Friday, July 22, 2011

Alborada, 7/22/2011. Cap. 38

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #12, Friday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 38 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's picture. Who doesn't love Tia Isabel???

And a bonus picture from last night's Premios Juventud. Camil gets his long-overdue Best Actor premio.

I'm the moderator, and I can post an OT photo if I want. So there!


OT. Anyone watch the Premios Juventud last night? There were only three acting categories in the whole show, and Jaime Camil won best actor. Today's his birthday; that's one heckofa birthday present! Too bad it's about four years late.

The clip of his win. I posted a picture, above.

Skipped the show but wow what a group of heavy hitters he was up against. The only weak link might have been Kuno Becker.

You would have been surprised to see Wm Levy, his head is shaved.

I've watched you-tube caps 37,38,39
& can't find Luis punching Diego. If anyone knows where it is, please let me know.

Also are we on cap 39 today, we don't seem to have 38, 37 was the 21st.

Thank you for catching the mistaken cap #, V. I've fixed it. We're all in this together!

Did Luis punch Diego in cap 38?

Yes, Luis punched Diego toward the beginning of today's cap. It was a 1-2 hit:
1. Luis hits Diego.
2. Diego hits the floor.

It's possible it was placed in another episode, in the broadcast captured in on Youtube. It was a brief scene, maybe 20 seconds. Sometimes they rearranged the sequence of things like that.

Found it, it was on 38.2

You really have to pay attention, you will be watching 38.1, & up next could be 40.1.

I'm happy now.

Thanks for the video Paula. So Jaime not only won the premio but he's going to be a papa in 3 months. Nice "homage" to his pregnant girlfriend.

Thanks Paula and Carlos. Tia certainly enjoys her cigarillos. I saw a little bit of the Premios. I'm not a fan of the bald William. He's really been seen on the American entertainment shows due to his steamy role in JLo's new music video. Happy belated bday, Jaime. July 22 is my hubby's birthday , too. I wonder if he went to dinner and a movie, too. Hub's fav scene from Alborada was when Luis belted Diego , so I'll have to show him that part of the recording. Very satisfying . Our weeklong heatwave continues here. Yesterday was 105, and we rarely break 199 here.

Paula- That was a nice pic and awards acceptance. Good for Jaime, and happy b-day and happy upcoming fathers' day to him too! I saw the pics of bald WL too. It was inevitable. He was either going to have to go the rug route, or the totally bald route since his hair was jumping ship anyway. I remember when Matt Lauer did the same thing. It was shocking at first, but now I think he looks quite handsome with his close crop. It's the most logical and brave thing to do if hair transplants/treatments don't work for you.

I loved the scene of Luis punching Diego out cold and then just walking off like nothing had just happened. LOL!

Marcos is so sweet moving in with Carmela. I hope that she can get past this crazy grief and just accept Marcos as a type of adopted son, and not a replacement for Martin.

Also very sweet this episode, Catalina and Cris. If those two can't see that the other is crazy about them, then they are both blind!

Two great pictures!! Bonus for us. Thank you Carlos and Paula.

Happy Birthday to Jaime and congratulations his award. ITA with Dani, he was up against some well-known super talented guys.

Susanlynn, you rarely break 199? Where do you live amiga? Mercury?

Back to Alborada, I just loved when Luis punched Diego. You've got to know that's been building up for a while.

Great shot of Tia Isabel lighting her cheroot with the candle, a classic Isabel moment.

William Levy bald? No-no-no-no! Oh well, life's a b_tch! But what was with that suit?

Heh. Whoops. Sylvia, I MUST proofread before I hit publish. We rarely hit over 99. Although people do sometimes think that I am from outer space because I am a little spacey and spaced out in this heat. ...okay...all the time. I can't think straight when the temps climb , so we won't be moving to Florida anytime soon...or nunca jamais. Just watched this episode since it's too hot to enjoy the patio. Wow, the punch was just great. Haven't we all wanted to do that to someone at one time or another...or is that just me. We saw ''Captain America'' yesterday. Luis is Capitano Mexico.

Here in S Fla, it's only 90.

Here in NYC, it's an even hundred. Everything is hot hot hot. My whole house is hot, the walls, the floors, the water comes up hot from the pipes. We're sleeping in the basement. My mom used to tell about whole families sleeping out on the fire escapes or in the city parks back in the '30s.

At 7pm we were still registering 100 degrees here, which felt like 107 with the heat index. Ah, summer! Stay cool everyone.

My brother lives in Moscow and they're in the 90s over there. The globe is warm!

I'm the moderator, and I can post an OT photo if I want. So there!
LOL you could not resist, right, amiga? I caught the premios at my mom's during my FL vacation... was SOOO glad for Jaime... and yes, Judy, great homage to his wife and well deserved award... You could tell he was not expecting that at all... I bet he enjoys it even more that it came from the fans and not from Televisa gurus...
Now back to Alborada... does anyone have a youtube link of the punch scene? I think my dvdr ran out of space and did not record that ep... i did watch about 4 from the last 6 last night when i got home... just ffwd what i wanted to rewatch... LOVED tia Isa's face when she was told how much she was owed and WHO owed her... and when Marina gave her the idea of requesting the Guevara castle as payment.
LOving the Cristobal and (sorry forgot Iran Castillo's character's name) shy romantic scenes... ELG is awesome in that!


This should do it.


That was fun. Definitely worth seeing again. Thanks Carlos.

thanks, Carlos! I can't access yt from here at work but will definitely check it out once I get home!

I just re-watched the vanilla plantation scene. Even though it's kind of goofy I enjoyed it a lot, mostly because Antonio kept holding the vanilla beans for Gasca to smell and admire the aroma. Gasca is such a sourpuss it was all he could do to humor Antonio with a nod and a grunt. I don't know why I get such a kick out of that.

Y'know, Sylvia, I really enjoyed the "My Visit to a Vanilla Plantation" section too. I love learning about topics that are completely unknown to me. Once on a flight, I sat next to a woman whose family runs most of the rendering facilities (hint: livestock carcass) in the southwest US. I picked her brain about the process, and it was fascinating!

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