Monday, July 25, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #166 7/25/11 Oops! She Did it Again!

Heading into the final stretch All That is Good and Holy takes the lead...Now Forces of Evil comes from behind... All That Is Good And Holy and Forces Of Evil are neck and neck... and ladies and gentlemen, you won’t believe this, they’re just seconds from the finish line and Forces Of Evil is pressing for the lead ... Now Forces of Evil pulls out in front...

Reprise: María comes forward to join Victoria on stage and collect her prize as best model. Vic is alarmed by María’s sudden nosebleed. An instant later, María, still holding a red rose, falls in a dead faint at her feet.

Blood and Roses
María lies unconscious, her skin pale against the red of vividly painted lips, fresh blood and rose petals. The shocked Casa Victoria gang rushes forward and Max gathers her up in his arms.

Of course not everyone is upset. Ximena brays to Rox that she’s glad that whore fainted – now she won’t even be able to enjoy her prize!

Max sets María’s still unconscious form on a white couch backstage. The family crowds around, nearly hysterical. Give us some space, barks Dr. Sabelotodo, and he begins a perfunctory examination.

The vecindad folks watch uneasily from the audience. Is this a pregnancy thing? Should they go to María? Juanjo and Leonela convince them to stay out of the way and wait to hear what the doctor says.

Dr. Todo doesn’t have the equipment he needs to examine María properly. Then let’s not waste any time, says Juan Pablo. Let’s take her to the hospital. Max once again sweeps up the alarmingly unresponsive María and he, Todo, Vic, JP and Fer set off. Luci, Pipino and Fabián will stay behind and pack up after the show.

Curses! Foiled!
Bernarda rides through the city night brooding over her defeat and blaming her incompetent staff: ¡una bola de ineptos! ¡estúpidos! She should never have trusted Ximena... The sound of her cell phone ringing interrupts her blame rant. It’s Eva with the latest about María: Hah! The winners didn’t even get a chance to celebrate! One way or another, the scandal is going to end up hurting Casa Victoria.

To the tune of Edelweiss: ♪Schadenfreude, Schadenfreude♪
María’s – and of course, Victoria’s – sorrows are more delicious to Bernie than the finest sherry. Eva’s tidings have just confirmed that, as always, divine justice is on Bernarda’s side.

Osvaldo, a Lear-like figure in his lonely room, figures the fashion competition must be over by now and wonders about the outcome. He switches on the tv and sure enough, there’s a reporter announcing TONIM (The Only News in Mexico): Casa Victoria has won the biennial! Os jumps up happily but his joy fades as the reporter continues: The winning model, María Desamparada, fainted right on the stage (en pleno escenario) and was taken to the hospital. Os grabs his jacket and rushes to TOHIM (The Only Hospital in Mexico).

The vecindad gang gathers at Mili’s place. Napo saw María’s nosebleed. Ah, caray, says Chente, unwittingly delighting everyone who reads this blog. He remembers very well:
Así se ponía Alonso cuando se daba una de sus crisis.
(That’s what used to happen to Alonso when he had one of his attacks.)
Maybe she caught what Alonso had, suggests Juanjo. Don’t even say that, says Nati, horrified. Mili voices everyone’s fear: Is she going to die like Alonso? Noooooooo!

At the hospital, Max sets María on a stretcher and as the attendants escort her to the treatment area, Dr. Todo tries to get everyone to calm down. This might be simple exhaustion or stress. He tells Victoria – hands clasped, eyeball to eyeball -- she has to show strength and the others will follow her example.

The vecindad gang continue to wring their collective hands. Alma had been watching little Juan Pablo during the show but now Nati takes charge of him. All the gang can do is wait for news. And when the Jarochas get up to make coffee for everyone, we learn – crash! – that in Spanish, you don’t have butterfingers, you have butterhands (manos de mantequilla). They talk about Cruz’s father’s illness. He never smoked, he tells them, but breathing in the smoke of a coal-burning stove all those years was probably what made him sick.

Finally Cruz gets a call from Fer. María is in the exam room (area de exploración), she tells him. Fer hopes there are no problems with this pregnancy...
....Cruz tells the waiting group: She thinks it’s a complication of the pregnancy.

Cruz tells Fer he’s on his way to the hospital. And don’t worry about your nephew, he says. Nati and Alma will take good care of him.

In the waiting room of the Sandoval Pavilion
Max paces restlessly. He wants to press the staff for news but Juan Pablo prevails on him to be patient. After all, Dr. Todo did promise he’d talk to them as soon as he knew anything.

Victoria, flanked by Toni and Fer, encourages them all to pray that the doctors are on their A game (que Dios ilumine a los médicos, that God enlighten the doctors). Not a bad prayer.

Next on the scene is Osvaldo. He does his best to reassure Victoria. Max and PJP fill him in on what is happening and then PJP heads off to the chapel.

Now Leonela makes her entrance. She explains carefully that she has no intention of getting in anyone’s way. She just wants to be there for her son. Then she turns to Fer and asks for two minutes alone with her. Fer refuses at first but when Os nods his encouragement, she follows Leonela out.

In the chapel, PJP prays for his daughter.

Fer and Leo make nice
In case you’ve lost track of snits, Fer has been in one ever since she caught Leonela stealing a kiss from Osvaldo some time back. Now Leo pleads ... er ... confusion. When she kissed Osvaldo, she was feeling alone and unprotected; in her confused emotional state, she thought she was in love with Os. But Os immediately set her straight: he loves Victoria more than anything in the world. And ever since that time, she has only looked at him as a dear friend and the father of her son. Nothing more.

These days Leo is struggling hard with her recovery. She has no desire to cause suffering or break a family apart.

Fer listens, believes Leo’s words, accepts her apology and offers her forgiveness.

Cruz arrives and joins the family in the waiting room. When Dr. Todo walks up, everyone starts talking at once but Os quiets them so Todo can speak. He gives them the grim news: It looks like María is infected with a virus. And according to their tests, it’s the very same one that Alonso had.
Vic buries her face in her hand and looses a handful of restrained “Mi hija nooooo’s

I’m as surprised as you are, folks. Who knew an infection could be infectious?
What can we do? Os asks Dr. Todo. Todo -- or maybe we should call him “CasiLoTodo”? -- doesn’t really have an answer for Os. He acknowledges he is also surprised and worried by this turn of events. There’s no question that María has the same symptoms Alonso did. Their tests have confirmed the diagnosis. The one good thing he can say is that María is just in the first stage of the illness.

So how many stages are there? asks PJP. Three, answers CasiLoTodo. And it is essential for her to be kept in isolation. The virus is poorly understood and there is no cure. The only thing they can do is try to control it. We want to keep the illness from progressing to the second stage. The effectiveness of the treatment depends on her body’s own defenses, as well as on her desire to live, on her faith and on her love. [And most of all – on the will of the writers.]

[Apparently we are the only ones wondering why CasiLoTodo never considered that Alonso’s illness might be contagious. But I bet if he were here, clasping our hands, fixing us with his hypnotic gaze, lulling us with his basso profundo, we wouldn’t be asking any questions either.]

The Wicked Queen is at the Door
In María’s apartment, only little Juan Pablo, in his whimsical white polka-dotted jammies, seems unconcerned. Nati and Alma are worried sick about their friend. Well at least they can take care of her son until she is well again. Suddenly, the door opens and a gust of evil fills the small space – it’s Bernie! And she has different childcare arrangements in mind. She demands that Nati hand over Juan Pablo at once.

Alma rushes out for help. When she comes back with reinforcements a moment later, somehow it is Bernie, not Nati, who holds the baby. What the...! How did tough, smart Nati let that happen? Have her pregnancy hormones turned her soft and stupid?

The vecindad gang lose their collective mind
Bernie claims that as a blood relative, as his great grandmother, she has a legal right to the child. When Milagros objects quite reasonably that María Desamparada wouldn’t want her son in the hands of a murderous psychopath, it is Napo who dismisses her objection. Bernie is right, he says. She may be a crazy psycho bitch but she is family. [Are you sure you want to marry this guy, Mili?]

Bernie marches out triumphantly, babe in arms, leaving them all staring stupidly after her.

The only thing we can do is call Padre Juan Pablo, says Juanjo.

Once more Bernarda rides through the city night but this time, with little Juan Pablo settled in her lap, she is gloating. You’re mine, she tells him, and I’ll fight to keep you forever. God has given me a chance to raise another Juan Pablo Iturbide!

Pause to cue the chant.

Now we have a glimpse of the driver. Is he listening? Will he have a role to play later?

Bernie rants on: A pure soul and body to save my soul! Your only destiny is to save me!

From the hospital, Toni calls Pip and tells him they’re still not sure of anything. Pip’s face, notwithstanding the giant pink feather hat which frames it, shows his concern. He and Luci and Fabián will be at the hospital as soon as they are done at the show.

Isolation Shmisolation
Dr. Sabecasilotodo pleads with Max to understand: since María is in isolation, only members of the medical team wearing adequate protective clothing can be near her. Meanwhile they are continuing to do tests in the hope of keeping her illness from progressing to stage two. Isolation, shmisolation, says Max. I need to be with her regardless of the danger.

For Triunfo fans ... when the tinfoil beanie isn’t enuf: I find the discussion of isolation very muddled. Sometimes CasiLoTodo seems to be talking about protective isolation, for María’s sake; and other times he seems to be talking about protecting the people who come in contact with her. And if this virus is SO contagious and SO virulent, why isn’t Todo ordering tests on all María’s (and Alonso’s) contacts?

We did the best we could
Napo tells Mili not to be upset. There was no way she could have kept Bernie from taking the baby. Nati says María will be worried to death when she finds out Bernarda has her son. So far no one has been able to reach Juan Pablo.

Now the super comes by to say Cruz is on the phone.

Back at the Sandoval Pavilion, Fer begs her brother not to make things worse. If he goes to María’s bedside, the family will have two people to worry about instead of just one. Victoria and Leo chime in with their agreement. Max, whose beard seems to be growing along with his anguish, tells them he doesn’t want to cause them suffering. But this is something he has to do.

Then he takes Leo, Vic and Os aside and asks them to look after his children in case anything happens ...

I’m her mother! Let me be with María, begs Vic tearfully. Max pleads with her not to deny him the chance to be with the woman he loves. Now Leo advocates for him. Let him follow the dictates of his love, she says. Victoria and Leonela look to Osvaldo and he nods his approval.

Chente, Juanjo and Napo come back to the apartment after their phone call from the hospital and share the glum news: María isn’t pregnant. She is sick with the virus that killed Alonso. They’re keeping her in isolation but Max wants to be with her.

They also report that Napo was finally able to tell PJP that his mother took the baby. What did the Padre say? Nothing. He was strangely silent for the longest time. Then he said he’d go to his mother’s place right away. He’ll most likely take care of the problem, don’t you think?

Victoria won’t stand in Max’s way. He is the one who deserves to be with María. Max thanks her and asks for a moment with Osvaldo.

Max slips Osvaldo the cell phone with the video testimony proving Bernie was behind little Juan Pablo’s kidnapping and asks him to get it to the authorities as soon as possible. He’s afraid the woman who testified might get cold feet and run away. Os understands the urgency and he’ll see that the video gets in the right hands. He wants Bernarda to get the punishment she deserves. Victoria is watching father and son. Does she hear their words?

Victoria gives Max her blessing and then CasiLoTodo takes him to suit up for the isolation room.

The mood in the vecindad is mournful. Mili is sure Bernie will take good care of the baby but Bernarda is such a fanatic, she’s afraid she wants him for “religious practices”...

Did somebody say fanatic?
Right on cue, there she stands before her giant crucifix, little JP in her arms. She is a vision in white wearing either a) a hooded bathrobe she stole from the Hilton; b) her KKK costume from last halloween or c) a monk’s habit. She offers up the baby to the priesthood and to God. Just like the lamb of God, he will save her soul. Little Juan Pablo spits up placidly and studies Bernie’s fingers and his own.

Cut to the isolation room where the white infection control suits are a visual echo of Bernie’s habit. Max suits up in bulky coveralls, hat, mask, and gloves and then joins María in the confines of her plastic tent. María, with her lovely dark hair spread out on the pillow, looks a bit like Snow White in her glass coffin. Well, if Snow White had a tube in her nose. Then her eyes open, she looks around and asks, in confusion: What happened? Where am I? Why are you dressed like that?

A doctor, not CasiLoTodo (And is it too much to hope that this guy is actually an infectious disease specialist? Well yeah, it probably is.) answers from outside the plastic tent: You most likely have Alonso’s virus and you need to be in isolation.

But my son needs me, says María.

Don’t worry, says Max. Everything will be fine.

Max defies the doctors
He steps outside the plastic tent and under the doctor’s disapproving eye, he removes his mask and hood. He is sweating and his hair is matted down. His face is a mix of despair and resolve. He continues to strip off the protective clothing, stepping out of the coveralls and peeling off the gloves. Finally, now in shirt sleeves, he lifts the plastic barrier and steps back into the tent with María. He takes her in his arms and kisses her.

Sweet William Levy in a kayak. Ah. Those were the days.


The vecindad people are worthless caretakers of baby JP. That is all.

OMG NovelaMaven! I didn't think it was possible for me to laugh any harder than I did while actually watching the episode, but your hilarious recap did it. Thank you amiga.

Thank you for asking all the questions I asked while watching:
- Does the "Alonso's Virus" not have a real name? Even some doctor at the end, whom we have never seen, is calling it Alons's Virus!
- If this darn thing was so infectious, how come no one who had been in close contact with Lonnie was tested before, and why aren't they all being put in isolation and tested now?
- How can seven, yes seven, people let one crazy woman take a baby away without his parents' consent? (JPito was enjoying himself trying to get at Burnie's earrings though.)
- Why is no one bugged by, and a little worried about the possible infectiousness of Cruz's dad's cough? I sure would be! And why aren't any of them worried about having the dreaded Alonso Virus now that they know that an INFECTIOUS disease can, you know, infect people?
- And the biggest question of all...why is Max putting both himself and Maria out of commission by contaminating himself (not like he wasn't doing it before with all their previous make-out/love-making sessions) and leaving his TWO children desamparados?!!!
- Small question...where was Alma's baby while she was being useless with the rest of the vecinidad and not keeping JPito safe?

This line nearly made me pee my pants: "She is a vision in white wearing either a) a hooded bathrobe she stole from the Hilton; b) her KKK costume from last halloween or c) a monk’s habit."


Thanks so much, Vivi. But what can I say? This episode was a recapper's dream:)

I have no idea where they are going with Cruz's father and his scary cough. And I'm with you -- I'd also be worried about catching something nasty. (And what a time to introduce yet another subplot.)

"The vecindad people are worthless caretakers of baby JP. That is all."

Wait, didn't Alonso cough? Somehow Cruz's father has the antibodies (even if it is viral) and HE will save Maria.

Meh. It was worth a guess.

How are they gonna wrap this up in a week?

Thanks for a pee in my pants funny recap. Thanks to the president's speech and previous engagement the DVR had to attend, it cut off right when Max asked Vic and Os to take care of the babies.

Thank you, NovelaMaven, for the colorful and quiet entertaining recap. I just love your humor and wise-cracks. Keep the good writing. You are awesome.

Did Alonso really die? That would mean that he died alone which is sad. He just left after his fake wedding with Maria.
What is this disease called anyway? How did Maria get it - Alonso has been gone for quiet a while.

I thought it was stupid of what Max did by joining Maria unprotected in her bed. What does he thinking that he will cure her. He just add himself to the causality. He looks handsome, but can be brainless at times.

I am just tired of Bernarda who continues to get away with her crimes. Now she has little JP and how is he going to save her. She is way beyond saving. I hope Padre JP comes to get his grandson back from his mother.

I want to see what happens this week when this novela is ending. I am wondering what is going to happen and who will die and who will go to jail.


Dear NM,

I'm giggling my way into being late for work. Thanks for making this so much fun.

My laugh -out-loud exchange of the episode was when Dr. Sabecasilotodo said that the disease had stages; PJP asks, how many stages; 3 stages Doctor S. responds. Talk about making it up as we go along!

I love reducing el doctor from know it all to almost all. Delicious and inspired. I do predict that he will discover the origin of the virus, solve the problem with someone's help (I'm betting Victoria but Cruz' father's cough just could enter into it) and name the virus for Alonso or Maria D. UGH!

The only hospital in Mexico City, the only story on TV, the only doctor, the Sandoval Pavilion. Fantastic!!!

NovelaMaven - I was scrolling down to see if we had a recap and have to say that I love the title! I'll have that darned Britney Spears song in my head all day. I don't have time to read the recap, as I am running out the door, but will have plenty of time to savor it late this afternoon. Something to look forward to! Thank you for watching and posting the recrap for us. ;-)

NovelaMaven, you entertain, you inform, you ask all the pertinent questions. You are our Dr. Heriberto of recappers.

I mean that as a compliment... really...


Back to baby JP: why didn't Maria leave baby JP in the care of whoever's taking care of baby Osvaldo?

Where IS baby Osvaldo?

I see "Sortilegio II" in about 20 years with baby JP & Osvaldo.

Tee hee hee! Thanks, Novela. I need a laugh these days!

By rights, the final episode should have every cast member under one of those plastic isolation covers. Call the episode "The Mejia Plague." No wait, that is the subtitle to the TN.

BTW, beware of Wikipedia. I see the ending there now for those of you wondering if it is the Dr. or Os who win.


Good morning everyone! Thanks to Sara, Genevieve, Traveling Lady, Doris and Cindy for the nice words. And Cindy, thanks for the spoiler alert about Wikipedia.

I think I've said before that I know I've done my job when I cause the reader to lose some bodily fluid. I'm not all that particular about the orifice involved. So special thanks to Sara and Vivi.

Carlos, please see me after class.

Too bad you are not writing the script here-it would be one for the record books! Good re-cap--wonderfully written


Hmmmm, bad timing I guess... a month ago he could do no wrong.

I do love your work.


NovelaMaven, hysterically funny.

¡Me oriné mis pantalones con risa!

There are not enough words to describe the estupidez of this episode. This TN is in a class by itself. Can't believe Maite y WL won premios for this mierda.

Dear sweet Max, exposing himself like that. ¡Que estupido! Who is going to take care of the both of them, and apparently Victoria comes down with it, so I guess OZ is the nanny for los niños.

They need to quarantine all of DF.

I think we have a keeper for future nonsense, "Alonso disease".

The entire Vatican, praying 24 hrs a day can't save Bernarda's soul.

OT: I have been curious about what kind of name is Maite. In addition to it being MP's name, I've also seen tns that had a character with that name. It's a diminuative for Maria Teresa, like Marichuy is a diminuative for Maria de Jesus.

LOL that was the most ridiculous episode ever and you nailed it.

VIVI I had all the same questions you did. My DH died of MERSA which is highly contagious. When we visited him we had to wear gowns and gloves and the medical people added masks but none of us were dressed up like someone dealing with Bio hazardous stuff like they had Max in. And my DH was not stuck in a plastic tent.

My first thought when I saw Max in his get up was OMG mush mouth in a mask we'll never understand him now and I was right. Add to that he has to be the dumbest man on earth. He has two infants to be concerned about when their mother has a contagious disease so he takes off his protection and risks getting it himself. Selfish moron.

There must be lead in all the paint in the barrio since that whole group appears not to have too many brain cells working. Placidly let MOAP take the baby and then sitting around wringing hands over non existent pregnancy. At least JJ of all people thought to call PJP and tell him what happened.

Here is another question why did MOAP assume there was something so seriously wrong that she could just ride in on her broom and take JPito. All Eva said was that Maria had fainted and been taken to the orly hospital in town. For all she knew it was just a faint. Frankly I really disliked Eva for calling her and almost gloating.

Here's hoping that PJP gets it through his thick head that mama is dangerous and takes that baby away ASAP. Should he fail to do so here is hoping that JPito spits up all over her.

Dani, I'm so sorry to hear about how your hubby passed. I'm glad you were able to find the humor in that ridiculous scene. I really couldn't tell if I was just delirious or if the episode really was that funny.

At one point while I was watching Uni last night, they showed the preview for the finale. It looks like Ximena pulls a Rosendo Gavilan (say my name, say my name) in the finale.

Just thinking, if we went into the beanie business, we could cure the unemployment problem with this novela alone. Made in USA.

Dani, How tragic. I'm so sorry. To echo Vivi, I'm glad you're about to laugh with us at this nonsense.

Thanks anon 10:24 and Vario!

Carlos: Well all right then.

So maybe the hazardous material is the script?

Oy, this series is what happens when a producer tries to improve on a masterpiece.

The final medical crisis: How the hell did Maria catch the virus from Alonso? That virus was supposed to have been from a rare jungle environment, etc. Maria didn't have the kind of contact with him to catch such a thing.

However, Max did with Maria.

You're all absolutely on the money about the risk of JPito and Osvaldito being orphaned and how little sense it's making that they are not both being cared for at Casa Sandoval.

I think we can safely assume that Alonso died alone. Agree that this is profoundly sad.

Eva's call to the Evil One was a demonstration of her (fake) loyalty.

I can't believe that the entire neighborhood didn't set themselves up as a barricade against Bernarda's kidnapping of baby JP. Milagros was right when she said that Bernarda would take good care of the baby but that it was because Bernarda had a hidden agenda.

Bernarda's obsession with the future purity of JP-ito has an extremely serious ick factor. Which was probably intentional and certainly effective. It's just as creepy as the Bride of Satan get-up she wears in the previews.

NovelaMaven!!!!! I have been laughing the ENTIRE way through this recap! Brilliant!

What an absolutely RIDICULOUS capitulo! This TN can't possibly get any worse.

This is the first time I have ever said it, but I am really ready for it to end. I think the TN is an insult to the actors. They are not stupid people. They did not deserve this basura. I have NO idea how in the world they made it through it all.

Nothing is falling into place; NOTHING!

UA: BINGO! That was my first thought last night! Alonso supposedly caught this virus in the jungle. It has now morphed into this?!

We have one week to go and still so many loose ends to tie up.




...and Alonso...the gift who keeps on he really dead?

Honestly, if I have to look at one more MP Tilted Head and her horrible efforts at crying, I think I am going to lose it.

Just rename this TN: "50 some odd characters in search of a play".

Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable.


Before I forget...what was the goofy conversation between Leonela and Fer? In 10 minutes, all of their bad blood has been cleared up.

...and...WHERE IS GUI?!

Oy...I've just never seen anything like this!


FAUSTO: Still in jail paying for Burnie's crimes

EVA: Can't let go of her glacially paced revenge scheme against Burnie (Fausto told her to let go and let God)

PADRE JER: Probably trying to stay away from everyone with the last name of "Sandoval" or "Iturbide"

ALONSO: Dead. The paper said he only had a month to live, Max & Maria probably wasted 2½ weeks of his life with their wedding scheme.

GUI: Probably sitting in the dark with his Doberman, clutching his glass, listening to dark Classical music and vowing revenge on Osvaldo for getting fired from Televisa

LEONELA/FER conversation:

FER: I don't wanna listen to you! You kissed my dad!

LEO: I'm a lonely alcoholic and thought Osvaldo might return to me* but he set me straight and only has eyes for Victoria.

FER: Well that's ok then.

LEO: We cool?

FER: Yeah, we cool.

I wish we had a little more information about this mysterious virus. Like for starters...

What is it?

How is it transmitted?

Suddenly we need to quarantine Maria D?

Right this minute?

Why is everyone still looking to Dr. Voice for answers?


*Yeah, I thought Os would return to me even after I cheated on him, got sent to jail for killing my lover, had Max in jail, upon parole shot him in the street, lied to him and said Gui was the daddy, etc.

Last week, a French two year old who was visiting the country with her parents was diagnosed with measles last week in Mexico City. As a result, the whole burough (the delegación Benito Juárez) she was staying was put in quarantine and the people living there were vaccinated. The airport also vaccinated all passengers coming in from international flights. So far there's no news about any other person having the virus.

So Alonso's unknown virus would have made big news in real life.


Ay, Susanita, amiga, I love the innocence of your expectations:) And I’m so glad you enjoyed the recap.

Is Alonso really dead? Good question. I assumed he walked out of the church and directly to heaven. But then María got a video from him that was made some time after the aborted wedding. Various people seem to talk about him as if he is dead. Weird, huh? As Anon207, he is SUPPOSED to be dead by now.

"50 some odd characters in search of a play". Ha! VERY odd characters!

Anon207, love your answers to the "where are they now? questions, especially your take on the Fer/Leo conversation.

Carlos, yes those are great questions. What are the odds that any of them will be answered in the next week?

Having a second good laugh over all the comments. Lon's Disease - how long did he have it and what kind of fatal disease takes weeks or months to infect someone else who barely had any real physical contact with him.Now if you look at the closing preview montage it looks like Vic is the next to catch it unless she acts on what she overheard and goes after MOAP herself. Frankly if someone else has to get it and die Burnie should be the prime candidate and also I throw in Dr. KIA as a bonus.A few points to Vic for marginally keeping it together and I loved Os for telling the hysterical crowd in essence to shut up and let the doc talk. It interested me who the voices of reason were last night, JJ and Os.

Why isn't anybody worried that Maria has passed the mystery disease on to the babies???? First of all, because she never takes care of them! Why isn't anybody worried that they also have been infected? This novela is just beyond STUPID.

Nati was ready to kick Ximeana's backside for Maria, but oh no, when Bernarda comes over she just hands the baby over to her? Nati was the one that was holding the baby - why didn't she just leave with the kid????

Mejia should be tarred and feathered.

NovelaMaven: Amiga...I'm telling you...your you did it with the material you had last night simply amazes me! I am always amazed with your creativity. It's lovely to read!

Anon207: Thank you for your take on the Fer/Leonela convo! I remember thinking..."Is that all there is?!"

Dani: I,too, simply could not believe that the BLOCKHEAD JJ actually had some common sense last night. Looks like his acting lessons paid off.

Someone mentioned either yesterday or several days ago about Erika B looking like she had lost weight. I thought she looked quite stunning last night and would agree she's lost weight, but last week, she was the Erika we have seen the entire time on this TN!

Was there a huge break in filming this basura? (As Vario always calls it!)

Susanita, The Innocent (sounds rather Papal, doesn't it?)

Another 'where are they now' question:

Where is Oscar?

Susanita, The Innocent :))

Oscar's in court about the theatre.

NovelaMaven: another totally hilarious romp! Your description of the hooded Ste. Burnarda and JPito's reaction had me in stitches. Thanks for making my afternoon!

Thanks, UA! At least Oscar won't worry about becoming infected with Alonso's Virus.

Susanita, The Innocent

NM, loved your recap! Totally hilarious and then all the comments were just the icing on the cake.
Your descriptions of Bernarda's white robe--prizewinning.
La Paloma

So what is Bernarda's chant, anyway? Or does she just keep the soundtrack from The Omen on loop?

Dani: [hug]

As for Alonzo's Disease: I'm no doctor, but it sounds like they could actually have fixed that story with one line of dialogue stating that the virus/plague/whatever that had infected Maria had been dormant until it suddenly flared up at the desfile. Okay, it wouldn't have fixed Max's galan-on-acid "I'm going to risk my life to be with the woman I love (Peanuts-style muttering in background)--no, I can't worry about my children right now, Maria Desamparada needs me!" stupidity...

God, could this be/have been improved by "Maite Perroni coma week"?

Finally getting caught up. Thank you for this masterpiece of a recap!

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