Thursday, June 16, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #148 6/15/11 A Triumph of heavy-handed morality

Last night's refrito

  • PJP cries
  • Maria can't believe Mee-maw is a murderer
  • Burnie stomps out the opposition to become the queen of cell block 666.
Tonight's morsel

Jailhouse Rock
Day-um...Burnie is craaaa-zeeee. (Romo is playing this to the hilt.) Burnie is getting solitary for the little jig she did on her cell-mate's throat. Jail guards and prisoners alike are intimidated. Burnie tells them they are all sinners. They are all going to burn in the flames of hell. She is escorted to her cell. Wow, well-filmed shot. Dark and creepy. I think Burnie is scarier in prison gray. Before entering her cell she proclaims that they can't treat her this way because...wait for it...she's the mother of a priest (which in her demented mind is the "get out of hell free" card in the Monopoly game which is life.) She deserves respect, by God. Jail guard reminds her that she's a murderer and if she doesn't get her little keester in the cell, things will be worse. Burnie enters. Cue Gregorian chant. Burnie prays and flashes back to the fire and her conversation with Eva at the ambulance. Burnie decides she needs to find out who Eva really is.

Meanwhile Eva curses Burnie for surviving, but swears that next time she won't escape!

96 Tears
Heri is convinced that sooner or later, Vic's daughter will forgive her. Vic is not so sure. Heri says Vic is a strong and brave woman. Victoria wants to know what that's gotten her (Viewerville thinks that perhaps if she has received a smaller dose of soberbia....) Yada yada about all the tests in life and Vic being able to rise above it all. Vic says but know she doesn't know how. A lot of missed dialogue. I believe platitudes about pain and growth. Despite losing her daughter she built a fashion empire...which Vic reminds him "de nada me ha servido" (Lit: it has served me nothing; Loosely: it was for naught.) Anyway, he continues to enumerate all the stuff Vic has endured and overcome: cancer, her daughter's accident. You're the foundation of your family, your marriage. Vic falls all over herself to clarify: I'm divorced. Heri is impactado (Guess he'll have to make a choice--Go with Leonela!) Vic fills him in on the little business with Os and Linda. Heri can't believe a person could to that to a woman like Vic. And she (surprisingly) admits to maybe, just a little, not much really being partly to blame.

Xi and Gui talk murder (but they don't say who...I guess Maria), play with a knife and get turned on. Sick.

I guess I'll cry myself to sleep
Vic returns home and tells Os about her visit with Dr. Voice. She was just talking about the surgery. She tells Os what a swell guy Heri is and how lucky a woman would be to have him.

We interrupt this scene to show you crazy Xi still playing with a knife and then leaving Gui's house. After she leaves Gui calls Nicolás and tells him "Tomorrow is the big day" (It doesn't sound like anything good.)

Back to Vic and Os.Vic excuses herself to go to bed. Os tries to stop her. Vic tells him that her children are all that matters; that he had accused her of ignoring the family for the sake of work. She's not going to make the same mistake twice. Os wants to know where he fits in. Is her part of the family. Vic tells him no. For him to be part of her family again would take a miracle. She leaves Os at the bottom of the stairs. Perhaps he's thinking: "She's as cold as ice; Willing to sacrifice our love.

Cryyyying over you!!!
PJP thinks it was Fausto that turned in Mamacita Dearest. Maria hates to see daddy so upset. PJP is worried about his mothers salvation. Granny has to pay according to the laws of man. But PJP isn't just hurting over mom's soul. He's worried about Maria's too. María says Vic has done her too much harm. PJP is like Hello??? Have you met my mother?

More platitudes.

He's in the Jailhouse Now 
Eva is visiting her nephew in prison. They are having an ethical (or is it moral) debate. Burnie is in jail thanks to Fausto's testimony. She prefers her own brand of justice. Fausto insists jail is what the lady needs. I admit to missing the details, but they are both at odds. Eva wants revenge, Fausto is worried about her immortal soul. Let the authorities take care of it. Save your soul, Eva. Burnie needs to face man's justice. Eva really hates Burnie with a passion. She should have killed her with her own hands. Fausto aches for his Aunt. Her hatred is going to be her undoing (seriously guessing the dialog...the hazards of watching online.) Fausto is really beginning to sound like a Mini-PJP. Let Burnie be punished by the law. He says Eva should live in peace, be calm. NO! Eva says. She is charge of making sure that Burnie pay for what she did to her sister "ojo por ojo y diente por diente" (eye for an eye. lit: eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth... and I wish she had flossed.) Dear Urban Anthropologist, I do hope we can get some psychological insights from you about the victim becoming just like the perpetrator. Eva leaves in a snit. Cue angelic choir as Fausto prays for help.

Burnie is still in her cell. She gets a visit from her guard. Burnie's got visitors.  The guard doesn't want problems with the authorities. No one knows about this cell and no one is going to find out, got it? Got it? Burnie humbly nods and slowly walks out. I don't believe this "she's been cowed" scenario AT ALL. The Devil is just biding her time, I bet. (Please note: Burnie is still perfectly coiffured.)

I heard the news today, Oh boy!
Fer has made chilaquiles with love for Cruz. A rose sits in a vase on the table. While they dine a news flash in on TV. Doña Bernarda Iturbide has been accused of killing her domestic employee: Tomasa Hernandez. Millie, Chente and Napo (El Pollón) are also watching. Chente has a sad, says the opligitory "¿por qué?" and "Dios mío" and leaves. Napo comments how sad it is that PJP has a murderin' mamacita.

Hail to the Chief
Xi and Eva have come to visit Burnie in the hoosegow (from the Spanish "juzgado"- judged/a panel of judges.) Burnie has some instructions for her trusted employees. They will need to take care of things while she's in the clink. Eva says she will gladly take charge of things. Burnie coldly informs her that Xi will be "la jefa" (boss.) Burnie dismisses Eva who is confused, dazed. Her usual aplomb is kaput and after a few "what the hell"? shakes of her head she leaves. I suggest you rewind and watch this scene slowly because at the same time Xi is gloating and it is difficult to catch the two reactions at the same time. So Xi immediately starts the brown-nosing: "you can't imagine how happy you've made me with this vote of confidence." Burnie looks at her with the face of "know mierda when I smell it" and I laugh. Burnie reminds Xi that Maria is the star model at Casa Victoria and that they have to win the bienal. If Xi doesn't put forth the best effort, she's not going to be the top b!tch dog anymore (or something like that.) Xi says they will win. Burnie and the whole world are gonna see who Ximena de Alba is.

Tell Him
Maria tells Alosno she is very confused about the engagement what with what's going on in PJP's world.  A little mumbling and María tells Alonso he's got to take care of himself. Bebé feliz, mamá feliz blather. More "you should rest blather." Some mention is made of the quick wedding (they were both talking "a la vez") Alonso promises to rest. The new theme song fires up (not Abrázame that was used during María's pregnancy.) He's really happy about what's happened between he and María. He's going to do something lovey for the next 5 or so episodes rest of his life. I think he says something about not being able to wait for that kiss that she will give him confirming her love. There is someone knock knock knocking on Heaven's María's door. It's PJP!

María excuses herself. PJP wants to talk to Alonso alone.

Get off your high horse, woman
Burnie needs to get out of this place ASAP, but while she's there Xi needs to keep Eva in check. Lately the woman has had an air of superiority and has forgotten she's just there to serve Burnie. Xi understands; she'll put her in her place. For good measure, Burnie reminds Xi that her worst enemy, Maria Desamparada, will be  on the catwalk during the bienal.

At the vecindad, Maria praises Millie's new tele. They chit chat about recent events concerning Burnie. María can't understand who someone who claims to be so religious is capable of killing someone (really, María? Do you know nothing of human history?)  and Maria says she's going to accompany PJP to the reclusorio (prison) to visit Granny. She asks Millie to watch bebé feliz ('cause that worked out so well last time.) Millie is shocked "You're really going to leave him with me?" She swears to watch him. She'll carry him around on her back like she did with JuanJo if need be. Before María can leave, Millie asks if she's thought any more about the troubles with her mother. María says no. Millie reminds her that moms need all our love and gratitude. They gave us the most valuable thing ever: Life. Cue the creepy xylophone music and more smarmy platitudes that have nothing to do with the plot. We've got weeks to go before María forgives Vic, so you can save your breath, Millie.

You ain't woman enough to take my man
Fer is talking to Vic on the phone. They are discussing the Tomasa Hernandez murder. There's a mini-(very mini) flashback. Vic plans to come get Fer for terapia. Fer hangs up and Cruz arrives. The Jarochas and other vecindad folks show up to gossip about Burnie. Fer reminds them that she is PJP's knock off the chismes.

Speaking of PJP, he's asking Alonso if he really love Maria. Alonso says he's crazy in love and will be 'til the day he dies (I don't know, maybe they'll give him 9 a cat has nine lives!)

While Fer continues to remind the denziens of the vecindad that they need to keep quiet around Maria, Diana the lady record producer arrives amid cat-calls and whistles. And get this...the hussy greets Cruz with a kiss. (Oh no she di'int!) Supposedly she and Cruz have some important meeting. Cruz introduces Fer and Diana the Brazen Hussy (DtBH) tells Fer she has such a handsome and talented husband. Cruz explains that he can't make the meeting but Fer says it's ok. His missing one day of her therapy won't hurt anyone. He leaves and the Jarochas plant the seeds of doubt. Fer says she trusts Cruz. They tell her not to trust DtBH.

Alone Again (Naturally)
PJP has turned his little meeting with Alonso into a (literal) come to Jesus meeting. Alonso wants to know what all the gloom and doom is for. Things are sooo awesome. He's not going to end up alone and scared like the good Padre seems to think. He's got the love of his (very short) life. PJP says ok, but remember God is always nearby. Alonso tells him Max is the one who needs God. Max is the one who lost María. (Is it just me or was there a little nyah nyah! in that statement?)

Oye la confesió mi secreto...
Fausto receives Max in the visitors area. He just wants Max to know that Ximena de Alba killed Linda.

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting (with cruel words and recriminations)
Chente confronts PJP. You knew what was going on. You knew I was looking for her and you said nothing. PJP insists he couldn't say anything. Of course not, says Chente. You had to protect your mother. María explains that PJP was bound by the seal of the confessional. Chente hopes God doesn't forgive PJP and walks off. Vic takes his place in line. She told him Burnie had done something horrible and he did nothing. With Maria standing right there Vic goes into full-on B!tch-toria mode until Maria says "enough!" B!tchtoria tells her not to dare defend Burnie. Their estrangement is all her fault. Maria says no...that Vic and her pride are to blame for that. Vic hopes Burnie rots. PJP asks how Vic can ask Maria to forgive if she won't even forgive. Maria says she won't forgive Vic. Fer wheels up and begs Maria to forgive Vic. Maria says she can't Vic says she won't beg. She will have to be content that Maria and Fer love each other. Maria says her sister is innocent of any wrong-doing.

Meanwhile, the police are CSI-ing the fireplace at the Iturbide abode.

Hit the Road, Jack. And dontcha come back no more.
PJP visits mama in jail. He tries to explain that he didn't turn her it; it was Fausto. But mama will have none of it. She says PJP will shed tears of blood for putting her through this. Her soul is saved. She was only following God's orders. She tells him to leave and never come back. She renounces him (Te reniego), which honestly sounds less goofy in Spanish...much more dramatic. And really that would have been a great ending, but the lily gets guilded rather uselessly with....

Stand by Your Dead Man Walking
PJP is talking to Maria and questioning Operation Alonso. Things could go sour real fast. Maria says she will marry Alonso and make him happy in his final days.

Cue the Vic of the Past montage.


Priceless, absolutely priceless recap! I loved the "get out of hell free card" reference cuz her son is a priest.

I wish Oz would dump the unforgiving, emotionally immature, and stunted Victoria. Let her go off with the pain specialist and make his life hell.

Thanks again for the great, insightful snark.

Excellent recap and not much missed. Fausto tried to tell Eva that she is becoming sick with hatred. She should let it go and let society's law punish Dona Dementa. At least he didn't become a Forgiveness Nazi.

I don't think we can compare Eva to Victoria here. Victoria became a control freak because she had no better example to follow and was unwilling to see why this is a bad thing. She is starting to understand her mistakes and will not end up like Bernarda.

Eva's hatred for Dona Dementa is specific and understandable. She's not at risk of repeating this behavior with others and while the idea of poetic justice appeals to her she's not going to adopt a religious-inspired agenda of vengeance against "all sinners." If she had succeeded in wiping out Bernarda with this fire she would feel she's done her job and then ride off into the sunset.

Whether Eva would later feel guilt is something we can't predict, but probably what Fausto is really worried about.

Fausto is actually quite brilliant in this situation. The humiliation of the arrest, the subsequent trial, and sentencing could be the worst punishment Bernarda could get on earth. While she might have been Top Bitch in the holding cell, she wouldn't be able to defend herself from an entire cell block of inmates who would salivate at the thought of humiliating her 24/7.

All while JP, Victoria, Maria, and the people they care about are felizes para siempre in defiance of her efforts at insuring their misery.

However, that doesn't quite satisfy the audience's emotional appetite for the poetic justice Eva has in mind.

My one question about Eva's revenge is: Why did she wait so long?

Sara - A triumph of old classic song titles as sub-headings!!!

I missed this one, and will definitely pay attention to the Eva/Xi reactions when Burnie puts Xi in charge of things.

UA - I've been wondering why Eva has waited so long, also. But then we wouldn't have this telenovela, or its extended chapters. Beanie hat time.

I have to hand it to Meh-jía. His telenovelas are complete cirocs, extended long past their expiration date, etc. BUT the guy always (at least in the ones I've watched) has strong moral, family, justice, and religious themes. More than any other telenovela producer that I can think of in my brief career as a telenovela viewer.

Because Fausto has confessed and turned 'states evidence', I wonder if his "end" will be a jail sentence without much more suffering. He's the character I am most interested in as far as their fate.

O0ops ... forgot my manners and say THANK YOU to Sara for the recap!
Thank you!!! It is a great recap.

Sara excellent recap i loved the how many episodes does Alonso still have. Thank you:)

Bernie certainly did look like she was smelling mierda when she gave Ximena the big boss position.

Anon 3:11am haha please let Victoria ride off into the sunset with Dr. voice and make him miserable for a change.

Pimp Daddy Os most definitely deserves better than what he's getting from her and he's paid his due to her at lest from my POV.

As for Maria forgiving that bi-polar heifer please, PJP and everyone else need to cool it on telling her she has to forgive B!tchtoria.

If any thing Maria tried to be charitable and forgiving all along with B!tchtoria and the woman just kept getting nastier and nastier with her. Plenty of times Maria turn the other cheek and tried to get along with her for Max's sake.So everyone should let her in her own time go about forgiving that woman if she can?

Even though Bernie is the main reason for the separation still no excuse for B!tchtoria's behavior towards Maria at all.

Does anyone believe that she would have ever changed towards Maria if she didn't turn out to be her long lost daughter?

Explain to me why Victoria should forgive Bernarda:

Bernada killed Tomasa.

Bernarda persecuted Victoria for over 20 years.

Bernarda ran down Victoria with her car, causing her to lose Maria.

Bernarda took great pains to keep Maria and Victoria separated.

Explain that. Also explain to me why Maria would leave JPito with Millie again?

There is no logic in the world or reason why Maria would ever leave her son in the care of Millie ever again.When she told her she would carry little JP on her back just like she did with JJ when he was little. She should have asked her why she didn't do that the first time? Then she should have said never mind my stupid gene made me forget for a moment why i shouldn't leave my child with you.

Sara thanks for the great recap. You are so witty with this TN.

I also believe that Eva's delayed revenged was a plot device. She could have been shown planning various ways to get at Burnie.

Vic in self pity mode is annoying. Her behavior towards Maria was beyond atrocious and if she had been treated that way (oh, right she was), she would not forgive that person (Dona Dementa) either.

Thanks for your recap from yesterday Jardinera.

Blusamari - I do not think for one second that Victoria would have ever changed her opinion of Maria of she did not discover she is her long lost daughter. Well, maybe she might have changed, in . . . (wait for it) . . . veinte años.

What a great job, Sara! Thanks so much. Your entire "Jailhouse Rock" section is especially tasty. So I wonder -- after disowning PJP, will she still be playing the "Mother of a priest/Get out of hell free Card"?

Was there some "Nyah nyah" in Alonso's remark to PJP about Max losing out? Oh yeah. There's always been this unpleasant, childish thing about this prattling, self-deluding character -- as if winning the pissing contest with Max is what he really cares about.

Urban Anthropologist, terrific comment (as usual!). I think your analysis of the Fausto/Eva/Demente dynamic is right on the money.

Anon 10:54 -- I was thinking along similar lines. Why SHOULD Vic (or anyone?) forgive Bernarda? Not only is she is completely and unabashedly unrepentant, she continues to do as much harm as she can. And her crimes, as you point out, would in any case be hard for any human being to forgive. It's ridiculous to suggest that Victoria has no right to ask María for forgiveness as long as she withholds forgiveness from Bernarda. The two cases are totally different.

It may be platitudinous, but I liked Dr. Voice's advice to Vic to look forward and not backward. And I'm glad she has decided to stop begging María for forgiveness. Let María get there on her own (as we all know she will.)

Thanks for the great recap - I fell asleep in the middle of it. I was wondering what happened to the inmate who was under Burnie's shoe.

I looked on dailymotion and they are up to capitulo 169 as of last night. Wikipedia says there are between 171-176 capitulos. so who knows

Novela I was surprised when Vic told Tilt Head that she wasn't going to try anymore as long as her two daughters were together. I think that took Maria back a bit since she unfortunately has enough of both Vic and Bernie's genes to like sticking it to people with her unforgiving nature. Obviously poor PJP is the cuckoo in the nest with these women. He is all about forgiving and all of them are no dice honey.

That knife playing scene with Gui and Xi was creepy in the extreme. Very homoerotic undertones, the kind of junk you usually get with juan Osorio TN's.

I nearly died laughing when Bernie pulled the my son is a priest card out. I wonder why on God's green earth she thinks that will impress any one. So the devil's handmaiden remains pristine neat and tidy in her cell. I wonder if Romo has a clause in her contract that she never has a hair out of place.

The question of the day is what will the dim wit max do now that he knows Xi is a killer.

any re-cap that includes a Foreigner reference is a great one!

I keep wondering when alonso is gonna really start gettin' sick. we're in the ultimas semanas, after all.

one baby last night. where's the other?

I think Max will do the same thing he always done concerning XXX-factor.Which is nothing.

He knows she tried to kill Maria with a knife.

Then she set him and her son up to be killed by train.

Then there's the tipping over of his sister in the wheelchair.

The whole family did nothing while she rank booze and popped pills when she was pregnant.

He said nothing when she open the car door while he was driving from Gui's.

Nothing was done when she tried to jump from the roof of Victoria's old building.

Fausto didn't even tell him about her near attempt to kill his son with Maria which he stopped.

Then don't forget the fish wire she had Alarcan string across the stairway from the roof where they do their laundry. No one knows about that since Alarcan is dead.

It never occurred to Os or Vic that maybe it the incriminating evidence that was planted in her room belonged to Ximena or maybe that she killed LindaHo. They suspected that she planted it there but don't realize the extent why she had those things.

Sara: A creative master piece, amiga!
The song title gag was terrific!
"lit: eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth... and I wish she had flossed" really got me going!

Jar--Did you notice the big black thing in her teeth? blech!

Thanks, Sara. I loved the song title subtitles. Brilliant !!!!

Sara, great job again. Lots of funny lines, my favorite today:

"She asks Millie to watch bebé feliz ('cause that worked out so well last time.)"

Almost scary how similarly we all think.

I'm fascinated by that scrawny guard. When Bernarda left Padre JP sitting in the visitation room, she let her out, then looked back in at JP and crossed herself. I couldn't tell if she was being reverent and respectful or sarcastic.

Vicky's treatment of Ozzy last night was dreadful... almost emasculating. She's not gaining a lot of sympathy from me.


Now for the rest:

Ximeana is likely to run Casa Bernarda right into the ground. Which is exactly what Bernarda deserves on that front.

Something tells me that Alonso has already written his will leaving everything to Maria. Which she will feel too guilty to keep.

Ximeana will make another attempt on Maria's life, no question. Her delusion that Maria stole Max from her never ceases to amaze me.

How is it that Fernanda and Cruz's place is in the same neighborhood and is so much brighter than any of the others?

Good for Fer that she's not letting the neighborhood busybodies rain on her parade. but Diana is definitely up to no good.

Thanks for the witty recap, Sara!
I joined this TN after Linda was dead, and Max was married to Xi. So my opinion of Victoria was not that of several people on this blog. And I really like hunky Oz.
When I watched this episode last weekend, while I missed a lot of the extended conversation, I did not miss what Victoria said to Oz. I join the anti-Victoria ranks now.


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