Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #24 Tuesday 5/24/11 Sick kids, Drunk sisters, and a bonus episode of cheaters!!

So I am posting rather late so let’s just jump in!!!

Inez and her husband are getting the bad news from the Dr, about their son, and his Leukemia and they are asking the Dr, how this could happen, and if there is any hope for their son.

Fina is on the phone with Roberta’s Dr. about her EKG and her test (Telenovela laws state that there is no Dr, Patient confidentiality)., and wants to know if it’s serious, he says he is not an expert but it does not seem serious, but he will talk to her more tomorrow.

Augustin, is consulting about having some jewelry made for his future wife. I wonder if he has checked with Renata about this yet?

Kari, and the Padre are visiting with Mati and Lazaro at the hacienda, they have great news for them. Lazaro is very cold to her, then they tell Mati and Lazaro that they will be able to keep their jobs right there at the hacienda. Lazaro is less than thrilled he is happy for his sister, but he won’t work for her or her husband.

Dr,Creepy (aka Alvaro) is chatting with a hottie who he obviously knows, she is flirting with him and gets his heart racing,before leaving him standing there.

Mati, Kari, and the priest are discussing Lazaro and can’t understand why he is being so difficult and stubborn, Padre says he is arrogant. Matias tell them that she will talk to him, Kari says not to worry he won’t change his mind.

Roberta is at a nightclub with her friend, Roberta says’s that Rafa is no longer a part of her life, but her friend reminds her that he always will be because of the baby. Roberta gets snippy and orders a double tequila, much to the dismay of her friend.

Renata is getting ready to go out and Fina walks in, brrrrr. She wants to give her a bad time about embarrassing Matias at his party, Renata assures her that he is not bothered. She accuses her of making everything about her, Renata rushes out and Fina accuses her of dressing to provocatively and then proceeds to call Gonzalo to complain about Renata and he tells her this is not the time and that he is busy, but she plays the family card and he tells her he will talk to her soon, he hangs up and seems worried about Renata.

Renata’s car has broken down and so she calls Jero to let him know she is stuck, he asks if she needs help and she say’s no she called for roadside and he insists, that she tell him exactly where she is.

Inez and Isidro and talking about their son and he tells her not to forget what the Dr. said there is still a chance.
Roberts shows up in her car drunk, as Jero shows up and Renata signals him to keep driving and he does, but Roberta thinks she saw him, Renata tells he no that she is drunk. She takes her keys and tells her that she will take her home and they will get the other car tomorrow.

Inez and Isidro are telling their son about his illness, that his blood is not okay and that it won’t be easy but they are together and they will be okay!

Renata is trying to get Roberta in the house quietly, but Roberta is not making it easy. Fina sees them and gets mad and sends Roberta to her room, and tells her to drink some coffee.

Carlos is cooking in the kitchen talking to Jero about family and then Jero gets sad about not having a family anymore, Carlos asks about Renata and he says basically he doesn’t know about either of them, he still won’t budge on the hacienda , but Carlos reminds him that they are always friends, no matter what.

Back to the boys room more talk about his illness and how they will get through it. He asks if he will die they say no. He say he does not want to die he loves them very much.They assure him he will recover.

Matis is trying to reason with Lazaro and he is not changing his mind he will not work for Alvaro or his wife, he won’t do it, she begs a little more, but he won’t budge

Fina and Renata put Roberta to bed. Fina stays behind and yells at Roberta about drinking and her condition. Roberta shoos her away.

Renata texts Jero and apologizes for missing their plans and he understands and tell her they can meet tomorrow and and he says yes sends her his address so they can meet at the apartment, then they flirt a little and send kisses through the phone.

Back to Isidro and Inez thanking God for being in this together. They love each other and will get through this

Roberta is apologizing for last night to Fina who is not having it, but Roberta tells her to relax and Fina drops it but starts grilling her about Renata, and what she was doing. She was confused that she was all dressed up,but Matias was in Monterey, then Roberta flashes back to the driver of the car and is sure it was Jero, Roberta is starting to put the pieces back together, Renata walks in and asks how she is doing, they ask her what she was doing last night and she tells them she was with friends, but Roberta is not buying.

Renata is back in her room, and goes to shower and in sneaks Roberta who sees her cell phone on the bed and just has to check it out, she gets a shock when she sees the messages from Jero, about their date. Someone is madddd.

Jero and Carlos are giving there condolences to Isidro about their son, he then talk to them about the hacienda and Jero’s plans to sell, Carlos is still trying to get him to keep it.

Roberta is on the phone with someone, saying she needs to see them right away and that she will be waiting for them. Roberta is thinking about how much she hates Renata, that Jero is hers and that she can’t break up two friends like Matias and Jero.

Adriana is talking to Horario about visiting with her and her mom, he says that her will check with Constanza and then he will stop by.

Gonzalo calls Regina (to many R names) to check on her and she gets very happy to talk to him. He says they will be meeting soon and that is really looking forward to seeing her, she smiles and says she is too.

Roberta is at the pool and she is complaining about guess what?? Right Renata is responsible for everything, She is talking way to fast and I missed most of it, but basically Renata is not as innocent as everyone thinks, she is coming between Jero and Matias, and Jero and Roberta.

Carlos and Jero are talking at the apartment, Carlos wants to know what what his plans are is he going back to Spain, and what does he feel for Renata, Jero tells him he can’t leave yet and that he doesn’t know what he feels for Renata. His feelings for Renata are much more strong than anything, so Carlos asks him what he is going to do about the necklace and his plans.

Adriana and Renata are talking about Matia’s and Renata asks her if she has feelings for him, she swears she doesn’t because Renata is her friend and she wouldn’t do that. Adariana asks her if she has feelings for Jero, Renata explains that it’s tough because she feels bad for Matias, plus he and Jero are friends.

Jero is holding the necklace, remembering the words of his brother about his bonita, and he can’t believe that of all the women in the world they have to fall for the same one. Why Why Why?

Regina and Antonio are meeting at the church to talk about their future!!!

Horario confronts Diego and tells him that he knows he was the one who dropped the pictures and that he is going to pay for is. Diego tell him that he was not alone and that he had Roberta as an accomplice. Okay that was the most exciting moment tonight!!!

Augustin delivers the jewerly to Renata, after some flirting she looks stunned, and won’t accept it, because they are just friends and it would be confusing.

Matias informs Gonzalo he is returning to Mexico!!

Renata arrives at Jero’s apartment, Jero is drinking his wine and swears that his revenge is for him and he decides that Bonita is Renata, oooops well I guess if he got it right we would not have a show, thank goodness for dumb men who jump to conclusion!! Roberta and Matias show up shortly after Renata and go upstairs. Renata rings the doorbell and as Enrique and Juan Luis serenade them they slowly come together for a kiss, as ding the elevator opens and a very shocked Roberta and Matias are looking on!!! Busted next time get inside the apartment first, then kiss.

Okay that wraps up a fairly boring episode till the end of course!!!! Please fill in anything I missed, because I know I missed a bit!!!


Jules, thank you for the recap. It was much better than the episode. The best part was Tio finding out about Roberta being part of the plot to ruin Renata. How is Mommy Dearest going to explain that one to Gonzo?

Roberta is really obsessed with Jero and is now dragging Matias in the plot to destroy Renata. Why do she and Fina do all of this slapping. Get a clue ladies, it just doesn't go with the social standing you think you have. Kind of low-class if you ask me.

Good for Renata for not accepting the jewelry from Agustin. Of course, he will not understand and that will cause all kinds of new problems.

Tonight should be interesting!


Great work, Jules!

The universe must have a grudge against Renata. Pobrecita. She is always in the wrong place at the wrong time. I expect fireworks tonight when Roberta and Matias confront R+J.

The jig is up for Roberta! Congrats to Tio Honorio for staying on top of things. I can't wait for Robbie Dearest to be called out for her nastiness. It's about time someone besides Renata was accused of embarrassing the family. ;)


Thanks , Jules. A lot of tangled plot lines got woven in tonight. I didn't see it coming when Honorio so quickly identified Diego & then Diego ratted out Roberta. I'm glad someone is onto Roberta -- but what can he do if he doesn't want to rip the family apart?

Mr Inappropriate tonight? Augustin! Jewelry? At this stage in what he THINKS is a relaationship?

The near miss when Jero came to Renata's aid & almost ran into Roberta was pretty exciting and I loved Roberta's drunken reaction to what she thought was Jeronimo but couldn't be because Doh! He's in Spain -- or so she thought.

All in all except for the endless leukemia episodes (which I don't see any reason for -- how are they advancing the plot?) this was a pretty good episode.

Thanks Jules. You're right, until we got to the closing 20 min oir so there wasn't much happening. Me and my cold were starting to dose off, but then the suprise with Diego - man he spilled fast!, and then Nata and Jero busted.

You know, if someone breaks up with you, why do you think you still "own" them. And blame someone else for coming between - gees, they just didn't get it with you, live with it. But then, like you said, we wouldn't have a story.

So lots of "you betrayed me's" I'm sure, etc. etc. tonight. (Jero sure was letting poor Nata take a beating by her sisterin the previews-or was he waiting for Matias to do tyhe same to him?)

Honorio better come clean to Gonzo about Robs and fast. Sort of tired of Nata taking the hit for everything. And Augie's disappointments are ust beginning I dog!

I was wondering why Matias suddenly decided to go back to Mexico. Thanks for the clarification.

Fina is, of course, nuts, but probably right about Renata dressing too provocativly. She's pretty and doesn't need the really short skirts, especially at the office. But she's the star and gets to wear what she (or the producers) want.

Anyone else concerned about the future of Honorio? It seems a little soon for Roberta to be fully outed as evil.

Hi Jules, great recap and definitely worth waiting for!

I had to laugh at the scene with Carlos in the kitchen. After all his noisy chopping and cooking it looked like they were eating a pile of wonder bread. It made me miss Querida Enemiga which featured all that beautiful food.

I think Roberta called Matias, that's why he went home. Also, the doc's hottie is Alfonsina the vineyard expert. Doc's got a huge crush on her. She's married to Augustin's ranch hand Ezequiel.

I love Honorio! He's a much better dad than Gonzo is. OK, to cut the Gonz some slack he's on a business trip, but still. I'm going to hate it when Constanza dumps him, temporarily I hope.

Amy, Robbie Dearest, LOL! Oh I do hope she gets called out on that one. Poor Honorio looked so shocked.

Best line: "thank goodness for dumb men who jump to conclusions", no offense to the real men of the world but that sentence just cracked me up. I guess we can also thank goodness for evil women who plot and connive. Also for clueless women who refuse to see the evil around them.

Güera, YES!!! Augustin is Mr. Inappropriate for the night. Renata looked shocked and baffled when he presented her with the ring. That was an uncomfortable but amusing scene.

Rosemary, you are so right about Fina and Roberta acting very low-class. They really like to put on airs but they are both kind of trashy.

Kelly and Daisy, I missed your comments while I was posting.

Kelly, what do you mean about Honorio? Are you worried for his personal safety? I think he's going to be around for the plot line surrounding Adriana's mother because he is surely Adri's birth father. Oh dear, now I'm worried about him too.

Daisy, sorry to hear about your cold. Yep, I think we're in for some fireworks tonight.

Good job, Jules. Nicely done.

Last night I had several nominees for Mr. Inappropriate:

Jerry... for inviting Renata to his room for a first date

Matias... for showing up at Jerry's place with Roberta

Dr. Nesme... just for taking up space

and of course


I agree with Güera that Augie is most deserving

Kelly, I got that same uneasy feeling about Honorio... too soon.

I really like the actress that plays Alfonsina (we have a history) but I'm really liking Matilde much better. She's basically playing the same character (Gardenia-MEPS) that endeared me to the Alfonsina actress originally. She will definitely offer competition to Renata over Jerry, though I hope that she ends up with Carlos.


Thanks for the fab recap Jules.

Neither Roberta nor Matias have a claim on Jero or Renata, so they need to chill. I was annoyed that when Fina called Gonzo to rat on Renata, he didn't just say the kids are broken up so she can do what she wants. Instead he just fed into her little drama.

I wonder what that kiss would have led to had R&M not shown up? Renata and Jero didn't waste any time talking or looking adoringly at each other (like in TDA); they got right down to business. I think they should stick to public places from now on.

Augie gets the Mr. Inappropriate vote from me this episode. So glad Reneta turned him down flat and didn't pull a Regina- accepting the gift to give back later if she decides she's just not that in to him.

Jules, thanks for coming through. I wanted to register my vote for Mr. Inappropriate for last night as well.

Carlos, I agree with every single one. How about adding Gonzo for just calling for no reason at all (although Regina didn't seem to mind).

Jero also should have kept his fire in check and waited until he got Renata inside the apartment. We know why he wants her to come--it's private.

If Renata had thought it inappropriate, she should have insisted on La Mentirosa, so she's my candidate for Ms. Inappropriate.

And what was that excuse for a skirt that Robbie was wearing. I couldn't figure out if Pipino or Luciano had designed it, but decided neither of them would have designed something so atrocious.

Maybe Roberta should also be a candidate for Ms. Inappropriate with her UNprovocative NOT outfit.

Carlos, you're right. They are all Misters Inappropriate, or is that Mister Inappropriates, whatever.

Yeah, what is it with all this possessive behavior? That's also totally inappropriate. And Roberta's stupid skirt? Completely inappropriate. And while I'm on a rant, Diego's hair? Very inappropriate for the tennis court. He'll surely get product in his eyes. And the Padre telling Matilde and Kari that Lazaro is arrogant? Yep, inappropriate and insensitive.

Oh, and the doc basically rehiring Matilde and Lazaro after he told Augustin to fire them? Inappropriate. He didn't touch base with Augie on that one.

Sylvia- That Padre sure is cranky. I don't like him at all. Yet I find it hilarious and cool that he walks around with an Ipod mini clipped to his white linen priest coat.

It looked to me like Diego was wearing a hairband. Never seen that before - qué raro!

Wow - looking forward to the sparks tonight! Neither Roberta nor Matías has a leg to stand on, although Matías is probably the only one to admit it. But Roberta has already convinced herself that Jero and Renata must have been sleeping together since the party (here is another one who jumps to amazing conclusions about Renata) and she'll probably convince Matías the Renata was already cheating on him with Jero.


Thanks for the great recap! I'm starting to finally catch up on what's going on in this episode. Looking forward to seeing what happens tonight.

Thanks Jules for the recap. I agree it is snarky, fun and well done.

Carlos, I am loving your Meester Inappropriate contest each night. It is a mini-version of dancing with the *** or the Voice. We'll have to come up with a rating system, but such a broad field of contenders.

Short skirts and low necklines are so obvious here. Roberta's kind of looks like court jester blousy shorts, all on pretty women but the men characters need to shed some layers to keep up.

Neither Roberta nor Matias have a claim on Jero or Renata, so they need to chill.
I sooooo TA with you...
Matias, dear... give it up. IF Renata broke up with you, you can't claim any betrayal ...
Roberta just needs to go away...
can't wait until Honorio talks to Gonzo... i have a feeling they will get to Gonzo with the story about Nata and Jero first... sigh.

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