Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #124-125 5/24/11 Highlights for discussion

Dr. Heri’s message for Victoria:
Get off the self-pity pot! No wonder your daughter is afraid to take a risk on life! (No one but Heri could say this and not get VicSlapped!) The two old telenovela veterans part with a knowing wink to their fans: I have the feeling we’ve met before…

Heri’s backstory is filled in:
His wife died of breast cancer. It might have been treatable if she had told him about her illness early enough.
Just after burying his wife, he lost his two young children in a car crash caused by a drunken driver.

You gotta love your parallels:
Victoria is going to let Osvaldo come to the doctor with her on Monday. But she has a private appointment scheduled today – she wants to be prepared for what lies ahead.

The doctor has troubling news for her. The cancer is beginning to spread, although slowly. Her disease is treatable but time is of the essence. She needs surgery – yesterday.

Nati, who is the last person on earth to be giving relationship advice, convinces MD to go to Get a Life Alonso (just when he is in danger of digesting the truth about MD’s feelings and doing so) and thank him. MD finds him in his apartment cum studio just after he has recovered from another mysterious fainting spell. Her appearance once again raises false hopes on his part. He has another nosebleed but refuses to see a doctor.

Padre JP would be honored to marry M & M but he persuades them to wait long enough to invite family and friends.

M & M spend the whole night canoodling in the vecindad. At least the writers remembered they had moved PJP there and just when we are wondering where the happy couple stashed him, they explain his absence -- Padre Jerónimo took him in.

Bernarda overhears Eva and Fausto talking about vengeance. They tell her they want to get even with Scorpion Guy for attacking PJP. The Demented One applauds their sentiments but tells them they are too late. Then she appoints Fausto as the new super of the vecindad. His particular charge: to keep an eye on MD.

Max is left in charge of little Juan Pablo while MD goes off to see Alonso. As usual, the kid gets regifted like an unwanted Christmas fruitcake:
Max calls Leonela’s hotel and learns she has been out all night. He rushes off leaving the baby with Victoria.
Victoria goes to her doctor’s appointment and leaves the baby with Toni.

Leonela has indeed been out all night.
After her AA meeting, Gui met her, gave her a drink… and boom. Relapse. Self-disgust. Hatred for Gui.

Max follows the trail to Gui and attacks him in his Palace of Pretension and Porn. Gui puts up a surprisingly good fight – has he been working out? – but then Os shows up and he is no match for the Sandoval tag team. Os finds a paper – which Gui was gloating over – that shows his rightful ownership of the theater.

Xi meets Gui at a restaurant.
She’s now large and in-charge she tells him. She’s still a “perra” but she is no longer in his thrall.
She shows up at Casa Bernarda demanding her place as the star model.

Bernarda will oblige as long as Xi is ready to crush MD in the next competition. [Since when, outside of Tyra Banks’s show, do models compete anyway?]

Cruz proposes to Fernanda in front of the live and home tv audience. She accepts. Meanwhile poor frustrated Fabián is reduced to throwing dinner plates on the Sandoval lawn. Then he tidily picks them up and he and Luci retreat to share the romantic dinner that was his surprise for Fer.

It is Semana Santa (I suppose the timing was more realistic when this aired in Mexico) and Millie organizes a procession. Cruz is on the cruz. The guys in the barrio do a surprisingly good reenactment. You’d think they were professional actors.

Sweet William Levy in a kayak


Good morning everyone! Since we don't have a Tuesday recapper, I thought I'd post some highlights of last night's show -- in no particular order, just what I remember.

Please add, correct, bemoan ... Gracias!

Thanks NovelaMaven! You got straight to the point and covered everything.

Leonela is a much nicer person when she's not drinking. She even has a different essence about her, I like it. I hated Gui for his part in her relaspe. And now she does to.

X-factor is more deadly calm, cool and collected than she is a crying crazy mess. Everybody better watch out. I was shocked that she listened to the doctor and was drinking water at the resturant. Loved when she rejected Gui..LOL. It looks like he has lost both his women in one day.

If Max's job with the fashion world doesn't pan out he should be a boxer. He put one good butt kicking on Gui.Twice.
Question: How old is Fer suppose to be and how old is Cruz? Cruz looks to be a about in his early 30's. Maybe I'm putting to much thought it this.

Poor Fabian. But he shouldn;t worry because Lucy will be there for him. I think they look cute together which is more than I can say about JJ and Nathy.

So since we all know that M&M won't be getting married till the end. I'm willing to bet that noow that Al and Maria seem to have made a real connection she'll start to fall in love with him. And once that happens Vic will hate her again.

Loved the slap Vic gave Burnie yesterday.


Gracias, NM. I was waiting for this thread to be opened.

Good save by Fausto; I was worried about this. However I'm wondering what will happen when Dona Dementa orders him to kill Max.

Dr Hottie should not get involved with Leonela. She would only bring him more pain.

Max should not be dropping anything to help her, either. His first and foremost duty is to Maria and the two babies.

I'm not a fan of babies but little JP is very cute. I think the glow on him the other night was the Virgencita letting Maria know that She's watching out for him.

Only someone like Cruz could get away with such a public marriage proposal. Especially in a traje de charro in the wrong color. I always prefer him in the more formal version as well. Fernanda, por favor, get him to shave for the wedding. You will make millions of us muy feliz.

I think Fernanda is supposed to be about 18 by now. There hasn't been any reference to Cruz's age. In the real world, Pablo Montero will be 37 this year (Aug 23), but I don't think Cruz is meant to be as young as Franco Reyes in FELS.

Finally, about the Semana Santa passion play: I am not religious and it made me cry. I also understood why this is done on a community level -- it makes it real to the re-enactors. I can't imagine being able to perform this without crying. It's a catharsis. It was a relief to see this done seriously in a Mejia production and the casting was no mystery. I wonder how Carmen Salinas felt after playing a figurative Virgencita in a number of her past novelas to now playing the real one.

BTW, note the image at 2:22 of this video:

Thanks for the funny summary. Cruz on the cruz, heh.

This whole modeling competition thing is so weird. Don't designers put on their own shows and marketing campaigns and "win" by, you know, selling clothes? Even if there was an annual modeling competition in town, you'd really think it would be the least of their concerns. Some diversion for charity or whatever. Whatever happened to the show all the orphan girls are invited to?

Kinda weird when Fer held the baby and said she wanted to be a mom ASAP. Max made a funny face at that. What is she, 18? What's the rush?

Poor little baby Os is going to develop a serious inferiority complex if Max doesn't get it together before he's old enough to know what's going on. Does he just get dumped with the maids when Vic is busy and Max is off beating people up and snoozling in the combat zone? Now that Max has custody, the baby seems like a total afterthought.

thank you for the recapp.....u hit on all the important parts.......I hope Alonso does not interfere in Max and Marias life......i think she will be feeling really sorry for him being sick and all....that might be construed as love......what a dork if she ruins what she has with max.....Guillermo got the beat down he deserved for a long time....wonder if he is done for the rest of novela?....Tonight, it appears Bernarda will get her beat down too....BNinCA

NovelaMaven, thank you for providing us with the highlights.

Fausto was really thinking fast with the answer for Burnie. I do hope he has a happy ending, he deserves it.

When I glanced up and saw the Passion Play I thought the actors had gotten their scripts mixed up. But I must say, they were really good.

I loved the marriage proposal, so sweet. Os was using his brain last night and got Fer to the studio in time.

Sorry about Fabian but there are several ladies lined up for his attention starting with Luci.

Cesar's acting last night was powerful. His reliving the loss of his family was so sad.


Thank you, NM. Great set of comments and plot points. I'm partial as well to Cruz on the cruz. I'd left the room and came back to the Holy Week procession. All I can say is that my own vecinidad is pretty boring in comparison!

On wardrobes, William needs to adjust his collar or wear something other than the gray suit.
And babies, little JP seems always to be smiling, even as he's passed from one character to another.

Someone commented recently about Maite's limited range in this novela. I couldn't agree more. I really enjoyed Mi Pecado (I know others didn't, but it was a story that hung together with very little plot-extending junk and a good cast). Anyway, she played well a dynamic character in that novela, with lots of character and spunk. Not sure what has happened here, but it's too bad because she can do much more.

NovelaMaven - Thank you for the recap of highlights. I appreciate it!

Wouldn't it be nice if Max would stop in the middle of a scene, look at Viewerville via the camera, and say --- this role is the pits and I am going to sue my agent!

Maybe, Doris. But maybe William is thanking his agent for this career-boosting role... This show is the ratings leader in the US Hispanic market. Sweet William is front and center as the most beautiful of People en Español's beautiful people. JLo wanted his gorgeousness for her video. I'd be surprised if this novela weren't a success internationally too. Ironic detachment may be the default viewpoint here at CarayCaray but we are a tiny minority of the audience.

Such a trooper getting up the highlights! We've got enough of this TN to go that definite plot twists are still possible, even with some of the pairings that are starting to happen.

I watched the Cesar parts during lunch at work and it made me so sad - not only was his background heartbreaking, but it made me pine for seeing him with something more meaty again. Can never get enough of him. Like watching a Master Class.

I can understand the whole "this is a hit" issue with this TN on a larger scale - it's got all the a-typical attributes of a type of TN that, well, even JLO on SNL made fun of. My late mother use to greatly prefer shows that just entertained, were weepy or just plain sappy. She hated anything with complex characters,etc. And I know a lot of people who prefer that - hey, think of the ratings for some of the worst of reality TV;Usually higher than the deep-drama type shows.

So for a lot of people they sit back,park the beanie, enjoy Max's abs (personally not a fan), all the weeping and cute babies, laugh at Burnie's over the top antics and have a good time.But I think the success of Teresa also shows that when a TN is well acted, well written and gives the audience more than the typical, it can be a success as well. just too bad Meija is in charge...

I also agree about Maite - even my son observed that every time he sees her on screen, it seems she's just staring at someone with her head tilted. Since he said that, every time she does that head-tilt of hers, I'm ready to climb walls. But hey - she only has what they give her to work with.

Just hoping at some future point in time, Diego O. comes back from Argentina and gets a much juicier, non-preistly part in a new TN and I anxiously await more Cesar.

Tks so much NM, grateful for your double duty of double episodes.

I thought Wm Levy was going to appear in a US movie, wonder what happened with that?

This was such a strange episode. I kept going in and out of the room, and each time I came back it seemed like a different novela. Babies, Mexican Idol proposals on tv, Dr. Heri and his back story, Vicky needing surgery, Semana Santa re-enactment! QTH?! Like I said before, I enjoy over the top novelas, but give me a plot that fits together and makes sense. As much as I love Cesar E., introducing a random character with such a heavy back story at this point is just annoying to me.

I really, really want Cruz to have another song. I am rushing for the mute button every time I hear that music start. One of the things I loved about Dinero was that we knew every time Rafa and Ale were put in a singing situation, we would be getting a new song. Even "their" song was never sung the same way the few times they sang it. And the singing was live each time. No lip syncing! Come on Pablo. You can do it!

Thanks so much NM for posting these highlights.

The music on this show is all over the place. Some of it I really love, and some of it is just stupid. I like Cruz's song, but enough already. Sing something else. The baby jingle is silly. "Besame" is great, and I like that they're now playing it when Fabian is with Lucy, even if he's think about Fer. Just kiss Lucy already, dude! I also like the music they play for fashion designy scenes, "Dragostea Din Tei," even though I usually hate those scenes because they get stupid and chipmunky.

Really, Cruz, bring us a new song and sing it live. Other actors who are not even really singers do it; surely you can.

I knew Milagras was going to, I think Veracruz, for Semana Santa, but I didn't know EVERYONE from the vecindad was going. And Cruz has the role of Jesus, how did that happen? Seemed like we were going along with the usual estupidez & then this seems so out of place. Thought I accidently switched channels.

I am mystified by Leonela's apparent turn around. Could Max actually mean that much to her or is she play acting with some bigger scheme in mind. The complete flip in attitude and personality isn't resonating with me.

Cesar's back story wis too much for what is supposed to be a minor time frame. I guess he is on board to get through to both Vic and Leo. I could watch him and Diego all day long.

Really a long two hours with not much of any significance. Sometimes it seems this is just an extension.

If they need to fill some time, Padre Guapo could take a shower. Hey, we had a shower scene of the Padre in ENDA (and I love Arturo Peniche, but really think Diego Olivera could outshine him there...). Or Fabian and Lucy could have more wacky apartment-sharing hyjinx. Or Doctor H could read aloud.

Thanks NovelaMaven. You're a love to do this for us.

I rather enjoyed this episode.

Like Urban Anthropologist, I found the Santa Semana pageantry very affecting. I thought that Milagros was very effective as Mary and that Cruz made a credible Jesus. As it wound through the alleyways, it was especially haunting.

Please, please, please... I agree with Vivi... get Cruz another song... maybe Ave Maria.

"As usual, the kid gets regifted like an unwanted Christman fruitcake:"

Very funny... and too true.


You are all very welcome! These highlights are a breeze to write. It's the scene by scene numbers that are the killers!

Oops, Carlos. That's a ChristMAS fruitcake of course. Sorry.

"Please, please, please... I agree with Vivi... get Cruz another song... maybe Ave Maria." Oh my. As I've said before, be careful what you wish for :)

Julia, Thanks for the name of the "Mai Ya Hee" song -- I was probably the only person in the western hemisphere who didn't know it. I kind of like it too.

The whole music thing on this show is very confusing -- there had to be a lot of talented people involved behind the scenes and there's a lot of wonderful music used very effectively. But there are so many disappointing moments and missed opportunities, especially where Pablo Montero is concerned. Oh well, ni modo.

dani, I'm with you on Leonela's turnaround. Completely inconsistent with what we've been led to believe about her. But frankly, I'm happy to see the ranks of the Mean Girls diminished by one.

I'm sure the Passion Play made more sense when it aired in Mexico at that time. However, we could have used a little more prep by the characters discussing Easter in the two preceding episodes.

I am more than a little annoyed at the limited playlist of songs that most novelas have these days. All the networks are probably guilty of this one.

Cruz should have at least 3 songs related to the competition scenes.

Leonela has something else up her sleeve; I'm not buying her redemption. Nor Ximeana's new-found "self-control." She will be bad to the end. Worse probably because now she can think out her plans better.

NovelaMaven, I didn't know what the song was either until I Shazamed it last week. I downloaded it. It's fun to dance to.

I think Leonela is just playing at a turnaround to get the various men in her life wrapped around her finger. I don't believe at all she was suddenly really serious about sobriety when two seconds earlier she was scheming to get drinks and seemed to feel no shame or remorse over the way she was leading her life. Haven't we already had a few (easily solved) alcoholism stories in this novela? What's the point of this one? Did someone get on the producers' case about their unrealistic portrayal of alcoholism cures and they decided to do a more real story as a PSA? How is Leonela such a raging alcoholic after more than two decades in the slammer anyway? Was someone supplying her with booze there? What would motivate anyone to do so?

Julia- You're asking too many questions that make sense. Don't you know this tn dumped reality by the wayside LONG ago?

Haha, yes. Picture yourself in a boat on a river, tangerine trees and marmalade skies. Then this show makes way more sense.

NovelaMaven, yes, I knew what you meant. I cut and pasted your quote, and in fact, I changed to Christmas in my first attempt to comment but it disappeared into the ether. I forgot to make the change in my second attempt.

I'm on board with the new Leonela... heck I liked her bad... just not sloppy drunk. Even without makeup she is a beautiful woman.

Got to hand it to Gui, it took two of them to put him down.


Playing around on YouTube I've found these videos that compare the casts of the various versions of a particular tn. Here is one for the four versions of TDA:

I finally watched my recording of last night's episode. Wow, what a gut wrencher from all sides. I wanted to cry with Dr. Herbierto (sp?), the Passion reenactment, Victoria, even Maria's conversation with Alonso. Seems like I'm forgetting another good scene that was well done, too...

Question - the 'theme' music for Pipino's scenes sounds familiar. Is it that NumaNuma song with the viral video, or was there another one that sounded like it and maybe this is it?

Daisy, THANK YOU for your Maria head-tilting comment! It's been driving me crazy for months!


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