Monday, August 22, 2011

Alborada, 8/22/2011. Cap. 59.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #22, Tuesday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 59 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's screen shot.

Carlos's caption: Sorry... you must be at least this tall to go on this ride.


Damn, Watusis are tall


Wow, George Stephanopoulos is tall


Has anyone seen this little guy smile or heard him say anything?

Notice the painting right behind him. Look closely... it's a woman (I presume) holding a severed head.

Perla uttered my favorite line today:

"¿Afeminado? Heh heh... No, yo no diría eso."

"Effeminate? Heh heh... No, I wouldn't say that."


That severed head, I just assumed that it was John the Baptist. But as I gave it some thought, I realized that didn't add up. The woman looks far too honorable to be Herod's wife or her daughter.

Then I thought of the judge, Deborah. No, that doesn't work either. Deborah gave the prophesy (a woman would kill Israel's enemy), but the woman who did the deed hammered a tent peg through the general's head, she didn't decapitate him (but I knew it had to do with a woman, a head, and a dead enemy, so do I get partial credit?)

What classical story has a virtuous woman (we know because she's virtuous because she's modestly dressed in the painting) and a decapitated enemy?

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At first I thought it was Salomé with John the Baptist, but thought it unlikely to be because Sara is Jewish as well as for the reason you give.

Well, I found it and it is from a Hebrew story in the Book of Judith (not in the Christian Bible). It is:

Judith with the Head of Holofernes by Cristofano Allori.


Wow, thanks, nice research on the picture. Don't you just love the internet where we can solve these mysteries in one day.
Thanks to Paula and Carlos. This story is such a good puzzle from here on out, although it has been all along.

Sorry... you must be at least this tall to go on this ride.


I've added Carlos's caption to the picture. Good stuff!

Funny - I usually don't notice background items, but the painting had caught my eye. I couldn't quite make it out, though. Nice catch, Carlos!

Is it my imagination, or did Antonio get a haircut? He seems to have less of it to play with now...

Probably Antonio did get a haircut. We all know that when a TN character gets a haircut, she/he also gets a personality change. In Antonio's case, he shifted from "My wife came back to me and I couldn't be happier," to "Sit down, shut up, and do what I say," faster than a TN hero can fall in love (i.e. in an instant).

Yeah, I'm not liking his new attitude, "you can't talk to Luis." Pbththt. I understand why he wants to avoid that, but he has no idea what he's up against.

Thanks Paula and Carlos. The caption cracked me up not only because it's funny, but because Monday night I happened to be at the Boardwalk taking advantage of 1$-a-ride night. I was amazed at all the tiny kids who couldn't wait to get on the biggest, scariest rides.

Yep, Perla's line was the best.

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