Saturday, August 20, 2011

La Pola - August 15-19, 2011 - The Squeeze and TheTease, Discussion Page

By force of will, good luck, and excellent strategy, Santa Fé emerges victorious in its fight against the army lead by Baraya who is unceremoniously ousted and humiliated.

Nariño doubles his efforts to unite the province and its former leaders, including the deserter José María Carbonel. He welcomes an astounded Don Jorge Tadeo and Sabio Caldas into the new government. Nariño will not yield his belief in federalism. After a debate on that point with José María Torres, he wins the support of the Congress. Those who believed they would be executed, lose their property or be expelled from the country now find themselves drawn into the new government. The Congress declares independence from Spain. The people of Santa Fé have gathered in the square and react with predictable elation at the news.

Domingo is in that crowd. He went to Santa Fé to fight, taking an unwilling Ciro and a chained Juliano with him. In a blind rage he gave away his property and left Gertrudis and Cata nothing. Cata falls ill from a mysterious ailment. Gertrudis asks for an exorcism.

Juliano will not be allowed in battle chained to a “mora”. Nariño announces that all slaves who volunteer to fight against the Spanish will be freed. Unfortunately, the brilliant strategist, Col. Bayly, is is a victim of this announcement when he is killed by one of his own slaves who thought he should be freed immediately.

Pola and Alejo have several bittersweet encounters. Alejo has been completely converted and is now a loyal Nariño follower. With a new government and new laws, Pola and Alejo are free and agree to be married quickly. But, Nariño orders Alejo to go to Popayan to advise that government not to sacrifice its army and people in a fight against Sámano and the army of Spain. Alejo finally tells Pola that he must leave in the morning to complete this new mission. They bestow a few minutes of unfettered passion upon us, but when Alejo says he will go find a priest right now (think marriage/sex), Pola’s feelings are hurt and she leaves Alejo in a fit of frustration.

Alejo and Arcos enter Popayan dressed as monks. Don Gaspar agrees with Alejo. Francisco says he hopes Alejo dies in battle. Gaspar finally tells Francisco that it is time for him to leave the mansion. Gaspar also tells Eusebia that any further engagement between Alejo and Ignacia (who is soon to take final vows) is out of the question. Alejo reminds her that he is engaged to marry another.

Alejo, María Teresa and Doña Eusebia visit María Ignacia. She is godly and penitent. She has forgiven everyone, including Alejo and Pola, for whom she prays.

Dinner at the mansion that night is interrupted by the entrance of Sámano and his troops who have come to search for rebel soldiers. Alejo hides in a storage room and is wounded as one of the soldiers stabs his bayonet into stored property. The soldier reports to Sámano that he has found nothing. But, blood is visible on the tip of his bayonet. Question of the week: Will Sámano, or anyone, see the blood?


One memorable quote: Pedrito and Vivianito have spent the night on guard on a balcony overlooking the street. In the morning Vivianito tells Pedrito that he has a knot in his stomache and that he is hungry. It is not hunger that you feel, says Pedrito, it is fear.

Pasofino, thank you once again for a beautifully written summary of our favorite show.

The pendulum swung so far in favor of the good guys this past week that I'm afraid it's inevitably going to swing in the other direction now. Get ready for heartbreak!

Here's our old friend Sámano, as ruthless as ever, willing to slaughter to make a point. He's heading back to Santafé for the Virreina's treasures and plans to leave a trail of blood and destruction behind him.

And here's Carlos's fave, Francisco, who has gone beyond buffoon (and art critic!!) to being a real threat to both Alejo and Gaspar.

By the way, I might have misunderstood but I thought it was Bayly, not Leyva, who was attacked by his slave.

And I also understood Nariño to concede on the issue of federalism for the sake of union but to hold fast and ultimately prevail on the question of declaring independence from Spain.

I still have hopes that little Joaquín is alive. I just hope that his parents live long enough to see him again.

I see the vacation in Spain hasn't mellowed our Sámano. I wonder if he will remember Pola when they come face to face?

I was happy to see Francisco. That guy is such a rodent. I guess that Gaspar was finally fed up with his pal. I really like Eusebia but at at times she seems so maddeningly frivolous.

And it was Capitán Bayly who was stabbed. He will be missed. I would have loved to have learned his story. I doubt that he came from Spain.

Did you notice that when the ladies in the chapel were asked to volunteer to help the soldiers, the first to stand up was Petra. She has come a long way.

NovelaMaven, I too still have faint hope that idiot Ciro sold little Joaquín or even better, placed him with a loving family (not holding my breath for that possibility).

Thanks again, Pasofino, you are so wonderful to take the time to do this.


NovelaMaven and Carlos: Thanks for your comments. You are both correct - Bayly was killed by his slave - I corrected that. Leyva was the one who was wounded in battle.

Thanks again Pasofino! and let me know if you want me to do a very quick recap for this week...
regarding the longest bittersweet Pola/Alejo meeting...
the problem is that they had just agreed to get married as soon as Alejo found a priest who would overlook the 'laws' of Alejo needing to be 25 yo or needing his father's approval.
A while later an elated Pola comes down the stairs to announce to Alejo that Maria Matea just gave her a pretty dress to get married in. Alejo had just been given the orders from Narino so he knows there is no time now for the marriage. When he tells her about Narino's orders for him to go to Popayan right away, she gets really scared, tells him she has a gut feeling that this change will end up really bad, that they might not see each other again. Alejo tries to calm her down, she says she wants him to take her right then and there (she does not want to postpone it anymore) or to find a priest who can marry them right then and there. When Alejo says we probably can't find one right now, then she gets flustered again saying she loves him very much and can't wait longer for them to 'become one'... He kisses her again and then says 'let's go! (meaning to find a priest now) so we can do it right away'... then she does a 180 feeling she is putting a lot of pressure on him, he tries to 'talk it over' but she just leaves upset...
I thought Alejo was being very understanding there ... he just knows the sooner he can help Narino end this war, the sooner they can be togeher, but he is being pulled also in the other direction by Pola... so he is in a lose/lose situation. He has to go to Popayan also because he wants to protect his family (mostly his mother but I truly think he would also give his life up for his father, regardless of the nasty 'then i wish you will die in the war' statement.

I loved how Alejo gave her the credit for making him 'see the light' of the freedom/government where everyone is represented ideal after he had his calm argument with Sabio Caldas (whre he tells Caldas that Spain is in his blood, but it is a 'blood stained in America', that America has made who he is, and that he would gladly die fighting for 'america')...
definitely some points won by Alejo there...

Martaivett: Great - if you have the time, please do a brief recap this week.

And, thanks for elaborating on the Pola/Alejo night of missed opportunity. I hope this is the fictionalized version of their romance. Come on - Alejo is now a seasoned soldier - he's been through more than one bloody war. This is the woman of his dreams. What guy in his place would go looking for a political priest in the middle of the night?

have a confession to make... i had to peek at the first few mins of tonight's ep... had to know if Alejo made it out of there without getting caught..
also peeked into the last 3 eps of the novela.. have to say the ending left me very satisfied... won't say any more so won't spoil.

Ok Pasofino, I will write very short recaps per ep... can you start a blog for this week and i can post recaps as I write them instead of leaving the whole writing for the end...

Martavait: Sure - I'll post a page after tonight's chapter. Thanks.

I think I read it on here somewhere, but does anyone know the name of the song that they've played only once or twice - it's a woman singing and it's just beautiful.

I just found it! It's called "Mirame" by Marta Gomez. Beautiful!!!

carlos, i think when samano sees la pola, he'll definitely recognize her. he'll say "weren't you in hija de mariachi?"

and i thought long and hard of some funny scenarios that francisco could have shot while you were missing him (trying on tacon's clothes, eating his porridge and sleeping in his bed) but the only thing i could conjure up was he was voicing disney tigers like the one in jungle book (did he talk? if he did he would have sounded like francisco).

pasofino, you are our heroine a million times over. we should call you "La Paso." and send FC over to your house to deliver another virtual bouquet.

i can't believe the message that we're enjoying the ultimate semanas! no, i'm not enjoying that it's almost over. but i guess this show could get too long since alas we know how it's supposed to end, and it's not by iceberg. i'm just sad that pola hasn't done much spying and dressmaking. i wanted to see more fancy dresses and watch pola gain info that way. but come to think of it, shooting guns is much more her style.

yay petra! grab your hat and rope, we're going to war! you'll get a pair of earrings when you're done!

if this were a real TN our two lil soldiers (viv and pedro) would be meeting narino's daughters and falling for them, but because of their two rich dads and all the bodyguards, they'd be starcrossed.

juliano has cleaned up well. i love sideburns.

i wonder if we'll see an actor portray bolivar. i don't know much about him, and this would be a pleasant way to get a quick overview.

-mai tai

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