Monday, July 11, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #60 Monday 7/11/11 (While Fina Sleeps & Jarocha Has a Birthday!) Swords Are Brandished and Shoes Drop

Happy Birthday to nuestra querida amiga, Jarocha. Feliz cumpleaños y feliz año nuevo.

In Review: Ranata doesn’t want to be rejected one more time she tells Adri, but what she tells Jero she demonstrates in his bathroom on a physical level to everyone’s relief to finally see them enjoy each other and to hear them laugh. Next day, when Gonzo, Jero and Renata welcome the other love of her life, Gitana, she asks him if he really loves her unconditionally and forever come what may in front of Gitana and her Pappy. The real doc indicates that Fina is having a nervous fit not a major brain tumor symptom. Actually does this doctor know she has a brain tumor? Or is this Dr Easymoney? This brand of hissy can be quelled with a decent sedative. Honorio looks like he would rather have a brain tumor than put up with Blanca’s amorous moves but he may not die that way if we look at Constanza’s pain at seeing her beloved in lip lock with Blaaaanca. It doesn’t help that he then sits and talks intently to Blanca close and intimate looking even though he is calling her out on her rigged resume, no China, no dead father, all those mean lowdown lies, how dare she approach him. He wants her to leave him alone, but the damage is already done, After watching in horror, Consta crawls into her car sobbing at the infamy.

Padre blesses the harvest and manages to get the two would be dynasties to shake hands and exchange grapes with what will be a unique joining of grapes to make the renace wine (even with the galans gritting their teeth at each other) between Cruz de Amor and La Bonita on la Ruta de vino. We get a beautifully photographed travelogue on the Baja wine making process with voice over by Augustin. It’s a lot to be proud of.

Muchacho Andrecito is wheeled into surgery after Cata tucks in a Virgincita card to protect him during the operation, Mom Inez cries as the brave little boy rolls away urging his parents he will be all right and Papa should take special care of his mama and hug her a lot (apapachar).

Matias lets Augie know that he knows he saved Renata ‘s life but has been keeping her at Cruz del Amor since the accident. He also knows the marriage between Jero and Renata is a farce.

Madrina sees that Lazaro is a big sad guy. There is no solution Lazaro threatens to find a job in another place because he isn’t content with his life. Madrina says he should stay where he belongs must use his agronomy engineering degree and live out his career dreams. He will postpone his aspirations for a while. He has always wanted a woman by his side, they will love each other a lot, have a boatload of children, work hard for a good life. She lets him know that physical distance is not going to cleanse his soul of his heartbreak. He will have to get over this one himself. If you go away you may never find what you are looking for (the old no matter where you go, there you are argument).

The socialites get to the point, so to speak, everyone pours into the fencing room seeming to enjoy this show of upper crustiness from Baja and Europe alike in their salad days, and suddenly Augie and Jero are obliged to do their fancy stepping with epees. Brat Matilde cries over the picture of the brothers which has magically appeared saying Renata bewitched and then killed his brother so she ought to have Jero’s love not Renata the witch. Egad, I hope these are just practice swords. But Matias, wants to renew old rivalries and takes Augi’s sword. The footwork, jumping and contesting egos get higher and higher, more slippery ending quickly with Jero’s sword on the ground and Matias pointing his weapon in what seems like centimeters from Jero’s eye. Renata screams for it all to stop Gonzo and Adri chastise Matias and everyone leaves the room. Jero begs Renata to wait. But she runs after Matias demanding to know what he was thinking to practically stab Jero. He spurts out that she pretends to be happily married he knows her marriage is a farce and a failure (fracaso). He knows she has been at Augie’s so Renata defends this by saying she was gravely injured and it was too dangerous to move her. So Augie gave her a safe place to be. Matias is sure that Jero is being awful to her. Matias isn’t dropping this bone so continues to say that Jero has never been sincere with her about why he married her. She demands that he tell what he knows and Jero above frowns.

Augie and Gonzo discuss the rivalry between Jero and Matias for Renata’s affections. Augie is all sympathetic ears. He says when Matias was with Renata is when he first met her. Gonzo speaks with no hesitation to his virtual stranger, telling of the pregnancy and impending marriage of Matias to Renata's sister Roberta. Augie absorbs it all.

Matias is so not over Renata and not happy with his fate with Roberta which Renata says was his decision and now his responsibility to fix. He begs Renata to flee with him and get away from all of this. She says she can’t do that even though Jero is being jerky because above all Jero is the only true love of her life. Jero hears these words of love with a smug smile. Is this your final word says Matias, apparently it is.

Never liking to be alone and unable to stir up some ado, Roberta raises Gonzo on the cell phones to tell him of Fina’s panic attack, she hears Renata’s voice in the background finding out that Gonzo and even Matias are with Renata in Encinitas and begins to pitch a fit on behalf of her drugged, unconscious Mam. I’m just thankful that the whole scene is with Fina out cold, aren’t you all? Roberta threatens to kill if anything happens to her plans for Matias… they better get back and deal with Mammy Fina and this minute, not realizing that they have neither wings nor magic carpet to obey her every command.

Matias threatens to tell Renata of Jero’s true situation with Roberta and Jero looks blank saying what are you referring to? Gonzo gets off and assures Renata that Fina has high blood pressure and is now sedated but Roberta always pitches a fit where Mammy is concerned. Gonzo blows off the seriousness of Fina’s ploy easily enough but then says he does have to get back to Mexico pronto. Gonzo says not only because of Fina but to separate Jero and Matias after what just happened. Jero joins them and thinks it is the sword play that is driving him back to DF so he assures them that they are all so welcome even Matias but Gonzo thinking Renata is happily married, charges Jero to keep his beloved Renata happy in their marriage and he expects they will surprise him very soon with the news that he is to be a grandfather. That million-dollar smile of Gonzo’s never gets old. Would that Jero could imitate this charm and charisma.

Back to a sobbing Consta replaying in her mind the big gooey smooch between Honorio and Blanca then freshens her make-up.

Blanca shows up at Enterprises Monterubbio, greets the guard with, oh I have so much work to do, he notes so you have to come in on the weekend. He says let me know if you need anything but she doesn’t because she is going straight into Honorio’s office. She first curses the pictures of loving couple Hon and Con, slaps them face down on the desk, then takes her nasty little flash drive in hand as she smiles seductively at the computer like she’s been dying to stick it to someone so this computer will have to do for now.

Honorio comes into his house, yells for Consta, then calls the HR director to order termination papers for Blanca Ocampo to be on his desk first thing Monday morning.

The operation goes on with Andrecito, while his parents kneel in the chapel pray to Guadalupe to protect his champion and she for his salvation, physically not just spiritually. Pa says if I could trade my life for his I would do it without a thought. She would too. They go on demonstrating what nice loving couples do as they talk about their love for Andrecito and each other which keep them going, telling each other what a great parent and perfect mate each one is. They will never give up their faith pasa lo que pasa.

Cata mops Regina’s brow and in comes the lovely Consta the tear hiding product under the eyes apparently worked so Cata is surprised that Consta knew Regina was in trouble. Consta says she knows because brother Gonzo called her from Encinitas but is coming back to deal with the fit throwing Fina and Roberta. Cata remembers that Jeronimo called so he knew of Regina's poisoning.

Matias who can throw a fair fit himself, is mad at Roberta and Jeronimo and says he doesn’t care about Roberta and he isn’t going to leave until he is sure about Renata’s well being. Gonzo insists that he has to man up to his responsibilities for the baby and with Roberta and he is to stay away from Renata and Jeronimo who will take care of her. Just then Roberta calls sniping at the cell phone while Mat doesn’t answer still. This overpowering of reluctant rescuers by whining your way into their heart with guilt or what ever is available to manipulate is harder than it looks, huh Rob? How is it that Mam has done it so effectively all these years? The Imagination here is mine we have no evidence that Roberta actually thinks much.

Meanwhile, the party preparations ratchet up in quadruple screens. Renata and Adri begin to scheme and solve what is the real rivalry between Matias and Jero and what does Carlos know and what are all the mysteries about. Adri realizes that Matias knows that Renata and Jero are in trouble and pretending. Who could have told Matias the truth. Who indeed...

Meanbrat, I mean Matilde, whines for Matias to take Renata away leaving Jero for her. She slips that Renata is just a killer and Jero doesn’t love her or need her, which stops Matias cold. QueTH? Matilde for once bites her tongue in realization that she has lost control and over stepped decent bounds.

Adri and Renata talk with Karina that the little enemy at La Bonita must be Matilde who is jealous but Kari insists that Matilde is a brat and a gossip but not a bad person. She is very loyal to her bosses. She was with Rafa and now with Jero.

Carlos and Jero talk about how confusing it is that Renata wouldn’t go for Rafa but loves him, Jero and he would love to love her unconditionally but he still isn’t sure about all the other damning facts.

Augie strolls with Dr. RS and starts discussing the problem with the sisters and Jero and Matias. Dr. points out that there are so many R’s in this family, remember when we all said that? Renata, Roberta Rafael, and the lights go on in Augie’s head. At Roberta’s name he remembers the heart in the tree and Augie insists that Rafa had a girlfriend named Roberta or is it that Renata’s sister Roberta is Rafa’s Roberta? What a coincidence.

Arely tells Renata that she knows Gonzo and Matias are leaving early and then that Augie has kept some of her clothes (for sniffing later, I guess) and she thought she was leaving. She says I am leaving and I am going to get those clothes right now.

Alfonsina tells Padre that she is scared because things are getting worse and more complicated. He urges her to go to the police with the story of Dr. RS operating on Rafa while drunk. She asks for his blessing and her husband walks up he want to know what gives with Padre. Quick thinking Alfonsina says, Well the other day she confessed but did not receive absolution. Why not? Because I lied she quickly says hoping that that covers the fact that she is lying now, she says about now knowing from him that the doc was drunk when he operated on Rafa like you told me. They argue because she wants to move ahead with fingering Doc but Zeke can’t spill the beans on his boss and his slime dog cohort right now and risk losing his job. Zeke yells then says it is better if they keep quiet. Oh my oh my.

Well, the good wife, Katrina tells padre she assumes he will give the great recommendation they need to speed through the adoption. He can give her a good one but not Alvaro. But why she asks in all innocence, and he retorts, but after what he has done you want to move forward on this? She gives her best good wife rant that Alonso is cured, he will never again hurt her, it’s all better now. Padre makes excuses that he has to talk to doc first tomorrow.

Carlos, Adri and Jero and Renata plan a fun trip for langosta tacos tomorrow, Carlos and Adri go off. Renata thanks him for his attitude with Matias and her Pap. He understanding that Matias still loves her and he understands his jealously. He professes love but she want to be sure of his feeling since hers have never changed. He talks about their future and wants to get her to say she will come home and she still isn’t sure. She thinks it is too soon and not a good idea.

Fina wakes up a bit headachy hung over from her sedative and wants to know that Gonzo has called and is coming home. Robera tells her that Gonzo and Matias have been with Renata. Fina comes pretty unglued that this can’t be they might spill the beans about Jero being the babydaddy. She tries to call Gonzo who is probably on a plane then even Fina has to hide her true level of anger in front of Roberta, she is so disgusted with Renata fouling her plans to control Matias and Gonzo completely. Eewww, nasty fit.

Augie makes sweet plans but Renata comes to thank him and Adri thanks him then Jero thanks him. Jero says yes the harvest will be delivered, Thanks that is what your brother wanted. And Augie pronounces the best wishes for the wines and dreams of Rafael Gutierrez, may he rest in peace. Renata’s face goes completely shocked, as she repeats Rafael GUTIERREZ is the name of your brother Rafael? (Well it’s about time, ¿no?)

Guess what tomorrow’s capitulo is about!!!


Feliz cumpleaños Jarocha!!!

(I'm going to watch the episode now and comment a little later.)

Thank you Cheryl! I just enjoyed a chocolate ice cream cake with my family and yesterday we celebrated at a restaurant watching the under 17 Mexican selection win the under-17 World Cup for the second time in history. Good times!

Loved the recap! And it was time for Renata to find the truth about Rafa. Some thinks will have to come to light soon.

Thank you too Sylvia!


What a great birthday you have had. I am so glad, Jarocha.

I thought the characters were really on full blast tonight. Everyone here seems to be having fun with their roles. It looks like the bathroom scene was hysterical. I wonder if they had to do many retakes. It was so stumbly, perhaps not necessary to cover anything up.

So grateful for the recap, especially this evening, my TN channel had many hiccups and I missed some of the dialogue.

Haha! So funny about Augie saving Renata's clothes for sniffing later. That was such a creepy thing for us to watch.

Thanks again for all the wonderful re-caps. You guys are great! I sure wish I could understand more than about 8% of what they are saying. Of course, that is up from 7% last month.

My son just put the theme song on my phone as my ringtone (Enrique's version, not Matilde's) Sorry, Carlos, still not feeling it for Matilde, or her headband.

Counting the hours until tomorrow's recap! Finally Renata is putting 1 and 1 together. She'll be mourning Rafa's death as this is the first she's heard of it, right? Please tell me there is hope that they will figure out it was Fina who killed him and not a suicide! And why is no one investigating who stabbed Regina? I am so looking forward to the day when, hopefully, someone puts it ALL together. Evidently, I am not good at delayed gratification. I want it NOW!

Ruby and Rosemary, you are very welcome. I am so glad the recap is useful, they certainly are fun to write. Rosemary, keep reading and watching and rewatching. I know your comprehension will continue to grow. That is the main reason this blog is so deeply useful. Besides where can you make friends who can joke about so many things, explore Spanish to enrich their lives, share photos, recipes and life philosophies. It's like those free iphone apps, how did we live without this all those years! ;>)

Happy birthday, Jarocha!

Thanks for the recap, Cheryl. You had some very fun and clever lines. "...takes her nasty little flash drive in hand as she smiles seductively at the computer like she’s been dying to stick it to someone so this computer will have to do for now." Ugh, she's the worst. Why didn't Honorio call security immediately to keep her out? He's smart, but definitely flustered and making mistakes.

"I’m just thankful that the whole scene is with Fina out cold, aren’t you all?" Yes, yes indeed. It's the only way I can stand her.

Yay, finally Renata is getting some useful information. Great party, even if the dresses weren't as pretty, since the wine and the gossip were flowing.

I only took one semester of fencing, so I'm not exactly an expert, but shouldn't it have been more thrusty and less slashy? Those aren't broadswords, gentlemen. Why weren't they wearing masks?

I wish Matias had stayed at the hacienda longer. Ah, well, looking forward to tomorrow's interrogation.

Cheryl, thanks amiga for your fun and funny recap. You do have a way with words.

Chocolate ice cream cake, YUM! Sounds like Jarocha had a delicious birthday.

RubyC, how frustrating for you. Aren't we lucky to have our Cheryl to explain things for us? I know I appreciate it.

RosemaryLO, I don't blame you for wanting instant gratification. That's the hardest thing about these crazy shows.

Oh Honorio, you poor schmuck. You should have terminated Batty Blanca's Butt before the weekend. Bummer. Or at least notified security not to let her in the building.

Gosh darn it! Both Gonzo and Matias have the same ring tones as I do. Every time their darn phones ring I jump up to answer mine. How annoying.

"Meanbrat", hee, pretty funny.

Kari's idiocy annoyed me tonight. Generally I admire optimism but after all her whining to the padre about her horrible husband I can't believe she'd ask him for a reference. Oh wait, of course I can believe it. Telenovela mentality, duh.

Wow, finally Renata learns that Rafa is Jero's brother! what a revelation. Now I wonder what they will all do with the info?

I quite enjoyed the wine travelogue at the beginning of this episode. I'm a sucker for that sort of thing.

Cheryl, thanks a million. Your description of the sword fight scene was awesome, my favorite part of the recap. Nicely done!

Julia, I was wondering about masks as well. I thought, shouldn't they be wearing those little cages on their faces or something?

Oh, those guys are way to macho for masks, takes all the risk out of it...Thanks for the encouragement Sylvia, this episdoe was really fun with lots of sunshine, lots of pretty people smiling at the party even if they didn't always mean it and the dresses weren't as pretty although I didn't really mind any of them.
I know Ariana will go home but I really liked her and Carlos together, She is so much nicer and smarter than Matilde, they are both full of fun and no BS factor in either character. I guess they are each doomed to help other characters where the BS factor needs to be neutralized like with Matias and Matilde. It also looks like in this episode at least Matilde and Matias both served to unearth many secrets.

Happy Birthday Jarocha!!! Nice party they threw for you on the TN last night! Perfect timing.

I'm with Rosemary - it would be fun to start having some of Fina's intrigues start unraveling. I know there's a lot of episodes to this TN, but just don't want to see the same story arc dragged out over the long haul.

I too like Carlos and Adri together - though usually the first person they fall for is the one they either wind up with or they are alone at the end. But they would make a fun sleuthing duo while Matilde is still in brat mode and Matias is huffing and puffing his anger all over the place.

Enjoyed the fencing. The guys did mostly basics, no Errol Flynn/Basil Rathbone skills, but they weren't glumsy about it and it was choreographed decently. The lack of masks I think was because it was supposed to be a little "friendly" joust.

So how fast do we think Coni will head towards Chema now? Feel so bad for Hon - he was duped and for once is a galan doing everything he should to get rid of that witch, but we know it's still not going to be enough for now. Still want to know what is her back story!!!

I too enjoyed mostly Fina in catatonic mode last night. Can we have that more often?

I was into fencing for some years while in the SCA. With Epees it's supposed to be thrust rather than slash, but the guards on the weapons looked more like sabres, which are about slashing. They were in sabre stance.

Many if not most guys who get into fencing have watched too many Errol Flynn movies and most learn that Flynn never took a lesson. Rathbone did and resented that Flynn was always scripted to beat him.

No masks is about the macho thing. Trust me on that.

Honorio needs to fire Blanca yesterday, just as Jero needs to fire Mathilde.

Good Morning Cheryl and Amigos! Feliz cumpleaños Jarocha!

I am really appreciative, Cheryl, I missed yesterday for the first time: big severe t-storm brought needed rain but killed the power!

OMG! Finally Renata finds out that her Rafa is Jero's Rafa!!! Oh, the idiot will think her grief over the death of her friend is because she was Rafa's lover. If she's such a cold-hearted bitch as he believes, he shouldn't expect any grief at all! I can't wait for her to confront him! And Jero has recalled the tree carving? Now he will probably be smart enough to realize that Jero has confused sisters and Rs, decode the whole marriage for vengeance scheme and keep quiet. The writer's selective bestowal of intellignece on characters can be maddening! BUT will they allow Arely figure it out and go tell Jero at a critical moment. . .or maybe tell Renata?

Glad I missed deluded brat Matilde and that pissy, whinning Roberta and furious, feral Fina! Cheryl you said "Roberta threatens to kill if anything happens to her plans for Matias…" Who did she threaten to kill, Matias or herself? Can't Gonzo and Matias see that what she needs is a Psych consult and not marriage!

Again, thanks so much, should be good tonight!


Feliz cumpleaños Jarocha!! It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your family. Ice cream cake and futbol. You can't go wrong with that.

Some of these characters may be annoying (Mati, Augie) but they are great for getting important info out. Yay! Nata now knows her Rafa is Jero's Rafa.

I enjoyed Mati putting a little fear in Jero on the jousting floor. Jero- If Nata were the cold hearted b!tch you think she is, would the man she dumped for you be so keen to defend her honor and her happiness? Would she have defended you like she did and declared you the love of her life? Think about it!

I was also happy that Fina was out cold for most of this. And yes, her doc is the same one she's paying to say she has a tumor.

Arely- Just because Nata and her things are out of Cruz de Amor, does not mean Augie will stop obsessing over Nata and will suddenly fall in love with you.

Happy birthday, Jarocha.

Great job Cheryl... very wry... very witty. Meanbrat? Our Matilde?

So much happened last night but my favorite thing was seeing Jerry get a taste of his own medicine when Matias confronted him with unstated accusations about him and Roberta. I loved that WTF are you talking about look on Jerry's face.

I wanted to hug Augie as he...

"...pronounces the best wishes for the wines and dreams of Rafael Gutierrez...

very Matildesco... don't you think?


Cheryl, thanks for great recap.

Lila, tell us how you really feel, I loved the "feral Fina".

Are we positive that Matilde is not the hell spawn of Fina? She would fit right in with Fina and Roberta (sorry Dr. Carlos). Hopefully, she will have a moment of enlightenment before long and start to change her attitude.

Matias and Roberta are very much alike, they cannot understand why they cannot have things their way, they are both spoiled children.

Jarocha, happy birthday, the chocolate ice cream cake sounds wonderful.

Rosemary #1

Hee! Hee! Rosemary people on the board are always confused about my feelings --NOT! Hey, I think I'm confused about who recalled the tree carving. I know it's not Jero, like I said. I'll go back and look, think it must be Auggie Doggie.


Lila- Yes, it was Augie who recalled the tree carving. I think he will be the first to solve the mysteries. What he does with that information is anyone's guess though. So far, I like that he shares the info with Nata, even if it's just to stick it to Jero.

I can't imagine why Matias didn't go ahead and tell Renata that Jerry is the father of Roberta's child since he now knows how unhappy (thanks Matilde) she is in her marriage to Jerry.

He's being such a jerk right now... serves him right if he ends up married to Roberta.


Yes, of course, it's Auggie I meant to say. . . duh! It's in his interest to not mention the tree but Arely (deluded chica number 2) is not thinking clearly enough to see that this bit of information is tremendous ammo for her cause or else she would've told Jero right away.

So true, Rosemary about Matias and Roberta acting liked spoiled kids. And so true whoever said that Hon is having all the right realizations and doing (almost) all the right things and look what he gets in return! Yeah, I been saying fire her ass like a lot of you for days. And Con needs to take a page from Roberta's book: she should've confronted them right there in the cafe and asked what the hell was going on! This man has been rock solid for yea, all these years, talk to Hon, please don't run to the arms of that whelp that looks more like your own kid for any solace. Pleeeeze!


Thanks, Vivi! Oooo it's gonna be fun to see how the tree carving and thus the true identity of "La Bonita" is revealed! I vote for a t-storm like we had yesterday bringing the branch down on Jero's head (no, not to kill or maim or even give amnesia Jero fans) but he's so dense about this issue I don't see how else he'll get it!

For those who still like Mati, maybe SHE will see the carving and tell Carlos in a change of heart and become one of Renata's fiercest allies. This would take some simultaneous and major wooing from Carlos to deflect her from el hermoso. This would redeem her for me.


Just saw Adri #1's yellow platforms for sale in the new Avon book. Maybe if we plan a Cuando retreat to some magnificent hacienda we can all wear them!

daisynjay- Thanks for pointing out the parallels between Adri and Carlos. They would be a good match, but alas, they are both in love with other people, who happen to be infatuated with their bffs- our anti-hero and heroine. They are both fiercely supportive of/loyal to their bffs; both are straight talkers and level headed; and both are good/salt of the earth people. Since they are destined for the love of others, I at least see them partnering up at some point to help their bffs through tough times.

As children, my brother and I practiced fencing... no masks... we used sticks and found going for the knuckles to be very effective. Unlike Matias and Jerry, our sport was not encouraged or condoned by our parents.


Poor Honorio, he won't get a decent break for some time I fear. However, in my years of managing groups of people, it was clear long ago that if an employee need to be fired, you cut your losses and get them out of the office before they have time to go postal! Paying them off and escorting them out of the building, changing locks and codes, etc. is far cheaper in the long run than risking the damage that someone can do when they know their days are numbered. Hon just caught on a day late. It will be interesting to see if Consta does bring Chema back in to console her. hmmmm.

I LOVE the idea of the branch cracking off in a storm and bonking Jero on the head.

RosemaryLO, do they sell pink eyeshadow in the new Avon book? Because that's what we need to complete the look.

Great recap (and Happy Birthday Jarocha!), great title and tough moments last night. Had to leave the room when Constanza was sobbing. Infidelity, real or imagined, is too painful to contemplate. So much emotional damage. Had to leave again when Kari started blathering on about Doc Doofus' reform. Gag me with a spoon!

My favorite line:
{Roberta wanting to)"stir up some ado".

What a great way of putting it. No need to add "much ado about nothing". Although that is her modus operandi. Well said, Cheryl.

I have to miss tonight's episode and my VCR is no longer operative. Hate that! But will be relying on another fine recap from whomever. This novela is getting verrrry interesting....As are the comments.

Feliz cumpleaños Jarocha! And Muchas gracias for your witty work, Cheryl.

Yes! Augie let slip about Rafa! Hopefully they don't bury this development for another two weeks. Poor Nata is going to be heartbroken when she finds out her amigo Rafa died.

I feel equally as bad for Honorio as I do for Constanza. Both of them are being duped by Blaaaanca and her flash drive of doom. She's become a rival for most vile villana, second only to "feral" Fina.

"..the tear hiding product under the eyes apparently worked..." Bonus points for cleverness! So that's why the show heavily features an eye-cream product. Everyone is going to be crying copiously but still needs to look lovely.


UA, thanks for the fencing info. I should have taken more lessons! In the beginner class the master never let slash at the opponent until he fell on the ground, then hold the weapon right in his face. How am I supposed to be properly menacing with my mediocre parry and riposte skills?

So what the heck is Blanca doing with that flash drive? I still can't figure out whether her main vendetta is against Honorio/Constanza or against the company.

Cheryl awesome recap and thank you.

Happy Birthday Jarocha anything involving chocolate makes it good so glad you had a wonderful time with family.

I agree poor Hon should have had Batty Blanca fired right away when he realize she was off her rocker. I thought also in the Thursday episode she had quit because we saw the scene of them clearing out her office and Hon had saw what was going on.

I like the fact that Matias knows that Renata's marriage is a farce. I don't quite see how he is anything like Roberta because up until he was told that Roberta is pregnant by Jerko he had step aside and wanted Renata to be happy with Jerko he even talked her into marrying him when she had her doubts after his ex showed up at their wedding. While Roberta was encouraging Renata to leave Jerko and not get married to him.

Vivi i believe that Auggie has put all that he knows together and solved the mystery of why Jerko treats Renata like that. He realized why Jerko really married Renata that's why he intentionally mentioned who Rafael is by his full name.

Now as for spare girl i said this before even if Renata isn't there that doesn't mean out of sight and out of mind with Auggie. She hasn't put two and two together concerning the carving. But she might be the one to point it out to either Renata or Jerko.

Then again she might not because i think she has interest towards Jerko herself so if Renata left Jerko she would possibly have a opening for herself.

I'm happy that we have now Renata knows who Rafael is, Hon knows it was Batty Blanca behind his drugging and found out how much of a lair she is and dangerous she can be towards him. Matias knows about Renata's marriage.

We all know in most other novelas this wouldn't have been revealed until Ultimas Semanas.

Cheryl--You are so good with recaps. There are so many perfect little gems set in memorable lines of detail and humor!!

Jarocha--Feliz cumpleanos y muchos mas. I first started reading your comments back with Sortilegio and really appreciated your "side" of things. Not to mention the little behind the scenes tidbits, novedades on coming productions and of course, amplifying our understanding of Mexican culture.

Everything else has already been said about the episode. Thoroughly satisfying.

But hey, if Renata isn't quite ready to come back to LaBonita tonight and she went to get the rest of her stuff from Auggie's Cruz to Bear, where is she planning on spending the night? Maybe she and Jeero will stay up all night and have a mental fencing match.

Thanks again to Cheryl for the recap and all the other wonderful and dedicated recappers. I've long ago learned that with these TN's one has to come in with suspended disbelief. Our galanes and their mujeres may be able to oversee big empresas but little details here and there seem to escape them. Our villains get to pretty much run havoc until the last episodes. My ears bleed with Roberta's and Fina's screeching.

CME is on an hour earlier tonight. 5:00 pm CST so everyone needs to check their local listings. We don't want to miss anything.


Ruby: "I've long ago learned that with these TN's one has to come in with suspended disbelief."

Otherwise known as wearing a beanie! Anyone know who coined that phrase? I've heard them described as bullet-proof beanies, tin foil-lined beanies. . .a fun concept! Some novelas require them more than others like "Fuego en la sangre!" Sometimes I purposely leave my beanie off cause I like to fuss!


Speaking of FELS, Telefutura is once again showing this masterpiece on in the morning. How many times is it going to show this novela already?

Everyone check your local listings for when the novela starts tonight depending on your time zone it may before the soccer game or after it.

Happy B-Day Jarocha from one cancer to another (mines was 7/8).

Loved the recap

Blusamurai I have to agree with you I think Auggie Dog has figured everything out and made a point to say Rafa full name. I can also see him showing Renata the heart just to cause problems b/t her and Jerko

Checked in Ohio for Cox Cable, and it shows as 6:00 EST tonight follewed by Teresa.

Methinks someone might be leaving a little early from work.....

Men should sword fight more often. It's sexier than all the death glares and name calling. If you haven't seen La Rosa y La Espada (the zorro one), I'd recommend it. It's good if you can get past the sillier aspects, like cannibals and amazon women.

Honorio now knows how nutso Blanca is, so why didn't he call security at the building asap? Or at least put a lock on his door? Should be interesting to find out what her deal is. Is she putting nasty things on his computer or stealing info?

They seem to be moving some of the story along, so hopefully it doesn't all come down to the last episode or two to wrap things up.

Thanks Rosemary for the heads up. It's on here at 6 in Michigan. Interesting those of you who say Augie said Rafa's last name on purpose. It would make sense that he thinks this will break them up. . .if so will he also show her the carving? We all know if it does, it's going to backfire on him!


I'm not so sure he will show Renata the carving but then again he just might. So far his plans have backfired on him so i'm thinking it might very well maybe spare girl because why would she also have seen the carving herself too?

Auggie has all of the facts there's is actual real trouble with Renata's marriage to the point after her accident she doesn't want to go home with her husband. He knows she is very hurt by Jerko.She says he treats her like she is the one who is called La Bonita the one responsible for his brother's death.

The carving with Rafael name and Roberta.

Finding out from Dr. Rapeysnake that Rafael did work at one time for her family business.

Seeing the reaction from Renata trying to cover up how her marriage really is to Jerko and seeing how Matias is responding to this news.

Yeah Auggie has put all the clues together now all we need is for Renata to do the same.

I can only see Augie's revelation as eventually helping heal things between Jerry and Renata...drat.


I think spare girl was just used as a means for Auggie to see the carving otherwise he would have never climbed the tree to see the carving.

Carlos, I think even if Auggie tells everything he knows to Renata it will be a while before she forgives Jerko for treating her badly b/c of someone elses faults.

I love it that more and more people are chiming in and giving their opinions and predictions. Thanks to you all and I'm sure sorry I'm going to miss tonight's episode.

Great recap, Cheryl. My fav line: “The imagination here is mine we have no evidence that Roberta actually thinks much.” Cracked me up.

Happy birthday, Jarocha. And Ebony.

Daisynjay: Thanks for the Errol Flynn/Basil Rathbone shoutout. Seeing Errol Flynn in Captain Blood was the start of my love affair with movies, especially classics.


You can check Daily motion for missed episodes.

I love that line also concerning Roberta she keeps calling everyone estupidez maybe it's because she keeps getting caught in her stupid schemes.

I was thrilled with Auggie Doggie last night! Absolutely THRILLED!!!

Batty Blanca: Looked positively UGLIER than usual. Poor Hon...he's going to pay dearly for this, I'm afraid; dearly.

Kari: For someone who seemed to have a good brain, it now seems to be in perpetual fixed and locked mode. She doesn't want Nata to 'rat' on foolish Matilde and is wondering why in the world the good padre won't be a reference for her abusive, filthy excuse of a husband.

Matilde: Please...get over yourself. While you might have a 'job' in spreading bits and pieces of the 'story', you need to get a grip and rethink your self importance.

Thanks so much Cheryl! Lovely, lovely recap of a WONDERFUL capitulo!!!



Wowsers. Almost forgot: Happy Birthday, Jarocha (even if it is a day late).

Carlos...amigo...I'm having visions of your childhood fencing days! Love it!!


Thank you all for your best wishes! This is such a nice and warm community and I'm glad to be a part of it because you are all so lovely and amazing.


All I can say is that no man who ever called me a ramera, cualquiera, or anything related would ever be forgiven, heat of anger notwithstanding.

Is it normal to get so insulting in the course of argument?

What you talkin' 'bout Urban?


Thanks for all the kind comments. I spent the afternoon driving up to Chimayó introducing the Oaxacan weaver sisters to the Ortegas and Trujillos who are the famous weavers in Chimayó. We went first to the Santuario and talked with the charming 93 year old Spanish padre who told us many stories. We discussed in glorious NM and Oaxacan Spanish the joys and tribulaitons of being true weavers who try to preserve the traditions of natural materials, natural dyes, incredible looms. Then I got home to find that I missed the early showing of CME befoe the Copa America game on every channel.

Kelly, Zorro La Espada y La Rosa is one of my all time fave telenovelas. I loved the heroine in that one too. And Zorro (Christian Meier), ay Dios mio what a fox. I went to Peru shortly after it aired in the U.S. and CM was all over the billboards. One of my taxi drivers jokingly (or not) said CM was Peru's #1 export.

Robey, Captain Blood is my all time fave pirate movie. Good choice!!

Urban, I imagine you would quickly remember your fencing skills should a man be unfortunate enough to use any of those terms with you.

Cheryl, you do the most awesome things.

You can catch tonight's CME on Daily Motion, see earlier comment.

I'm not sure who came up with the beanie idea but it has Jardinera written all over it. That's my best guess.

We have used the beanie protection against maddness and mayhem for nearly as long as I have been following this blog. It helps protect your brain from too many insane plot devices on these telenovelas. Sometimes you need to reline the beanie with aluminum foil or as I have suggested for those of you who are not handy, you can just order new beanies from L.L. Beanie

Is anyone doing the recap from last night's episode? Or will a discussion page be put up?

Sometimes I miss a posting cause I don't look in the right place. Is Tuesday (7-12) episode up yet? Thanks!


It's not up yet. Anyone hear from Jules? Can't remember if she mentioned something about this week in her post last week.

Captain Blood is one of my all time favorite movies; disappointed to know that Errol Flynn did not really do the fencing.

I cannot believe that Jero and Carlos just watched Renata and Adri genuinely sobbing and crying over the news of Rafa; but still cannot get it through their thick heads that she is not la bonita. She certainly didn't act like someone who just played with a guy's emotions causing him to commit suicide. She was genuinely mourning a friend.

Also, I'm confused about Chema. Didn't he say earlier that he had parents who had money, but he wanted to start a restaurant by himself without their help? Then why was he all alone with his Mom at the funeral? Where was his family?

Sorry for posting this on Monday's recap page, but I needed to get it out there before I forgot; I always get sidetracked.

Great recap!

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Linda I hear ya! What a couple of dunderheads! They're like, let's not believe our own eyes and ears and instincts (guess they don't have any) let's just go with this random woman whom we don't really know who said she was "La Bonita." Jero is especially an idiot, oh I could just slap them both sillier!


Lila, "slap them both sillier"...good one.

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