Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Alborada, 7/12/2011. Cap. 30

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #9, Tuesday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 30 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's picture. They really add flavor to the blog posts.

And Julie sent a screenshot of our favorite spitfire, Tia Isabel. Thanks, Julie!


Did I hear Andres correctly? Did he say to Gasca, "I'm not a killer nor a peanut"? LOL. Hearing someone described as "peanut" always cracks me up, even when the context isn't all that funny.

Can someone tell me what Antonio said about the prostitutas in his scene with Rodrigo?

Julie~~~I didn't watch today's episode. [We went to see ''Horribe Bosses.'' ] Plus, I probably couldn't have understood what they said. As to your question about the recipe swapping on yesterday's site, during one novela [I can't remember which one...Pasion, maybe], Carlos and I started exchanging corn pudding recipes. Well, an anonymous person did not like it one little bit and lectured us about sticking to comments about the novela. Maybe Carlos remembers more details. Caray caray is usually such a friendly neighborhood, but for awhile it got a little nasty. P.S. I have a great recipe for chocolate eclair cake...easy and you make it a day ahead and put it in the frig !!!]

I did hear Andres say he was a killer but I didn't catch the peanut part.

Actually, I do remember the corn pudding thing, vaguely. At least, I remember the recipe! I don't remember it being a problem, but there was so much discord/trollery (especially during FELS and MEPS) during that period that it's all just a blur now.

What I remember most about the corn pudding thing was carefully copy-pasting, printing, and formatting the recipe for future reference. :)

Aw, thanks for including my Wrath of Tia picture, Paula!

To me, this felt like two different episodes cut together: a) the horror of Martin's death and b) the horror of everything else. Tia's rage was very satisfying, but I'm feeling a little nervous about it now and anxious to see how it all turns out tomorrow!

I also considered grabbing a picture of that bizarre close-up of Diego's Crotch of Fury, but then I realized that no one would want to see it!

I did not preview, Andres said he was NOT a killer, however he is the one that snuffed out one of the bad guys with a pillow.

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Thanks Variopinta, I knew I heard the killer part right - I think what he meant by "I am not a killer" is "I'm better than you [Gasca]; I'm not cut out for that kind of work."

I wasn't so sure about the peanut part. Assuming that I did hear it correctly, he also means he's not a puny twerp who's going to be intimidated by Diego and Gasca. (Ulp. Good luck with that, kiddo.)

Julie, when I was selecting a picture I narrowed it down to 3, the one I submitted, doña Juana and Modesta on the lawn sizing up Antonio, and the one you chose.

Andres said,

"...no soy asesino ni tampoco alcahuete."

alcahuete means pimp or procurer

cacahuete means peanut

I've once confused the two the same way while reading and wondered why the author was calling this guy a peanut.


Paula, Julie and Carlos, thanks.

Poor Martin, it took him two episodes to die.

Carlos, thanks for clarification about the peanut/pimp. I love thinking of Gasca as a pimp. It explains a lot including his wardrobe choice.

Who are the two little girls that we have seen playing the courtyard?

When I grow up I want to be just like Tia. She is just wonderful.

OT- I always make Carlos' Corn Pudding during the holidays. Susanlynn, I would love to have your Chocolate Eclair Cake recipe. I am afraid that chocolate is my guilty pleasure.


Thank you, Carlos! See, I really am lost without captions. My eyes can certainly tell the difference between two words, but my ears are not as smart.

So... Andres did not deny being a peanut. Good. From now on I'm going to picture him with a top hat, cane, and monocle.

Getting back to Carlos's picture, though, it is very sad about Martin. But if it hadn't happened today, it would have happened a few weeks later. I figure all hell is about to break loose, and Martin was always impatient to prove himself. Inevitably, another opportunity would have come up for him to bite off more than he could chew, and then he'd end up dead anyway.

Coincidentally, I saw something this morning on the Today show (I think that's where it was) about longevity. They said that having a good attitude is helpful, as long as your attitude isn't too good. People who are more optimistic and self-confident tend to take more risks, which compromises their longevity.

Well, sure, but doesn't the alternative compromise something as well? Martin chose his priority and wound up dead, but maybe he was happier to die young knowing that he'd given it his all, than to spend the next 40 years or more regretting that he played it safe.

Ah, the old peanut versus pimp question! LOL! We should put that example on the running list of false friends and confusing Spanish words.

Rosemary- I believe the two little girls are Diego's daughters from his first marriage (dead wife). Both his legit children and his iligit children are all girls. Making Rafael as big of a threat in the future as Luis is to him now. He did not like seeing the little one in the house, nor the fact that his mama seemed to be pampering him.

What made Tia Isabel think that just because she forbade it that Diego would keep his grubby paws off Marina?

Vivi, I knew you would be the one to know about the little girls. I have seen them before, but today when they ran up to Diego, it made wonder.


¡Martin, no puede ser!

Only reading the recaps for this part the first time around, it must not have stuck in my head, because I didn't see that coming at all. No wonder I couldn't remember how he made out in the end! He didn't. I think I felt worse for Marcos than anyone else, though - he seemed like he was trying so hard to pull Martin back on the path, and then this.

Watching the scene with Asuncion running into the street and Team Antonio/Rodrigo trying to intervene, I kept thinking, "Well, Antonio, THESE are your in-laws. Sure you wanna stay married?"

Methinks the phrase, "Hell hath no fury," was invented to describe Tia Isabel. You know there's got to be something germinating in that head of hers!

Hey Paula, Julie and Carlos, thank you for the recaplet, the link to the original and the wonderful screen shots. Both shots were fantastic.

Julie, Crotch of Fury? That's too funny!! Of course I knew what you meant the moment Diego framed his own kit with his hands and then the camera close up.

Cacahuete vs alcahuete...gotta love it when we misinterpret.

Mad Marley, good call on the Marcos grief. People, i.e. his peeps on the show, tend to overlook his feelings because he's such a stoic. Tonight they said something about Marcos and Martin being about the same age and like brothers, so the guy is definitely grieving.

Chocolate Eclair Cake? Oh man I'm going to be dreaming of that tonight. Must have the recipe. Now.

At the risk of angering the antirecipe/cooking gods, here is the chocolate eclair cake recipe. It is delicious, easy, and stores in the frig. I used to make it every year for a holiday party with friends. When I made a different dessert one year, they were not amused...especially my Spanish teacher friend Cathi's 2 teenage sons. It's my mother's recipe. She made it for many celebrations at the farm, and there was enough for all of us. ~~~Filling Ingredients : two 3 ounce packages of French vanilla instant pudding---9 ounces Cool Whip---3 cups milk---1 box Graham crackers ~~~~~~~~~~~Mix pudding and milk until thick. Next, fold Cool Whip into pudding . Then, put a layer of Graham crackers on the bottom of an ungreased 9 x 13 pan. Then, spread half of the pudding mixture over the crackers and top it with another layer of crackers. Next, add the rest of pudding followed by another layer of crackers. At this point, I make the chocolate sauce which is tricky for me--In a sauce pan, put 2 ounces baker's chocolate [or 2 tablespoons oleo and 6 tablespoons cocoa] 2 teaspoons white corn syrup [such as Karo], 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 and 1/2 cups confectionary sugar---Heat on low and stir until everything is dissolved and before mixture gets too thick [This is the tricky part.You don't want it too thin but it gets thick fast and then you can't spread it. ] Pour the chocolate sauce over the final layer of graham crackers. [You will use the whole box.] Immediately refrigerate . I usually make this the day before I serve it. The pudding makes the crackers soft . It's a light , tasty dessert that's great for the summer. Men especially seem to love it. I suppose you could make the sauce in the microwave, but I've never tried it.

Could someone please post the corn pudding recipe?

And Carlos, about the corn relish. Is it something you eat by itself, as a salad/side dish? Or do you use it as a condiment?

Paula, the answer to your question about the corn relish... yes


Paula, here's the corn pudding recipe:

Darla’s Corn Pudding

1 Box Jiffy Cornbread mix
1 Can Whole kernel corn
1 Can Cream Corn
2 Eggs beaten
8 oz sour cream
1 stick butter, melted
1/3 cup sugar

Pour butter into 9X13 pan. Mix eggs, sugar and cans of corn including liquid and sour cream. Pour into pan. Shake cornbread mix over corn mixture, take fork and gently mix together. Bake 350 degree for 30 to 40 minutes.

That's the Baked Corn Casserole that I make for Easter and Christmas. My kids always request it. It's easy...and delicious...two things I always look for in a recipe because I don't like to cook. I got the recipe from a newsletter my eye doctor used to send out, so I usually refer to it as the Dr. T. Baked Corn Casserole. I make mine in a stoneware casserole dish .

Yummmmm Yummmm. What better place to share the things we love than on CarayCaray. Maybe we should post a big SPOILER ALERT for the anti-recipe folks, so they can skip over it. I'm up for corn pudding recipes, too.

As justification we can say they are in context. Corn and chocolate both originated in the New World and pibil is an authentic southwestern dish (or northern Mexican, depending on which side of the border you are standing on.)

Boy is Luis going to be hopping mad when he learns his momma took his son. I bet she doesn't give him up without a fight.

It looks like Catalina is going to get what she secretly wants. But I'm on her side--I would want Cristobal to want me for me (and I do mean me--he's really growing on me) and not to salvage the financial ruin of the family.
Dona Nube

Thanks for the recipes!

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