Saturday, July 30, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of August 1, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

¡Hóla a todos! Bienvenidos a agosto.

Flor Salvaje starts on Tuesday. I am going to check it out. I read that the lead actress in Flor, Mónica Spear, was the star of three successful novelas in Venezuela and has now signed an exclusive deal with Telemundo. Ya veremos.

After Herederos and Clon, my new standard for a novela is: does the story move along? I can take about anything else (not the hammy acting on Univisión) but an attractive, talented cast, a beautiful setting and a good initial idea are all worthless if the writers just put the story in a repetitive loop.

CORAZON- Andres exhibited an annoying schizophrenia in judgment. He refuses to believe any of the logical arguments that Lola makes to him about how pushing Débora down the stairs would have been totally against all her previous statements and actions but to no avail. Andres says that they are over. He never wants to see her agian.

Andres then finds out from the maid that Marcelo came to see Débora and that they had a terrible fight. He confronts Vicky and Ramón about this and he can tell that they are lying. He is unable to get the truth from them, however.

Lola tells Rodrigo that she didn't push Débora down the stairs and he says that he knows that she couldn't do something like that. Rodrigo tries to convince Andres but with no success. Meanwhile, Andres is all smarmy over Débora - gag.

The police question Marcelo about Verónica's murder but get nowhere. Rodrigo's boss tells him that he has learned from Interpol that Tiberio ran an operation that trafficked women for prostitution but then he disappeared and could be anywhere. He warns Rodrigo not to go after Tiberio without permission from Interpol. Right.

Marcelo shows up at Apolo's funeral and Lola tells him to get lost.

Etelvina tells Lola that Adela is sneaking out at night. Then Adela brings home a (used but low miles) Mini Cooper for her grandfather and claims that she bought it from her tips at work. Lola replies sarcastically that Adela couldn't even have made the down payment for a car like that from her tips.

Ramón, probably unwisely, taunts Marcelo about the fact that Tiberio won't take his calls.

Marcelo, I think, orders a hit on Rodrigo but it is unsuccessful. I think he kills or wounds one of the matones.

Lola inherits even more money from Apolo and Adela is jealous.

Camilo appears to be getting nowhere with Sofía but he is probably wearing her down. Andres finds out that Sofía is Camilo's love interest. Sofía asks Andres to help her do an intervention on Daniél and get him into treatment.

Soledad is still tied up and gagged in the pool supplies room.

That was about it. Over to you.

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Thanks, Jean, I'm glad you're watching this one with Hombre, Nellie, and me. I think that's all the regulars, except for lurkers.

Yes, Andrés is a big disappointment, but such is the way of the telenovela. Extreme measures have to be taken by the writers to keep the protagonists apart for practically the whole thing.

I'm picking up on something from Debora. I get the feeling that her obsession has caused her to actually believe her own lies. The cute little self-awareness of how diabolical she could be doesn't seem to be there any more. When Sofía came to visit her she belabored the point about what Lola had done to her, even though she'd already gotten Andrés to swear he'd never leave her. And, at the very end, she shows up to accuses Lola of leaving her sterile, again seeming to have forgotten her own plan: throwing HERSELF down the stairs after she'd already lost the baby.

Loved when Chabela called Debora piojo blanco (white head lice).

The cop who was interrogating Marcelo (Lopez??) told him not to leave either the city or the state. He had already bought a ticket to Panama to try to see Tiberio, I thought. So that's squelched.

There was another funeral, giving Lola a chance to show off a cute black dress. Jennifer showed up with some reporters, raving that Apolo really loved her. I hope that's the end of seeing her.

The reason Marcelo showed up at the funeral was to quiz Lola about Soledad. He's still hoping to re-capture her and thus patch things up with Tiberio.

They gave us one of those telenovela intervals without dialog where they showed Adela willingly acting as "escort" to a middle-aged man, Andrés bringing flowers to Deb, Danny high as a kite, Vicki bringing Ramon home from the hospital, Lola going out to run (with the black car again in place, but she doesn't notice).

It seemed odd to me that Lola would get 100% of Apolo's inheritance. They were married about two weeks. Didn't he have any other family? Camilo said he got back the "properties" Agapito had misappropriated.

Even though Debora has realized her dream and Andrés is behaving like the adoring spouse, she still can't let it go and pushes him to get Lola put in jail. Camilo seems to know about this and is putting together a plan.

Ramon gets under Marcelo's skin, even though he's having his arm twisted by one of M's thugs. He tells him Tiberio doesn't forgive.

Daniel enters a club and sees Adela dancing with a "client". She refuses to leave with him.

During the intervention by Sofía and Andrés, Daniel catalogues his woes: a tía who pretends to be a mother because she doesn't have any of her own; a mother who preferred Andrés, a brother who can't see the forest for the trees; and a really bad father. He said that Marcelo used him to force Andrés out of the company. And then he drops the bomb: there was something bad between Marcelo and Debora.


They used a term last night that I inferred from context but wanted to know more about. It was la trata de blancas. This means human trafficking.

I found some fairly horrifying stuff in Spanish when I googled this. One thing that stood out for me was that a fairly young girl could earn $130,000 per year for the "owner". So this kind of demonstrates Tiberio's profit motive.

Thanks for the run-down, Novelera.
This show is moving along very quickly... I get up to get an ice cream sandwich, and when I come back, people have jumped out of planes and had miscarriages!
Water under the bridge, but I'm sad that we are not going to see more of the Agapito character.
J in Oregon.

I think I agree with you, Novelera, about Débora believing her lies. I find myself watching for a triumphant smile when no one else can see but it doesn't happen.

I forgot to mention earlier that when Apolo was killed, I was watching with the English subtitles and they kept using 'shoot' for 'chute as in, 'his shoot didn't open.' Quite amusing.


Jean, thanks for the summary, and Novelera, you had lots of great observations. I learned two words. Aborto doesn't just mean an abortion, it also means a miscarriage (you can add the words provocado or espantáneo after aborto to differentiate). Also, matriz means womb (útero is the more medical term, corresponding to uterus).

There are a few hopeful signs. Danny's outburst about Marcelo is the best. And the cops are still investigating the company's ties to Panama. I think Ramon's hate for Marcelo could also cause him to slip up and reveal something. And if they catch the thug who was wounded by Rodrigo (hopefully he wasn't killed), that guy could talk. Finally, Tiberio might have to show up in person to figure out what's going on with Soledad, and there are plenty of good guys to stop him. But this probably won't be for a while.


We're all set up for the moment of truth. For various reasons, Leo/Adolfo says the hit has to be tonight. Matias suspects him, Carola doubts him again, Ignacia doubts him and Renato says he's going to have a medical team check him out completely. Emilio caught a nurse giving money to someone in Gonzalo's room, and while so far, he can't identify who it was (it was Leo), maybe he can lighten or enhance the video. So Leo has to act now.

He's got a lot of help. "Rosa", whom we think is an actress pretending to be his sister (but acting like a random friend to Hilda), has convinced Hilda to get revenge on the whole family. It's ridiculous that's she's going along with this, but she is. She already cut the power to the alarm.

All this makes me think that "Leo" has lots of people helping him, but none of them knows the whole story. He had Danilo, now Rosa, and Hilda is (unwittingly) helping him. Could it be that Javier, who was his friend, is also being manipulated into helping Leo? And what about Gonzalo? Emilio said something interesting: Whoever was in Gonzo's hospital room had plenty of chance to poison him, but didn't. So this reinforces my idea that Gonzalo is working with Leo. But now, I think Gonzo only knows a part of the plot (or none). I think he's being paid, just like the others, to play a role. I also think Leo has another confederate, whom he's been calling on the phone, who is the really 3rd brother. But this is just a guess.

Who's a "good guy"? Currently, I'll go with Matias, Rebeca, Pilar, Yolanda and Nibaldo. Karen may also be on Leo's payroll. I'm definitely worried about Matias's survival possibilities (NovelaMaven pointed this out), because the show has a ways to go, and he may be expendable.

Should be an exciting show Monday!


Thank you novelera.

Can't wait for tonight's episode, will the truth come out or what pathological lie will surface for Deborah?

I thought Marcelo showed up at the funeral to see if in fact it was true that Lola caused Deborah's miscarraige or if he did.

I have to agree Deborah is gone in her thinking, but I think losing the baby drove her over the edge. Her family or was it just her mother, told her all her life that Andres is all and everything to her, that's all she knows. Andres is part to blame here as Lola reminds him, they should not have married, period. So let's see what happens.

I would love to know who is playing Tiberio?

And a frustration of mine, if Soledad quickly moved out of the bed for Deborah, she can reach the gag in her mouth, she can reach the ties on her ankles, she escaped in the previous attempt where she was closely guarded, why has she not done so this time? I hate when they give us a smart solution in one moment then they dumb it down.


Last night's episode I was not sure but was the conversation with Lola and Debora taped, was that a room where there are cameras?

Was a bit disappointed with last night's episode, I guess I felt Andres was just too stupid. In these days I would think he would ask if he were the baby daddy? Maybe they should have received an invite to the Maury Povich show?

Corazon- I wondered the same thing about the conversation between Debora and Lola. But I think Etelvina told Lola that she was listening outside the door, not watching the hidden camera. She did says that she knew that Adela's grandfather, Pancho? Paco?, I forget, was crying in his room from the camera.

Just like Soledad and the gag, it would be too easy to just tape Debora making incriminating statements and show it to Andres.

Andres was pretty stupid last night. He had flashbacks to various incidents but never to the maid telling him that Marcelo came to see Debora and that they were fighting.

Ana Layevska is great. You could just see her mind working as she spun the web of lies to try and keep Andres.


Also, Andres' maid overheard Debora telling someone that she launched herself down the stairs. But I doubt anyone will believe the maid. As a matter of fact, Andres doesn't believe anyone.

Things looked a little worse for Marcelo in this episode. Andres beat him up, and Debora wants him to agree that he raped her, or else (something, I forgot). Rodrigo's also getting closer, and at the end of the episode, it looked as if Tiberio arrived at the airport!

Adelita's hidden profession can't stay secret for long. She bought that car, now a new apartment. Pepe definitely suspects.

I'm glad Daniel is veering more toward the side of good these days.


What a night. After Hilda cut the alarm cables, Rosa snuck into Renato's office and cleaned out the money from the safe. Renato and Javier weren't home, because another confederate had set fire to Renato's big hotel, and several people died in the fire! Leonardo climbed out the window and met with Rosa in Ignacia's workshop. But Matias was still there, and sort of saw him! Matias is hated by Renato because of his affair with Eva, but still wants to help. He has to do it from afar, and confides in Rebeca what he saw.

Later, Leonardo has made it look as if he's been kidnapped. He also cuts his hand on the glass. He visits his father, Igor Mora, to tell him the vengeance is almost over.

Hilda is appalled to find that after she cut the cables, someone robbed the safe and kidnapped Leonardo. Emilio knows something's up. He wasn't home, went to gamble, and actually won big (but didn't tell anyone where he got the money). He then sees Rosa, who flees, and he's after her on this motorcycle.

At the end of the episode, we finally find out "Leonardo"'s name. Not Leonardo, not Adolfo, not Ivan. He's Ismael!

Hombre De Misterio. I think NovelMaven's assertion that Matias doesn't get star rating is way off. If you notice the entrance, Jorge Luis Pila is the first actor that appears after the 4 main protagonists. In fact, I would go as far as to say that he's the 5th protagonist because his name stands alone. Notice how his name is not accompanied by a With "Con" like David Chocarro or Special Participation "Actuaction Especial" like Karla Monroig. I don't think that his name would be featured so prominently if he were to die quickly. I would surmise that if he does die then it most likely be towards the end of this novela. So for those whose are worried about Matia's survival possibilities, don't worry too much because I suspect that he would be around for a while.


Great comments so far!

What Debora threatened Marcelo with was telling the cops she saw him order Tiberio's thug to shoot Verónica.

Jean, Adelita's abuelo is Pepe. And, yes, the guy can do math in his head and figure out she can't buy that car and set them up in an apartment on tips. I also don't think he bought the cover story Adelita and Boy Mercado came up with after the guy slipped up accusing her of going rogue and finding her own clients.

Looks like we were wrong about Debora being completely delusional. She's back to knowing exactly what she did and why she did it, plus what she's going to do going forward.

I like Lola's idea of opening a low-income gym. It's VERY refreshing to see a heroine that doesn't sit around and sob (or in Lola's case mope) when she's on the outs with the galán.

We have to give Andrés credit for some brain cells. He told Deb he wouldn't believe her about the rape unless she pressed charges. This plan doesn't seem like it's going to work. I can't believe they'll have one of the main villains locked up so easily. I think something will happen to keep Deb's hold over Andrés and still get Marcelo out.


I wonder if the actor playing Ismael had it in his contract that he only had to screw up his face like that for a certain number of episodes.

Yolanda gets on my nerves. She marches right into Emilio and Hilda's bedroom to see the bag of money. Doesn't it occur to her they might be making love?

She then does the same thing when Renato and Eva are close to having it out. She's sort of a plot device to ruin scenes. And I can't bear her mi niños toward a grown man (supposedly disabled Leonardo).

Sometimes I get the feeling that Igor Mora doesn't really approve of what Ismael is doing. He never looks very satisfied when the guy gloats. He actually looks scared.

CORAZON - Thanks for the id on Adelita's grandpa - I knew it began with a P!

You're right, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what it means when a young woman is out all night, every night and suddenly has a lot of cash. Both Pepe and Lola seem to be slow on the uptake or they just don't want to believe it.

I wonder what the big reveal about Tiberio is. I thought maybe he was someone local but he just arrived in the US so wouldn't he be a stranger? Why hide his face? Well, hopefully, we'll see tonight.


Jean, I don't know if you saw the scenes where Sofía, as part of her psychological treatment, hypnotizes Soledad. Sole then recounted the whole sordid past with Tiberio. She met him in a restaurant where she was waitressing. He swept her off her feet. She went to Panama with him, only to discover he was running a brothel. Somehow, she and the other women managed to hide her pregnancy and the birth of Lola. When all the gals make a run for it, the others are shot, but Tiberio decides to really punish Soledad by throwing acid on Lola while Sole looks on. She gets this superhuman motherly strength going on. She disarms one of the thugs and shoots him, then throws the acid on Tiberio This is the reason he wants her back so bad. Presumably, his face is not going to be so pretty when they finally stop teasing us and show it.

CORAZON- Ahhh! Thanks, Novelera. I didn't know any of that. It makes some sense now. Did we see Tiberio in the flashback? I suppose that he is either got a horrible burned face or more likely since I didn't notice that the customs guy reacted when he took off his hat and shades, he has a new face so he can act without anyone knowing who he is.


Hombre, thanks for the minicaps of the last two shows. We were away for a few days, away from computers and tvs so I couldn't comment before.

Well things are blowing wide open now. I remember your suggestion a while back of a three part structure: First, neither the viewer nor the characters knows the truth; second, the viewers know but the characters don't; third, the characters catch up with the viewers' knowledge. (Did I get that right, more or less?) I think we are solidly in stage two even if the details are still fuzzy.

Who's a good guy? I'm not sure about Yolanda and Nibaldo. Even though we don't have the goods on them -- and they may be LESS guilty than some -- I can't see them being that close to the Conde family for that long and not sharing some guilt. Sometimes they behave sympathetically, sometimes not. But I suspect nice doesn't mean beans in a story like this.

Hey Novelera, I agree with your observation about Igor Mora. His face and his body language seem to show his displeasure with Just Call Him Ismael.

Anon, I'd be delighted to be wrong about Pila's Matías. I'd love him to stick around for a while. He's lots of fun to watch.


They never showed the result of what the acid did to Tiberio. They only showed him from the back, talking on the phone to Marcelo and/or his thugs. Also, I forgot to say that, obviously, Soledad got away and joined her sister in Los Angeles and was frightened into agoraphobia for the first weeks of the novela. We didn't know then, but now we do, why she was afraid to go outside.

When Sole threw the acid, I think Lola was old enough at that point to be sitting up in the chair where they were going to throw the acid.

Also, I noticed that Tiberio called himself Carlos Gonzalez at the airport. It has been hinted, I think by Rodrigo, that Tiberio is an alias. Of course, Carlos Gonzalez could be like John Smith for a Spanish speaking person, so who knows if that is the real name.

My computer crshed, so I haven't been able to comment. Interesting ideas. I think Jorge Luis Pila will not be killed off. He is going to be the one to find out what's going on --and it will be an irony that he's helping Renato who hates him because he has been Eva's lover. And I still think he's going to wind up with Rebecca.

I thought the way Leonardo/Ismael related to Rosa, that she was not his sister. He seemed very impersonal with her.

I think its hard to tell what Igor Mora is thinking or feeling because he is so impaired. Again I've forgotten the deal Javier made with the Dr. to keep Igor Mora there. Was is that no one could know or could get to him? If that is so, what was his motivtion? It makes me feel that he is is involved. Given his relationship with Adolfo and his distress over the box, and even how he was apologetic with Leonardo, he must be involved.

I think there are 3 brothers. the one pretending to be Leonardo we know is Ismael. I still think Adolfo is alive, and maybe Ivan the disabled one died and they threw him over the balcony and pretended he was Adolfo.

Does anyone know hwow many episodes are left?


soooo happy to see "Modesto" from Herederos as Tiberio. I really really liked him as Leon in Mas Sabe el Diablo, and I don't remember his character's name in ¿Dónde Está Elisa? el es tan talentoso.

Shallowgal - I agree with you 100% to see who was playing Tiberio. Finally a character of strength, he was a "weakling" in Herederos and prior to that on Dona Barbara, so I can't wait to see what he does here.

It looked like Andres is springing back to life. When he was telling Deborah about the maid quitting and he said he's not an idiot. I hope this gets his brain cells working again and he starts putting the puzzle together, as he has done in the past.

Am glad I taped it last night. I thought a comment made to Sofia was spot on about Aunts not having children but gettng stuck with nephews/nieces. I liked that comment. (humm, sounds so familiar in my life)

How is Marcelo going to get out of this one? I liked Deborah's mom falling apart, I do have some symphathy for her. And no matter what the actress playing Deborah is marvelous, I still can't completely hate her, she is reminding me of Barbara Mori's turn in Rubi.

To be frank I hope Adelita does not get rescued, dont' care for her and her mistreatment of Lola is so far left field. I guess Tiberio will get his hands on her by Friday's episode. I'm hoping the writers wrapup this storyline quickly, it's made no sense to me.

I wonder if Andres had persisted with the maid if he would have gotten his answers, but then of course this TN would be over! But does the maid have no conscious, would anyone walk away from a tied up woman (who I still think can untie herself)

Wikipedia states that both la casa and corazon are projected to run for 130 episodes, right now they are both in their 50/55 episode or so.

Did anyone watch the new novela at 9 p.m.? I taped it, as not sure whether to watch this one or Univision. Waiting to see what turns out better.


I can understand why the maid left. She probably thought the whole family (including Andres) was keeping some woman prisoner. There was nothing to tell her otherwise. So she panicked, and knowing how as a maid she had very little power, and lots of downside if she angered her "patrones", she just left.

What a choice Marcelo has - either admit to raping Debora, or she tells everyone he roughly manhandled her and caused her miscarriage. But actually this is an empty threat, because that would blow Devora's story that Lola pushed her. Devora's better threat (as Novelera said) would be to threaten to tell the cops that Marcelo gave the order to shoot Veronica. But you know what? Debora doesn't have much proof of ANY of these things, even though we saw them. So Marcelo may just wiggle out of the whole thing.

BTW, if he can't just wiggle out, all Marcelo has to do is kill Debora and all his problems are gone. Not that he'd actually do that. But it would solve a lot of problems.

On the other hand, Debora knows where Soledad is, and is talking to Tiberio, so all this may change.


Anon, as to whether Matias will live, we can't really go by the credits, because they change. Jorge Luis Pila was not listed AT ALL in the credit for the first few months. Karla Monroig wasn't listed until she showed up. Also, when people die, they're removed from the credits. that you mention it, I agree with you, Matias will probably live, because 1) we need someone to help solve this mess (the 3 siblings are not really too good at sleuthing), and 2) Rebeca needs a love interest.

Rosa is almost surely not a sister, as all she wanted was her money.

I agree that Ismael seems to have killed Ivan (who was masquerading as "Leonardo", and then taken his place (and making the family think Adolfo was killed). Ismael told his Dad Igor Mora, sometimes people have to die for the greater good, and at least he won't suffer in that wheelchair anymore. Igor wasn't too happy about this. But where's Adolfo? Is there even an Adolfo, or was Ismael married to Ignacia. Is Ignacia a bigamist?

Ismael said he also wants to do away with Javier, although I think Javier was somehow helping either Ismael or Adolfo. Javier continues to make us hate him in his cruel treatment of Pilar. Has she forgotten that he got Ignacia pregnant? That he terrorized his own son?

And what's up with Mabel?!!! (Igor's wife).


Thanks Nellie,Hombre, and Shallowgal for your comments.

I think Roberto Mateos will do his usual great work playing Tiberio. I liked him in Doñá Bárbara, Más Sabe el Diablo, and Herederos. I doubt, however, that we'll see much of that 200 watt smile from Tiberio.

I agree, Nellie, that it looks like Adela is headed for Tiberio's clutches. They showed a guy last night that I don't remember, a grey haired guy, who may be one step up in the food chain from Boy Mercado. He was the one who promised Tiberio a rubia.

The novela is turning darker rather quickly. I saw some promos last night that I tried not to remember, but they did say Nueva etapa, so they're planning some changes for many of our characters.

I can hardly wait to see the confrontation between Débora and Tiberio. By the way, she gave fair warning (I think to Ramón) that she's going 100% evil, take no prisoners. Ana did a great job portraying that, although it scared me for Lola and Soledad.

After last night's show, I am revising my opinion. I still agree tht ivan/Leonardo is the one who was killed, but now I don't think he died first and they pushed him over the balcony. I think that Ismael/Adolfo killed him. As Hombre pointed out, he admitted that to his father. Now I think the person that Ismael/Adolfo keeps calling and reporting to is Mabel (Or Ma Bel)., She told Eva over the phone that she is nearby. I am not so sure that there are 3 hijos --but wouldn't be surprised if Gonzalo is the third. I still dont think it's Rosa, because of the reasons I previously gave.

Ismael/Adolfo seemed pretty angry with Javier, so maybe he is not part of the plot.


I'm kind of ambivalent about this one. The two 100% evil guys are kind of a turn off.

It started with Amanda, our heroine, going to visit her brother in jail. It turned out he had the bad judgment to fall for the sister of the bad-to-the-bone head of the civil police. Juan Pablo Raba was in this novela about 5 minutes! He was buried up to his neck (and maybe higher) by said brother. When his mother, who is called an India, although she looks pretty white to me, sees her dead son she burns herself up leaving her four daughters to watch. The father only cared about the son, so he leaves town. Cheerful, eh?

The girls move in with the town prositute (Linda Lucía Callejas - who played Alejandro's mother in El Clon). This woman absolutely radiates sex appeal! Unfortunately, she dies off as fast as Juan Pablo Raba, above, so the girls are again in trouble. The evil cop grabs up the 3 younger sisters and takes them off I know not where (orphanage?).

Meanwhile we meet Rafael Urrieta portrayed by an actor I've not seen before, on horseback and dragging his wife through town at the end of a rope. She's been with another man and has to pay. He somehow also owns the brothel (I think). This place is a bar and has stage shows by the cuatro p's, or maybe that's the name of the club.

Rafael takes his wife to a cellar and chains her to a bed. Then he brings a piece of her lover's body in a crate to rot there with her. Charming, huh?

Our heroine decides to become a prostitute to get her sisters back. Meanwhile, the evil Rafael has told the manager of the brothel (Zahra??) he wants a virgin who will only be with him rather than sample the rest of the gals when the mood strikes him. Enter, at the very end, our Amanda, asking for a job. Since the prosti who took them in has only talked about "consoling" these men, it's not clear she understands exactly what she's to do.


I think my suspicions before are confirmed. I don't think Igor Mora wants this revenge his nutty son is planning (and isn't the actor doing a good job playing demented!). Ismael (Adolfo) was probably always a snake, and the old man really loved the disabled son the most (Iván). I don't think we'll find out who the third one is for a while yet. The woman in the hospital, forget her name, who held up 3 fingers confirmed that there are 3, but we don't know if the third one is male or female.

It's just about intolerable for me to watch what Pilar lets Javier do to her. He keeps calling her rather nice office a rathole. He's obviously not planning on giving her a moment's peace when she's there. He runs off the painter. Then he forces her to leave with him. I'm not too optimistic she and Gonzalo are going to go through with their plans to be together any time soon.

And isn't that Andrea a chip off the old block? She tells her Aunt Rebeca she doesn't care if Emilio is married.

Maybe Mabel and Ismael are in cahoots for this revenge thing, with poor Igor unable to prevent it.


Adelita is starting to see why the life she's chosen isn't so great. When an ugly client beats her, she complains to her pimp (proxeneta in Sp.). Is he sympathetic? No, he beats her, too, telling her the client is always right. Lola and Rodrigo are trying to say her, somehow.

Tiberio tells Debora he doesn't negotiate. Just give him what he wants, then he'll decide what to do. So Debora has Soledad delivered to him, which makes him very happy. She's his prisoner, but we don't get to see what he has in store for her yet (she says she's not afraid). Tiberio says to Debora, okay, what would you like in return? Nothing much, says Debora, just kill Marcelo, and have Lola blamed for it!!!

Tiberio seems to have no problem with this. He has Marcelo come for a meeting, to give him the news. Sorry, but we have to kill you. Debora even reveals herself as the one who requested it. Marcelo is quaking in his boots.

Andrés is starting to waver on his feelings about how terrible Lola is, and how great Debora is, after various people point out all of Debora's past lies (such as the fake pregnancy test), and all the things Lola has had to suffer through.

Rodrigo's boss has given him la luz verde (the green light) to investigate all of Tiberio's and Marcelo's dealings.

And at the end of the episode, Marcelo (with a gun to his head) called Lola, saying he had Soledad, and she should come meet him. Chabela thinks it could be a trap, so Lola agrees to call the police, stay calm and remain at home while the professionals do their jobs. NOT!!!! :)


Thanks, Hombre, great work on the capette. I had heard chulo for pimp, but proxneta is new to me.

Loved the end of your comment: Lola agrees to remain calm ... NOT!

I was somewhat surprised by Tiberio smelling Soledad's hair and almost caressing her. Of course, he still plans to kill her slowly, but there was a hint there that he feels something for her. Of course, this is illogical because they clearly showed with some awful flashback scenes that she was a prostitute. If he cared for her, why pass her around?

Wow, Ana (can never get her last name right) was dynamite last night. She's gone way, way bad. She had no compunctions whatever about turning Soledad over to Tiberio. And she plans to get Lola back in prison for killing Marcelo. I hope this plan is somehow foiled.

Marcelo completely dropped the mask with Daniel, telling him he has only the mother's genes, and nothing of him. I agree, except that I consider that a compliment.

Andrés just can't seem to get his head right, no matter what Rodrigo and Sofía tell him, he's stubbornly insisting Lola is the bad one.


Last night's developments took me by surprise. But I have to say I yawned through most of it. I feel something has gone missing in this TN for me, maybe it's the Adelita prostitute storyline, just wish they had never done that, but I guess she may be the one to tie in Tiberio etc by letting everyone know he's in town. I got the impression her pimp was getting her ready to meet next with Tiberio. Honestly, I love the actor who plays Tiberio and even though he's "evil" I just don't want to see him that way. So possibly two things that have turned me off.

The scene when Tiberio was telling Soledad to cry, was about the only scene that got me to notice, he did a fantastic look when he realized she was not going to comply.

I will have to treat this show as I did Eva Luna, it was so good and then the stars turned stupid, and I feel this is how this is going. I mean really is Lola going to call the cops tonight? - if she does I promise I will sit in the corner with a dunce cap.

BTW, I started watching Casa,via cablevision on demand telemundo, I turn it on and watch it when I can't sleep. I was surprised that it has turned out so captivating. It's airing about a week behind.


Is anyone watching this? I had decided to watch the first week. But I won't put up any more comments if no one else is watching it.

Amanda shows up at the Cuatro P's Club and wants a job. Everyone laughs because of her ragged and dirty appearance. Rafael Urrieta offers her a job cleaning up the joint, but she angrily refuses. Sacramento, the good guy and future love interest, drags her out of there after she almost slaps Rafael.

The priest isn't as cowardly as I thought. He threatens Mariano Guerrero (the Jefe Civil) with sending a letter to the Governor about the body parts of Alirio all over the town (Nueva Esperanza).

The ladies of the evening have interesting names. Correcaminos is played by the sexy dancer who played a sexy dancer in Más Sabe el Diablo.

It turns out that the reason Mariano, the Jefe Civil, lets Rafael run roughshod over the whole town is that he takes lots of cash from Urrieta - which he plans to use for his candidacy for mayor.

Sacramento risks a lot by confronting Urrieta about the head of Alirio (his wife's lover) posted in the middle of the town square. Sacramento was an orphan raised in the church by priests and has thought of becoming one himself. Like that would happen to a galán!

Another interesting thing is that the sister of the Jefe Civil, who was getting it on with Amanda's brother (deceased) is now working as a prostitute. Boy, if this guy knows about this, he has a very unforgiving nature!

Amanda is taken in by Zahra, the madam and manager of the bar. When she finds out she's a virgin, she's ready to have her be the main squeeze of Urrieta. He wanted someone untouched. She gets a bath with some lice killing potion and is given a clean dress.

Amanda is wandering around and, on a whim, gets on Urrieta's horse. It starts to move forward and goes into the town square. The two villains perk right up when they see her. Urrieta is definitely interested, and Mariano stares at her also. Now that she's clean, he doesn't seem to remember that she was the oldest sister of the three others he hauled off somewhere in his official capacity.

Zahra actually appears to have a heart. She looks very guilty about what's in store for Amanda.

Rafael comes to the bar and starts to take off his clothes as a virginity test for Amanda. She freaks out and thus passes.

Mariano has a thing going on with one of the prostitutes, Clara. She's in love with him. He's a total cad and angrily tries to find out if she enjoys sex with the clients. She insists not. And then she gives him her cut of her earnings, apparently not the first time she's done it.

We find out that Catalina, Rafael's wife, was the one with the money. After her father died, the oil was discovered on the family hacienda, and Rafael has used this "black gold" to gain power over everything and everyone.

Zahra tells Amanda the truth. Unless she leaves town, she will have to become Rafael Urrieta's mistress.

OKay, Mi Corazonistas: why did Soledad not fling back in Tiberio's face the reason she doused him with acid? Wasn't he getting ready to use the acid to kill the baby Lola?
And, is it possible that Tiberio is Lola's father???
J in Oregon

I'm watching, Novelera. I saw the Gran Estreno but haven't seen last night's episode yet.

It's interesting. I like the setting. I loved the scene in the first episode where Calzones, the first prostitute tells Amanda & her sisters about how when oil was discovered, the high class prostitutes came to town and you see them all chastely putting on veils.

Cristina and Dora from El Clon are prostitutes at the 4P's club. I like the dance that Malicia, the prostitute did. And I saw the actor who played one of the Victorinos, Victorino Perez.


I'm wondering too, if Tiberio is Lola's bio dad. I hope she doesn't fall for Marcelo's/Deborita's trap tonight.

Ana Layevska's acting is superb. even in Fantasma. she is quite entertaining to watch.

totally ignoring the Adelita storyline.


I think Soledad will eventually get around to telling Tiberio she threw the acid he had planned to throw on her toddler.

I suspect the important thing last night was that Tiberio is obviously something of a sadist. He wants Soledad whimpering and crying. She doesn't want to give him that satisfaction. She told him she wasn't afraid of him. And she told him she was already dead, which to me meant that she's ready for her death and plans to go out with dignity.

But I don't think she will die.

Not what I wanted to see, I turned the tv on and I see Deborah stabbing Marcelo, yuck, quickly changed channel. But have to admit I want to know what happened after.

Wowzers! A chewing up the scenery performance by Ana Layevska as the loca Debora.

Debora's plan to get rid of Marcelo and incrminate Lola starts off well.

Tiberio's matones knock the guard out and diable the video cameras and then bring Marcelo into his office.

Marcelo is forced to call Lola and tell her that he has Soledad. In spite of Chabela and Etelvina's warnings that this is a trap, Lola heads right off to the meeting.

Etelvina shows some sense. She tries to call Rodrigo but can't get through. Then she calls Andres and he immediately goes after Lola.

Meanwhile, Debora first slashes Marelo's wrist. When she doesn't think that was a painful enough way for him to die, she stabs him twice in the stomach with what can only be described as orgasmic pleasure.

The matones drag Debora out of the building with her hands covered in blood and turn the video cameras back on.

The plan starts to go awry when Lola gets a flat tire. How she managed to change a tire with those high heels on is a mystery.

Etelvina finally reaches Rodrigo.

Andres arrives at the Exportex headquarters and finds Marcelo. He's not dead but he isn't able to name his killer. Andres attempts to revive him with CPR, which gets him covered with blood and looks to the guard like he is beating Marcelo up.

Finally Lola arrives, which Debora witnesses.

Lola goes up to Marcelo's office and comes to conclusion that Andres killed Marcelo. The police arrive and they are both arrested.

Rodrigo is taken off the case since the suspects are his children. The police quickly determine that Lola wasn't involved but all the evidence, including motive - revenge for the supposed rape of Debora - point to Andres.

Back at home with her horrified parents, Debora can't believe the news reports. She goes to the police station.

I guess Andres can go to prison now so that he and Lola can have that experience in common.


Great recap, Jean! That was quite an episode. Just to add few more details:

-Debora had no problem telling her Mom and Dad she did it. Of course her loca joy is short-lived when she finds out Andres is the prime suspect. How can she free him without incriminating herself?

-Ramon fills Tiberio in on how Debora is Andres's wife, how she and Lola are rivals for Andres. Tiberio remarks that women, when provoked, can be even deadlier than men.

-Lola has been released from jail since the security guard saw her arrive after he had seen Andres apparently killing Marcelo.

-Since Rodrigo's off the case, he's worried who will handle it. His boss reassures him that HE personally will. But Correa, the jealous cop, is hot to convict Andres, Rodrigo's son.

-Besides Andres' revenge motive for the supposed rape of Debora (he even said he'd "kill" Marcelo), there's also the stock dispute, and the fact that Andres changed his last name from Santa Cruz to Suarez (Rodrigo's name). Andres is in big trouble.

-I think Debora now wants Tiberio to kill Lola.

novelera, I'm watching Flor Salvaje, and your summaries helped clear up some confusion on my part. You're right, the bad guys aren't terribly three-dimensional, but I'm liking the actors and there seems to be a good bit of chemistry all around, so I'll stick with it for now.


Another blockbuster episode, one of the best ever! We actually found out a lot of backstory, namely:

Javier is really upset. He trusts Matias, and they meet. Javier explains how he knew Adolfo. Six years ago, Adolfo was a poor mechanic, who fixed Javier's car, but also impressed Javier with his intelligence, and his willingness to do ANYTHING to get ahead (Javier had just fired two employees for stealing, and Adolfo was willing to kill them).

Javier had always wanted to get his hands on Renato's money, but it took Adolfo to make it work. How was he able to get close to the family? By marrying Ignacia! (Javier also gave Adolfo a makeover, a car, and a bank account so he could appear rich). He and Adolfo then started transferring Renato's money out. But Renato found out. He accused Adolfo, who admitted guilt, and Adolfo was going to be in big trouble. Adolfo asked Javier to back him up, but Javier said no way would he jeopardize his lifestyle. He let Adolfo twist in the wind. Two days later, Adolfo "committed suicide by throwing himself out the window", although everyone now knows it's not true. But Adolfo wants revenge on Javier and Renato.

All this is told to Matias. Later, Rebeca gets Renato to rehire Matias, even though he's mad about the Eva affair, since Matias can stop Javier from stealing (by pretending to be in with Javier).

Javier is assigned the task of dealing with Adolfo and Mabel (Igor Mora's wife). No easy task.

Pilar has made the decision to leave Javier and go with Gonzalo.

Carola confides in Pilar (her "therapist") that she was in love with Adolfo, did terrible things with him, and if he appeared again, she'd rush right into his arms and do whatever he asked!!

Hilda starts to confess to Nibaldo. Leonardo didn't rob the safe, it was....but Nibaldo has to get the door, and Hilda's gone when he returns. Later, Hilda sees "Rosa" in that dress store. I don't know if Rosa will flee again.

Emilio is still working on the names, Rosa, Adolfo, etc. He thinks the choice of names was an anagram, and he just has to unscramble the letters.

Ignacia is pretty much off the deep end.

And at the end of the episode, Ismael/Adolfo really (I mean really, THIS time it wasn't someone's dream) appears to Javier, is quite mad, and Javier's day is about to get even worse.


Excellent comments, Jean and Hombre. That was one stellar performance by Ana Layevska. Once I saw Andrés arrive before Lola I was pretty sure how this would play out. I could hardly wait to see Débora "hoist with her own petard". She set Andrés up perfectly. First she lies that Marcelo raped her, provoking the beatdown Andrés gave him. Then she tries to get Lola accused but instead it's her obsession who is in the soup.

One other comment. Why in the world do the innocent folks who discover a murder victim always pick up the murder weapon and get their fingerprints all over it?


Novelera, I think I know the answer to your question about the innocent folks' picking up those murder weapons. They don't know any better, because unlike us, they don't watch telenovelas. They're too busy skydiving, having sex and making million dollar deals!


First of all, I do love the theme song "Oyeme". What is interesting to me is that I think the novela is supposed to be in Colombia, but the music definitely sounds Brazilian to me.

So, on with the show. Amanda doesn't want to be Rafael's woman. Sacramento (I'm going to use a California abbreviation from now on: Sacto) has told her what he did to his wife. When she talks this over with Zahra, Zahra tells her that she can't refuse Rafa and be a plain old prostitute because no other man will touch her knowing Rafa wants her.

The guy who was Victorino Perez plays Dudi, who will be the guy Sacto talks to all the time explaining what he's thinking. TN characters always have a friend so viewers can be filled in.

Mariano is pleased that Barba Roja (an employee of Rafael) has confessed to killing Alirio and dispersing his body parts. He favorably compares his prostitute girlfriend with Barba Roja, saying she's like an obedient dog.

Mariano's sister Rocío is meanwhile telling Clara that Mariano is no good and has blood on his hands. This gal is delusional and thinks he'll marry her when he becomes mayor.

Zahra discovers by the scribbles Amanda leaves by the portrait of Jesus that Amanda can neither read or write.

Alicia, the one with the short red hair and the stage name Malicia tells Piruetas (who's not gay after all) that her mother threw her into the street after she told her about the stepfather raping her.

Remember in El Clon when we all called Alicia Malicia? Well this one takes the name as a badge of honor. Anyway, she's on Rafa's horse on her way to "service" him when they encounter Amanda in the street. Rafa tells her she should go back inside and sleep and eat and make herself more beautiful for him. She spits back at him that he should stop calling her his woman when he's got another one with him. Predictably, he's amused by the fiera. He tells her not to get her feet dirty in the street, and she takes off her sandals and stalks off barefoot.

There is no end to the evil treatment of his wife by Rafael. He has her gagged in that stable and has her watch (and listen) to him screwing Malicia. Notice that I don't say making love.

The blonde who was in El Clon appears also to be kind in this one. She befriends Amanda, warns her about Rafael killing everyone who crosses him, and even says he killed a woman who didn't please him in the sack. She's from Argentina, and, if I'm not mistaken the actress is putting on an Argentine accent.

Clara goes right to Mariano and tells him what Rocío told her about his villainy. I don't think he knows his sister is there because he says he wants to confront this prostitute.

After stealing the body part from Los Cuatro P's, Sacto is talking with some of the oil workers. He says he doesn't drink but they force some down him. Soon he's roaring drunk and Correcaminos tries to seduce him. Doesn't work.

Amanda tells Sacto she wants him to take her to the river crossing because she wants to find out what's up with her sisters before making a decision. Malicia sees Sacto pulling a wheeled cart with Amanda aboard and later tells Rafael she left. Rafael tells Zahra he'll kill her if la niña gets away. After they get to the riverbank, Amanda thanks him and calls him hermano. Sacto tells her he's not her brother and kisses her passionately.

Wow what an episode I missed, and am quite surprised it was a Thursday episode. I wonder how Andres is going to get out of this one. No Adelita, shucks, I should have watched. The few seconds I saw of it, were very intense, I did not think I had the heart to watch the rest of it. Thank you very much for the recap.

LA CASA DE AL LADO -- jueves

Excellent minicap, Hombre. It sure is fun to see Javier sweat.

The mysterious Mabel's voice reminds me of Yolanda's. I wonder if there's any connection between them...

Great recap, Hombre. But I have a few misgivings. First of all, why would Javier trust Matias? Secondly, Javier left out the part abut Adolfo/Ismael being the son of Igor Mora. Surely Javier knew that. So he is giving Matias part of the story. Interesting that Ignacia accused Javier of being the third brother. I dont think so --he seems genuinely afraid of Adolfo.
Funny, Novelamaven, I also thought that Mabel over the phone sounded like Yolanda.

And if Rose were really the sister, would she stay at the store where she could easily be found by Hilda?

I can't believe that there are so many episodes before the end. What more can happen --unless like ALGUIEN we are going to watch crazy Adolfo take eveyrone out.

Hm --I'm still not 100% sure about Gonzalo not being the third brother.


I took a break from novelas but I saw this one coming so I thought I'd give it a try. After the first 3 episodes I'm liking it so far...

Please where can i read the full story of "my heart beats for Lola"

Yh me too where can I read d full story?

Need to know the end of my heart beat for Lola

Me too. I want to read d full story on my heart beats for lola

Same here I want to know how adres will get out of jail cos murder isn't a small crime. My poor andres

I need my country my heart beats for lola has reached on the part where debra tried to set up lola for marcelos death..I know that andres was arrested for it but what happens next?does andres get out of the trouble?help!!!desperate. Thanx :)

Andres does not get out of it. In fact he is sentenced to life imprisonment.

i i think my heart beats for Lola is taking a longer route than i expected why is Andre pushing Lola away ,What is going to happen to the baby now???

The baby has been born. Is a bouncing baby girl and she was put to bed in panama.

Pls what happens tonight


Adela sees Soledad @ d brothel nd Rodrigo catches up wit d security man who gave a false testimony and after making threats he confesses. He goes 2 d police station, informs Lopez about his progress and requests for a witness protection for d security man. Mike d corrupt officer eavesdrops nd informs Tiberio who sends his men 2 kill Rodrigo nd d security man. But they fail.

Andres is now free .....Rodrigo now dedicates his life to search for scared for him , I hope he dosn't get killed this time....

I want to know if Andres in search of Soledad?

What happen on yesterday episode?

What happen on yesterday episode?

What happen on yesterday episode?

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