Friday, June 24, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #46 Thursday 6/23/11 Vicious Kisses, Maldita Bonita the Headbanger, and Saved by Mariachis

Last night we left Carlos telling Renata that there aren’t any pictures of Rafael around. How odd, it was his hacienda wasn’t it? Carlos hedges around some lame excuses and Renata mutters “I don’t understand anything.” You and me both honey.

She’s like ten times smarter than our alleged galan as she tells Carlos she somehow feels like Jero thinks SHE is La Bonita and what’s up with that? Carlos gets all fidgety and she pulls him back, assuring him she knows nothing about this business and begs his help.

Padre Inappropriate is over at Casa Alfonsina trying to coerce Cari to go home. Ezekiel asks, even when her husband is an animal? (AniMAHL sounds so much worse in Spanish.) Alfonsina sticks up for Cari, if she says Doc raped her then she (Alf) believes her. Cari cries she can’t even begin to describe the shame of what happened to her. Padre I. suggests maybe she’s exaggerating a little and doc has some meds to help her nerves. Alfonsina and I both shout “Nerves!?” OK, I shouted, Alfonsina was calmer. She suggests Cari show Padre the proof of “her nerves”. Cari reveals her arm bruises and Padre Impactado covers his mouth in shock.

It’s a warm night in the wine country and Nata sits on a rock by a river, tosses stones in and recalls her romantic times with Jero. He wanders up and spies on her, throw some rocks at him!! Darn, she doesn’t see him.

Next morning Carlos tells Jerko that Nata seems sincere and wants to see a picture of Rafa. He correctly points out that nobody can be that good of a liar. “Cínica, cínica, a thousand times over!” is Jero’s dopey response. He says he’d like to...and then pretends that he’s strangling someone. Carlos asks will Jero’s obsession turn into abuse? He must mean physical because it is already psychological.

Augi summons Ezekiel to tell him that Cari cannot stay in his house anymore. Ezekiel takes great umbrage at this order and calls doc a drunk. Augi says he doesn’t care if it’s true or not, Cari’s got to go. Oh and by the way, Jero and wife are going to visit so make sure the hacienda looks (luzca) perfect. Arely eavesdrops and hears Augi say he doesn’t care about Jero, what matters to him is what Nata finds there.

Kari tells the La Bonita maid Hermina that she’ll try to fix the embroidered sheets. She needs the money since she left the doc. She’d rather go to a nuthouse than return to him. Uh oh, ironic foreshadowing? Good gossip anyway.

Alfonsina, happily busting out of her tight pink tank top, gushes over the beauty of the vines. “Nothing is as beautiful as you,” croaks the doc, sneaking up on her. She tells him to beat it, wife raper, she can’t stand him. He forces a kiss and swears he didn’t do it. Cari made it up to play the victim. She knows him, he couldn’t hurt a rose petal. He knows how to love a woman with passion, not violence. She tells him to go but he keeps kissing her, then she kisses back, barf.

Fina tells Berta over the phone that Nata’s friend Adri is uncle Honorio’s bastarda. Now more than ever they must be vigilant.

Back at the hacienda Manuela pulls some yummy pan dulce or some such thingies out of the oven. Nata rushes in and exclaims over the wonderful aroma. Sullen Mati hangs back and comments on Nata’s outfit for El Guapo’s party. I guess Nata is going to take the treats there.

Nata asks Mati to get Lazaro because she needs a ride to the party. Mati mouths off about waiting for Jero and Nata tells her that Jero is her husband but not her boss. More Mati mouth-off and Nata looks her in the eye, tells the little snippet she’s the wife of the boss, gives the orders and if Mati doesn’t like it the door is wide open. After Nata leaves Mati asks “who does she think she is?” Manuela tells her she’s the boss lady, or the wife of the boss if Mati prefers to look at it that way.

Nata shows up at Augi and Arely’s with her batch of cookies in hand. He’s thrilled to death that she’s there sans husband. Arely not so much. Augi gleefully ushers Nata to the wine and appetizers while Arely trails behind holding the tray of cookies and muttering under her breath.

Mati trots out to the vineyard pretending to look for Alfonsina but really to rat out Nata to Jero. She happily tells him Nata got all sexed up in a super low-cut dress and left for El Guapo’s house without him.

Matias visits Berta so that she can she can irritate him by telling him she’s plans to tell Nata she’s expecting her husband’s baby. They get in an argument about Nata’s happiness and Berta stalks around inches from the pool in her super high heels. Twist your ankle and fall in! She shrieks that Jero has to know because she wants her baby to be born into a family with a papa! Yell yell, shaking fists, stalking stalking and then suddenly my wish comes true sort of. She trips, falls and bangs her head on a rock. Hooray! I hope she goes into a coma and the baby is born without her ever waking up.

EEWWWW!! Alfonsina and doc are rolling around in the dirt making out, how gross. Luckily Mati really was looking for Alfonsina because her yelling interrupts them. Doc hides in the vines while Alfonsina distracts Mati. Heh, Alf’s got red dirt all over her backside.

Matias calls for an ambulance and then calls Gonzo to tell him about Berta and that they are in Cuernavaca.

Jero rides up on his steed but this guy is no prince charming. He immediately starts ragging on Nata for coming without him. She gives it right back to him and when he sings the “your place is by my side” song she stops him. “My place? As what?” she demands. He tells her she is his woman, his wife. She laughs and says deeds speak louder than words and he sure doesn’t act like she’s his wife. He’ll show her deeds, he grabs her and forces another of his vicious kisses on her. It saddens me to announce that she responds positively, just in time for Augi and Arely to find them in a mad clinch.

Carlos finds Mati cooking dinner and she asks him if the doc will be joining them. Carlos doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She says she saw his car and assumed he was with Carlos. Noooo. Maybe he’s with Alfonsina. Noooooo, didn’t see him with her. How odd, she says. They both look suspicious and wonder who the doc came to see.

Jero makes some lame excuses for being late, gets a dig in at Nata for coming without him, but then says he needs to go back home to change his dirty shirt. Arely suggests he borrow one from Augi which Jero really does not want to do, but she holds out her hand and Jero is obliged to follow. He looks back to see Nata and Augi make eye contact. Nata kind of shrugs her shoulders as if to say, “What can I do? He’s an incredible ass but he’s my husband.”

Gonzo and Fino rush toward Cuernavaca where Gonzo gets to listen to Fina’s whining and nastiness and “ay ay ay nuestro nieto” ad nauseum. Honorio calls him and Gonzo tells him he has to go somewhere solo because Gonzo is preoccupied. Heh, I’ll bet Honorio won’t be solo for long.

The doc tells Berta and Matias that the baby seems fine but they need to admit her for further tests. He asks if Matias is the husband and Matias says No but he’ll take responsibility for everything. Gah, more foreshadowing!

Arely helps Jero out of his shirt and blatantly ogles while smiling to herself.

Augi hits Nata up for the 411 on her relationship with Jero. He could be wrong but he gets the feeling all is not well and he’s heard the first few months of marriage can be difficult. She asks him what he knows of the brother Rafael. How about the infamous and mysterious La Bonita? No luck there, nobody in town ever saw her. She tells him the specters of Rafael and La Bonita seem to be preventing their happiness.

Hermina reports back to Lazaro what Kari told her. That the doc is trying to tell everyone that Kari is crazy but she’ll never go back to him.

Augi gives another of his wine tutorials about what makes a great bottle of wine, weather at harvest time, types of barrels, age of vines, and most important the quality of grape. “Like those of La Bonita” Jero suggests. Augi says something about Rafa planting a very special type of grape for the region. Arely asks didn’t Jero know this? Jero says right now he is like a kid when it comes to knowledge about wine but hopefully in time he will become an expert too. Augi’s sceptical, just how does Jero plan to accomplish that? Oh, by working hard in the vineyard, experimenting, studying, and doing what it takes to honor Rafael’s name. Meanwhile Nata’s head ping-pongs back and forth as the two men exchange barbs.

Alfonsina hunts down Ezekiel and he tells her that Augi ordered him to kick Kari out of their house. Alf is pithed off, it's her house. Ez says he’ll get fired if they don’t.

Augie is still spouting off his wine knowledge as he seats his guests for dinner. He says passion and love are essential in wine making. The grape is like the woman and must be cared for carefully. If that happens then you will have an exceptional wine, blah blah blah. Arely asks Jero’s opinion of this comparison. He agrees that woman can be the muse that awakens a man’s sensitivity. He says it’s this exact thing that caused a woman to inspire his brother to move to this area, and himself as well.

Just as this is getting way too weird they are interrupted by some musicians. Renata is thrilled, they all toast, and Augi glares over the rim of his glass when nobody is looking.

Fina and Gonzo rush into Berta’s room in time to hear that the baby is fine and it’s going to be a boy. Matias suspiciously asks isn’t it a bit early to be able to tell the sex of the baby? Fina jumps into action and gushes about the new Monterrubio heir.

Daniel tells Adri he couldn’t believe the news about her being Honorio’s kid. He says now she’s the daughter of the boss she won’t want to talk to him anymore. She reassures him that nothing will change. (He, however, should change his tie.)

A few doors down Blaaanca Ocaaaampo is bending over Honorio asking him why doesn’t he take her to see some boat. She says it’s very important for her to soak up everything that has to do with the company and the ships used by their exporters. She suggests it’s also a good time to put Adriana front and center. When Honorio doesn’t immediately jump on her...idea she asks is there some particular reason he won’t take her with him? Uh, no, he says unemotionally, go ahead and call Gonzo and change the room reservation. “Thank you for the opportunity,” she gushes.

Meanwhile, Cons and Chema are playing around with fruit and she mentions she’ll be alone this weekend because Honorio and Gonzo have to go to some port for export business. Chema tells her he was invited by the port owner where he gets his fruit to do something that Saturday and he’d love for her to go with. Sele the stalker listens outside the door and shows us her menacing scowl.

Adri is now in Honorio’s office and she asks if he’s heard anything about Matias and Berta. She was hoping Matias would call. He’s the love of her life but he’s still in love with Nata. She’s hoping that someday he’ll fall in love with her. Dad says there is a difference between loving and being in love. He heard a quote once that he always remembered: To be in love is to love the similarities; to love is to be in love with the differences. What he recommends is that Adri take a hard look at what she feels for Matias and also ask him what he really feels for Renata.

Back at Augi’s awkward assemblage he and Nata are whooping it up with the musicians while Jero and Arely gloomily swirl their swill. When their song is completed Arely flounces out of the room and Jero announces they’ve had enough to drink and are going home. Nata insists she’s not drunk, just happy. Jero glowers and pulls away. “What, you don’t like to see your woman happy?” asks Augi. A fair question even though it was meant to irritate. Nata tells Jero he can go but she’s going to stay. Augi happily volunteers to bring her home. “I want you to go home with me,” Jero demands. Nata gets all up in his face and takes a big sip of her wine.

Over at La Bonita Alfonsina reports to her pals Mati, Lazaro and Hermina that she was ordered by Augi to kick Cari out. Can they put her up? Lazaro is up in arms and storms out saying he’s going to ask Carlos if they can help out. Hermina says Laz is totally in love with Cari and she is worried that el doctoricito will do something harmful to Lazaro if he finds out.

Back at the star crossed Cross of Love hacienda Nata shoves her glass under Augi’s bottle for a refill. Guess she’s staying. Nata and Jero have a fairly civil parting but Augi knows she’s in pain and asks if she’s OK. “We don’t exactly act like newlyweds,” she observes. Augi turns on the gracious charm and Nata sighs she’s glad to have a friend like him nearby, salud!

Did we think Jero would take Nata’s decision to stay lightly? Not a chance. Our grumpy galan stalks out of the house but is intercepted by Arely before he hits the door. He informs her he’s leaving solo because it seems his wife is too entertained by Augi to leave. Arely noticed. “It looks like you and I are superfluous,” he gripes. “Wait, your shirt,” she says hopefully, but alas, he has departed.

Fina announces to Gonzo and Matias that she won’t leave her daughter’s side no matter how it affects her own health. Before he leaves Gonzo demands to know what Berta and Matias were discussing by the pool. “The father of my child,” says Berta. Gonzo then demands to know once and for all who is the father. “Tell him,” prompts Fina unknowingly. “OK then,” snips Berta, “the father of my child is....” Matias interrupts, “Soy yo, I am the father of that child.” Oh noes! We were afraid he would do that.

Avances: Carlos advises Jero to forget the past. Jero waits up for Nata and she tells him she’s nobody’s property.

bajar la guardia = be vigilant, don’t let ones guard down (Fina to Berta)
botanas = appetizers, snacks
cínico/a = liar (Jero’s rant)
empaparse = to soak up (what Blanca Ocampo wants to do)
entretenido/a = entertained (what Renata is at Augi’s house)
la puerta es muy ancha = the door is wide open (Nata to Mati)
me da igual = I don’t care (Augi regarding whether Jero comes to his place)
Me das asco! = I can’t stand you! (Common telenovela phrase)
revisar = look over, inspect, take a hard look at (what Adri should do regarding her feelings for Matias)
sobrando/a = superfluous (what Jero and Arely are)
varón = male (as in Berta’s bebe)
vestido super escotado = super low-cut dress (Mati’s description of Nata’s dress)

Dicho of the Day:
Enamorarse es amar las coincidencias y amar es enamorarse las diferencias = To be in love is to love the similarities; to love is to be in love with the differences.


You are so right, last night was a good night for yelling at the screen. But after a maddening day at work, it made be feel good to let some of our characters have it and the boys were out at that point to let me howl.

Your brilliant recap so summed up Jeers last night with "his guy is no prince charming." The writers are pushing this revenge agenda to the point where it makes no sense anymore. Maybe Jeers should be the one heading to the nuthouse and leave Kari alone. But he's got his hands full with Nata - she is no slouch and she is giving him such hell. I love it!!!

I can't even begin to describe my "disappointment" ( ok I spouted obscenities) at Alfonsina last night. No way no how should she have given in to that snark knowing what she knew. If he was a charmer and drop-dead gorgeous and Kari a nbnit more unbelievable, maybe in a very small iota could I give her a pass, but that dweeby snake with the beady eyes and Kari is an honest,kind woman? C'mon. I was appalled.

I want Manuela to PLEASE slap some sense into Mati. I'm not an advocate of slapping, well except in TN's, but this little brat needs it. It's just unpleasant to watch her antics and then want her with Carlos. Please start redeeming her oh lords of the TN screen!!

Blanca wants to see boats - as a marketing head? Ah, sure. Hon is another one needing a good slap, but we know where this is going...she's got to be working with someone ( with the texting and all). BUT WHO???

So Matias, of the noble heart and bad ideas, decides to take the responsibility for the bebe. He's doing this for Nata, but just makes me nauseous. (And I was with you Sylvia - I was so hoping for a Roberta coma - they just weren't listening to any of us last night.)

Oh, and Augie gets my Mr. I (it would have been the Padre until he saw those arm marks on Kari) for demanding that Zeke kick out Kari. He may have been fun to watch badgering Jeers, but that ruined his night for me.

Can't wait for another Nata telling Jeers off scene!

Delicious and delectable Sylvia. It's dreary and dismal here but the first ray of light broke through with "vicious kisses", and by "that dweeby snake with the beady eyes and Kari is an honest,kind woman? C'mon. I was appalled", the sunshine was out in full force.

I smiled at every word, savoring the many tasty tidbits such as "EEWWWW!! Alfonsina and doc are rolling around in the dirt making out, how gross", most of which I nodded my head in vigorous agreement. My favorite line was " (AniMAHL sounds so much worse in Spanish.)". I thought the same thing last night! Perfect.

The vocab and dicho were stellar. But, my favorite was "umbrage". You and our dear friend Judy always use amazing words that simply aren't used in every day conversation. Gracias!

Daisy, I totally concur that Mati needs a good shaking. Very frustrating.

And yes, Jero is becoming even more loathsome. I'm not a particular fan of the actor. His continual habit of pursing his lips annoys me. Yes, petty I know.

Thank you and happy Friday all.


Sylvia, thank you so much! Rushing too much before work and accidentally posted this on the TdA board for which I profusely apologized and begged for deletion. Sheesh! How embarrasing.

Anywho, just wanted to express my utter contempt and disappointment in Alfie: what a triflin' strumpet! Rolling around in the dirt with that slime-covered, lying, wife-raping, tequilla-guzzling mata sanos? That's beyond inappropriate! With that and her husband caving in to dr. pus bucket, it's up to Laz to protect Kari now. But I think I see her developing some backbone!

Blaaaanca Ocaaaampo! If Hon falls for this floozy it will be as believeable as Alfie's behavior or Con going for the drooling, dreamy-eyed Chema. Why all these forced, faked story lines? Oh well, Cap'n, it was indeed a stellar recap!


Fabulous recap Sylvia! I would have to give Alfie the Mrs. I Award last night. Knowing what she knows about the Doc, and still rolling around in the dirt with him. Sheesh!

I love that Nata is so fiesty. I can only think that her responding to the kiss is because she's horny. I mean, she's attracted to her husband and he hasn't touched her since their wedding night. It was just a natural physical response, but she was still pissed at him. I laughed when she got in his face and took that big old swig of wine when he tried to get her to leave. I also laughed at the looks on Jero and Arely's faces as Nata and Auggie whooped it up with the band. I think the only reason they threw in the whole Auggie making Zeke kick Cari out thing is because we would be rooting for him to get Nata otherwise. They need to remind us that he's a villain. But on the face of things, he is way more attentive to Nata's feelings, he knows how to have a good time like she does, they have common interests, and they have a good time together. Another lol moment was when Nata arrived and Auggie handed off the cookies/sweet bread to Arely without even looking at her, like she was the servant, and walked off with Nata. This girl is an idiot for taking this treatment and she's not even the fiance or wife. She looks like she may set her sights on Jero.

Berta's plan was brilliant! She played Matias perfectly. She knew that he would do anything to protect Nata, even take the fall for the pregnancy. Gonzo is an idiot if he believes it though, because he knows when Berta and Matias did the deed and that's not enough time to tell the sex. Even thinking that the baby is Jero's, Matias was suprised they could tell the sex so soon. But now that Matias has taken responsibility, Berta doesn't have to worry about someone making her take a paternity test because the chump knows it's not his. And Fina gets what she wants too. It's a win-win for the two witches.

Vivi, methinks we may see a "bebe comes early" plot later that reveals the baby is truly farther along than everyone thought. At some point, this whole fatherhood thing has to implode.

( Watch the vineyard becomes a gold mine and Roberta realizes she has the true heir and blew it).

Also like your take on why the writers had Augie make that demand on Zeke. Hey, I was rootiung for him last night too in the way he was digging into Jeers, and the successfully reminded me that I'm not supposed to like him. It worked.

Thanks Sylvia for the wonderful recap. Loved how Nata is responding to her imbecil of a husband. In defense of Jeers I can understand his struggle with believing Nata is ignorant of who Rafa is afterall it was her mother who verified that she is indeed La Bonita. He doesn't have the knowledge of viewerville to know that this Fina is a labatory experiment gone bad and is not Nata's mother. However, having said that; it should occurr to him that with Fina as his only source maybe there is more to the story. Ewwwwww!! a thousand times over for Alfosina and the doctor. I've given up on watching scenes with Fina and her spawn; my brain has informed that I've exceeded my disgust quota.

Tasha FL

Daisy, I'm glad I wasn't the only one yelling obscenities at the screen last night. Augi is an excellent candidate for Mr. I the way he said he didn't care if the doc did the dirty deeds or not. Augi is always just about Augi and nobody else. Even Nata is just a trophy for him I think.

Diana, you always say the nicest things. Gracias amiga! It's OK to dislike the actor because he purses his lips. It's not a very attractive trait.

Lia, I removed your comments from the TdA board. Your rant is first rate by the way and certainly deserved to be aired in more than one place. However as per your request it now lives on the CME board only, LOL!

Vivi, you have such a great grasp of how the plots can develop in these shows. I think you are right about Augi's background nastiness toward Cari, otherwise we might like him too much. Who can blame Nata for wanting to hang out with him? Jero is just a buzz-kill on every level right now. Yep, I think Arely is looking for a diversion right now. Carlos, Jero, whomever, and who can blame her? I don't know why she's hanging around.

Yep, Roberta played Matias like a master. He will still do anything for his beloved Nata. And in a way she is working behind Fina's back because Fina still does not know that Berta claimed to Matias that Jero is the baby-daddy.

By the way, I struggled a bit with Honorio's enamorarse vs amar quote. If anyone has a better translation please jump in.

I am entertaining an out-of-town guest today so I will check back in later.

Thanks for the comments and I look forward to Nata getting telling Jero off again tonight as I'm sure she will. I admire her spunk but I sure wish she did not have to put up with all his crap.

Tasha, "my brain has informed that I've exceeded my disgust quota" is brilliant. Don't be surprised if you see that in a title somewhere down the line.

Sylvia, another stellar recap ful of wonderful snarky commentary. I loved Blaaaanc Ocaaaampa and your comment thatshe has to press her case because Honorio "doesn't immediately jump on her....idea"

Jero's kiss was indeed too vicious but I thought he won Nata over & tht they were getting along quite well until the mariachis. I thought that the sardonic look she exchanged was between her & Jeronimo -- a sort of... I gotta go with this girl & let her get me a shirt.....Yea she's pretty insistent. I guess you're trapped .... exchange etween the (temporarily) happy couple.

I guess we are beginning to see now that the "spare girl" isn't just idle eye candy. She's going to be another thorn in Renata's side I think. She seems to have set her cap for Jero.

The "I'm going to tell Jeronimo that he is the father" ploy is working out so well for Fina & Roberta that I think Fina had it planned that way all along. We'd been speculating that Roberta had invented this riff herself -- too devious -- must be Fina.

I'm enjoying the feisty women -- both Renata AND Mathilde. I enjoyed them spitting fire at each other and I expecat that somewhere down the road they will become a dynamic duo. Mati told Lazaro that they didn't dare let Kari stay without permission. She said that that "sagrona" of a patrona would show Kari the door just like Augustin did. We know that our Nata has a heart of gold. When & if she finds out about Kari she will be a protectress & that may make Mati see her differently.

Augustin -- He has shown his true colors before. There's the way he treats Arely, The way he had Carlos beat up. But even in his treatment of Renata he's all playacting seduction. He said the other day that he knows how to seduce and dominate women. Nata would be in big trouble once he had her.

Guera- It is indeed play acting for Auggie. That's why I said on the face of things. The audience knows he has a cruel streak and is totally self centered. But with Jero acting like such an obvious jerk, the writers have to remind us of Auggie's villainous side. It's not so much that he goes out of his way to make people suffer, but he doesn't care about other people. If he wants you or something from you, he's all charm and attentiveness. Otherwise, he can't be bothered to care. And if you're his enemy, he will do what it takes to take you down. He's ruthless.

Even though right now SG and Nata didn't quite hit it off, I'll bet that Spare Girl and Nata are going to become friends and SG is the one to show Nata the carving on the tree when the whole Roberta/Matias/Jeronimo/Rafael baby daddy issue hits the fan.

What great vocabulary and dichos, Sylvia...all while getting ready for an out of town guest. Impressive, amiga.

I never tire of "pithed off"...promise me you will use it every recap. And like Gúera, got quite a chuckle out of "when Honorio doesn't immediately jump on her....idea.." Pure Sylvia, that!

Alfonsina's caving to the Doc's lust is beyond comprehension. Maybe if Fernando Colunga was playing the role, I could believe it. But with this way.

Renata tossing pebbles in the pool had a fairy tale like quality. Almost seemed like an illustration from a princess book...or coloring book. Lovely scene. Very sad.

Since I love to sing and get goofy with music, really enjoyed the mariachi business with Renata fooling around. My husband doesn't get nasty like Jeronimo but he DOES get a glazed wake-me-when-it's-over look that shows he'd rather be elsewhere!

"By the way, I struggled a bit with Honorio's enamorarse vs amar quote. If anyone has a better translation please jump in."

Enamorarse es amar las coincidencias y amar es enamorarse las diferencias = To be in love is to love the similarities; to love is to be in love with the differences.

I think you have the essential meaning. The only other way I know to translate it would be:

Falling in love is to love the similarities and loving is to fall in love with the differences.

enamorarse = to fall in love. estar enamorado/a = to be in love. So maybe there is that very slight difference.

Thanks much for the great recap and vocabulary!


I love ranchera music but I can't sing. It kept me from starring roles I otherwise deserved in high school.

Augustin is a user of people and I believe he hates women on a very basic level. I'd love to know the cause.

I have to look away every time Dr Creepy puts the moves on a woman. And the priest is making me angry for not defending Kari.

Ditto about the doc. WHAT does Alfosina see in him? He hasn't shown any great prowess as a lover. He's wooden and he must smell of booze all the time.

I think that the parts of the story which don't quite ring true are the parts in the hands of lesser actors. With Renata & Augustin every scene plays as hough they are not even acting. They ARE their characters. THe jerko & Jekyll switcheroo is hard to pull off but I think Soler is doing it pretty well. Mathilde is very natural in her bratty way. Roberta is also pretty naturally self centered & snide. Most of the others are very good too -- but Dr. Doofus for one is terrible.

I also loved the scene of Renata by the water. You're so right JudyB that it was like a lovely fairy tale illustration.

Outstanding recap!

Last nights Capitulo was quite entertaining what with all those looks at the dinner party. It was done quite well. After Augie had gone on and on about his expertise with wine, Jero seemed to get quite bored and started slushing the wine around in his glass like it was a Slurpy...certainly an insult to the host and his wine. It appears Renata likes to party and Jero is just, well dull.

Bubble bust (Gardenia {Aleida Nunez} in Manana Es Para Siempre) and the Doc down in the dirt rows rooting around like little piggies was a hoot. She seems to be so much bigger than the Doc...guess the writers are trying to make her out to be winery trash.

Still amazed that dead Raf still doesn't have a last name that can be spoken.

A in Baraboo

Sylvia, this was a delightful read. I got a good laugh out of the lines the others mentioned. Well done.

Also, thanks Vivi for yesterday's. I was super busy and I don't think I got around to commenting, but did read it late and your recap was brilliant and hilarious, as always.

Have there been other telenovelas where the priest was a villain? This is just unbelievable. Who would ever ordain this guy? "Haha, of course you weren't raped; it's all in your head!" How evil is it to hope that someday the priest needs emergency surgery and Doc Dastard is drunk and botches it?

Alfonsina is a mystery to me. If they're going to involve her in so much of the story, we need more background information. Like some motivation for her to not run screaming from the doc every time he comes near. Is she possibly even more hormonally overcharged than Renata, and can't get no satisfaction? She's hinted that all is not copacetic in her marriage and that she won't be having more children. Surely she could find a better solution than accommodating a boozy rapist, though.

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Seriously, the only villain priests I have ever seen were in Alborada. However, this does open an interesting question:

What were priests like in novelas produced before 1990? I started watching novelas in 1993 and the oldest ones I've ever seen were from 1990 (and didn't even have priests as supporting characters).

Great stuff, Sylvia. The recap parallels the episode perfectly (including the times I was going WTH?).

Our Anti-Galan shows up at a dinner party in a dirty shirt on horseback??????

Yeah, ok, he was pithed that Renata went off without him, but other than to give Arely the opportunity to watch him shed his shirt and let us all know he doesn't wear an undershirt, I can't see Jeronimo, who is usually dressed to the T's, not showering and changing first--what all of 15 minutes more?

I got a big kick out of Alfie and her muddy butt. I guess I have to take back what I said yesterday--that she was done with Dirty Doc.

I agree that if she's going to keep succumbing to him, couldn't he be a nice looking doc (like the one who is sweet on Martina in MEPS) and one whose toupee isn't quite so obvious? He could still be a married cad.

We are all liking Auggie, though we know we oughtn't.

I'll be interested to find out if it was Fina or Berta who did the double-double cross on poor Matias. Somehow I think Berta came up with the idea herself to really hurt Nata. Then, seeing what a reaction she got out of Matias, she ran with it.

Since Matias clearly has feelings for Adri and very strong feelings for Renata, if there is a marriage, POOR Roberta is settling for her sister's cast-offs--again.

About determining the baby's sex so early in the pregnancy....good for Matias. Unfortunately with Fina butting in, I think it went right past Gonzo. Wouldn't ordinary men be less informed on the subject anyway? Wait til they find out when she is due. Wait--this is TN and doctors can be bribed with checks, so we have to go with 8 lb babies at 7 months. I wonder if he'll fit into the incubator a la ENDA?

A in Baraboo--
Yes, we are all frustrated by that fact and no photos??? However, we are a step closer to the revelation when, in one of Renata's and Jeronimo's earlier tete a tete concerning "her" Rafa, she gave his name, to which Jer immediately became impactado.

Ditto for me--Mr. I goes to Auggie throwing his weight around and ordering Alfie & Zeke to throw Karin out. Mrs. I, hands down (or wherever) to Alfonsina for her roll in the vines with AlkieBrutoNemse

I was really confused by Honario's little adage on love to Adri. Thanks for clearing that up.

I also agree with everyone that we needed a reminder that Augie is one of the bad guys, because I,too, was starting to root for him. I never saw Lizalde in a villainous role before; he was always so gallant in the roles that I've seen.

I liked Fina's comment to Roberta about "kissing goodbye" Con's and Honario's inheritance; now that Honario has a daughter,Berta won't be seeing a penny.

I just wish Carlos would tell Renata that Jero believes she is la Bonita. It's very frustrating.

Awesome recap again. Qué bárbaro!

The thing is, as much as Auggie is not a good guy, he really does appreciate and respect Renata. He does, and Jerko doesn't. Auggie can see that Renata is a diamond, a precious person to be valued and appreciated. Jerko really thinks he's married to a cínica (a cynic - or really, I think in Spanish they mean a cold-heartedly deceitful person) who is a brilliant actress. He doesn't begin to value her, although obviously he has made some emotional connection that his mind can't reconcile.

So, at this point IMO, Renata is better off in Auggie's hands than in Jerko's. I don't think it matters that Auggie's limited emotional depth means he might see her as a trophy or prize. We know that Auggie really, deeply appreciates the finest things, and he has correctly and instinctively divined that Renata is such a thing, and he obviously values the things he covets.

Auggie is also able to read Renata emotionally - and that is also a big deal. Jerko is completely blind in this respect.

The writers are having to work pretty hard to keep Auggie the bad guy.


Great job, Sylvia.

Earlier today I wrote my reaction to last night's show... read it back and decided... "Hey Carlos, you're taking this waaaay too seriously,"... so I'll try again this afternoon.

"Heh, Alf’s got red dirt all over her backside."

Symbolic as well as incriminating... and very sexy (if one ignores the fact that it got there rolling around with Dr. Dork)

Matias deserves consideration as Mr. I for thinking that he needed to spare Renata the pain of finding out that her husband is daddy to her nephew... if he were... she needs to know... since he's not... this whole thing would have come crashing down around Roberta much sooner than it will now.

And here I thought that Blanca might be one of the good girls... Oh well... properly seasoned bunny is quite tasty.

I'm puzzled as to how this whole misguided revenge thing can be strung out for too much longer... Renata doesn't seem to have a lot of patience with the present situation.

I'm still a bit worried for Renata's pony. I don't think that Fina was taking her sugar cubes or carrots when interrupted by Gonzo the other day.


I don't think the priest is a villain. I think he is more an old-fashioned conservative type with a bit of a male-chauvinist streak. He identifies more readily with men, and very conscious of social status, so he gives these big shots a bit more of the benefit of the doubt, making him gullible. He was truly horrified when Karina told him what happened, and ready to read the riot act to Dr. Disgusting. Unfortunately, Dr. Disgusting is able to spin tales that make the Padre not so sure of his moral position.

I figure when Padre personally witnesses one of Dr. Disgusting's drunk rages, he'll quit giving him a pass.


Wonderful work as always, Sylvia. I had to laugh at Robi the Headbanger. LOL. She just can't go a handful of episodes without passing out, can she?

Save me a place in line so I can take a crack at knocking some sense into Matilde and Alfonsina. Que the hell with these two?! From what we've seen of Mati, there is no way she should be putting up with Jero's mistreating Nata no matter how hot Mati thinks he is. Don't even get me started on Alfi. She's seen Kari's bruises and heard about the rape first-hand. There is no excuse for her stupidity in believing the drunken Doc.

This is the only TN I've watched in which I want the priest to fall off a cliff. When Padre suggested that Kari was overreacting, I wanted lightning to strike him dead. Get a grip, Padre.

Despite Augie being a villain, I had to appreciate that he made Nata feel welcome and respected - which is more than anyone can say for Jero.

I reveled when Fina told Robi that all of Hon/Con's inheritance will end up going to Adri. Score! At least a portion of the family fortune will be kept out of Fina's clutches.

We're headed for fireworks soon. Hon and Coni will both be alone over the weekend with their respective admirers ready to pounce on the opportunity. Who's going to cave first?


FWIW - I can sub for next Monday's recap again. We've got a few more things to finish before we can take off in our RV, so we'll probably be here for another week.


Matias, you nincompoop!! Sylvia, was it you who called somebody a dunderhead a time or two?? (I love funny words!)
Loved the recap, Sylvia. Homerun, with your usual delightful flair.

I had expected Alfonsina would have red mud on her face and perhaps a red (mud) H on her glorious DDs. Dr Rapey-snake does look like the slobbery kind.

Oooh! Dr. Rapeysnake! I've been searching for a new name for horrible creature.


Emilia--I like Dr. Rapey-Snake, too.

Ah, the re-bestowing of the Rapey Snake apodo! I can't think of a more worthy recipient.

Yeah, but this is DOCTOR Rapey-snake. He takes rapey-snake to a whole new level!


Audrey, your translation of the quote is how I originally translated it. After reading yours I don't know why I changed it, can't remember. But I think the "falling in love" sounds more poetic, thanks amiga!

UA, early in this show Augustin swore he would never fall in love with anyone. To me that sounded like a telenovela kiss of death. I also wonder if there is something in his background that causes his deep-seated fear/hatred of women. That said, I think Renata might be the one he actually falls for.

A in B, Alfonsina does seem bigger than life. Certainly her head is about twice as big as anyone else's. I don't mean she has an ego, I mean the actual size of her head. It's big.

Linda K, it took me a while to figure out Honorio's adage. I really went down the rabbit hole for a while but it was worth it when it finally made sense to me.

Julia, your rapey snake moniker is reborn and if you bless it then it must be so. Doctor Rapey Snake it is!!

Thanks for all your great comments everyone. They're fun to read after a long day of extremely exhausting good times.

Audrey, if you can swing it you're on for next Monday!

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Thanks for a great recap, sylvia!
one little thing...
I loved that phrase when he said it so I paid attention...

'...enamorarse las diferencias'

i think what you missed in the quote was a word that might not have come out in the cc's...

'enamorarse es amar las coincidencias y amar es enamorarse DE las diferencias...'
which I would translate to
'to fall in love is to love the similarities and to love is to fall in love with the differences'

Thanks Marta. I was hoping you would weigh in on this.

So by way of explanation, I think Honorio is saying that it's easy to fall in love with what we perceive are the similarities between ourselves and the object of our desire, however to truly love them (of the long-lasting variety) we need to also fall in love with the ways in which we are different. That's good advice.

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