Thursday, June 23, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #153 6/23/11 There must have been collective writer's block

Wow. A triumph of filler....and what a llorathon. AY!

Here goes!

Baddie Burnie and crew have arrived to take Maria somewhere. Vic and the echo machine want to know where they are taking her hija. She cries. She begs them to let her hija go. She will do anything they ask. Hiiiiiiiiiijjaaaaaaa! Mariiiiiaaaa, I just lost a girl named Marriiiiiaaaaa! The sound of gunshot! Noooooo! Burnie looks on and smirks. (Maria is ok. The bad guy makes a show of pointing to a bullet hole in a box.) Vic continues to cry buckets. Burnie b!tch slaps her (was that a cheer from Viewerville? Heaven knows *I* wanted to slap her.) Vic's cries drown out the lines of the kidnapper.

Let's throw mama under the bus
Gui has Xi and her mother at gunpoint. He asks why Xi is robbing him. Xi blames mom and the meds. She didn't know what she was doing. She reminds Gui that they are both on the same (anti-Sandoval) side. Gui doesn't trust them. It would be easier to just get rid of them. Xi and mom beg. Gui will give them another chance, but they better be careful not to double-cross him.

Leo and Os
Os can't believe Leo took such liberties. He reminds her that he doesn't love her, that he loves Victoria (He's is so hopeful...that's why I like him.) She apologizes. Os says he just wants to try and help, but she can't keep being a flake. She asks him not to distance himself from her. She begs. He gives her another chance, but reminds her to cool it. If his family had seen it would have been a huge mess. er..too late

Fer rolls into the kitchen and thinks about the Os vs Voice face-off. Then she thinks about the Os vs Leo lip-lock. She cries. Her parents don't love each other. Her family is being destroyed.

Back to the Kidnapping
Vic has calmed down but only minimally. The kidnappers have her calling the Sandoval Manse. O-o-o-s-vall-d-d-d-o-o hiccup sob... She sobs about her niña. They toook heeerrr. Who? Asks Os...who did they take? Where did they take her? Vic says she doesn't know and sobs some more (Burnie, hon, could you slap her again?) Vic continues to sob. She heard shots. She doesn't know if her niña is dead or alive. The head baddie gets on the phone and tells Os to hurry it up with the lana (money.) Probably because he's tired of listening to Vic, too.

Commercial break: So what does everyone think of La Fuerza del Destino????

Voice, Max and Lon have found what the presume to be Maria's clothes. They walk in circles. Voice rallies the torpid troops. They have to find out if the blood is human (aaaand we add CSI Officer to the doctor's resume.) Max should head home where the kidnappers will be calling they head back for Casa Sandoval.

Everyone searches for Vic and Maria Desamparada. Dramatic music and facial expressions. FF>>

The head kidnapper, Nicolás by name, is being berated by the Maria stand in. She isn't happy. Things are turning out more complicated than they should be. She knows the Sandovals will do anything (mover el cielo y mar y tierra? move heaven, sea and the earth) to get the ladies back. More browbeating from her. Shut ups! from him.

Os paces. Leo tells him everything will be fine. Fer looks on and stares daggers. Leo tries to comfort Fer...who reacts icily. Millie and the searchers begin to arrive. More dramatic music, facial expressions and flailing (Pip mainly.)  Really, it starts to look like bad a squillion clowns popping out of a tiny car. Do you think the writers couldn't think of any dialogue?

Whew! Finally some talking. Max arrives and asks if there's any news. Os tells everyone they have to be strong. Please note: there are no representatives from law enforcement. Those Sandoval's are fiercely independent I guess. "We don't need no stinking police." He tells the group about Vic's phone call. Max asks about Maria. Os explains how Maria was taken away and how later Vic heard shots. It's not supposed to be funny, but everyone's reaction makes me laugh. NO! NO PUEDE SER! Max squints and puckers. Holy crap that's funny! We get a close up of each character to savor: Pip, Alonso, Toni, Nati, Voice, Fer y su papá. Cruz asks about the stain on the clothes and wants to know if it's blood. There is a mini bull-snort from William! He must be crying.

Millie spies the clothing and proclaims she has seen Maria wearing those clothes before. William Mush mouths and Fer frets. Alonso wants to know exactly what was said. More re-hash from Os. Vic doesn't know if Maria is alive or dead. More crowd reaction. Os mentions the kidnappers want money. Pip is all "give it to them" and Oscar is all voice of reason and is all "the business has no liquid assets." Somehow Pip is to blame. I'm sure he spend too much on fabric or something. (I didn't listen closely.) Pip pitches a fit. Toni soothes him. Everyone offers to pitch in the pesos they've saved and Os mentions selling some of Vic's jewelry. Millie is going to rally the vecindad. She takes her leave.

*annoyed sigh* Cruz offers to take Fer home and she says no, thank you I will stay here at MY house (emphasis added.) Os tells her her house is with her husband. Fer whines that there is no love in her house or in the Sandoval house. whine whine. She made all that progress and now she's just back to spoiled brat. Cruz won't stand in her way.

Heri is going to head to the lab and find out if the stain is blood or not. Leonela is leaving, too. She tells Max she's sorry....there's really nothing for her to do there. Max objects and Fer says to let her leave. Leo and Heri go.

Max wants to know what's up with Fer's attitude. She says she saw Leo kissing Dad.

Vic and the llorathon FF>>

Heri wants the lab results, pronto.

Os and crew pull the jewelry from the safe. They are all quite pleased and feel that they will be able to sell them and get the money they need. Surely we all see what's coming next?

Toni arrives to tell Os that the jewelry is all fake. Vic sold the real stuff and got copies to try and save the business.

The kidnappers move the still sobbing Vic.

Back at the Sandoval's everyone discusses the rise of violence in Mexico. These people have no values or morals. Max says "Poor Mexico" (and this recapper agrees. I've attended three workshops this Summer about the subject. It's very sad.) Voice arrives with test results: IT'S PAINT! HOORAY!

Maria is tied back up to the pillar. She wants to know where mom is. Woman kidnapper says her lines and leaves. Maria screams and cries. "Don't leave me here!"

Cruz has a sad. He sings an entire song and flashbacks. Writer's don't have to come up with dialogue. FF>>

Vic is tied to a chair. The crying continues FF>>

Maria flashbacks the almost the entire dialogue between she and Vic since they were tied up together. She tilts her head. Then she remembers all the nasty stuff Vic has said to her. Maria will never forgive her.

Millie is asking the vecindad for donations for the rescate (ransom.) The Jarochas don't mind helping Maria, but they don't give a rip about Vic. FF>>

Gui still wants to know why Xi and her mom would rob him. Mom kind of wonders why Burnie gave him all that money. He did her a favor. Xi comments it must be something pretty nasty (?). Gui lets them go. He reminds Xi that she owes him big now. He let her live.

At the vecindad we get a granny donating dentures and Napo saying they need "en efectivo. CASH MONEY."

Burnie is in bed. Jail is hell, but God will reward her for her having gone through this Calvario (Calvary.) Eva brown noses. Burnie wants to get some sleep. As Eva leaves she tells her that she doesn't want to be bothered at all. No visitors EXCEPT Gui. She's sure he'll have good news for her. She plans a good rest. She expects thing aren't so calm at Casa Sandoval.

At Casa Sandoval, Heri offers Os money for the rescue.

Alonso is back on the chopping block: we get the montage of doom.


Sara -- Marvelously snarky and funny. Thank you. I missed a chunk in the middle with a phone call and decided I'd rather read a recap than catch the DVR'd episode.

You are so right -- filler and tears. And now my favorite couple, Fer and Cruz, are at odds.

I assume that this crazy kidnapping adventure is going to last quite a bit longer. Yikes.

Someone observed yesterday that Victoria Ruffo and Cesar Evora were very good in la Madrastra. I have to agree. Mejia in charge, but a much tighter and generally better novela with some good performances. This one feels like they are making it up as they go along, despite the fact that it's a refrito.

Constant flashbacks are a pain, but I've seen worse than this, God knows.

Makes me wonder whether Xi and Roxana would have returned the money to Burn-arda... or whether Gui could have let them take it to set them up for Burn-arda to eliminate them. Except we have too many episodes left.

It feels to me that this kidnapping is happening too soon, so I wonder what they will do to top it later.

Sara - Thank you for the recap, funny snark and all. This episode was a Triumph of Filler. Seriously.

I hit the MUTE button five minutes into this episode, after my DH heard Vic wailing from the other room. He couldn't stand the sound, I told him I couldn't either and I wished she'd callese. MUTE!

I finally turned the thing off halfway through. This had FILLER and MONKEY WRITERS written all over the TV screen. No pude más.

As much as I'd like to see David Zepeda playing a good guy, I don't know if I'm going to stick around for that show. Maybe just read the recaps and watch it on Daily Motion.

Why does Luci dress in strapless cocktail dresses all the time?

LOL @ Roxi's WTF faces when Xi threw her under the bus.

Great recap. what can I say after you've said it so well.


Thanks for the recap, Sara. I so rely on the recappers for the details (and laughs). When I watched this episode, I did not get that the jewels were fake. I did get Rox being thrown under the bus though.
Anyone besides me think that Rod disappeared for so many episodes for a spot of plastic surgery?


Thanks so much for the recap. I am glad this show is in its "ultimas semanas", however. It's really dragging.
Can anyone tell me the name of the lovely sad song that Pablo Montero sang after Fernanda had a tantrum and sent him home? I tried to look it up on the various telenovela song sites, but had no luck in finding it.

That song is "Cruz de Olvido" and it's on one of his earlier CDs. He was lipsynching to the recording.

He used to sing this at his concerts and one time he cried during the rendition. Of course, three women got up from their seats with handkerchiefs.

This song is a ranchera standard and is probably recorded by every singer who gets famous in this genre, as well as some who don't. I've heard it done by Pepe Aguilar and Luis Miguel, neither of whose recordings could hold a candle to Pablo's.

Dear Urban Anthropologist,
I neer thought i'd receive such a speedy and informed reply to my question about the song. Thank you.

So funny Sara - what a waste of an episode, but then again, this one hasn't been known for any great plots. I started watching, found myself cracking up more than getting all sad or worked up,then my son came home. He's seen this TN before with me, and when it zeroed in on the reactions of everyone in the room, like you, he just started laughing his head off. When they got to WL and that weird slight pout to a puff thing he does, he blurted out "Thar she blows!" and at that point WL let out one his "upset puffs".

Couldn't take it any longer and switched the channel. So thanks for the detail of what little really happened. It's more curiousity thaqn anything else to see how they rap this thing. (And can I say, for a guy that's dying - Al looks pretty good).

Have to check out the potential new show more, see what they say online. I like David Z. and am curious about the change of pace role.

I do not see how they can say that they are in final weeks when they just keep adding more online episodes. Now they are at 174.

I wonder if La Fuerza del Destino will be the replacement to TDA instead of the one with Carlos Ponce.
I like David Zepeda & Gabriel Soto, those are the only ones I caught.

Who needs the cops, they had the bomberos there, menos Juanjo, off taking acting lessons I hope.

I was expecting Max to give the famous Yáñez cry, Gavioooooota, but TG I was wrong.

In the meeting of family & friends & the not so friendly, where was PJP, after all he is Maria's padre?

I really broke up at Roxanna, her best scene so far, the look of WTF when her hija blamed her for their present mess.

Bernarda is home in her own room, didn't take them long to fix up the house from the fire. How long was she in la carcél, didn't seem like more than a wk, TN time.

info on La Fuerza del Destino

David Zepeda is a good guy for a change
Marcelo Córdoba is in it also, the ususal sidekick, I'm sure.

Mexico is on capitulo 170 of this crap.

Aww, not a word about Burnie with her hair down? :)

Between Cruz lip-synching blatantly out of sync, trying to figure out how the Os/Leonela/Heri/Victoria quadrangle of doom would shake out by the end of the show, and what I mentally tagged as "Victoria Ruffo hostage week (that might have been month)" I had a pretty busy evening. And El Equipo coming on after it just made it worse, so to speak...

I agree that there was no clarity about the extent of the fire damage to the House of Hell. Unless Satan takes care of his own and his future bride's bedchamber was magically restored.

Ximeana throwing Roxana under the bus is totally in character. Rox should have disowned her a long time ago.

I'm guessing that Dona Dementa was in jail for at about two weeks.

All I can say is that last night was torture. I can honestly say that no matter how many times I hear that Victoria Ruffo is a good actress I will never believe it after seeing this. She is awful with that crying. This novela was bad to start with, but now that I'm watching 2 good ones (La Pola and Alborada) at the same time it only makes Triunfo look even worse if that's possible.

I am amazed that Salvador Mejia is actually working.

Not a Spoiler - I was reading on the Telenovela Forum about TDA. Apparently, it's going to get even more ridiculous. It's become a laughing stock of a novela even in Mexico. Hold on folks, it's only going to get worse.

Sara: Thank you for giving my morning a decent dose of snickers.

La Fuerza del Destino looked interesting, but as usual, the narrator sounded like he had marbles in his mouth. Guess I'll have to look up the synopsis. Sandra Echeverria is a good actress and can carry the lead from what I've seen of her. Will I be able to buy DZ as a good guy gálan? That remains to be seen.

If this were supposed to be a comedy it would be outstanding. I laughed myself sick last night, surely not what the producers want.

First we have the three stooges in the dump (sorry Doc V but you have joined the farce side) twittering about and then deciding to have the clothes tested to see if the stains are blood. With a famous doctor in their midst you'd think he would have noticed on sight that it was paint not blood, the color, the texture, the smell but no it's off to CSI ville for proof.

Cut to Sandovalville where Fer is in the middle of a five year sulk and pout fit and Leo who really doesn't have a dog in the fight tries to dispense some comfort. Lord knows where PJP is since he was at the earlier meeting. He isn't with evil Mama so he must either be actually doing something or reverting to praying.

Enter Max clutching an item of clothing instead of his usual baby. In a desperate attempt to show everyone how badly he is suffering he inadvertantly gives the impression of someone trying to pass a kidney stone. Here he earns an emmy for the worst performance of the year or perhaps ever.

Skip all scenes with Gui and poor sobbing Vic. I must say her makeup remains as perfect as Burnies hair while Maria has mascara smeared all over.

Cut to the barrio where for some inexplicable reason Cruz feels the need to burst into song and skillfully manages to ruin yet another ranchero ditty for me.

Once again the practical folk in the barrio begin to pool their minimal resources to build the ransom fund while back in the big house everyone is aghast to discover that Vic in an effort to save the business sold her jewelry and replaced it with paste. No dinero going into the ransom fund from this group who apparently haven't thought of taking a mortgage out on the house or working with la policia.

Gui and the two twits - yawn, their days are numbered.

Burnie sleeping the sleep of the just (unFing believable).

The infamous camera rolls on and I have now decided that Gui who put it there intends to use the contents to blackmail Burnie since she was stupid enough to show her face in the warehouse. Of course that means he has also sealed his doom.

Must say I can't wait for each evening to see the madness ensue.

Lucky Mexico the grand finale for them is Sunday.

So Mex has 3 episodes to go, then it looks like we have about 16 to go.

You are sure right about this being a comedy, can't wait to see the next buffoonery. This should have been relegated to the midnight hour long ago.

I recommend the Inquisition for Mejia or even worse, he has to watch his own novelas for eternity.

And here I sit watching FELS, waiting for Alborada to come on.

Speaking of FELS - even FELS was more believable than TDA. My DVR records that last few minutes of FELS before Alborada. I watching teh first run of FELS and that it was stupid - it was a masterpiece compared to TDA.

FELS was horrible but how about that other candidate MDF. That was a triumph of bad acting, bad writing murder and mayhem all over the place and I think if I remember they even killed a couple of children. I also suspect that Cesar has removed that one from his resume.

"desperate attempt to show everyone how badly he is suffering he inadvertantly gives the impression of someone trying to pass a kidney stone. "

Dani - you made my day with that one. Brilliant!!!!

Maybe all that head shaking and crying with everyone in the room was the cast just reacting to the next round of scripts they received and then the dorector hit "action" . Olivera maybe was smart and just went for a drink.

I had to think a minute to remember what MDF stood for.

I can only recall the death of Gabriel and Joselyn's son, which I think was her fault for allowing it to happen. As history tells us, this seals a villana's fate.

Whatever we think of the remaining episodes, we are surely guaranteed spectacular send-offs for the villains. Dona Dementa deserves at least as appropriate an end as Gabriela Elizondo.

I am howling at all the snark in the comments.

TdA is indeed a train wreck but I still stick around because it is so, so bad. I cannot wait to see how it all plays out.

anon 1:04
I think you forget how bad FELS was. It's like a bad toothache, when it's over you forget the pain.

Sara i don't know how you got throgh this torture of a episode but thank you.

Wrods fail me to describe this mess but most of you have hit it right on the head with your comments. Ita with everything said so far.

If i'm William Levy i would tell my agent to find a way to get him out of his commitment to do the Cunos De Lobos remake. There's just no way i would work any further with Meh-jia after this horrible disaster.

Sara--What an episode to have to recap, but you offered up some sizzlers.

As for me, it was a....YAWN....I watched with one eye open thinking the secuestro was going to be resolved.


A possible plus for Fuerza del Destino (hmmm FuDD)--I think there are less than 100 episodes.

Gah! Scratch that--brain fart. Ultimos has two meanings. *sigh*

Thanks Sara, very nicely done. Last night was really over the top. In their desperation to raise ransom money I'm surprised that no one has shouted out:

"Hey gang! Let's put on a show!


I thought that CdL was cancelled or postponed. Anyone have the current info?

Let's hope so, can you imagine what Mejia could do to it. I never saw it but understand it was very good. And WL doesn't need to see his career go south.

Sara- Great, funny snark. Who needs to actually watch?! (I'm certainly not right now.)

LOL Carlos! There is a lot of talent in the vencinidad for a show. Mili and the Jarochas would certainly love to perform.

Urban- No idea what's happening with CdL. But here is a parody of the original that is probably way more entertaining than the remake will be. It stars the actual villainess of CdL and Fernando C. Without even knowing much about the original (except that the evil lady wore an eye patch and is a model for all tn villains to come), it's funny:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Last I knew the CdL remake was called Por Derecho de Sangre...and supposedly it finished production last year, but God knows why Televisa hasn't aired it yet. (The Wiki listing for it currently has a start date of June 28.)

What a fun recap. Thanks so much. I can't watch the show right now, it's too painful. Just waiting for the last week or so. My biggest problem on a lot of these shows is there is never any give and take. The bad guys keep getting away with crap until the very last week. It's too frustrating. One of my coworkers keeps telling me to switch to the other Mexican channel because they have a better quality of shows than Univision/Televisa. If they don't smarten up these shows a bit, they're going to go away like the American ones are.

I asked this early on when this novela started what had happen to the remake of CDL and i believe it was Jarocha who said that Meh-jia wanted to do TDA first but they had done a pilot for the remake of CDL though.

Carlos, "Let's put on a show!" Hilarious!!

I never saw the original with Maria Rubio but I have the severely abbreviated DVD box. I'm going to check for reviews to find out how bad it is first.

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