Friday, July 22, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #68 Friday 7/22/11 The Pueblo Weathers the Tormenta and Roberta Suffers at the Hands of Mamita.

Roberta begs her mom to take her to the hospital. Fina snaps at her to stop whining.

Chema runs into Selene at a club and has a chat with her. He asks her if she took the pictures of him and Constanza. Sele plays dumb. Chema knows it's no coincidence that these photos showed up after he turned Sele down. It's partly her fault that Coni and Hon broke up. Sele gives a smug smile.

Roberta gingerly crawls into bed after a shower. She cries as she sends a desperate text to Selene. "Come to my house. I need help. Please, I need you." Sele gets the text but scoffs. Like she would help Berta after their falling out.

Jero stares out the window at the torrents of rain, wondering where Renata could be. Meanwhile, Nata jumps back from a window in Augie's office as a huge bolt of lightning strikes. Augie says they haven't seen a storm this bad in more than 10 years. Nata is glad that she's safe at Augie's but she worries about all the townspeople who are going to suffer. They are surely about to lose their crops, animals, and possibly their lives because of the storm. Nata suggests they set up a safe house for the people of the pueblo. Augie says that her charity will have to wait until the storm blows over.

Lazaro takes the wheel as he drives Carlos, Regina, and Manuela through the storm. Just as Manuela finishing praying for their safety, lightning strikes a tree that falls in front of the jeep. Lazaro bumps into it and that somehow knocks Carlos out.

The church has been turned into a haven for storm refugees. Zeke hurries in to warn Padre that the flood is getting closer to the houses in town. Plus, no one can find Dr. RapeySnake and they still haven't heard from the workers at La Bonita. He mentions to Padre that Nata left La Bonita and is safe at Agustin's.

Dr. Worthless T. Drunkard lives up to his name as the bartender heads for the hills, leaving Doc to (hopefully) drown himself in liquor. Alfonsina tells Kari about the disappeared Doc. Kari grabs her coat to go gather supplies from his office. Alfi hopes that Doc falls off the face of the earth.

Jero angsts over Agustin's interest in Nata. "She is my woman and she still is!" Matilde tells Jero about everyone having left to go help out at the church. Jero sets out for the same destination and Mati tags along.

Augie places a blanket on top of a sleeping Nata. "Your smell drives me wild." Augie thinks. Ay, he just keeps getting creepier. Nata jerks awake by yelling Jero's name. She's afraid something might have happened to Jero. She cannot hate him, even though she wants to. Augie assures Nata all is well over at La Bonita and tries to convince her to forget Jero.

Lazaro and Co. start freaking out. Carlos is out cold and the car won't start. Thankfully, Jero and Mati pull up behind them to save the day.

Alfonsina folds together a make-shift bandage for an injured little boy. She worries about why Karina hasn't returned with the medical supplies. The storm bears down on the church. Dr. Useless T. Pervert stumbles in, booze oozing out of every clogged pore he possesses. He slurs his words horrendously and Padre is incensed. Doc promptly passes out like the lump of wasted tissue he is.

Karina grabs all the medicine and medical supplies she can carry. A huge support beam collapses in front of the office door, trapping Kari. Flood water gushes into the building. Kari screams for help as she tries to block the water from getting into the room. Another beam falls from the ceiling, striking Kari in the head. Kari lies helpless as the flood water finally bursts into the room. :(

Everyone from the jeep accident has squeezed into Jero's car. Matilde cradles Carlos's head in her lap and cries. Mati thinks the accident was her fault; Carlos was hurt because of the curse on her. Jero tells her to calm down.

Fina brings Berta a cup of tea and some aspirin. Berta begs to go to the hospital once again. Everyone is going to find out she lost the baby anyway! Fina doesn't care. They have to wait. She spins some more BS to Matias and asks about combining the bedrooms once Berta and Mat get married. (Woman, your daughter is bleeding to death in the next room and bedroom decor is your primary concern?! GTFO.)

Matias says he and Berta are only going to be together for a year and in separate rooms. Fina gloats to herself that Mat will be stuck with Berta for ten years. Then she pulls a face because Berta had the nerve to lose the little brat that held the plan together.

Nata watches the storm from the window. Her life has become a storm - especially after the fiasco with Jero. She wonders how she can ever trust a man again after what she's been through. Matias failed her by running off with Berta and Jero turned out to be el Jerko. She watches Augie sleep and considers him an angel in her life. *gag*

The crew of La Bonita arrives at the church. Jero explains what happened to Carlos and Padre tells them that Doc is going to be as useful as a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest. Regina jumps into action. Arely warmly greets Lazaro and lets Jero know that Nata is staying at Augie's.

Alfonsina is worried sick about Karina not having returned. Lazaro runs off faster than a speeding bullet to find Kari. I betcha if he rips off his shirt, he's got a suit with a big S on it underneath.

Matilde whispers to Carlos and begs him to wake up. Jero shakes Doc awake and swears that if a single person dies because Doc was too drunk to help, Jero will never let him forget it.

Superman and his sidekick Zeke find Karina still unconscious but alive. She wakes when Laz scoops her up into his arms and carries her out to safety.

Carlos stirs and is happy to find himself laying in Mati's lap. He's glad to be alive just to see her again. Mati asks Carlos to swear to stop loving her; it's too dangerous for him. Carlos will never promise such a thing. Mati is insistent.

Lazaro arrives with Kari and Zeke. Kari thanks Lazaro for saving her life. Laz humbly says that she would have done the same for him. Kari cries when she sees Doc in his drunken slumber. She admits that he won't ever change.

Poor Roberta is lying in bed, sweating and shaking. Fina shows the tiniest bit of concern after taking Berta's temperature. She stares at the phone and seems to debate with herself if it's worth calling for help.

Matias bemoans his situation before bed. FFWD.

Dawn arrives at the pueblo. Regina, Manuela, Alfonsina, and Arely hand out cups of coffee and words of comfort to the people taking refuge in the church. Padre leads the group in prayer. Everyone starts to clear out to survey the damage. Jero offers a place to stay at La Bonita to anyone who lost their homes to the flood. Regi agrees to help him and set up a clinic to aid the injured. Jero is going to call in his connections ASAP to have food, water, and medicine delivered to the area.

Doc awakes from his stupor and confusedly watches as everyone leaves the church. He asks Karina how she is. Thanks to Lazaro, she's still alive. Kari tells Doc he has failed her and the entire town. If he wants to ruin his life, he had better do it on his own time. She has finished with him for good.

Arely brings Lazaro a sandwich and some coffee. She asks him to call her by her name - they're amigos now! Laz is still uncomfortable with it since Arely is from a higher class. Arely doesn't care about that; she's seen what a wonderful person Laz is and she wants to be his friend. Arely gives him a peck on the cheek. Karina watches from afar with a heartbroken look on her face.

Gonzo sits down for breakfast and the maid tells him that Fina and Berta got up early to go shopping for the wedding. Gonzo tells Matias about his worries. They haven't heard anything from Nata since the storm struck. Matias thinks he could get Nata to stay home if he told her what he knows about Jero. Gonzo warns him not to start more trouble within the family.

A pretty lady doctor examines Roberta and is amazed that she waited this long to come to the hospital. Berta looks horrendously pale and her lips are blue. The doctor says that an infection is what has caused Berta's fever. Fina is worried since Berta's wedding is the following day.

The doctora says there's no way Berta can have a wedding in her condition. She might have already suffered grave consequences after waiting so long to come to the hospital - Roberta could be sterile for the rest of her life. Fina looks guilty for a fraction of a second. (!!!)

Jero helps Carlos take the bandage off his noggin. They chat about Matilde. Jero knows that Carlos and Matilde are crazy for each other. He tells Carlos to go for it.

Berta is crushed that she might be sterile. The doctora gives them a moment alone. Berta turns on Fina. "If I'm sterile, it is your fault! You refused to help me when I asked." Fina snaps that Berta is talking nonsense. "If I am sterile, I will never forgive you." Berta says evenly.

Augie has breakfast set out for Nata but she's too preoccupied to eat. She wants to be out there helping people. Augie is sure others have the situation under control. At any rate, Nata has to return to Mexico since the next day is Matias's wedding. Augie agrees to help her get there.

Adriana tells Matias that she hasn't talked to Nata since before the storm. She gets in a barb about his marrying Berta. He and Berta know nothing about each other - including that Mat and Adri were nearly a couple. Adri hints to Matias that she might know something about Berta that could free Matias from having to get hitched.

Avances: Jero tries to stop Nata leaving with Agustin.

No vocab this week. Lo siento. I lost track what with all the action going on in this capitulo!


Great recap. It was an exciting night. I think it's because it wasn't on yesterday; I went through withdrawal.

I thought the same thing about Lazaro being Kari's Superman. He did run out like a speeding bullet, and scooped her up like his Lois Lane. I hope that was a stunt double for Kari when that beam hit her in the head; she fell, and all of the water came gushing over the top of her.

I wonder if the wedding will go on. How is Roberta going to get out of the hospital so fast? Did the doctor say something about surgery or did I misunderstand?

Dr Rapeysnake laying on the church pew; I felt like everyone should get in line and slap him on the way out.

Looking forward to Monday's episode. What is Jero doing running down the hill waving his arms?

Amy- Wonderful recap of an episode that just sped right along. Laz really is superman! Soon he will have saved all the women in the pueblo. They'll all be lining up to shower him with kisses and gifts. At least it seems like Kari has finally had it with the Doc.

Linda- You heard right. The doc left to prepare the operating room, likely for the D&C. Berta is so lucky that she didn't die. But I'm guessing that she will be left sterile as the doc fears. She looked like she turned a corner with Fina. I don't think she will so blindly follow mommy after mommy nearly let her die.

I shuddered when Nata looked at Auggie and started thinking of him as a good option. He could barely muster up any concern in his voice when talking about the poor townspeople and their plight.

Amy, I'm glad you had this episode. Your style of writing fit this action-packed episode just perfectly.

I love how the guys have little shower cap protector thingies for their cowboy hats.

Stupid ass hat doc getting drunk and stumbling into the church. Surely by now everybody knows he is a big gigantic loser. I like Linda K's fun idea about a slapping line. I think Zeke wants to be the first and the last in line judging by the look of disdain he gave the doc. No, maybe Kari wants the honor. No, probably Alfonsina. No, I'll bet Lazaro would insist on it. Then there is Jero. Gosh, so many people hate the doc, heh heh.

"Woman, your daughter is bleeding to death in the next room and bedroom decor is your primary concern?! GTFO." - Well said!!!!

Renata was slightly off-base summing up her men. Matias FAILED her? With all due respect Renata, you dumped him. Augie an angel? Um, hardly, you saw him treat his girlfriend horribly and he has no concern for the locals. Jero a Jerko? Bingo, you got that one spot-on.

Goodness, Lazaro certainly is Super Man! He wasted no time jumping into action to rescue Kari. With Zeke at his side I think the writers have solidified that Zeke is a good guy too. We were worried about him at first.

Very interesting that Roberta is now looking at mommy dearest with a jaundiced eye. It's about time!

Wow, what an exciting episode and worth the wait. Amy, no worries about the vocab words, your recap is terrific just the way it is.
OK, I stayed up way too late to watch this. I'm going to bed, yawn....

You crack me up Amy.

Dr. Worthless T. Drunkard
Dr. Useless T. Pervert
Dr. Lump of wasted tissue
about as useful as a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest

Holy Moly! this wretch really brought out the tigress in you, child. I love it. Keep it comin' keep it comin'.

@Linda Vivi indicated, Roberta will have to have a D & C after her miscarriage. The doctor used the term "legrado" which is just that. you (no surprise) I was annoyed by Renata saying Matias had failed her. IN NO WAY. After she cut him loose, he was free to hook up with whomever he chose. (Of course we know he didn't really go after Roberta, but that's beside the point.)

Recently a friend of mine broke up with a man who wanted to marry her; but she was cozily planning on being his dear adored buddy for life. Had an absolute fit!!!! when he became involved romantically with someone else.

She wanted comfort and I gave it, since she was genuinely upset. But what did she expect?! A little unfair to dump someone but still expect to be their last and only love.

You sure had a fun episode to recap Amy. Loved all the comments that everyone has already pointed out, especially "Dr. Worthless T. Drunkard' and your description of Laz.

Speaking of the "doc", if this storm served any purpose it successfully opened Kari's eyes to what a creep he is. Anout time. So we can at least breathe a sigh that that relationship has gone poof!.But had to say her "heartbroken look" reminded me of exactly the situation Judy describes below. Its that thought that you can throw over the person you know really loves you, but that they aren't allowed to move on. They are supposed to always be there...what bunk. Good people or no, that always drives me crazy with people.

So Augie could care less about the town folk and Jeers will be the hero who is opening his home to everyone. Augie may be becoming more appealling to Nata (yick) but he's piling on the little things that just make him so callous. It's all about him...maybe Berta would be a good match for him?

Speaking of which - I couldn't even watch those scene with Fina and Berta. The heartlessness of Fina was beyond comprehension - even in the doctor's office. How in the world can Berta agree to her mother's scheming after this? She has to see that it isn't about making Berta rich and happy, it's about making herself rich and happy and she's just using Berta to do it. Would love aa feisty Berta fighting back...maybe too early?

Can't wait for Monday. Jeers going to make a last-ditch effort with Nata or is it about helping he and Gina at the house - that would be a better approach dude.

Amy great recap, I've yet to watch this episode but I am looking forward to watching it soon. Love all the names for Dr Creepo. Have a great weekend everyone♥

Morning all! Another 100+ degree day in DC to avoid!

Judy, you are so right about that aspect of human nature-- wanting the person who always wanted us to always be there. The way I took Renata's thinking, and I believe she said this directly to Mati, is that she always thought of him as the perfect man. But that illusion was shattered when, 1) she found out he slept with her sister (impregnating her) out of spite because Nata had broken up with him; and 2) even after he had slept with Berta, he was moping around and guilt tripping Renata about dating Jero. This was totally hypocritical in Nata's eyes, and it completely changed the way she sees Matias. Add that to (what looked like) his crazy, jealous, rude and violent behavior towards Jero during the wine festival, and he does end up looking like an unreliable ally. Of course, once she finds out that he's marrying Berta to take responsibility for "Jero's" baby and to avoid hurting Nata, Nata will look at him like a hero once again.

I so agree with Judy B., you are too funny. I really needed that happy endorphins rush this morning, as the steam bath heating here in NC has left me soooo tried and drained even under the influences of ceiling fans and AC. I will add two totally unrelated “middle T’s “ to the TN or to each other (but then again….): Thing T. Thing and Rufus T. Firefly respectively. I offer no explanation of the aforementioned only to say that this sultry heat pops useless (un)related things (LOL, I made a funny) into my head.

The weather in Ensenada this past week according to my weather widget hasbeen mostly sunny, breezy in the mid 70’s during the day, low 60’s at night, with humidity’s 30%-40% . Seems the same for the next few days. I am thinking by looking those temps that my mind may be tricked into thinking that I’m actually there, drinking a glass of wine, wearing a JACKET!!! Sigh…...:)

I be lovin' me some Laz, you go boy!

Vivi I ditto all the things you said about Renata's dissappointment in Matias.

I want to applaud the writers on this occassion for meandering into that great philosophical question for Fina: Wealth OR Immortality? LOL,LOL... oh wait...what's the healing time following a D and C!

Vivi, when speaking of Matias Renata used the verb "fallar". In addition to the common meaning "to fail", it can also mean "to let down". This is more along the lines of what you say about her feeling disillusioned by Matias, that he somehow let her down when he knocked up Berta (she thinks) and agreed to marry her.

Amy!! Thank You!! I can never get through the cap without commenting on things along the way. I remember the discussion yesterday was it about Gonzo and Fina's relationship and how he'd pretty much left the homefront to her while he took refuge in building the Monterrubio Empire. So, this thought:

Mat's and Gonzo's clulessness about what really went on with Berta's miscarriage is exactly emblematic of what has happened during their whole married life
together and why Gonzo has been clueless about Fina's abuse of Renata and manipulation of the entire family. Gonzo only perceived Fina's emotional impoverishment subconsciously and recognized how far she was from the brave and beautiful single Mother who fought for the survival of herself and her young "twin daughters". When he met Regina, he became attracted to those same qualities in her. When Regina burst into his office demanding an audience with him to plead that he not withdraw his generous offer
to the Regina's Hope Center he was smitten. When he found out about her over twenty year search for her stolen daughter, he was done for. What turns you on, turns you on (including the signature of scent) and love-inspired Maternal ferocity does it for Gonzo. In Regina it's real, in Fina it's a facade. So he and Matias calmly ate breakfast after the storm of Roberta's miscarriage and near death slimed over by Fina's usual self-serving cynical finagaling!

Another thing I noticed while Fina did indeed calculate whether to take Roberta to the Dr., there was a painting on the wall, white background with markings that looked for all the world like smeared blood! The colors were shades of red and some blue but I felt an immediate alarm and exclamation within when I saw that painting! Go back and look! Creepy. Okay. Back to the cap!


Always blown away by the high-quality discussions on this page...Great stuff everybody.

I love that there are very few idiots in this tn. Even Chema was quick to figure out that it must of been Selene behind the photos. Although she did not break down and admit her guilt.

It's sad that the only person Berta could turn to during her crisis was her frienemy Selene, who is now more in enemy phase than friend phase.

Lila- I love your analysis of Gonzo. It's spot on.

Well it's about time! Both Karina and Roberta grow some cajones. Roberta still might be salvageable, especially now. I have hopes that she'll be happy and pregnant by the end. (That matador friend of Antonio's was kinda cut, eh Roberta?) It's just too bad about Karina and Lazaro. I didn't think the class separation was quite that strong there between him and Areli. Lazaroman would be way better for anybody than Augustin, and he has an education and a job. Not like he's living in a shack for cryin' out loud.

It seems Renata may be questioning the whole augustin=angel thing. Did you see her face when he insisted on driving with her to Mexico? She seems to realize that she could end up locked in his basement if she's not careful.

On a side note, if anyone back east wants to escape, La Vendimia is in August. I'd accompany you across the border for a day, but you have to figure out the tickets. Not a lot of details out there. And we hardly ever get hurricane storms this far north, so no worries. If there are problems, we just call Laz.

Wow, Amy!! Excellent, excellent!!
...what the other commenters said...

Sylvia, I thought the same thing about 'little shower cap protector thingies for their cowboy hats.'

Remember Feenamint - the gum that helps you, ummm... 'make'? I fear our own Fina is causing me the same symptoms!! Poor, poor, poor Roberta.

This tn moves along at such a smart pace that Mike and I are always surprised at the fade-to-black that indicates the end of the episode.

Vivi and Valeena, please keep cool, if that's possible. We live about halfway between y'all but our heat index is only 115 rather than your 122. Yikes! Let's go visit Julia!

Thanks Amy, great recap. You did a super job capturing the excitement and tension in this episode.

I think my favorite as well as telling little scene was when Kari who was briefly poised to cover a stuporous Doctor Dim with a blanket... thought about it for a moment, then... Nahhh...

She seemed so sad as she looked on as Arely profusely thanked the shy Lazaro.

I'm afraid that the Dr., now that he is exposed to the entire community, is going to be very dangerous.

Did anyone notice Zeke's and Alfie's son at the church during the storm? Hope he's OK.


Carlos, I also wondered about Zeke and Alphie's son. Hope he's an independent little cuss, since he must be alone most of the time.

I also loved the scene where Kari decided not to cover Dr. "It's 5:00 Somewhere". Probably resisting the temptation to smother him!

Thanks, flores, as always a picturesque recap.

The episodio certainly had its high and low points and some really funny ones, as well. In case you missed these:

Auggie, stuffing his mouth with fruit while Nata worried about how the people of the pueblo were doing.

Renata, drinking coffee at Auggie's in the morning with no electricity, unless it's cold or they built a bonfire.

Jero removing Carlos' bandage and mocking him for being such a baby because there was nothing to his head bump--he accused Carlos of using it as an excuse to get close to Matilde.

The weather girl explaining the moving storm. I think they may have used a real one because she said it was November--didn't they just have the vendimia and it was August?

Karin, raiding Dr. Worthless's private office and finding all that medicine in his filing cabinet.

Someone (was it Laz) telling the folks (was it Jero) that the represa (dike) held so the town was safe. So, only the doc's office was inundated with raging flood waters?

Social Conscience--
Jero arriving with blankets, and--then he spoke too fast to get the rest of what he brought, but the padre was impressed and announced it to everyone gathered. Then the next morning offering to open a shelter for anyone who had lost or damaged homes and included food, etc. (I understand in the original La Mentira the Jero character wasn't very well liked until there was a disaster and he helped the townspeople.)

Auggie telling Nata that it was too dangerous to go to town to help and the next morning telling her that helping the storm victims was bajo control--in other words, someone else's responsibility, not his.

Really Low Point--
I'm not even going to touch the Fina/Roberta scenes. They were really tough. But how did Fina get Roberta downstairs without being seen--the maid knew they had left.

And--I guess only us ladies are still worrying about the blood on the bathroom floor (as well as the setee). I can't quite see Fina cleaning it up, yet she can't let anyone else see it. Maybe she made Roberta clean it up after her shower.

About Roberta--I agree that she is going to think twice about trusting Fina unconditionally. On the other hand, she's not had to do much thinking of her own, but there's always a first time.

I keep thinking about the opening credit scenes that show happy people at a vendimia. I think it is next year's because Nata has a different outfit on and Rob is there and happy. So maybe there is a reconciliation. I'm sure Regina would welcome Roberta once she and Renata are back together.

Roberta chose the wrong moment to alienate and anger Selene. As nasty as Selene is, she's the only friend who would have helped Rob.

Dang--I like Arely and Lazaro together. She needs a strong, devoted man around who worships her and will treat her with respect. Well, I guess Karin does, too, after all she's been through. Any other candidates for Arely?

I looked up Auggie to see what else he's done. It seems Lisardo Guarinos (b.1970) was in Corazon Salvaje '09 (Federico), Alma de Hiero (Diego), Yo Amo a Juan Querendon (Fred del Castro), Amar Sin Limites (Piero) and others. I haven't watch any of them. Does anyone remember him? Check out his images on Google....droool.

Oh, and Kelly--I had a good chuckle over your typo. Kari and Rob growing cajones. Those are large boxes or chests (but the wooden kind)!!

Linda K--Jero running down the hill waving his arms--He's finally seen the light and is trying to stop Auggie from driving Nata to the airport. I don't think he meant to drive her all the way from Ensenada to MC. He could just drive himself to the airport, but this is sooo much more dramatic. And he's wearing that awful checkerboard shirt. You can see him coming a mile away--in case you can't hear him.

Rosemary la Otra's Wish List:
I would like
-a pair of Roberta's fuzzy pjs (of course I'll need several sizes mas grande)
-Regina's posture
-Renata's curls
-a bottle of Rafael's special mixed hybrid grape wine
-if I'm ever lost in a torrential downpour for Lazaro to come looking for me
-to get hired on to replace Blanca at Empresas Monterrubio (or any job there that seems to only involve sipping wine at luncheons.. I'd be perfect for it)
-those grape earrings, once they find the missing one
-Constanza's figure
-a butterfly kiss with Chema's eyelashes
-Gonzalo to give a generous donation to my business
-Selene's family's backyard
-an invitation to Matias' next party
-a catered meal by Manuela
-a weekend retreat at La Bonita. Of course I'd invite you all, too. We can order Adri's yellow shoes and pink eyeshadow from Avon. Carlos, for you we'll get a headband to match Matilde's since you are her #1 (only) fan.
A girl can dream........
Rosemary la Otra

This novela continues to delight and surprise as do the devoted recappers. Thanks so mush
As to the hat covers. It would not be authentic if Laz didn't use it. Any western hat would be ruined by the rain. Notice, they are western, not cowboy hats.

Amy wonderful recap and loved your thoughts about Dr. Rapeysnake.Thank you.

Vivi good point on why Renata thinks Matias has failed her but i also agree with the point that she did dump Matias so he can sleep with whoever he wishes including her sister. As someone mentioned i don't understand this mindset when you break up with someone that they are supposed to wait around and never get involve with anyone ever again as the person who dumps them can go on and happily live their life.

So Arely is now noticing Lazaro interesting and even more so after Karina has finally seen the light about Dr. Scuzzbucket and is ready to move on.

I guess Roberta should have never burned that Stalking Selene bridge huh? Even Fina mentioned to her not to tell her anything about what happened.So now Roberta is seeing how it's all about Fina and her comfort.

Jerko saying that Renata is still his woman really? After the abuse you pulled with her i can't wait for her to get your marriage annulled.

Running to stop her from leaving you on Monday boy i hope it's too late.

Remember, Nata was quite happy to have Matias move on with Adri, so I really don't think it's just that. It was the act of sleeping with her sister, out of spite (something Nata thought was above Matias), and then then continued accusations of betrayal from him. Had he fallen in love with Adri and had a relationship with her, Nata wouldn't have had a problem.

Amy, many thanks for the great recap, and, Sylvia, thanks for the ideas about whaling on the increasingly useless doctor.

Now, I'd think an enterprising parish priest like Padre Severino would realize the value presented and conduct an impromptu fund raiser. Highest bidder gets the first thwack on Alvaro's cabeza, second highest gets the second an so on.

Was anyone else a bit surprised by Lazaro's reticence about "amistad" w/ Areli as a matter of caste?

ICBIWTWT, thank you for pointing out that the hats are western and now cowboy. I am a California tree-hugging hippie pirate wannabe and didn't even know there was such a thing as a western hat. How can a neophyte like myself tell the difference? I swear I learn more on this board!

I wasn't surprised, Mike. It's always a big issue in these telenovelas. And whether it's an actual issue in daily life in Mexico, I don't know. I do believe social standing is a lot more stratified there than in the US. Lazaro is currently a laborer in a hacienda, whereas Arely is the former novia of a landowner. Also there's the city folk vs. country folk, which has also been emphasized.

Of course a sign of the good guys is that they don't care about caste or social standing. Only the evil folks do.

Super, super recap, Amy!!!! Gracias!!

My fave moment of the evening: The ENTIRE town saw Dr. Death for what he really is! YES!!! This should make it 'safer' for both Kari and Alfie.

No longer can that scumbucket hide behind the respectability of the two initials after his name; NO MORE!!!

Augie showed his true colours as well, but I'm not so sure what Nata thought of his not wanting to help the townsfolk. Ultimately, this will not sit well with our 'Nata.

Roberta might have actually awakened from her mental stupor, but that remains to be seen.

Cannot wait until Monday!!


Thank you Vivi! I really like Gonzo and I make an effort to understand him. He deserves way better than psycho-Fina!

Emilia! HAHH HAHHA HHA HHAHA!! OMG! I wish I'd said that about Feenamint! Girl, you nailed it!

Ayyye! Love the list Rosemary la Otra!

Yeah, Roberta certainly had a Whaaat Thaaaa F. . . .look in her eyes. Having been raised by mommy dearest and seen that evil look in Fina's eyes directed at HER for the first time, she knows Fina is serious and so is she. She will NEVER forgive her. Does that translate into asking questions on her own about Rafa's death and *gasp* maybe joining efforts with Renata to find out the truth about Mommy Dearest? Her (temporarily former) BFF, Selene, even mused once that she wondered if Fina was really their mother!

And finally, I beat Jero to his own redemption: his offers to shelter and care for those made homeless by the storm is the beginning and even if she doesn't react right away, Renata will file this detail right next to Auggies smug unconcern. Lovin' the sho-ow!


The other thought I had about Lazaro and Areli was that he was trying to gently get rid of a psycho w/o provoking her to Blanca like psycho-tude.

That's a theory I like Mike! Our Lazaro has the basic smarts and knows a "project" when he sees one.

When Jero and Lazaro brought the unconscious Carlos into the chapel they just rather unceremoniously dumped him onto a pew, even bumping his head a bit...

but then Matilde was ever so gentle with him... awww

About the hat cover. I wear a top of the line cowboy hat made from 10x beaver made by Manny Gammage of Texas Hatters in Austin, Texas almost 40 years ago. I don't need no stinkin' plastic cover to protect it from the rain. It sheds water like a... well... beaver.


Thanks for the medical term. I couldn't get all of the conversation between the Doctor and Roberta. For some reason, should they have to do a hysterectomy because of the damage, there is no way she will be at her own wedding. I never really looked at a D&C as surgery, just more like an outpatient procedure. Although these days, they do not keep you for long in the hospital for any type of surgery.

I think Augie said the airports were all closed and he was going to drive Renata to the closest one that was open, and he emphasized that the highway driving would be quite dangerous. So it's good Jero didn't just drive right to the local airport to stop Renata, and is instead waving her down like a lunatic.

Hey, Carlos, can you describe the difference between a cowboy and a western hat? Seriously, I had no idea they're two different styles.

Mike, we'll have to get I can't believe... to explain that difference to us. I do know I've been puzzled by those plastic covers. The Texas Highway Patrol and some of our sheriff's deputies use those hat covers. My nurse even gave me one for Christmas one year, but I've never used it. I just shake the water off, hang it up, and it's always good to go. Several years ago I took it in to be cleaned and reblocked... looked like new... won't do that again... it lost all its panache.


Gotcha, Carlos. It occurs to me that we'll never see as many hats on this TN as we did on STuD. I remember you saying that Rosendo Gavilan's Charley One Horse hats were top of the line.

Hi Cap'n
A cowboy hat is a western hat. It's just that cowboys dont call them "cowboy hats". Now you won't sound like a city slicker when you meet a cowboy!

What do cowboys call 'em? just hats? Not many cowboys in our neck of the woods - eastern Virginia....

Is there a different name for the ones with the tightly rolled brims?

Great recap Flores de Azul. I didn't think the storm was so soon. It made me remember my own experience without electricity during last year's hurricane. I think this storyline was actually made to help the efforts to help Veracruz in its time of need. Reneé Casados is from here and he was one of the most involved in the campaigns.

Newbie-One-Kanobie: Renata was probably drinking café de olla, you can heat the water on the stove (most houses in mexico use gas stoves).

I think Renata is more dissapointed in Matías getting involved with Roberta than in Matías moving on with someone else. I also agree with Vivi in that the reasoning of his actions (sleeping with Roberta out of spite) upset her.}


Yeah - but Carlos, would you wear your hat outside in a hurricane?


Yes, I also thought Renata felt that Matias had let her down because of his one-night-of-spite with Roberta and the subsequent decisions.

This was one wild-and-crazy action packed week - even with on night preempted. Really rockin-and-rollin! Was it just in one week we had Renata show her innocence and dump Jero? And Roberta have the reveal of how Rafa died and the miscarriage? And a hurricane? Wow!

I thought the whole hurricane thing was a great touch and how fast it came on quite believable. You never know quite where they will make landfall nor how strong they might be when they finally reach land. I've run away from a few hurricanes myself. I think Baja sometimes gets some doozies.


I too love your list Rosemary La Otra!

And I'd definitely want the retreat at La Bonita. I'd spend most of it in the kitchen with Manuela, cooking and platicando, and getting all her great advice on prepping the local cuisine.

I just love the La Bonita kitchen, and I love how the women always have some interesting pots they are using and are always preparing something authentic looking. It's wonderful!


I love the kitchens in most novelas. They are always so colorful with Andalusian tiles on the walls, beautiful produce on the counter, and strings of garlic hanging from hooks. I get hungry just looking at some of those scenes.

As to hats, I bought this book when I was visiting a friend in Texas:

The hat I bought the day before turned out to be the Gambler.

Audrey: I second your thoughts! That's exactly where I would want to be!!


Rosemary La Otra--You have started a sisterhood with your list. Count me in.

My only deviation is that even if Lazaro saves me from drowning in a flood, throwing myself off a cliff or calling me tu, I'd still want to go to bed with Jero and listen to his soft Argentine accent all night (presuming he's not mad at me).

As for KP duty. The only thing that's missing from your kitchen scenario for me is the man who's willing to sit and watch me prepare his meals while reading Gabriel Garcia Marquez' One Hundred Years of Solitude to me in Spanish.

Jarocha--thanks for the link to cafe de olla. It sounds every bit like strong powdered (instant) coffee, which I have every morning (with plenty of milk and sweetener, though), right after te con leche.

I enjoyed all the hat talk. My friend who lives just on this side of the Rockies, always refers to his hat as a 10-gallon hat, if he has to describe it (it's probably 50 years old!!).

I'll sit in the kitchen and read anything you want, as long as you cook those wonderful dishes! I'll chop veg, wash dishes.........

Count me in on kitchen duty! No way am I gonna be left out of any cooking fun. Emilia, in addition to your other skills couldn't you season the frying pans?

Hey everyone, thanks for all the hat info. From now on I am referring to the aforementioned chapeaux as Western Hats. (Oops, calling them chapeaux is probably too prissy, ya think?) Anyway, now I know. I loved Rosendo's hats in STuD.

Carlos, your hat story is too funny.

I just checked the weather forecast for Ensenada, MX. It's supposed to be in the mid to low seventies this week. I'd have thought it would be much hotter.

Newbie... ITA on the WTF note about the represa holding on during the storm but the Dr's office was flooding... must have been several feet under ground level. is it a basement office? LOL.
Also Augie eating fruit and worrying about his 'crop' (the one he bought from Rafa) as all he cared about... and poor Nata could not believe his attitude or his words... Jero on the other hand was offering part of La Bonita (did he say a barn or warehouse?)as a temporary shelter PLUS he was offering any help Lazaro needed to get these people back on their feet (possibly rebuilding their homes?)
Rosemary >.. LOVED LOVED your list. would not change a thing on it.

Checking in after a busy but fun weekend and loving all the comments!
Thinking of working in the kitchen reminds me of my Saturday taking some out of town guests on a tour of our Cleveland West Side Market. Spent an hour alone strolling the veggie/fruit section and lord knows how much time spent inside at the individual meat/fish/specialty stalls. Needless to say my freezer is now full as well and my son walked out with three huge bags of fresh fruit that have filled the fridge. Maybe I'll bring some stuff over to La Bonita and we can feed the "troops".

Love all the talk on the "hats". when in Arizona a couple years back, I remember my one son going over all the differences with a local guy on western hats, different materials and how to wear them. It was such fun - a veritable western hat show. He walked out with a outdoor felt stetson. Must be like Carlos ' -he caught in the rain once, I panicked at what would happen, and the darn thing looked like new when we got home.

NOK- Cajones is also slang for, um, balls. As in testicles. As least that's the way it's used here in the southwest. It may not actually be a Mexican thing, but we don't worry about authenticity. (But it's totally possible that I spelled it wrong).

We also don't worry about hurricanes. Ensenada is only about an hour at the most from the border. Really more like San Diego than Cabo. It might get as hot as 85 this week.

Kelly--I thought the word was cojones, but I may be wrong. Nope--here it is from Mr. Gabe's (on-line) Spanish Slang Dictionary: ""cojones (noun, masc. pl.) � balls, testicles � Also used as an interjection denoting surprise, annoyance."" Only a small thing.

Martaivette--Jero called the place he was offering shelter a bodega. In many places a bodega is a winery--the whole place, but I've noticed that in many tn's (LVO) the word was used for a warehouse. So maybe he has a large warehouse that can serve as a temporary shelter until it's safe to go home. Kudos to Jero for offering to help rebuild homes that were damaged or destroyed.

Late to Linda K--I don't think I would be able to pull off a big church wedding with smiles and energy less than 24 hours after a d & C.

But who knows, Roberta may see Matias as a knight coming to rescue her from Mamita Dearest and go through with it. I can even see Matias siding with Roberta if she tells him about the miscarriage, all about Fina, and the substituted marriage contract.

Hey--did anybody watch the Copa America championship game? Uruguay won in a nice clean game 3-0 against Paraguay. Fortunately for them, Brazil lost along the way and they beat Argentina on penalty goals.

Did I hear Kari call out for Laz when she was banging on the door?


NOK- Thanks for the spell check. It's just not a word you see spelled out much (for probably good reason).

But Kari and Roberta could grow boxes too, put the doctor and Fina in them, and push them over Areli's cliff. I don't think anyone would mind.

Yep NOK - awesome game.Watched on Univision here - why ESPN does not pick up these games is beyond me. I was pulling for Uruguay, love Forlan, so was thrilled at the outcome. Can never get enough good soccer.

Sylvia, you betcha I can season a skillet!! Gotta keep 'em in shape!

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