Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #39 Tuesday 6/14/11 The Wedding that almost wasn't!!!!

So summer has started and with it comes sleepovers, three 10 year old little girls made for a long night. So here is the re-cap you have been waiting for!!! I’m going to make this short and sweet.

WoooHoooo them’s some fireworks to open this episode, As soon as Jero notices the necklace Lorena comes screaming up the steps and starts kissing Jero, begging him to not get married. Everyone is all ohhh ahhh except Roberta who is laughing. Carlos grabs Lorena and Jero is left to explain to a very PO’d Renata.

At the Hacienda preparations are being made at the hacienda for the newlyweds, Lazaro and Karina have a moment and he asks her is she os happy with her marriage, he says she looks sad and he can’t stand to see her sad, They almost have a moment until Mati comes back!! Karina rushes out and poor Lazaro looks very sad!!

Carlos and Lorena are arguing he tells her to leave, she refuses she says she loves him. She refuses to leave.

Jero explains that she is in her past, that he loves her more than his life.

Roberta needs to me slapped!! She is stirring crap up with Gonzo and Matias and Gonzo tells her to shut-up!! Gonzo tries to comfort Renata and tells her to call off the wedding.

Jero tells Lorena to hit road and don’t come back no more. He tells her he loves Renata.

Everyone at the wedding is chatting about Jero and Renata, Matias wants to get her back, Constanza wants to help her Honorio tell her to wait. Regina tells Renata that she has known Jero and that she means nothing to him and that he loves only her. Renata leaves for a moment alone.

Fina is in her room mad about something (shocker I know) then she pulls out a picture of a little girl I got lost at this point I think it’s Renata and she is going to send it to Regina to torture her, but I could be wrong. Roberts calls to update her on the wedding being postponed and Fina gets very giddy.

Lorena refuses to listen to Jero and he tells her to take a hike. Carlos continues to try to explain that it’s over!! Duh he is standing on the steps of a church next to his bride, not tough to figure out that he’s not coming back!!

Renata is praying in the church and asking for guidance when Roberta walks in, strange that there were no lightning bolts or earthquakes when she entered the church!! She really just wants to comfort her sister and make her feel better, by telling her Jero is a jerk and she needs to cancel the wedding.

Adriana and Matias show up to help, he tells her that her happiness is the most important, She thanks them and Adriana asks if she is canceling the wedding and she says she does not know, Matias asks to speak to her alone, but not until Roberta can spew a little more venom before leaving.

Honorio and Constanza are talking to Gonzo about the wedding or the not a wedding, Jero shows up and asks Gonzo to talk he says that he should cancel the wedding now and leave their lives forever.

Augustin is on the phone about he wedding, and admiring the jewelry he had made for Renata, he hasn’t quite accepted defeat i guess, cause he thinks they will still be together, then his little girl toy comes in and sees the earrings, asks him if they are for her, he just walks away.

Alfonsina is chatting with the padre, about her sins. She is not a good girl she is in love with another man other than her husband, he asks who and she says it’s Dr, padre panics and she keeps that secret from him.

Mati is daydreaming about Jero

Matias is trying to talk to Renata, and he tells her that he has know Jero for many years and that Jero has never loved anyone the way he loves her. Jero walks up at that moment and tells her he loves her more than his own life and that here before God he swears he loves her. Enrique sing, and they kiss awwww so sweet everything is fine in the world for a minute.

Roberta calls Fina with the bad news!!

The wedding is in progress and of course everyone is thinking out loud!! Gonzo hopes they are happy, Tony can’t wait to marry Regina. Renata thanks God, Jero thinks he loves her truly loves her. Regina thinks about her daughter, and prays for help to find her, Matias wishes them the best.

Roberta curses the marriage and says it will be hell.

Jero really seems to love her,he thinks she is a miracle!! They both say I DO Enrique sings and they finish the wedding. Roberta starts cuddling Matias asking about getting married.

The happy couple kiss as Lorena slinks off without being seen, Gonzo tells Renata he loves her and to be happy, she tells him she loves him very much. Regina asks Jero if he is really happy and he says yes.

Roberta and her BFF are talking about Matias, Jero.

Everyone is present at the signing of the marriage certificate, we get a cute moment when Regina and Gonzo sign together. They are officially husband and wife and they kiss and hug everybody.

Regina says goodbye, she would like to come visit them soon. Regina can’t explain why but Renata is a very important person in her life and that she loves her very much, Reanta gets a look like she knows there is something between them, and she hugs her.

Gonzo finds her alone and offers her his handkerchief, she says this will be the last time they see each other, cause she can’t stand to be around him.

Renata thanks Matais for his words that helped her realize that Jero loves her and only her, Jero thanks him and they seem to bury the hatchet!!

Roberta comes to tell Fina that they are now officially married, and Fina asks why she did not stop it, Roberta swears she tried and Fina gets mad and spits out something about Regina.

Avances: We get to the good stuff the wedding night!! Looks very romantic, but she does not look happy in the morning!! I’m guessing he’s not bad soooooooo we will see!!!


Jules, Thanks so much for this gripping recap done in spite of being hostess to 3 ten year old girls. You are fabulous! This was a hard episode to recap like Monday's was with the constant scene changes and each character saying a few words but some important clues being flung out. Good job.

I kind of love the chaos of the early weddings, which by law have to look more like a riot than a religious ceremony in telenovelalandia. At least it didn't get called off nor did Jero jilt his beautiful Renata which i was holding my breath for. But, he intimates that his split personality will continue to be the worst thing about Renata's married life. And she will be away from her supportive Poppy and good relatives Honorio and Consta. I hope the idiot lets her bring her horse to Baja.

Jules, this was great! Hardly short and very sweet! ( I remember those slep over days - except mine were boys - heck they're 20 and they still do it!

Anyhoo - what a night.Lorena - nut job. But Matias - what a guy.At least Nata has one step-sibling she can count on.

The thing that bugged me the most - LOOK AT THE STUPID NECKLACES PEOPLE!! Why didn't Regina notice when she first talked to Nata? It didn't "break" until after. And noone really saw Regina's (I know it had some other stuff with the R - but I could still see it). Will Jeers light bulb go off and he remember she was wearing it? And of course now Adri has it...Argh!!!

Interesting look Coni gave Chema there at the wedding. Someone said that the ball was in her court how she handles the idea of Adri and Honorio - think we're seeing where the next lob might be heading to.

And why the hey would Blanca be invited. she started work, a week ago? For a "small intimate" wedding - made now sense. Oh yeah - plot device. How silly of me. \

And sorry, for me, last night there had to be a Ms. Inappropriate and it would go to Roberta. What a snake.

Boy, those previews were interesting. Hope we hop to the hacienda soon. I want to see Augie confronting the "happy" coupl

she says it’s Dr, padre panics and she keeps that secret from him.
actually, it was really funny to me, she said 'the doctor!' and when the padre panicked she changed her mind about spilling the beans and said she was falling for a doctor on TV, she would think of him all day... etc.. lol

and regarding tonight on, the agave hacienda in La Mentira 98 was much less civilized than the vineyards hacienda that Jero is taking Renata to... so I bet it will be easier for Renata to get used to the hacienda this time around... even if she does get the same treatment... she will also have more people that she could confide in than in the 98 version.
I agree about the necklaces... there was plenty of time for someone to notice Renata's necklace and also Regina's even if it was partially hidden behind another pendant...
and now Adri has it .. .i doubt she had time to give it back to Renata.

Thanks for this recap Jules. I'm ambivalent about the wedding actually happening b/c of all the horror Renata is about to go through.

I enjoy this voting for who was the most inappropriate this episode. My vote also goes to Roberta.

But this time we need a Mr. Appropriate and it is Matias hands down. What a guy! He convinces her to go with the man she loves even though he loses her forever.

Roberta snuggles up to Matias & tries to put some moves on him & he immediately tells her that he will always be her supportive half-BROTHER. Didn't seem to faze her a bit.

I loved the conversation between Roberta & Selene where Roberta says that if she hadn't found out that Jeronimo was broke then she would have managed to pass off the baby as his & trapped herself a rich man -- but now Renata is the one stuck out in nowheresville with a penniless loser. Oh Roberta, if you only knew.

Jules, this was a sparkling recap. I too felt that the wedding was beautiful & that everything was fine in the world ---"FOR A MINUTE" Wish it were longer Renata -- but a minute is about all you get.

I also loved your reference to Fina mada again (shocker I know) and your reflection that it was strange no lightning bolts exploded when Roberta walked into the chapel. Fun recap. Thanks

My 'miss inaprop'goes to the old girlfriend. She not only lurked around after the wedding but she still didn't get it that 'I love you' does not mean you love me.
Now this wedding night should be a interesting how to. How to express love without giving pleasure to your partner.

Thank you Jules! Boy! What a wedding! Jero can usually find a way to be a jerk every episode, Vivi's galanbesoparalysis is right on! I thought somebody was going to have to give him oxygen! Also jerky was his leaving for so long to talk to the deluded Lorena or whatever her name is.

Funny was Gonzo and Regina's carnal touching of hands and longing gaze! And so touching was Regina's goodbye afterwhich I am sure Renata got a glimpse of the "R". I look forward to the caps and comments about this wedding and the wedding night as much as I look forward to the episodes! Maybe more later. . .thanks, Jules, you're a trooper!


Thanks, Jules! Great recap. If I'd been dealing with 10-year-olds all night I'd probably be on life support.

I was shrieking at all of them to notice the necklaces. Jero was the only one who did (but only Renata's...has he never noticed Regina's?) but he never seemed to get very far with that line of thought.

I thought it was funny that Alfonsina lied to the priest. I would, too. He's such a nonhelpful gossip. Funny that she claimed she meant a doctor on TV...I bet she was talking about Mariano from Teresa...mmmmmmmmmmm... That town needs to lobby for a new priest, or at least send him for retraining. Totally inappropriate response to Alfi's confession, plus the way he dismisses Karina's concerns really grates on me.

Congrats Jules for managing to watch AND recap while riding herd on three ten-year-old girls. I don't miss those sleepover days one single bit!

I'll go with Güera's nomination of Mathias as Mr. Appropriate. We've criticized his crying and moping, it's time now to recognize his mature, generous and truly loving side as he tries to help Renata wed the love of her life and reconciles with Jeronimo.

And he had no way of knowing the misery that Renata will now be facing as Ms. Jerry. Pobrecita!

I too was wondering why Blanca was at the wedding. And hate the way she's coming on to Honorio. She was such a noble character in Mi Pecado that it's hard to see her play a conniving slut. The actress is probably having a ball though.

Extra credit to Mathias and JULES for recapping under combat conditions.

Jules--You hit the highlights. We can fill in everything else. Hope you get caught up on your sleep.

All in all, the wedding was lovely. It was interesting that in all the telenovela wedding scenes we watch there is always the symbolic offering and receiving of the gold coins. I wonder if this was significant or they just ran out of time.

I see that I did miss the 'Jero notices the necklace' scene on the church steps, but I didn't miss the 'Jero notices the necklace is gone' scene in the church.

Regina did look lovely, even though Gonzo looked like a funeral director. They gave each other a couple of longing looks in church but later at the civil ceremony, she leaves the room and starts to tear up. Gonzo is right there with a hanky.

I was hoping she'd keep the hanky as a tender memento, but she had a stiff upper-lip and gave it back.

She told him that this was the last time they would see each other. Gonzo is why impactado. She explains that Inez would be the contact for any business with his firm and the gala.

Again he's why impactado. She says something to the effect that she can't be near him again. Maybe this will give him a bit of hope, since it's clear she's afraid that being close to him will mean really close.

Everybody at the wedding was in character: Roberta was Nasty; Matias was tender, gave advice and withdrew from the race in a gentlemanly fashion; Selena was Clinggy; Andresito looked like a Conehead without the top; Fina was absent and fuming, etc.

The look Consta gave Chema in the church was most inappropriate. A kind of maybe there will be, maybe there won't be more to come. Unfortunately, she's female and can't get the award.

Neither can Lithpy Lorena who shows up in a get up that looks like something from an adult XXX shop with only black ribs and lace covering flesh.

But we needed her to reveal to naive, trusting little Nata that her HeroJero has some skeletons in his closet. Of course he's saving the whopper for later--even when she asked, no, begged him to tell her if there were any more secrets.

What's Jero to do--pay off the whole staff at LaBonita and Auggie & co. to keep his secret that he's Rafa's brother? Hmmm.

If we have to have a Mr. Inappropriate, I have a very weak vote for Honorio for inviting and seemingly escorting Blanca to the wedding..ding..ding.

But I don't like the way Auggie treats Spare Girl either. On the other hand, why does she stay with him.

Can't wait for tonight's romantic roll in the hay.

Felicidades on the recap, Jules! Kick back and relax a little this week. You deserve it!

Julia, I am so with you on Padre Gossip. He has been utterly useless to both Kari and Alfi. Instead of listening to their concerns and advising them, he immediately passes judgement and offers no consolation. Boo, hiss.

Early weddings are always strange affairs in novelaland. Since practically none of the guests are happy themselves, there is a constant dark cloud over the entire ceremony. Here's to the wedding during the gran final (there always is one) in which everyone is deliriously happy with each other and for our lovely couple.

I join the confusion on why Blanca was at the wedding. I didn't even notice her there at all until Hon introduced her to Consta. Well, there's equal opportunity for either Hon or Con to stray now. Consta shot Chema a longing look during the wedding and Blanca seems very comfortable hanging on Hon's arm. Trouble on the horizon for sure.


Blanca zeroing in on Hon, Spare Girl (aka Auggie's ash hauler), Alfie's hots for dr.donuthin', the pull between Chema and Conni, Conni'e coldness and rejection of Adrianna: all feel like really forced plot devices. Eh? What can you do.

I agree with Audrey from the other set of comments: it's going to be hard to watch Renata suffer at Jero's hands. He's such an unworthy galan so far, I definitely don't see myself urging her through the telly screen to hang in there, that love will find a way. . .Something weird: I coulda sworn I saw a preview where Roberta announced that she was pregnant and the baby dady was Jeronimo! I swear!? Anywho it should be about time for that piece of crap to hit the fan.


You could be right about Rob naming Jer the baby-daddy. After all, with Fina and Rob both spreading the gossip that she was with Jer before he dumped her for Nata, it might be a calculated risk to try to pin it on Jeronimo. Can't wait to see what that would provoke.

And the DNA test would not be able to exclude Jero, either, since it's his brother's child. Great possiblilities. Let's see if the writers use it.

Are Rafa and Jero full brothers, or half brothers? What do we know about their family?

Rafa and Jero are half brothers (same mom). Rafa was being raised by their mother until she died, then Jero took him on until Rafa went back to Mex convinced by Carlos that he could take on the family hacienda and make it successful. Jero stayed in Spain. No idea what the stories of their dads are.

Khalila, they had 'previews of next week' for CMA that had that scene you remember. you are right. I saw it too.

So at what point did Rafa work for the Monterrubios? Did he move to D.F. on his own after Jero finished raising him, then go back to Spain, then decide to take over the hacienda which had already belonged to the family? I missed some of the early episodes so I'm confused as to how Rafa is tied to everything.

Wow - that would be a change. Thought Fina was so set on a Matias/Roberta pairing. If they think he's penniless, what would they gain by this.

I've been thinking throught his whole "I'm Broke" farce of Jeers, if anyone had an ounce of sense, all they would have to do is Google this guys and find out he is STILL one of the wealthiest men in Spain.Maybe someone does?

Hmm - my post must have been here at one point because I see Khalilah referenced it. But it's gone now. What?!?

Oh - I get it. There are a couple of posts over at the placeholder for this recap.

I'll copy over my original post below.


The ex-novia from Spain - what a horrible actress!!! That whole setup was NOT credible anyway.

Yeah - the whole Alfonsina hot for the Frankendoctor - totally unbelievable. Does your guapo husband really no longer do it for you girl? Makes no sense at all.

Oh well - I guess they gotta have their side plots.

How come NOBODY noticed the R Regina was wearing? The camera kept showing it!

I just got a glimpse of the previews. Is that Renata crying on her wedding night? Oh no! The Renata character is so sympathetic and appealing, I don't know if I'll be able to watch if she suffers a great deal at Jero's hands, although I think I have already been forewarned!


Thanks, Jules. I fondly remember those sleepovers. I'm impressed that you were able to give us such a nifty recap.

I'm going to cut Lorea a little slack (she's kinda cute) because I don't think Jerry actually definitively broke up with her. He just started ignoring her calls. She's a loose end he should have tied up.

Speaking of loose ends, when is Jerry going to reveal that Rafa was his brother? Lorea was such a bombshell that in the chapel he could have probably tossed in an ohbytheway without a lot more negative reaction.

I'm nominating Gonzo for Mr. I. for not allowing Regina to lay down the pen before reaching for it. At least he didn't sniff his handkerchief when she handed it back.

I wonder if Augie even suspects that Jerry married Renata? He knows that both were getting married. I'll bet that he hasn't put that together yet or he would have joined forces with Lorea.

Poor little bald boy, Jerry just ignored him and hugged some lady standing behind him. To his credit, he did acknowledge him later.

I also nominate Honorio for Mr. I. for not insisting on leaving with Coni and then offering Blanca a ride.


Boy this episode was tough for me because the CC went out so many times. And when it was on it was either behind or ahead. Ugh!

One thing i missed is how Renata lost her "r" pendant. Can someone tell me?


Farmer, the chain was damaged so she removed it and gave it to Adriana for safekeeping so as to not lose it.


This comment has been removed by the author.

No, Augie's mind is going to be blown when he finds out. And then he's going to get so mad!!!! He already blows up and small things so I think a volcano is going to explode!


Farmer--to further confuse you...Roberta lost her imitation R pendant out at the Hacienda LaBonita on one of her last rendezvous with Rafa. She borrowed Renata's, passed it off as her own and then Renata wanted it back and they had a little fight where Renata yanked it off Roberta's neck. That's probably when the clasp was damaged.

Oh, and that is how Jeronimo comes to have an R pendant which he knows belongs to the woman that jilted Rafa and he thinks belongs to Renata. That's why he's been waiting for her to "confess" to a relationship and compromiso with Rafa.

I wonder if Jero knows Fernando from "Teresa." Is there a "richest men in Spain" club?

Carlos, "At least he didn't sniff his handkerchief when she handed it back."...well, not yet. He'll probably never wash it, and keep it in a special box, and pull it out on melancholy occasions, and look at a grainy picture of Regina clipped from the newspaper or taken surreptitiously with a phone, and sniff the hankie, and cry.

Is Lorena the same girlfriend who had the abortion, and Jero was super mad when he found out and yelled at her in the hospital? I thought he made it pretty clear that he couldn't get past that and they were definitely over.

Yes. Jeronimo made it VERY clear that it was over, and why.


Yes, Julia, I remember him dumping her even in the hospital. . .there should not have been any doubt in her mind. . but then, she's a cling-on. . .

And NOK and Martia, glad someone else saw that "preview" (spoiler) about Jero being named baby daddy - that was my guess at first which I backed off from. . .but I didn't think they did the deed? Well, Fina is so good manipulating people and making them believe such blatant, easily-exposed lies, a little thing like a non-consumation won't be a problem.


Thanks everyone for the pendant expanation.....muy complicado!


Jules, thank you for the very thorough recap in spite of the 10 yr old slumber party. I think you must be superwoman! I don't have anything to add to the comments because everybody already said it or answered my questions.

I will say that I enjoyed Daisy's "LOOK AT THE STUPID NECKLACES PEOPLE!!" That's what I was shouting throughout these past two episodes. Drives me nuts.

Oh, and I also wanted to say that I thought Regina's mom Cata looked very nice at the wedding.

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