Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #43 Monday 6/20/11 Hey, Let’s take a Winery Tour! and, Roberta Must Rest - And So Must the Wine!

Good evening folks, I am posting this on behalf of Audrey so all praise belongs to her, I am merely the messenger. Feel free to shoot me anyway! :) Enjoy!!!


Some scenes repeat from last time where Jero thinks to himself about how difficult it is to have Renata close. Matías accidentally drops a big hint to Gonzo that he is not Roberta’s baby-daddy. “Did Roberta tell you the father was an infeliz?” If so, Gonzo is ready to kill him (the infeliz, that is).

Roberta appears to be having a fine time lounging about plugged into her computer and wearing her favorite pink sweats. Diego video-chats with Roberta - if that executive position isn’t available yet, he wants more money! Or else he’ll play Gonzo the recording! Oh, Roberta doesn’t like this and calls him “Estupido”. [Funny how Roberta calls someone “estupido” when they get the best of her - doesn’t work that way! LOL! Doesn’t that actually mean they’re more clever than she is?]

At the Hacienda La Bonita - dinner. Renata loves the meal and asks Manuela for cooking lessons for all these wonderful regional dishes since she doesn’t have much to do around there. Renata then excuses herself to go to bed sending meaningful looks at Jero. “I’ll catch you later” she tells him as she leaves.

Carlos drags Jero into an after dinner discussion. Carlos tells Jero that Alfonsina told Renata that his brother, Rafael, was the previous owner and that he named the hacienda “La Bonita” after a girlfriend. Carlos explains that Renata reacted as if it meant nothing at all to her. Jerko is perplexed yet again.

Matías checks in on the resting Roberta. “Oh poor old me! I’m expecting a baby by my sister’s husband - how do you think I feel?” she whines. Matías wants her parents to learn the truth of the baby’s father - and that it’s not his! Roberta swears she is going to tell her parents - but she has to find the right way. But oh how she wishes she had a boyfriend who could “help her out with her situation” like Gonzo did with their mother - hint, hint!

Honorio and Constanza are at dinner. [Orange juice at dinnertime?] They talk about Adriana. Honoria would like Adriana to stay with them for a while - at least try it. Wow - Constanza tells him that she loves him and agrees to give it a try! Honorio is very grateful.

Matías comes to visit Adriana. He’s still a couple of weeks away from moving into his own apartment. He’s come to tell her that he is worried - he thinks he got ahead of himself when he kissed her, and he is not ready for a new relationship yet. Adriana is willing to run the risk.

Renata is getting all dolled up in a slinky negligee set. [In bright orange? Well - it looks good on her.] She knocks on Jerko’s door. He won’t even turn around to look at her as she comes in. “I came to tell you good night” she says seductively as she slinks up behind him and starts caressing him. Ooops! Jerko is so tense - he won’t give in. I would say he has turned into a block of ice, but he is obviously really struggling with not giving in as Renata puts on some major seduction moves. But - ni modo - Jerko pulls Renata’s robe back up over her shoulders. She must be just as tired as he is - “Please go to your room to rest.” Then he walks out of his room, shutting the door right in her face! She just can’t believe it - wow!

Dr. Freaky gets home to Karina who has been waiting up till really late for his return. Guess who is wasted yet again? She scolds him for being drunk and not meeting the commitment he has to the community as a doctor. She complains about him being wasted all the time. He gets rough with her and decides this is a great time for Karina to comply with her wifely duties. [On the dining room table? What?!? This is NOT pleasant!]

OMG!, is Jerko hiding in his bathroom? Really?!? Because Renata is talking through the door to him: “Jeronimo, why do you want me to go to my room? Is this really what you want?” No answer at all - so Renata leaves, slamming the bedroom door. Then Jerko sneaks out of his bathroom - wow! - and looks at the closed bedroom door. He runs his fingers through his hair - in frustration? [I sure would like to know what the he** he is thinking. Writers? Can you explain this? What are you trying to portray here?]

Back in her room Renata remembers some of their early moments, especially when Jerko first tells her he loves her and the wonderful romantic evening with music and fire. She is crying, distraught. “What changed? Why are you acting like this? What did I do to you?” She ends up kneeling on the floor, crying.

Next morning at the Hacienda Renata is up early for a ride and Lazaro fetches her a horse - also called La Bonita! Carlos asks if there is anything wrong, but Renata denies any problems. Lazaro asks Carlos whether Renata is sad, or is it his imagination. Carlos says he doesn’t know.

Jerko comes into the kitchen looking have breakfast with his wife. Matilde is delighted to announce his wife already had breakfast and left. Jerko calls Laz and Carlos to find out that she went out riding - by herself! Carlos quizzes Jerko on it being rather obvious that that there is something going on between him and his wife. They are not acting like newlyweds and Renata seems sad and as if she feels alone. He hopes Jerko did not marry Renata for revenge, because if so Carlos would be really disappointed in him. Jerko gives Carlos that deadened face look we are all coming to hate as he watches him leave the room - not saying a word! Then he just paces, looking tense.

Renata is out riding. Oh - guess what! She runs right into Agustín who is also horse riding, imagine that! He asks after her obviously absent bridegroom. She loves the views around here, the vineyards. She hasn’t seen nothing yet, offers Aggie. Would she like to see how wine is made? Well - come to his hacienda, “Cruz de Amor”, he’d love to show her. “Why not?” she responds, and off they go. [I hope Jerko feels like someone is walking across his grave. You go Aggie! I’ve decided to name him Aggie since he is a serious agriculturalist and it’s a tip of the hat to an old rival alma mater]

Poor Karina is on a bed curled up looking hurt. Dr. Freaky comes and she screams at him to get out. He asks what the matter is, and why is she like that, still dressed, sleeping in this other room with no breakfast made for him. “Don’t you remember what happened last night?” He apparently doesn’t. She screams at him that he raped her last night, he defiled her. Dr. Freaky is freaked - it seems like he really doesn’t remember anything - but Karina thinks he’s pretending not to remember and says she’ll never forget it, nunca! [OK - so we have another Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde thing going on here!]

At Empresas Monterrubio, Honorio tells Adriana that Constanza would like to have her come stay with them for a while - at least try it out. Adriana can think about it, but Honorio would love to make up for lost time.

Renata is having a blast with Auggie, getting a tour of his hacienda [wish that were me! - I’m a serious wine buff]. Lots of gorgeous scenery. Hmmm - Alfonsina spots them strolling the vineyards together and watches. After the vineyards we get into the fermentation room with big shiny stainless steel tanks while Auggie explains the process. Wow - sounds like Auggie is giving a real winery tour. He explains that red and white wines are made by essentially the same process, except that white wine doesn’t have the grape skins.

Then they go to the aging room where the wine is aging in casks. He explains that the casks are made from American and French oak [yep - that’s what most West Coast wineries use] and the aging wine picks up flavors from the oak.

Renata is thinking that Jero doesn’t do this wine processing, right? Aggie explains that Jero just has his vineyards and sells his grape harvest, and Aggie himself has already bought Jero’s grape harvest for the next 3 years. Even though Aggie has his own vineyards, Jero’s brother was able to grow a type of grape that no one else in their region was able to cultivate, and Aggie thinks this will be his best investment, the grapes are of a great quality. Renata is surprised by this arrangement. “Did Jero not tell you this?” asks Aggie. Renata explains that she is sure he did, but she probably wasn’t paying attention to the details.

Then Aggie goes into the art of wine tasting. You have to observe the color, the transparency, the smell, and finally, the taste. Renata thinks the wine is awesome! She sees some drawings on the table and asks who does the label design. Auggie has to confess that another of his passions is drawing and design. Renata playfully confesses that she also loves design and drawing, and in fact she did the last logo for Empresas Monterrubios. “Well then you could help me,” says Aggie. Renata teases yes. Areli appears and introduces herself as Aggie’s novia. She gets a big hug for that. Renata is delighted to meet her.

Jerko is in a huff. Carlos hasn’t seen Renata. Jerko wants them to go look for her as she’s been gone too long. “And if she doesn’t want to return?” chides Carlos. Jerko says she doesn’t know the area, she could be lost (in spite of having a mare who knows how to return home). Carlos is glad Jero’s so worried - it means he does care about Renata after all.

Renata thinks the female figure outline on the label must be Areli. Areli thinks it must be some other beautiful lady. Well - obviously it’s you! says Renata - laying on the charm for everybody. Renata says she’d better return home as she has been gone a long time. Aggie goes with her to make sure she doesn’t get lost. Areli picks up the label and says “It’s you, Renata, the woman on this label is you”. [how she can figure that out from a side view female outline - I can’t imagine]

Back at the offices, Blanca declares to Adriana that she will give her all her support since she lost her mother. Adriana admits it’s been tough to concentrate at work and she would be grateful to have a friend like her.

Renata arrives back at the Hacienda. “Wow - you finally return!” says Jerko. He wants to know where she has been. Why was she so delayed? Time got away from her, and as she doesn’t have anything to do.... “At least you could have let us know. Something could have happened to you, or you could have gotten lost.” complains Jerko. “You care about what happens to me?” asks Renata. “Of course I care what happens to you!“ answers Jerko. “Well, that was what I thought before I married you, but since then it seem you don’t pay any attention to my needs or my feelings, therefore I supposed that you wouldn’t notice that I wasn’t here.” Renata pointedly replies. “Well you supposed wrong, When you’re going to go out, let me know, and don’t be gone so long. Agreed?” demands Jerko.

“Look,” says Renata, “I wouldn’t have any problem letting my husband know if he were someone who worried about me and paid attention to me. Agreed?” “Yes I was worried about you.” says Jerko, “I was just about to go out looking for you.” “You know what?” counters Renata “The things you say are very different from the things you do. If you really were my loving husband, you would be living with me, looking after our honeymoon, sharing a bed in this wonderful place. Then you would know where I was and what was happening with me!” and Renata excuses herself. Jerko just stands there frustrated. [OK - so Jerko, it’s not really working out like what you imagined, no? What were you thinking would happen anyway - you idiot!]

Matilde comes in the kitchen so excited because she saw Renata and Jero fighting. “Oh quit with the gossiping!” says Manuela, the cook, but Matilde wants know where Renata was gone for so long. Renata comes in the kitchen. “Good afternoon, is it time to eat yet! “ Manuela lists all the goodies for lunch. Wow, including a specialty of the area, lobster tacos! Renata again asks again for cooking lessons, charming Manuela.

[OK - me, me! I’m ready to hop right over there. I want my own Aggie wine tour and then cooking lessons with Manuela in regional cuisine in that lovely traditional looking kitchen. Did I mention I love Mexican food? - the real kind, that is (as opposed to Tex-mex)]

Renata is going to help out with lunch! Renata ignores Matilde’s snide comments (including a nasty one about cooking ruining one’s manicure). Matilde finally leaves and Renata asks Manuela why Matilde doesn’t like her. Manuela explains Matilde’s bad attitude. That she used to be the one running the house, so she feels strange - what else could it be? They get going with the cooking lessons.

A serious business meeting at Empresas Monterrubios. Fina bursts right in screaming her distress at everyone in the room. “Roberta has run away from home - and she left a note! She’d rather run away than reveal the father of her child! Her pregnancy is at risk! Please get her back!” This is the first Adriana has heard of Roberta’s pregnancy. Gonzo calls the immediate family to his office. Adriana suggests to Matías that Roberta likes to hang out at the country club. Maybe people there can help find her.

Back at the hacienda Matilde is arranging flowers when Jerko comes in. She makes a few disparaging remarks about his wife, finishing with does he want her to keep an eye on Renata? “Who knows where she was all morning!” Jerko scolds her for being disrespectful towards his wife.

Renata is learning how to cook the rice in the kitchen. Matilde comes in with the monogramed sheets she found in the trash. They were a brand new gift for the newlyweds. The initials are torn. The patron must be trying to say something with this! Wow - el patron must have gotten mad since Renata decided to stay with her friend instead of returning with Jero. Manuela says not to worry, Karina can fix the sheets and she shoos Matilde out of the kitchen. Renata asks if that is why Jerko is mad with her - is it because she put her friend first? The only thing Manuela can say is that el patron is a good person, if he is mad, it will pass, just be patient and things will work out. These things happen with newlyweds. “Are you sure?” asks Renata. Manuela tells her she can see she loves him and all the good efforts she is making as his wife. “I see love between both of you” Manuela assures Renata.

In his office Gonzo is reading the note with Fina, Honorio and Matías present. Roberta writes “Don’t go looking for me. I don’t what to tell you who the father is. Silence will do less damage than revealing the truth.” Gonzo swears he is going to go find her. Matías flatly states that he is not the father of Roberta’s child. Fina claims it was an act of love on Roberta’s part not to name Matías since Roberta knows Matías doesn’t love her [gag!]. Honorio wants to know why she doesn’t want to reveal the baby’s father. Matías wants to go to the club to find her. Fina wants to organize a group of friends find her.

Roberta calls Fina. She’s just arrived at Selene’s house. Fina calls her Selene on the phone and says that everyone here in Gonzo’s office is so distraught about Roberta, did she find out anything? Roberta is tickled pink that everyone is upset on her behalf - what faces are they making? Fina has Matías check Twitter for a note from Roberta. “Please! Don’t worry - I’m not alone - a little angel is with me.” [Oh please!]
Roberta, lounging in the back garden, is pleased as punch to be at Selene’s house where no one will find her. She can rest, do nothing, sunbathe. Selene makes a rude remark about wearing a bikini while pregnant, and tells Roberta she’s not going to stay shut in with her - she’s got a whole world to tend to.

Gonzo leaves Roberta a phone message asking her to return and that they will find a solution as a family. Gonzo will take Fina home [oh she’s in need of total support at such a stressful time! Those high voices in the background music when Fina is practicing her evil manipulations are really starting to get to me!] But Fina can’t leave the office without another dig at Matías about young men taking responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Poor Gonzo - he now feels that he needs to find Roberta as soon as possible since it will affect poor little Fina’s health. He leaves.

Alone together, Honorio asks Matías is he really not the father? If not, he needs to clarify this for everyone - including Adriana.

But poor Gonzo - he can’t even leave the building without getting a message from Dr. Money that he needs to talk to him urgently.

Back at the vineyards (finally!) Carlos is giving Jero grape cultivation lessons. He explains about grape growing depends on the microclimate and about transplanting strains of grapes. Alfonsina shows up holding up a couple of vine shoots Carlos explains how the vines grow. Jero thinks he could really get into this whole grape growing thing. Carlos tells Jero that Rafa was always dreaming big about the Hacienda. Alfonsina comes again to say there are some people that want to see Jero about working the grape harvest again. Jero tells Alfonsina to teach him all about the grape harvest.

Poor Gonzo is at Dr. Suinaga’s (i.e. Dr. Money’s) office getting the bad news. In spite of the treatment, the tumor has grown 10% in less than a month! What are the options? Can Gonzo take her somewhere for advanced treatment? Fina mustn't travel, she can’t fly, can’t experience altitude changes without severe consequences. Sorry, Gonzo, you’re wife’s a goner, the doctor tells him. [Me? - I’d be jumping for joy! But poor Gonzo - his hands are really full with the dirty tricks of his evil wife and her devil spawn]

Our station always stomps on the previews, so if people want to add them in the comments, please do so.


Wine terminology:
las barricas - the casks
roble - oak
cosecha - harvest
reposar - to rest - important for a woman with a high risk pregnancy. For wine - to age.
vendimia - grape harvest
el sarmiento - vine shoot
las etiquetas - the labels

Other vocab:
infeliz - officially translates as wretch, but in TN contexts it usually means bastard
decepcionado - disappointed (This is one of those false cognates - remember!)
lograr - to achieve, to accomplish
tanto así de plano? - just like that? (this is best I can discern for this phrase Renata used)
Qué bárbaro! - How awesome! (Not to be confused with “Qué barbaridad” which means how awful)
No me digas! - Don’t tell me!
cuanto antes - as soon as possible
ultrajar - defile, outrage
recién hechos - freshly made
Se le vaya a estropear el manicure - You might ruin your manicure
delantal - apron
sábanas - sheets
desahuciado - hopeless, far gone
estar desahuciado. - to be a goner


Thanks so much for creating the post and pasting my recap, Kris. much appreciated!


Maravilloso recap, Audrey! Muchas, muchas gracias for filling in this week. You're a natural. ;)

Renata crying in a heap on the floor was heartbreaking. I couldn't help but cry a little with her. Pobrecita has been blamed for *everything* by Fina for years and now Nata is internalizing Jero's jerkiness as something she's done wrong. Augie is a shady guy but at least he treats Nata with respect. At this point, Jero deserves to lose her.

Roberta has started following Fina's example again. Robi gets to play the victim because of the baby while Fina gets to rub her "tumor" in Gonzo's face for sympathy. I never noticed Robi's habit of calling those who outsmart her "estupido". Maybe it takes one to know one in Diego's case. Yuck.

Argh, just when you though Dr. Drunkard couldn't get any worse! I hope a meteor falls from the sky and liquefies him by the gran final.

On the lighter side of things, I'm glad that Coni has come around! At just the right time, too, since it looks like Blanca is putting the charm on for Adri so she can get closer to Honorio.


Audrey- Wow! I was blown away by your guest recap and wonderful vocabulary. Thank you.

I also cried a little with Renata crumpled on the floor. I HATE Jero! I also wanted to slap Mati a number of times for the way she was treating Nata. How can everyone not see how awfully Jero is treating Nata? I was so glad that she threw in his face that she would tell him where she was going if she thought he cared about her welfare. I'm starting to root for Auggie (we could call him Aggie now that Agatha is dead, but it's still too soon for me). He and Nata actually have a lot in common, and he has made her laugh more than Jero ever has.

Since Jero doesn't deserve Nata, and Mati doesn't deserve Carlos, maybe Nata and Carlos should hook up? Hmmm.....

Rob and Fina...blech! Enough said.

Dr. Do-Less-Than-Little rapist...double blech!!

Oh, and I don't think Arely figured out the woman on the label is Renata because of the image itself, but because of the way Auggie has been acting since she got there. The drawings of a woman, the brooding, the over the top praise of Renata, and how he saw him looking at Renata. She now knows who the real object of his affections is, and she has known for a long time that it is not her, despite how many times he takes her into a passionate embrace to do the deed. She's just there as a filler (spare) for the person he really wants with him.

Marvelous Audrey. (And we would never shoot the messenger!) Couldn't watch last night, but with such great detail, I could just imagine the whole thing.

Glad I missed the Nata rejection scene. But I loved reading that she let Jeers have it after her return from the winery tour. Now maybe a good kick from a horse and he'll start really thinking! Jeers doesn't watch it, Carlos is going to fall for her too.

Not sure I could have stomached all the Fina stuff last night - sounds like there was a lot of it.
And Mati - she needs to go over someone's knee and get a good spanking.

Coni had a chance of heart about Adri, which I'm glad about, but something is going to mess things up, we just know it. What is Blanca up to? A way to get to Honorio I'm thinking, be nice to Adri? Blech. And he of the gorgeous eyes is waiting..that family could have it's own hour alone.

Didn't see any previews, but I'm guessing Nata might start working with Augie soon. I'm for it just to tick Jeers off - but I do worry for her too.

Thanks, Audrey. Very well done. I can't think of a thing you left out and I heartily approve of your undisguised impatience with Jerry.

I'm guessing that Dr. Duh blew away the other contenders for Mr. Inappropriate with his curious version of marital bliss. Wonder how Padre Permissive will defend this.

Though I'm not going to excuse Matilde's attitude, I will say she knows what she wants and sees an opening. If Jerry would act like a married man... well...

Is there a chance that Blanca is actually one of the good guys? She seems friendly and helpful.


Audrey, thank you for putting some fun in this tale of tres esposos estupidos, and in the case of one, vile. The writers are letting dr. do-nothing off the hook on account of alcoholic blackouts, Jerko is explained by the undying love of his brother and Gonzo? Well, Gonzo just hasn't had any time away from his luciferian "wife" and "daughter" to get some perspective on the infierno he's become accustomed to: You can bet Fina has pulled crap like this before. . .you would think Matias has had enough distance to pull his Dad aside and advise, "hey, pop, some'ums wrong here, dude!" But Fina's a master, she keeps shoveling the sh*t so fast poor guy can't think! (Too much to wish for that he didn't go "Woo Hoo!" when dr. money said she was a goner!)

Matilde with the sheets and her snide comments: I would take my frustration with Jerko out on that chick and fire her smart ass -- but our Renata is too noble (and still shell shocked) for that. And que the hell with Alfie? She's jealous, too and add Spare Girl: a tale of tres chicas celosos.

Okay. If we can't have hot bods and lust, let's have some "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" action! Renata's getting close! High point was the wine tour.

Spoiler previews have Jerko confronting Renata about being with Auggie all morning and her confronting him about being the father of Bobbie's spawn.


Audrey, you absolutely rock! And Kris, thanks for helping out at the last minute amiga, I owe you one.

Audrey, I'm so glad that, with your love of wine, you got this episode with all the winemaking details. I smiled for you when Auggie/Aggie started his tutorial. By the way, I do like Aggie very much as a nickname for him although it might be confusing for people at first with poor Aggie1 barely in the ground, LOL.

I see Blanca's already starting her seduction with her low cut blouse and friendship with Adriana. She seems nice enough but I keep wondering when the talons will come out.

I love the Renata who fights back. Serves Jero the Jerko right. Audrey, I love your editorial comments, "what was he thinking", yep pretty stupid of him. NOT a well thought out plan, not to mention Carlos is getting pretty irritated by his Jekyll/Hyde antics.

Oh dear, Dr. Duh for Mr. Inappropriate most definitely. Poor Kari, she needs to get out of there pronto although why she was staying up late just to bitch at him is beyond me.

Audrey, thanks again for your thorough and clever recap. Great vocab and wine terms too, bonus!! I actually enjoyed last night's episode, maybe because finally more time was spent in the wine country. Also, maybe because many things happened that will be key to future actions.

I was cringing during Renata's attempted seduction of Jerko, who no longer deserves her. Another reason I took myself out of this game years ago...

Mathilde deserves a bloody good hiding and Renata should fire her arse immediately.

Thanks for the vocabulary; I often get lost when characters talk about their work.

Oops! I forgot about poor Agatha when I came up with Aggie as a nickname for Agustín.

Glad you all enjoyed the recap. I tend to go pretty long. I haven't mastered the art of the compact recap yet, a skill I very much admire. And with this one, well, I got a bit carried away with all the winery tour fun. Yes, I did enjoy that part of this episode.

Thanks for the previews Lila. So Renata is going to confront Jero about him being Roberta's baby-daddy? Oh, that sounds really exciting. I was sure hoping that cat would be let out of the bag soon. I'm hoping this will be a huge shock for Fina too. Of couse, knowing Fina (desahuciado, right!), she'll still insist the Matías take responsibility for the kid even though he is not the baby-daddy. Or she'll say this is just Roberta trying to get him off the hook because she loves Matías - gag!


Four star recap Audrey!

But I gotta say this Fina/Roberta blame the bebe on Jero is absolutely absurd. Leave it to a telenovela to have so many people go so stupid at the same time. Put her on the Maury Povich show or something...geez. No paternity test. And the Brain too mah, prognoses bye bye, what a hoot. No second opinion.
How do these guys get their pants on...

The rest of this Capitulo was excellent and it appears to me things are going to get even nastier.

Maybe a Spanish version of "Stand By Your Man" for Renata every time Jero goes revengeoid.

What is going to be the pay back for Fina. Broke and on the street with Roberta is my vote.

A in Baraboo

I'm still rolling on the floor laughing at Jerko running into his bathroom like a little kid to hide from Renata!

And my husband burst out laughing when Jerko pulled Renata's robe back up over her shoulders. He thought it was hilarious!

Hubby had to watch this one with me since I was recapping, and he always reads my recaps too. Shout out to you sweetie - thanks for the support!


Hi Audrey...always love your passionate recaps...we feel your love or your hate (of subject or character) in every line.

And your vocabulary was super-awesome. You put in a lot of work there amiga. Much appreciated.

I agree with Vivi's assessment..Spare Girl recognized Renata was the subject of the drawing, not from the drawing itself but from the way Augustin acted around Renata. Will SG join in revenge strategies along with bratty Matilde and perplexing Alsonsin?..or will she be a good guy. Renata was so clearly friendly and warm with her...hope she'll be a friend rather than a foe.

@Carlos...loved your Padre Permissive moniker. Let's not forget, even in this country for many years it was "impossible" for a man to rape his wife...because the marriage contract gave him sexual rights over her...period. As Dr. Drunk slurred, time for you to comply with your wifely duties. Alcoholic blackouts do occur, so I'm willing to believe he doesn't remember. But he's a total creep anyway. Maybe this nasty plot twist was thrown in to motivate her to leave him. And get Lazaro to thinking....

FWIW, I'm not sure that Fina knows that Roberta has claimed Jero as the baby-daddy. That certainly doesn't comply with her plan. She is counting on a grandchild to keep Gonzo tied to her and Roberta, so it has to be Matías' baby.

I'm expecting Fina to go ballistic when she finds out what Roberta has been claiming.

So, is Fina going to have some miraculous cure? Or what?


Thank you for the awesome recap. I appreciate your explanation of the wine process, as I was totally lost in that whole conversation between Renata and Augie.

Jero is supposed to be an intelligent person; so if Carlos told him Renata had no reaction to hearing about Rafael or La Bonita, then why can't he put it together that maybe Fina is lying to him, and maybe Renata is telling the truth?

One of the things that I like about this TN is how fast it is moving; I hope it continues to do so. I was surprised Coni agreed to a trial run of Adriana living there. I'm very anxious to see what's going to happen next. Thanks for the vocabulary, too.

Whoowhee, what a recap, Audrey. I'm on board with everyone else that has given you high marks. Loved all the comments. Looks like we are all on the same page.

Orange juice for dinner? Well, it's either a very subtle product placement, or the only affordable drink in the Televisa canteen.

Fina certainly knows how to get the most bang for her buck. Imagine anyone else barging in on an execute business meeting to announce her unmarried daughter has fled so she wouldn't have to name a baby-daddy--she who is revolted by any escandalo to the family name.

Roberta is going to get tired of her life of self-imposed leisure very quickly. She needs to be embroiled and in the thick of all the action. She'll be talked back to the hearth very soon--all in Fina's plans--except for the Jeronimo-daddy part.

Will it be Bertie or Matias (can't call him Mattie, we already have one) who tells Nattie about Jerkie being the one who did the deed. Can't wait til tonight.

The seduction-rejection scene was painful. I think Jeerko, running his hand through his hair signified, "I just dodged a bullet and if I hadn't had a bathroom in my suite, I would have been a goner."

I'm glad Renata didn't wait for a breakfast table confrontation. It could have ended up as she did on the floor with--what did I do wrong. She picked herself up and is willing to see what's out there in the new world she's inhabiting.

Auggie is definitely behaving like the gentleman. The voice overs have been tempting us with the rivalidad between him and Jerko over Nata. Let the games begin!

Yeah, I yelled at the tv when Carlos said Renata didn't react to Rafa's name or the reason for the naming of La Bonita as if it didn't mean anything to her...because it DOESN'T mean anything to her!!!!

Can we examine again exactly why he is so convinced that the guilty one has to be Nata and not Berta.
1) She is one of two people in a photo signed by 'R'.
2) She is one of two people who has a 'R' necklace which he saw her wearing briefly once, and saw Roberta wearing hers once at a party where she claimed that she never takes hers off (but has he ever seen Berta wearing it before or since?). The other necklace was in his brother's posession.
3) He knows Nata was meeting his brother at the restaurant the night he didn't show up. She admitted this freely and told him the reason why she was meeting her "friend" Rafa.
4) Fina has told him that Nata and Rafa were involved and that she's a gold-digging slut.

Reasons why he shouldn't believe Nata is "the one":
1) When dating Berta he saw that money and status are important to her and that she can get an ugly attitude, and that she's a slut.
2) The bartender told him that Berta also came around to the bar looking for Rafa.
3) Nata has told him how awfully her mom and sis treat her, and he has seen Fina be nasty to Nata.
4) Everyone he knows and trusts says what a wonderful person and human being Nata is.
5) He has SEEN with his own eyes what a wonderful person Nata is, and she gave up her job and home to be with a man she believes is poor.

I could go on and on about the reasons any sane person could see that Nata is not "La Bonita." Why is there no kernel of doubt in Jero's mind? Is Fina that convincing?

Linda, thanks for reminding me. I was going to say that poor Renata can't put the two Rafaels together because they have different last names. Something else will have to indicate that the two are the same.

Since I didn't watch for the first couple of weeks, did or did not Roberta actually visit the hacienda? Where did she lose her R-ID necklace? If she did visit, surely someone saw her that could identify her at some point, which would help both Jero and Renata figure things out.

Well, maybe me gets ahead of myself. But, hmmm, Alfonsina doesn't like Auggie and Renata together on the wine tour?
NOK again

NOK- Rafael is a common name, he and Jero had different last names (half sibs), and no one at the hacienda has mentioned Rafa's last name. Plus, Rafa never got around to telling her about his new, surprise venture, the hacienda and winery. So, it would be a huge leap if she put the two Rafa's together in her mind.

I missed those episodes, but I believe that Rafa and Berta met up in the city for a tryst, and that's where she lost her necklace and got pregnant. He found the necklace after she had left I think, and then took it back to the hacienda with him.

Vivi, one more item for your list - in the picture of Roberta and Renata wasn't Roberta up front and Renata in the background?

Audrey, I agree that Fina does not yet 'know' that Jero is the alleged baby-daddy. She will hit the roof when she finds out that's what Roberta told Matias.

NOK, you're right, Alfonsina was kinda spying on Augie and Nata with a not-very-pleasant look on her face. I think she's probably trying to suss out Renata's intentions.

Thanks for the terrific recap and useful vocabulary!

I'm in total agreement with everyone; Jerko is a loser. How has he succeeded in business with such a deficit of analytical skills and wretched instincts? I do enjoy the "I am very disappointed in you, young man" lectures Carlos2 gives him, though. Carlos needs to get Matilde registered for some of his lectures, too. Then he needs to buy the hacienda from Jero and go for Renata, too.

Areli seems lovely (aside from her inexplicable attachment to Augustin...will we ever find out why she sticks with him? She seems like she could easily do better) and I'm glad she and Renata hit it off. Now they just need to win over Matilde and add Kari and Alfie to their team, and Jero and Augie won't stand a chance.

Audrey- Did your husband think that Nata's seduction technique was good? I thought she was doing a particularly good job. Our novela good girls are usually on the recieving end of seduction, not the othet way around. Jero must be made of stone. Or crazy.

Vivi, it sure worked for me. Maybe Jerry suffers from the low T syndrome that is advertised on radio and TV here. Your analysis of the situation is perfect. It cracks me up that he wants her to confess to something that she has no idea about.

On the other hand, it seems a little strange that she doesn't seem the least bit curious about what happened to her good friend Rafa.

I'm disappointed in Matilde, not because she's a brat (I like that about her) but because she doesn't see what a jerk Jerry is and what a perfect match for her that Carlos is.


Great recap. Thank you. I hope they throw us a bone soon. One evil person's plan must be foiled soon. I wonder which will happen first--Nata finding out that Rafa is Jeers brother or Jeers finding out that Roberta is La Bonita.

@Vivi - hubby said one of the reasons he laughed was because, yes, he thought there was no way Jero could resist moves like that.


@Vivi or anyone else: This is something that I didn't quite get clear enough so I didn't put it in the recaps.

When Carlos was teaching Jero about the grape cultivation, did Carlos suggest that maybe in the future they might also do wine processing? I wasn't sure if he was speaking generally about the wine processing in the area, or more specifically about the La Bonita Hacienda doing it. And that's when Jero asked about if Rafa would have embraced ? that and Carlos said he thinks yes because Rafa always dreamed big.

I just couldn't quite catch that part of the conversation, too many words were unclear and I didn't catch the captions.


JudyB - the vocab building was easy, because I do it as I am taking notes on the story. It's then easy to organize it and publish.

This one had some great phrases. I had never heard "Tanto así de plano" before, and it took quite a while to track down what it could possibly mean. Others, like "Qué bárbaro" are great ones to know. I had heard that phrase in real life speech many times, but this might have been the first time I heard it used in a TN. And I was really tickled that Renata used that expression in complimenting Auggie's wine.

I left out some important basic wine terms, though, like vino tinto, vino blanco, uvas, etc.

And if anyone cares, "Terroir" (French) is the word used to describe the microclimate/geography of where wine grapes are grown - the climate, soil characteristics, altitude, etc. that Carlos2 was describing to Jero. The terroir determines how well a given grape varietal grows and even the resulting flavors in the wine. That's why wine producing regions get so specific about where the grapes were grown.


Love it when you talk vino Audrey...and throw in French as well. Always good.

Meant to comment earlier on the orange juice deal. I've seen enough telenovelas now that I do believe it's product placement. People are ALWAYS drinking orange juice..morning noon and night. Great big vats of it. Reminds me of about a decade or so ago, when all the macho dudes in movies (and a few women as well) were smoking cigars. Product placement for sure.

I don't mind with the juice. At least it's reasonably healthy. But it's odd. One would have expected water or wine with Honorio and Constanza's dinner.

Maybe it's mango juice?

Well one of my missions in our long RV trip this summer is to hit some of the our favorite wineries in the amazing US wine growing region of the Columbia River Valley of Washington and Oregon. There are wines that you can buy directly from the winemaker that you can't buy in any store, so it's a great deal of fun to go straight to the source for the "good stuff". And we just adore the intense, full-bodied reds produced in this area. Relatively inexpensive too.

And I have a fancy (but small) French wine refrigerator for keeping our wine stash at the proper drinking temperature. This was a big treat to myself.

We only drink red wine (vino tinto). Along with wines from the Pacific Northwest, we also really enjoy wines from Spain and Italy.

In spite of all this wine enthusiasm, we rarely drink more than one bottle a week - unless we have guests!


audrey, great recap!! this novela has slowed down some... at least in excitement...
hopefully it will pick up..

regarding the vocabulary..
ultrajar in the way Kari said it means 'to rape'
and desahuciado means fatally ill (have short time to live, etc. I bet there is a more direct medical term for it).

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