Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Teresa Tue 7/12/11 #95 Ruben is Spurned by his Spawn; Aurora Meets Mommy Dearest

Mariano and Aurora almost get cozy in the breakroom as they discuss Aeeeeda’s Dirty Deed
Pati tells Juana Cutberto has left the building. Juana sobs.
Arturo finally gets a kiss in Europe.

Now for the new stuff:

D.F. Hospital: Hernán joins Aurora and Mariano in the break room and notifies Mariano that he’s issued an Orden de Restriccion in the hospital against Ruben, Mayra, and Aeeeeeeda. Mariano is in complete agreement and is very sorry for what happened with Aida. Hernán complains of how that tipo and his family have caused her nothing but suffering. He is very upset and absolutely cannot allow them near Espe again. He tells Mariano that what “his novia” did wasn’t right. Espe had no plans to admit Ruben was the babydaddy and she didn’t want to use the baby to take anything away from Aida. But that did not matter to Aida. Imagine the suffering Espe will endure if she loses the bebé! Caras impactadas from Aurora and Mariano.

España: The smoochfest continues and…….blast it! Teresa apologetically pulls away saying she can’t help but feel the pain of his betrayal. Arturo thought he had made it clear how remorseful he is. She knows he is and then says, “It’s not you, it’s me.” Ugh! She wants to trust him completely (plenamente) because if they reconcile she wants it to be for life. She walks away dramatically and Arturo chases after her saying he wants the same thing. If she forgives him, they’ll be together forever. He asks her to please try. She tells him she tries, she reasons, she even understands why he went to Paloma that night. However, as things are now, she can’t avoid feeling bad. She asks that he please understand and be patient with her. They embrace and there is no Sharkita smile on her face and I am cautiously optimistic there’s hope for her yet. At least while they’re in España, anyway.

Vecindad: Pati confirms to Juana that Cutberto is gone. Juana can’t believe she won’t see him again. Refugio tries to console her crying friend. Juana can’t believe he left without saying goodbye. Refugio asks if she’s sure about her commitment to el Doctor.

España: They’re now sitting at the edge of the bed, talking. Well, at least he made it that far. He agrees that communication is very important. She would have liked to have told him from the beginning that sleeping with Mariano was her attempt to forget Arturo. If he had only told her right away about his night with Paloma, things might have been different. (Anyone out there believe that?...Didn’t think so) He proposes that from now on they speak to each other openly and honestly. They both agree. She wants to start now and says she whole heartedly wants things to improve but doesn’t want to move too fast. It would be so easy to end up making love tonight but she can’t help feeling badly about it. He agrees she’s doing the right thing and she thanks him for being so understanding. She tells him he’s headed in the right direction……although she can’t forget the phantom (fantasma) of his betrayal. She apologizes for being so cruel, but it’s the truth. Oh my.

Vecindad: Refugio suggests Juana go looking for Cutberto in his pueblo but Juana doesn’t know the name of his pueblo. Juana is sobbing she’ll never see him again. Refugio tells her she’s to blame for stepping out with the good doctor. Juana claims she did it for Cutberto’s own good, so he can be happy and have many children. Refugio insists she should’ve been honest with Cutberto about her inability to bear children instead of marrying that doctor….what’s – his – name? Juana has to remind her it’s Hector. Silvia Mariscal (Refugio) totally forgot Hector’s name! Good save by Cynthia Klithbo (Juana).

Hospital: Aurora and Mariano are now alone in the break room. She’s never seen Hernán so upset. Mariano says it’s to be expected. He loves Esperanza. And as for the bebé, well he loves all children but this one is special for him. Aurora agrees, saying that to some extent he feel he’s the father for this child. It pains Mariano to know he couldn’t say anything in Aida’s favor. Aurora recommends they talk once they’ve both calmed down. Mariano says the last thing he wishes to do right now is to speak with Aida. The one he needs to speak with is Espe. Aurora feels he should speak with both and then asks if he really cares for Aida. He doesn’t think that’s important now. Aurora disagrees, saying this impacts his feelings--his life. He can’t deny it, he cares for Aida because she was his hope to love once again. Aurora asks if he could someday love her as much as he loved Teresa.

Vecindad: Juana is before Refugio’s shrine to la Virgen de Guadalupe, brushing away tears. She says this may be best for everyone. Pati returns to hand out letters Cutberto left for Juana and Refugio. They leave Juana alone to read Cutberto’s note. His face is superimposed over the letter as we hear what he’s written: “By the time you read this letter, I’ll be far away but you shouldn’t think I’m running away.” He makes a few jokes about his spelling (ortografía) but finally gets down to it: “I love you very much and though I wasn’t able to make you happy, I hope el Doctorcito will. I only joked about el Doctorcito’s appearance because deep down I would’ve liked to be more like him and end up with you. I wish you happiness.” P.S. (posdata) He asks that she never forget when he would sing “Aquellos Ojos Verdes”. We hear him sing a verse as she folds the letter and tearfully kisses it. Adios payaso, hellooooooooo Doctor!

Night falls over the vecindad and Pati asks about Espe. Johnny will run by the hospital to check on her before his taxi shift. She worries about him working nights. She hopes it won’t be too long before she can help him with their expenses. Juana’s teaching her to sew and dressmaking (confección) she hopes this will result in employment. He wants her to go back to school. He reflects about what happened to him. There was a need for money and for one reason or another, he was never able to return to school. He jokes that she can make her own skirt to her liking. He kneels before her and raises the skirt higher and higher when Refugio walks in demanding to know QTH is going on here? What, a husband flirting with his wife? Scandalous! Pati and Johnny are embarrassed as Refugio smiles (I’m shocked)

Genoveva’s house: Aida’s trying to get in touch with Aurora, who isn’t available and Mariano doesn’t answer her calls. Geno is anxious to know if that woman has lost her bebé. Aeeeeeeda is equally anxious. Since Geno isn’t restricted from the hospital, she plans to find out for herself. They both hope bebé has survived. Sidenote: Has anyone noticed all the sofas in Geno’s living room? I’ve counted four! Looks like a showroom!

Hospital: Mariano is with Espe giving her the good news that BeBigote will survive. He’s very sorry about what happened and that it was caused by Aeeeeeeeeeeeda. Espe know she’s his novia but she wants him to know that when it was just her that was harassed, she was able to tolerate it and she put up with a lot. But when it comes to her baby, she will not hesitate to fight for him. She will not tolerate any further harassment from Ruben and Aida.

Speaking of El Bigote: Hernán has arrived at Rubigote’s office to confront him. He calls him an infeliz, telling him he wasn’t satisfied with taking his wife to mistreat Esperanza. Ruben isn’t phased and tells Hernán he has no rights over Esperanza because she lurves him (Ruben) and suggests Hernan only wishes he were the babydaddy. As it turns out, that role is already taken. Hernán asks what kind of father is he who’s only interest seems to be to keep that baby from being born. He then accuses Ruben of sending Aida to bother Esperanza. This is news to Ruben. QTH? Aida talked to Espe?, he asks. Hernán tells him to stop the innocent act, saying it would benefit Ruben if the child were not born. He swears he will do everything possible for Esperanza to give birth although today Aida almost killed the baby. He warns Ruben that if Espe should lose the baby, he will take legal action against him. Leave her in peace! Ruben is muy, muy impactado!

Hospital: Mariano updates Hector on Espe’s condition. Mariano then asks Hector’s permission to participate in a project in Acapulco. He will submit a proposal the following day and tells him Aurora will also participate. He also hands Hector a report on the Foundation’s Pediatric area. Aside from some minor construction setbacks, the project should be completed on time. Hector advises him to make sure he keeps a good detailed record of everything in order to avoid any problems with Ruben Caceres. Dramatic music…duhn, duhn, DUHN!

Rubigote’s Office: He’s leaving an urgent message for Geno to call him back immediately. Aeeeeeeda comes flying through his door screeching that he has let her down once again! She’s about to strike him when he grabs her arm demanding to know why she went to see Espe! She tells him she’s making the demands now. She calls him a desgraciado and accuses him of lying again and hiding (ocultar) the fact that the Gata is carrying his baby. He explains he hoped to avoid all this drama. It’s clear to her he preferred she never found out. He apologizes and says he now wants to tell her everything. She’s not sure he can convince her of anything and shrieks at him. This isn’t easy for him, he says. On one hand she’s la niña de mis ojos (daughter of his eyes) and on the other hand this criatura (niña, child) will be born under very different circumstances. She doesn’t miss the opportunity to state, better yet screeches, that he’s to blame. Of course he says but what would she have him do? Pretend the child doesn’t exist? She thinks the worst of him as it is, what would she think of him if he abandoned that child? He knows this is very painful for her but she must realize that when that niño/niña is born, she will have a bro/sis. She very angrily tells him this has brought out the worst in her. She told Mariano she wished the bebé wouldn’t be born and now he’s finished with her. Ruben thinks this is best in the long run. Aeeeeeeeeeeda vehemently disagrees and declares her lurve for Mariano. Getting back to the subject at hand, she assures him things are about to change around here. He asks if she’s going to tell Mayra. Music crescendos as I reach for another handful of popcorn (palomitas)!

Hospital: Genoveva is hanging around the nurses’ station and asks Aurora about Espe, saying Aida is very anxious about the bebé’s well-being. Aurora confirms things don’t look too good for BeBigote. Geno offers money, anything to help save that baby! That baby must survive! Aurora assures her the hospital is doing what it can to save that baby and it’s not a question of money. They need a miracle.

Vecindad: Hernán tells Pati he can cover Espe’s hospital bills without her knowing about it. Pati says Johnny wants to take care of it himself and he doesn’t like lying to his sister. She agrees to talk to him about it. Juanita, who is back to wearing her braid/scarf (ugh) brings him a bag with Espe’s belongings and tells him she’ll be at the hospital later. He tells them both there’s no need. He’ll be by her side all evening. Juana plays the victim and says that since she’s not expecting anyone to visit, she may as well go cheer up Espe. Pati suggests she cheer herself up first before visiting Espe.

Rubigote’s office: Aeeeeeda sees she’s hit her mark. Ah, he’s scared now. Well that’s what he deserves. He reaches out for her and she pushes him away, NO! He tells her to please think of her mother and how this will affect her. Despite his betrayal, he swears he loves her and it would hurt him deeply to lose her. She yells at him, he should have thought of that before he got involved with Esperanza. But noooooo, he only thinks of himself. One lie led to another. Didn’t he tell her that even though Espe was 3 months along, the bebé couldn’t be his because he had used protection? She asks again, didn’t he say that? He’s not even good at lying. She can no longer trust him. He pleads for a chance to set things right. No way, she says. This has no resolution. She dramatically says, “¡Nos diste la puñalada final!” (He’s given them the final blow!) This is the last disappointment; he’s finally destroyed their family. He reaches for her again and again she forcefully pushes him away saying he has no right to ask her for anything. He begs her to reconsider because everything will be worse if she tells Mayra. Another dramatic pause and both Aida and Ruben are panting. They need a breather and so do I.

Hospital: Juana is visiting with Aurora and mentions she looks a little sad, hija. She apologizes for using that term but Aurora admits she likes it when she calls her “hija”. If she marries her dad, she’ll be like a second mother, well practically the only one. Juana tells her she already sees her as a daughter. Juana brings up Aurora’s sorrowful demeanor again. Aurora’s confused (again) after Mariano’s breakup with Aida. Juana’s very happy to hear that, especially after Aida’s behavior. She’s not surprised that Aida is very sorry. She advises Aurora to seize the day and go after Mariano now that he’s free. She should look after herself and stop thinking of everyone else. Aurora says she can’t just go to Mariano now that he’s free, telling him she loves him. Juana agrees maybe not in that manner but she should at least try. Aurora is such a goody-goody she can’t help feeling sorry for Aida. She is her friend after all. Juana wonders if Aida really is such a good friend. She suggests Aurora remember everything Aida did to Teresa. Aurora feels that Aida has changed. She’s incapable of taking advantage of the situation and Mariano seems so sad without Aida. She cries and Juana comforts her. Oh, such drama. Oh, such angst. Oh, brother. Get over it, sister and go after the man you lurve!

Back to the Shriekster and Rubigote: Why should she maintain her silence? She asks him for one good reason. He asks that she remain silent to protect her mother from further harm and give him another chance. ANOTHER CHANCE!? She shrieks, ANOTHER CHANCE!? He doesn’t deserve it, ANOTHER CHANCE!? Ruh-roh, Mayra walks in asking, what’s with all the shrieking? Oh, this is good. Grab another handful of popcorn ‘cause here it comes:

Ruben tells Mayra that Aida wants to talk to her about her holdings, isn’t that right, sweetie?

NO! says Aida, enough with the lies. She tearfully tells her mother that what she’s about to tell her will hurt Mayra as much as it hurts her, maybe more. Ruben looks on fearfully. “What?”, asks Mayra, “What is going on?” Aida says she doesn’t mean to hurt her but they can’t go on living a lie. As Ruben begs her to stop, Aida tells her mother that the bebé that la Gata de Esperanza is expecting is Ruben’s…..and he knew it all along! Ok, now rewind and get a look at Mayra’s face as Aida breaks the news. She knew what she was going to say before she said it. Excellent reaction and great close-ups as this dysfunctional family absorbs the news.

Mayra loses it and goes after Ruben with her purse. I hope there’s a brick in there, or at least a very heavy wallet. She screams at him. ¡DESGRACIADO! ¡INFELIZ! ¡CÍNICO! She lunges and scratches and screams incoherently then says she never wants to lay eyes on him again. Aida finally manages to pull her away and walks her out of the room. Ruben is left standing there, all alone and seemingly grief-stricken. Sidenote: in the fracas, the actress, Dobrina, lost her purse. You can see her looking for it but recovers and walks out without it.

Hospital: Aurora tells Juana that Mariano has invited her to participate on another project. Juana thinks this is an excellent opportunity for them to get closer considering he’s broken off his relationship with Aida. Aurora whines that she doesn’t understand why these things happen as Hector walks up to the two women he adores and presents a rose to Juana. Aurora leaves them alone and he tells Juana how appreciative he is that she gets along so well with his hija. Juana comments it would be difficult not to get along with someone as sweet and as lovely as Aurora. He’s been thinking and wonders if she’d like to travel, once they’re married of course. Juana thinks it’s too soon to talk of marriage. Hector tells her he loves her and sees no reason to wait, does she? She seems taken by surprise.

Outdoor eatery: Ramon and Mariano are have a father/son talk. Ramon is actually on Team Aida, saying she had every reason to be angry and bitter about Aida’s bebé. Sure she was wrong in how she handled it and he told her so but he asks Mariano to put himself in her place and consider how she must feel, saying it’s not really her fault. Mariano says it isn’t Espe’s fault either. Ramon counters by saying Espe shouldn’t have gotten involved with a married man to begin with. He goes on to justify his feelings about Aida saying he appreciates how she pulled Mariano out of his Teresa-ridden funk and got him to smile again. He’s her novio and should be more supportive of her feelings. He asks Mariano again to put himself in her place. How would he feel if the same had happened to him. Mariano flashes is gorgeous green eyes as he ponders. Sigh.

Hospital: Hector promises to proceed as she wishes but asks her not to wait too long. He can afford for her to have the wedding she wants and also to remodel the house to her liking. She says this all takes time and he wonders if she’s at least excited about the idea. Of course, she replies. He’s so happy that….he hasn’t even told Aurora….but, he whispers to her that he’s enrolled in dance classes. She’s so touched by this she reaches out to caress his cheek and they share a very respectful peck on the mouth. Oh man, he’s so adorable.

It’s morning at the Alcazar home and Aurora has a visitor. She doesn’t recognize her and the woman introduces herself as, “Vanessa, tu madre.” Dun, dun……DUHNNNNNN!

Vecindad: Refugio is bitching as usual to Juana that she hasn’t heard from Teresa. Juana bemoans the fact that Cutberto is gone but she’s accepted it. She now has Hector and she loves him. She’s not going to lie and say it’s the same as it was with Cutberto and say she LUURVES him but she gets along fine with Hector. Besides, with Hector she’s gained a daughter.

Casa Caceres: Genoveva instructs the maid to have suitcases delivered to Ruben’s office and reminds her he is not to set foot in this house. She tells Aida she’s sad and feels as though she has a hole (hueco) in her chest. But she’s also frighteningly angry (un coraje espantoso). She can’t believe he didn’t have the courage (valor) to tell her he no longer loved her or that their marriage wasn’t what it once was. Aida agrees she can’t believe how low he’s fallen. Mayra feels he denied (negó) himself the right to be happy and denied it for her as well. If he had told her years ago of his affair she still would have been hurt but she was younger, she didn’t feel old and dejected (acabada) and could have overcome the blow. Aida feels for her and tells her she thought theirs a perfect marriage. She thought her father was the ideal, an example to follow. But since the discovery of his affair with that Gata, it’s been lie, after lie, after lie. Mayra says maybe he can be happy with that woman and their child.

Mommy Dearest: Aurora can’t believe it. Vanessa realizes they have a lot to talk about and recapture (reconstuir) their relationship. Reconstruir?, Aurora asks. They’ve never had a relationship. Vanessa says Aurora was very young and doesn’t remember but they were always together and very close. Aurora asks why then did she leave her behind? Vanessa confesses she never should have left but she’s here now and that’s all they should care about. She looks at Aurora and realizes how beautiful she is. She wants to hug her but Aurora pulls away and bluntly asks her why she left, why did she abandon her?

Casa Caceres: Mayra tells Aida that Ruben will never hear from her again. Aida feels the same but Mayra tells her that just because Ruben stops being her husband, he’ll never stop being Aida’s father. Aida: Why would she want a father like that, one who deceives and lies. He’s a tramposo (cheater, swindler). Mayra repeats: He’s your father. She figures that at least now they know the whole story. No more unpleasant (desagradable) surprises. Aida laughs sarcastically. She certainly hopes so because, well……….They don’t realize it yet but the other zapato, by the name of Geno, hasn’t fallen yet.

Mommy Dearest: Vanessa sees Aurora is very agitated and perhaps they should talk about it another day. No, says Aurora, she wants to know right now! Vanessa feels there’s plenty of time to talk about it but for now it’s enough that they’ve seen each other, Aurora should be as equally happy to see her. Aurora knows she should be happy. Although she always wanted her by her side, it’s horrible what she did; to leave just like that and never seek them out again with no explanation, no word from her. Vanessa doesn’t deny it and says she’s there to ask for her forgiveness. Aurora is now crying and asks if Vanessa really thinks it’s so easy. Does she really think she can ever forgive her?

Rubigote’s office: Gulping down a drink, he tells Genoveva his world has fallen apart. He admits he doesn’t love Mayra but even so, she was his center, the person that would always be by his side, forever. Now she hates him. Geno calmly tells him not to be like that. How does she want him to feel? His daughter, his princess, no longer loves him. And he’s lost them both at the worst possible moment when he has no way of recovering the money he took from Mayra. He feels fatal (sounds better in Spanish). He’s going to need a lot of help. Geno agrees they need to find a way to keep Mayra from discovering the fraud and buy some time until the completion of Luna Turqueza. He wants to pressure Fernando to speed up the construction.

Mommy Dearest: Aurora is letting it all out: She always wanted a mother to share things with. It was so hurtful to see other girls with their mothers. They scolded them, yes, but they were always there by their side. In contrast, she asks Vanessa, what does she have? Vanessa tries to calm her down. Aurora refuses to be consoled. She can’t believe she has a mother who doesn’t know her, wasn’t there for her birthdays or when she had her first boyfriend, when she became a woman. Vanessa realizes she was wrong and that’s why she’s here. Aurora’s not finished. It’s assumed having children, one should love them or at least protect them, guide them; not leave them forgotten. And what has she to say for herself with regards to the pain she caused her father? Does she realize she nearly ruined his life. All Vanessa can say is that she made a mistake, a serious mistake. But that’s why she’s here, to see if they can possibly change everything.

Ruben’s office: He admits it would hurt him deeply if Espe were to lose the baby. Geno tells him “their” baby has to be born and she will care for him/her. He’s not sure he wants her to assume this responsibility. She reminds him he always wanted a son and she lost hers. Now that he’s lost his wife and daughter, he’ll see he’s not completely alone. With this baby they’ll have a new beginning. He doesn’t think it’s that easy. First, the baby needs to survive. Secondly, he needs to get out of this fraudulent mess. Try as he might, she knows Mayra will never trust him again. Geno refuses to lose him a second time and will do whatever is necessary to help him and tells (warns?) him he will no longer leave her home. Ruben just looks at her.

Mommy Dearest: Vanessa understands this has been so sudden and they have a lot to talk over. She gives Aurora a card with all her contact information and turns to leave. Aurora relents and asks her not to leave. They both have tears in their eyes as they embrace. Uh-oh. I hope I’m wrong but I detect a little sharkiness in Mommy Dearest’s eyes. We may need a bigger boat.

Vecindad: Pati tells Refugio and Juana that Johnny wants her to continue her studies. Refugio and Juana give opposing opinions.
Mommy Dearest: Aurora agrees they need to talk but they should include Hector. Vanessa doesn’t want to talk about Hector. She’s here to talk to her about how much she missed her but she repeats she doesn’t want to talk about Hector. Mariano arrives, Aurora introduces them and Vanessa leaves. She promises they can get together soon to talk but she doesn’t want to see Hector. Hmmmmm. Mariano seems confused.

Hospital: Espe complains to Hernán she’s been told not to work for the remainder of her pregnancy. He tells her there’s nothing to worry about. They’re all going to help her with her financial needs. He gives her an i-Touch and speaker saying he’s recorded music that will be soothing for the baby. An adorable scene.

Aurora and Mariano still at her house: He hopes she can resolve all her issues with her mother but he asks if she’s sure it really is her mother. He asks if she told her why she left them. Aurora admits she didn’t. Super Mariano feels it’s important to talk about that in order to heal the wounds caused by her abandonment. Why didn’t she come before? Why didn’t she want to say what happened? Aurora doesn’t know anything and doesn’t want to run the risk of alienating her by pressuring her. She thinks he’s not happy for her. He explains he’s just concerned for her. She tells him she never wants to be separated from her again.

Ruben’s office: He’s telling Amadeo, the accountant, about his marital woes. It’s now imperative that Mayra be kept from reviewing the books. He suggests Amadeo convince her to review upcoming budgets, anything to avoid looking at past records. Aeeeeeeda arrives and when he calls her hija, she tells him to refrain from calling her that since she is not proud to be known as his daughter. Whoa! She informs him that neither she nor her mother wants anything to do with him. She’s there as Mayra’s attorney and presents him with divorce papers! Yowsa!


A couple of goofs tonight: Refugio forgetting Hector's name and Mayra losing her purse. But they each recovered well, I think.

Loved it when Mayra went after Ruben with her purse! He deserved everything she threw at him.

What's with Aurora and her whining? I'm on Team Aurora but they need to make her stronger but I'm glad she doesn't show this weakness in front of Mariano. And Ramon! He's steering his son back to Aida! I agree with him up to a point and maybe he doesn't know about Aurora's feelings, right? Previews show Mariano in bed with Aeeeeda. Ugh, rebound sex.

I bet Vanessa isn't really Aurora's mother because she doesn't want to see Hector. This TN is so different though. Maybe she's come back to get money out of him and is afraid of seeing him face to face? Hmmmm

Great recap, and up so fast! Thanks for including details of the conversations, as also for the fun commentary.

"Adios payaso, hellooooooooo Doctor!" Yes. Finally we have some movement in this plotline. Even if we still have to see Juana wailing, at least it's a change.

"Oh, such drama. Oh, such angst. Oh, brother. Get over it, sister and go after the man you lurve!" Amen. Sing it.

I am super disappointed in Ramon's advice to his son. He doesn't know as many awful things about Aeeeeeda as we do, but still. He really wants his son to stick with that snotty harpy? I'm really hoping that hideous preview scene was someone's fantasy or nightmare, improbable as that is.

Vanessa is definitely up to something shady, but it's great to see Gabi from Gancho again. I like this actress. Can't wait to hear her explanation to Aurora of where she's been.

I detected a bit of snootiness from Vanessa towards Mariano, it was subtle but it appeared she was looking down her nose at him. I was multitasking and missed the lost purse scenes. Great recap. Not looking forward to Aeeeda and Mariano doing the dirty...and I agree Aurora needs her big girl panties if she can't find hers I'd gladly buy her some.

Paquita excellent and wonderful recap of a awesome episode.

I just love Hector and Hernan both are so sweet and deserve both the women that they cherish to open their eyes and see what two great men that they are.Adios payaso indeed haha good one:)

Something is up with Vanessa and her appearing right now not sure what but it can't be good.

Ita Aurora find those big girl panties pronto and go after your man.

I'm just shaking my bhead at Ramon i know he can't stand Teresa but to advise his son to stay with the shrieking harpy because she made him smile after what happen with Teresa? Ramon you really need to see the true ugliness of Aeeeeeeeeeeeda then let's see what you have to say to him then. She told your son the Dr. that she wished a innocent baby would die just because she is only concerned about the welfare of her family. Let's not forget how she truly feels about the people from your neighborhood.

Please while i did mention that Mariano might still go back to Aeeeeeeeeeda please, please if there is a good lord let that be a fantasy we saw in the previews. I can't stand the thought he goes back to that harpy and actually has sex with it after all that she did to Espe.

Yeah the family break up scene was soooooooooooooooo good i do give Aeeeeeeeeeeda her due when it comes to her confronting her wayward papi. I give her credit too for finally putting a end to Ruben's lies to her mother and telling her truth about who is the father of Espe's baby.

I say the other shoe to drop is not just discovering that Geno is Ruben's other lover but the fraud he has committed.

Boy is Geno scaring me with her obsession over Espe's baby.

Rereading your great recap just made me realize how frustrated I was with last night's episode.
Way too much Aeeeeddddaaa screeching, lord that was hard to take, Aurora is being turned into a sap by the writers, and what the heck was with Ramon.

So I get Ramon Hates Teresa and just wants Mariano to forget about her, but I think the cheerleading for Aeedda was a bit much. It was like shades of Refugio and Mariano with Terror. And I'm with you Blu - first thing that came into my head-those previews had BETTER be a fantasy. If they aren't...well I'm trying not to think about it.

So bummed we didn't get much more action on the Ter/Art front. Got a couple extra seconds of jammie bottoms, so I guess us gals take the crumbs were given. But we may always have Paris---let's hope.

Nope, not feeling the good vibe with Vanessa. Snippy look to Mari and the whole not wanting to see ex-hubby - something ain't cool. I would have loved to see Aurora head to Acapulco with Mari (and maybe we can get some serious abs moments with him down there!) but watch her turn it down so she can stay with mumsy. How is she going to explain to the good doc that mom is back but she doesn't want to see him? Hope that divorce holds up.

Almost afraid to watch tonight!!And can we please cut some of the Pati/Johnny action!!!

"We may need a bigger boat." Too funny.

I anticipate Vanessa swearing Aurora to secrecy, causing lots of problems, including a wedge between Aurora and Mariano because he thinks something's fishy. Then maybe big drama with Juana when wifey pops up and she doesn't believe Hector didn't know! Ooo la la. Fasten our seatbelts (or put on your lifejackets.)

Word verification: CURVA!

Paquita, thank you for an early and juicy recap.
Love your sedgeways. I love the way you keep reaching for another handful of popcorn” , ITA, last night had me gripping the arms of my chair.

ITA also with everyone about Vanessa. That stinkface she had when saying goodbye to Mar and she turned her head away like she was trying to hide her face. Very suspicious.

My husband and I LOL when Cutberto’s face was superimposed over the letter talking to Juana, has anyone seen that device before in a TN? It kind of reminded me of that scene in the Wizard of Oz where the Wicked Witch of the West is talking out of the crystal ball, I don’t know why.

Frances- Another winner! You gave us so much detail and dialogue. Thank you.

All I could think after this episode is that Margarita M. (Aida) must be so tired each day after work. She puts her all into her scenes and she is intense in every scene. I really appreciate that. Great actress.

Loved seeing Aida give it to Ruben and then Myra beating him with her purse. LOL! What will they do to him with they find out about Geno and the fraud? Can't wait for that.

Yes, Ramon was a bit much with the cheering for Aida. I will excuse him only because he has never actually seen Aida in full rant mode (seeing it is a whole other thing) and as far as he has seen, she was his son's salvation in a way-- helping him forget Terror and making him smile. I am sure his eyes will be opened at some point when he sees the screechy, snobby side of Aida.

I love the Vanessa actress from Gancho, but something is not right there. Aurora is being too trusting. She's also being too wimpy when it comes to Mariano. If she can't live without him (and cleary her sadness shows this), and she doesn't want to look like some backstabber, then she should just put her friendship with Aida at risk and when Aida begs her once again to help her get Mariano back say, "I would love to Aida. The problem is that I love Mar too. If he doesn't want to be with you, then he is free to choose who he wants to be with. I'm going to make sure he knows I'm an option. I undestand if you hate me, but I put the happiness of someone else when it comes to Mar ahead of mine before-- Teresa. And we see how well that worked out for everyone. I'm going to be truthful with you and with Mar. We'll let HIM decide who he wants to be with."

That would be her putting on her big girl panties, while staying true to the good, honest person she is.

Can't believe Ter left Art hanging (although I'm sure it wasn't hanging anymore) like that. Jeez! What's it going to take? Perhaps Paris tonight?

I'd like to point out that Refugio's advice to Pati was that she finish high school and do well enough to get a scholarship to college and have a good career like Teresa.

Paquita, thanks for the great recap.

Tere, Tere, you are becoming more like your mother everyday. Your mother is a prude. She throws your father out of the bedroom when she doesn't like something he has done. She advises sweet, dumb Pati to forego consummating her marriage, etc., etc. No wonder the two of you don't get along, you are both the same.

Vanessa is as scary as Geno, this doesn't look good for Aurora. The woman clearly has an agenda.

Hector and Hernan are two sweetest men in this TN. I hope they both get their heart's desire.


In what universe would it be acceptable for a married man to take away his baby by one mistress to give it to her successor? I can't wait to see how Ruben pays for that one.

Genoveva will also pay. Big time.

It's obvious that Teresa doesn't want to have feelings for Arturo. Too bad for him that it will take 45 more episodes for him to figure this out.

Frances, great recap with many fun asides, thanks!

So we meet Vanessa, kinda slick wasn't she? So glad Mariano walked in and used his medical powers of observation to warn both Aurora and viewerville, "She ain't what she seems to be!"

Blu, I'm with you, Geno is getting scary. Ruben has lost his "Princesa" so Espe's baby will take on a new importance for him, he'll offer his kidnapping(?) skills and they will be new Get Smart and Agent 99. Geno, one piece of friendly advice, when you get your Groupon Mexico detective services 40% off coupon, buy a bunch, you're gonna need them. Ruben was unfaithful to Myra, he'll do the same to you.  Mayra, delete yours, you have Aeeeda, she's screechy, but she's a  good daughter! 

I'm proud of Mayra, she handled herself well given what she's been through. 

The sweetest moment for me last night was when Hector told Juana he was taking dance classes (since he knows how much she loves to dance). I really wish him happiness, but Juana's reaction to Cutberto leaving shows me that Hector doesn't have a chance. Also, she keeps stalling talking about marriage, and when Aurora brings up her being like a mom to her, she says I don't have to be married to your father for that. The inevitable end to his relationship with Juana, and whatever Vanessa has in store for him, means lots of upcoming heartbreak for poor Hector the Director.

Hernan has more hope with Espe, but I'm a bit worried there too. There seems to be a running theme in this tn about never being able to get over your first love and move on. Martin was the only one able to do it successfully (well, if his 2nd love loved him back, it would have been more successful), and he is the most emotionally balanced, happy, and off to Paris. This should be a lesson to our others characters.

Fantastic recap for what I thought was a boring episode. 30 minutes of Juana (with rat tail) and 15 of Aurora was more than I could stand. The two of them are sniveling whiners. Actually Aida stole the show last night. She is fun to watch.

ITA, Anonymous -- Aida IS fun to watch! I love the way she ar-ti-cu-lates. NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-PA-PA! POR-FA-VOR!

"although I'm sure it wasn't hanging anymore"

Well, my desk got a good cleaning after spitting out my coffee on that one. Brilliant Vivi!!

hey - you also remind us that Martin is in paris - maybe we can get a little reunion with Art and Ter? Though I was rooting for Aurora and Mariano, I miss his goofiness and ability to read some of the characters. Be nice to see his turtleneck once again.

Paquita, my favorite line: "Mayra loses it and goes after Ruben with her purse. I hope there’s a brick in there..." Loved it. Thanks for all the detail in this very emotional episode.

Blusamarai and Daisynjay, I too sure hope that Mar-Aida sex is only in Aida's fantasy.

Vivi, I was pleased to see Refugio show pride in Teresa's academic accomplishment. I think she also told Pati that maybe she could earn a scholarship like Ter.

Poor Ramon, he's so "anyone-but-Teresa" that he doesn't have a clue about Aida. It's going to fun (or maybe not) when he encounters Aida in full shriekdom mode.

Paquita, forgot to say the title is sheer perfection.

Loved the recap Frances. I think there's another shark in town by the name of Vanessa. She even had that gleam in her eye like Teresa gets when she's in her manipulative mindset. She even wiped the tear away from her eye in the same fashion when Teresa is crying crocodile tears. Why did she suddenly show up now and doesn't want to see or speak to Hector. I think Aurora is being played.

What a blow up witn Ruben, Aida, and Mayra. Both mother and daughter think they know all the secrets and there's still two more to be exposed. Ruben's embezzlement and the affair with Geno.

Teresa didn't have a shark grin on her face when she and Arturo spoke. It does seem like she's trying hard to fall in love with him. In the previews, they are in Paris the city of love. Can't wait to see what that brings.

Did I see Mariano and Aida in bed too in the preview. Egads.

I felt this vibe from Ramon and made a comment about it last week that he wants Mariano with anyone but Teresa but i'm hoping once he sees Aeeeeeeeda in all her nasty snobbish glory it will change from anyone but Teresa to anyone but Teresa and Aeeeeeeeeeda for Mariano.

While Espe is definitely at fault for taking up with a married man and hoping he will dump his wife to marry her. She is not to blame for the constant harassment that family has given her once learning about the affair. She has tried to walk and keep away from all three of them or should i say four because Geno is part of the harassment too.

Anyway that was some very bad advice Ramon gave his son and a innocent child's life was put in jeopardy because of the self centerness of the whole Ruben clan.He acts as if Aeeeeda is still in prep school instead of a college graduate who is around maybe 22-23 year olds and working for her father's business she needs to grow up and deal with it. Her father is a lying cheating scumbag who still wanted to keep Espe on the side after the affair was discovered and wait for the big reveal his affair with Geno.

Three cheers for Hernan this guy was just awesome restricting the whole clan from bothering Espe and even confronting the scumbag Ruben at his office telling him what his dear beloved deranged psycho daughter did to Espe putting her unborn child at risk.Also i was shouting when he told Ruben he would take legal action against him if Espe lost her baby. Now that's a real man right there.

Mayra is grating on my last nerve. Why was she willing to forgive Ruben before and act like everything was fine? What he did was exactly the same, whether it happened to result in Espe's pregnancy or not. I also hate that she puts so much of the blame on Espe. What Esperanza did was wrong, but she wasn't the one who had any marital obligations to Mayra. If it hadn't been Espe, it would have been someone else, oh oops, it IS someone else, also.

The whole Caceres family has issues with misplacing blame. Ruben claims his problems aren't his own fault, but the fault of others who refuse to cover for him. It isn't Aida's fault she attacked Espe and endangered the baby, it's everyone else's fault for not just telling her everything. Ugh.

I have some advice for Johnny:


Aurora's mom is prettier than Fernando's, but so far I think Oriana was more fun. I agree with everyone that Vanessa (if that's really her name) has to be up to something.

I'm curious, where in Mexico does this novela take place, is it based in Mexico City?

Julia, I give Mayra kudos because she had the decency to give Aida permission to have a relationship with her father if she wanted to, and not go the route of parental alienation. I think Mayra was in denial much too long, but once she had the whole truth, she kicked Ruben out quickly.  I do fault Mayra for going to the hospital for answers from Espe. 

For some reason Ruben is being portrayed as a rat and Espe is the darling of the vecindad, go figure. They are both pretty guilty if you ask me! 

Sharkbyte, this novela takes place in Mexico City. 

Sandy- Espe already paid a high price for her dalliance with a married man. Her family kicked her out, shunned her, and then left (barely giving her a bit of forgiveness before they left). Plus she is facing the future of being a singl, unmarried mother in a place that's not so forgiving of these things. I'm glad that Refugio (remember not Armando) was the first of the older folk in the vecinidad to open up her home and heart to Epse. Ramon last night was expressing the view of probably the majority of the vecinidad once they find out who knocked her up (most people don't know yet since she has been showing).

*since she hasn't been showing.

Sandy i agree about Espe she was dead wrong in taking up with a married man and hoping he would dropped his wife just for her. She was beyond naive in this day and age to fall for all of Ruben's B.S. but i also believe that Espe comes across as having some self esteem issues herself.I guessing at thisn part but after Ruben threw her away so callously in front of Geno at their old hideaway apartment and then he manhandled her at Teresa's wedding reception for any woman to proclaim to still be in love with a man from that type of treatment tells me you got self esteem issues honey and you are in serious need of some therapy

Maybe concerning her paternity and knowing what her mother went through before she remarried. I guess we have to call it as looking for love in all the wrong places.

I forgot Paquita was it really a goof or intentionally done by the actress playing Refugio forgetting Hector's name? We're all so used to her not calling Arturo by his name still calling him the lawyer which seems to me be a running inside joke i wasn't sure if was written like that or like you said Juana covered up for her relapse in forgetting Hector's name if so a good save by Cynthia who plays Juana.

O also loved mayra hitting Ruben with her purse and losing it and i was falling over with laughter when she went to go pick it up. I know it's not nice but i was hoping she had a brick or a very heavy blunt object to whack him with it.

Can they stop making our girl Aurora a sniveling, whining pathetic mess and have her go after her man already.

All i can say about Ramon is be careful what you wish for, your son would never be really happy with Aeeeeeeeeeeeeeda either and her nasty snobbishness. You don't even realize her grand plan is to have Mariano forsake everyone he has grown up with around in the vecindad. Totally forget his roots.

I can't help but think after Teresa left poor Arturo not exactly hanging as Vivi put it so well last night. A lot of this could have been avoided if he just went on his honeymoon instead of cancelling it for that important client.

Yeah maybe she would have still been chasing after Mariano after her honeymoon and all but i feel she would at least have been a lot closer and bonded more with Arturo. Perhaps he wouldn't have been so enraged after finding about her past with Mariano and turned to Pathetic Paloma.

Hopefully the poor man will get some real romance in Paris. I do feel this was the first time Teresa was truly honest to Arturo about her feelings. So that at least is a start.

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