Friday, June 10, 2011

Alborada, 6/10/2011. Cap. 9

Today's episode is still in the material covered in Melinama's Recap #1 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 9 start at this link. (Note, this is a corrected link.)

Plot Developments
Juana asks Espy if she’s willing to swear to the priest that she had a vision. Luis yells at Espy, asking if Juana told her to testify to the Inquisition. Luis tells Isabel that his mother never loved him, since she’s taking Espy’s side about the divorce.
Juana asks Luis if he’d stay married if she let Hipo stay. He refuses, calling it extortion.
Martin thinks Luis is a rat because he lies to Hipo.
Gasca delivers Hipo to the brothel. Adalgisa tries to leave to ask Martin for help, but neither is allowed to leave. Diego visits and is overly friendly. Hipo gradually realizes what’s up.
Diego invites Luis to fence. He asks, “To the end (death) or first blood?” Luis answers, “Your choice.” Luis demonstrates he could easily kill Diego, then simply slices his cheek and walks away.
Vicente tells Luis Adalgisa was in the coach Gasca escorted on the road from Las Tunas, so they know Gasca took Hipo for Diego’s entertainment. He sends Martin to follow Diego.
Luis tells Marcos Perla was a street orphan, and he wants to give her a chance at a decent life.
The Inquisition priest interrogates Espy and observes that Juana is coaching her. Cris reports it to Luis.


Arrrrgh! They're changing the time! Starting next week it will be shown at 1PM/12PM Central. That's what my station showed.

Darn! I hate it when they do stuff like that.

Oh well - I was getting ahead watching it on line anyway.


Audrey- I saw that announcement tonight too, but my cable listing hasn't updated yet. It's still set to record at 10pm. Hopefully by Mon it will be updated.

After watching tonight, does Luis actually believe Hip went willingly to that house to be Diego's lover? If so, I am disappointed in him. Yay for Martin for not believing hip would do such a thing.

That baby Rafael is a cutie! He's really easygoing and didn't seem to mind being snuggled up to Lucero's breasts in the carriage at all. That just might mean he's a healthy male though...

In the last post someone mentioned the sexual tension/kisses between Lucero and FC not being super hot in this novela and that he had more passion with Adela in Amor Real. Someone else mentioned that it was likely because her husband minds that kind of stuff. I remember during the interview special at the end of STUD FC mentioned his respect for Lucero and her husband and not doing anything that would upset that. They had some pretty hot scenes in that tn, so maybe over the years her hubby has chilled out. She had some hot scenes with Sergio Sendel in MEPS too. But here's a great site detailing Lucero's tv, movie and stage work. In the behind the scenes pics for Alborada, you can see her hubby on the set, and he looks kind of grumpy:

Maybe that's what cooled the passion. I don't think I could get into a love scene with someone if my husband or bf was looking on.

Tonight was a great show! I LOVED the sword fight!

Yes, the baby Rafael has been so much fun. But I kinda think they used a doll in that carriage scene.

The "madam" in that house was hilarious! That weird hand at mouth gesture was a bit overdone, but she was still so funny.

Poor Hipólita! She keeps jumping from the frying pan into the fire.


The scenes in MEPS y STuD probably got hotter because the marriage was cooling.

Loved that link Vivi, Lucero appeared with them all, Pedro Fernandez, Luis Miguel, Alejandro Fernandez, Guillermo Capetillo, Mijares (Ididn't know he did TN's)
All young. Luis Miguel was really cute, well, he still is.

In one of the behind the cameras scenes for Alborada, Colunga has a sword, he has the beard, but the hair is not as long as in the novela, so they are extensions.

The madam is a familiar face. I've seen her in several novelas. Most recently , I think she was a shoekeeper in FELS. I got a kick out of the mouth thing she did. I also got a kick out of Luis and Marcos bidding Perla adieu as she sat in the carriage, and Marcos offering his sister's services to teach Perla a than the one she's been practicing ...sewing.

Shoekeeper ????...shopkeeper....That's what I get for taking a quick break from housekeeping . I must proofread.

Agustin is David Ostrosky, Moises from STuD, esposo to Enriqueta (Shrieky)-

I am coming to really appreciate Luis Roberto Guzmán portraying Diego as a villain. He did it really well in the sword fight - his frustration at not being as strong as Luis, and then his mortification when Luis cuts his face and takes him down. Well done!

I love Colunga's whiskers in this TN. They suit his face perfectly.


Yes, this is my favorite look for FC. I love the long hair, beard, and mustache. I don't know if I'll be able to stay awake if they move Alborada to a later time. The same thing happened with Corazon Salvaje.

I just checked the new time, it's 1PM EST, earlier not later. I don't understand why they do this, seems like they can lose audiences. People watch at convenient times for themselves.

I especially liked Diego showing off his fencing skills beforehand & Luis just casually taking him down, very funny. I'm sure we haven't seen the end to the fencing.
Luis Roberto Guzman really does a good job of making you hate him.

Right - it's moved to midday. I really enjoyed having it on at 9PM.

Could this be temporary due to the World Cup? Otherwise, what could Telefutura be putting on at 9PM? We have only had the TN for two weeks minus 1 day, and usually they don't move a TN to day time this quickly.


I see one night of world cup & the rest are movies.

I just posted last night's plot developments, up in the main body of this post.

I noticed a few interesting details in Cap 9.

1. Cristobal says Hipo’s medallion was made locally. Remember, Hipo got the medallion from her mother who got it from Agustin. If they can track down who made it, it could help them identify Hipo’s father.

2. Cristobal observes that Luis again has his obsession with fire.

3. Luis and Juana refer to the “Holy Office.” That was the official name of the Spanish Inquisition.

4. Andres is not Sunny’s son. He calls her by name instead of “Mama.” When Andres tells Francisco he wants to try to work for Diego, he says maybe he (Andres) can regain the count’s confidence.

Yikes, I see the "Holy Office" was doing a booming business.

Back to Luis being a forward thinking man, pretty cool of him to set Perla up with her own little place and the intention for her to learn a trade. I also had a giggle about him clarifying to Perla that he had in mind for her, OTRO oficio, i.e. a different trade than her current.

Susanlynn, you are correct as usual. The actress who plays the madam was also in Duelo de Pasiones (Blanca), Amar Sin Limites (Isela), Fuegro en la Sangre (Hortensia) and a few other TNs that have not been recapped on Caray Caray. Her name is Isaura Espinoza and she has a very distinctive voice.

Paula, thank you very much for the re-post and noting the plot developments. I didn't notice the detail about Andres regaining confidence so thank for pointing that out.

Like some of you I truly enjoyed the sword-fight between Luis and Diego. Not only because of their little power play but also because it looked like they have been practicing.

Thanks Paula and Melinama! Yet another action-packed episode.

I, too, enjoyed the sword fight. My fantasy is a sword fight between FC and Adrian Paul ...for my hand...and the rest of me. Well, we met Espy's look-a-like [and best amiga] doll . And is Dona Juana completely loca ? One should not mess around with the Inquisition. YIKES ! This novela just gets better and better. I hope that we don't lose our commenters here now that Telefuturo has moved the show to 1.00 in the afternoon. [Que the hell ?????] Anyhoo, we could now refer to this swell novela as ''Love in the Afternoon.'' [Word ID : ''PSYCHER'']

Be still my heart...a sword fight between FC and Adrian Paul!! The thought is simply too hunkalicious.

I noticed Espy's mini-me doll. She is carazy poor thing. She'd have to be to lie to the church like that during the Inquisition. I don't know what Dona Juana was thinking.

I, too, hope we don't lose commenters, however what with DVRs and all maybe it won't present a problem. The new time actually works better for me because I won't have to wait so long to watch.

I'll be here. In fact - I've been watching ahead on YouTube, it keeps getting so good I can't stop!

But I do like to catch the Spanish captions, so if I'm home midday I"ll be watching. Too bad I don't have a DVR!


I missed the last part of this episode because of the soccer and my TIVO recorded the time scheduled. I wasn't expecting the Spanish Inquisition.

Little Rafael reminds me of the kid in FELS and later in la Duena. Is the time between the shows about right for him to be the same child?

I also notice that Martín's mom is Gladiola from LldA.

So Susanlynn and Sylvia, in a swordfight between Duncan and Luis, who would win? Susanlynn, would you really want one of those pretty guys to lose his head over you?


Carlos~~~You know me better than that ! Unlike Highlander canon [''There can be only one''], I would call it a tie and end up with only two. I am an equal opportunity fan. However, as our old friend Sylvia notes, the thought of my two favorite fantasies in a duel gives me the vapors. If I HAD TO choose a favorite between the two hunky hunks, can you guess which one I'd choose ???? As for the boy playing Rafael, I think that he was in a later novela, but I can't remember which one. [I believe that Melinama in her recaps used to refer to him as ''the sack of potatoes.'' On the blooper reel, Lucero got in a little trouble for giving him a stick of gum.]

P.S. I think of ''pretty guys'' as guys like Ashton Kucher , Justin Bieber, Derek Hough , and various and assorted male models. I prefer what my mother used to refer to as ''ugly handsome'' or as I like to call ''rugged handsome.'' She liked Dean Martin, and my dad was rugged handsome, too.


Audrey, I agree. I'm pretty sure they used a doll for Rafael in that carriage scene.

I liked the scene/felt bad when Luis told "Tia" that it hurt that his mom never seemed to support and care for him. When Isabel replied she loved him with all her soul, I said "Me too!". LOL.

Barbara, you just made me crack a big ol' smile with your comment. Very cute.

I can't believe that my husband, 4.5 years my senior, doesn't remember the Spanish Inquisition showing up in all those Monty Python skits!

For those of you who missed it as well - there is even a wikipedia page on it! The Spanish Inquisition (Monty Python)

LOL! One of those things I never forgot! (Along with "My Brain Hurts!")


Personally, the new time is more convenient for me. Often my family is watching a video and I need to use the TV in the middle of their show. Then they continue talking in the room while I'm trying to decipher Spanish. OTOH, since I work at home, I can just take lunch at 1:00 and watch over my lunch break.

Wasn't baby Rafael also Colunga's kid in Pasión? They look similar enough to be believable.

The sword fight - do you think Luis played it like a pool shark? They seemed evenly matched at first, then Diego suggested higher stakes, then Luis upped his game and trounced him!

Pretty boys - you forgot Brad Pitt. Especially after a few doses of the macho men of telenovelas, I just don't see the appeal of so many of the American stars who seem poco macho by comparison.

Paula~~~I agree with you completely about American actors paling in comparison to our Mexican galans. My daughter recently met Derek Hough in a bar in Toronto. She said that he's very pleasant. He was there with hid dad !

Carlos and Paula, LOL. Audrey, thanks for the link to the Spanish Inquisition. I then went to YouTube and watched the Python sketch. So they torture with soft pillows. Will Esperanza end up being a part of the Spanish Inquisition due to her visions since the priest didn't seem to be convinced they were real?


Don't forget the new time 1pm EST, 12 noon CST... today's ep is great.

There is a great clip on youtube of Danela Roma and Lucero spontaneously breaking into dance and trying to get FC to join them on the Cristina show after Alborada. I found it when I was looking at Alborada bloopers, but I think you could access it through ''Cristina-Daniela Roma-Bailando.'' It's very cute. There are also clips of the actor who plays Diego dancing with Daniela. It was a two-part show. FC has long hair on that show, but not as long as Luis's locks, so I think Variopinta was correct about the extensions.

Susanlynn, that's great! And Daniela Romo snorts when she laughs! I forgot about that clip, so funny.

By the way, I will be in the mountains for a few days and will probably not be able to comment until Thursday or so. Talk to y'all then!

Ahoy, Captain. I knew that you would enjoy the dancing. FC won't dance...don't ask him. He seems like such a good sport with a good sense of humor. I like to see him smiling and laughing. Guaypo doesn't count for much if the guy is low on intelligence and has no sense of humor. Enjoy your mountain retreat. We usually head 2=3 hours east to the ocean in New Jersey for vacation because where we live looks pretty much like the Pocono Mountains near us...lots of trees, streams, squirrels, etc.

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