Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Teresa Tue 6/7/11 #73 We’ll always have Cuernavaca.

Cuernavaca: Arturo looks up to see Mariano & Aida walking up. Hector hadn’t had the chance to tell him and takes him inside. Juana, Aurora, Martin head off to ask Mariano to leave. Meanwhile, Teresa takes this opportunity to be alone with Fernando saying she’d rather not see Mariano just yet. Mariano asks Aida if she’d like to leave. They both agree not to leave. Aurora walks up to Mariano and tells him that when she invited them, she had no idea her father had already invited Art&Tere. Juana and Martin have now joined the conversation and Juana accuses him of wanting to continue to see her goddaughter but doesn’t consider what she may want. Does he want to cause problems for her and her husband? On the contrary, Mariano says, he had no idea they were going to be there. Aida chimes in saying Mariano has no further interest in seeking out Teresa and tells them she and Mariano are now novios, making Aurora uncomfortable.

Elsewhere, Arturo understands Teresa was unkind to Martin when they met and Hector says this is why they were all invited, to begin anew. He asked Aurora to bring Martin but didn’t specifically say who was going to be there and had no idea she had invited Mariano & Aida. He understands the uncomfortable situation with Mariano and he’ll ask him to leave. He also explains Aurora likes him very much and as Director of the hospital he values him as well but he also knows how much he bothers Arturo. Arturo has come the realization that this will continue to happen. Mariano and he seem to have many acquaintances in common, more than he would like.

Teresa is taking a stroll with Fernando saying she’s sorry he had to witness all this. He replies, “that’s what happens to a beautiful woman, more than one man will notice her.” Teresa says it’s more important who the woman chooses. That’s not so simple, he says. All men want to be the chosen one but not all men are willing to lose and Mariano is one of the latter. Teresa likes a man who is willing to fight for her without a care as what he has to do.

Back at the confrontation with Aida & Mariano: Aida doesn’t see what the big deal is. They’re all adults here and can behave. Mariano agrees but says he came with her and will leave with her. Aurora invited them over for a good time but it appears as though that can’t happen now. He thinks they should leave. As Aurora is explaining how sorry she is about all this, Arturo walks up (actually charges up) and tells Mariano he’d like to speak with him.

Fernando and Teresa: Fernando brings up Mariano and how he would do anything for her, even interrupt her wedding. It’s apparent he really doesn’t care about anything else. She tells him not to confuse the issue. It’s true Mariano has committed many locuras for her but the one who really had to fight for her was Arturo. He was the one with the least chance of being with her. He was her professor, and then her employer. They both agree that was a moral dilemma. That’s why, Teresa continues, he was very strict with her and always put a barrier between them. Furthermore, her mother didn’t like him. She was on team Mariano and really pressured her to be with him. Arturo finally won out. Little by little he won her over. He was so thoughtful and before she knew it, she had fallen in love with him. She’s very happy with him but if he continues with this jealousy over Mariano, sob, she just doesn’t know what she’ll do. She takes his hands and begins to cry, she’s very worried. Then she hugs him close and he caresses her back. He has a sincere, concerned look on his face. Her, a knowing tiburoncita smile.

Arturo tells Mariano he seems destined to run into him repeatedly. Mariano agrees they have many acquaintances in common and although Art&Tere may not agree, there are many who appreciate him and he’s going to continue those friendships. Arturo knows and thinks enough is enough, speaking of the scandal Mariano caused at his wedding and the scandal Arturo caused at Mariano’s home. Mariano doesn’t understand why he did that. He’s won Teresa hasn’t he? They both agree they’ll continue to run into each other and don’t feel they should leave whenever that happens. Mariano confesses had he known they would be here, he wouldn’t have come. Not because of Teresa and him, but out of respect for Aida and not wanting to put her through the discomfort. Arturo asks only that he respect his wife and others in the house. Mariano says he honestly has no problem and hopes Arturo feels the same. Arturo hopes they are able to behave in a civil manner toward each other whenever they happen to be in the same place.

Ruh-roh – Fernando looks as though he’s really enjoying that hug. Teresa suddenly pulls away and acts as though nothing is wrong then says playfully that he’s acting like her guardian angel to which he replies he’s many things but nothing like an angel (wink, wink, nudge, nudge). That’s exactly what she thought when first they met. That’s why she warned Luisa about getting involved with him. She sees him as one of those who refuses to lose. He also sees her that way. She’s determined (decidada) and doesn’t allow anyone to get the best of her(no te dejas). She learned that where she was raised, to defend what’s hers and that’s why now she must fight for her marriage. Beginning with getting Arturo to stop worrying about Mariano. Above all, Paloma must leave her husband in peace. Arturo has publicly spurned (despreciado) Mariano and yet he shows too much concern for that woman. Fernando agrees and feels it would be best that they both distance themselves from Paloma. Arturo joins them, asking Teresa to come with him. He announces they’re not leaving and neither is Mariano. Mariano will have to accept that Teresa is his wife and they will be together for-ev-er. They both thank Fernando and walk away. Fernando calls Luisa.

Aida agrees that Mariano and Arturo should treat each other politely. It’s obvious they will continue to run into them and it’s not like they can take Teresa off the face of the earth. She feels it’s the best thing he can do. Then they see Arturo and Teresa walking together. Aida immediately rushes to put her arms around Mariano. Mariano tells her if she feels the least bit uncomfortable, they can leave. Aida refuses, saying that when she thinks of all she suffered at the hands of Teresa with regards to Paolo, she has a little satisfaction knowing it bothers Teresa to see her with Mariano. She kisses him then tells him what Teresa said about Aida picking up her cast offs (deshechos). But she doesn’t care because she’s able to appreciate their value.

Hector is talking to Martin about Aurora’s mother, saying he really has no hope of finding her and that may be best for everyone. Martin doesn’t agree it would be best for Aurora. Hector’s sure that finding Vanessa will only reopen old wounds and he’s hired an attorney to take care of things legally. He asks that Martin be discreet with Juana at least until his legal situation is finalized. He’s grateful Martin was so supportive when Aurora told him of her mother’s abandonment. Martian confesses he’s in love with Aurora and hopes to one day marry her and is counting on Hector’s blessing. Hector agrees but says that the last definitive word is Aurora’s. Martin’s very aware of that and he’s working on it.

We finally leave Cuernavaca and return to la vecindad. Johnny wonders out loud why we sigh. She remembers a dicho that says “a sigh is like a kiss that never was” (un beso que nunca se dio). Very cute. Cutberto then says he’ll always be sighing because…..yeah, yeah, yeah, says Johnny, thanks to your amada. Espe assumes he’s referring to Juana. Cutberto starts in complaining about Juana and Hector and thankfully Johnny wants to change the subject but not before Juana tells him she’s in Cuernavaca for the weekend with other couples. That gets him going again…..FF>>

Cuernavaca: Everyone is poolside and Fernando announces he’s leaving to help Luisa with some work. Hector asks Aurora to organize the sleeping arrangements. Aida jumps in asking where she and Mariano will sleep tonight. Teresa could give herself whiplash with the way she turned to look at Mariano. Aurora puts the kibosh on her plans: The men will sleep in the guest room, the women will sleep in Aurora’s. Then there’s her father’s room and another room for Arturo and Teresa. Arturo has to point out the good thing about being married is that they can sleep in their own room. Juana nervously asks if there is an extra bed in Aurora’s room for her. Hector smiles nervously. Dang it, he’s so cute.

Vecindad: Johnny and Cutberto leave for work. Espy settles down with a baby book as she talks to her baby. She wonders if baby can really hear everything and wishes she could choose what he/she hears. If so, she wouldn’t have wanted baby to hear her argument with Ruben. She apologizes for not going back to his/her father even though she loves him (ugh) and the baby will really need him. But she cannot accept his offer.

Casa Caceres: Eeeewwww! Mayra and Ruben talk about the wonderful time they had last night. She tells him she was so nervous and hopes it was good for him. Ugh She’s so insecure. He proposes that from now on she decides what goes on in bed, and elsewhere. She’s embarrassed and admits she could never see herself with another man. She admits she thought about it but just couldn’t see herself actually doing it. He tells her there’s no need to think about that now that they’re back together and he will never stray again. (I gag). She wants them to be honest and truthful with each other and tell each other everything.

Quick view of poolside in Cuernavaca. Mariano and Aida cavorting by the pool as Teresa keeps an eye on them. She’s sitting next to Arturo who seems to be playing backgammon, oblivious to his wife’s roving eye.

Back to the Caceres: Ruben thinks they should take a vacation. She doesn’t feel right doing that now after all the work she’s done with the accountant and Aida. Poor guy has spent so much time with her. That’s why he pays Madeo (accountant?) She’s determined to continue. He suggests he be the one to teach her/help her. After all, he knows the business. She agrees and he snuggles to her telling her he loves her voice. Aaaaagh!

A Night in Cuernavaca: Art&Tere in their room. She tells him he did the right thing in deciding not to argue every time they see Mariano. He doesn’t want to talk about that right now. In fact, he doesn’t want to talk and they begin canoodling.

Outside, Aida and Mariano are taking a stroll and she tells him her plan was to spend all her time with him but with Hector there that wasn’t possible. She’s sure Martin wanted to spend the night with Aurora. He says they need to respect the rules of the house. She kisses him goodnight. Mariano is alone and begins to think about that first day in Cuernavaca with Teresa. He happens to walk by Art&Tere’s room and can hear their lovemaking, and he’s frustrated. We see Arturo and Teresa in bed and she doesn’t look much happier.

Casa de la Barrera: Fernando arrives, surprising Luisa and offers to help her. As he embraces Luisa, he thought bubbles about that other embrace with Teresa. Now he doesn’t look too happy either. Luisa wonders what’s wrong with him.

Cuernavaca: Art&Tere’s bedroom. She’s redressed and asks if he wants to go back downstairs to play more table games (juegos de mesa). He’d rather stay here with her. As he hugs her, we see that she’d rather be anywhere than here with him. She tells him she’s really thirsty and going for some water.
We next see her talking with Aurora. Aurora doesn’t understand why she’s still so nervous. Everything turned out alright in the end. Teresa insists this shouldn’t have happened to begin with. She shouldn’t be here and neither should Mariano. In reality, they shouldn’t be there at the same time, ever. Aurora understands she doesn’t want to see him and that it brings up bad memories. Whoopsie, Arturo appears in the background without either woman noticing him. Aurora wants to know why Teresa is so adamant that Mariano not be here, specifically in this house. She then asks if this is where she and Mariano had their “first” time. Yes, Teresa confesses. This is where she was with Mariano and then asks that she not repeat that. Too late! Arturo’s heard everything and is muy, muy, pero muy impactado!

Casa de la Barrera: Luisa’s packing up her work and Fernando is still sulking. She asks again what’s the matter. Nothing, he says. By the way, has he told her how beautiful she looks tonight? He sure wishes she could’ve gone with him to Cuernavaca. She talks of all the work she had to get done and still isn’t finished. He’s promised to help her and he will. He gives her a big hug. She asks again what’s up? Nothing, he says again. He missed her. Maybe he’s trying to rub the feel of shark skin off.

Cuernavaca: Tere’s not finished and Arturo is bracing himself to hear more. She knows if Arturo finds out, he’ll kill her. She loves him and intends to put her marriage first before anything. She’s fearful of him finding out. Aurora doesn’t think she’ll ever be happy living like this. Arturo’s heard enough and leaves and walks right into Hector who sees that he is clearly upset. Arturo says he’s not ok and says he’s going to kill Mariano! Hector becomes alarmed wondering what happened. He thought they had straightened everything out. Arturo’s so angry he can barely speak. He tells him he can’t talk about it and really shouldn’t say anything to him at the moment. Hector continues to try to understand what’s wrong. But Arturo won’t say more and apologizes, saying there’s something he needs to determine/make clear (definir). He leaves and Hector goes after him.

Elsewhere in the house, Juana, Aida, and Martin are playing a rousing game of Twister. Mariano walks in and Aida asks why he’s so serious. He should join in the fun. At that moment Arturo comes charging in with Hector trailing behind. Arturo and Mariano stare at each other like two greyback gorillas squaring off for battle. I swear Arturo even flared his nostrils. Mariano gives him the ol’ “what?” Aida tries to pretend nothing is going on and invites them to a nightclub. Arturo says no thanks and leaves. Mariano continues pacing and posturing like any good gorilla would and even makes a move as though he’ll go after Arturo but Aida stops him. Arturo is back in his room, barely able to control himself, saying to himself, “Teresa lied to me!” He walks over to Teresa’s suitcase and flings it across the floor. All the while he’s talking to himself. “¡Maldito! He stood there shamelessly and didn’t answer me truthfully the day I asked him” Kicks the suitcase. “How he must have laughed. ¡Maldito Mariano!” Boom, another soccer kick to the suitcase. Oh, he is really steamed!

Aurora understands how difficult this is but thinks Teresa should talk to Arturo and tell him. Teresa doesn’t think it’s necessary now that there shouldn’t be any further problems between Arturo and Mariano, thanking Aurora and Hector for talking to them both. As Aurora’s telling her things seem to have worked out and Mariano seems very happy with Aida, Juana comes up telling Teresa about Arturo’s appearance in the game room. He seemed very upset and she needs to go check on him.

Arturo is sitting in the darkened bedroom fuming and thought bubbles Teresa’s confession to Aurora about having had sex with Mariano. Teresa walks in and immediately knows something’s wrong. He just glares at her.

Aurora asks dad to no avail. No one seems to know what’s bugging Arturo. Juana figures he’s apparently angry with Mariano, again. The bell goes off in Aurora’s head and I’m sure she’s wondering if he overheard her conversation with Tere. Dad asks if she knows of a problem between the couple, and Aurora hopes there isn’t any.

Teresa begins picking up the battered suitcase and asks what’s wrong. Nothing, he says. She insists, saying his face says something is wrong. He snaps “Estoy que me lleva el Diablo (the devil’s got me). Is that what you want to hear?” He sheds a tear as he thought bubbles again to the moment where Teresa tells Aurora he’d kill her if he found out. She loves him and will put her marriage first, etc. Teresa pleads with him to tell her what’s wrong. He tells her he’s furious and disappointed (defraudado). She’s getting scared and asks who disappointed him. She’s never seen him like this. He’s very angry and says he thought he had everything under control. But as it turn out SOMEONE knew more than he. She’s still trying to understand what’s going on. He needs to solve this himself. He’s the one who got himself into this. She doesn’t understand. She’s gone for five minutes to talk with Aurora and returns to this. What happened? She’s is wife. She wants him to know what happened to him. He says bad things happen when you least expect them. He was so stupid to believe in…….he pauses then says to believe in Saenz’ partner. She’s surprised to see him so upset over the Saenz case and tells him not to be so worried. Everything will be ok. She turns her puppy eyes to him and asks if there’s anything she can do to help him. She doesn’t realize it but that is probably not the best approach at this time. She kisses him but gets no response. He apologizes then leaves. Ooooh, tiburoncita doesn’t know what just happened.

Martin is ready to go to the club and wants Aurora to go with them. She wants to talk to Teresa. Everyone, Martin, Hector, and Juana tells her to let the newlyweds work out their own problems.

La Vecindad (combo scenes): Johnny and Espe chat about her knitting, then about him picking her up later to take her to work, then about bringing her back some churros. Cutberto shows up drunk to look for the pieces of his broken heart that Juana has surely scattered around her apartment. He starts opening drawers and Espe asks Johnny to stop him. Yawn. He’s looking for the homemade card he gave her because he’s realized he means nothing to her. Espe doesn’t understand why they’re each with another when they can be so happy together. Cutberto doesn’t understand why Juana doesn’t love him. He even asked her to marry him and have his children. Is it possible Teresa convinced her not to be with him?

Cuernavaca (combo scenes): They’re in another part of the house now (living room?) and Teresa asks again if he’s ok. Arturo says he’s not but he’ll be ok soon. He doesn’t even turn to look at her. She’s never seen him like this and wonders if Mariano being here has caused this. At the mention of his name, Arturo turns to look at her. She’s telling him they shouldn’t allow him to bother them and she wishes she could erase him from her life. She reaches out to him but he takes both her arms and pushes her aside. He doesn’t think you can erase the past and forget it. Do what you will, your past always catches up with you. Your past marks you forever and makes you into the person you are today. She’s not following him. He wonders if she thinks she can forget what she lived/had with someone from her past. She’s still not getting it and asks if this has to do with Paloma. No, he says he’s speaking generally and brings up her sister. Has she forgotten what they shared before she died? That’s what he’s talking about. The good times and the bad. The times that make their mark on us forever. She reminds him they had agreed to put the past, Paloma and Mariano, behind them,. She reaches out for him again and again he pushes her aside. She asks him to come to bed. He thought bubbles about the conversation he had with Paloma when she was trying to tell him about Mariano and Teresa. Then he says mostly to himself that he needs details. Tere hears him and wonders what details he’s talking about. He lies and says it has to do with the case and announces he’s leaving for D.F. She offers to pack their suitcases and he tells her not to bother, she’s staying here. She protests, saying she’s his wife and she should go with him. He tells her it’s business and besides, she wanted to come here to enjoy herself. Not without him, she says. Mariano and Aida walk by on their way to the club and invite them to join them. No, thanks. Now Juana comes up and Arturo asks her to watch over his tiburoncita since he’s called away on business.

Casa Caceres: Mayra’s come back from a shopping spree and then tells Ruben she’s off on a mysterious errand. Don’t bother to ask cuz she’s not telling him. As soon as she leaves, he pulls out his cell. It rings at Geno’s who refuses to answer. He leaves her a message telling her he’s worried about where Mayra is headed and wants to talk to her about it.

Cuernavaca: Teresa tells Aurora about Arturo’s impromptu trip to D.F. She’s really worried. Aurora’s glad to hear it’s about business. She was afraid he’d heard their conversation about Mariano. Teresa refuses to even think about that possibility.

Casa de la Barrera: Fernando looks at Art&Tere’s wedding picture as Luisa finishes up at the computer. She kisses him again and again he is very distant. She suggests they go out to dinner and share some time together. He begs off, saying he’s really very tired and wants to go home to bed. Luisa’s worried.

La Vecindad: Knock at the door, and Espe assumes it’s Johnny and opens the door without asking who’s there. Mayra swoops in! She’s there to tell her she’s decided to give Ruben another chance. Espe doesn’t understand her purpose in being there. Mayra supposes that in the past she never would have dreamed of coming here but she announces she’s a new woman now. Espe still doesn’t understand what that has to do with her. She’s already promised she’ll leave Ruben alone and never plans to see him again. She tells her of her plan to leave the vecindad, that there’s “someone” else in her life now and it’s because of that person that she’s planning on leaving. Of course Mayra assumes she’s with another man.

Cuernavaca: Juana and Teresa are dressed for bed. Juana doesn’t understand why Teresa is so upset. Tere doesn’t like the way he treated her. She’s sure it’s something to with more than business. Plus, he up and leaves her there! Everyone went out to enjoy themselves. Aurora with Martin, that desgraciada with Mariano. Truthfully, she would have like to go with them. She’s come to the realization that her life is very different from other women her age. Juana tells her she should’ve thought about that before marrying an older man. Tere pouts that he promised he’d always be aware of what she wanted. Juana feels he’s already given in to her many times and she can’t think he’d want to be out there gallivanting around in a nightclub. He’s an important man and it wouldn’t be seemly. Teresa’s working herself into a berrinche now, wondering if she’s supposed to be satisfied with attending charity auctions, dinners, and all those other boring events!

Mariano and Aurora are at the gate, returning from their night out. He wants to know why Arturo was so angry. She tells him it was about business and he’s not satisfied with that answer. He wants to know more. Finally, Aurora has had it. ¡Basta! The world doesn’t revolve around Teresa! He needs to stop worrying and thinking about her or he’ll never be happy. She storms off.

Casa de Paloma: Ruh-roh! There’s a knock at the door and Paloma goes to see who’s come a-calling at this hour. You guessed it. It’s Arturo! He tells her she was right. Teresa deceived him. She goes to hug him and he’s crying. Damn!


Damn! Is right! Damn, damn, damn!
Arturo stupido! Paloma!!?!! Stupido!!

Okay, i've yelled that at the TV, now here. Pheww.

He also heard her say her marriage is most important. He thought bubbled it at PatPal's house.

No no no. Arturo can not be so weakly idiotic as to sleep with PatPal! Be aggresively irate at Teresa. Show us your decidely steamy interior. Put Teresa is her place. But do not go the weakling's route into your ex's bed!

Ahhhh, manana can not come fast enough to see what happens. Errrggghhh.......


Ay yi yi...Paquita what a "fun" episode you had to recap, and this was fantastic! I was trying unsuccessfully to get some work done while the show was on - no go. This one was too good - if only for all the intrguing looks and hugs.

Diann, I thank you profusely for taking care of the rant I'm sure we all are feeling at this moment. If Artie goes thru with that, when he turns up the jealous meter. Sexy, especially with the hair flying, but he was down-right scary. (Great job Sebastian!)

"Mariano continues pacing and posturing like any good gorilla would " - somone mentioned this yesterday, and I have to say, this guy knows how to do the smoldering stare and swagger. Even wearing those stupid clunky shoes...Our little Toxic just turns these intelligent men to blithering idiots doesn't she?

(Anyone else just not see Mariano ever getting into playing a game of Twister? )

As for Fer - yeah he's toast too. So will Tere go running to him for consolation? Holy smokers - this is getting interesting....

Oh yeah, and agree on the Rub/Mar. Only time I could get a few lines on the spreadsheet reviewed: those scenes and Johnny/Cutberto. Filler-

Great job on a great episode, Paquita.

At last Arturo's on the scent of Tiburoncita. I hope he has a big harpoon... and a prenup. Not to mention the sense not to get jiggy with Pathetic Paloma.

Fernando might score with Tiburoncita sooner than we think. However, that would be very estupido on his part as Arturo could make life very difficult for him. Can't wait for tonight's episode.

Paquita: I had to steal a few minutes to read this. Your recap was sensational - you captured all of the exciting (and loathsome) events perfectly. The embedded vocabulary was great. You write so well...Gracias.

In spite of everything, I still feel for Teresa. I agree with Diann, Daisy and Urban's comments. "Pathetic Paloma" is right Urban. For a character that I assume is supposed to garner sympathy, she elicts none from me. One of my least favorite characters. Needy and opportunistic. Blech.

If Fernando wasn't ensnared before, he certainly is now. Poor Luisa. She never stood a chance. So is Fernando the new Plan B?


Fernando has been Plan B ever since Teresa had a hint about his assets.

Someone please explain how Tiburoncita could possibly think that her plan to fleece Arturo and Fernando in succession would ever be OK with Mariano after the fact. If Mariano were doing the same thing would she be involved with him?

Thanks so much Frances for the play by play. I loved your descriptions of Art and Mariano. Man, I could feel the seething anger and rage of Art. The flaring nostrils, the red face, even the uncontrolable tears. Great job Sebastian R. I was so glad that he managed to keep enough control to not give it away to Tere. I love it when she has no idea what's going on. It throws her off her game and makes it more difficult to manipulate. But I so do not want Art to sleep with Paloma. I actually don't think she's supposed to be a completely sympathetic character. Yes, she has good intentions and life goals (the children's work), but she is also shown to be weak and lacking dignity (giving in to her dad, giving in to the manipulations of Geno and Aida, constantly begging Art). Plus, if Art does sleep with Pal and Ter finds out, she has some major grounds for divorce and to get her hands on more of Art's money.

I can't believe Fer is falling for Teresa's bs. He really seems to be falling for her and not just in lust with her. I would rather he end things with Luisa now instead of leaving her in emotional limbo as his feelings for Tere grow.

So glad Aurora told Mariano to just shut up about Teresa already. LOL!

Wow, what was that... a weekend in hell! You could cut the tension with a knife with so many uncomfortable couples. Maybe Aida and Martin had a good time...Aida so she could stick it to Teresa and Martin cause he is ever hopeful with Aurora.

Fer is so disquieted since he's fallen under Tere's spell. Tere conveniently needs a comforting hug whenever he's around. As Daisy notes, he's toast for sure.

Sebastian was impressive. He does almost crazy so well. And Teresa has turned him into a prying snoop...poor guy. I'm expecting pleading Pal will see this as her chance to pounce on vulnerable Art's handsome bones. She's pretty fast and it looks like she can't get his clothes off soon enough.

Lol with the title, Paquita, and thanks for a great recap.


I haven't read this yet, but your title had me LOL! Now, I'm going to read it.

I've gotta say that Angelique Boyer is doing a TERRIFIC acting job in this role. Love it. Loved Sebastian getting his crazy on, too.

I'm a little confused as to where this is going with Paloma. She's AWFUL. Is it that the actress isn't doing a good job? Or that the character kinda blows? If Art ends up with her, I'm going to yack. Does the show want me to like her? 'Cause I don't.

What a fabulous episode and Frances you did it justice with your smooth informative writing style. I love all the imbedded vocabulary, thanks so much. 

Dianne, so happy to see you. Glad you are able to drop in for a minute. 

I'm not sure who Arturo can turn to if not Paloma. She was the first to come to him with strong evidence against Teresa, unless you count all Refugio's nasty looks! Paloma is a friend, but the only problem is that like others are saying, she will use his vulnerability to try and get back into his mind.  For a handsome galan, Arturo has bad choices, Pathetic Paloma, or Terrible Teresa. Cutberto needs to take him out to meet someone new!!!

The best part of yesterday's program was Aurora's telling Mariano to "get over Teresa!" Finally, like Ramon, someone else is letting our  sulking, stuck in the past galan hear an important truth, 
that the world doesn't revolve around Teresa.   Enough already! Yeh! 

Other than Hernan el Galan, every character in this tn has some major flaws (and maybe his is being too timid to tell Espe how he feels). So I think the question of whether we are meant to like a character or not is moot. This tn is more complicated than that. You will react to a character, just like you would to people you meet in real life, based on your own personality and life experiences.

I just discovered this blog -- thanks so much for all the work! I can't manage an hour every night, but thanks to the recaps MUY DRAMATICAS, I don't feel as if I'm missing anything!

Welcome SS and Blue Lass, stick around and help us figure this novela out!

Twisterrrrrr!! I can't believe they were playing Twister, what a great touch.

I was very impressed by Rulli's acting last night. Dang he was scary. In fact most of the acting on this show is very good.

Poor Espe, she's really trying to avoid Ruben and clan but they simply will not leave her alone.

Diann, great rant. My rant: "What she said."

Paquita, thanks for the awesome recap. I've got to give props to you Teresa recappers, there is a LOT going on in this telenovela and y'all do a great job of explaining the details.

Thanks, Paquita, very well done. I loved the line "maybe he's trying to rub the feel of shark skin off."

Ay, Fernando. It's hard to believe a man who's been around the block as many times as he has would fall for Teresa's schemes. I wonder how much he's really falling for her vs. just getting bored with Luisa now that it's been awhile and he's ready to move on.

This show is so good. Most of the characters are complicated so we can be surprised by the things they do, yet the surprising things they do aren't totally out of character. Plus, we don't have to wait forever and ever for each little secret to come out and the plot to progress. It's so refreshing!

I love that Aida and Martin were playing Twister, and Aida was trying to get everyone to play. She may have her own issues but at least she knows how to be a fun guest. How were none of those people in the pool?

The whole awkwardness over the sleeping arrangements was so funny. But really, did Martin think Aurora wanted to get it on with him, for the first time ever, in a house full of people including her dad? Where we know the place isn't exactly soundproof?

"Is it that the actress isn't doing a good job? Or that the character kinda blows?"

Welcome SS: and in answer to your question, I vote BOTH!

Blue Lass, I'm pretty awful on the language side myself and was ecstatic finding this blog a few years ago. I am ever so grateful to all our recappers on all the shows!

To you both: Hang out and enter the fray of commenting! Friendlier bunch of folks you'll never find. (Except when Judy and I are talking Ohio State and Purdue :) )

Great shots of Rulli's kryptonite eyes!

I just don't find Teresa hooking Fernando to be credible. This man is very experienced and must have had many a golddigger try to manipulate him. Intense sexual attraction, sure, but if Fernando wasn't wise to the ways of trepadora ladies, he would have been well caught by now (and probably onto marriage 2 or 3). He's a cynic at heart who is not really into serious relationships. I think he makes an exception in Luisa's case because he really cares about her and her brother.

Arturo is the opposite. He has been sheltered and is still very inexperienced in man-woman relationship matters. I find Teresa reeling him in totally credible.


a great job Paquita!!

Did anyon e else notice that when Mair unexpectedly dropped by, Espe kept looking towards tghe table where she had all the baby knittings. Fortunately she never seemed to notice.

I thought Rulli did a magnificent acting job. For a minute there I was annoyed that Art was going to bash Mariano, like Teresa was so innocent in all of this. But then he showed her anger she never experienced with him before. I never would have thought Art would turn to PatPal romantically, but in this case, I'm glad Teresa is getting a good dose. I hope she finds out.


Loved the recap Frances. Damn is right. Arturo in a moment of weakness, reaches out to PatPal for revenge sex. Of course, PatPal is happy for any crumbs he'll give her. What Arturo doesn't realize in his moment of rashness is that he has just given Teresa grounds for a divorce and she'll take him to the cleaners. Arturo should've thought with the head on top of his shoulders instead of the other one. Teresa sure does know how to drive a man crazy. Now Fernando has the feel of Teresa's skin on his brain too. Egads.

If looks could kill that glare that Arturo gave Teresa was something else. I'm still disappointed that he turned to PatPal but I think we all knew this could happen since he still had lingering feelings for her. Stupid is as stupid does.

So after the revenge sex, what happens next? In the previews, Teresa looks as though she found out where Arturo spent the night. Arrghh.

Oh that moment when Mariano was at the window listening to Arturo and Teresa get their groove on I thought he might try to peek through the curtains the way he kept hanging around and fuming. What an episode. SR did a excellent job showing Arturo's rage and disgust when he found out about Teresa's lies.

Good news, I’m not in the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s after all! Teresa didn’t tape again because the program guide for the DVR sends up “To be announced” rather than the name of the program. I first thought it was a problem with Uni, but many other US programs are being listed that way. The bad news is that I’ll have to wait for a Comcast rep to come and fix it!!!

Like many others here, I LOVED the way the Teresa-Arturo fight transpired. The overheard conversation, the *super *angry *abrupt manner in which Arturo treated a shocked and even compliant Teresa and her *super *scared response. The fact that he left her immediately and yet didn’t cause an immature scene with Mariano, and yes, his flight to Paloma’s house, all the while mentally hearing that Teresa wanted her marriage. Will he ACTUALLY sleep with Paloma or not? Yes, No, Yes, No???? I’m not depending on a recording tonight, I’m watching LIVE!

See, you don’t have to have a galan riding around on a horse wearing a long coat to have a great novela.

Paquita wow what a recap of a great episode this show just keeps getting better and big applause to all of you recappers who are doing a fabulous job.

I've said this before i'm not much of a Sebastian Rulli fan but i even have to admit i was darn impressed with his acting last night great work.

Include me in also loving Aurora telling off Mariano to stop obsessing over Teresa "you go girl".

She not only a obsession for Mariano but his date Aida will thsi woman ever stop her annoying Teresa's rants. Did you see the look Mariano gave her as she ranted the same type of look that Paulo used to give her too. The only difference is we didn't hear oh bebe yuck!

Teresa is prepping for plan B with Fernando boy this girl just doesn't stop.

Artutro did it have to be pathetic Paloma? Uggggggggggggggh!

Here's another pathetic woman it's Mayra ok you accepted back Ruben but can you leave dumb Espe alone who still in love with that jerk of a husband you have.

I just can't wait for tonight's episode please Art don't sleep with Pathetic Paloma. Not only will you give grounds to your little shark to divorce you and take you to the cleaners. But the worst of it maybe you getting back into a relationship with Pathetic Paloma.

I just and i am very addicted to this show and i am glad as i am sure the recappers that it didn't go back to 2 hrs let's savor and enjoy this show as long as possible before it ends.

I had a busy last few days and am just now catching up on Teresa. THANK YOU SO MUCH for your recap, and also thank you to the recap yesterday.

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