Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Teresa Mon 6/13/11 #77 Paloma’s Swan Song: She Gets the Last Word, But Will Teresa Gets the Last Laugh?

Cap 77     

For those of you who missed it and are rubberneckers at heart, we have a quick 30 second redux of the jaywalking chismosota, Paloma, going air-born courtesy of an unsuspecting SUV.   Afterwards, we see a worried Arturo accompanying the ERT’s and/or paramedics rolling her into a room at TOHIMC [yep--the only hospital in Mexico City].

In another part of said hospital, Hector the Director is telling Aurora that he’s suffering from TMI and that he’s hard put to think that his little girl is all grown up now.  He’s stumbling around for the right words with her.  But, like most grieving papas, he’s  relieved to hear that she at least used birth control (and we’re relieved she’s not the only one in her crowd still a flippin’ virgin....).  Just then Hector gets a panicked call from Art about the accident and Hector rushes down to the ER. 

Teresa now sees them rolling PatPal into the surgery ante-room area. She’s been waiting to see her OBGyn and she’s surprised to see Art following along with the unconscious PatPal! “--Y-y-you were with Paloma?”  Art asks her to trust him and then says they’ll talk later.  She strategically changes tactics, grabbing and hugging him close.  “--Everything will be fine.  Have faith, my love!”  But, her eyes shoot daggers towards the wall behind him and the steam curls out of her nostrils. 

Aurora, meanwhile, has come to tell Mariano about PatPal’s accident and injuries-- internal hemorrhaging--and then calls Martin to let him know also as Mariano races to the  surgical area. 

Tere, meanwhile sidles into the subject again and tries to ask Art how he just happened to be there to see the accident.  Just then Hector runs in to the lounge area to tell him that  PatPal is conscious now and wants to speak with Art.  He runs back with Hecto an avoids answering Teresa.  Tere next spies Mariano rushing the same direction, grabs onto him and feigns Miss Sweetness and Light in shocked concern.  Her cheek goes to his shoulder.  “--Paloma was run over! Sniff, sniff!  --Ohh! I know we never got on together, but please do what you can for her!”  Mariano brusquely says he will and rushes off as Viewerville checks his white coat for traces of smeared make-up and mascara.

In the surgery area, Mariano arrives as Paloma tells Art she loves him and asks him to take over her children’s foundation.  Mariano says they’re going to operate so Art leaves.  Mariano tells PatPal to stay calm while he goes to prepare things for her surgery.  Tere sees him leave, sneaks into the room, and hisses.  “--So!  You were with my husband!” Paloma accuses her of two-timing Art. “--You... cheated on Arturo... with... Mariano, Teresa!”  Tere angrily grabs PatPal’s hand and bends it backwards, asking menacingly if Aurora told Martin who then ran to her with the gossip.  Paloma, tho’, bites back, letting her know she and Art slept together the night before.  “--Do you know... who he ...spent the night with...that night he... left ...you... in Cuernevaca?”  Tere goes into a rage!  “--Are you telling me that--!”  Suddenly the alarms go off on the screens.  Paloma suddenly stops talking and gasps her last.  (Tere has avoided being found out again! I swear, the gal has more lives than room full of felines!)  Tere freaks at the sight and high-tails it out of the room before she’s discovered.

Armando, meanwhile, arrives home early and surprises Rufugio with the fact that he’s just paid off his debts in full to Gema.  The lawyer in Tere’s firm told him to get the signed IOU’s and then to rip them up once he got home.  They do, like a couple a kids makin’ mudpies.  FF>>

Back at the hospital, Mariano comes out into the lounge to tell Aurora, Art and Tere that PatPal will be checking out of the hospital feet first.   Mariano hugs Aurora and tells her to stay strong for Martin.  She, on second thought, decides to play along instead of brood,  and gives Art her shoulder to weep on.

At Casa del Bigote: Maira and Ruben agree that they don’t want Aida chumming with anyone who’s close to Esperanza.  Mariano is part of that scene and that past they’ve agreed is now in the rear view mirror.  Ruben emphasizes that’s the main reason he doesn’t want Aida slumming with him.  They’ve got to figure a way to get her away from Mariano, but they aren’t sure how since if they say anything she’ll just get more involved with him.

At Espe’s and Johnny’s, Espe makes it clear that she doesn’t want the problems that having his girlfriend around will cause, i.e., Abuelo Grumps.  He promises not to bring her to stay with them then.

Back in the hospital’s lounge, Aurora and Tere talk about death.  Tere admits she’s never wished death on anybody, especially after the experience with her sis, Rosita.  She nearly lets the cat out of the bag about being there seeing PatPal at bedside give up the ghost. 

Refugly is there visiting  Juana who wants to call Hector up to give him grief for being late and possibly standing her up.  Ref suggests that maybe she really is just looking for a way to call it quits with the guy so she can go back to the man she really loves --Cutberto.  

Tere now has flashbacks to being in that same hospital lounge area when Paulo died.  Aurora drags her back to the present.   She sees Tere’s tearful reaction and misinterprets all of this, telling her that she thinks in spite of everything that’s happened, she’s still the Teresa that Aurora used to know and love because, although she hated Paloma, Tere’s doing all she can to put that aside to support Arturo through his pain.  Just then Martin rushes in and gets the bad news.  He has a major melt down and uses’s Aurora’s shoulder to cry on--they were such close friends, he and Paloma. Sniff, sniff. He and she really were close. Sob, sob!! FF>>

Juana is ready to read the riot act to Hector when he finally comes by for their date.  She eats her words once Hector explains about being stuck at the hospital because his long-time charitable friend, Paloma, died that afternoon.  Juana realizes it’s Teresa and Arturo’s Paloma who died. She mentions that Paloma was Art’s ex-fiancee and that Tere and PatPal never got along because of her continually trying to separate Arturo from Teresa.  Hector seems surprised to hear that side of her.

Back in the hospital’s lounge, after a few more words of support and consolation, Tere asks Arturo again what was going on between him and PatPal considering he’d promised that he’d never see her again!  He fudges and says to trust him, and adds that he told PatPal there could never be anything between them because the only woman he loves is her.  Tere pretends to be satisfied with the answer, but the look on her face when she hugs him is anything but.

Aeeeeda gets back home from the hospital and has told Papi and Mami that Paloma flat-lined that after noon.  “--What luck that tenement rat, Teresa, has!  Paloma was the only woman that Arturo would have left her for and the fool had to up and croak!”  Her parents can’t believe the callous attitude in their little princessa.  Aeeeeda says, well it’s not that she meant to be disrespectful (naw, it just an ingrained part of her personality), but it is what it is.  Papi Bigote tries to talk Princessa into forgiving him and working at the law office with him again.  Aeeeda is not in a forgiving mood.  Papi lies again and tries to make his case that Espe’s been the one telling lies.  Aeeeda says tell the hand, and oh BTW, that  the slumdweller obviously didn’t really give a hoot about Papi anyway!   “--She’s already got herself another guy to suck face with [busquearse=smother with kisses, neck, make-out] !”  Ruben suddenly feels ice-water running through his veins.

Tere and Art finally return home.  Art says the chapter with Paloma and him is now closed.  Tere says fine, and she trusts that he told her the truth about the other night; but also, it does hurt to see the way he loved Paloma.  Art says it’s in the past and asks if she’ll go to the funeral with him.  She says tho’ she’d like to support him in this, no she’d rather stay home.

Aurora is still consoling Martin at the hospital.  (Yawn.)  FF>>

Back at Art and Tere’s, Tere regains control of the home situation by seducing Hubby. 

The next morning, Juana chats with Teresa and tells her she saw Art sitting alone in the dark in his library  when she got home late last night, and is down there now (morbidly) sipping his morning coffee.  She figures it was over PatPal’.  Tere, rather relieved, says  things between the two of them are better than ever now that PP’s pushing up daisies.  The woman, Tere complains, was nothing but a pain while she was alive and continues to be even in death considering how he’s moping for her.  She wasn’t going to the funeral, but she knows it would be worse if she tried stopping him.  (I think that’s what she was getting at.) 

Art is thumbing through the Luna Turquesa novel that Paloma gave him, reading the loving inscription there, and remembering the bittersweet.....

Juana says it can’t be helped because PatPal was a part of his past.  Tere agrees, but says, hey, the man is supposed to be hers and NOBODY else’s.  Juana gets after her for speaking ill of the dead, but Teresa says she was a thorn in her side, trying to steal away her husband!  “--And just where is it written that just because somebody dies you can’t say something bad about them?”  Juana gives up and tells her to hurry and get dressed.  She needs to be with Art and that should help make him feel closer than ever to her now.

Fernando drops by to offer a little sympathy.  Art tells his BFF that he can’t believe how painful this is.  He feels sorry for both Paloma and Tere.  Nando tells him it was an accident, that she crossed the street without looking.  Yeah, but she was there to meet him.  “--What?  You had a date?”  No, says Art, he’d gone the next day and broken it off, but she’d called saying there was something important he needed to know.  After everything, Nando says, you don’t suspect she was trying to get back together?  No, says Art.  “--Her voice sounded anxious and I know it had to be important.  But, I never managed to find out what it was she wanted to tell me.”  Nando is angry because he still believes Art was in love with her and that the two were wanting to find a way to get back together.  Art swears different.

At the wake, Mariano and Aeeeda stop by to give Martin emotional back up, and assure financial support with the foundation.  Martin’s comforted, he says, to find that Paloma was so loved.    As for the foundation, they’ll have to wait for the reading of the will to see what happens with that.  “--And with her shares of Luna Turquesa!” adds little Miss Minted Millionaria.

Luisa stops in for a chat with Teresa.  She sticks up for her big brother since PatPal was such a big part of his past, but she’s clear that she is in solidarity with Tere.  Tere says she has a bad feeling that Art never really ever got over Paloma.  Luisa says she’s certain that he did, though!  Well, then, says Tere, what PP told her must have been simply to upset her.  What is she talking about, asks Luisa.  Tere swears Luisa to secrecy-- her brothercan’t know! (Riiiiiight!  She knows the kid leaks like a sieve when it comes to keeping secrets, but if anybody can accidentally on purpose wrangle the truth out of Art, it’s Luisa! )  Teresa draws in the unsuspecting Lu, telling her in sweeter-than-sugar confidence that “altho’ she can’t prove anything,” she believes Art and Paloma spent the night together the night he left her alone in Cuernevaca!! “-- Since I can’t prove anything, you’ve got to swear you won’t say a word to him!  The other night she called me to tell me she’d spent the night with him the night he left me there in Cuernevaca.  You don’t suppose he did, do you?”  Luisa assures her absolutely not!  He adores Tere!  Why, she probably found out from Martin who found out from Aurora and ran to PatPal with the news; and then she decided to use it to upset her!  Tere smiles to herself as Lu takes the bait.

At the same time, downstairs, Art admits to Nando that it took a lot of strength not to start hitting the bottle last night.  He didn’t even go to the wake; all he could do was think about Teresa.  Nando’s confused at that remark.  Why?  Art explains that it bothers him that she’s hurt and still doubts he wasn’t there with Paloma at the time of the accident.  All he could do was assure her that they weren’t lovers.  He never really clarified anything, though.  Nando can’t believe he wouldn’t have admitted the truth to her.  Art says he couldn’t tell her about their making love that night because he knows how it would hurt her and she’d definitely divorce him!!  “--I just couldn’t tell her!”  Tere calls out from the upstairs balcony.  “--What couldn’t you dare to tell me, Arturo??” 

Back at Casa de los Cucarachas Caceres, Aeeeda complains that there were so many people at PatPal’s wake she thought she’d never get out of there.  Art, though, never showed up thanks to Tere’s leash.  Just as well for her and Mariano, though, she adds.  Maria’s surprised that Arturo didn’t come to the wake.  Maira then complains to Aeeeda about her slumming with Mariano.  She feels he’s been a crutch since Paulo’s death that she doesn’t need any longer.  Aeeeda gripes at first, then giggles and says, oh she’s only doing it to get under Teresa’s skin. Maira says Tere made it obvious the day of her wedding she wanted nothing more to do with him.  Aeeeda snickers that even so, she knows it irritates the heck out of Tere to see her dating him, and admit’s she’s never intending to look for love like Paulo’s again.  On the other hand, she’s not going to stop trying to get Teresa Chavez’s goat!  Maira says well her papa thinks things are getting pretty serious considering Mariano told him he was thinking about marrying her.  Aeeeda giggles some more.  Marriage is the last thing on her mind.  “--Really????”

Art swallows but thinks on his feet.  He stammers out about PP’s asking him to take over her foundation for her and his agreeing to.  She says oh,  that’s wonderfully admirable!  Wow!  If you’ll allow me, I’d like to help you with it!  He thanks her and hugs her as Nando watches and signals his disgust at the way he’s just lied to Teresa like that again. 

At the hospital that day,  Aeeeda stops in to see Mariano to clarify the bit about telling Papi that he wants them to get married.  Mariano says naw, she’s got it wrong.  Her father thought he wanted to marry her for her money alone.  He doesn’t need her money, she says, considering how well he’s doing there now.  He says that marriage would be a serious step and they’re just getting to know one another, and as long as she’s comfortable with him, he’s game to continue the relationship.  Her daddy only is looking out for her best interests.  No, she says, he’s got a way of always twisting things to his advantage, like the business with that Esperanza.  How could he continue to get involved with Espe like he has?

Speaking of Esperanza, she’s on her way to work when Ruben jumps in front of her demanding she come back to him.  Espe lets him have it for the way he dumped her in front of wifey’s BFF (and the way they all dumped on her at Teresa’s wedding).   Mr. Big tho’, seems to think there’s is forever and starts up the same ol’ same ol’ about finding a way to tell Maira the marriage is kaput.  He begs her to come to his house to tell Aeeeda that he wasn’t lying.   Like what part of N.O. doesn’t he understand? 

Elsewhere in the barrio, Fito offers Johhny his digs to lodge Ms. Pati and him.

Our mustachioed mauler won’t take NO for an answer.  He grabs and put’s a major lip-lock on Espe just as poor Hernan the Galan comes walking down the street to fetch her.  Hernan misinterprets the mouth mash, and looking like a poor kicked and abused puppy dog, he heads back to his car with his tail between his legs.

Tere stops by Mariano’s office.  She warns him that as long as he’s got Aeeeda on his mind and in his bed, it’ll be strictly business between the two of them.  She ignores his quip about Aida being the only one he can’t screw around with and gloats that destiny persists in throwing them together.  Art is supposedly the one in charge of PatPal’s foundation now, she will be his assistant.   Mariano doesn’t seem to like the idea one bit.  (Ha!  Dealing with Art would be bad enough, but now Art and Teresa together????  Holy freejoles! The sexual tension and payback in those meetings!  Can you imagine the amount of spritzing to mark territory??  It’s gonna get really rank in those meetings--and neither Teresa nor Viewerville can wait!)

Meanwhile, El Bigote is either on the phone with Maira or Genoveva saying that the will is going to be read tomorrow morning and then they’ll know who the new partner in Luna Turquesa will be.  (My guess is PP’s faithful lapdog and mouthpiece, Martin, comes out the winner there.)  He hangs up and Maira’s accountant asks him for a moment.  Seems the books show there’s been some big-time embezzling going on and the only one able to manage that, says the accountant, would have been Ruben.

Back to Mariano and Teresa, Aeeeda walks in on the two of them.  She hears Tere bragging about her being a new volunteer and immediately starts hanging all over Mariano. Well, she's volunteered help at the foundation with Mariano.  Didn’t I my sweetie-patootie-cutie-tootsie-wootsie? MMMMM!!!!SSSSsmooooooooochhhhh! 

Mariano plays right along and tells Aida that she doesn’t have to worry about him; he’s not going to be seeing anybody but her!  Tere takes the hint and leaves.  Outside, in the reception area she stops to wipe away a tear and then thinks better of it.  She checks in with Espe to talk about PP’s death and her helping Art out with the foundation.

At the same time, Hernan stops in to tell his best bud, Hector,  what happened with the pregnant gal he was interested in.  Heck, anyone else in her situation should have been thrilled but she rejected him flat outright, he says.  So, he wants some time away and asks Hec to sign him up for some convention or other.  Hec obliges for his buddy.  Conversation changes to Hec and Juana’s relationship progressing.  Nothing doing till he gets things solved regarding his estranged wife.  Hernan says perhaps they’ll do just fine, tho, living separately like many serious couples do.  That would be fine with him but it’s up to Juana.  The main worry is that he has no idea how he’ll feel or react once his wife resurfaces. 

Espe tells Tere that it’s a good idea sharing more time with Art.  Tere admits that she still hasn’t been able to forget Mariano.  However, she’s certain that Aeeeda is just trying to make her upset the way she hangs on Mariano.  Just then Tere sees Aeeeda walk out of Mariano’s office towards them.  She acts like she’s completely oblivious and begins cheerfully congratulating Espe on three successful months being preggers.  Aeeeda overhears the business about the baby and is stopped-dead-in-her-tracks impactada. 


Taking a quick lunch break to read your wonderful recap!

The little Terror sure got her mitts into everyone's business last night. Was interesting to see how it freaked her out to have Pathetic go flat-line on her. So will she not become a possible killer in the future, or being she got away with it...hmmmm.

Aeeeda (love that) was a bit over the top last night. Are the writers trying to make her less likable, becuase some of the stuff coming out of her mouth last night was a bit much. I know Mariano in a way is using her as much as she is using him to annoy Tere, but I really would like to get her away from him now.

As for Artie, well, all I can say is he's digging his own grave so to speak. And giving Fer plenty of ammunition to not feel so guilty when the opportunity arises to make our little Terror feel all better (so to speak). (Did I miss anything on the booze issue with him? I know we've seen him drunk-but this quick heading for the bottle - is he some sort of recovering alcholholic?) Or is this just a good set up for making him be driven to drink later, lose control of his ability to handle things, etc. And we know who would step in now don't we?

Back to work. Check in later

Thanks for the recap! It's really funny. I liked "well it’s not that she meant to be disrespectful (naw, it just an ingrained part of her personality)." Yep, that's Aida.

I was shocked that Paloma just died, without even hanging on in a coma for months. Thank you, show, for not being predictable. And for getting rid of annoying Paloma. Johnny and Paty could vanish into the ether, too, any time. Just a suggestion.

So is Teresa to blame for Paloma's death? She was stable enough to be left alone while they prepped for surgery until Terror came along and stressed her out.

Rubigote is unbelievable. "Come with me and break up with my wife for me." Ummmm, great idea. And he has the nerve to act like Espe dumped HIM but their love is 4ever'n'ever, when he tossed her out so obnoxiously? Maybe Espe should have gone along with him to see Mayra, then mentioned how they broke up when she caught him with Genoveva. That might be fun. Probably would put Espe and the baby in danger, though. She'd need to take backup.

Jardinera wonderful outstanding job on the recap thank you.

I still can't get over how they filmed Pathetic Paloma's accident it was just so real like something you would see in the movies.

Everything she said about Aeeeeeeeeda i totally agree with she is disrespectful and very callous.

I think perhaps her mother is seeing now how obsessed she is about Teresa this girl needs a life.

So now Teresa is knows that Arturo slept with Paloma and she is trying to get him to come clean or have it exposed so she can divorce him?

Ruben really has some nerve but you can see where Aeeeeeeeeeeeeda gets her crass and loudmouth vulgar nerve from. She does have a little of both parents in her makeup not a great combination.

Refugly i would think because it was Teresa who suggested that Armando do that she wouldn't have been so happy?

I can't believe Aida telling her Mom that she was just hanging with Mariano because they get along well and it drives Teresa crazy. Like hasn't she noticed he's a total cupcake???

Thanks, Jardinera. I hsve been concentrating on Alborada , so I'm only watching this show sporadically. YIKES !!! Tiny Terror has plummeted to new depths...threatening a dying accident victim. She is nuts.

great recap. i was totally cracking up over TOHIMC! Surprising how small that little pueblo is, ain't it?

can't believe that they offed PatPal so quickly, but glad not to have to hear her beg anymore. it seemed like Ter's genuine freak-out-edness at Pal's death showed that she's really not a killer. she's a liar and a manipulator, yes, but not a killer. i don't think she meant any real physical harm to Pal when she was confronting her; she just lacked any sort of compassion for her state of suffering. will be interesting to see if Art can keep up the coverup of his PatNight with PatPal. something tells me no.
and it was nice to see Refusio finally happy about something for once. Blusamurai, i think it was a different lawyer who advised Armando about the IOUs. you are right that Refusio would have probably protested if it were Teresa's suggestion ;-)

I can't believe they killed off Paloma! I thought she wouldn't make it to the end but I never expected her to die so soon.
I suspect Teresa will demand divorce from Arturo and plan to return to Mariano with all the money she's going to get from it.

Farewell Paloma! So glad they didn't drag that out. She thought she was getting back at Tere by revealing her night with Art, but although it annoyed Tere (because no one can have what she owns), it's helped her more. Now with a bit of maneuvering, she can get others' help in revealing the secret, get sympathy as the wronged wife, make a play for her new target (Fer) while playing the victim, AND get a good divorce settlement from Art. This just opens up so many possibilities for her.

Daisynjay- Yes. Arturo became an alcoholic years ago when his parents were murdered/falsely accused of wrong-doing and Pal dumped him before their wedding. We have been lead to believe that he cleaned up his act not long after, made it his mission to prove his parents' innocence (which he did), took care of his baby sis, became a successful lawyer, and had been clean and sober until Paloma came back into his life and then Terror started screwing with his emotions.

Just when I think Ruben can't sink any lower... I at least hope that with Hernan gone for a few weeks, Espe realizes how much she misses him.

As for Aida, yes she did admit that she likes Mariano too. That's the cherry on top of being able to annoy Tere. She's made no secret of exactly what she's doing to anyone, not even to Mariano. They both like each other's company, they have fun with each other, they like making out with each other, and they both like sticking it to Teresa. Neither one of them is thinking marriage, and I'm glad she went right to the source to straighten that out. Other than her rabid hatred of Espe and her snobbery, it's actually a pretty good rebound relationship for Mariano, and for her.

So we are keeping score of who has died already since this novela started right?

Rosita from her heart.

Paulo from drug over use.

Pathetic Paloma from a speeding suv.

Have to wonder if we're going to have anymore deaths before this ends.

Kristoise i remember Armando mentioning that Teresa did tell him what to do asking about the IOU's but i did also hear him mention the other lawyer too to Refusio. Still it's thanks to her daughter that they were able to get out from under Gemma control and their debt. But i know Refusio won't see it like that.

The more Arturo lies the more he's digging his own grave with Teresa.

Blu- The most amazing part in the three deaths is that none of them are murders! How un-tn-like. Although I sense that Terror feels a sense of guilt around each one: 1) Missing Rosita's match and being the one to encourage her to keep doing gymnastics, despite what her parents or anyone else said (remember Refugio and Armando's concern about her needing to see the doctor); 2) Pushing the drug pusher on Paulo and then wishing him dead; and 3) Harassing Paloma until she flat-lined. She knows that she’s not directly responsible for these deaths, but I think she flashed back to Paulo’s death and freaked out a bit because deep down she does feel responsible.

I also agree that Art is digging his own grave by not coming clean. But even if he did, wouldn't Teresa react the same way we are expecting? Wouldn't she jump on this as a opportunity to dump Art and to take him for all he has? That's her plan anyway. It was her plan from the beginning. She would have found some way of doing it and causing the most damage (emotionally and financially) to Art along the way, regardless of his one night stand with Paloma.

Jardinera, wonderful job as usual! You bring such a fun energy to your recaps, and you didn’t disappoint in this one.....thanks!

It is evident that both Aida and Mariano are using each other, they are so very lovey, dovey when Teresa is in the room! “Didn’t I my sweetie-patootie-cutie-tootsie-wootsie? MMMMM!!!!SSSSsmooooooooochhhhh!”, (good one Jar!) Mariano has made a pact with the devil, not sure how he can handle all the vecindad jokes like rata de la vecindad, naca, Espe rants, etc.,etc. It must hurt to hear Aida talk like that about the people he grew up with! I actually think Aida has a lot of good points, she’s fun, smart, strong, and holds her ground when she needs to. If she could have just a little compassion for those she feels are so beneath her socially, she might be a great friend. Maybe Aida is on the list for redemption in the end.

Teresa reminds me of the types of negotiators that have to be smart, steady, emotionless, but still get the job done, like those who work in hostage situations, police standoffs or union vs management arbitations. No matter what the problem, she, like the professional that she is, keeps her eye on the prize and never waivers. Her mind is always in gear! Yes, there’s a tear or two along the way, but then she dries her eyes and gets back on focus........*** EL DINERO ***! She is really good at that she does!

Aurora is teaching all the love lorn of the world how to move on with your head held high and pride in tact. She’s kind to Mariano, but pushes along with Martin. It is nice to see how she handles Mariano, the friendship and kindness are there, but she doesn’t throw herself at him. Great going Aurora! May peace (Martin or Mariano?) be with you in the end.

I am looking forward to meeting Paloma's relative, since she was mentioned by name, I imagine that we will meet her!

The previews seemed to indicate that Paloma left her fortune to Arturo, meaning that Teresa stands to walk away with half of that, too -- if she gets away.

How narcissitic is Teresa? I want Mariano because of how he makes me feel? I want Arturo because of what he can give me? I don't care what they want or how they feel. How different are Esperanza and Juana from Teresa; they refuse to get involved with guys they don't love just because they can improve their lives.

Loved the recap Jardinera. So before PatPal went to the great beyond she tells Teresa enough to know that Arturo was unfaithful to her. It's funny that Teresa is mad at Arturo for lying to her when she has been lying to him.

She's been giving him many opportunities to come clean and when she does have her suspicions confirmed, I think Arturo will wish he told her when he had the chance.

I felt bad for Hernan when he misinterpreted that kiss between Esp and Ruben. Maybe his leaving for a while will be what it takes for her to finally remove the blinders about Ruben and see what's in front of her.

I'm tired of Aida always hanging onto Mariano like she did with Paulo whenever Teresa comes around. She's the only one who obsesses over her. She needs to get a life and a hobby besides always taking up with Teresa's exes.

So I guess Hector's MIA spouse will be showing up soon. There's been too many mentions about her for her not to suddenly show up. It seems even though Juana is trying she's just not into Hector.

Looking forward to tonight's show.

vivi--totally agree about tere's guilt over the deaths.

blusamurai--thanks for the extra info about armando and refu. helping get her dad debt-free is just about the only good thing ter has done--she should get some credit! :-)

Jard, loved the recap and your funny comments.

Tere is supposed to be a friend of Esdpe's, but she didn't hesitate to blab about Espe's baby for Aeeeda's benefit.! She cares aboput no one but herself. She's a witch.


Thanks all! Finally got to the typos. (grimace) I was just as surprised that they got rid of PatPal so darn soon. I see Art going down hill now with her loss and his yen for firewater.

I confess I watched ahead.

I was so glad to see Patpal go! But I had to wait until today to share it.

I must have missed the Patpal-Teresa deathbed scene. I didn't know what she had told Teresa.

Boy - Art just can win for losing! He really screws up. Love the suggestions to "put things in the past", "close the chapter" but he never really does, does he? The booze part is the worst. As pretty as he is, they sure to make him unattractive with all his personality weaknesses.


I think that Teresa will use what she knows to drive Arturo to drink. Unless there are strings attached to the inheritance Teresa won't be so quick to divorce him over something she only suspects at the moment.

Beyond that, considering that they have been married less than a year and have no children, I can't see that she would bag half of his fortune. She does have a law license and is fully capable of making her own living.

Oh, all she has to do is make him feel so guilty he forks most of it over!


It doesn't seem like Arturo is planning to tell Tere the truth since he doesn't want to lose her and it's his word against Pal's and now Pal's gone. The one who knows the truth is Fer cuz Art told him and maybe Fer will be tempted to breakup Art and Tere to have Tere.

Jardinera, thanks for the fun recap and sorry it's a late thanks but my computer couldn't open the comments box till now.


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