Monday, July 11, 2011

Alborada, 7/11/2011. Cap. 29.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #9, Monday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 29 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's screenshot. In addition to flowers, I wonder if the boy sells bowls to barbers.


Great photo, Carlos. What a sweet little guy ! Well, poor Martin finally got Hip's undivided attention, but at a very steep price. So sad. I wish that he had just gone back to Spain instead of meeting such an untimely death. Poor Carmelo and Felipe...losing their only child. How awful. P.S. Luis's long lesther coat looks like it would be heavy and hot . How does he get on the horse wearing it...let alone ride ???? Muy macho.

Muy triste, we lost the muy guapo Martín. I knew it was coming but still it was a nail biter. He was a fighter though.

Why does Luis have the bandanna like thing on, no one else does, it looks like leather.

Antonio was very uncomfortable in the bordello.

The slime ball Diego trying to blame everything on Luis, I don't think will fly for very long. Diego just acts like a slime ball.

I went back to the beginning of Alborada to see what I could find out about the Hipolita-Asuncion-Juana-Isabel-Luis-Connection and how Andres fit in.

I posted it so late last night that maybe nobody saw it. So I decided to post it here again today.

It starts when Luis has just returned to the palace from his trip to Spain--stopping first in Panama.

Tia Isabel greets him outside and they walk into the Palace together.

TI>> And how many hearts did you break [sp. rompiste]?

LM>> None, I can assure you, but when I was in Porto Bello (is this a little white lie?), I lived through a very special/peculiar/odd [sp. particular] adventure with one Maria Hipolita [sp. con una tal M. H.]. (I can't imagine Luis divulging her name to Tia Isabel so casually, but this would be the only way that the rest of her identity could later be revealed to him.)

TI>> Hmm, it sounds to me....[sp. Me suene...][interrupted by a maid]

LM>> It sounds to you???

TI>> ...but I don't know from where. END OF THIS SCENE

Later, Luis has told Cristobal the whole story, including all the details. Cristobal is shaking his head in disbelief. They move to La Torre where Luis' laboratory is. Tia Isabel comes to visit because...

TI>> I remembered where I heard the name Maria Hipolita. Dona Asuncion, before she married that #*@!# Francisco, she had an hija she named Maria Hipolita.

LM>> This is the first time I have heard of this.

TI>> Por supuesto, I assume it was because it is a secret.

LM>> And if it is a secret, how did you inform yourself of this?

TI>> By listening behind the door to a conversation between your mother and Dona Asuncion concerning her ilegitima who lives in Panama.

LM>> In Panama? Where?

TI>> How should I know? SCENE CHANGES

By this, then, we know that Hipolita had been born and dispatched to her grandmother in Santa Rita before D. Francisco and D. Asuncion were married off to each other. As to Andres, he probably didn't know about Hipolita at all and it's most likely that Fran was a widower with a son at the time of his marriage to D. Asuncion.
Dona Nube

Carlos, what an adorable pic. I probably wouldn't have even noticed that cute child if you hadn't provided the screen shot.

Crap, I knew Martin was going to get stabbed and I almost didn't want to watch it happen, but I couldn't resist. I thought Martin looked very dashing during the fight but alas, others were not so dashing or honorable.

Funny about Hipolita and the eggs; she was chowing down on hard boiled in at Las Tunas too.

I watched the bloopers on my Alborada disc and they are very funny. Lucero is quite the ham and apparently she constantly chewed gum. They sometimes had to reshoot a scene because of her chomping. In one scene she snuck some to little Rafael and you can hear the director say "Did you give him gum!?!" Apparently the crew and cast liked to play tricks on Perla who was a very good sport.

Thanks Dona Nube for the background on the Asuncion/Hipolita timeline.

I look forward to each days picture, it adds a lot to the enjoyment, gracias.

Tks Dona Nube, I hadn't realized that Luis had been in Spain, I thought he just left Mex for a business deal in Panamá, a ruse by Diego to be murdered.

Just when I was starting to think Martin would actually be able to hold off that entire gang, BAM! Stabbed.

Looks like I won't have to deal with the Martin/Marcos confusion much longer, eh?

Unless he survives by some miracle. That could really work out, story-wise. You know, Hip finds out Luis was the Mystery Boinker and dumps him for keeping the secret from her (if NO ONE else). And then takes up with Martin out of heartbreak and gratitude.

Not that I would be happy with such a storyline, but it's so typical of telenovelas to go that way... OTOH this is the esteemed Alborada, so it had BETTER not turn out that way!

That little boy with the flower actually had a line but I couldn't understand what he said.

Hipólita must have been on a diet. When the girl brought her some food, she ate the white of a boiled egg, but set aside the yolk. Did she skip the yolk at las Tunas, Sylvia?

Poor Antonio didn't seem to be having a very good time at the bordello, did he?


Carlos and Sylvia~~~I, too, noticed that Hip only ate the white of that hardboiled egg. One wouldn't really be worried about calories if one had been kidnapped and didn't know when one's next egg might be served . Or is that just me ? Boy, now I could really go for a deviled egg.

Well, now I can't remember if she ate the whole thing. I recall that she peeled and then ate. Maybe she peeled the white off the yolk. If the eggs were overboiled then I can't say I blame her. I hate sulfury yolks.

The little boy said "no me voy" or something like that. Maybe he wanted to stay put and play with his flowers.

No, poor Antonio looked like he was truly suffering. A couple of those rameras looked familiar to me. Maybe the bordello has low turnover. Also, I saw that Mario Ivan Martinez was singing there again. Must be a regular gig for him.

Carlos, I made the Lovely Linda's Corn Relish tonight. It's absolutely delish! I've added it to my recipe collection. I think it will go very well with my chicken mole tonight.

Poor, poor Martin! *sniff, sob* :( I can't even talk about it. He was my favorite.

Sylvia- Indeed, there were many familiar faces amongst the working girls (and amongst many of the extras in this tn). One of them was Jessica Coch (Roberta in CME/Renata in Mi Pecado) in yellow, wearing a dark curly wig and sitting on Diego's lap. I guess all actors have to pay their dues in bit parts before getting meatier roles.

Wow, Vivi... what a good eye. I went back to see and sure enough, it was our Roberta sitting on Diego's lap. Bless her heart, she looks happier here as a hooker than she ever has so far as an heiress to the Monterubio fortune.


Regarding Antonio in the bordello. Continuity error? Back in Panama, he or someone said that he was able to perform with prostitutes, just not nice girls.

About the extras. I've heard that Televisa draws from its acting factory (school) for many/most of the extras in the TNs. So by the time an actor graduates, he's been in lots of TNs as a restaurant patron, boutique customer, etc.

Vivi, you are a wonder! I wish I had a better TV so I could see bigger versions of everyone. Those other whores looked familiar but I haven't a clue who they might be.

Paula, I don't think it's necessarily a continuity error. Antonio is clearly uncomfortable now but that doesn't mean he didn't give a bordello a try earlier. Or he might have been lying before. He's a pretty complex guy.

Thanks Paula for the whole posting gig. Thanks Carlos for picking that adorable little boy with the Buster Brown cut, bowl head indeed.

Martin will now be noble too bad he couldn't pull it off before. His character development comes at a steep price too. And thankfully, Hipo isn't threatened by his deep crush anymore but will now comfort him in his profoundly wounded state.
I love the way Isabel stays on top of the puzzle. She is the only one with no grudges exactly and I love the way she told some episodes that she had a lot more money than any of them might think. She is so totally her own woman. Several years ago when I met the real Mariana Karr in her Caray Caray restaurant, I could see how her intelligent, independent, slightly feisty personality informed her characteriazation of Isabel. I think she totally enjoyed making this epic.

Vivi, I am so impressed that you were able to pick out CME's Roberta in that scene. Even after I read it I had to go back a couple times and stop the recording. You are correct! I guess I don't pay attention to extras but I will in the future.

Martin's stabbing was so tragic. After all his sulking, mooning, anger--he was quite the brave hero. But as Susanlynn said, at what a steep price!!

And, Martin's parents---their grief will be immense. If I was Martin's mom, I would hate Hipolita, even though I would rationally know it wasn't her fault.

Condolences Vivi.  I would be quite distressed if my favorite had met such a bitter fate. 

Luis' coat, poncho, whatever had no bottom to it on the back. I assume it is something to wear specifically while on horseback. I found it interesting that the 3 horsemen were wearing heavy outer clothing while everyone on the beach seemed fine about being dressed in light shirts or other flimsy clothing. 

I laughed out loud when Diego knocked the basket from the servant's arms.  Just because he could. 

Dona Nube, thanks for the translation. Like Variopinta, I am not quite sure if I realized that Luis had just returned from Spain when he arrived in Panama. In today's episode we hear Antonio tell Isabel that he is from a small town very near Porto Bello (so Santa Rita is similar to a suburban bedroom community, at least for Luis).  

Susanlynn, I loved Duncan as well for many years.  I have fond memories of our one-sided love affair.  Marcos doesn't rise to take-my-breath-away status--but I do like the loyalty and practical earnestness.   

Carlos, gracias por la foto. What the little one said was "compre flores" or buy flowers. Poor Martin, he even looked more handsome on his deathbed. Luis "bandana" is part of the heavy leather coat.

Another great screen shot Carlos, thanks.

OT- I made Lovely Linda'a Corn Relish Sunday and which my husband declared Delicioso, which is quite a compliment. We had it with grilled chicken and it was a great summer meal.

Dona Nube, thanks for the translation. I appreciate it. When they have these explanations early in the TN, they are hard to sort out, not knowing all of the characters.

Vivi, you don't miss a thing. The Jessica Coch sighting was great. I bet your are great at the "Where Waldo" game.


LOL Rosemary! When I head over to my parents' house on Sundays my dad always hides his Washington Post magazine because I always quickly find all the changes in the "what's different" picture puzzle. He likes to take his time finding them little by little over a couple of days. It frustrates him that I do it in 5 minutes, leaving him with nothing to do.

ROFLOL ...Wow, Sylvia~~~We've got to put that line in the sidebar : ''Those other whores looked familiar, but I have no idea who they might be.'' Did you ever think you'd write that sentence ???? It reminds me of my Aunt Emma. She either said to someone or wrote ''Thank goodness Claire is dead.'' The other person was shocked until someone told her that Claire was a character in my aunt's favorite soap opera ''Another World.''

Hey Sue, thanks for the correct translations. "compre flores" makes much more sense.

Susanlynn, that is a rather ridiculous sentence, isn't it? Probably half of what we say on this board sounds utterly ludicrous out of context. Hmmm...maybe within context too. Cute story about your Aunt Emma.

Vivi, you do have an eagle eye, and apparently a great tv set. I love the other whores line too, another classic for sure. I can sympathize with your wanting to solve the hidden picture puzzle at Dad's on Sunday. I have to control myself in other people's homes if I spot a crossword puzzle. I do them in ink and unless it is in the London Times, I am pretty quick with my fav being the Sunday NYTimes.
But back to Roberta on Diego's lap, I will try to go back to the youtube scene, I want to see this for myself.

Man, Vivi has a good eye. I just went back and looked and she is on for just a split second. However she said something and I recognized her voice...only because I already knew who she was.

Watching this a second time is great. Number one, I can actually understand most of what is being said (except for cute children selling flowers, heh) and number two, now that I have been watching TNs for a few years I can recognize quite a few actors. The character actors, especially, simply abound. Such fun.

Carlos~~At the risk of causing ANOTHER firestorm, I'd like to have Lovely Linda's corn relish recipe. My mother-in-law used to make a tasty corn relish and my daughter makes a good one , but I'd like yo have your recipe because it sounds as if several lovely ladies here tried it and liked it.

Last night on CME , I saw the guy who plays the priest who gave Cristobal the boot. I don't really watch CME, but he was consoling the actress who plays Asuncion. It is fun to find familiar faces, These novelas are like repretory companies with the actors constantly being recycled. I've noticed that actors who portray servants usually stay servants. However, one can evidently play a ramera and then advance to villian in point...Roberta.

Susanlynn, Sat. I mentioned that we had Linda's corn relish with the cochita pibil that we cooked all day in the crockpot. Several people requested the recipe and I immediately thought of you and our corn pudding adventure. Here's that recipe as I duck for cover:

The Lovely Linda's Corn Relish

2 tbsp olive oil
1 cup chopped red onion
2 jalapeños (seeded/deveined) finely chopped
1 cup fresh sweet corn kernels
1/2 tsp sea salt
3/4 tsp crushed red pepper
3 tbsp fresh lime juice
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro

*Heat oil in skillet over medium heat
*Add onion and jalapeños and sauté for 1 min.
*Add corn and sauté until veggies are slightly softened (about 4 to 5 min)
*Remove from heat and toss with remaining ingredients

It is so refreshing these hot summer days.


Warning: I doubled the recipe yesterday and there is NONE left for me today.

Carlos~~Yum. Sounds delish. My daughter does a quick relish---a can of black beans, a can of corn, cilantro, salsa, chopped onions, a touch of vinegar and oil. It is going into the 90s here today, so a cool salad will be just the ticket. Sylvia~~~Aren't leftovers GREAT ? We always make extras when we grill because it's great having the leftover chicken, pork loin, etc. over the next few days.

Great discussion on familiar rameras and Televisa's acting school extras. Don't forget Jessica Coch moved up earlier to villana status in Mi Pecado.

Yes, Luis was returning from Spain. He was running down the list of products he brought back to either Tia or DJuana. I know he mentioned olive oil and wine, but I wasn't paying attention to that part.

And yes, Diego HAD arranged to have him falsely accused of murder and presumably given the death penalty from the Porto Bello justice system.

I adjusted my beanie (rarely in this telenovela) as Diego was able to foretell the exact day Luis' ship would put into port.

Granted, the guy they killed to accuse him with, died before the ship tied up. But with bribery the way it works, the facts didn't matter.

I'm assembling the ingredients for the Corn Relish. Thank you Carlos, again.

I remember Vivi's wonderful cranberry relish recipe, too, from last year. Is there a way to search the archives for other recipes? Could we start another blog column here where we can save these priceless contributions? The CarayCaray Recipe Storehouse.
Dona Nube

CARLOS! Posting recipes?? Caray, Caray! Don't you know what could happen?

People might enjoy them!
They might eat healthy food!
They might eat more pibil!
They might have more fun on the board!
You might build a stronger sense of community here!
Why, it's a veritable BLIZZARD of unforeseen consequences!
Cómo te atrevas???

Whoa, was there a problem before when someone posted a recipe?? The things I miss! (The recipe sounds GREAT to me!)

I was indeed confused in an early episode when Antonio (or someone on his behalf) claimed that he was okay with the whores. Based on his demeanor in yesterday's episode, I feel pretty sure that either this was a lie, or he neglected to mention that the hos were bros!

Argh, Antonio is talking about the prostitutas with Rodrigo in today's episode... I wish I had subtitles!!

"he neglected to mention that the hos were bros" OMG! I cannot stop laughing. LOL!

Julia, another winner! Hos were bros indeed!!!

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