Friday, August 26, 2011

Alborada, 8/26/2011. Cap. 63.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #24, Friday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 63 start at this link.

What a pair of pictures today, Carlos! The moment we've all been waiting for!


Wow Carlos, guapísimo 2 days in a row.
Tks so much to you & Paula.

We must be nearing the end, since all the pieces are starting to fall into place.

Don't know why team Luis can't make that small leap from Juana's baby dying & replaced by Luis, to the swap of Luis & Diego. She shows such favoritism to Diego for some reason, so think guys.

OK, now Juana is going to tell the church guy that Esperanza is crazy & is lying.
Who knows about the rape?
Mirtha for sure
Diego bragged to Antonio & Rodrigo about it
Andrés, Francisco, Ascunción
Modesta, Juana

anyone else?

S/B very interesting when Diego meets with the archbishop.

Doesn't look like marriage to Antonio is going too well for Hipólita.

That was Lucrecia (fuerza) at the
ball, the regidor's wife.

Many thanks to Paula and Carlos for our daily dose of Alborada past and present airings. Such a nice combination. One of these days I need to find time to read Melinama's postings form the first time. I had not found Caray Caray when it first aired here but it was my first telenovela and I was forever hooked.

Boy oh boy, was it ever satisfying to suspend my usual peacenik philosophy and so totally enjoy Luis pounding the daylights out of Diego. The crowd roared.

As much as we enjoyed seeing Diego get pounded, I'll tell you who must've enjoyed it even more. Diego's three cardboard-cutout man servants. The ones he slaps in the face every day, just for fun because they're powerless to fight back.

Paula tienes razón, it must have been hard to keep the grin off the face.

Thanks to Paula and Carlos. You have to feel sorry for Espy who at death's door is being hauled around by Vicente who is desperately trying to be as gentle as possible. Fra Alvaro is el diablo. Hub enjoyed Luis headbutting Diego. It was satisfying to see Diego's messed up face after his close encounter with Luis's fists and forehead. ~~~Susanlynn, waiting for Irene

Sigh. Behind again. I need to catch up TODAY because there is a chance I won't have electricity tomorrow and maybe Monday. It all depends on what kind of mood Irene's in, I guess.

I've tried skipping the episodes and just reading the recaps, but there's always something in the recap that I just HAVE to see. (Fernando Colunga, for example.)

I'm going to have to start doing a better job of keeping up now that we're in the final third. Things are really cookin'!

Good luck to Susanlynn and everyone else in Irene's path!

Cúidate, amiga y todos. I must say, even if you miss parts of cap's, Carlos has given us some mighty fine views of TBLMOE lately, hasn't he? Mighty fine!

Hi, Julie~~~The latest report predicts the worst of Irene for us tonight into Sunday noon with winds up to 50 mph and possible flooding and electricity outages. I have water, food, and some small lanterns. The stores we stopped at this a.m. were out of D batteries , but we were able to get Cs for the radio. Looks like my relatives at the N.J. shore will get hit. Stay safe.

Oh yes, Carlos's selection always brightens my day. Thank you, Carlos, and thank you Paula for hosting this rerun... and to think I probably never would have watched Alborada otherwise! Horrifying thought!

Take care susanlynn, TG it missed us in S FL. But I feel for you. We had 12 days w/o electric in Oct 05, 3 days w/o water & I can't remember how many days that the water was undrinkable.
Fill your bathtub, water to flush your toilet. People in my condo didn't do that & had to go to the pool with buckets to get nasty water to flush.


I hope Susanlynn, Julie, Vivi, Emilia and Mike and all our friends experiencing the hurricane are safe and well. Please keep us updated.

No Captions?

OK, my feeble attempt:

"Mamá! Look! Diego stole my marshmallow!"


Thanks, Carlos. The wind isn't supposed to start here until morning, I think. Right now it's super-muggy and creepily quiet.

I wish I had a caption suggestion, but since I've missed three episodes - no, I haven't caught up yet :( - my suggestions wouldn't be very good.

Too bad, because two pictures are a good setup for a one-two punch. Like "hey, do you smell something burning?" "Yeah, it's your smokin' hotness!" (Okay, I KNOW that one won't work, since Juana's supposed to be Luis's mom!)

I like the marshmallow caption! But alas, I'm traveling. Yes, I could wrestly with this machine to get logged on and post the caption... but I'm too lazy.

Oh! I didn't see the pointy stick. Yes, that's definitely a marshmallow skewer. LOL!

It seems to be getting a little darker right now, but my gut is telling me that this is no big deal. My furbabies are calm and you know how they're supposed to be freaking out when natural phenomena like this happen.

As to the episode, I loved seeing Diego get trounced. He more than deserves it. when he tried to make fun of Antonio being "efeminado" I had to laugh at his mannerisms and tone of voice. Like he should talk.

How did the Inquisition get so powerful?

Love those close-ups of FC. He wears history well.

The sun just came out. This is unreal.

There's a lot of wind here, but so far it hasn't been too bad. I don't think we're in the worst of it yet, but already I'm pretty sure I won't need to retreat to the basement, as I had originally expected.

All is well here. Lost power yesterday, but it's back this morning. Yay!

I loved watching Luis put a beat down on Diego. You are right that it must have been supremely enjoyable for his servants. Did anyone notice that one of Diego's servants is the guy who played Fausto in TDA?

Luis seems more an more ready to accept that Juana may not be his real mama.

It looks like this cap didn't post to the sidebar. Can someone please do that for me? Thanx.

Paula, you (or someone) did add it to Delicious, but for some reason 62 and 63 only display when I am logged into Delicious. If I just surf in without logging in, those two are missing.

I'll try deleting those and re-adding them, but I won't get my hopes up...

Nope, that didn't cure it. But even if you're not logged in, those two recaps show up on the main Caray page in Delicious. They just don't appear on the Alborada page.

I'm sure it's just Delicious being goofy again. We've encountered this before and it'll work itself out in a while.

Well, I'm still here. It started raining yesterday afternoon after Hub and I got back from our weekly breakfast at the diner with friends. I spent most of the day watching the local channel and the weather channel. This morning our rain gauge [an empty ceramic pot on the front porch step] was filled, so I guess we got about 6 inches of rain. Two small trees had come down in our front yard. The rain had about stopped, so I thought we were home free, but then the wind whipped up , and we lost our electricity about 11 a.m. and didn't get it back until 8.00 p.m. Some roads flooded , and lots of people were without power as predicted. I spent the day wrapping Christmas gifts and reading the last book in the Twilight series.

Carlos ~~I can't think of a caption that would top yours. And now, I really crave a toasted marshmallow...with Luis on the side.

Before we lost electricity, I watched this episode which I like to call ''The Chamber Pot Episode.'' That conversation between Tia and the regidor's wife [the same actress who plays the extremely shrewish Lucrazia on Fuerza] as they squat over their respective potties is amazingly bizarre. My sister and I were in a similar situation in the ladies room one New Year's Eve years ago just before she dropped her little clutch purse into the toilet. This novela has an odd fixation on chamber pots.

Susanlynn, for about half a second I considered capturing a photo of the chamberpot scene... thank goodness Luis stuck his sword in his mother's face.


Ahoy all and sorry for the late comment. I am just now watching The Chamber Pot episode. Wow, those ladies have to be very limber to do the squat and rise in their heavy clothing. Also, I notice the maid is tossing the contents out the window. Aguas! Look out below!!

This scene must have been the one they were shooting when, in the blooper reel, Esperanza gets out of bed looking like death warmed over and starts dancing around the room. The girl had some moves, that's for sure.

I love how little Rafael always runs right into Luis's arms. I know I would, sigh.

Wow, loved that fight! Diego kicked Luis is the family jewels and Luis barely flinched, only a little grunt and then back to pounding Diego. I love a man who is goal-oriented.

It sounds like everyone weathered the storm pretty well. Although the winds might have been less than predicted it was still a doozy. A friend who is cruising the East Coast skedaddled out of the American Yacht Club in NYC and headed for Newport where he had his boat hauled and secured in anticipation of the storm. Luckily no damage for his beautiful boat, but he watched some of the boats in the bay suffer some damage in the 50+ knot winds.

Oops, I forgot to thank Paula for the post and Carlos for his intriguing screen shots. Thank you!

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