Friday, July 01, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of 7/4/11: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

Have a wonderful and safe Fourth of July, everyone! Jean is off on a birding adventure in Iceland. And I’m not. Oh well. The page is yours!

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When Leonardo went to Igor Mora's room and said "Papa, it's me," I shrieked because I predicted it days ago. I think that there were three brothers, and Ivan was the sick one. He is probably the dead one, and not Adolfo. Adolfo and Leonardo are probably alive and well and plotting the downfall of the Conde family.

Re the Condes -- the house is like a sinking ship and all the "rats" are leaving --Ignacia, Gonzalo, Leonardo. Nibaldo has one foot out the door, as does Hilda who is trying to get Emilio to go with her to Mexico. If this keeps up, the only two left will be Mama and Papa Conde. I think that Emilio sincerely is in love with Hilda, but he never will go with her to Mexico. I dont get why he doesn't work. With all his computer and spying skills, he could have a nice career for the CIA or FBI, at the very least.

I'll be on vacation until July 10th. I'm going on a cruise, so there's no way I can see any of the segments. Just when things are getting interesting....

I hope everyone has a good Fourth of July weekend.


Debora and Vicki decide to hold the most outrageously extravagant baby shower in the history of the world. They have much of it outside, and when Lola returns from the hospital with Soledad (where did she get the car?), they both try to trap her into joining the festivities.

Marcelo and Ramon approach Andrés and Camilo in some sort of club. Marcelo is like a rabid dog confronting Andrés. Andrés tells him that he was lucky he was his father, otherwise the police would have been brought in and the two of them would be in jail for fraud. Marcelo goes ballistic and tells him it's too bad he didn't die in the plane crash along with his mother. Andrés tells Marcelo he would have given anything not to have known that his father was a thief.

Wow, the shower is also taking place inside Casa Rugeles! Debora tries to get Lola to take a drink to toast her baby, and Lola spills the whole tray. Rugeles pokes his nose out, and Lola says she wants to see him alone in his office. She gets right in his face, telling him he's an accomplice to the two víboras. Diogenes realizes he made a big mistake and tries to blame everything on Debora.

Lola goes out to the party and tells everyone she's the woman of the house and she wants them gone. Debora refuses to leave and goes into a tirade about Lola being jealous of her having the baby. Andrés meanwhile has come home astonished at the overdone baby shower. He overhears what Debora is saying to Lola and orders her, and Vicki, to go home.

Rodrigo is talking to Sofía about not understanding Sole's rejection. She mentions the flowers he sent, and he says he didn't send any.

FINALLY, Andrés tells Vicki to butt out and leave him alone with Debora. Debora drops her mask and admits she planned the shower to hurt Lola, and she says it worked! Andrés tells her she's mistaken. Lola is NOT pursuing him and leave her alone. Debora says: Never! Because I hate her. Andrés tells her Lola never took him away because he never belonged to Debora. He always loved Lola, and the whole time they were engaged, he was only resigning himself to having to live without Lola. And he made the worst mistake of his life marrying her! The only thing keeping him there is the pregnancy. This finally shuts her up. Great acting by both of them!

Lola, meanwhile, tells Rugeles that she married him out of desperation. She thought he was honorable, but he's done nothing but manipulate her. She can't go on with this. She'll sign a paper owing him for Sole's care and pay monthly, but she and Sole are leaving. He says he'll kill himself, but she just is exasperated and it doesn't work.

Daniel is out on a boat with Verónica. Bad Danny Boy agrees with Vero that Adela is kind of a hick, and says she's not his girlfriend. Poor Pepe is having a hard time negotiating his kitchen in a wheelchair. Adela is feeling badly and calls Danny Boy, who ignores her call because he's with Vero.

Soledad completely rejects Rodrigo.

Pantoja calls Debora and tells her she has to bail him out or he'll tell Andrés there's no baby.

Andrés goes to Lola's room. Diogenes sees him on the hidden cameras and goes to confront him. Lola and Sole overhear raised voices and go into her room. Whether accidentally or on purpose, I'm not sure, Dr. D. shoots Andrés who falls on Lola's bed.


In order to drive us nuts, Emilio doesn't come right out with the truth as the Del Montes, minus José, but including Sofía, Paula, and Adela, sit around the dinner table. He comes up with some memory games to try to see who will guess the truth first.

Modesto, driven by jealousy, comes back - bags in tow - to La Arboleda. He proposes to Berta. The two of them are SO cute together, sparring.

Lupe insists to Beatriz, who has major stars in her eyes, that José is not going to change. She finally loses it and tells her that she's been raped and hit by Gaspar.

Nacho is looking at pictures of women on his laptop. What a creep!

Gaspar is being a total jerk at the dinner table. Emilio loses his temper and asks why he left Emilio del Monte to die after the accident. Of course, this major revelation goes nowhere. This is the defining rule of this novela, that plot progressions are squelched. Julieta shows up and throws them off the track by going after Paula in an another insane rage, actually picking up a knife off the table. Dumb Miguel and Rosa don't seem to notice this behavior. Miguel blames everything one Juan!

Consuelo has morning sickness. I wonder where they'll go with this. Probably it will be that Johnny ISN'T infertile. I can't imagine she'll actually be pregnant by Nacho.

We are treated to false suspense when Rosario is alone in the house and she thinks she hears something. She barricades the door to her bedroom and pulls the covers over her head. It turns out to be Lucas, who still doesn't believe Nacho did anthing to her. When Miguel and Rosa return from La Arboleda they encounter Lucas and Rosario. Miguel tells Lucas he's got a bone to pick. Why did he give Rosario poisoned pills? Another plot progression baby is strangled in its crib as Lucas' cell phone rings. He runs off, saying José is worse and is in intensive care.

The entire cast is now at the hospital awaiting developments. No one seems to remember how completely rotten José has been. They're all familial concern.

Gaspar throws his own pity party about how terrible he feels about his brother. Lupe leaves to get him some tea. And Gaspar goes right over to Adela, telling her how much he loves her mouth and again offering to set her up as his mistress in a house of her own. It appears that Efraín is standing behind Gaspar, smirking as he hears the whole thing.

Lupe returns with the hot tea. It's not clear if she heard the last mamacita out of Gaspar's mouth, but she blames the scene on Adela, telling her she'll burn her face with the tea. Later she tells José she might burn his face as well.

Paula tells Emilio she may not be his daughter and that she's refused the entire inheritance. Sofía protests feebly. She tells Emilio that she had an affair with a young man when Emilio was very busy at the hacienda. There's a 50% chance that Paula could be Emilio's. This seems to be a major blow to Emilio. This is a nutty plot point. He brought up 4 adopted boys and one biological, and he's falling apart because he raised a GIRL who wasn't his?

Gaspar orders Lupe to her room, and later grabs her by the throat, telling her she'd better never threaten to throw hot tea on anyone again. She just cowers there. I hate the way they've made Guadalupe behave.

The doctor tells them José is now out of danger. Rats! Thought we'd gotten rid of him.

Adela tells Juan that the danger they were in somehow caused a miraculous improvement in Emilio's condition, but it could reverse itself.

I don't know why they're ruining the Berta and Modesto relationship by having Pedro behave like a horndog around her. She seems to respond to him as well!


NJ Sue, I hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise! We'll miss you. Maybe you can keep up by reading the comments here. La Casa de al Lado seems to be generating the most comments. You may have computer access on that ship, wherever it's sailing!

Thanks Novelera. I'm going to Bermuda, and I'm sure there will be computer access on the ship. Actually I know there is. Thanks for the suggestion, which I should have thought of myself. I will try to get your comments, because this is getting interesting...

It now looks like Los Herederos will have it's grand finale on July 15th instead of July 11th, according to Wikipedia/Telemundo.

I wonder why Modesto did not show any affection to Berta and kiss her, especially when he just proposed..

In the beginning of the series, Berta was very prim and proper and moral--I wonder why she is now giving into the moment with Pedro. Although Modesto is much older than Berta, I hope she ends up with him instead of Pedro. Also, Ephraim and Adele would make a lovely couple. I thought she was smiling at Ephraim watching her in the hospital waiting room at the same time Gaspar was coming on to her. I think Lupe will either leave Gaspar or he has to have an ephiphany that he is responding just as his father did. That revelation could shake him enough to repent of his mistreatment of Lupe and his hatred for Emilio. I guess we will see.


Thanks for a great summary, Novelera, and I agree with all your observations, too. This show sure has been frustrating. Fortunately, they have to wrap up everything in the next two weeks, so we should have some satisfaction.


Apparently Veronica is a few years older than Daniel. That won't stop her from leading him on, but I think she still has her eye on the big prize, Andres, who of course she can't have.

As nice a person as Pepe is, his attitude about his disability is disappointing. I hope he, or someone else gets him to have a positive attitude.

Dr. D. has done a bunch of bad things - spying, stealing money from the hospital, blackmailing Pantojo, and now shooting Andres (although I guess it was sort of an accident). But is there any chance he'll go to jail (until the very end of the show)? Not likely.


NJ Sue, remember, with computer access you can not only read our comments, but I think you can watch the episodes a day later on

I was glad we finally understand SOMETHING, that "Leonardo" is Igor Mora's son, so we know why he wants revenge. We still don't know who was sending the emails to Diego and setting up the weird things with Ignacia. Did Leo kill the dog? Who killed the gardener? Who killed the guy who kidnapped Ignacia? Whose body was in Adolfo's grave? What happened to Ricardo Merino? Why does Ignacia seek comfort with Javier, who is at best a jerk, at worst a possible thief, abuser and maybe a murderer?

I'm currently rooting for something good to happen to Carola. She has no real friends, and all her efforts to discover the truth have lead to dead ends. I can see why she needs to punch that bag so much.

I also feel sorry for Yolanda, although I'm not so happy about her blind allegiance to Leonardo, who has been faking his illness.

I don't trust Eva. She's very sure of herself, and very commanding in doing her part as the matriarch of the family, but I think she may be hiding something even from Renato.

And I sort of like Karen. Even though she used her sex appeal to blackmail Nibaldo, and her overhearing of family secrets to get other advantages, it's sort of refreshing to have a person from her job description being neither a goodie two-shoes, nor a toady for one of the patrones.


Thanks, Hombre, for your well described series of questions this novela has created.

I'm watching it; but, since I'm not very enthusiastic, I'm saving my comments for the other two.

Yolanda seems kind, but I'm a bit tired of her insisting Hilda stay away from Emilio. This poor servant girl shouldn't aim for the son of the patron thing is very, very tired.

The scene of Carola going through Teresa's things while her sister is actually in the same house was truly ridiculous. But it did demonstrate that the notebook Teresa used was stolen by the assailant.

I really can't stand Pilar. One minute she's going to save her marriage, the next she's all over Gonzalo. Now she's back in the same victim stance with Javier.

I'm back from Iceland and I have a new appreciation of darkness at night. The 24-hour daylight takes some getting used to.

I watched last night's episode without having watched the ones I missed. Not a lot happened. Paula, Juan dreamed of each other and Sofia had a fantasy about Emilio.

Lupe prayed for help from the Virgincita. It wasn't exactly clear to me what Gaspar is threatening her about. Something to do with Jose?

Emilio seems to have had a setback and now doesn't speak.

Gaspar goes to visit Jose and gives him his support provided Jose changes his evil ways. Jose tells him that Pablo is Emilio.

When did Consuelo discover that Nacho was her rapist? She and Rosario ask Paula to help them expose Nacho and his crimes. Paula gets Lucas to come to the city and he is impactado to learn that Consuelo was raped as well.

In a totally bizarre development, Berta lets Pedro kiss her and then lets him sleep in her bed without touching her, provided he goes to Jose's hospital room the next day and reads him something. He does this much to our and Jose's confusion. I didn't recognize it but I kept dozing off.

Juan is absent from the breakfast table and no one admits any knowledge of where he is. Julieta accuses the brothers present of closing ranks against her and says that she will go die alone like the elephants. Do it!


Jean, thanks for the excellent summary, and welcome back from Iceland!

I think Consuelo found out, because Nacho tried to force her to have sex a second time, and she wasn't blindfolded. Either he admitted it, or she recognized his voice from the first time. I was glad Consuelo and Rosario went to get help from Paula, because Paula told Lucas that BOTH girls were raped by Nacho, which hopefully will convince him that Rosario wasn't lying, but which also shows Consuelo that she's not the only one (I'm pretty sure Rosario still hadn't told Consuelo). It's good to get the truth out in the open.

I also don't understand Berta, Pedro and the book.


We finally got somewhere with Soledad. She told Sofia that when she was young, she was in love with Tiberio, who was a bit older than she. He took her to Panama, and that's where she gave birth to Lola. But she hid the pregnancy, and after the birth, she had to cover Lola's baby mouth so no one could hear, I guess because it was a prostitution ring, and they weren't supposed to have children (or they'd be killed).

Back in the more humorous department, Debora needs $50,000 to pay off Pantojo to keep quiet about the non pregnancy, but no one, not Diogenes, not her Dad Ramon, not Marcello and not Andres, will give her the dough.

And Dr. D., after apparently not shooting Andres, but suffering from the recoil himself, recovers enough to buy Viagra, spy on Lola's bath, and try to assault her. But at the moment of truth, he collapses (again). Is he dead? Probably not, since he has a smile on his face.


Secrets keep coming out. Eva may have heard Hilda say she's pregnant by Emilio. Yolanda should have noticed that "Leonardo" was talking on a cell phone and had movement, but she didn't. Carola has discovered that an old picture of Leonardo and Adolfo also had a women's hand in it. Emilio helps her trace the photo to a place near Miami, and she finds a woman, Lydia, who may have a clue to the twins' past. The vendor near there said these guys were bad, bad, bad.

Meanwhile, Ignacia's secret didn't last long, her Dad knows, and is not so mad at Gonzalo anymore.

Pilar finds that the emails to Diego originated from HER HOUSE, which must mean that Javier himself stole Ricardo Merino's identity!

There was also a quick mention by Javier, while denying he robbed Rentato, that Renato's own wife (Eva) betrayed Renato somehow in the past.

Lot of impactado moments.

Thank you for the recap, all major points covered, thank you.

Consuelo knew it was Nacho when he whispered to her, that's when she recognized his voice and then she turned from victim to predator and Nacho got scared. I have to wonder how they are now going to convince the authorities they were raped? Did they keep any of their clothes, any evidence?

Never understood the Berta/Pedro thing - what is that, but I've never understood Pedro.

I hope Lupe leaves Gaspar, it feels like these men were alone in the beginning and in the end they will be left alone. So, nine more episodes left?


So now we know why Lola does not laugh.

I have to tell you I'm getting to like Debora much more than any other character, she brings a spark to the show.

Dr. D, that big smile, I guess they were trying to point out any man of his age will have a big smile if you're looking at two perky breasts. I bet you the actress was making faces at him during that shot.


Welcome back, Jean! I can imagine it would be tough to sleep when it's light most of the time. There was even a movie with Stellan Skarsgaard called Insomnia, that was remade, I think, with Al Pacino. It was about an exhausted detective trying to solve a crime waaaay up north.

Sofía lives in her own little world. She told Paula she'd get Emilio back in love with her. Paula says they have to leave the apartment so Juan can't find them. It's, as usual, all about Julieta. God, this is tiresome!

Pedro apparently has nightmares about the quarrels of his alcoholic biological parents.

I think all the dream sequences are a way of dragging this disaster out.

I agree, Jean, if only Julieta would go off to die alone! This totally cracked Pedro up.

Gaspar accused Lupe at the dinner table with being part of the chicken episode. He does know it was Julieta, though. Now Gaspar is looking for ANY excuse to be cruel to Lupe. She left him once and went home to daddy; why doesn't she do it now?

I'm not sure if José has reformed or not. He seemed to convince Gaspar he was not going to be the same. But then, he wants Gaspar to convince Juan not to press charges.

I sure hope Lucas finally believes Rosario. At first he was sticking by his rotten buddy, but Consuelo's story apparently caused him to doubt Nacho.


How many times are they going to almost kill off Rugeles? He took about 7 Viagra that I saw. That can't be good. When he had his first attack, when the paramedics came, I cracked up. They said she was too much woman for him. They wanted to take him to the hospital, but he refused. He tells Lola he stole for her. I think this is a lie, that he was stealing for a long time. Why don't Andrés and/or Lola have him arrested for shooting at Andrés?

I agree, Hombre, Pepe needs to stop feeling sorry for himself and, either figure out a way to get that physical therapy or be the best wheelchair bound guy he can be.

Danny got his way and got his whole inheritance, including the shares of the company. Since the money from Panama arrived, it won't be long now until the takeover move happens by Marcelo.

Marcelo is plotting and continuing to try to turn Daniel against his brother when Veronica shows up. Marcelo practically licks his chops at the sight of her, and gives her hand a corny kiss. Daniel reacts angrily, telling him he better not do the same thing to him. They don't go anywhere with this, so presumably Marcelo still doesn't know Daniel knows about he and Debora.

I hope Adela manages to get out of the fix she's in. She was fired by the rotten bar manager for being off work while Pepe was in the hospital. He's hired a busty woman to take his place and by the looks of things we can guess how she got the job. Adela is desperate to pay the rent, and she answers a "modeling" advert. The first thing the guys there do is ask her to take off her clothes.

Rodrigo slips up when he comes to see Sofía and calls Andrés mi muchacho. Andrés, of course, walks in and overhears. I'm sure this will be a red herring. It's too soon for that truth to out.


I too was on vacation and did not get to see 4 or 5 episodes last week, and I did not miss much. oh boy! can't wait til this is over.
ugh - I hope Sofía is rejected by Emilio. all of a sudden she's changed and stupid daughter believes her right away??? que??? actions speak louder blah blah blah.


I really like Sofia; smart/beautiful/classy. she's so honest about her feelings for Rodrigo, and does not deny being on the sly w/regards to Soledad. I want her to end up with him. the other one is kinda loca.

Poor Daniel - just a puppet to his dad.


Rest in peace Rugeles. Could not stop laughing over all the comments about the smile on his face. I had up until this time ff through Daniel's scenes, but last night when he caught daddy playing with brother's wifey, his response was not what I expected. Maybe there is some hope for him.


I feel these have become filler episodes, yuck. Was not convinced with the acting between Gaspar and Emilio. No emotion there. Then Gaspar beating his wife, I hoped that Juan came in and beat the crap out of him. Better yet have Lupe pick up something and beat him as he beat her. I am not nor do I believe in this kind of violence, but this TN has pushed me over the edge.


Dr. Diogenes died! We know this because his deceased wife's ghost dragged him off to heaven?, where she can keep a good eye on him.

Now, of course, although Lola is libre, she has to be blamed for "murdering" Dr. D. While he actually took about 7 viagras to increase his performance, the cops think an intelligent doctor like him would never do that, so Lola must have switched his medicines. The motive? $2 million in cash that Dr. had in a briefcase he had stashed in Lola's room, which mean Etelvina sees through the spy camera system. This doesn't look good.

Neither does the stuff at the company, now that Danny has his shares, and Mr. Deep Voice (Tiberio?) bought others.

And just when Pantojo was going to tell Andres about the fake pregnancy, Ramon had him stabbed to death in jail (he did get out "your wife lied to you").

Soledad is doing much better, but that probably won't last.

Best line of last night? After Debora told Vicki there was a matter of life or death, Vicki said something like "You mean we can't go to the Spa?"

I also didn't like the way mean Veronica accused Adelita of trying to rob her handbag, when Adelita was just trying to get a job interview.


It now looks as if Herederos won't be replaced by Flor Salvaje, but by Decisiones Extremas, which debuts at 9:00 July 18th. Flor Salvaje still says Muy Pronto, though. When will they put it on?


Yesterday, since Emilio said the phone being used to send evil emails to Dieguito came from Pilar's house, I figured it was Javier's doing. Emilio tells Pilar just call the phone. She does, and it rings from inside Rebeca's pocketbook! (which she didn't have with her). So Pilar thinks that Rebeca is the bad guy, but I still think it's Javier.

Ignacia is now outed to just about everyone, and she pretends to reconcile with Gonzalo, telling someone (Javier?) on the phone that "I told him just what you told me to tell him."

Renato wants Rebeca to prepare papers to denounce Javier for embezzlement, but since I think Javier's innocent of this particular thing (somehow I think it's Leonardo/Adolfo), this will probably backfire on Renato.

Eva gives Emilio an ultimatum: To get back your credit cards, you have to give up Hilda. Emilio says no way (for now).

Nibaldo and Karen are going to get away from it all, leave the country, start a new life far away from the problems. They hug, they kiss, they pack....until Nibaldo sees from her camera that Karen was spying on HIM, and that's the end of that!

Carola is getting closer to the truth about Adolfo/Leonardo/Ivan, but Gonzalo warns her to stay away, it's dangerous. She promptly ignores this, and meets a young guy named Dario (I think) in a nightclub, who claims to have been Adolfo's best friend. We'll see.

I still don't trust ANYBODY!

Hi Hombre,

Other novela sites are saying Flor will air first week of August. But noone seems to know at what time slot, 7 p.m. or 9 p.m.


Hombre, I admire your ability to include the best parts of an episode. It's really an art.

I also loved Dr. D in the afterlife! He's still obsessing about Lola, but his wife practically drags him off by the ear.

Andrés has agreed to watch a soccer match, along with Camilo, at Rod's place. More bonding. Good!

Sofía is a saint. After the hypnosis breakthrough, she tells Rodrigo to approach Soledad again.

They don't have THAT many telenovela clichés in this one, but Pantoja getting stabbed before he tells Andrés the truth was a real clunker.

I said to myself. Ay! She touched the pill bottle. I knew immediately what was going to happen. I'm hoping somehow the maid will save the day, having overheard Etelfina say she'd never let anyone see the disc proving Lola's innocence. And, speaking of the maid, she got a gold watch and quite a stash of money.

Obviously, Diogenes put the briefcase full of money in Lola's room because Bigotes was trying to snatch it. But this turns out to be bad luck for Lola.

That scene with Vero accusing Adela of trying to rob her was awful. Thankfully, Camilo saw this and told Andrés.

Good move on Lola's part. She brings out the money herself to show to the cops. Seeing the gleam in the sneaky detective's eye, she says she'll hand it over (to other authorities, I presume) herself.

Solita's hypnosis HAS made a big difference. She does a 180 with Rodrigo and kisses him back. Unfortunately, later in the episode we see the stretch limo driving by.

Debora pitches a fit about Andrés wanting to offer sus pésames (condolences) to Lola. It was funny that Vicki had to connect the dots for her; Lola is now free to take Andrés from her.


Lucas finally believes Rosario that Nacho raped her. He does the classic TN male thing, saying he'll kill him.

Emilio says he needs to go to some official place to leave someone out of the will.

Julieta is on a plane going somewhere.

Consuelo bares her soul to Paula, telling her she's pregnant and doesn't know whose baby it is. She says she'll NEVER tell Johnny what happened to her. Paula tries to convince her to tell him, saying how can she live this lie forever. I assume she means never knowing whose child it is.

Another ridiculous plot point has Julieta running into Nacho, I guess in the Capitol. He puts on the mask he apparently carries everywhere, por si acaso, and follows her into the restroom, thought bubbling: Solo me faltas tú y completo la lista de mis tres hermanitas. She knees him in the groin and bashes him with a large trash bin.

I love it when Juan gets very fierce with the miscreant brothers. He gets all over Gaspar because he left his father like a dog to die alone after the accident.

Nellie, I had a different reaction to the scene with Gaspar and Emilio. I thought the acting was good by both of them. Gaspar gave us some background, telling us he'd worshipped his father when a small child. He was bursting with pride when his father dropped him off to school. He was choking back a sob when he said this. Then he discovered his father's infidelities and began to hate him in the same degree that he'd loved him before.

Emilio scores a major point, saying: Aren't you doing the exact same thing with your wife? Whenever anyone tells Gaspar a truth he doesn't like, the response is the same: ¡Cállate!

Emilio tells him he was kidnapped, tortured and starved. He thinks Gaspar had a hand in this, and wants to know who was his partner. I'm not sure Gaspar was involved. I think Gonzalo may have been the only plotter.

José insists on leaving the hospital. At first Beatriz says she's through with him if he leaves, but of course, she can't sustain this and leaves with him. Since the doctor tells him he may recaer, this may be foreshadowing of what will happen to José. From what I can see, he certainly hasn't reformed.

Julieta leaves a guilt inducing letter for her parents, saying she's getting herself away to die alone. Miguel goes ballistic and blames Juan. For God's sake, Pedro! Speak up and tell them you know she can be cured; the doctor said so in his presence. But no.

Lucas takes Rosario and Consuelo to Nacho's mother's house and Nacho comes out, car keys in hand. Lucas yells at him, and Nacho takes off running, Lucas in pursuit.

Back to the scene with Emilio and Gaspar. For one moment, Gaspar seems convinced by Emilio's words. He embraces him and they both have tears in their eyes. But then Gaspar breaks away. His final word is that he can never forgive him

Dumb Lupe sees Gaspar walking past like a storm cloud and goes up to their room. He starts packing. When she has the temerity to ask where they'll live, he takes off his belt and begins to beat her. Awful. I just hope they can hear her screams downstairs.

Looks like they're setting up a happy ending for Efraín and Adela. She gets some tequila shots, and he joins her at a table in El Gavilán.

HEREDEROS - Thanks, Novelera. I only saw about the last 15 minutes of last night's episode. (Also thanks for all the recapettes when I was in Iceland.)

The scene with Gaspar beating Lupe was horrible. I'm sorry, Gaspar's character just makes no sense. He never seems to be sorry for what he does to Lupe. If he was subject to uncontrollable rages, he should be sorry sometimes. There is no way that his treatment of Lupe is explanable by what Emilio did to his wife, especially since Gaspar is ready to do the same thing with Adela.

How are they going to jump to the end of Paula's pregnancy? Is all this drama going to be on hold for 7 months? I guess we'll find out eventually.


Jean, I'm not sure if it was last night or before, but I thought Gaspar said something about falling in love with Adela. Of course, this makes absolutely no sense since the first 3/4 of the novela had him telling Lupe how much he loved her in every scene they were in. If he has truly fallen out of love with her, then he may not feel badly about beating her. And, yes, the situations aren't the same because, from what we know so far, Emilio was kind to his wife and tried to keep his infidelities from her.

Re Paula's pregnancy, maybe they'll do a meses despues on the screen, as has happened often in TNs.

Wow, am I happy I got home in time to tune into last night's episode. Great writing, great storyline. Am glad Lola was quickly able to clear her name, and when the copy asked for the dvd to be validated, I got a laugh out of that. I loved how Andres handled Debora, I loved that the police checked the phone records and knows Debora was in contact with the fake doctor, and now she is being investigated. To me it was a near perfect episode.

How many shows left - how much longer can we tolerate abuse of women as shown through the actions of Gaspar? I find this completely revolting. I am fortunate I do not know any woman who would have the same reaction as Lupe. I know there have to be a majority of women who react that way, but does any novela have the write to exploit this situation? I had similiar issues with Telemundo when they did El Juramento (new version Cuando Me Enamoro). I don't think they are educating anyone here, nor are they providing entertainment.


Nellie, I agree with you 100%. While it's understandable, and possibly realistic in many cases, the fact that Rosario, Consuelo and Guadalupe keep quiet about their abuse is upsetting. So many times, these shows provide good moral examples, and I think they've dropped the ball here. Of course, the producers could say they're showing how harmful it is to keep quiet, and I do think Nacho will get punished in the end, but it would be better if the characters trusted their sister, their mother, or their boyfriend, and had the bravery to speak out, which is the best way to stop more women from being abused.


I agree, Nellie, this was a great episode where almost everything went right for the good guys. Of course, the media were horrible, mobbing that funeral and embarrassing Lola with questions implying she killed Rugeles. But Maria Francia had that dvd, gave it to Lola, and Lola was cleared. Of course she doesn't get the money in the suitcase. Rugeles' funds were frozen, and Lola had only inherited debts and headaches.

At least she (and Adelita and Pepe) have a place to live. And I think she's going to let Etelvina stay, too (and Etelvina will now be in Dr. D's old room, with the cameras, which I don't think Lola has figured out).

Debora, Marcelo and Ramon could be in big trouble for the murder of Pantojo, but somehow, I think they'll get away with it. Also, at the end of the episode, Debora felt faint. Could she actually be pregnant (by Marcelo)? That would change everything.


The thunderbolts keep striking. Pilar accuses Rebeca of terrorizing Diego with the emails, since Ricardo Merino's cell phone was in her pocketbook. Rebeca's no dummy, and confronts Javier, who admits he did it, justifies it because he thinks Diego is actually "the fruit of Pilar's infidelity with Merino", and dares Rebeca to try and cross him. Javier is not only a pig, but he's getting close to being a psychopath (or sociopath, I'm not sure, let's just say he's got a screw loose).

Ignacia and Gonzalo are reconciling, coming back to the house, but do we believe Ignacia for one minute???

Hilda and Emilio are married! Howya gonna like them apples, Eva?

And guess who's coming to dinner? Carola invites Danilo, Adolfo's former "best friend" who also implies that Javier killed Adolfo. Carola now thinks that "Leonardo" is innocent, despite the fact that he had a cell phone (which Renato confiscated). Oh, Carola. Don't let him steal your heart away!

LA CASA DE AL LADO -- miércoles

Thanks for the wrap-up, Hombre. Let me add some random thoughts about the characters:

Eva Spencer: A general without an army to command. This domineering woman barks orders to everyone but NOBODY EVER OBEYS HER! Ignacia pretends to agree with the idiotic Roman holiday and then sneaks off to a local hotel. Emilio and Hilda let the threats and bribes roll right off them and run out and get married. Carola – ni la menciones. She doesn’t listen to anyone.

The Conde kids: They must range in age from early twenties (Emilio, Carola) to early thirties (Ignacia) but all live in a state of arrested adolescence.

--Ignacia plays at being an artist but clearly has never earned a living (and what ghastly paintings! Why is it the TN ‘artists’ always produce stuff that’s a short step away from black velvet?)

--Emilio is a gifted hacker and voyeur and at least one of these skills is commercially viable. But without daddy’s credit cards, he’s penniless.

--Carola is a bundle of resentment and sexual acting-out. Divides her time between her punching bag and her Nancy Drew activities.

Renato Conde: Pater familias. Like everyone else in the house, appears to bow to Eva’s wishes but has his own secrets and his own agenda. Feels guilty about harming Igor Mora. At least we know he’s capable of feeling guilt. So protective of Ignacia that it suggests a dark secret in her past...

And across the street:

--Javier may or may not have embezzled Renato’s money but his campaign to destroy Diego’s soul moves him inexorably and irredeemably to the dark side.

--Pilar, like Renato Conde, is hiding something very important from us. Despite her habitual victim posture, she occasionally shows flashes of insight. Last night, she seemed ready to make the connection: Javier knew the Blackberry was in Rebecca’s purse because he put it there.

--Rebecca keeps trying to play both ends against the middle. Redemption is possible if she can ever get over her jealousy of Pilar.

--Diego, if he gets out of this alive, will be in therapy for the rest of his life.

--Andrea: Such a bitch, who even cares? Even bug-eyed Pilar deserves better than this.

The outsiders:

--Is Gonzalo really ready to throw in his lot with Renato and Ignacia? Who IS Gonzalo anyway?

--Leonardo Acosta: Now we know he’s faking his disability and that Igor is his father. He’s out for revenge. His confiscated cellphone is a setback for him and may bring Renato closer to the truth (whatever that means). Is that Danilo guy his accomplice? Was there ever an ‘Ivan’?

La Servidumbre:

Hilda: At this point, seems to be the only true innocent.

Yolanda: A bundle of misplaced loyalty and maternal longings.

Karen and Nibaldo: Both are con artists who will sell out anyone – including one another – to the highest bidder. I wouldn’t be too sad to see Karen stumble on a dangerous secret and end up as the next victim.

PS: NJ SUE: Hope you're having a blast!
JEAN: Welcome back!


yes!! last night's episode was great. one of the reasons (and I always always say this) I love telemundo novelas produced in Miami - most of the time they don't drag out certain events (i.e. Mas Sabe el Diablo, Perro Amor, Fantasma).
just love it, love it, love it.


Thanks, Shallowgal, Hombre and Nellie for your comments on this one.

I LOVE the pacing of this novela. I'm so jaded by other novelas, that I half expected them to take a week to clear Lola of Rugeles murder. It was such fun to see that Correa's face when he saw his big murder case slip out of his grasp.

Rosa de Francia is the classic example of "payback is a bitch". Etelvina treated her like crap for week after week. Lola was kind to her. And she didn't hesitate to swipe that disc and present it to Lola quickly.

I don't think Etelvina is going to be redeemed, if ever, for a very long time. She gets slapped down, but goes back to backstabbing in a hurry. Witness her yelling that Andrés was Lola's lover at the funeral.

Loved Soledad's remarks to Etelfina. From today forward, you're going to treat us and our guests right or you're out on the street.

Debora was pretty clear how she feels about her parents. Her dad is a "loser" and her mother is a cheap copy of Laura Santacruz.

Something seems to be on the verge of happening with that telenovela actor. He was very interested in Lola's appearance on TV.

Andrés left Debora with her mouth wide open. He told her he knew she and Pantoja had faked the pregnancy results, and that Pantoja had called him to tell him there was a lie just before he died. He leaves with his suitcase and goes to his old house to live with Sofía and his nana.

I think Andrés made a big mistake. He didn't tell Lola right away about the faked pregnancy as Rodrigo thought he should. Probably Debora will end up pregnant by Marcelo and this will keep them apart.

I loved it when Etelfina interjected during the lawyer's description of their financial situation. "What about the suitcase full of money"? I think this plot development is probably just right. If Lola would have ended up filthy rich, it would have seemed odd. She's a fighter, and needs something to fight against.


Lucas chases Nacho, but he jumps a fence and gets away.

The behavior of Rosa and Miguel is a shining example of the stupidity of these people. They insist Rosario and Consuelo come back from the capitol, get away from Paula, RIGHT NOW. Consuelo is even a married woman, and they treat them like 13 year olds.

Berta discovers Lupe with a bloody nose and big red mark on her cheek. The imbecile doesn't want anyone to see. However, Emilio comes to the doorway and is outraged. She said she ran into the door a couple of times. Idiot.

Gaspar goes to El Gavilán for a drink and to rest his fists for a while. He stares pointedly at Adela who is sitting at a table with Efraín, ever so slightly in the bag from tequila. Eleuterio figures it out and threatens him if he betrays his daughter.

I enjoyed seeing a different expression on Efraín's face than hangdog because of Beatriz. He's a charmer when he wants to be. He didn't really come on to Adela at all, just expressed interest in her and made her an origami napkin.

Juan decides to try to find Julieta.

Jose shows up at La Arboleda, Beatriz in tow, clutching his stomach and insisting this is his house. Juan tells him, if he doesn't leave of his own accord, he'll throw him out, stomach wound and all. Juan strides out, and Emilio - on the stairs- hears Jose say he'll hurt Juan where he'll feel it most.

Before this, Pedro was talking to a guilt-ridden Juan about Julieta. But he STILL doesn't tell him she could easily be cured with surgery.

What is up with this weird book Pedro got from Berta and the talk of auditing? It doesn't look like a bible. Is it Scientology?

Gaspar is a total jackass, follows Adela out of the bar and snatches the origami from her. She tells him she's not going anywhere with him. He tells her she's not to see Efraín again.

Emilio tells Juan that his medical condition is terminal, and he feels that death is near. He wants to see Paula before he dies. But of course Paula is trying to drag Sofía out of their apartment so Juan can't find them.

There's some additional secret in the works, because Emilio tells Juan not to worry about incest. He wants the whole family gathered for the big reveal.

Rosa and Miguel show up at Paula's apartment and Rosa insults both Paula and Sofía for a while. However, she gets a call from Julieta saying she is not to tell anyone it is her. This sounds like part of Julieta's plan to have her mother somehow help her get the surgery. The two girls agree to go back to the pueblo with their parents. What the hell ever happened to going to the police and denouncing Nacho?

Lucas shows up at the bar. Man, they sure have fast highways and no speed limits wherever this travesty takes place. He asks Gaspar for help in finding Nacho. Gaspar is too busy chasing after Adela to help. Amador volunteers.

HEREDEROS- Thanks, Novelera. I didn't get a chance to do a write up of last night's episode, which could be titled: Dumb and Dumber.

Referring to my comment yesterday about how they will jump to the end of Paula's pregnancy. I know they can do 'meses despues' but are they going to resolve the Emilio, Nacho, Gaspar/Lupe, etc. situations beforehand or are we supposed to believe that nothing happens for 7 months.

I think that Rosario and Consuelo decided not to go to the police because they had no evidence and thought that they would be humiliated.

Whaddya bet that Emilio buys the farm before he can get the whole family together to make his big announcement. Why neither he, Paula nor Juan has had a DNA test done to resolve the important question of whether Paula and Juan are related is mysterious.

Adela and Efrain were cute.

I am going to be pi**ed if Gaspar has some kind of 11th change of character. He is just plain bad. Juan is already angry with Gaspar. A word from Berta or Pablo on what he is doing to Lupe and Gaspar would be out of La Arboleda so fast he wouldn't know what happened to him.


There were lots of revelations. Andres now knows that Marcelo is not his father, and that Rodrigo is. He's mad at just about everybody, especially Marcelo (he now understands why he was always mistreated), but also Sofia and Rodridgo, who knew, but never told him the truth. The only one he can count on is Lola, and she comforts him at the lighthouse (el faro).

Rugeles' will is read, and Lola gets everything, but with all his debts, that just amounts to the house, the car, and the jewelry from his deceased wife. Etelvina is incensed about this, and Lola decides to give her a pearl necklace from the collection. She needs the rest to live, and she'll also look for a job now.

Debora is destroyed, now that it came out about her faked pregnancy, ties to Pantojo, etc., and the fact that Lola is now libre is even worse. When Andres asks for a divorce, she first says no, but later says okay, but we need to have a "last supper". Oh oh. They drive to some remote restaurant, but Debora purposely grabs the wheel, sending them into a terrible accident! Who's alive? Who's dead? Can Andres lose his memory twice in one show? Stay tuned.


MORE revelations! Every night we have blockbuster after blockbuster. But guess what? We still don't know sh*t!

We found out that Eva was the one who convinced Renato to (wrongly) condemn Igor Mora. Everyone finds out that Hilda and Emilio are married, and the only one really po'd by this is Eva. Yolanda accepts them, even Renato supports them, so Eva's demand that Hilda leave within 24 hours doesn't pan out. And did you like that scene where Andrea somes into Emilio's room, and Hilda tells her, it's my room now, I married Emilio, so scram, babe!

Carola brings Danilo to the family dinner, and reveals that he "knows" who "killed Adolfo", but he doesn't get a chance to tell us. Later, Carola fills in Ignacia on all the juicy stuff she found out. Carola convinces Emilio to fake a letter from Renato authorizing her and Ignacia to visit "Leonardo". So they go to the clinic, and wheel him out, take him to Hialeah to reunite him with Adolfo's ex, Lydia. She takes one look at the guy in the wheelchair, and screams, "that's not Leonardo"! Whoops!

Meanwhile, Pilar gets on Rebeca's case so much that Rebeca bursts out that Javier is the one who was terrorizing his own son with the emails! Pilar is still livid, demands Pilar get out of her house and life, and she's also livid with Javier, but doesn't dare confront him yet. The weird thing is, I almost get the feeling that Diego might REALLY BE the son of Ricardo Merino!


BTW, NovelaMaven, I really liked your take on all the characters. Good observations! (especially Eva)


ugh! I hope Debora dies, but that's asking too much at this point in the story.


Thanks, Hombre, for the recapette. Yes, Lola just got debts, mostly those of her mother's stay at the hospital.

Annoying Danny shows up when Adela is loading the moving truck to move to Casa Rugeles. She tells him the truth, that he thought she was a bruta and was ashamed of her. Before this can go any farther, Pepe wheels himself out and asks Adela how long she's going to humiliate herself. I agree.

The scene where Andrés finds out Marcelo is not his father was well acted. In a lot of ways, Marcelo reminds me of Javier in La Casa de al Lado. He's capable of anything, and he completely loses it when anyone gets in his face at all, to the point of jeopardizing his own interests at times.

Andrés is behaving EXACTLY the way he did when he saw Lola get married. He made the biggest mistake of his life then, and he still hasn't learned his lesson. He's cutting off his father without hearing his side of it. If I remember correctly, Rodrigo did NOT know until Laura died that Andrés was his son. And, far from evading his parental responsibilities, he would have given anything to spend time with Andrés.

Andrés also blows up at Daniel, and actually slaps him, for not having told him he was not Marcelo's son. This will probably bite him in the hindquarters if/when the issue of Danny's having enough shares to gain control of the company for Marcelo. That is, assuming Andrés isn't non compos mentis after the accident.

Danny is apparently sleeping with Vero. He tries whining to her about Andrés but she's bored and yawns in his face. But he gives Vero a nice playing card by telling her about Marcelo and Debora being amantes. She uses it on Debora right away, smirking that she's had her handsome, rich husband, plus his handsome father.

Lola finds Andrés on the beach and comforts him. Then they go to Camilo's and interrupt his nooner with a curvy wench. Camilo gets fed up with his rant, calls him escuincle baboso and leaves the apartment to the two of them. Hmmm. Lola and Andrés spend the night together, so according to the Law of Telenovelas, there's a good possibility Lola could be pregnant now, a development I would not like.

What Andrés is overlooking is that Rod and Sole are an item, so he's not going to be able to refuse to ever see his father again.

Marcelo seems to think Ramon has some highly placed police contacts because he wants him to put the screws to Rodrigo. He can't get over the fact that his wife preferred such a commoner to the king. Rod tells him he better not mess with either Andrés or Lola. He tells him he knows he was behind Lola's being accused of murder before.

Rod tries to get Lola a copy of the disc as evidence for the insurance company that Rugeles took the pills to be up for the occasion rather than to off himself. But he gives it to Correa to copy. Uh oh! I don't feel good about this.


José and Emilio have a longish confrontation. José gets all choked up and says that Emilio always compared him with Juan. He says Emilio used to hug the others, but not him. Emilio never told him he loved him. Emilio admits parenting faults, but says: "Nothing I ever did justified your kidnapping Adela and me and wanting to kill us". This shuts him up.

Berta comes to Lupe's room with some laundry and sees her injuries. Berta cleans her up and tells her she has to turn Gaspar in. "But he loves me. I wore out his patience." This is right out of the domestic violence handbook. Berta tells her flat out that their love is toxic. She's recommending the same reading material that Pedro is now obsessed with. Berta also tells her that, in her heart of hearts, she knows she'll only get hit again and again.

Lucas, in El Gavilán, wants to know if Amador is a good shot. They've done a good makeup job on Lucas; he looks very frazzled and weird around the eyes.

Juan has rented a motorcycle and pulls in front of Sofía and Paula's cab. Sigh. He tells her Emilio has to see her. He's ill.

Rosa and Julieta are together. When Rosa tells Julieta something about how oddly Rosario and Consuelo are behaving, Julieta remembers Nacho's remark about her finishing off the set of three sisters. She also knows that her sisters were raped. But does this affect Julieta? Why, no. She just shrugs and tells her mother that her problems are the important ones.

Adela tells José he won't be hurting Emilio any more because he's going to jail. She's going to press charges against him. Idiot Beatriz angrily defends José.

Pedro finds out that Pablo is Emilio and is very pleased. He is extremely sweet to Emilio, while José and Gaspar glower in the background. Emilio tells him he's pleased at the change in Pedro and senses there's a good woman behind it.

Adela decides to tell Lupe that Gaspar has been after her. She also noticed the marks on Lupe. Of course, Lupe's brain has been sucked out by aliens, and she blames the whole thing on Adela. Gaspar was perfect until Adela showed up. Adela is very wise, and tells her that, maybe her arrival at La Arboleda made things happen faster, but make no mistake - he was going to start beating her anyway. She offers to help and then leaves.

Rosa calls Miguel from an airplane to tell him she's with Julieta. He wants to talk to Julieta, but she coldly shuts off her mother's phone.

Lucas is called and told to come home right away. When Emilio calls him becerro (calf), he falls into his father's arms with tears in his eyes. José looks angry and disgusted, but Gaspar looks a tiny bit guilty.

LA CASA DE AL LADO -- jueves

"And did you like that scene where Andrea somes into Emilio's room, and Hilda tells her, it's my room now, I married Emilio, so scram, babe!"

Yes, Hombre. Loved it! And thanks again for the terrific minicap.

I took a peek at most of the first episode (my cable on-demand channel still has the episodes) and realized that even though Ignacia's scheming was obvious from the beginning, there were hints of something behind Pilar's bland vanilla facade. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part. COULD Diego really be Ricardo Merino's son? Well if so, he should count himself lucky not to be swimming in Javier's gene pool.

Reasons to doubt Diego's parentage:
1. Pilar, psychologist though she may be, has lots of boundary problems. I could imagine her becoming inappropriately intimate with a patient.
2. It didn't take all that long for Pilar to hop into Gonzalo's bed even though he is the worst possible choice for a lover.
3. She is a gorgeous woman married to an insufferable jerk, meaning lots of temptation and lots of reason to give in to it.

Can't wait to see who gets unmasked tonight!

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