Friday, July 01, 2011

Alborada, 7/1/2011. Cap. 24.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #7 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 24 start at this link.

Great picture today, Carlos!

Elvis Has Left the Zocalo (and Priscilla too)


Ha ha! GREAT screen shot. I'm off to watch the episode and I'll check in later.

Oh my, I forgot how incredibly moving and chilling the burning-at-the-stake scene is. Yikes! What a dreadful recurring dream to have.

All those candles in La Poderosa's room make me nervous. For someone with nightmares of fire she sure seems to be pressing her luck. In fact I seem to recall someone's veil accidentally catching fire in her room in a later episode.

Francisco has his nerve asking if their new room belonged to servants. Doesn't he know beggars should not be choosers? He's such a poser. I'm happy for Catalina though, even though she is a bit of a spoiled whiner.

Diego suggested selling Las Tunas, but isn't it a working farm? I recall seeing people harvesting the cactus in a prior episode. Also, don't they get the cochineal from the same cactus? He really should look into the revenue from Las Tunas before he just goes of and sells it.

I can't believe Luis told Martin that he is Rafael's papa. He is telling everybody yet he still thinks he can keep the info from Hipolita?

Thanks everyone for the recaps and screen shots.

The Inquisition raises it's ugly head. La Poderosa appears to have burns, wonder what's that all about?
Why is she so powerful? Was she falsely accused & only burned a little & won a lawsuit?

1. Did anyone notice? Will there be a show Monday, or is TF showing special programming all day?

2. Thank you, whoever gave the heads-up for Ladron yesterday. Such a fun movie!

3. At the burning, among the spectators were a woman and little girl. I thought the girl became La Poderosa, but then I think I noticed burns on the woman's face. So I guess that was her??

4. Everyone counseled Luis to tell Martin that Rafael was Luis's son. Now he's told him, but Martin is just as stubborn as ever - it made no difference. He's trying so hard to hang onto his notion that Hipo is only interested in Luis because of wealth and power, and Luis only wants to get her into his bed. Despite all evidence to the contrary. I guess because his only alternative is acceptance of the fact that "she just not into you."

I was also curious about the woman they brought in on the sedán chair, she appeared to have a communication with one of the victims. Maybe he was protecting her from her sin.

It appears no, according to Comcrap

Looks like it will be
Infierno: Llamas Sobre Berlín

1) Paula, my Tivo shows that Alborada does not air again until next Tuesday.

2) Yes, thank you Marta for the heads up on Ladron. What a fun movie! I thoroughly enjoyed it again.

3) I believe the adult woman in the flashback is La Poderosa. To answer Variopinta's question, we do not yet know why she is powerful, but we can see that she is a bit of a wheeler and dealer. The fire dream/flashback is important and other characters and details will come to light as the story unfolds.

4) In yesterday's episode Hipolita very kindly told Martin that she's just not that into him, yet he still blames Luis. He must feel his chances are utterly hopeless now that he has found out Luis is Rafael's papa. I wonder if it would have made a difference if Luis had told Martin sooner instead of letting him be the last to know (except Hipolita of course)?

Variopinta, good eye regarding the woman in the sedan chair. It looked like she made eye contact with one of the victims. Another of the victims, the first man in the line, nodded to La Poderosa.

Those who are new to Albo, how do you think Hipo will find out that Luis is the baby daddy?

Martín, because he's totally a loose cannon?
Isabel, because she keeps gushing "He looks so much like his father," even when Hipo is about to walk into the room.
Diego, because he has no clue how to manage power, unlike Juana?
The mute, but she won't understand him?

Players, place your bets!

Even though Martin is ticked off at Luis, I still don't think he'll tell Hip. I'm glad Luis told him. Even though he's still mad, and least he's not hitting his head against the wall trying to figure out what it is he doesn't know that everyone else knows. The frustration level has got to have gone down a bit.

So who will do it? I vote that Francisco will find out somehow (his son works in the big house where everyone knows) and tell Hip. Aside from Diego, he's the most vindictive person in this. If Perla found out I don't think she would tell because it would be just one more thing that ties Hip to Luis.

The Inquisition dream just came out of nowhere. I felt like I was in some bizarre dream. I recognized a few of the shadowy face though. The lady that came in the sedan (could it be a young Juana?) was played by Alejandra Barros who was Alejandra in La Verdad Oculta and is now in Para Volver a Amar. The younger La Poderosa (guessing by the face scars) was played by the actress who played Delfina in Mi Pecado who is now playing crazy Blanca in Cuando Me Enamoro.

It seems too obvious that Martin will tell, so I don't think so. Hmmm, her husband is coming to town, so maybe it will come about that way somehow.
Maybe it will just dawn on her, especially if she goes to bed with Luis, who could forget that.
Perla knows Luis went to Panama, I think, so possibly she is the one.

While we're conjecturing (I say it's a word; if Webster disagrees, that's his problem!), let's go several steps farther. We've seen 1/4 of the series so far.

Who gets married (other than Mr. Wonderful and Sweet Young Thing who marry at the end of every novela)?
Who dies the horrible deaths? What horrible deaths do you want to see for them?
Which characters repent and either start a wonderful new life or die heroically, clearing their names?
Who does fate reward with some great windfall for being such a wonderful person?

Did I miss anything? What else usually happens in the last week of a TN?

I think Marcos & Perla will end up together.
Luis will kill Diego with the sword, while Diego is spinning around.
Cristobal & Catalina will end up together, that's a given.
Maybe Doña Juana will be forgiven, unless she kills someone.
Esperanza will die in childbirth, impregnated by Diego, probably the reason Luis kills him.

Paula H. —I'll have to recuse myself (which Webster says is a word because I know this stuff inside and out, but I stand in awe of your graciousness in hosting this forum. And I hope all the first-timers are as taken with it as I am after the umpteenth time. It's not without its faults, but it is so far superior to the usual offering that my enthusiasm increases with every viewing.

Unfortunately, my set of disks is missing one of the most horrible of all deaths. I've only seen it once. So I'll have to be sure to catch that episode this time around. But it's quite a ways off yet. And thanks to Melinama for starting CarayCaray! I laughed my way through her first solo recaps and have stayed on board since. I think my favorite Melinama phrase was "antler-bashing" and we've seen Luís and Martin going at it already. There's lots more to come.

Wish I could play the game but since I've already seen the show I'll have to recuse myself as well.

lxv, I will always remember this telenovela fondly for how justice is meted out. "Antler bashing" is a great one. "Mystery Boinker of Santa Rita" might be my favorite.

The child who plays Rafael has been amazing in the past couple of episodes. Whenever Hipolita gets sad then his little face gets sad too.

I think that the newbies are in for some interesting surprises. Unlike so many telenovelas, Alborada is fastpaced and has plenty of twists and turns. Surf's up , and the ride just gets better and better. As Andy Warhol said, ''Everyone needs a fantasy''....Alborada is mine. I can watch it over and over and see something new and interesting every time. It never gets old. And that face.......

Sylvia~~''Mystery Boinker of Santa Rita'' is my alltime favorite telenovela phrase. My second favorite comes toward the end of this novela.

I just remembered that my VERY favorite phrase hasn't come yet, although I have already quoted it in a comment. It's something Hipolita says.

Also, we still have a couple of important characters whom we have not yet met, so there is a lot of fun waiting in the wings.

Paula & Carlos, thanks once again.

Luis is clueless if he thinks Perla would ever want to be a seamstress!

I had forgotten about the burning at the stake. What a terrible time in history. Did I see spectators for the event?

Paula, sorry but I must also recuse myself from your game. Where were you the first time I watch this?


Yes, Rosemary. this was a terrible time in history and the executions were a huge public spectacle. We think of it as shameful now that people would gather to enjoy the suffering of others, but times were very different then.

from the Encyclopedia Brittanica: "auto-da-fé, (Portuguese: “act of faith”) , plural autos-da-fé, Spanish auto de fé, a public ceremony during which the sentences upon those brought before the Spanish Inquisition were read and after which the sentences were executed by the secular authorities. The first auto-da-fé took place at Sevilla in 1481; the last, in Mexico in 1850. The ceremonies, which became increasingly elaborate and spectacular, were normally staged in the city plaza, often in the presence of royalty..."

And Carlos, how could I be so ungracious as to neglect your contribution? The screenshots are quite wonderful. This novela is a visual treat in so many ways and I look forward to your selections.

I am so far behind but am determined to catch up. Carlos, had to let you know I had a big laugh at the pic and the caption. Thanks to Paula as well. Marcos as Elvis, who knew.


I was unprepared for the Inquisition scene also. And appalled by the obvious enjoyment of the torment by many of the spectators and clergy. But humans do enjoy seeing gore and suffering. I've noticed Carla Estrada doesn't flinch from showing some truly horrendous scenes in her telenovelas.

Thanks for the discussion questions, Paula...can't participate since I raced to the end of my discs. Carlos, your Elvis shot was hysterical. As was your link to Running of the Squirrels on the Cuando site.

Judyb~~~Remember our mantra: ''Nobdy expects the Inquisition.'' As for public death penalties, I remember watching Westerns depicting hangings with audiences filled with the townfolk. Then, there's the Tudors and all their public beheadings and the Romans love of gladiators fighting to the death. All evidence of humans acting inhumanely.

Yes, and the last public hanging in the US took place in 1938. I have old magazines showing photos of the crowds gathered in the town square for these hideous and disgraceful events.

Don't forget the Salem witch trials

The last hanging in Utah was in 1958

This is getting depressing. I'd rather dwell on cute babies, delicious villains, and guapisimo galáns. Speaking of which, just when you thought you'd never see these two galáns appear together...
check this picture. You could light a whole town with those two smiles!

(I didn't say work together, I only said appear together.)

Sorry Paula H. Tienes razon. It was a good episode. But the Inquisition scene took me by surprise.

That Francisco is a real slimeball, inspecting the accommodations like that, but you get the feeling he can't stand to be shamed for his inadequacies.

Loved the look on Sor Teresa's face when she caught a glimpse of Catalina's drawing.

No apology necessary, LXV.

Were I Cristobal, I would've answered Francisco, "Servants' quarters? Gracious, no! These rooms are for charity cases."

I have a feeling we are going to be more depressed with the despicable Inquisition.

Thanks for clarifying La Poderosa's flashback to the auto-da-fe scene. The minute I realized what was going to happen I flipped the channel. I came back when I thought it was over, only to see it was on-going. Kept my eyes tightly shut, so I missed the significance and who might be important later.

La P's a mysterious figure right now. Is she on Team Luis or Team Diego. Regardless, I fear for Hipolita's safety when the two henchmen ask her about a way to get a fugitive back to Panama without raising any suspicion.

Did Perla know when she was talking to them that the whole convent escape episode was erradicated from the books?

About who spills the beans to Hipolita--shouldn't Dona Juana be on the list? She certainly knows and so does Modesta. DJ might tell her out of spite.

Marina knows and she is talking to Andres these days.

I think I'll go along with those who think Francisco will do it. He won't do it to be malevolent, rather than for financial gain.

With Hipo the mother and Luis as the father, he could stand to gain--money, land and a restored to a position of dignity by appealing to Luis' benevolence or trying to blackmail him.

Then, there was Cristobal "negotiating" Catalina's release from the convent with Francisco. With his back against the wall, Francisco caved.

I think Diego needs the money NOW to cover the cochineal fraud. He can't wait to just get the income from the harvest. He thinks that would be enough to get him out of trouble.

Meanwhile, with DJ, Luis agreed not to withdraw from the partnership, but on the condition that he runs everything and merely sends Diego a monthly (or yearly) check. That pithed Diego off. OooKay, what doesn't pith Diego off.
Dona Nube

La Poderosa's role is significant in this story; but, unlike so many other TNs, the issues are deeper and more far-reaching than the good side or the bad side. I would counsel patience and attention to detail to see how this plays out. I missed a lot when I first saw it. She remains mysterious for a while, but all will be revealed in it's time. I love her deep crackly voice. And how she quickly shut Ramón up so she wouldn't hear any incriminating evidence. Also how she laughed when she said, "Oh, so it's a fight between prostitutes!"

In honor of our discussions about prickly pear cactus and cochineal on this blog, today I brought home a bottle of Prickly Pear Italian Soda. They were sampling it and other flavors on my fave grocery store. I joked with the ladies that they must only sell this in the Valley. It was quite good, so I brought some home. Has a pretty strong floral smell somewhat like rose. The flavor is a bit currant like, though I noticed it listed black currant juice at the end of the ingredients. It's actually made in Italy, but for a Texas grocery chain.


Hmmm...It's 1.00 here , and I just sat down to watch Alborada , but something else was on. Has Alborada been switched to a different time today or won't it be on at all ?

It will be on tomorrow, same time, same place.

I'm also leaning towards Francisco being the one to spill the beans on Raf's paternity. Francisco has been pretty well humiliated lately and I'm sure he's desperate for a way to hurt someone else. But I can't think of a reason he'd specifically want to hurt Luis at the moment. So maybe it doesn't happen for a while yet. (I haven't had any caffeine yet, so I may be forgetting something.)

If the telling happens soon, I vote Perla as most likely.

But I'm also wondering if it will be some lesser character who heard about it secondhand and didn't realize it was a "secret." That's my personal favorite way. Moments later, some spiteful person TRIES to ruin Hip's day by telling her - but now it's too late and their blistering words fizzle weakly.

I guess the only one I'm NOT expecting to her to hear it from first would be Luis. Although now that he's kept the secret from Hipo for so long and told it to everyone else, there'd be little advantage to him breaking the news now. He missed his window of opportunity. When Hipo finally does find out, she'll have every reason to be bien enojada no matter how it happens.

Dona Nube, you are right. Diego needs the money now. I think that's one of his problems (besides the booze and broads of course), he just doesn't think ahead very well. He's all about instant gratification.

Audrey, I'll have to keep an eye out for that soda. I notice that the prickly pear fruits are now at the fruit and vegie stands. One of them even posted them as "tunitas" on the sign.

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