Friday, August 26, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #93 Friday 8/26/11 Three (Impending) Weddings and (Hopefully) A Funeral.

Alfonsina is on the cusp of telling Karina the truth about the blanks that Doc has been shooting but we cut away to the argument between Jero and Nata. In his frustration and bitterness, Jero walks out on Nata in disgust. She hits her knees in tears.

Alfonsina tells Karina that Doc is sterile. Kari is impactada. She hyperventilates and hurries out of the room.

Matias and Julieta chat over coffee. She wants to meet Adriana and make amends. He agrees to introduce them.

Chema carries Adriana into the kitchen and offers to teach her all of his cooking secrets. She is bummed out because of Honorio's situation but Chema is determined to cheer her up. He dons on an apron, puts a chef hat on Adri, and they start baking a cake. They toss eggs and flour at each other - a scene reminiscent of the Chema/Coni food flirtation from several weeks ago.

Lazaro finds Karina crying and comforts her. Kari openly sobs about how Doc always blamed her for being a bad wife because she could not have children. In reality, it was his fault all along. Laz says Kari doesn't deserve all the tears Doc made her cry. She vows to give Doc an earful.

Constanza clutches a letter and cries as she waits for the police to bring Honorio in for a visit. He turns to leave as soon as he sees her but Coni cries that she needs him. Hon is embarrassed that she has to see him there; he wrote it in the letter that he doesn't want her or Adriana to see him locked up. Coni needs Hon's advice: she thinks that Fina is the woman who ruined Regina's life and kidnapped her daughter. (Hooray! Coni discovered that 2 + 2 does indeed equal 4.)

Coni figured out that the dates that Pepa was in Oaxaca coincide with the dates that Fina was supposedly there as well. One of Fina's daughters might be Regina's. After all, both Coni and Hon have seen how awfully Fina treats Nata. Hon assures Coni she isn't crazy for thinking such a thing about Fina. (Lets just hope this development doesn't eventually earn Coni the number one slot on Fina's hit list.)

Regina gives Gonzo an invitation to the gala. The Monterrubios are in no mood to party but Gonzo wants to go so he can be with Regi. She tells Gonzo that she wants to invite Jero to the party. Gonzo has no problem with it as long as they steer away from the topic of Nata.

Speaking of changing the topic, Gonzo thinks he and Regi should announce an engagement at the gala. He makes a big show of telling Regi that he is finally divorced from the Fina Monster. He scoops her up into a big hug and Regi has stars in her eyes.

Agustin pours Nata a glass of wine and listens to her complaints about Jero. Nata is now officially divorced. Augie says that Nata can move on and begin a new chapter of her life now that Jero is gone for good.

Jero takes a nighttime walk with Gitana. He strokes her mane and wonders how he could have been so cruel to Nata.

Constanza arrives home and spies Adriana and Chema goofing around in the kitchen. It reminds her of her own flirty food time she spent with Chema. Coni crashes the party and the temperature in the room drops a few degrees. Chema wipes an icing mustache off his face and takes his leave. An awkward silence passes between the two ladies.

Honorio broods in his jail cell. He swears that once he gets out of jail, he will forgive Constanza for everything that happened between them and help her figure out how to proceed with the PepaFina problem.

Alfonsina tentatively asks to talk with Ezequiel over breakfast. She tells him that her baby is his. Alfi leaves it up to him whether he wants to be in his child's life or not.

Augie has business to attend to but hates to leave Nata. She assures him she will be fine on her own.

Over the phone, Regi tries to convince Jero to come to the gala. Jero is too down in the dumps. Plus, Jero is furious with Gonzo because he (Gonzo) had Nata sent to hide at Augie's hacienda. Regina is shocked but believes that Jero is reaping what he sowed in regards to Nata. Nata is treating Jero the way he used to treat her.

Carlos shows off his new digs to his parents. His madre sticks her nose up in the air and criticizes everything. It isn't good enough for her hijo.

Jero replays Nata's words in his mind and Marina interrupts his hair-tugging and self-kicking. She invites him to her uncle's birthday party and Nata wanders over. Jero agrees to think about it and makes sure Nata seems him kiss Marina's hand.

Marina excuses herself and Nata starts a fight with Jero over Gitana. She wants her moved back to Augie's ranch. They argue and Jero asks Nata what she was doing in his room the other night.

Carlos is all excitement and smiles while thinking about the wedding. His parents want to meet their future daughter-in-law that afternoon.

Jero refuses to believe Nata when she denies having been in his room. He felt her presence and smelled her perfume. He grabs Nata and says that dreams do not wear perfume. Nata makes Jero let her go so she can collect her horse.

Karina prays for strength in her situation with Doc. She suffered for so long because Doc blamed her for not being able to have children. Kari feels so resentful and furious; she doesn't know what to do.

Jero trails Nata into the fields. Nata is tired of opening old wounds about La Bonita and tells Jero to scram.

The bells of doom chime as Constanza comes in to work at the centro kitchen. Chema asks her why she has been so distant lately. She crumbles about feeling overwhelmed, sad, and alone. Chema hops over the table and offers to help. Coni says there are some things in her life she does not want him to get involved in. Chema pulls her up and gives her a hug.

Regina, Ines, and Cata make plans for the gala. Regi wants everything to be perfect for the donors. Cata has a hissy fit about Regi mentioning the Monterrubios and leaves to look at glassware. Ines and Regi squeal in excitement over Regi's upcoming engagement.

Matias tells Gonzo that he plans to start going out with Adriana again. Gonzo hopes the news will cheer Honorio up a little. Gonzo tells Matias that he is going to propose to Regina. Both fellas are ridiculously happy.

Blanca, incognito in an ugly track suit, meets up with Daniel in a mall. She checks him to make sure he isn't hiding a microphone. Too bad she's a crummy detective and doesn't notice that they are being watched. A cop in a nearby store has them on camera. Blanca is upset that Nata got away. She vows that Gonzo will be the next to fall for getting in the way of her plans.

Fina is surprised to hear that Roberta left the house with her luggage earlier that morning. Hija dearest answers the phone from the airport. She tells Mami to deal with all the trouble on her own. Berta is going out of town for some fresh air.

Augie does some business over the phone and a huge dude meets up with him at a cafe. Augie slides him an envelope of cash and puts the hit out on Doc Nesme. (Oh, Christmas has come early for viewerville!)

Carlos gives Matilde the gift from his parents. It's a traditional dress from where he is from. She will get to wear it that very night at dinner. Mati is deliriously happy.

Nata remembers bumping into Marina at the airport. How could Jero move on so quickly after having gone to such lengths to prove his love for her? She cries at her own stupidity for believing him. It's over. Never again will Nata be the same sentimental and romantic girl who believed in eternal love.

Jero vents to Carlos and vows that Renata is never to set another foot on La Bonita soil.

Marina wonders how Nata and Jero could have ended up so resentful of each other. She noticed a great passion between the two of them.

Nata tells Augie that she has decided to live her life in a different way. Augie admits that he has been in love with Nata since the first time he saw her. "Now that you are a free woman, I don't want to waste anymore time. Will you marry me?"

Nata recalls all the nasty things Jero did to her while she was married to him. She stares at the ring and says yes. (!!!) Augie puts the ring on her finger and they kiss.

Avances: From what I could make out, the gala will be a hotbed of activity. Augie swears that Nata will be his. What else is new?

harina - flour
descabellado - crazy/wild
agobiada - overwhelmed
alucinando - hallucinating


Hola a todos! I'm packing like mad to move into the dorm tomorrow morning, so I wrote this up at lightning speed. Once I get moved in, I'm going to end up at the mercy of online episodes since I have no way to record shows in my dorm. Hopefully I can work my schedule out so I can keep recapping for my lovely caraymates! I won't admit defeat without a fight. ;)

Have a great weekend!


Thank you for the recap express, faster than a Mexican divorce decree! Good job. And good luck being back in school. I still like to start new projects and goals in the fall, in many ways it is the real beginning of the year. Enjoy and I am glad you are going to try to stay with us, you are a delightful member of this great CME study group.

I think Gonzo said he is going to ask Doña Cata's permission for Regina's hand in marriage. So romantic, so misguided. Cata will eat him alive. And then Fina will finish one of them off before they can reach the altar. No one can say this telenovela plot has hit any doldrums.

Amy great recap and good luck with your move.

Matias will be plenty busy with his shrill wifey, Adri and now Julieta.

Adri may end up falling for Chema judging by their chemistry....I feel for whoever has to clean all the splattered huevos and harina.

Kari, I hope you finally grow a spine and get rid of Dr Shooting Blanks, or maybe Auggie is well on his way to getting rid of the problem for you.

Carlos' mami looks a bit snobby, doesn't bode well for Mati.

BSC Blanca was too funny with her bug detecting equipment, too bad she didn't wave it around a little more.

So disappointed in Nata's quick acceptance of Auggie's proposal...which BTW was quite lame.

Amy: BE SAFE!!! You are an absolute gem to give this recap so quickly...and a wonderful recap it was!! As one who has been at the mercy of online episodes, let me tell you that they are few and far between. Perhaps they were there once, but I have not been able to see any of them for several weeks now.

Cheryl: Wowsers! Congratulations on having your fotos accepted for a juried show!! That is fantastic! Are they fotos of the butterflies?

Cheryl and Emilia: Thank you both for being happy right along with me tonight. It was SO nice to see CME in real time! When Dr. Carlos told me he thought I would not like the ending, I assumed he meant it was because of Dr. Tatas with the Short Skirts (does any female doctor in real life really dress like that?!?!?), but no...Renata has agreed to wear Augie the THUG's ring! NO PUEDE SER!!!

I was dumbfounded...literally dumbfounded and speechless. Didn't she just give us her little speech about how she was not going to fall for anyone anymore?!

Oh my...oh my...oh my. This is so horrible. We have a long, long stretch ahead of us of nothing but bad things.

I think even Matilde is in for a shocker when she meets Carlos' mother. I didn't get a good feeling for that mother at all.

I don't know...I didn't expect Nata with Augie Doggie. I didn't even see it coming and I am HUGELY disappointed...HUGELY.

Gracias, again, Amy! Be safe!

Susanita word verification: witchle

Amy: So sorry...I thought you were moving into a dorm to get away from the hurricane! But are going back to university!! No safe in the dorm anyway. :))


So if the crazy stalker thing doesn't work out for Blanca, at least she's prepared to work at airport security.

But really nice to see La Doctora show some sense and recognize the connection between Renata and Jero. Despite the un-doctorlike cleavage, she may be one who helps get them back together. She could start by blabbing about Roberta's pregnancy, since confidentiality doesn't seem to be a thing here in Baja.

OMG! Accepto?

Rosemary la Otra

Amy, wowee, you got this up in record time. Good luck with moving into your dorm. How exciting!

Your recap is awesome. I can't believe you did it in the midst of packing. Are you superwoman?

Renata accepts? OK sure fine. But this is a payback accepto only.

"So if the crazy stalker thing doesn't work out for Blanca, at least she's prepared to work at airport security." Heeee, zing!!!

I haven't had time to watch the episode or even to read the comments -- big doings last night & today for my Mom's 90th birthday -- so forgive me if I repeat what others have said.

¡Guau! so much happening. I can't believe tht Renata went for Augustin's proposal!

I guess that when I see Carlos' parents I won't be liking them any more than they'll be liking Mati.

Amy this was wonderful. I especially liked "(Hooray! Coni discovered that 2 + 2 does indeed equal 4.) " and " hit out on Doc Nesme. (Oh, Christmas has come early for viewerville!) "

---Jero takes a nighttime walk with Gitana. He strokes her mane and wonders how he could have been so cruel to Nata. -- So do we, Jero, so do we. (even those of us who are in your hanker for your smile.)

I'm off now to set up the party. I'll get back to all of this tomorrow. Thanks for the clear descriptions Amy so that I can savor it in my head until I get to see it.


Good luck Amy on your move and in school!

I can't get mad at Jero, I find him adorable even when he's angry. It does seem like Adri and Chema will hook up and Matias also appears to hook up with Julieta. Roberta is on her way to wine country. That should be fun, especially when she finds that Nata and Augie are engaged. And last but not least it does appear that Dr Tatas will help Nata and Jero get back together. But TN's don't work this way so when things look obvious they never are.

I am disappointed at Ranata getting engaged just to make Jero jealous (I think). But she is only 24 and today 24 year olds are still pretty immature. Even though Ranata worked, she still lived with Mami y papi and has always been sheltered so she's probably a little girl in many ways.

Good luck to those in the path of Irene. The media is making a big deal about it but it' s only packing 50 miles per hour winds. I live in Miami and lived through Andrew, and our roof partially came off and the house was destroyed so this hurricane wouldn't scare me. The biggest issue will probably be power outages which is pretty bad and lots of water in low areas.


Amy, what a fantastic job and we are all so appreciative with your busy schedule. Good luck with the move and enjoy your new year at school!Let us know how it looks like your classes turn out. I got the low-down from my sons yesterday - collective sigh as they seem to like profs and classes so far.

Have to agree with Susanita unfortunately, Univision may have been rearing their ugly head and having posted episodes yanked. They are all disappearing faster than Nata accepted CFE.

OK, I'm still not over that ending. I was yelling WTH???? at my TV well into the first minutes of Teresa. It's a rational conclusion that you were burned by your former spouse, you aren't going to be a romantic sap anymore, and hey...I'll agree to get married again? And that get-up - now I get the school girl boots and cutesy we've been dealing with. Will we now see a sexy, cold, snippy Nata? Looks like CFE doesn't have the woman he wanted...maybe she'll be more the one he was trying to create - and may not like it so much? We can only hope.

Now I like Carlos' dad so far, Mama not so much. I mean she doesn't seem "evil" but she is a snob, and I think Mati is in for a rough ride. I would suggest the off the shoulder, low-cut look, though our resident lads here at Caray appreciate it, may not work well with Mama. Just a thought.

BSC - let me get out my handy detection device...what a scream!

Yeah Coni for putting the facts together so early in the TN, but she needs to tell someone who isn't locked up now. Share the wealth.
And was that a bit of jealousy seeing Adri and Chema? Me, and this is the housekeeper in me coming out, all I could think about was "who is going to clean up that mess?" Perfectly good eggs too...

Anvil hits Jero - yeah tell it to the horse. That will do a lot of good. He gets a gander at that Slimeball ring, TATA better be home for the knock on the door. Looks like rebounds are happening...

And with all the action, enter Berta...yep, the circus is coming to town.

Everyone East be safe today!!

Amy, good luck with the move and thanks for the great recap (as Cheryl said, "faster than a Mexican divorce decree" - *lol*)!

I was so disgusted by the Nata/Jero/Augie/Marina events that I will not even comment.

However, I do have one thing I must ask: Don't these people ever watch TV? Don't they know that nothing good ever comes from masquerade balls? Isn't it somewhat foolish to let masked people come to a "gala" when the hostess (Regina) has already been the target of multiple murder attempts?

Just sayin'.

I just hope Roberta shows up unannounced at Augie's place and Renata is there to answer the door.

Juan Miguel

Güera, what fun for you to be celebrating your mom's 90th.

Juan Miguel, good point about the masquerade theme perhaps not be being the wisest. Ah well, even our smartest characters have serious lapses.

I went to a lovely outdoor performance of Cymbaline last night and I was reminded once again of the similarities between Shakespeare and our telenovelas. In the play there were: babies stolen and returned 20 years later, a husband who jumped to conclusions after hearing false gossip about his wife, said husband ordering his servant to murder that wife for her alleged faithlessness, the bad guy who tried to hit on the wife and when she rebuffed him he lied about it anyway, the heroine was dressed like a boy and her brothers were in skirts (well, OK kilts), an evil stepmother who manipulated her husband the king, the king who finally saw the light and was reunited with his stolen children.

See? We're just enjoying another version of the classics.

Cap'n Sylvia: LOVE your analogy!!

daisynjay: I, too, was wondering about that outfit Nata had on (leggings, etc). It was a huge change of attire, though, when she waltzed in to see Augie Doggie at the end. She even kissed the jerk!

I can't remember who said this yesterday, but I am ready to yank those jackets off Augie. Everyone else is in summertime clothes and he is walking around with a light winter jacket! HALLO!!


Thank you very much, Amy, for a terrific recap. I wish you the best of luck back at your University. And, to echo many others, I wish you the best of luck at seeing your capitulos of CME. When I miss an evening, I am having a very difficult time finding anything online as well.

Susanita, "dumbfounded" is the word that came to my mind when I watched Renata put on the cheesy ring—for three reasons.

1. She has observed Auggie acting like a controlling stalky creep, handsome face and all.

2. The ring! Augustin, if Renata is the love of your life, make a trip to Tiffany's. You can afford a few more carats if you want to "Wow" her. Since she is not going to marry you for love, can't you demonstrate that she will have access to your large bank account? Where's the carrot (carat)???

3. Renata is too good to be married to a man who wears windbreakers INSIDE his house in Ensenada. Even if he is paying the massive air conditioning bills on the hacienda, He looks like an American tourist on a summer escorted tour of Paris. Carlos, you are absolutely right about this.

Regarding today's events, all me "gobsmacked", the peculiarly British expression of extreme surprise.

All you East Coasters, please be safe. Vivi, Emilia and Mike, and others in the path of Irene, if you get a chance, let us know you are OK.



We were ont eh same wave length with our last posts. Where are you in the world? I hope you are out of the path of the storm.


Mike and Emilia checking in. We still have power!! Lights flickering so it may not last. The wind is picking up quite a bit. Look out Vivi, it's on the way!

Thanks for the wonderful recap, Amy, and good luck in school.

EJ, 'gobsmacked' is perfect. What was Renata thinking?

I hadn't realized the party was to be a masquerade - thanks for pointing that out, Juan Miguel. Polish up those beanies, there's fun times a-coming!

Greetings everyone. Sylvia, loved your comparison of our telenovelas with Shakespeare's Cymbaline. Makes me feel a little bit less guilty about watching 5 nights a week.(and sorry about missing your recap yesterday; was totally out of commission).

And welcome Livsmom and Sharkbyte.

With Carlos, Mike, Sharkbyte and Juan Miguel, the male point of view will be well defended....and appreciated.

Amy..cheers for blasting out another crisp, funny, informative recap while packing to go back to college. There's a secret adolescent in many of us who would love to be trekking back to college again (and persuading mom to send cookie care packages).

Loved your "interrupts his hair-tugging and self-kicking" and "(oh Christmas has come early for viewersville)".

Nice to see that Doc Marina seems to be a "good guy" (guess that's appropriate since she's the beloved niece of the padre). Hopefully she can double-team with Regina to get these two star-crossed lovers, Renata and Jeronimo back together again.

Renata's "engagement express" makes no sense. There hasn't even been a steamy kiss yet.(And Lord! I hope there won't be.) This whole ploy is idiotic. She's been pretty smart up till now. Bummer.

Oh, Emilia, I am so glad you still have power. I will think kindest thoughts for you and Mike and Vivi and others in the path of the storm.

I know mankind lived without electricity for most of our history, and, presumably
could do so again, but, we have made ourselves very dependent on our electric feed.

Cheryl, I forgot to congratulate you on the acceptance of your photos in a juried show. Wow! This is wonderful news.

Cap'n Sylvia, You are so right about telenovelas being like Shakespeare. I could not agree more. Cymbelline, huh? I have never seen it performed. Where did you see it?

On a side note...Perhaps we should meet in Ashland for an OSF production since I missed the accordion festival this year???


Amy, great job and some very funny, witty stuff.

Two things you said make me very worried:

"It isn't good enough for her hijo."

"Mati is deliriously happy."

I watched enough TNs to know that this can't bode well.

Roberta's on her way... maybe Selene would like a little fresh country air as well.

"...faster than a Mexican divorce decree!"

Good one Cheryl. Good luck in the show.

I want Dr. Nesme dead... but not yet. He's got some singing to do.

Amy, good luck on getting back to school and settling in. If you see that you are overwhelmed with all you have to do next week, I'd be happy to do a guest recap next Friday. Think about it and let me know by Thursday.

A masked ball? I didn't catch that either, Emilia...

"Don't these people ever watch TV? Don't they know that nothing good ever comes from masquerade balls?"

Well put, Juan Miguel.

To prove that Crazy Jerry is back, he offers to buy Gitana... brilliant. I think he'd be better off actually boinking Roberta.


Oh AmyAzul, I hope you can enjoy the crop of fun comments your excellent recap has provoked. I did catch the very brief conversation Regina had with some bright looking cloth that the costumes are coming out. Since Fina has already shown she likes disfraz, and think about Blanca slipping into the ball too, that ball is going to be a dangerous event. Yikes, there could be too much maddness and mayhem next week. I already was thinking my recap would be like Mr. Toad's Wild Ride but this is shaping up: Roberta should step off the plane in Ensenada to make Renata think about STD's before she has to consummate her engagement to Mr. Slick. It's probably good that Audie has paid for offing the dreadful Dr.Deadsperm. he is going to be so busy 'splainin' to the sisters. Maybe that will be enough to turn off Renata before she endangers her health with Mr. Sleepswithanyonepretty. Some of you are worried about spilt flour and eggs and I am worried about STDs too.

On Carlos' parents, maybe they will be nice to Mati since she is going to wear that beautiful huipil they brought her. I hope she will take off that stupid headband for once and showoff her beautiful hair. But, I bet she doesn't.

Please, all of our East Coast friends.... keep checking in with us whenever you can!

Cheryl, congratulations on your photos. Are they on-line anywhere that we can see them?

I have been re-reading an old book, Cat's Cradle, from a favorite author, the late great Kurt Vonnegut, and I wanted to share with you some of the titles of the chapters from that book. As I was reading them, I thought of our wonderful re-cappers. You will see why.

A few Vonnegut chapter titles:

-A Tentative Tangling of Tendrils
-Barracuda Capital of the World
-House of Hope and Mercy
-A Fish Pitched up by an Angry Sea
-Communists, Nazis, Royalists, Parachutists and Draft Dodgers
-A Self-Supporting Squirrel Cage
-Tyranny with a Difference
-Fasten Your Seatbelts
-Bell, Book and Chicken in a Hatbox
-Dr. Schlichter von Koenisgwals Approaches the Break-Even Point
-Just Like St. Augustine

Now, let's compare with some of our capitulo titles and applaud our re-cappers for being every bit as brilliant as the amazing Vonnegut...

-Investigation, Jubilation and Possible Ruination (Flores)
-Tell Me True, Just Who Was or Who Is or Who Will be Your Baby Daddy (Cheryl)
-The Mother of the Sneer (Sylvia)
-It's the Roller Coaster of Love!! Hang on Tight! (Jules)
-Paparazzi on the Loose, Some Confused Folks and Augie Spreads His Slime (Vivi)
-Humpty Dumpty had a Great Fall and Goes WHAH WHAH WHAH, in Ensenada the Town Former 'Hero' has a Great Fall as Well (Sylvia)
-Projected Memories, Dozens of Daisies and Divorce Difficulties (Flores)
-Arrested Development Meets Arresting Developments (Cheryl)
-Attach of the Vicious Vine Monster (Sylvia)
-Renata is Riddled with Riddles. If You were She, What She would You be? (Vivi)
-Spilt Milk, Spilt Guts, Spilt Tears, and a River of Lies (Cheryl)
-Exhumations, Evaluations, Exhortations, Tribulations, Realizations, but still Waiting for the Termination (Sylvia)

Yes, I'd say our team is Pulitzer worthy! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Rosemary la Otra

Does anyone else think the peasant dress gift to Matilde is meant as an insult?

And Renata needs to have her head examined for accepting the ring from Augie.

I am still hoping for the best for you eastcoasters. Thanks for the support on my photo exhibits. I was actually juried in for two versions of the same image which are the wood nymph hummingbirds. Here is a link to my poto website:

Urban, I think you might be right about the huipil dress. At least they might be offended at her treating it like a dressy frock for a fancy restaurant. Oh, we have enough deadly problems, I hope the writers don't further smack us around with the padres being nasty and superiour acting to poor humble Matilde. She is so proud and doesn't deserve to be humiliated. Doc Carlos, I think you better mount your defense as Matilde's number one champion. We will all be on Team Matilde before this is over, your predictions are all coming true.

WOW. That incredible photo left me speechless. (well almost) No wonder you won, Cheryl. Awesome.

Cheryl! What an amazing photo! A testament to your obvious skill (and patience)!

I already named the hummingbirds Augie, Renata and Jero!

A truly superb work of aet.

Juan Miguel

I still have power here in my condo and am enjoying the fabulous recap by Superwoman Amy, and the great comments.

I am still in shock about Renata accepting Augie's acceptance. I guess she figures that she will protect her heart by allying herself with someone she does nto love and who loves her more than she loves him (so she thinks). We have now officially entered the stage of the novela when the protagonists do dumb things out of spite, hurt and jealousy. Let the fun times begin.

Luckilly, in this tn, there is always lots of other exciting stuff going on, so we have some relief from Jero and Nata behaving badly. Looks like the MRs are close to bringing Batty Blanca down; Augie put a hit on Doc Esteril; Coni is on to Pepa/Fina; the gala is sure to be exciting with both Fina and Blanca out for blood; and Berta is on her way to Augie's to find him engaged to her sister. Good times!

Carlos' dad actually looked like a good guy who wasn't as snobby as his wife. But we know mama will not be kind to Matilde at the intimate dinner. Not looking forward to that heartache.

Doc Marina used a saying that I liked when she caught Jero arguing with himself: "Un poco de locura cura." Reminded me of the Seal song: "You'll never survive unless you get a little crazy." Jero's got no problem in that department. He's plenty crazy.

*accepting Augies proposal...

Sorry for the typo. You know what I meant. My shock is affecting my typing. :)

Good to hear from the East Coast folks that so far all is well. Let's hope it stays that way. Our thoughts are with all of you.

Cheryl, I'm speechless! Hope you don't mind, but I made your pic of the two hummingbirds and the bee as my new screensaver. Don't know what it is about that bee, but he intrigues me as well as the glistening colors of the birds. All were Award winning indeed. (We should hook you and Gitano up - imagine what you could do there!!!)

And thanks Juan Miguel - I had not caught the fact the gala was a masked ball either. Who's lame brain idea was that. No wonder Fina is planning something rotten for that (and why would she be invited anyway???) I would be adjusting my beanie, but it imploded last night when Nata accepted CFE. Have to get a new one - and stronger.

Love the literary references Rosemary and Sylvia. ( I love the play Cymbeline myself). It's like the Harvard study that proved watching soaps or continuos daily stories is actually good for the brain and memory...all this is actually good for us culturally and physically.( wink wink).

Cheryl- The bird photos are beautiful! Congratulations!

Our power was off for three hours - you should have seen us dash for the computers when it came back on! I had been enjoying the total quiet (indoors!) without all the electrical humming. We still have the 'other side' of the hurricane but should be out of the woods by 9:00 or so.

I HAVE to learn Spanish. Missed Jero offering to buy Gitano. What would we do without all you recappers AND commenters.

Daisy, it never hurts to keep a spare beanie or two in the closet. Some of these TNs are really hard on them!

Cheryl, your photos are breathtaking. I'm proud to know you. And can't wait to meet you in Oct.

I too am so upset about the idiocy of Renata accepting Augie's swooping vulture like proposal. I am actually looking forward to her smack upside the head moment when Roberta bursts into the hacienda. Nothing seems to wake her up aobut the sociopath she has put all her trust in. Gaaack!

Thanks for the comments. I plan to submit the three green brilliants (good catch Juan Miguel they really are two males and one female iwth the white throat). The print I originally submitted of that one was way too dark and it did not get accepted. The blue and green wood nymphs with the bee are the hummers that did get into the two shows for this fall. But I did not win any awards. Judges are unfathomable and come with their own predisposition so I think I need to go for a bird only poto exhibition so people would understand what interesting bird behavior these are. They all portray lots of competition though just like our characters in CME.

Emily, I am looking forward to our Oct special CarayCaray session too. I am thinking of lots of wonderful choices to offer you for adventures. I have already had real meet ups iwth Audrey and this past week with Black Jack Cash. What a fun summer, I am glad I have been staying home. Keep updating us on your situation and try singing that old song from the forties: Good night Irene!

Also for you would-be or might-be recappers, by coming back to recap on Caray2 after a many months break has brought my comprehension level higher again. So Telenovela watching is good for the brain and so is recapping them.

Nata gets engaged to Auggie and the first words out of my mouth: “Stupid woman.”

Cheryl, congrats on getting your pics accepted. Just took a quick look. Beautiful. And I love kaleidoscopes.

East Coasters, you’re getting hit hard, I know. Keep safe.

Amy, excellent recap. Good luck at school.

Fav Lines:

“(Hooray! Coni discovered that 2 + 2 does indeed equal 4.)”

“Augie slides him an envelope of cash and puts the hit out on Doc Nesme. (Oh, Christmas has come early for viewerville!)”

” Augie swears that Nata will be his. What else is new?”

Cheryl: Right after Labor Day feels like the beginning of the year for me. Must be a holdover from my school days (back in the dim and distant).

“Regina is shocked but believes that Jero is reaping what he sowed in regards to Nata. Nata is treating Jero the way he used to treat her.”—Amen!!!!!!

Juan Miguel: “Isn't it somewhat foolish to let masked people come to a "gala" when the hostess (Regina) has already been the target of multiple murder attempts?” Wasn’t aware the party was going to be a masquerade. You are so right.

Susanita: Did you notice that Auggie had a jacket on in the house and then in a scene right after that, he was outside carrying the jacket. He must keep his hacienda’s air conditioning on frigid.

Carlos: “I want Dr. Nesme dead... but not yet. He's got some singing to do.” Good point. Also, didn’t realize Jero offered to buy Gitana. What a bonehead.


Buenos tardes! The move was a success and I'm all settled in and ready for a good, long nap.

I noticed that the online episodes have been disappearing. Shucks. I'll just have to hone my listening skills and write as I watch the show.

Renata accepting Augie's proposal is so very lame. Right after she vows to never let anyone take advantage of her, she agrees to marry this arrogant jerk? Yuck.

Curious how Adriana and Constanza have suddenly found themselves in a love triangle with Chema. I was sure that when Coni burst into tears in the kitchen that she was going to break up with him but nothing doing. Coni needs to cut him loose. At least he'll have a shoulder to cry on in Adri.

Cheryl, your photos are fantastic! I love the hummingbirds.

And to all our East Coast Amigos: please be safe! We're thinking of you!


Hey, Amy, thanks and thanks to Cap'n Sylvia for yesterday's as well. Amy, I don't know where you're in school but the Virginia colleges our hijitos went to invariably had move in day on the hottest, most humid day of August.

I'll just say it: Jero? Renata? cut your losses, quit playing games and move on.

Renata, resign yourself to "meekly submit" in Agustin's gilded cage.

Jero, resign yourself to a relationship with Marina, a woman of intelligence (as well as looks) who knows how to perform an orchiectomy at home if you get out of line.

Poor Gitana. Just hope she doesn't end up like Khartoum in the Godfather since she seems to be in the middle of Jero & Renata.

Definitely with those who disliked the mess making in the kitchen. Not a fan of wasted food and cannot think of anything harder to clean up than raw egg.

Irene - as of 6:40 pm in Yorktown, VA it's not as bad as Isabel was in '03. Our yard's a mess w/ leaves and small limbs, but no major branches or downed trees. But we've got electricity after three hours without. Biggest thing I was missing (well, after the internet) was the floor fan. Temp's not bad, about 76 but if you're a fan of humidity this is heaven.

Cheryl - Thanks for sharing those photos. Amazing! I love the little bee in one of the hummingbird photos. The horse and cow photo is adorable. You are multi-talented.

And a famous study from M.I.T. (Monterrubio Immersion Televiewing) shows regular watching will lower one's risk of early on-set Alzheimers, but will increase one's bra size.

Rosemary la Otra

Elna June: Yes! We were DEFINITELY on the same wave length! I just looked at the telly (in HD no less) in utter disbelief!

And the CHEEZY ring! Dios mio?! What in the world was that pea brain thinking?! This is all the jerk can afford. Oy!

Thank you so much Elna June for thinking of me re the Hurricane. Thankfully, I am safely away from it.

Emilia: Was really thinking of you today. Please be safe. This storm has caused so much damage. My biggest fear is always downed power lines. Be safe and be aware.

Robey: Yes, I did notice that fool Augie Doggie holding his jacket. Those jacket/windbreakers are irritating me to NO END! I just want to yank them off and pronto.

Dr. Carlos: I'm laughing out loud at Jero boinking Roberta!! Oh my yes! ITA that Nesme can't get off that easy and just die...he needs to sing and dance for his supper first. Oh he is such filthy slime.

Mike: Glad to hear that you are doing well!!

Cheryl: Loved "Dr. Deadsperm" Pretty soon, there will be more rotten flesh on the vine. Your fotos are outstanding...simply outstanding. I would love to know the particulars of the fotos (camera, lens, etc). Maybe that info was there and I did not see it. I am saving my pesos for a Nikon 500mm lens. Believe me, I am just an amateur, but I love photography. Your fotos are so lovely. I love the composition.


Rosemary la O: Forgot to say that I loved your Vonnegut/ Caray recappers side by side comparisons!! We are, indeed, fortunate to have such a talented group of writers on the blog. What a group!!


Word verification: REINAS!!

Cheryl- Great pics!
Rosemary- Pretty sure this group would write some amazing novelas. Right up there with Shakespeare.

Maybe when La Doctora finally gives up Jero (because cute as he is, he's being a bit of a moron right now), she can put on something low cut (her everyday wear, take a hop, skip and a jump over to Sonora, and help out David from La Fuerza. If her cleavage doesn't fix his problema, she could always write out an Rx for Viagara. He's cute as all heck, and just a little damaged, but not in a mean way like Jero.

Rosemary la Otra - please can I choose only the former and you can give the latter to someone else?

Mike and I checking in. Hurricane over, no damage, no trees down, power on, phones off. Sun shining... Cleanup of small branches, leaves and a few limbs can wait another day. Anxious to hear how Vivi and everyone up the coast are doing. Thanks for the concern everyone. You all are the best!

Mike/Emilia - wonderful to hear! Just rest up and tackle the cleanup later.

Hello all! All is well here. The power went out at 6pm and was out for the rest of the night. But I woke up to drizzly sunshine AND power this morning. Yay!

After the power went out, I watched the two part 2006 Masterpiece Theatre version of Jane Eyre on my laptop. People seem to either love or hate that version. I love the passion that it captures between Jane and Rochester. A great way to spend 4 hours with no power. :) Jane Eyre would make a great tn.

I am absolutely delighted to have electric on but also to have access to a computer. I decided to stay at my daughter's since I loose power at my house when the temperature drops let alone wind and rain. The Metro North lines are closed which is not only a historic event but I could have recommended this action on numerous occassions. My train route runs along the Hudson River.
I said once to a Metro employee how scary to look out on a curve and see the Hudson lapping 3 feet from the track we were on. I said I can't swim. He looked me in the face and started a laugh in his body before it reached his face. And then he said DON'T WORRY THE FALL WILL KILL YOU! Call me naive cause I never ever thought of that!

I too await Roberta's arrival but she will probably just tell a lie that Popi sent her to keep Nata company. I see the benefits for Berta: torture Renata and have Auggie 'help her unpack'.

A masqarade gala is such a idiotic idea that I am wondering why the writers chose this platform for bringing the smart, evil, and ditzy together. Oh wait. The smart are out of town or in jail or got a broken leg. ...ah...nope I don't get it.
I still don't get it and I want to know Whyyyy Zeke is so "glad patron got the woman" he was after! What did I miss?

Thank you Recappers, I have enjoyed your writing so much. I am planning to reread posts cause this is afterall my study materials.

Thanks NorEasters for checking in! I'm glad the worst is finally over.
Mike and Emilia - I agree with Daisy that you should rest up before tackling the clean up BUT be sure to get it done before the Masquerade Gala!
Mike - of course we can give the latter to someone else. Carlos?
Bonney - This IS our homework! How else could we justify the HOURS spent transporting ourselves to Mexico City and the hacienda?
My word verification is deldio. Is that Spanish for a sex toy?
Rosemary la Otra

Besides a big mess to clean up yet, good to hear that everyone is safe.
Vivi, is that the Toby Stephens version?? Though my ultimate favorite is the Michael Jayston '73 version, I liked Toby Stephens A LOT in that production. Little fast and loose with a few scenes, but overall a winner. Got me tempted to get that in my Netflix queue now!

I am so glad to hear that everyone who has checked in had little damage. I am still following to hear about friends in New England, I lived in the Boston area for 27+ years and remember only one bad hurricane during those years. They are scarey.

Rosemary La O, your sex toy line is one of the funniest on this weekend posting session.

I felt privileged to see maddness and mahem of the operatic kind at Santa Fe Opera last night we saw Faust in the final performance at the Opera this summer. Fina could take some lessons on making contracts with the devil, unless of course, she is the devil in CME.

We saw rainfall on the Jemez Mtns. in the distance where in June there was total fire and smoke. It was nice to get back to beautiful vistas. Be well all we still have a long hurricane season to go.

daisynjay- Yes, it's the sexy Toby Stephens version. :) Perfect hurricane weather entertainment. Especially the creepy parts with the wind howling and no lights.

Glad to hear everyone is safe.

Re: Jane Eyre. I love the Rita Wilson/T. Stevenson version of Jane Eyre. My favorite is the Timothy Dalton/Zelah Clarke 1980s version. I've only seen the M. Jayston version once. It's on my list to buy. I also have the Samantha Morton/Ciaran Hinds version which I like a lot--the first version I saw that showed Jane's passionate nature.

This TN is constantly surprising us. Maybe Berta's showing up will have Nata observing Auggie's action/words a little more closely.


Ahoy all, what a relief to hear that our study partners on the east coast are safe and sound after such dreadful weather. The forces of nature are stronger than we can imagine.

Rosemary La Otra, "My word verification is deldio. Is that Spanish for a sex toy?" Ha ha ha!!! I am rolling on the floor with that one. I'm not kidding, you guys are the funniest group ever.

Cheryl, your photos are absolutely stunning. Mind-blowing really.

OK, now my word verification is "cheman". Is that Chema in a few years?

I can't get over the Auggie's developing problem namely Roberta. Will he won't he put a contract out on her? And, would that be a bad thing?? To quote Miss Marple "murder is a habit".

Cheman!!!!!! LOL Good one, Sylvia! I wonder if his role in that new telenovela is more Cheman or Cheboy? Has anyone been watching it?

Rosemary la Otra

Rosemary La O, I think lots of people are watching Chema's new telenovela. Our own Vivi is recapping it! Fuerza del Destino, read the recaps on Caray, Caray!

Bonney, great quote from one of my favorite crime-solvers. Thanks for that.

Murder is a habit!! Too funny Bonney. I think that will become Fina's personal motto. I like the Cheman/Cheboy word play too. This is one of the funniest study groups I have been in. What a joy.

I don't often see the word verification panel when I sign in unless i have been away for some time. People seem to be getting hilarious words.

I hope we have heard from everyone with reports of their safety after the storm. I couldn't believe that NM's rainfall count for 2011 has hit a high of 1.4 inches. Sheesh.

I am looking forward to recapping later today. I really hope I get a Roberta led scandal and maybe even a jail murder of Dr. LuckRunOut so Kari can get closer to the sweetheart of the week, Lazaro. It will be a wild ride whatever comes.

Cheryl - I also hope you get Roberta knocking at Auggie's door today. Unfortunately, I think you are going to get Matilde humiliated by Carlos' mom.

Rosemary la Otra

RLO: "Unfortunately, I think you are going to get Matilde humiliated by Carlos' mom." Let's hope not, but I'm afraid you're right. Now that I'm in the I heart Matilde fan club, I don't want to see her messed with.


Rosemary la O,

My fear lis that Carlos' mom will treat Matilde nicely enough in front of Carlos and his dad but will get her off alone and point out how unsuitable she is for her high class son... much like Francisco did with Pola in la Pola, but with more finesse. I think that Matilde can handle a vicious frontal assault well, I'm not sure how she would handle the other approach.


Carlos: Don't say that!! That would be horrible. You're right, Mati is just self-conscious enough about her social standing compared to Carlos', that if his mother did take her aside and tell her she isn't good enough, it would crush her. Mama wouldn't dare say so in front of Carlos.


Dr. Carlos: Did you REALLY have to say that?! now you have jinxed your girl. :((

I don't know why I did it as I knew what I would find, but there is NO CMESDET capitulo 94 on Daily Motion.

Yet, there are capitulos for La Forza?! Hallo!


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