Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Alborada, 7/27/2011. Cap. 41

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #14, Wednesday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 41 start at this link.

Carlos, I really like today's picture. Nice work!

Susanlynn's caption: "It's been a very bad day. I lost my favorite jacket."


Tks Paula. Great foto Carlos.
I like Antonio. He seems like a kind man.

I think Doña Juana is going to be very surprised that Hipólita is in her house, (Isabel's house).

Thanks Paula and Carlos.

Poor Tia, she did a lot of Caray, Caraying today.

Dona Juana (Daniela Romo) has just kidnapped her great-grandson in TDA. She does evil better than anyone.


I guess I missed sth, why is Cristóbal looking for info on Victoria & Sara?

Thanks, Paula and Carlos. The longsuffering Tony had a little trouble lifting Hip into that carriage, but Vincente had no trouble jogging right up that loooong staircase at the Palace carrying our fallen heroine. Tony, you had better start eating your Wheaties and pumping some iron. Didn't you love the look on Tony's face when the doc told him that Isa had taken Hip to the palace ????

Variopinta~~~I think that Cristobal is still trying to figure out who Poderosa is and why she was involved in kidnapping Hip. I think Cris, Felipe, and Luyis are trying to tie up all the loose ends invloving the kidnapping and Martin's desth.

That is probably it susanlynn, but how does he even know about La Poderosa?. Victoria's name could have come up at the rescue.

I think that Marcos somehow heard the name ''Poderosa'' and shared the name with Team Luis when he went to the mine to tell Luis that Hip had been kidnapped. I know that one of the mine guys knew of the place at the beach nd accompanied the guys, and somehow Marcos knew about that place. Does anyone remember how Marcos found out about the beach place and Poderosa ? I know that Martin put 2 and 2 together and came up with Perla after Adalgisa told him about the 2 thugs who grabbed Hip. That'a when he confronted Perla and told her that Luis was the father of Hip's son. Meanwhile, Tia Isabel sent Marcos to the mines, so I don't think that he talked to Martin. I'm not sure how Marcos knew about the beach place. Could his sister have told him because she was working as Perla's maid and may have heard Perla and the 2 thugs talking ???

Caption~~~''It's been a very bad day. I lost my favorite jacket.''.''

What a great screen shot. Antonio actually looks kind and concerned in it. I'm sure he is, it's just that he's been rather...ambiguous throughout the story so far. However I do think he cares about Hipolita.

Francisco sending Asuncion out to blackmail Juana? The dude is seriously not firing on all cylinders.

I love the twist with Hipolita ending up at the Palacio Guevara.

Thanks to Paula and Carlos for the post and pic, and thanks to Susanlynn for a caption. Nicely done amiga!

Another great caption, Susanlynn! I just posted it.

Remember just a few weeks ago we were talking about dead guys waking up at their own funeral?

It happened again this past weekend in South Africa. This fellow woke up at the morgue. In one of those refrigerator drawers!

thank you for the picture and the caption, as always a masterpiece. SusanLynn, Marcos' sister told him. Remember she used to be Perla's maid?

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