Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #143 6/7/11 Triumph of longing – for a child, for a mother, for a lover

Bad Bernie’s where we left her -- in front of the church-sized Cristo in her home, still gnashing her teeth over Victoria's learning the identity of her daughter:
¡Las tengo que separar para siempre!
(I have to separate them forever!)
Bells are ringing and it ain’t the Avon lady.

And the sad conversation between Victoria and María Desamparada by Choice is over. Now, outside the apartment, Victoria wonders if MD will ever be able to forgive her. While inside, MD leans on the door and sinks miserably to the floor and thinks:
Dios mio, no tengo fuerzas para perdonarla.
(My God, I don’t have the strength to forgive her.)
She holds the magical crucifix.

Max gets to the vecindad in time to meet Vic on her way out. She tells him how profoundly unhappy she is, that she is now paying for her arrogance. He wants to know if this has anything to do with María. It does, admits Vic. She is deeply wounded by something that happened but she prefers not to say any more about it. She heads out. And Max goes inside to see María.

I found my mother, María announces flatly. My mother is Victoria Sandoval.

Max is impactado: How do you know that? Who told you?

María tells him how she and Vic got into an argument and went into the apartment to continue scratching each other’s eyes out in private. It was then that Vic caught sight of the magic crucifijo (which -- holy Mejía! -- now twinkles). And she knew.

Max thinks that is just excellent news. María should be, like, happy.

Um. Not exactly. It’s kind of a downer to find out your real mother is an arrogant tyrant, a woman who has made you suffer so much. But Max insists she is being too hard on Vic. After all, he knows first-hand how much she struggled to find her lost daughter. But María isn’t budging. She nurses too many hard feelings, too much resentment, too much hatred. Quite simply, she says: No la quiero.

At home, tragic hunky Dr. Heri reflects on the promise he made to his wife on her deathbed. He swore – but only because she insisted – that when she was gone, he would find another woman to share his life with. He never kept that promise – he never found another woman to take her place. [Is it just me or did anyone else see the number on the bottom of the screen: 1-800-LUV HERI?] And then he thinks about Victoria…

Victoria, now back at Casa Sandoval, can’t stop thinking of María’s harsh words:

Understand once and for all that little María – your little María – is dead!

Osvaldo sees how stricken she looks. She tells him that what she was longing for has happened – she has finally found her daughter. And it’s ... Wait a sec. Set up the echo chamber, Sal. Okay, listo:
María Desamparada! María Desamparada! María Desamparada!

Let’s look in on the happiest couple in the vecindad, Fer and Cruz. They are in bed chatting about his plans to record a disco, his determination to become a vet. Smoochies, a red rose, weird animated hearts. ♪♪ Mi riqueza ♪♪ One thing leads to another. Bottom line: If Fer is not with child, it’s not for lack of trying.

At Casa Sandoval, it’s now Osvaldo’s turn to be impactado. He can’t believe it. María?

Yes, says Vic wretchedly. It's María. The same María who despises me and wants nothing to do with me. And it’s all my fault for treating her so badly. Even so, she tells Os, María’s rejection was the most painful moment of her life, more painful than losing her in the first place. She is sure that María will never forgive her, not after all the harm she’s done to her.

Back to Cruz and Fer, still snuggling in bed now in a smoke ‘em if you got ‘em moment. Fer decides she’ll pay a visit to Dr. Heri’s consultorio tomorrow to find out why she hasn’t gotten pregnant.

Victoria, alone in her bedroom, prays for a second chance with María and hopes the day will come when MD calls her “mamá”.

It’s a new day and María comes to see PJP at the church. She knows Victoria is her mother but it gives her no joy. On the contrary, the knowledge is bitter and painful. Juan Pablo knew. Why didn’t he warn her? He couldn’t, he tells her, because he was bound by the secret of the confessional. But he did try to prepare her. And María knows how much Victoria has suffered…

María doesn’t want to hear it. She doesn’t believe Vic even has feelings. She will never forgive her! Her stony declaration:
Last night Victoria ceased to exist. She is dead to me!

PJP begs her to show some compassion for Vic – it’s her own mother she’s talking about. And it’s not good to hold on to all that hatred. She needs to learn to forgive.

I can’t, says María. And how sad -- if this is my family, I was better off as an orphan.

Doña Bernarda de Iturbide has summoned Guillermo to her office. She has a little job for him:
Quiero desaparecer a Victoria Sandoval y a María Desamparada para siempre.(I want to get rid of Vic and MD forever).
[So Gui, before you sign on with Bernie, you might want to talk to some of her former employees. Oh wait. They’re mostly in hell, aren’t they? (Except for poor Tomasa who is in that pueblito norteño in the sky).]

At Casa Sandoval, Max understands that María’s rejection is very painful to Victoria; and he is sympathetic. But he also reminds her that she brought this on herself. He doesn’t know if María will forgive her; if she does, it won’t come easy. He’ll do what he can to soften María’s heart.

Victoria, remembering MD and Alonso together, tells Max she’ll never forgive herself if, because of her, he and María stop loving each other. That will never happen, he tells her.

Of course poor deluded Alonso thinks differently. And now, alone with María in the vecindad, he tries to help her sort out her feelings toward Vic. He encourages her to let go of her resentment and embrace the chance to be with her mother. He also reminds her of Bernie’s role in the way her life played out. If the Demented One hadn’t kept JP unaware of Vic’s pregnancy, things would have turned out very differently.

María tells Alonso the same thing she told Max and Juan Pablo: She can’t accept Vic as her mother.

I’d give my life to make you happy, Alonso tells her. [And here, some in the viewing audience are shuffling their feet impatiently.] You love me that much? asks María. She allows him to lean in and caress her face but she deflects his kiss to her cheek. I’m so sorry, she says, it’s just that… But Alonso won’t hear apologies. He promised he’d be patient.

But not all that patient. He’s downright grumpy when Max shows up at the door casting a large shadow: Are you here to trash María’s life again? Go away, Max, please, go away!

Fer and Cruz sit in Dr. Heri’s office at CRIT and explain their problem. Still no pregnancy “por más que nos aplicamos” (as hard as we try).
Heri thinks a second operation may help. Fer’s thrilled they have a chance and she’d like the surgery done “lo más pronto que se pueda” (as soon as possible).

Alonso is still trying to get Max to leave. After all, María has made her choice. But Max reminds him that he and María have a child together –

Here Alonso interjects pathetically: Soon little Juan Pablo will have lots of brothers and sisters --

But he grudgingly agrees to step out so María and Max can talk privately, maybe for the last time.

As soon as he is out the door, our lovers fly into one another’s arms. Te amo's. Smoochies.

In the final scene, Doña Bernarda de Iturbide comes to call on Victoria. She has a little disinformation to share: María Desamparada is not your daughter!

But Victoria knows what she knows. Her proof? First, the crucifix. Second, Bernie herself told her --
-- Hey, I lied, says Bernie.
And third her maternal instinct (mi corazón de madre) which drew her to María even when Bernie poisoned Vic against her. [No room for DNA in Victoria’s epistemology]

You no longer have any power over me, says Victoria. But the Demented One isn’t done. She asks her to recall how she lost María in the first place. Some heartless person ran us over, says Vic. Well, says Demente:
Esa persona desalmada fui yo. Yo las atropellé a propósito porque quería verlas muertas... ¡muertas a las dos!
(That heartless person was me. I ran you over deliberately because I wanted to see you dead – both of you dead!)

Say what??

Credits roll


Left the TV on while working, so got to see/hear the episode. Not a whole lot "new", but I will say, kinda like Maria not caving immediately to letting Vic get off the hook for the horrid way she was treated.

And again, why is Alonso the one who actually, always seems to get MD's little light bulb to go on?

As for Dr. H and the flashback to his dying wife ( our dear Connie from Cuando), youngsters....that's how it is done!!! Gees, that scene had me riveted to the screen. And Cesar was breaking my heart - I could feel tears welling...Vic doesn't deserve him. I'll be happy to take her place!!

Thank you so much for the fast recap. Your recap does the novela justice and makes it more interesting than the novela itself

Isn't it amazing that when Max wanted to see Maria alone, Alonso was refusing, yet when alonso barged in x-amount of times on Max and Maria, it was a different story. Even though he knew that they were in love and wanted their privacy, he would not go. He would not leave and he was defiant. Now he looks at Max like "get the you know what out. she is mine and demanding it? I could not watch when alonso got in her face for the smooch. I read this morning that she turned her cheek. Thank goodness.

¡No lo creo; no lo creo! I can't believe Doña Dementa boasted to Victoria that she was the hit-and-run driver. Now that a non-priest knows this there is nothing to stand in the way of the police hearing about this.

I am wondering to what extent said Doña Dementa expects Guillermo to get involved, as neither Maria nor Victoria trust him. That warning to Gui is brilliant, BTW.

Alonso appears to be the voice of reason here, perhaps because he has no emotional stake in the situation between Maria and Victoria. He's right in encouraging Maria to let it go so the anger doesn't eat her up and he seems to know that this will take time. However, he's still delusional with regard to Maria's feelings for him.

Ah, Livia Brito, you are one lucky chica. Pablo Montero and roses... Nice work if you can get it. Now here's hoping that Dr Voice can convince Fer to have another operation so she can walk and dance again. BTW, how long are they married? It usually does take some time to become embarazada. Gee, if I were Fer I'd want to have lots of romantic time with Cruz.

JP, get your Mama(no)cita to the manicomio ayer. If you're not willing to see her in a jail cell the giggle jacket is the next best thing.

Thank you for a great recap, Novela. I missed the show while skyping to see my new granddaughter, and when I watched it, the DVR cut off the last conversation between Victoria and Bernada.


Thanks, NovelaMaven! I was going to put one up, but you beat me to it! I owe you one for next week! Always tops on the humor and snark-o-meter!

I'd say Alonso is due for a "Patience of Job Award". Every time he thinks he might have a chance, her comes Max. Well, poor guy, guess he doesn't have much longer to worry about it, really.....

You're right re: Vic considering that "the call of the blood" is more legit than the test of the blood..... I kept wondering why Vic didn't throw that DNA test JP told her about in his mama's face.

@Jardinera: this is precisely why I can't take it any more. Does this director take us for idiots? We want closure and resolution and he he and his writers just drop the story line out of laziness, stupidity or some kind of studio expedience. Ar-r-rgh!

Thank you NvMv for your patience and wit.

NovelaMaven, Thank you for another fine recap. One hour is so much easier to watch --- and recap I am sure.

Another operation for Fer, so she can get pregnant? No fertility testing first? of her *and* Cruz? (heaven forbid our galánito should be shooting blanks).

Or is the operation to make Fer walk, and how will that help her get pregnant? I'm confused.

This corner of Viewerville was holding their breath to see if MD mouth-kissed Alonslo. Whew! Close call, he kissed her on the cheek.

Alonso saying he would give his life for MD, to make her happy .... ruh-roh.... anvils over his head? He just might live that out, protecting MD from the Gui-Burnarda show.

Our promos for tomorrow look like Fer & Xi get in a fight.(?)

I think we need to wait for Carlos to answer that one.

Oh, yeah, and wherever Victoria was in the last scene: When are they going to figure out how to keep Bernarda out?

From the Telenovela Lexicon --

Infertility: Failure to return from the honeymoon with a bun in the oven.

How do we know it isn't Cruz's fault? Oh pleeeez -- we won't even dignify that with an answer!

Technical procedure needed: Reconnecting Fer's Whosis with her Whatsis.

Why would Bernie tell Vic she was the one who ran her over?

Maybe because the statute of limitations is up and she's no longer legally liable. And even if she were, she'll deny having confessed and there is no proof against her.

Maybe because now that JP has her number, she has nothing to lose.

Or maybe because the telling gives Demente pleasure and Vic pain.

I guess we'll find out more tonight!

NM, is there a statute of limitations on attempted murder in Mexico? I don't think we have one in the US.

Her emotional sadism will do for an explanation. I do hope someone was just beyond the nearest open door.

Now why would anyone want to get pregnant on the honeymoon? Unless you've lived together for five years first, I think that's a mistake. But I'm a gringa, so what do I know?

Finally, could they have found a less flattering angle from which to photograph Maite Perroni? If it makes her decide to have a nose job I hope she picks a better surgeon than Marlene Favela's.

"NM, is there a statute of limitations on attempted murder in Mexico? I don't think we have one in the US."

Good question, Urban. Apparently in the US, it varies by state. Don't know about Mexico...

Another great recap, NovelaMaven. Loved the warning--[So Gui, before you sign on with Bernie, you might want to talk to some of her former employees. Oh wait. They’re mostly in hell, aren’t they? (Except for poor Tomasa who is in that pueblito norteño in the sky).]
Ready to wrap up this mess.
La Paloma

It kills me how all these "do-gooders" tell Maria she needs to let go of the still fresh anger. I say let her be angry for awhile. They weren't on the receiving end of what she has had to endure. STFU do-gooders. As the song says, she's not ready to make nice.

P.S. Great recap.

Great recap NvMv..We can't thank you enough. I am with Jazzee on this one. Maria has earned her anger and letting go right now is not a good idea. The "let it go group" mean well, but her type of anger needs to burn itself out and give her a good cleansing or she will forever hate Vic. Poor Alonso,he has grown on me. I hope his wedding to Maria takes place without a hitch and he dies happy.What would upset me is if he dies alone.

So Heri is a fertility specialist now, too? Good grief.

Are these numbskulls actually planning for Maria to really marry Alonso, or do they figure since he's supposed to be dead within a month, they can just let him believe Maria wants to marry him and he'll die happy and she won't need to actually do it?

Julia: The girl could make out.Alonso isn't exactly poor, nice phot equipment...she could just tell Max to take a hike for suggesting it in the first place and move into Alonso's funky pad 9which I actually like).

Oh, wait - MD is actually thinking this is an ok idea too - let's just not try to think like them. We could all collectively brain dead.

Anon, I have always had a bit of a soft spot for Alonso - he may have been a pest to MD, but dang, he sure was there for her when her supposed novio wasn't. Max just shows up, looks good and does the smoochies - Alonso takes care of the rest (getting her work, taking care of a pregnant MD, finding baby. etc.) he sure deserves some kind of good dramatic send-off. Now that said - with Meija at the helm who know what will happen to the poor guy.

I wouldn't mind something along the lines of ENDA when Gabriel, who we knew was going to die (sniff sniff) took a dramatic shot to the heart to save Pal.of course, he knew he was going to die too - poor slob Alonso - noone will tell him.

Daisynjay- I agree about Alonso. Annoying sometimes, but way more useful than most of the characters here, including the galan. And yes, if he leaves that cool apartment/studio, his country house, jeep, and money to Maria, that would be a nice bonus. :)

And even though I agree it's too soon for Maria to be able to let go of her anger at Vick, what Alonso was saying to her made a lot of sense. He wasn't telling her to forgive Vick right away, but making a valid argument for why she would regret it if she didn't eventually. It was a lot more sensible than PJP's "you should love her and forgive just because" speech, or Max's staring at her with puppy dog eyes with nothing useful to say. In fact, Maria and Alonso do something that she and Max rarely do. They have in depth, adult conversations about the issues on hand. Maria and Max only smooch and exchange I love yous, which is why so much important info fails to be exchanged between the two.

Finally saw my recording of last week's The Soup. Joel did the Max asking for Maria's hand with the babies scene justice. :)

I like Alonso, too. He may be a little too persistent with MariaD, but if he were billed as the lead male his behavior would seem totally TN normal...never give up and all. And from his perspective, it sort of makes sense...I agree with him that Max is a useless loser and Maria just hasn't realized yet that she should move on. He's just trying to save her from her terrible decisions!

I think if dim Maria had met Alonso first, she would think herself just as hopelessly in love with him, and wouldn't give Max the time of day.

Plus, Maria more often seems happy when she's with Alonso. Their relationship has substance.

Max and Maria's relationship has little substance despite all they've been through, because they don't really deal with anything together, they just wring their hands or stare at each other and then make out. Once the ardor cools, what will keep them interested in each other?

hola.....all is going as planned?....hahaha.....i have not been watching so much.....i have been reading the recapps and they are great.....I cannot listen to Victoria and Maria another minute.....No puede ser...i will watch tonight to see the cat fights......and hope the ending comes soon.....i have been watching Alborada.....thanks for the recapps...Novela......great job......BNinCA

Thanks, NvMv for another perfect recap!

I'm sorry but the Alonso mercy "courtship" makes my skin crawl. When he almost kissed her it was just wrong. What is Maria and Max's plan? What is acceptable to them? For Maria to kiss Alonso? For her to have sex with him? I know he's supposedly dying in a month but he seems pretty healthy in the meantime. No nose bleeds or blackouts for a few capitulos.

Alonso should, at the very least, have his radar up that Maria who has NEVER been interested in him romantically, now wants to dump Max and marry him. He's always lived in a fantasy land when it comes to MD and that's exactly what he's getting.

Gui and Oz need to take a page from Hollywood actors and wear jeans and tee shirts instead of power suits. They seem like CEOs, not out of work actors!!!!


Thanks everyone for the nice words. Some great comments today.

I agree that María's anger has to burn itself out but I also think it's good that the people around her are talking about learning to forgive. Eventually, she'll cool down and she'll remember the message -- which is a healthy one.

Katy, I'm with you on Alonso. He just makes my skin crawl. The writers may have let him play hero but he's still one of the least appealing romantic figures I've ever seen in noveladom (or maybe I mean "noveladumb"?) Fausto has also rescued MD a time or two and is also in love with her. But unlike Alonso, he has the self-awareness to realize that romantic love has to be reciprocal. Otherwise adoration becomes obsession and attentiveness becomes stalking.

NovelaMaven - that was such a fabulously snarky recap - hilarious! I so enjoyed it. And who needs to watch the stinking video when you can read this instead!


I'm fed up I tell ya, totally fed up. Who in the world calls their hija using their last name. PJP did it last night. Everyone in the world wants to remind Maria that she was abandoned???? And just why doesn't this piss Maria off????

This comment has been removed by the author.

AND, are Guillermo, Osvaldo & Heriberto the only men in this that have razors??? PJP had straggly whiskers again.

OK, I'm finished.

Vivi in DC - I wish it was easy to see the Soup online. I can't find this week's clip & it's not On Demand.

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