Saturday, July 02, 2011

La Pola - June 27-July 1, 2011 - A Revolution Without a Leader; Hell Burns in Sámano's Eyes; Will Love Conquor All?

Summary: The lines are drawn as the revolution begins. Trouble brews in the palace when the vireina is exposed as a cheat. Alejo realizes that he will always love Pola and finally reads the letter. Nariño must be released from jail as he is the choice of the junta to lead the revolution. The crowd gets out of control, and we see Hell in Sámano’s eyes.


A letter arrives for the viceroy from Popayan. This is just what I need, he says.

In Santa Fé Pola just misses seeing Alejo – she walks away from Arcos who flirts with her and calls him a saltimbuco (jerk) like you, turns away and Alejo catches up with Arcos.

At the manse Leandro will not let his father see the letter. After all that I did for you. What did you do for me, ask Leandro. You prevented me from getting married and having a family. You did all that for Alejo – you never thought about me. I wanted to solve family problems, says Francisco. Alejo has always been better than me. I am going to dedicate myself to living for pleasure.

Domingo tells Gertrudis that he is going to fix Juliano forever. The galeno has to look at Cata to find out why she doesn’t get pregnant. Look at her? When he realizes where, he says no. She doesn’t treat me like she loves me. Gertrudis suggests that he take a bath so that he doesn’t stink like a horse; buy some more elegant clothes, and get some of the tobacco stains off his teeth. So, if I do these things, will Cata love me. Yes, real soon.

Bernarda and Nicolasa help clean up Juliano. He got this for a look. Is that true, Juliano. You must act differently. Why would a woman like that look at me? So, can this woman have him beaten at will, says Nicolasa. Juliano tells her that this is the life we have. She is encaprichada (betwitched) with you, replies Nicolasa.

Santa Fé: The troops march into the city. Baraya goes to the front and calls a halt. He calls Alejo – we haven’t met. Accompany me, he says to Alejo. After hearing about what happened to you in Madrid, It is clear that you support the king to the death. It is more difficult now that France is involved. Can I confide in you, alférez?

Sámano arrives at the palace. What’s happening. Una sublevación (insurrection, revolt) in Quito. The people in jail are dead. Oidor Jurado says this is a very grave accusation. Do you susggest that we march against Popayan. We must find out if Tacón followed the law. The other governor says Jurado doesn’t have enough experience. Sámano sneers at the death of those men The creoles are cowards. Her majesty: we have confusing information that we cannot confirm. Vireina to the viceroy: they have a right to know. Napoleon threw Fernando VII off the throne. There is no government. Now they have a French king. Sámano – Spain has a French king. If the creoles find out about this they will take over here. Her majesty advises that it is very important that nobody find out about this.

Baraya – we want to be sure our country doesn’t fall into French hands. Some of the officials have shown sympathy for France, and Sámano is inciting the Viceroys – can we count on you, he asks Alejo. Sámano is as against France as we are, says Alejo. Alejo tells Baraya that he has his word. Iglesias takes note as he lurks in a corner.

Palace –What would happen if France takes over? What would we do asks governor Jurado. Vireina: America is condemned to the same fate at Spain. What do we do asks Jurado again. The viceroy will let them know as the solution will arrive when it should. Now, this info must not leave this room.

Prison – Báltasar is let out for some some air and sunshine, but Nariño is denied this privilege.

Magda teaches her daughter how to sew. A letter arrives for Magda. It is the governor’s reply to our pleas: …I am very sorry I cannot help you. I have orders .. I understand your pain .. .When are they going to let him out, mama, asks the little girl. Magda shakes her head.

In Popayan Ignacia is packing. Francisco enters – you don’t seem to be happy about your trip. I am not. Aren’t you going to Peru. No – to the convent. The only way to save this marriage is to do what Gaspar requires. Do you think so. Alejo will not go after the mestiza. I am going to pray for him every day so that he doesn’t end up with her. It would have to look like Alejo is crazy for you for your father to allow you two together, but, she doesn’t understand. Men like women they have to conquer. But for me he is life or death. No, says Francisco, for Alejo it is a question of life or death – not for you

As Sámano gets all dressed up in civilian clothes Iglesias passes on info to him that Sabaraín talked to Baraya. It appears that they know each other, reports Iglesias. Nobody must know about this. Where are you going. To Don Jorge’s. He packs a pistol. I am sure that the info that I carry with me will have the impact that I want the creoles to feel, and that the viceroys will put the fate of this country in my hands.

Arco walks down the street smiling. Was it a girl, Alejo asks. Yes. All you want to talk about is girls. And what about Pola? Alejo doesn’t want to talk about that subject.

Pola is helping Facundo arrange fruit. An official by the name of Llorentes approaches and asks him to pay taxes. She tries to find out what is happening and is told not to interfere. Carbonel listens. She keeps butting in and clearly annoys the man. She gets in an argument – you peninsulares think you have blue blood and that the rest of us have blood like tomatoes.

At Jorge’s, Sámana says the American land belongs to our king. France is sending emissaries to get this land. Fernando VII did not get the throne back. I am not disposed to betray Spain. Nor are we, says Jorge. The viceroys are prepared to defend it to death. You could end up like the people of Quito – in prison, ask Jorge? – no dead.

A young boy asks Arco and Alejo to break up a disturbance in the market.

Jorge tells his friends – well you heard it. And the viceroy is doing nothing. The French king is not legitimate. We will not permit it. Our moment of power has arrived.

The official – what you are saying is very serious. We are not going to stop annoying this chapetón (a European lately arrived in America). I am saying the truth – thief. We are not going to permit you to abuse us.

Alejo and Arco arrive. Both Alejo and Pola look shocked. Arco looks pleased.

The revolutionaries conclude that to take power, they have to have the support of the people. Why does Sámano have so much information. He doesn’t want to help the French. Maybe what he wants is for us to reveal ourselves so that he can take the power of the viceroys. If Sámano takes power there will be too much bloodshed. Baraya will do everything to avoid it.

Pola looks at Alejo like they are in a different world. Lloretes wants Alejo to take her prisoner.

Gaspar – what are you doing María Ignacia? These are my clothes. Gaspar – you are not going on vacation. She sends them back. Acacia is left to care for Francisco and María Teresa.

The ruckus continues in the market. Who called who a thief and chapatón? I don’t ask pardon of anyone. Alferez – do your duty, says Llorentes. I will jail you too, Alejo replies. What is your name – Alejo Sabaraín. He turns away from Pola. She says thanks for defending me. What are you doing in Santa Fe? He asks. Have you married? She wants to know. Why are you offending a peninsular? Didn’t you receive my letter, asks Pola? You wrote that I robbed your honor, says Alejo. You don’t understand, she says, but finally she sees how angry he is and how futile the conversation has gotten and replies, Yes I said it.. Arco asks her if she remembers him – your future husband.

Nariño says he may not have sun, but he will not die of hunger. Báltasar is feeding me. Tonito brings him food. They have left our mother nothing to sell, says Tonito. She needs help urgently.

Magda faints in the kitchen. Her nose is bleeding.

Tonito tells his father that he will not leave. Have you heard anything about what is happening in Cartagena. Yes, says Tonito, the commission looks on Cartagena favorably – the junta. It is because the situation in Spain is very serious, says Nariño.

The revolutionaries believe it is the moment for them to form a junta Americana. Carbonel is closest to the people in town. People will follow you. Carbonel is firm. He does not want to form a government with the viceroys. Jorge calls him bruto (course), and Carbonel agrees. When they agree to dispose of the viceroys, Carbonel agrees to work with them.

In preison Nariño asks if there will be a similar junta in Santa Fé. What bothers me says Tonito is that you are not there. You are the best fighter for human rights. Baraya, Carbonel, Petrona –people may not follow them.

Jorge – Get rid of the vr – yes, why not. The viceroy depends on Spain. And Spain must not continue deciding our destiny. Jorge – it would be wonderful to make our own decisions. We have to convince the people that a junta would act in their best interest without all these taxes. Carbonel – can we count on you. Yes, I know a lot of people like Jorge.

Pola runs after Alejo – please let me explain. There is nothing to explain. I don’t want to talk to you. She is deeply hurt – why are you crying, he asks. Ever Since the last time I saw you I imagined what it would be like to see you, but this is a nightmare. It doesn’t matter. Are you already married. He lies. Yes, I’m already married and I shouldn’t talk to a woman. I understand, says Pola. She wishes him happiness – that he wil be very happy. Thank you. Arcos is angry. Pola is devastated.

The little family gathering, including Acacia arrives at the convent. Your father made an agreement with the mother superior for a year – you have to understand. When the punishment is over I promise it will be as before. Gaspar tells Ignacia that this is for her own good. Ignacia still insists that the mestiza, the mestiza caused this. Gaspar – you are righr Eusebia says that a year will pass quickly.

Cata finishes praying. Nicolasa arrives and wants to know what she is doing. She will not take the drink from Nic. Nic – you are crazy because Juliano will not pay attention to you. Cata – you are ridiculous. Nicolasa tells her that Juliano will never love her. Cata says I am beautiful and distinguished I am a doña. You are a slave. But, Nicolasa end it with your husband promised that our child would be free.


Gertrudis wants t know what Nicolasa said to Cata, but Cata just says “nothing.”

Pola asks Alejo, can’t we be friends. Our destinies cross. You cannot find another unconditional friend, she pleads.

I will consider it, says Alejo, but the feelings between you and me have changed. He takes the medal and his fingers linger and touch hers.

In the convent Ignacia is dressed as a nun. She shouts out ‘’isn’t anybody going to speak to me while I am here?” She screams get me out of here.

Carbonel promises his band of brothers that he will go house to house and village to village to win support. They all agree that Sámano must not find out. Carbonel admits that he knows his limitations and that everyone should decide what type of government they should have. Jorge, the snob, says everybody, like artists and workmen? Finally, they all agree that the village should decide. Then they want Nariño to be the leader. They plan to free him from prison.

Domingo goes to see the mayor who is very busy, but not too busy to ask if Domingo knows anything about Pola. Nada, says Domingo. Domingo asks the mayor where he gets his clothes.

Anyway, the other three revolutionaries know that they need Carbonel. But, Jorge says that with Carbonel, we open the door for Nariño. They also have to insure that Baraya won’t let Sámano create a river of blood.

At the royal palace, the vireina and Sámano converse. He asks: Do you think the creoles merit a lesson? But, the dear lady still does not want to risk her fortune. She still warns him to be sure that they don’t find out what is going on in Spain (they already know it). He still wants to know the threat she is concerned about. Tell me, he demands, but she will not do that.

Meanwhile Sr. Portacarrero goes to the palace, and the town gossips note his presence.

Gaspar gives papers from Spain to Francisco and tells him how to manage the house and slaves. He also tells Francisco to be careful with the paintings (cuadros) while Eusebia tells María Teresa about the care and feeding of Ignacia’s piano.

You really don’t trust us, says Francisco. Rest assured, we will take care of everything. Gaspar tells him that it is very hard for him to accept that Francisco got his daughter to lie. Francisco just makes up another story. Yes, I know, says Gaspar – you did it just to spare Alejo from the mestiza. Francisco says that he has spent the better part of his life separating Alejo from the mestiza.

Arcos defends Pola. Alejo tells him that Pola is the woman who stole his heart. But, you told her you were married. She is very clever, says Alejo. She accused me of robbing her honor, and she took money from my father. My brother said he saw her living with slaves. But, you told me you didn’t trust your brother. Arcos says that she doesn’t look like a liar to him. Do you think she would have returned the medal to you? And then Iglesias arrives on the scene and tells Alejo that Sámano wants to see him.

Pola walks down the street crying. She stops at a corner and Carbonel arrives on the scene. He asks permission to speak to her. She, of course, wants to speak to him. He wants to know if she is still interested in their cause. They need the support of the people. She says she can pull them in and raise their spirits (enredar and animar). Llorente (tax collector) is userero (unscrupulous money lender). You can count on me. Petra lurks in the background.

Domingo arrives at the homestead dressed as a fop. Cata stifles a laugh. He wants to know if she likes what she sees. You’re very elegant. Did your title arrive? (Apparently Domingo has been trying to buy a title.) No, he says, it is very difficult for things to arrive from Spain.

As Gaspar and Eusebia leave the mansion, she asks that when María Ignacia completes her punishment, will you reconsider? Eusebia still thinks she can change his mind, and Gaspar ends the conversation with “…as long as it doesn’t cost me another dowry.”

Domingo tells Gertrudis that marrying Cata was a mistake and that she will never look at him.

Sámano asks Alejo about the incident in the market. We only believe the word of the noble, not the chuspa (peasants). Do you understand? Do you understand? Why didn’t you detain the girl?

Meanwhile Petra goes through Pola’s box, and she finds Matea’s earrings. Pola enters and asks what she is doing. You stole them from Matea. Enter Matea – I gave them to her. Why don’t you like Pola, asks Matea. The mestizos are not to be trusted, says Petra. From this day on Matea tells her that she has to get along with Pola. When Pola and Matea are alone, Pola asks Matea if she has eve given Petra a dress or earrings. No. Maybe that’s it. Then she tells Matea that Alejo is in Santa Fé.

None of your explanations suffice for not detaining the girl. That girl incited the people against peninsular Llorente. I am going to give you another chance. This land belongs to Spain, and the Spanish get preferences in everything. We will soon have you fight for this land against those who would take it. There will be rivers of blood (we’ve heard that before).

Pola tells Matea that she returned the medal. He married. I knew this was going to happen. He never trusted me. Matea tells her to forgive this society that judges on the color of skin. Now things have changed. They are going to form an American junta. They want me to help. If these plans happen, Nariño will return.

Magda talks about the possibility of a junta, also, and that if their father decides to do it, they will support him. Her nose bleeds again. The maid tells the children that happens when people don’t eat.

Francisco asks the maid for the keys to wine cellar. He is all dressed up in Gaspar’s clothes and he tells María Teresa not to wait for him for dinner. She is appalled because they promised to take care of things, including Gaspar’s clothes.

Cata whips herself again. She is going for purification. What is wrong with me? She wants the thoughts to leave her head. Outside Juliano walks in the moonlight and flashes back to his conversation with Nicolasa – they are our owners … and then he remembers the incident with Cata.

Ignacia is hungry. Finally, an older nun opens the door and tells her she must be calm. I am in jail, and I am hungry. My father paid a lot of money for this. The nun tells Ignacia that she brought her food, but that in this place the most important food is spiritual. She also tells Ignacia that she will return in a week to see if her soul is ready for God. Ignacia only wants to pray to God to keep Alejo away from the mestiza so that she can marry him.

Alejo looks at the medal, and he remembers when he gave it to Pola. I gave it to her to have an excuse to return to her – and then he remembers The Kiss.

Pola cries in her bed.

Later at the cuartel Arcos remarks to Alejo that the situation is complicated? The rest of troops from Santa Fé have arrived from Popayan. Alejo sees Leandro. They are actually glad to see one another. Leandro asked for permission to join this troop. But, that is not the real reason he is here. He wanted to get away from their father.

Pola tells Matea that she is going to a meeting. Petra makes an excuse to Matea to get some time off, but, she is really following Pola.

Leandro tells about receiving a letter that will show him what a snake their father is. I have it. Take it. It is from the mestiza. Aren’t you going to read it? I can wait, says Alejo.

A lot of people are going to the meeting. Pola catches up with Facundo. Petra lurks.

Alejo introduces Leandro to Arcos. Sámano has callled all of us We are at the punto de reventar (breaking point).

At the royal palace Sámano asks the viceroy what is this. He is told it is a list of men who should be behind bars because they are accused of conspiracy against the viceroy of Nueva Granada. If it is true what the creoles are planning he doesn’t have to consult the vireina. Sámano is ready to do his duty.

Baraya and the revolutionaries: 30th of July – market day. Can we call on your support? Baraya says the troops don’t know our plans. He has to think about how to communicate with the troops. We have to get to the people.

Pola is doing a good job of getting to the people. Get anything she tells them – sticks, machetes. Then they all go inside a building.

Sámano is holding forth in front of the troops. We have to defend Spain from a group of traitors who are trying to take power. The moment to defend our country has arrived. They are using the excuse of defending the interests of Spain, but they are just trying to take power. They are trying to get the support of the people.


In front of the troops Sámano begins, we are in a state of high alert. Alejo wants to know if we are going to fire against the people. Sámano says if necessary. In times of war there are two sides – our side and the enemy. Don’t forget that when the moment arrives.

Baraya – the troops aren’t going to fire against the people. Here we are all Spaniards. Don Camilo Torres says that as of tomorrow there will be a big difference between the Spanish and the Spanish-Americans.

They are trying to avoid violence and still believe there is hope for a junta. Jorge says that the viceroy believes in him. They ask Jorge to lead a commission to meet with the viceroy, but he declines. Don Camilo steps up and volunteers.

At the meeting, Pola tells the people that we have to help in the formation of the junta.

The revolutionaries wonder if the king of Spain is going to continue being their king. They debate. The final answer is “never.” Carbonel agrees.

At the cuartel Leandro says that the situation is now complicated. Alejo asks Leandro if he thinks Sámano will order them to fire on the people. Leandro: remember the military – listen a lot, obey a little. Have you read the letter, he asks Alejo. She is not the woman for me, but I will never love another. Leandro tells him that he is ridiculous. Pola is in Santa Fé. She returned the medal to me. I never thought you would get it back remarks Leandro. You should not read the letter.

The revolutionaries decide not to include the viceroy in the junta. Do you know Nariño they ask of the comisionado. ….yes….I intervened for him. He was in a mazmorra and now that he is in a better prison he is getting better. The new governor of Cartagena is decent. Baraya says that he will be here just when we need him. The do not want to include Carbonel and coincidentally, neither did Nariño.

Meanwhile Pola asks the assemblage to support what Carbonel says. They have some secret signals, cabildo abierto – people in power. Carbonel says the people will make the decisions. There will be no more viceroys, and we will get rid of the soldiers, too. But, Carbonel tells them the soldiers will help.

Báltasar learns that the new governor of Cartagena is setting him free. Magda, whispers Nariño, I am going to see you, but the guard tells him that he has no notice for him.

A priest/doctor tends to Magda, and he tells her that she has to eat, If you don’t get better, when you husband returns you will not be found. As he leaves, the priest tells Magda’s sister that if her husband were here, she would get better.

As Pola walks down the street in Santa Fé, she remembers Alejo telling her that he had already married. Arcos shows up and says I know who you are thinking about. Remember me? I am your future husband. I wanted to talk to you and you practically hit me. He knows her name, and he tells her that Alejo spoke a lot about her.

Alejo has the letter in his hand. He opens it and begins to read it. “…I need you to believe me. I did not have anything to do with what my aunt and sister did…I will testify before any authority … you did not steal my honor … you stole my life …I am waiting for you … don’t look for me in Guaduas. I am in Santa Fé.” Pola

Did you tell our father about this, asks Alejo. What did he say? Believe me, says Leandro, you don’t want to know.

Petra knows where Pola goes. The revolt is being organized. Pola walks in. Petra accuses her of being a revuelta. Matea tells Petra that Pola is not hiding anything from her because she is aware of what Pola is doing.

Alejo – so, he never sent the money. He kept the dowry. Now you know why I am here, says Leandro. Yes, I saw her in a stable, but, it didn’t mean she lived in sin. I don’t like her, but ou father is a miserable. He begged me to do everything to stop you and Pola. Leandro tells Alejo to let his conscience be his guide. Alejo remarks that “…I know Pola. She will never forgive me.”

Petra tells Matea that she doesn’t understand. What we are trying to do is to have everybody represented. Matea is in agreement. Petra says that to go against the king is to go against God. Matea cautions her to be very careful in talking about this.

20 July 1810 – Many people begin showing up at the market in Santa Fé.

Sámano shaves and smiles to himself. His moment has arrived. (Ed: The actor in this part is wonderful. He gets across just enough intelligent evil to make Sámano very believable and real. He smiles, while he shaves and conveys the feeling that the razor scraping his face is a metaphor for what is yet to come. It is obvious he enjoys the danger.)

When Pola awakes, she notices that Petra is gone. She quickly dresses and goes after her and catches up to Petra as she reaches the cuartel.

Arcos tells Alejo that he hopes he has changed his opinion of Pola. But, says Arcos, she only has eyes for you. If not, I would be first on the list to conquer her heart.

The vireina gets down from her carriage to go shopping and notes that the lazy mestizos haven’t yet opened their shops. Her lover finds her. He wants to talk to her in private. It seems that he wants the house back. Do you think I will return a gift? You dream of sleeping with royalty has been fulfilled.

Tonito is trying to get his father’s freedom. Why isn’t he free. The governor tells him that he cannot free all the criminals. But, my father is not a criminal. The word of one man and his son. Further, the governor doesn’t know how long he will be in jail. There are rumors of a junta in Santa Fé. Tonito says that if the Spanish don’t succeed in killing him, now it is his friends who will do that.

Magda appears to be dying. She has lost the will to live. She thinks it will be better for everybody if she dies. Everybody hates me. Her sister tells her that the only important person is her husband and what he thinks.

When the vireina arrives at the palace, the viceroy asks her if she knows Portacarrero.

At the cuartel, Petra asks to speak to the owner – el mandamo. Iglesias lauphs in her face. Pola sees her. Petra tells Iglesias that she is going to tell him about a revolt. With that news, Iglesias tells her that he will tell the colonel. When he leaves, Pola grabs Petra. Petra is not convinced that anything will get better. It is even possible to free all of you, says Pola. Don’t you want to be a free woman?

The viceroy tells the vireina that Portacarrero didn’t come to see her. He came to see me. Please leave us alone. The vireina says that man is not welcome in our house. We have had bad business with him. What type of business asks the viceroy?

When Iglesias returns, he can’t find Petra. Sámano wants to know where she is. I assure you she was here to tell us about a revolt. Did she say when. No. Today is market day, true? Her warning is true, says Sámano.

The vireina says that man is her enemy and she wants him out and calls the guards. Wait, says the viceroy. The vireina says that he must not sully the name of the vireina. Portacarrero says this woman is the devil incarnate.

After all is said and done, Pola enlists Petra to the cause.

In Guaduas Domingo is all dressed up and pays a visit to the mayor. The mayor wants to know if he has news of Pola. Yes, she wrote me. She wrote to terminate the denuncia about Juliano. She asked about her brother. Cata is taking care of him. Is she thinking of returning, asks the mayor? No. Anyway, your wig arrived. Put it on. No, says Domingo. Where is my title. The mayor reminds him that the situation in Spain is getting worse, but the mayor has the solution.

Pola and Petra are in the market. Everything is planned. Facundo and Raimundo want to know if Petra is going to help. Then the rest of the revolutionaries arrive. Now we have to find out if the viceroy is disposed to help us get rid of Spain.

Juliano asks Nicolas if there is something to drink. Nicolasa doesn’t want him to be beaten for seeing her. If you haven’t been beaten it is because la ama is content. Juliano tells her that she has to change her behavior with him. If you don’t, our marriage will be over. Nicolasa tells him not to put all the blame on her.

Cata whips herself. When am I going to get the ideas of this negro out of my head?

The revolutionaries are before the viceroy. The seek his support for a new junta that will represent Spain and the viceroy.

The vireina enters. Don’t believe those satrapas. The viceroy tells her that they came to see him about an American junta. We will not permit such a government she shrieks. We cannot authorize such a junta. It is lack of fidelity to the viceroy. You are not the best person to talk about fidelity she is reminded.


What did you mean, Don Camilo Torres? You were saying something about the fidelity of my wife. Your excellency, it is a question of fidelity. All the people of Santa Fé know that your wife is unfaithful with Portacarrera and that she has been with different persons. The whole city knows Portacarero gave her a house – “Amor es un deliciosa”. The viceroy orders everybody out and wants to be alone with his wife. You are canallas says the viceroy. The vireina deserves respect.

Then the viceroy sends the revolutionaries out. As to your petition, he tells them, my reply is the same. The king put me in this position, and I owed him obedience. The day that he has a letter from the king with his seal is the day he will authorize them.

Nariño tells Tonito that the viceroy will not last long in Santa Fé. Tonito says that they know that you have a relationship with those men. Father, he asks, why have you lost faith in those men.

In the market Pola, Facundo, Raimundo, Petra and Carbonel are waiting to find out if the matter with the viceroy worked out.

In the palace, the vireina cries. She orders all the guards out. Antonio, she pleads, don’t believe the words of our enemies. I have always loved you.

In the cuartel, Arcos tells Iglesias to speak. What did that woman want? Iglesias says he only takes orders from his superiors. Alejo tells him that he is his superior. Iglesias says that you (Alejo) are my superior in rant only and that Alejo is not superior to him.

The other soldiers grab him and want to put him in the brig. The black woman came to warn us of a revolt, squeals Iglesias. Alejo warns that if there is a revolt, the troops will not go against the people.

The mayor hands Domingo a certificate. But, Domingo can’t read. This is a certificate that says you are of noble origin. Only the king can give titles. This is a title of Don Domingo. It is yours for a very low price – 400 pesos. And, the money will be sent to the king.

The revolutionaries tell Jorge that authorization would only come from the king. Who will contraol the multitude they ask. Baraya says he can do it. Then, Sámano will get the troops out.

Cata whips herself AGAIN, but this time Nicolasa watches. Cata begs God to help her, but her imagination runs wild. Juliano is so bad and good in her dreams. She talks to him, and Nicolasa hears. Cata thinks she is going crazy and prays for help.

In the market, Carbonel tells Morales that they depend on him. Pola waits with Carbonel. Morales goes into the building to cause trouble. He picks up a piece of porcelain. Llorente tells him to be careful. It costs 100 pesos. I do not think I am going to pay, says Morales. Let’s say it is a loan.

At the cuartel, Alejo and Leandro have a discussion. The troops are divided, and many are on the side of the Americans. Leandro thinks they are traitors. Leandro says the Spaniards here are obeying the orders of the king. But, Arco says the Spanish are just here to get rich. Leandro tells Alejo that his friends should be in jail, but Alejo insists that we are here to support the legitimate interests of his majesty and that we don’t want to fire against innocent people. Leandro tells him that is not a question for soldiers.

Llorentes ask Morales what do you mean a loan? Morales gets in an argument and Llorentes says the Americans are (expletive). Then the others run outside and say that they are insulting all Americans. Carbonel and a friend then go through the crowd agitating the people with Pola’s help. Then the crowd descends upon the building.

In Guaduas Domingo is home, and he gets a mirror out of a chest and tries on his wig. Then he looks at the paper he got from the mayor, but he can’t read it.

The vireina tries to get close to the viceroy. How can you be so unjust with men, Antonio. I have sacrificed everything for you. I followed you to this jungle, this dirty land, even the food is terrible. The viceroy retorts: you have had entertainment all these years by fornicating.

The oidores break in and tell the viceroy that the situation is grave.

Sámano finds out from Iglesias that there are a lot of people in the market. This is the revolt the woman spoke of. Sámano wants to stop them. Imagine what it would be to have the creoles in the royal audience, he sneers. Sámano tells Iglesias to order the troops out. To himself Sámano says that at last the day has arrived.

In the cuartel, Delgado tells Alejo that Sámano has ordered them out. Baraya wants to know if he could fire.

The viceroy doesn’t want a tragedy. Oidor Jurado gets locked up by the viceroy’s guards, and tells the guards to lock up the rest of the oidores. Then he calls for Sámano because he wants to insure that nothing bad happens.

Gertrudis doesn’t recognize Domingo. He hopes Cata will be happy. Cata enters behind Domingo, and when he turns around, she stifles a laugh and then runs out. Domingo is tired of doing useless things. Cata is not a good wife, she is barren. The people in this village are saying I am not man enough to control my own wife.

As the revolt begins in the market, the people express their hatred for the Spaniards, but Pola says that some Spaniards are good people. She doesn’t want anything bad to happen to Matea. But, Facundo says that now is a good time to get rid of all of them.

Then they call out the mayor to control the crowd because the people are going crazy.

Sámano says the threat is real. The enemies of Spain want to take power. I am asking you a question: Are you ready to give your lives? Are you ready to give your lives?

He then orders the troops to go to different places in the city – some to the market, some to the palace.

Capt. Baraya he shouts out. No answer. We know where he is and who is the traitor. You know very well what you have to do.

Sámano then calls out the name of Teniente Sabaraín. Are you ready to lead your troops, and has your brother learned some discipline?

One of the oidores tells the viceroy that these people hate us. The vireina asks to leave because she has been insulted. Did you also know about my wife’s behavior, asks the viceroy? He doesn’t answer. Yes, you did. Everybody knows.

Cata and Gertrudis discuss Domingo’s clothes and the fact that he is now a don. Cata like that. She will be a doña. Then Gertrudis sees the marks on Cata’s back.

The mayor of Santa Fé goes out to the crowd and demands silence. We are going to put Llorentes in jail and punish him. The crowd goes wild. They shout out – let’s get the rest of them. You are making everybody crazy, he says to Carbonel and Pola.

Cata asks Gertrudis why is she looking at her body like that. You are doing this because of guilt, says Gertrudis. It is the herbs, says Cata, the effect never goes away. Gertrudis wants to know why she is so obsessed with Juliano. Cata, in a state of denial, says she is a married woman. You have tried everything, says Gertrudis, it seem God approves. Be careful and Domingo won’t suspect anything. Gertrudis asks God for Cata to get pregnant – otherwise Domingo will throw them in the street.

In Santa Fé, the crowd heads for the home of one of the oidores. They are going to kill him. He hides in an armoire.

The vireina goes out to a garden with a servant. She orders him to dig a hole and swears him to secrecy.

The crowd enters the oidor’s home and trashes it. Facundo opens the armoire and pulls the oidor out. The man begs for his life, but the all begin hitting him with sticks.


Wow! thanks Pasofino for the week's recap. I was on vacation all last week, but I had to watch La Pola every night, except for Friday, and I thought I had dvr'd it but no.
I'll have to find it somewhere.

really, really good show.

Shallowgal: There was no Friday episode this week. It was preempted by fútbol!

oh thank goodness! i look forward to monday then. thanks, Paso. you have a happy 4th!!

Pasofino--Thank you for your dedication to La Pola.

I keep switching to LP during CME commercials, catch 4-5 minutes and go back. I'm familiar with all the LP characters, so I appreciate reading the weekly recap to fill in all the missing action.

Yes, it really is a superior show.

After MEPS and Alborada finish on Telefutura, I'll pick up LaPola on-line and use your recaps, promise!

Newbie: I'm glad you love this series. The actors are all superior to any I've seen in other telenovelas.

I also love this because the actors are from diverse parts and have different accents - from Spain and Latin America, which makes it a lesson in listening comprehension, too.

yes, i was just telling a friend too about the different accents, wonderful actors, a bit of history, beautiful costumes, and not much (or none at all) estupidez going on.

I have been a telenovela voyeur for several years and believe La Pola has the formula for execellence: well cast, great scenery, very fine editing/directing,great period dress and cultural significane, and most importantly: a compelling story (without anything being "Mejiaesque". My favorite character is Colonel Samano, who reminds me of Snidely Whiplash (physically). Yeah, we all hope that his Cheshire grin and mouth full of pearly whites will get stenciled into the back of his head with a gun stock, but he is perfectly cast for the part.
My sincere appreciation to Pasofino for the weekly summaries that captures this series very well. You know its a great novela when there is little snark about..

Chapateo: I love Alejo and Pola as a pair - but Sámano is like a magnet. He draws me to him.

does anyone out there want to help me revise a list of characters? martaivett has offered, but can't get to it right away, and i don't have her email. (is there something on blogger where i can send a message to a registered user? if so, i missed it)

--mai tai
ps my email is rhynstone at the hotmail, it seems like if you contact me, then you don't have to publish your email if you don't want to.

oh, and pasofino, pretend you heard the doorbell ring, and you run to it and there's a delivery guy with roses for you from me. thanks for everything!

Pasofino, once again thanks for these wonderful weekly recaps.

I'm a bit confused. You said that Nariño doesn't want Carbonel to be part of the junta, yet he told Pola to get in touch with Carbonel when she got to Santa Fe. I suppose that he sees him as useful in getting the people involved in the Revolution but doesn't trust him in a governing position.

I saw the conversation between Gertrudis and Cata a bit differently. I think that Gertrudis suspects that Cata is interested in the alcalde and is encouraging her to give in to those desires in order to get pregnant.

I don't think Gertrudis would want Cata pregnant by Juliano for an obvious reason. I do think that the pretty (but dim) Cata thinks that she is encouraging her to go ahead and mate with Juliano. In any event, I don't see this having a happy result.

I was surprised at Facundo's sudden zeal for revolt against the Spanish.

I was also surprised at the vireina. I would have thought that she would be more pragmatic and thrown in with the junta. Now it looks as though she's planing her own death... another surprise.


By the way, the directory for DirecTV shows la Pola on today at 8:30 EST 7:30 CST today instead of the usual time.


carlos, i thought the same thing about gertrudis thinking cata was caliente for alcalde. cata's thinking that domingo-from-behind was the alcade, and that warm reception might be what put the idea in gertrudis's head. not strong evidence, but maybe enough?

and if poor ol cata didn't know what losing ones virtue was all about, then being naive about bearing a little black baby is thinkable. but i dont really see a telenovela writing something like that in, even if it is all about equality based on skin color, it's not a child of love, and would just be a nasty surprise for everyone!

i get so stuck reading the captions that i miss recognizing people and facial expressions. how should the audience judge carbonel as president? does he come off as smarmy, or grasping?

and yeah, tonight time warner has pushed back la pola to 8:30, probably because the futbol cup is on. if the game runs over the allotted time, then some pola will be missed! add extra time to your recordings just in case!

-mai tai

MaiTai and Carlos: Thanks for you comments. You are probably correct in your take on what Gertrudis was suggesting. It has a more logical result.

Carbonel is definitely a problem. They all know he is useful, but, he may be too much of a rabble rouser and also one-sided when it comes to how the new government should be run I could have missed somethere here, too.

I have to admit - what I played over was Alejo reading The Letter - and not scenes with Carbonel.

And, if anyone has a more current list of characters, please put it together and share. I am using the list that was on the network's website, but it is not very current or comprehensive.

mai tai, I tried to Email you but couldn't get it to go through. If you like you may send me what you have and I can post it for you. My Email address is

I really like Carbonel but somehow I have trouble picturing him as a president. To me he looks almost like he should be in a Monty Python skit instead of fomenting a revolution.


carlos, i think i've sent the doc your way! can you let me know if you don't get it?

pasofino, i'm with you, the best part of this show is the romance! it's a cool "foil" that throughout the time they've known each other, really slow mail service has been the biggest factor keeping them apart. if only they had email, they wouldn't be cold/hot on each other at inappropriate times! instead, each of them (well alejo, mostly) reacts to yesterday's news and has to constantly revise his opinions!

one reason i decided it was time to keep all the other players straight is that i'm certain one of the other soldiers will be their downfall in the end. there's two or three eavesdroppers in the barracks, and i realized that because i was only looking at the uniforms, i didn't know which one might be a rat! and speaking of the uniforms, now that i'm looking, i see how their rank is in the colors they wear, and epaulets etc. poor alejo has white pants! wonder how he keeps them so clean. those santa fe dry cleaners must be getting rich off the army occupation!

--mai tai

great recap...
some things i would translate a bit different.
I am going to dedicate myself to living for pleasure.

you mean 'dedicate myself to live as I please'.

She is encaprichada (betwitched)
(more like obsessed)

and this part... i remember it.
Leandro: remember the military – listen a lot, obey a little. Have you read the letter, he asks Alejo. She is not the woman for me, but I will never love another.
alejo said she makes him feel like two different men.. one that wants to stay away from her and one that knows that the only woman he will ever be able to love is la Pola.
(then Leandro says he sounds ridiculous)

They have some secret signals, cabildo abierto – people in power.
'cabildo abierto' i would translate as open council/congress where the people have to approve anything that goes on whereas cabildo extraordinario is what they ended up with which 'technically' keeps the Viceroy as the president.

Alejo said 'its too late to let my conscience guide what I say, Leandro! (he already told Pola that he is married and treated her badly) I know Pola. She will never forgive me.”
I liked Leandro a bit more here, even if he sounds like a kid scolded for what his brother did. 'As I was leaving my father did not wish me luck nor give me advice... know what he did? he begged me to do everything I could to keep you and Pola apart!'

Portacarero gave her a house – “Amor es un deliciosa”. (Amar es una delicia - to love is delightful)

I loved when they had already stated that the virreina had been unfaithful, the viceroy had her arrested, a guard went to drag the Virreina away and she yelled at him 'Don't touch me!' at that moment the Viceroy smirked a 'hah!' looking away and the licenciado Camilo Torres smiled/giggled covering his face...

Carlos, regarding your post...
I'm a bit confused. You said that Nariño doesn't want Carbonel to be part of the junta,
what happened was that when that guy that helped Narino out came to meet with the 'criollos' they told him (actually, Jorge Tadeo did) that they were not including Carbonell was Narino's requirement to be a part of it when he is freed (TOTAL BOGUS!!!). So they USED Carbonnel to attract the 'people' to join their cause for the 'cabildo' but in the end they wanted the control for themselves and left Carbonnel out of it and left the viceroy as the president. Now they are turning their backs on the viceroy himself by making the decisions themselves... that is why the oidor Jurado was so against them going forward without letting the viceroy read or even sign the creation of the cabildo document. and last night the viceroy said 'well that shows how much they are willing to respect the authority of the viceroy (or stte).

Pasofino, have you tried the cast list on look for La Pola the list showing on telefutura. that is a good start. and in case you need it my email is

and regarding the name of the finca that the virreina got from Portacorrero, 'Amar' happens to be the viceroy's surname.

my hacienda's motto: borbon es una delicia!

-mai tai

Marta, thanks. I thought that I understood the relationship between Nariño and Carbonel and it turns out that I did. Too bad there couldn't have been a better understanding between the Americanos and pueblenos.

Well, Cata finally had her way with Juliano. I was hoping that this wouldn't happen but I admit that it has seemed inevitable for a long time. My prediction now is that she will get pregnant and surprisingly Domingo will accept the child as his own. This may be wishful thinking, but I think that basically Domingo is a good man.

Yes, I realize how stupid that sounds what with him being a slave owner and of course the thing with the finger and all... we'll see.


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