Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Alborada, 6/14/2011. Cap. 11. WHAT CHILD?

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #2 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 11 start at this link.

Thank you, Audrey, for writing up the Plot Developments! You're an angel!
Luis finds out from Martin that there is a small child with Hipo and Ada.
At the convent, Hipolita becomes roommate to Perla and servant to Catalina, who wishes Hipo had never been born.
The Inquisition priest orders Luis to try again with Espy. If she dies in childbirth, then it is her punishment for having sworn false testimony.
Ada and child are delivered to Las Tunas.
Hipo claims to Cris that Ada plans to return to Panama.
Tia Isa realizes that the child might be by Luis.
Hipo asks Perla whether Don Luis is a trustworthy man. Perla confirms that he is, and that he is exceptionally capable of marital obligations.
Diego plans to impregnate Espy to cuckold Luis. (cornudo = cuckold)


Audrey, please e-mail me before you write the Plot Developments. paulah88@hotmail.com . Thanks.

Oops - Paula! I didn't read your message here before I wrote the Plot Developments and I already emailed them to you.


Hi all,

I've now seen through episode 6. Thanks again Audrey for finding the better videos on YouTube!

It'll be a while before I finally catch up with all of you, but one thing I noticed early on is the way Hipo always puts her hand to her neck (where the mystery boinker kissed her that night) every time she thinks about him. :-)

Someone else observed that neck touching "tell" last week. They are very consistent in using it in this novela! LOL!

I confess, I am way ahead at episode 26. This novela just gets more and more exciting! More and more layers of intrigue. Wow! It just takes my breath away. And it is of the caliber I usually associate with a BBC production for Masterpiece Theater.

Don't worry, I'll be VERY careful in my summaries and I take notes watching that days episode along with my husband who is NOT ahead in the story.


Yes, Audrey, thanks for finding that very clear video on youtube. Some of them are so fuzzy. Not those!

Alas, I am way ahead also. But there are two discs missing in my collection so I'll really need those youtube videos when the time comes.

This one is truly addictive.

And Vicente finally got Luis to pay attention and give him some money to cover the rental of the mule.


I forgot to watch today , but I've seen the novela before. Carlos~~~I'm relieved to know that someone finally listened to poor Vicente about the mule. Audrey~~Thanks for the highlights. When I first got the complete set, I had trouble tearing myself away from it. When Alborada was first run on Univision, I had stumbled into it in the middle and thought that Hip was Luis's wife and Espy was his mother. So, having read Melinama's singlehanded recap, I was dying to see it from the beginning . Julie~~I didn't notice Hip doing the neck thing...probably because I am usually focusing my attention elsewhere...namely Luis...or sometimes Marcos. I'll be sure to watch for it now that you've alerted me.

Where do you get the complete set? I have the abridged version which -- thanks to the Amazon reviews -- I still haven't opened.

Wow, I had thought that Luis already knew about Raphael. It looks like Isabel and Juana are several pages ahead.

I had forgotten that Hipólita and Perla were roomies. I was watching for it, and sure enough, when the conversation turned to Luis and of course, sex, Hipi's hand went right to her neck.

So Diego's going to help Esperanza out? That part I remembered. Yikes!


I missed today's episode but plan to catch up. Thanks for the links again. What if Espe becomes preggers by Diego and she dies in childbirth. He will have cleared a hurdle for Luis to marrry Hipo. Ha, ha.

I also thought Luis had a good idea that the child was Hipo's not the maid's and would most likely be his.


Thanks so much for these recaps! My sister (who is learning Spanish) sucked me into watching this. Since I am a hopeless historical romance reader, I'm enjoying this a lot, even though I don't understand a word of Spanish. Thanks again for these recaps, and the subsequent comments, which are very helpful as well :D

That Count Diego Dracula is one creepy dude. :(

What's the deal with Vicente & the mule? I think Vicente is the one that was attacked on the road & a letter stolen.

Thank you so much for the plot developments and the discussion. I'm totally hooked. I love Perla.

The Mule problem, I think is an inside viewerville joke. It also is clear evidence that Estrada and Co. pay attention to detail and continuity.

I've been soaking up all the atmosphere in the background of the action, from street performers, vendors, posada employees, to the servidumbre populating this novela. Every detail is just perfect.

I love Daniela Romo in this role. I've seen her now in Sortilegio and am suffering through off and on TDA sightings, but this brings an elegant evilness rather than crazy evilness to the character. Her costumes are the best.

I also like Tia Isabel--her feistiness and of course being on Team Luis.

Can't say enough about the boys on Team Luis--from Marcos, Felipe, Martin and Cristobal. After seeing Cristobal in Amor Real, I didn't think I could be drawn to him--it says something about his interpretation of his character that I am so. I hope we see a lot more of him. He's good for Luis.

All the casting for this novela has been right on. Arriba Estrada.
Dona Nube

DN, FC and ElG are very good friends (or at least were) at the time AR and Albo were filmed. They used to do theater together too... so they get along quite well... ElG is a great actor by himself too.
And just as a trivia fact, FC and the woman playing his wife Espe here did a tv mini series version of Marianela (the classic novel) together when they were really young. I think you can find some of it on youtube.

Urban, the abridged version is quite good... lots of novela time covered, compared with the earlier abridged versions which only had a couple hours worth.

Did anyone notice Diego sitting in his bedroom 'throne' already? lol

Can't figure out who DN is.


I predict that you will learn at least a few words of Spanish if you stick with the telenovelas. :)

Variopinta--I can't either. Martaivett, come on, spill the beans. I looked at the cast list and I can't find any DN and as for ElG, did you mean Ernesto Laguardia?

And who plays Rafael? Where do they get these cute little kids--like Manuel and Matilde's son in Amor Real.
Dona Nube

I do remember FC & LaGuardia having a problem. Don't pick on my FC.

Thanks, Julie!

I hope I do learn Spanish by watching these. It's certainly no hardship, these are so fun! ;)

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