Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #51 Thursday 6/30/11 Augie Tries But Kari Denies

Tonight we get to see a new side to our meek little Kari. Who knew she could be so relentlessly protective?

All right then, a lot happens tonight so let’s get to it...
We’re reminded that Marely from Juan Querendon is the new Adriana. How could I not recognize her yesterday?

I’m going to yack. Do we have to see Augie kissing Nata’s chest and bare shoulders again? She’s unconscious you weirdo! (Shudder) Kari watches from the doorway, her mouth agape as Augie kisses Nata on the mouth. Kari backs out and knocks on the door. When she comes in I hope she sees that Nata is out cold. Augie doesn’t really want her there, he says Alvaro will be there 24/7, but Kari says Nata might like a woman present for her more intimate needs. Nata wakes up, wants Kari to stay so Augie of course says whatever she wants. Kari and Nata look genuinely happy to see each other.

Over at La Bonita Jero gripes to Carlos that he’s got to figure out some way to get Renata to return. He can’t avoid being grateful to Augustin for saving her life but he wants to be by her side. (This, after doing everything in her power to avoid her! Carlos is surprised too.) Jero recalls when Renata was petting her beautiful horse and saying how much she’ll miss Gitana; his cogs and sprockets start turning. He must have been reading our comments.

Kari asks Nata why she doesn’t want to come home? Nata points out La Bonita was never her house. Kari tells her that Jero was desperately anguished when Nata went missing and he looked for her all night. Kari looks Nata in the eyes and swears that Jero loves her deeply. If he loves me then why won’t he touch me, asks Nata? Why doesn’t he desire me? She tells Kari that Jero deceived her. He told her he loved her and that she’d be happy at La Bonita, boo hoo.

The women have a bonding moment and then Kari gives Jero’s letter to Renata and leaves the room to prepare lunch. Renata cries, stares at the letter and listens to Manuel Carrasco sing his sad song.

Gonzo has a goodbye chat with Nata’s horse and tells Matias that Jero called to make arrangements to transport Gitana to La Bonita. Matias, however, is not impressed and insists Jero is garbage. Gonzo, not realizing that Matias believes Jero is Berta’s baby-daddy, is baffled.

Nata reads Jero’s letter, “I thank God that you are all right. Forgive me. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please return; I can’t conceive of life without you. -Jeronimo” Again I say this man needs romance lessons.

Augi knocks on the door and Nata hides the letter. She thanks him again for all he’s done. She admits she’s very sad and that marrying Jeronimo was a big mistake. Augi is trying REALLY hard not to smile right now. She says she fell in love like an idiot and now she doesn’t know what to do. She doesn’t want to return to her husband and she turned her back on her family for Jero’s love. Naturally this is just what Augi wants to hear and he offers her a place at Cruz de Amor while she convalesces and decides what to do.

Doc Creep creeps the halls and intercepts Kari with her lunch tray. He pleads his case for them to reunite, promises things will change. (Don’t listen! Things never change!) She doesn’t believe him and walks away. Good girl!!

Regina and Tony, looking surprisingly dapper in his torero kit, are in a chapel where he’s thanking her for sharing her life with him. She tells him to be careful and makes the sign of the cross for him, kissy face bye-bye.

Let the bullfight begin! The ladies think he looks handsome but Ines is worried. Andresito asks dad whom he’s rooting for, the bull or the fighter? Tony dedicates his fight to Regina, throws her his hat (backwards over his head, anyone know the significance of this?) and the crowd cheers. He makes his moves and even though I don’t really appreciate this skill I have to admit he looks pretty good. But gross, the poor bull has a bunch of barbs hanging out of its bloody back! (Gore Tony, he deserves it the big bully!) Tony struts around with a sword and prepares for the final thrust while the crowd claps and yells “Ole!”. All right ladies, is there anyone among us who considers this a turn-on?

Kari feeds Renata the soup which is, I assume, the soup that Manuela made. (Because it really bothered me that Kari said she was going to make lunch after Manuela worked so hard to make Renata some chicken soup!) Kari says one of the maids told her that Arely was going to loan Nata some clothes and help clean her but Kari didn’t really like that idea. Nata totally agrees. Kari says she wants to help so as not to inconvenience Augi or his girlfriend. Nata says Augi told her she could stay as long as she likes and Kari gets a little creeped out when she recalls Augi kissing a sleeping Nata.

Meanwhile Arely pitches a fit because Nata is out of danger and still in the house. She should be at her own house working out her marital problems. What will people say, blah blah blah. Augie says Nata stays.

It’s night and we didn’t see Tony get gored so I assume he’s not a sieve yet.

Chema drops Cons off at home. Of course she had a great time. The poor kid, er I mean MAN, is smitten and inspired to make an admission. “I’m madly in love with you.”

Oh smack, bad timing, Honorio blasts through the door with his luggage and gushes that he’s so happy Constanza is home. Caras impactadas de Chema and Cons.

Ready for a big dose of bitterness? Roberta is sharing her ‘incriminating’ photos of Constanza and Chema with mommy dearest. They cackle that exposing Coni’s affair will be a great way to sandblast Hons and Cons’ happy marriage.

Oops, heheh, Cons tells Hons she didn’t expect him until tomorrow. Hons is super gracious to Chema who is now copping a tiny bit of a ‘tude. As soon as Chema leaves Hon lays a big fat kiss on Cons.

Over at La Bonita Lazaro reports to Jero that Nata is doing better and Kari will stay with her. He’s worried, however, because the doc is also there and Kari is the old-fashioned type, raised to believe marriage is forever. Her situation weighs heavily on her. If Jero and his señora divorce that’s one thing, but for the locals it’s something different altogether. This makes Jero, who has been industriously imbibing a bottle of scotch, pause for thought.

Hey, it’s Benny Hill music! OK not quite, but good news, Carlos has finally convinced Mati to go dancing with him. She’s trying hard to sulk and he asks her if she’s going to keep that face all night. He’s got his dancing moves going and drags her out on the floor. Fun split screen of their antics. Carlos may not be the smoothest dancer but man does he look like a fun date.

Compare this to the tame and dreary dinner hosted by Tony to celebrate his special bullfight. But wait, who’s the new cutie at the table? Tony says he’s happy to share with Regina this night and all of eternity. Nobody seems to notice Regina’s heart is not really in it. Cata asks her to say a few words. Gina says she’s thankful for his love, but...but today his triumph is the most important of all, kiss and claps. Who is that new guy? Ines whispers she thought Gina was going to spill the truth. New guy toasts his maestro (so he’s Tony’s protege) and hopes he has as much luck tomorrow as his maestro had today.

Hons is lying in bed watching American TV and wondering if Cons could forgive him for what he did. No, he doesn’t think so and he doesn’t want to lose Cons, especially for the stupid thing he pulled with Blanca. Speaking of the stupid thing, she is sitting in the dark (because the crazy chicks always sit in the dark) manically texting him, “Why don’t you answer me?!?!?!!! I want to hear from you. Dial me!!” So much for not invading his life. I'm bummed that I wasted my Play Misty For Me title on Selene who is so minor league nuts compared to Blanca.

In comparison Chema considers texting Cons but thinks better of it. She, on the other hand, wonders why his words moved her and why she had a ton of fun with him. Is it the novelty? Ay Dios mio, this isn’t good.

Cons joins Hons in bed and he compliments her profusely. She asks what’s up with him, he’s acting all sad and nostalgic. They both look at each other guiltily.

Arely visits Jero in a panic. Nata is fine but she doesn’t think it’s right that Nata is at Cruz de Amor. She solicits his help to get Nata out of Augi’s hacienda.

Nata moons over her wedding ring while waiting for Augi to invade her space yet again. He does. He’s glad to hear she’s feeling better because tomorrow he wants to take her to the hospital in Ensenada for some x-rays and an ECG. (Finally!!) Kari trots in with some hot tea and sweetly announces she’ll be sleeping in the room on a cot. Nata is glad and Augi purses his lips. Go Kari!!

Carlos and Mati get home and apparently she had fun in spite of herself. He tells her he was the envy of every man there because she was dancing with him. She starts to get weepy and admits that people say she’s cursed, bad luck for men. One of her past novios got sick, another drowned, and that’s why guys don’t like to get close to her. Carlos assures her they are just stupid. He looks thoughtful after she goes to bed.

The Sad Song plays and everyone takes turns being lonely and reflecting on hopeless love.

Next morning Augi and Doc help Nata to the car for her appointment. Arely volunteers to go with which Nata wants and Augi does not. Nata wins.

Ready for another dose of bitterness? Fina is having brekkies with Gonzo and gushes how awesome Berta’s wedding is going to be with her nice expensive dress, especially when compared with that loser Renata’s ceremony. She opens the paper and snickers, “Well well well, it looks like your dear ‘friend’ Regina already traded you in. Tony dedicated a bullfight to her. How does that women get men to do such crazy things for her?” Gonzo gets on her case and Fina stomps off in a self-pitying snit. It’s never a sunny morning in Casa Monterrubio.

Gonzo grabs the paper to read for himself.

Lazaro teases Carlos about going dancing with Mati but he’s glad to hear she had a good time. Carlos keeps recalling their fun night. Jero shows up and mumbles something unintelligible, I guess he needs Carlos’ help. Lazaro shakes his head and mutters that city folk are so weird.

Kari is at La Bonita with her suitcase and she asks Mati how was her date? Mati becomes shy and goofy and admits she had a fun time, Carlos makes her laugh. Kari says Carlos has a crush on Mati and she should give him a go instead of chasing after El Hermoso.

Over at the hospital things seem to be going well for Renata. Apparently Doctor Death does a good job when he’s not smashed. She still has to get her ECG however. Augi says that in no time she’ll be up and ready for the harvest festival. Uh, not so fast, says Nata and she tries to decline. But Augi won’t take no for an answer, he’s promised this to her from the moment they met, and besides she’s his guest of honor. Arely scowls.

Jero is up in arms and telling Carlos he has no alternative. We don’t know what he plans to do but Carlos thinks it’s crazy. He advises Jero to be patient and things will improve. However if Jero is determined and needs help then Carlos is on board. “Yes I need your help,” Jero insists.

Berta strolls into Casa Monterrubio blathering to Matias about their honeymoon. Correction, he says, we are not in love and there will be no honeymoon. Berta, officially a harpy on jet fuel, throws Nata’s happiness in his face. She (Berta) is a victim and if Matias doesn’t do what she wants she’ll tell the whole world that Jero is the father of her child. OK, he acquiesces, but only for a very few days. “And then we’re going to live together,” she presses. Dude, this is how it’s going to be for the rest of your life.

They are all back at Cruz de Amor and Kari is there too. Augi happily announces that staying at his hacienda will be good for Renata. Kari asks Nata if she can stay and serve her. Absolutely says Nata, as long as it’s not inconvenient. Not at all, pipes up Arely. Augi reluctantly says No problem, grrrrr.

Aww cripes! Cons answers her door and it’s Blaaaaanca the Staaaaaalker. Blanca hopes it’s not a bad time. (For what? Boiling bunnies? Slashing pictures? Knifing the help?) I guess Cons never heard that you’re not supposed to invite a vampire into the house. Cons calls Hons who is not happy that Blanca came to his house. Blanca says she has some important work stuff that has to be taken care of first thing in the a.m. “Well then we’ll take care of it first thing tomorrow,” says Hons, starting to panic, “but today is SUNDAY.” Cons cheerfully says “no problem go ahead and talk about work” and leaves the room.

Hons isn’t happy but Blanca is all “Mi amor I was worried about you. Yesterday you didn’t answer any of the little messages I sent to you.” He says it’s because he had nothing to say to her and she’d better leave. She agrees as long as he pays her a visit on his way home from Adriana’s. No way, he says, he’ll see her at the office tomorrow. She gazes at him seductively and blows him a little kiss. He recoils and starts sweating big time.

Camera close-up of the Roberta + Rafa heart. The camera pans down and Jero is doing his own carving, Nata + Jeronimo. Arely rides up and says everything is ready.

Avances: The plan to rescue Renata progresses (but we still don’t know what the plan is).

arenado = sandblasting, arenar = to blast (what Roberta is doing to her tios’ marriage)
deshidratado = dehydrated (Carlos and Mati after dancing all night)
estoy perdidamente enamorado de ti = I’m madly in love with you (Chema to Cons)
le pesa mucho = it weighs heavily on her (Kari’s desire to leave her marriage)
maldita = cursed (what Mati is)
marcar = to dial
marcame - dial me (What Blanca wants Hons to do)
No te expongas = be careful, don’t expose yourself [to danger] (Regina to Tony)


I want to thank all of you for helping me with my Spanish comprehension. With your translations and help, not to mention senses of humor, I am now officially hooked on Cuando Me Enamoro! But, it's my homework!

Muchas, muchas gracias, Sylvia! A recap as witty and wonderful as ever.

I'm so proud of Kari for not only realizing what a creep Augie is but also for not giving in to Doc's grovelling. You go, girl.

Blaaaahnca's crazy is really coming out in full force now. Creepy stalker for sure. "I guess Cons never heard that you’re not supposed to invite a vampire into the house." Hahaha good one! I suppose it's a testament to how much Hon/Con trust each other that Coni has no qualms at all about Blanca dropping by on a Sunday. Which makes the Chema situation all the more difficult. There is going to be a flood of tears once this all comes to blows.

Antonio is a good torero for sure. I think I like the uniform more than the sport itself, though. Tony is crusin' for a bruisn' - there's just no way the writers could pass up the opportunity to put another character in the hospital.


Oh, P.S.: Welcome, Rosemary! It's scary how easy it is to become addicted to a telenovela.

Hey, Rosemary is one of my most favorite names ever. It is the name of my favorite aunt, my mother's sister. I never had kids but I used to think that if I ever had a daughter I would name her Rosemary. Then the second daughter would be named Heather (or Erica, same thing). Can you tell I'm a plant person?

So Rosemary, thank you for commenting. We consider this our homework too. It's the homework we like to do.

Amy, I think I will take that as a "NO" vote for Tony's bullfight being a turn-on. So far it's two votes against. (Yours and mine.)

I've never been to a bullfight. Is it normally so boring? Boring and bloody and gross. What a lovely romantic gesture, blech. "It’s night and we didn’t see Tony get gored so I assume he’s not a sieve yet." More's the pity. That would spice it up, at least. At least his protege is a cutie.

Mil gracias for a terrific recap and some useful vocabulary, Sylvia. So many fun lines. "I'm bummed that I wasted my Play Misty For Me title on Selene who is so minor league nuts compared to Blanca." "His cogs and sprockets start turning. He must have been reading our comments." Fun, fun.

Okay, I no longer want Carlos2 to get together with Matilde; I'll take him for myself. The Voice of Reason AND he likes to have fun dancing? Swoon. He reminded me of his publisher character in Tontas playing Dance Dance Revolution with Lalo at the Abandonados clubhouse. I always loved those scenes.

Yeah, go Kari. Willing to brave being near Dr. Death to keep his partner in lechery off of Renata? Medal of Valor for her.

I remember the Dance Dance Revolution! Carlos likes to dance, always a positive trait in a date.

Three votes against the bullfight as foreplay.

Kari rocks. She and Nata should be best friends.

TGIF all! And thanks for the great, funny recap Sylvia. As usual, you just made my day with your usual blend of great detail and snark.

Welcome Rosemary. Yep, we're all hooked here to these shows. Nice to have a place where everyone commiserates.

Seems the theme of the night was unrequited love or people wishing they were in a different relationship - of course in Blanca's case, we'll just be measuring her for a rubber room. The ICK factor exuding from her just jumps out of the screen.

Chema was so adorable. Sorry, but my first thought as he tried to confess his luuurrrvvv was "poor puppy" with those gorgeous eyes. But he's planted the seed and if Con finds those texts or what happens, she knows where to go...

Augie - Mr. I with all caps. No offense dude, but a woman with trouble moving, dressing or other functions may just want another woman around. Glad both Kari and Blondie are sticking around and both may be on to his obsession.

Yeah, the horsie is coming!!!! I'm thinking said beauty's arrival may be a help for Jeers.

Worst of the evening - the whole bullfight thing. Sorry, I didn't even watch. I despise bullfighting. Sticking swords in a poor animal just has never seemed my idea of fun, let alone romantic? Let me make an animal suffer for you my love - NOT!But he came out unscathed -so far. I gather they are fighting again, but with cutie dude as the main toreador? Maybe Toni gets his then?

Now to the best part of the evening - Carlos. Bottle this guy and sell him - Sweet, adorable,smart, funny. But what was with "all my novios meet bad ends". Better not be an omen for our said stud - but those kinds of comments are always there for a reason.Argh!

Happy 4rth all! Have a safe, fun weekend.

Sylvia- Thank you for the funny recap and the wonderful vocabulary. I also love the title.

Rosemary(2)- Welcome! Please continue to comment.

If there is an opposite of a Mr./Ms. Inappropriate, it's Kari. I was so loving her last night. She was so smooth in the way she kept interjecting herself to make sure Augie had limited access to Nata's bedroom. I wonder if she'll tell anyone about what she saw him do? She doesn't seem like one to blab, but she might start to hint at Nata that Augie has more than friendly feelings for her. I do worry for Kari being so close to Dr. Rapey. But she's holding strong right now. Good for her!

Bull fights are NOT a turn on. I do find it fascinating that this blood sport had lasted so long in Spain and a few of its old colonies. I do think the outfits are sexy and the toreadors/bull fighters tend to carry themselves in a graceful way, like a ballet dancer. If they were doing the movements/passes without a bull there, and with music playing, I would find it quite beautiful.

Chema has declared his love and Blanca has declared her crazy. Por Hon and Con. I carcked up when I got to this line, "The poor kid, er I mean MAN..." LOL!

Oh, and I totally want Carlos (2) for my boyfriend too. Too bad Matilde is the kiss of death for men. I did think the two of them were very cute together. It was the first time I've like Mati in a long time. Keep it up Carlos!

Love the title (who needs Play Misty for Me?) and MY favorite line was "It's never a sunny morning in Casa Monterrubio". I always get a sinking feeling in my stomach when either Fina or Roberta appears. And Blanca...argh...what a horror story! And the new monicker, "Doc Creep". Perfect.

Nice to see that Kari can be a ferocious tiger when protecting her cub. All those maternal instincts (which are 'old brain' ferocious) came into play with Renata. She was sweet about it, but I swear she would have bitten Augustin if he'd tried to stop her from spending the night in Renata's room. Go Kari!

I loathed seeing the bull bleed and basically be tormented for others' amusement, but was astonished at how nifty poopy old Antonio looked in his tight pants, doing his graceful moves. That was the closest he's come to looking like a macho sex object and I can understand why he wanted Regina to see him in this role.

Bull-fighting - NOT a turn-on
Those tight pants - Oh yes!(Now if we could just do something about that unfortunate Grecian Formula on his hair)

"I do think the outfits are sexy and the toreadors/bull fighters tend to carry themselves in a graceful way, like a ballet dancer. If they were doing the movements/passes without a bull there, and with music playing, I would find it quite beautiful."

I just realized that what I described was flamenco dancing (outfits, passes, dancing, music, woman instead of a bull), which is sexy.

Oh...and welcome "a different Rosemary". Like that name as well. Although all my Rosemary friends are "Rosies"...(and a little crazy)

PS II...thanks for the great vocabulary...arenar - to blast and arenado - sand-blasting. Fun words and "le pesa mucho" is a phrase we might all have reason to use sometimes. Keep hoping one day to be a fluent speaker.

Great recap, Sylvia.

Add me to the less than wowed by the bullfight, but I almost feel sorry for the socially deaf and dumb Antonio... and apparently so does Regina. Little bald-boy Andres appears to adore him, however. Is Regina going to have to stick with Tony for the sake of sick kid?

Jerry continues to impress... what writing skills... and now a plan? This should be good.

I'm glad Renata's horse is coming but what a cynical calculated gesture. Are we sure he's supposed to be the good guy? Good guys in these shows never drink Scotch. Always Tequila. Wine's OK... beer's better.

I'm fascinated by Blanca (though not in a good way). Who is she? Where did she come from? What does she want? Why is she even here? Hide the rabbit.

The way some of you feel about Matilde... I feel about Chema. I want him GONE. He creeps me out.


Thanks, Sylvia for the fun! fun! fun! recap and thank goodness they managed to work some fun in the episode: I'm sure Carlos has some better moves than that but he was effectively being cute and cheering Mati up. Mati should leave bein' a bitch to the vast gallery we have up in here: Fina, Berta, Selene and Blaaaaaanca. I can't find words to express my contempt for them. Why doesn't Hon confess to Con, fire the bitch, use his investigative skills and press charges against the skank? What is he afraid of, I'm sure the ho is too old to get pregnant! Sheesh!

Kari! Yaaaay!! No, I never thought she mitstook that sniffin' and slurpin' as consensual and thank goodness somebody is showing Nata some genuine, unconditional love!

And Tony. Yeah, my man did look nice in his bull-slaugtering suit and I have always loved the posture and attitude of the bullfighter: that's where the turn-on stops. Now substitute the bull for one of my less favorite mammals like, say, a sloth or nutria. . . .eh? not quite the same. Anywho, Tony is in love with love and his own Tony brand of chivalry so much so he doesn't see Regina's forced smiles and cringes. Poor thang.

Speaking of other poor thangs: Chema. I'm sorry, taking nothing from Con, I think the boy has some unresolved maternal love issues he needs to work out. I really don't want to see these two clutched in a passionate lip-lock after Hon confesses that Blaaaaaaanca defiled him. Please novela gods, let it not be so. I think his profession of love was sooooo inappropriate, no me gusta para nada.


Sylvia, thanks for the recap! I am saving reading it for later but looked at your vocab for the day...
le pesa mucho... yes it translates to it weighs heavily on (her)... but it is not Kari’s desire to leave her marriage but the fact that she is married by church to Arturo...


OK, you cracked me up this morning. I can just picture strutting into the ring to face a furious


I immediately remembered the commercial featuring the annual Running of the Squirrels.



Oh. My. Garschk! Carlos that is HILARIOUS! I had never even seen that before! Thanks for returning the guffaw!


lol sorry make that Alvaro Nesme (Dr Death)

Awesome recap Sylvia and thank you.

I really enjoyed mama Kari last night protecting her little chick. I can see Kari being the one who opens Jerko's eyes that Renata could never be the Bonita he thinks that betrayed his brother Rafael. Stay strong Kari concerning Dr. Rapey there's no telling what else he might pull to get even with her for leaving him. She maybe the one who also opens Renata's eyes that Auggie is a creepy obsessed jerk.

Arely even if you get Renata out of the house Auggie is just not into you this is why you're called spare girl.

Loved the line "It's night and we didn't see Tony get gored so i assume he's not a sieve yet." Truly a classic line i'm still laughing from that one:)

So how is this operation rescue Renata supposed to work? She is still injured and in a delicate condition so grabbing her maybe cause a lot of pain and not help her current injuries. Then you also have to factor in she does not want to be with Jerko from his disgusting churlish attitude. You know if Auggie finds out it won't be pretty.

Blanca is just so Fatal attraction she makes Selene look like a girl scout.

Poor Matias this is the life he is looking to have being emotionally blackmailed by Roberta so she gets what she wants through her threat to tell Renata the so-called truth about who the father is of her baby.

Include me also in that bullfighting is so not a turn on and why didn't get that scene edited i really didn't need to see a gored bull on my TV.

Sylvia your re-cap was awesome as always!! I can't help but wonder what is in Jero's head between his ears? Does he really think that everything will be okay, because he says sorry? Is she stupid enough to buy it? He is all sorry cause he almost lost her, but how long will that last? It seems a little to early in this TN for them to make-up already!! So I think there are more turns in the road to come.

Running of the squirrels!!! OMG Carlos that is hilarious and it was a perfect link after Lila's wisecrack about nutrias. Thank you for that. I've learned to set down my cup of hot tea before opening any of your links.

OK then, the bullfighting was a turn-off for all of us but Tony's cute little outfit was not. Such an odd story line but of course the actor is a real bullfighter and he does need to get injured so there you are.

Daisy, I'm guessing Tony will get poked or stomped trying to help new cutie dude. Does anyone recognize him?

Vivi, interesting how you compared the bullfighting moves to flamenco dancing. That thought crossed my mind last night when I was watching. Like Julia noted it came across as boring because it was so slow. I expected something more athletic, but when viewed as a dance instead of a "fight" it had a definite grace. Except for the poor bull. I hated that part.

JudyB, Kari did have a certain understated ferociousness about her, didn't she? She was awesome.

Sylvia- Here is a description of paso doble and flamenco I just found:

"With his haughty, bold pride the dancer expresses his superiority like a Torero. He convincingly transfers this solemn appeal to the audience. The woman, on the other hand, generates a self-confident distance to him, without surrendering to the power of the master. She is the literal image of the “Capa”; the red cloth that the Torero uses to keep the bull under control, and is, like this, lithe, agile and elegant."

Carlos, at first I thought Jero was drinking tequila but when he went for the ice I changed my choice to scotch. I guess I'm not sure what he was drinking but whatever it was he was very committed to it. For the record Carlos was drinking beer so obviously he is good. I love it when you're sarcastic: "Jerry continues to impress... what writing skills... and now a plan? This should be good." I can't wait although I cringe at the thought.

Lila, those are some funny comments about Chema. I'm sure our Carlos would agree with you. He's not very suave is he? And he has a couple of mannerisms that are kind of gross, but Cons seems to like him. Unlike Blanca I don't think he's a malevolent sort, just kind of inappropriate.

Marta, thanks for your help with the vocab. If there is anything else I missed or should add from the episode please let me know.

"Arely even if you get Renata out of the house Auggie is just not into you this is why you're called spare girl." LOL, good one Blusamurai. Arely still does not have a clue, especially if she is going to Jero for help.

Jules, sadly Renata is so smitten that she seems to love every stupid thing that Jero does. But I agree it's too early for them to make up so I'm hoping he'll really blow it somehow. Gitana showing up will be a real feather in his cap though.

I'm glad Matias so vehemently hates Jero even though it is for the wrong reason.

a different Rosemary,

I'm sorry I didn't welcome you right away. I certainly meant to but it slipped my mind. I'm glad that you're enjoying the show as well as improving your Spanish. I'm always amazed that whatever the question, someone here always seems to come up with an answer.


Vivi, that is an amazing description of flamenco! Wow, just perfect.

I went to an incredible museum exhibition a couple of weeks ago, "Balenciaga and Spain" at the De Young Museum. The designer Balenciaga used both the torero and flamenco motifs quite a bit in his designs: "Balenciaga and Spain examines the profound and enduring influence of Spain on the work of haute couture master Cristóbal Balenciaga. The impact of Spanish culture, history, and traditions is explored through the recurring themes in Balenciaga’s oeuvre and organized in the exhibition in six sections: Spanish Art, Regional Dress, the Spanish Court, Religious Life and Ceremony, the Bullfight, and Dance."

Lila and Carlos, you both cracked me up with the nutria fight and the running of the squirrels. That's hysterical. I was thinking maybe they should do the bullfights with alligators instead. I have no great love for alligators.

Sylvia, that exhibit sounds awesome. If only I had more time to travel.

This bullfight stuff reminds me of one of my favorite books, The Spy Wore Red. It's autobiographical but told in story form, about an American woman who was a spy in Spain during WW2. Her assignment is to infiltrate high society and figure out who is Hitler's top operative in Spain. When she first arrives in Madrid she catches the attention of one of the top toreros and he invites her to bullfights. At first she is repulsed but eventually adopts sort of a "when in Rome" attitude about it. It's a great book. She bullfighting isn't a huge part of the story but there is some discussion of why it's a thing. She also buys her clothes from Balenciaga.

Sylvia, thank you for a great recap. What a fun group of comments today.

Sylvia, I am so jealous that you are near the DeYoung Museum, it is one of my favorites.

I must be in the minority today because I love bull fights. Not so much the blood and gore but the beauty of the music, costumes, customs, etc. I have several CDs with Grandes Pasodobles Toreros music. It never fails to lift my spirits along with Dr. Carlos's favorite "Burbujas de Amor".

I didn't know that tree carving was a genetic thing?

Maybe Mat and Berta can go visit Jero and Renata in the wine country for their honeymoon - wouldn't that be a hoot.

Augie continues be to Mr. I. Kari is the Super Star for the day. Yes, Carlos 2 would be a fun date.

Rosemary #1

Hey Julia, THANKS for the info about the book. I just reserved it at the library. It sounds fascinating.

The Balenciaga exhibit was amazing but I don't think it will travel. It ends here on Monday. For someone with practically no sense of fashion I have an unusual fascination with the subject.

Rosemary#1 you have an evil sense of humor. Berta and Mat visiting the wine country...indeed! And good for you for being in the minority and explaining what you enjoy about the bullfighting genre.

Have you been to the new De Young? The top of the tower provides a spectacular 360 degree view of the city. The tower is free and you do not have to pay the museum fee to go up.

Another gem of a recap, Sylvia. I love your style.

Welcome Rosemary. Isn't it great to have such entertaining "homework"? But it does work. I may not be speaking so very much better but my comprehension & passive vocabulary are so much better thanks to telenovelas.

Add me to the list of those who don't find bullfighting a turn-on. Though he did look cute in his tight pants & velvet jacket. I was surprised that he made it through unscathed -- but maybe that suggestion that he will get gored when he tries to help the cutie protege out during his fight.

So that's why such a cute thing as Mathilde can't get a date. Had we heard about her "curse" before? No wonder she latched onto the idea of the hermoso from out of town.

Sylvia, yes, I have been to the DeYoung on numerous occasions. When my husband has business in the SF area I go with him and spend my days in the museums. I love textiles and the DeYoung never fails to disappoint. Many, many moons ago they had an exhibit of kimonos that was incredible.


This was soooooo good. Thanks, Sylvia.

Different Rosemary--welcome (I typed Rosemany by mistake first). I faithfully do my homework every night, to the disgust of family and friends when I say I have to be home by 7:00. I'm soooo hooked.

What can I say. I'm enamorada como una tonta with Juan Soler, but Jeero has me baffled.

Soler's accent is music to my ears--a softer version of the Rioplatense Spanish I grew up with (Padre Hottie Juan Pablo over on TdA has also rid himself of the hard "y" and "ll" but just seeing him is enough to remind me of where he originated.)

Jeero is so into himself as the master manipulator. He has convinced himself that Renata is his little doll he can twist and turn with no ramifications.

He obviously hasn't thought things all the way through. All he wanted originally was for Renata to "confess" to her relationship with Rafa and then he could forgive her and they could start fresh.

When that didn't happen, he's stuck in the vengeance mode with no way back. He had no other plan other than continue to torture and abuse her.

Renata's accident has made him rethink (well, some of you would dispute his ability to think) the original plan. I believe him when he says in that verbal self-flagellation scene that he loves her more than he ever thought he could.

But because it's all about him, I'm sure he believes that a hastily written note, getting Gitana brought to the hacienda and kidnapping her back will fix everything--boy is he in for a surprise--and so are we.

All the side stories in CME are great fun. The only one that doesn't fit--and it has been commented on before is Ines and Andresito. The conclusion I came to is that Ines is part of Regina's early days, so they gave her a story line so she could be there as Regina's sounding board. And, it's a good PSA for childhood leukemia, so I'll go with the flow.

Sylvia, thanks! You are SO good at this! "Not a sieve yet..." is my favorite for this one.

Bullfighting = bull-something else. If it got down to a toreador w/ a Buck knife one-on-one and then, maybe, but the whole business of... no ranting... Suffice it to say it's clearly a cultural thing.

Rosemary la Otra y Nueva, welcome to our little support group for the TN-addicted. Alas, there are no twelve steps to follow.

Julia, thanks for the Carlos in Tontas ref. I remember the dancing in front of a video w/ Lalo, too. Funny. Think the Selene actress was Lalo's wife in that one, IIRC.

Nuestro Carlos' earlier remark that Doctor Alvaro looks to be made up of spare parts got me. I've kept looking for scars and a place for the electrode bolt to pass through the neck. Of course, this is 2011 and no doubt he's made of seamless modern external cladding material. Which includes the cheap toupee, no doubt a cover for a USB port. They plug him in while he floats in his nutrient tank at night.

Mike, you are too funny. The description of Dr. Alvaro has to be the funniest thing I have heard in a long time. I will never look at the poor guy again without seeing him floating in a tank at night. What is the nutrient, tequila or vino?

Rosemary #1

Yesssss,'re in fine form today. As was everyone else. Lila got the ball rolling with her nutrino fantasy and everybody took it and ran with it. Much fun.

Sylvia. Great recap. Favorite line: "She is sitting in the dark (because the crazy chicks always sit in the dark)." Was just thinking how the villains seem to be kind of tame compared to Barbara Greco (MEPS) and Ivana (STuD). Looks like Blanca is heading in that direction.

I like Carlos so much better than weepy Santi (MEPS).

I can’t believe that Nata does not realize by now that Augi is attracted to her. She's kinda dim.

Watched a bit of the bullfight just to see the actor at work then FF. It's very cruel. I was rooting for the bull to gore the crap out of him.


Rosemary, I think I remember the kimono exhibition.

Güera, I'm pretty sure this is the first we've heard about Mati's curse.

NOK, good point about Jero being stuck in vengeance mode with no backup plans. That's why I'm curious as to what his brilliant plan will be for getting Nata back to La Bonita.

Mike, I agree about the one-on-one with a buck knife. The bull-something would have been a lot more interesting if the bull had been majorly out of control and not 'playing by the rules'.

From now on whenever Doc Alvaro is on screen I will be looking for his seams and USB port. I'm pretty sure his nutrient tank will take any sort of alcohol, the stronger the better!

Robey, as soon as Andresito asked whom pops was rooting for I yelled "the bull!!!". I agree Nata is slightly dim for not seeing that Augi is a bit obsessed with her. Hopefully Kari will spill the beans soon.

Great comments today. Y'all are hilarious.

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