then kick mother and daughter to the curb. With Fina and Roberta out of the way the door is open for Regina.



Really funny recap. Thank you.

Fina and Roberta what a couple of pranksters. I must have missed Diego getting dissed so badly that he would do something that disgusting. Guess Renata is the black sheep of the family for kidnapping herself, and, of course, deserves what comes her way. (LOL)

Pero Jero, I can only guess the writers will make him stupid for a long time to come.

A in Baraboo

Rosemary, I think that Fina will absolutely eventually try to pawn Roberta off as Regina's real daughter in order to get an inheritance. However I suspect that Regina will feel "the call of the blood" that reigns supreme in these shows. Remember Roberta has the alleged heart condition as well as the original R necklace, but Regina will likely be confused that she feels something special toward Renata and not Roberta.

I think the only things that can possibly prove Renata is Regina's daughter are heart condition (as yet unapparent in her) and blood type.

I am no expert but here are my thoughts on blood type: I think I recall that Regina mentioned that her daughter Regina/Renata has blood type O. That means both Roberto and Regina had/have blood type O. Now if Fina has blood type O then so will Roberta. However if Fina has blood types A or B then Roberta will have types A or B respectively. Our Carlos can confirm but I think that's how it works out. So hopefully Fina has blood type A or B.

A in Baraboo, that made me laugh, you call Fina and Roberta pranksters. Renata's huge crime against Diego was pushing him away when he tried to force a slobbery kiss on her. Her crime against Roberta was that Roberta wished she could be the recipient of the slobbery kiss instead of her sis.

Sylvia, the plot is really going to thicken - how is Fina going to explain two daughters?


Hmmm, I'll have to think about that one. Fina has probably told people all her life that she had fraternal twins or something like that. However Regina knows that Pepa/Fina only had one daughter, that's why Fina has to keep Regina away. If Fina wants to pass Roberta off as Regina's kid then she would have to admit she kidnapped her and I doubt she'd do that, the jail thing and all. Unless she could somehow convince Regina not to press charges, not sure how, by saying it would destroy Roberta or something like that? Ouch, this is making my head hurt. I think I'll just buckle my seat belt and hang on for the bumpy ride.

I was checking out blood types online and there can be variations on the ultra-simple straight rule of inheritance that I recall from my genetics class a million years ago. But hopefully our telenovela will keep it simple.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Blood types:

Sylvia, Pepafina could be either type A or type B and Roberta could still have type O blood. 2 genes determine A and B typing of blood. One from each parent. A and B are dominant and O (o) is recessive. therefore:

A+A= type A (AA)

A+o= type A (Ao)

B+B= type B (BB)

B+o= type B (Bo)

o+o= type O (oo)

A+B= type AB (AB)

So Fina could be type A (Ao) and Roberta still be type O (oo) since she gets one gene from Fina and one from Roberto. Interestingly (well to me anyway) both parents could be type A (Ao) and yet have a type O (oo) child.

Sorry... no way to make that funny or entertaining... just borrring and pedantic.


Thank you Carlos. I knew you would be able to clarify that blood thing. It is very interesting to some of us, even we non-scientific types. Clearly I need to brush up on my blood types before I go commenting on such things, heh. I'm so glad you are here with us, not only for your formidable wit but also for your formidable knowledge.

Pobre Renata! Sixteen episodes of lining up the circumstantial anvils and here they come a-tumbling.

I fear we are in for a long haul before we see her smile again.

Did anyone remember yet how the two R necklaces which were originally for Regina mother & Regina daughter both ended up with the two baby girls when Pepa/Fina ran off with them???

I wonder if the old sour grapes theme is coming into play with Jerky Jerry?

He's smitten by Renata. She seemingly rebuffs him. She's his good friend's novia. Well... she's a lyin' slut anyway... next!


I keep thinking of my fave Pride and Prejudice where snobby dour Darcy has a bad first impression of Elizabeth and her poor gentry family and also resists his initial attraction. He was a real ass at first.

Besides being hard-headed and quick to judge/jump to conclusions, Jerome is almost insane with grief over his brother's death. His mind is very dark right now. Knowing his brother and his brother's joy and pride in his recent accomplishments, he has to believe that the woman who provoked his suicide is very deceitful and evil. Of course he has no idea it was actually homicide.

Boy that Fina sure can make some ugly faces, can't she? If I were in Gonzo's shoes I would have run screaming from the house years ago.



Dang it! My auto word correction keeps changing Jero into Jerome!


Thanks, Amy, for a great recap. I enjoyed it a lot more than the episode! I loved the Ab Fab quote, and also your noting later on that for Fina, everything is Renata's fault--including global warming, the price of gas, and the sinking of the Titanic. BTW, I think we should stop calling Fina Fina--she's anything but fine. How about Crasa?

Carlos, I loved your description of Dr. Nesme as having been constructed of spare parts. Perfect!


"So all you Soler fans, can he heat up the screen?"

Yes! He can. He was one half of one of my favorite novela pairings in my favorite novela ever. And he was so incredibly atractive atractive and he and Daniela Castro were just perfect together. It was one of those novelas where you love all the characteres, even the villains, but your ultimate favorites are the main couple (it had the same writers of Mi Pecado and Azela Robinson was the main villana).

But I've always personally thought the Demetrio/Jerónimo character was extremely out of line and difficult to like, even in the original story. I mean, even when Virginia/Roberta actually sends the letter that makes Ricardo/Rafael commit suicide that still doesn't give our galán the right to go after her with his awful vengeance plans. That kind of behaviour is more for villains than leads (or leads that are villains).


I'm having some difficulty with Gonzalo even suspecting any wrongdoing on Renata's part.

Also, Jeronimo's sick revenge scheme isn't worthy of him, but he's already been warned.

Jarocha, that's pretty hot stuff, thanks for the links. OK, so I'm convinced he can heat up the screen but I guess I won't hold my breath to love his character in CME. I recall you mentioning that other telenovela before, it has a cool theme song. I wonder if they will ever re-air it like they are doing some of the other telenovelas?

Amy- Wow! Great recap and perfect pictures. I especially appreciate the pics because I didn't watch this episode. Poor Renata.

I've only seen J. Soler in bits of La Otra that was on recently during the day. He ran hot and cold in that one, but he IS capable of hot. Thanks for those links Jarocha. You shared some from that novela during Mi Pecado too, since some of the same elements were used in that novela, plus the Daniela Castro link. I think it's funny that Daniela C. is now playing the mother of the protagonist, while Juan is still playing the protagonist/galan. Even given that, older women actors in tns get much better/meatier roles than their counterparts in the U.S.

Great recap of a not-so-great episode. Thanks for all the clarifications for us non-Spanish speakers. Also for the tissues, great call. I loved the other pictures - you're good, girl!

Sylvia, can I come to one of your family parties? "discarded bras"??? Y'all must have quite a family!!

Carlos, You aren't the only one cringing about the Ab Fab quote. So, so glad that ship has sailed!

Thanks also for the refresher course in blood typing. 9th grade was about 150 years ago.

I'm really not into Jero at all. Augie is better looking, treats Renata way better, likes that wine. It's going to take a loooong time for me to come around to accepting Jero as the galan.

SIDE TRIVIA - Actors and their Speech Patterns

I'm finding myself fascinated by the speech patterns in some of the actors. Juan Soler shows some interesting patterns in that he will occasionally go into a rapid fire monotone that is not at all Mexican in style. Juan Soler is Argentinean, although he now lives in Mexico City.

Even more distinct is the actor playing Agustín (Lisardo Guarinos) because not only does he also occasionally also do the rapid fire monotone, but his sentences also often end in a serious drop-off to basso. This really intrigued me so I had to look up his background. He is Spanish! No wonder - this voice dropping at sentence endings is something I had noticed very pronounced with Spanish speakers from Spain - even women do this. So even though Agustín pronounces the words/consonants like a Mexican the rest of his speech pattern is very Spanish.

Lisardo Guarinos performed in a bunch of musicals in Madrid before moving on to telenovelas in Mexico since 2005.


Very interesting Audrey. I have a difficult time understanding Augustin. I'll blame it on his Spanish accent.

Ooooh, I see he played Capt Von Trapp in the Sound of Music: La Novicia Rebelde

If you go to that site you'll also see another familiar face, Olivia Bucio who plays Ines in CME was the Mother Superior in that production!

He makes a beautiful Cap'n Von Trapp, Cap'n Sylvia. Thanks for the link.

Today while watching a very old India Maria movie they had a promo ad for CME. It showed Fina asking Roberta if she were pregnant! It will be great fun to see Fina and Roberta working out this little problem.


Sylvia: I doubt they will show it anytime soon because Televisa is preparing the remake right at this moment. I know Sebastián Zurita (Rafael in CME) is being considered for Soler' role and Altair Jarabo and Ana Brenda made casting for Castro's. I'm having a hard time picturing any of them in those roles to be honest (but I think I could see Ana Brenda in Paty Navidad's).

Vivi: I think men have usually a longer period to be elegible for leads. But in this case it was Daniela Castro's choice to retire back in 2002 when she was still paying leads and come back as a co-star in 2008 in Pasión and then Mi Pecado. She's usually picky and I think she prefered to move on to those types of roles to any of the leads that are being disputed right now by other women her age. But she's really only played a mom in Mi Pecado.

Audrey: Agustín is supposed to be Spanish but the actor has been in México for years now and he is married to a Mexican singer so I think he is used to enunciate as clear as posible for the Mexican audiences.

Here's a performance of La Novicia Rebelde from the Lunas de Plata awards when you can listen to Lisardo and Olivia Bucio (but María is being played by Kika Edgar here instead of Bianca Marroquín like in the pictures Sylvia linked).


Thanks Jarocha. Unfortunately I couldn't get the link to work, got an error message instead, but I think I found it on youtube. Fun stuff and Kika Edgar has a wonderful voice.

I just checked a couple of resumes and it looks like males don't get to be full adult galans until they're 30 or 31. Females hit adult reina status at 22 or occasionally younger. Just like in romance novels.

Hi Carlos - Happy Birthday to Bonnie Belle today. Will she get special kibble?

Hi Emilia, yes, today is Bonnie Belle's birthday. She'll be getting some Frosty Paws (doggy ice cream) later today. She must know that it is her day... she was especially frisky this morning.

Thanks, I'll pass along your good wishes.


Happy Birthday Bonnie Belle!! Does she have a favorite ice cream flavor?

Thanks Sylvia. Her favorite must be the vanilla since that's the only flavor they make. She loves it, but I can't see why since it tastes like chilled school paste.


Sounds like something any kindergartener would love as well.

I have a funny doggie ice cream story. This was way back before we knew that chocolate was bad for dogs. There is a local ice cream place that makes ice cream on site and used to give away little doggie scoops of ice cream from the icy stuff that was left at the bottom of the cartons. My friend had a Scottish Terrier that was a terribly picky eater but Fluffy loved ice cream. However she hated chocolate (smart dog). One time the only doggie ice they had left was mint chocolate chip so we got her scoop anyway and off we drove, with Fluffy sitting in my lap licking her ice cream. A moment later I felt a little ping on my hand, then another, then another. It was Fluffy carefully eating the ice cream but spitting out the chocolate chips.

It's weird how they now have a new version of the old song 'cuando me enamoro' everytime Gonzo and Gina are together on screen or people talk about them.

This is the symbol of Regina's true love. First with Roberto is was the old version. Now with Gonzo it is the new version. But both equal LOVE. That's how I know she will end up with Gonzo. Remember...the music doesn't lie.

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