Thursday, August 18, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #11 Wed 08/17/11 Be Careful What You Ask For

Recap by Urban Anthropologist


Ivan and his new papa discuss the Mondragon and Curiel financial crises. Since the divorce in the Curiel family the new administrator has been incompetent and they are on the edge of ruin. The Mondragons are not in as bad shape, but don't have the capital to update their operations. This gives Ivan some satisfaction.


Elementary School Classroom: Lucia is happily at work discussing problem students with her boss and how to most effectively help them. They talk about kids who are distracted or hyperactive, and Lucia is organizing the information to help arrive at a solution. Her boss mentions a child whose parents are about to divorce and that she is a friend of Lucia's future suegra. Lucia pauses at this before mentioning splitting the students into two groups and thanking Sra. Gomez for giving her this opportunity to work with kids.

Now will someone tell me why a woman of Lucia's obvious intelligence is wearing chandelier earrings while teaching small kids.

Restaurant: The waiter asks if David and Maripaz want dessert. She declines, saying she's watching her figure. He tells her there is nothing wrong with it. They order coffee and talk about his career, he works on the ranch, mandated by his father but would have preferred graphic arts. She tells him she hated studying, but Lucia loved it. Mari would have preferred to marry and have children, but thinks her age is an issue. He says it couldn't be for lack of suitors; she responds that some were silly and vacuous (Hmmmm). “And you? I haven't heard of you having a girlfriend.” He says he's solitary and not very sociable. She's not buying it, saying he may be solitary but doesn't lack social skills. She tells him that no matter what he's heard she's not crazy. She goes on about how she spends as little time as possible at home because the conversations there are all about saving money, paying the lowest price, etc. He tells her it's the same at his home and seems to notice that the couple at the next table are looking at them. They joke about being perceived as novios.

Casa Curiel: Carlota and Lucrazia talk about Lucia marrying Saul. Lucrazia thinks it will benefit them financially, but Carlota doesn't think that Saul would be a good husband for Lucia. As for David, she doesn't listen to gossip, but thinks that Maripaz would be unhappy. They argue about Ivan again and Lucrazia puts on a fake cheerful face when Maripaz walks through and out. They then briefly talk about Lucia's working hours.

Casa Mondragon: Juan Heil-Me tells Esther and Judith that the bank rejected his loan request. If they want the ranch to function, they have to tighten their belts. No fancy clothes or parties for Judith; it's all foolishness. He then tells her she's an old maid because she's a fool like her mother.

Somewhere out there in TNLand there is a huge psychiatric facility full of adult children of toxic parents.

Casa Curiel: Carlota and Lucrazia argue about the two girls. Carlota asks Lucrazia why she always favored Maripaz. The response is “To compensate for your feelings. To you Lucia was the Sun, but you don't understand Maripaz. What a trauma it was for her to end up pregnant by the [infeliz] servant's son.” Carlota reminds her that Ivan is the only grandchild of her husband. Who had treated her like his own child, even giving her his name. And that girl is no more. I didn't get Lucrazia's outburst.

Casa Mondragon: David informs his parents he has a date with Maripaz, then exits. Saul arrives and joins the family disputes, and Juan Heil-Me lets them know that he doesn't like the rumors about David. “And you know very well what I'm talking about.” Esther says they are all lies. Juan Heil-Me informs them he has made an agreement with Lucrazia that Maripaz and David will marry. Saul points out that Mari is a party girl, only to have Daddy Dearest call him on his own wasteful ways. And lays down the law that his sons will marry the two sisters. His motive is to get their property and sell it to get capital to infuse into his own. That's why the wedding needs to be expedited. So nobody is to tell tales to David about Maripaz. They're to talk her up instead. Esther is doubtful, Saul is rolling his eyes, and Judith says “Well, she's my friend. She's not bad; she just wants to have fun.”

Esther gets up and leaves, Saul says “Well, if David marries they'll stop making fun of me for having a gay brother.” He leaves the room and Judith heads for the phone to call Maripaz.

At this rate they will all be begging in the streets in about 20 episodes.

David's Room: Esther asks him why he's going out with Mari; he asks her why two people eating together is such a big deal. They've known each other for ages.

“But do you know what this means?” asks Mama.
“It doesn't mean anything” says David.
“Does Maripaz please you?”
“What's not to like? She's attractive, congenial...”
“Yes, she's pretty, congenial, “
“Listen, Mom, thanks to Dad's stupendous opinion of me and that he's tossed me to the winds, no woman will pay attention to me. Only men and I'm fed up.”
“But didn't you tell me that you wanted to spend some time in la capital?” [Do people really say that?] “Do you think Papa will let me? He insinuated that I wanted to see shrinks to help me with my problem? Do you think he would now with the situation as it is?”
“Well, he said we have financial problems...”
“Yes, and my irresponsible brother is accountable for that. On another subject, Maripaz is the first girl to pay me any attention and I like that.”
“But they say she drinks and parties...”
“But to like parties is normal, Mother. I like them, too. And the gossip is all from those same people who say things about me.”
“You're right and your father [ayudame, por favor].”
“What idea?”
“That you will marry her.”
David laughs. “We ate out together once; we're not going to again.”

And after a word from our advertisers....

Casa Curiel: Lucrazia and Maripaz discuss David, Lucrazia telling Mari that she's smart enough to know whether she likes a man or not. Mari says David is not an idiot and is attractive enough. Of course they reference his wealth (obviously nobody really discusses finances here) with Lucrazia asking if she's going to talk to him tomorrow. I think Mari said he would have to call her, then Lucrazia says that some men just disappear after the first date. Maris says, “Well, if he doesn't call me tomorrow, I'll call him the day after. Happy 'bout that?” Lucrazia tells her she wants to see her well married to a man of position like this guy and reminds her that Lucia and Saul have been engaged for three months. Mari says that Saul is a [party animal?], which is obviously unimportant to Lucrazia because he's rich. Lucrazia then goes on about how Mari needs to get married quickly so she won't be the old-maid older sister. Mari sighs, indicating she's heard this too many times already.

Carlota asks Lucrazia how this went and she tells her it's SSDD. When Lucia arrives she demands to know when she and Saul will be getting married. Lucia asks what the rush is and Lucrazia gets upfront about “Because we need money; do you want us to starve?” and exits in frustration.

Doña Carlota tells Lucia her mother is hysterical. It's true we have money problems but I don't want you or your sister to sacrifice your happiness over it. Your mother insists she marry David. “David Mondragon?” asks Lucia.

Casa Mondragon: Maripaz and David talk on the phone, the usual stuff after a date, and they talk about seeing each other again.

Casa Curiel: Carlota asks Lucia whether she has anything against David, and she says “No, Granny, I don't think so but I never thought he'd be interested in Maripaz.”
“And you, do you love Saul?” At Luci's expression she says “Are you thinking...”
“Well, he's handsome and he's the sort of husband my mother wants for me.”
“Antes que nada, he had to please you and not your mother. You didn't answer me. Are you in love with him? Don't talk to me like a psychologist. Are you in love with him, yes or no?”

She admits that she doesn't feel the same as she did about Ivan despite having been an adolescent and Ivan being in love with her sister at the time. Carlota says something about the impact of a first love and how that is always a strong memory but that first she needs to forget Ivan. He's been gone a long time and they're not likely to see him again. She's sad about this, too. She then advises that no matter who Lucia marries she has to love him because married life isn't easy and that she will always be there for her. They embrace.

Everybody should have an abuelita like Carlota.

Commercial break.

Some time later at the school.... we see Lucia working with kids who look about 9 or 10 years old. The girls are initially disruptive but eventually look like they will enjoy their art therapy.

L.A.: Ivan and Tony talk about the Curiel household. Tony's information is that there is no child there. Ivan says he can only hope that the baby had been put up for adoption. As for Maripaz and Lucia, Tony says that the older one does nothing while the younger is a child psychologist. At hearing that Lucia is working in a school Ivan says she was always a serious and [able?] girl.

“What did the investigator say about the [Galvan?] family?” “Nothing yet. It's much easier to find out about the lives and deaths of the rich than the poor.” Tony reminds Ivan not to neglect current business for other and Ivan tells him the engineer has everything in order. [Need help with the rest of this] Benito shows up and Ivan tells Tony they have a lunch date. Tony asks why he doesn't offer him a job with the company and Ivan tells him that Benito likes being a gardener. Benito confirms this by talking about how he loves the smell of the flowers and the sunlight. “No wonder you don't want to work in an office” is Tony's reply.

Upscale-looking Restaurant: Ivan and Benito order tequila shots in a restaurant where the waiter is obviously a gringo; they interact with him in English. This place looks like it should have a dress code because the waiter is wearing a tie; Benito is wearing a plaid shirt and no jacket. They talk about food Ivan asks Benito whether he'd prefer a different place and Benito says that while he loves burgers and tacos once a week he likes being treated like Un Gran Señor. The waiter brings their drinks and menus. Benito talks about missing his wife and children; he hasn't been back to Mexico for three years. Ivan talks about going to Mexico on business in a couple of months and after prompting mentioning that he has/had a novia and will look for her. Is he ever in for a shock.

Jardin Mondragon: The wedding reception is taking place. It's outdoors in the daytime. Pretty, but not super-formal: JJ is wearing a light grey suit and tie. Most of the women are not wearing long dresses; Abuelita Carlota is wearing a lovely blue dress. David is wearing a white suit and yellow tie (!!!), Mari's dress is somewhat mermaid style, with lace over the shoulders. We were expecting her to show more cleavage, but I'm sure Lucrazia put the kibosh on that. Saul and Lucia are both wearing blue (whose idea was that?). I don't lipread that well in Spanish, but I think JJ said “Por fin” and “Bien hecho” to David as everyone applauds the bride and groom. Lucia pulls away when Saul tries to kiss her. Hugs all around. Lucrazia actually looks happy because of the dollar signs she's thinking about. JJ whispers something to David that has clearly annoyed him. If anyone can ID this I'd really love to know what it was.

Casa Gerardo: We were spared the ceremony and so was Gerry, who wasn't even invited. Although he loves his daughters he says he doesn't care. He doesn't care for this crowd but would have preferred to have had an invitation he could decline. Carolina commiserates, sure that Lucrazia and not Mari was behind snubbing him. She hurts for him. He tells her not to feel bad; he's more comfortable at home than at the party. Carolina asks if he will be sending a gift and he says no and leaves the table.

Commercial Break

Jardin Mondragon: All the gossips are having a field day talking about David and Maripaz. Sra Gomez wonders about why the wedding was so sudden, speculating that Mari might be embarazada. I think the woman she's talking to thinks it's likely but that David is not the father [?] Lucia tells Judith that she and Saul will want a smaller wedding. Antolin crashes the wedding (Judith isn't exactly pleased to see him) and he and Saul talk about David being gay. Antolin says “I told you your brother wasn't gay” but Saul isn't convinced, saying he's still in the closet. Juan Heil-Me takes the microphone, thanks the guests for coming, and makes some unnecessary comments about wishing this had been a double wedding with Saul and Lucia getting married as well. He makes a cutting remark about Saul being lazy with regard to marrying Lucia; Saul's facial expression says that being Dad's favorite isn't all it's cracked up to be. Whoever thought that David would get married before Saul, but he's OK with that. He wishes the Happy Couple as well as they can be, but goes on about how noviazgos are heaven and marriage purgatory. He announces that the champagne (which certainly cost him enough) will be served as the couple cuts the cake. We notice the absence of food on the tables. A waiter who looks like he's rolling his eyes opens the first bottle, the guests call for a bridal kiss, the couple obliges. As they cut the cake the bride and groom figures fall down as the crowd gasps. Por supuesto we all know this is an ill omen.

What, no noche de bodas?

Casa Curiel: Lucrazia and Maripaz talk about what she's packing for the honeymoon, the house they should be buying later, and what a beautiful wedding it was. Lucia helps with Mari's suitcase while Saul prepares to drive the Happy Couple to the airport. David says something about wishing he were taking Mari to Europe, but Carlota says that honeymoons don't have to be in foreign countries; Mexico has beautiful places. Saul says something about how “Where are they gonna go? It''s a honeymoon; they'll be mostly in the hotel.” The servants all come out to see them off; miscellaneous hugs and good wishes. Mari says to Lucia “I win because I was the first.” Lucia says something like “You don't say” while Saul looks a little annoyed.

Does anyone else think that Saul's facial hair and cowboy fashions look too much like the narcotrafficantes in La Reina del Sur?

Esther looks sadly out the window of David's room, then looks into the small aquarium, asking the little fish (Is this a pennyshark?) whether he's sad, too. She then tells Judith that she will have to redecorate David's room to be more suitable for a married couple, but that JJ has refused to spend any more money. She says she thinks he exaggerates the situation to annoy them all. Editorial comment: Judith needs a major makeover if she's the same age as her new cuñada. That plaid skirt and hairstyle are not suitable for a 29-year-old. They talk about the possibility of D and M having a baby soon. Judith talks about what a wonderful abuelita Esther will be (awwww!). In their dreams, I'm sure.

LA: Ivan arrives at work and they talk about their lost loves, and how much parents do for their children. Then about work, in which we learn that Ivan is being trusted to set up operations in Mexico and to hire employees. “Pero en español!” Tony tells him. I didn't get his remark about how gringos are perceived (I hate when this happens). Ivan finally tells Tony he intends to find his child. They talk about Ivan's search for justice, but Tony reminds him that revenge isn't a good thing. He should get all the ghosts out of his head and find happiness.

Commercial Break

Hotel in San Carlos: David and Maripaz check in (apparently his credit card is still good) and kiss up a storm (well, maybe a breeze) and later sit outside with a view of the beach. He talks about wanting to make her happy and she tells him she wants them to have their own house because it's not going to be pleasant to live with his family. He wants that too but says “In all good time”. She talks about being envied because she got the best partner. She's going to eat her words later.

Casa de Gerardo Lucia plays with Alex while waiting for Gerry and Carolina. She expresses sadness that Maripaz didn't send him an invitation, but he says no importa and the only important thing is that Mari is happy. She tells them it was beautiful and everyone gave their congrats. Gerry is sure that was for David, Carolina says something about him being a good guy and how this marriage will put the rumors to rest. Gerry agrees, saying people gossip for amusement and asks about Lucrazia. Lucia tells him that she was happy. When Gerry says that this marriage is their $alvacion, Lucia tells him that Lucrazia blames him for their financial issues. Her tone implies that she is not on board with that. There is also a reference to the Mondragon financial problems, which will be a big blow to both Lucrazia and Mari. She's also still sad that Gerry wasn't invited, but he's OK with it. He's hoping that they will be really happy after the honeymoon and that Maripaz finds everything she's looking for in David.

I think we need the Jaws theme here.

Honeymoon Suite: Ominous tango music plays as David and Maripaz kiss on the terrace which overlooks a clean but deserted beach. They talk briefly about the rhythm of the sea and how good it all feels; they look like they're dancing in Grinding Mode (see Dirty Dancing for example) and she's in a negligee. Finally she says “What are we waiting for?” and they approach the bed. This suite appears to not have walls around it and it looks like something out of a travel magazine. The white curtains billow in the breeze around the sides of the ginormous bed with fancy white pillow shams and duvet. Bet this set-up looks a lot better than it feels to occupy.

They start undressing and disappear below camera view.

Of course, this ends badly when half an hour later Maripaz is left high and dry.

“You should have told me! You have deceived me! You have deceived me!”
“And what can I do?” He's starting to cry.
“What can you do? Because I'm not a man.”
“I'm not homosexual, I swear. But I have this problem and I thought with you I'd find the answer. My father called me a fag and shouted it to the four winds until half the world heard it. He never believed I could do this. I want to see a psychiatrist to get this problem fixed, get a doctor. I love you (Te quiero). I swear I love you. That's why I thought it would work with you.”
“But you couldn't.”
“But the wedding, so many people, it's nerves. We can try tomorrow.”
“You kissed me, you caressed me, you got me to the brink and left me frustrated for a half hour.”
“Try to understand...”
“The only thing I understand is that your father is right. Know what? I'm leaving.”

She gets up out of the bed, taking the sheets.

Lucia sings duet with my homeboy.

Avances: Mari walks out on David as Ivan returns to Mexico.


Wonderful play by play of the capitulo AU,don't worry about what you missed.

Poor David, getting kicked while he was down! I had hopes of him and Ivan getting close.

Can't wait for the big explosion when Ivan comes to town. Lucrezya will have to eat crow because Ivan is now the big fish! Will she regret Mari's marriage to David? If only she waited a couple of episodes, Mari would have made up a story to get Ivan back with her (That she had a miscarriage, she was scared and she still loves him).



Thanks for the great recap. Well, everything is now in place for there to be some good drama once Ivan rolls into town with all his money and his export business. It's smart of him and Tony to be getting as much info as possible on everyone before they go. Even better that they are actually setting up legitimate business there. Lucrezia and JJ will have to kiss Ivan's but to do business with him. Yay!

But I'm sure Ivan won't be pleased to see Maripaz married to his brother, and Lucia dating his other brother (the jerky one). I am also sure that spinster Judith (his sister) will be coming on to his rich, eligible bachelor self. Oh the drama!

One thing you missed. What Carolina asked Gerry at the tabel was, "Are you going to tell them about Alex?" That's when he abruptly said NO and left the table. So yet another clue that Alex is in fact Ivan and Maripaz's son.

I was thinking about following "La Fuerza..." when Teresa wraps-up. How are you guys liking this so far? How do you think it compares (in terms of quality) to Teresa and CME?


I hope you do join us! Teresa and CME are both excellent. It's too early to tell with this yet and the story right now is just cooking, waiting for the galan to get back into town and back into the action. The first week and a half which took place in the past was very good, with lots of secrets revealed to the audience and some excellent young/child actors.

I like that we have a galan that will be in search of his child, and not the usual naive heroine whose baby was stolen from her arms. I also like that David Z., who plays the villain so well, is trying his hand at being the galan.

I can say this, it was obvious to me within the first few episodes that TDA was going to be a turkey or a cliched tn. I still watched most days though. I am not getting that same rotten smell from this one, so I think we're pretty safe. The only question is whether this tn will be good or great (CME and Teresa quality). But I don't think it will be bad/terrible. I'm not getting that vibe.

Sharbyte, I've watched all 3 while playing in Mexico and I'm following the US play now ... I love CME; Teresa I like but I didn't follow it that closely; but I put LFDD on the same level as Corazon Salvaje (1993) & Passion ... loved it .. the drama is good fast paced there's never a waisted episode ... each one feels like a end of the week ... and DZ is really good and he has mega chem with Sandra ...

Thank you for your expert recap, loved your comment about everybody being broke in 20 episodes.

And, I am so confused. Can we have a family tree clarification here? Ivan is Juan’s son, right?
So Ivan’s son is Juan’s and Lucrecia’s grandson even though they aren’t married. Ivan is a half brother to David. So if Maripaz and David ever manage to have a son (not bloody likely, I guess) , then Ivan’s son will be both a cousin and a half brother to him. According to my calculations, the son of Ivan and Maripaz and the son of David and Maripaz should look alike. Identical cousins, you could lose your mind!

Gracias UA

Alicia + Silvestre Galvan= Antolin, Camilo, Carmen

Vivi, isn't Celia the mother of Antolín, Camilo y Carmen?

Can't believe slut Maripaz didn't try out David before marriage. She is SO understanding, selfish bitch.


Sorry. Meant to write Celia, not Alicia. I'll repost.

Family Trees:

Juan Jaime Mondragon + Alicia= Ivan

Juan Jaime Mondragon + ? = Saul

Juan Jaime Mondragon + Esther= Judith, David

Teodoro Curiel + ? = Alicia

Carlota + ? = Lucrezia (but adopted by Teodoro Curiel)

Lucrezia + Gerry Lomeli= Maripaz, Lucia

Ivan + Maripaz= Alex (being raised as Gerry's and Beatriz's son)

Celia + Silvestre Galvan= Antolin, Camilo, Carmen

Little Alex has the most mixed up/secret blood lines. He is the bio son of Ivan and Maripaz (I am almost 100% certain of this at this point). He was "adopted" by Gerry and Beatriz. He is the grandson of Gerry, Alicia, JJ and Lucrezia. He is the great-grandson of Carlota and of Teodoro Curiel ( by blood on his dad's side and by adoption on his mom's side). He thinks he is Maripaz's and Lucia's brother, but he is really the child of one, and the nephew of the other. His aunts and uncles include David, Saul, Judith and Lucia.

I am just loosely watching this. i am very confused even with your family tree explanation. I'm in it purely for sight - DZ; and romance w/ Sandra E storyline.

Variopinta- I was surprised by that too, but I guess she wanted to play act the sweet misunderstood girl to David, and he sure as heck wasn't going to push it.

OK, so David definitely seems to like girls, and more specifically he likes/loves Maripaz. Is his erectile disfunction due to the issues surrounding his dad and the constant dissing of his manhood his wholw life? Could there be something else wrong with him physically? Could a little Viagra or Cialis solve the problem or does he need a shrink? Isn't it interesting that only Antolin seemed to be 100% sure that David isn't gay? Everyone else either thought he was or weren't sure.

Hey shallowgal! Haven't seen you in a while. I'd say if you have a question about who someone is related to, just look at who their bio parents are. Then look at all the people their parents are related to by blood. For Ivan that means anyone related to JJ (his three kids) or to Alicia (her father). Then look to see if that person had any kids. For Ivan that's Alex.

Vivi, you have the brains of a mathematician to figure all this out. Brava!!!

UA, muchas muchas gracias for this great recap.
"I think we need the Jaws theme here."—totally cracked me up. Did we see this coming or what?

I'm in for the duration, despite having to go out of town (no TV) for extended periods. I'll just have to play catchup with youtube or something. This one doesn't have the smell (thank you Vivi) of TdUm.

I loved how Lucia's pupils quieted down all by themselves just because she hid behind the door. this has never happened in my experience.

I can certainly see that your own father calling you a maricón all your life could cause ED. I am also surprised that David hadn't tried out girls before to prove that he wasn't gay. Poor guy sure doesn't deserve Maripaz. Saul would have been perfect for Maripaz. But that's the way it goes, the macho asshole wants the virgin.


Excellent recap, Urban and thanks for the details. When Maripaz left David, did she say she was going to the bar for a drink? That beachside suite with the billowing white curtains did indeed look like a travel magazine.
La Paloma

UA-Thanks for a great recap. I *loved* the observation about the chandelier earrings.

Do you think Lucrayzia knows that the Mondragons are "going through a rough patch"?

I feel so bad for David. Is it just me, or does it seem like it's the men in this one that are naive/vulnerable?

To clarify-not ALL the men, just some key ones.

Antolin is sketchy I think *he* will come out of the closet before it's all over. Saul, too. lol

Have they had gay characters in telenovelas before? I mean normal and out of the closet gay, not we're-hinting-that-he's-gay-because-he-acts-flaming-and-wears-pink gay?

Could be an interesting take on Antolin.

You might be on to sth, how would Antolín know that Davíd wasn't gay unless he hit on him?

Saul isn't a closet gay, he's just a total jerk. I don't like his looks at all, I'll have to ck out this actor.


Thank you Urban A for your complete and entertaining recap.

Thanks also to Vivi for untangling the branches in the complicated family trees.

Wasn't there a sympathetic gay/bisexual character in Sortilegio? Was he played by the Antolin actor? Speaking of Sortilegio, Tony's LA mansion looks familiar. Is it the same one?


Thanks to everyone for the encouraging comments.

I don't think Lucrazia knows about the Mondragon financial woes; he wouldn't have told her much or she might not have encouraged the marriage. Ivan can probably buy and sell them a half dozen times over by now so she will have to eat lots of crow.

Thanks, Vivi, for what I missed. I thought Alex was Mari and Ivan's boy from the get go because of his resemblance to teen Ivan. This just confirms it for me.

Ivan won't like seeing Mari married to David, but he also won't like what's been said about her since he's been gone.

Sharkbyte, please watch this one. It's 7 more weeks before Tiburoncita's finale, so you'll miss a lot if you don't jump in now.

My preliminary thought about David is a comparison to Antonio of Alborada who found his manhood after his toxic mama died. David might not find his without a shrink and it still might take Juan's death to do it.

Kelly, in Amar Sin Limites (2006) the heroine had a gay brother who had a partner with whom he also owned a business. They were perfectly realistic non-charicatures. Although I wish that Jorge de Silva would get promoted to leading man; what a hunka-hunka burnin' love!

Urban great recap and thank you.

I don't think the Luica and Saul pairing is going to last long she just isn't in to him at all. Not to mention as her grandmother told her she needed feel obligated to marry him because of the family financial situations due to their mother's bad management skills.

Plus she's still gaga over Ivan.

Ivan i thought he got over his feelings for Maripaz and just wants his child.He's going to blow once he learns it was Gerry who knocked up his mother and not JJ.Now Gerry is raising his son.

Antolin being gay himself so that's why he knows that David isn't gay well there's a twist i didn't think of.

A lot of secrets are going to be revealed once Ivan comes back including that his mother was the true heir to the Curiel estates.

Vivi ROFL from your description of TDA because i felt it too even though i stayed the course and watched that whole entire basura. But something was off with that one from the get go.

I don't feel that this one is like that thank goodness because i would bail. I think it's starting off slowly and gradually but it's still making me want to watch it and see what happens next.It's not on the level as Teresa or CME is but i'm willing to give it time.

Besides after suffering through TDA i don't have the patience to put up another novela on that same quality at all.

Variopinta, you supplied a comment I forgot: How is it that Maripaz didn't test-drive before purchase?

And how could she have not heard the rumors?

Who else is betting she's going to cheat on him before this is over, possibly with Saul?

I have only needed my beanie once in this one, getting from Mex to LA.


Too bad someone like Gaviooota from D A isn't around. She could certainly fix David's E D just like gaviooota did with Rodrigooo. Too bad I've missed seeing CME but Teresa is great and this novela is moving pretty fast as well. The acting is good and I think it's better than most especially in the beanie dept.

Thanks to UA and all the great recappers for these terrific recaps.


I have been having computer problems the past week so I could not comment. I just want to revisit a few things that were driving me nuts last week. San Diego is the closest California border to Tijuana, Mexico, Not Los Angeles. LA is some 3 hours drive from SD. I'm not from LA like Vivi is but I've been to SD and LA as well as San Fran often enough because of family and friends. Anyway that is one of the few instances of Beanie moments. But I think Televisa people think that LA/Hollywood is more appealing than SD.

Everyone has prety much commented what I wanted to say in past comments. UA has mentioned toxic parents a great deal. I think I remmember that she talked about it a lot in TDA...... Perhaps it pertains to personal experiences. Juan Jaime is definitely a real badd ass. A horrible father. Even Saul doesn't seem to like him.

A lot of venom has been thrown at Maripaz but I think she is not totally evil.


Wow, Urban, I just googled Jorge de Silva. *whistles*

I hand't watched novelas in years and TDA was my first one in a while, which is why I think I stuck with that piece of trash. Would definitely not do that to myself again. I am really liking this one so far. As was mentioned, every episode has revelations. And so far Ivan has great chemistry with just about everyone.

Which one is Antolin?

Gay characters in TNs?
Las Tontas No Van a Cielo
Los Exitosos Perez
La Fea Mas Bella

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