Friday, September 02, 2011

Alborada, 9/2/2011. Cap. 68.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #26, Monday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 67 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's picture. Tia Isabel - Gotta' love 'er!

Susanlynn's caption: Yes, Gasca. That's what I said....where the sun don't shine."


Thank you Paula and Carlos. Yes, I love the photo and I love Isabel. She may be the only one that can contain Gasco. I love how she couldn't fire him but she could forbid him entry to HER palacio. So satisfyng.

And now Hipo can quit waffling and just love and help Luis. She was beginning to be stupidly blind to Antonio, but he cooked his own goose by his disdain for her precious son. And speaking of Rafael, he has to be the cutest most natural acting child I have ever seen on the spring. I especially love the way Luis interacts with him, the boy clearly adores FC.

I meant to say child I have ever seen on the screen not spring.

Thanks Paula and Carlos. Well, when I saw Our Hero lying in bed [yes, Carlos, lying...not laying] , I must confess that I had some impure thoughts...that face...that hair...that beard...those shoulders...Where am I ? He's burning up , and you know that I am not talking about the fever, Fans. Anyway, I've never given a sponge bath, but I think I could give Luis a great one. In fact, gazing at him, I kept thinking that..given the chance... I could cure him. And then, we get to see Marcos looking awesome with those loooong sideburns pounding Gasca and knocking him down into the rose bushes. I liked seeing Tia running right into the fray with her aluminum-shafted parasol ready to tag team Gasca . Whatawoman.

Rafael seems to like Lucero better now too.

I looked up Gilberto de Anda (Gasca)
he was in FELS, Ricardo Uribe. He pushed his ex wife over a cliff.

I think Marina should give up on the wimpy Andres & focus on Marcos.

Tks Paula & Carlos


Caption : ''Yes , Gasca. That's what I said....where the sun don't shine.''

Variopinta~~~I would definitely choose noble Marcos over the dim, weak Andres. Have you noticed that Andres is dressing better now that he is in Antonio's employ, and he's now wearing spitcurls on his forehead...quite the fashion plate. Also, Antonio's wardrobe is so much butcher since Perla worked her magic on him. Those pastelcolored embroidered suits of his are history.

El guapisímo FC is going to tour the US in a play, a comedy. It will be in 10 cities, but it doesn't say which cities.

Here is the promo


I was looking at that background in the FC play promo & it sure looks like Miami. I know he was there not too long ago. The play is ¡Manos quietas!
I hate going to Miami, but for FC


Superb caption on the screen shot! I adored that scene.

Gilberto de Anda also played a bad guy (Hugo) in Duelo de Pasiones. He replaced a guy who was quite a stud, however de Anda was much more menacing and believable in the role.

Paula and Carlos, thank you once again for providing a wonderful post and picture for us to discuss.

Ramon and Arcadio...Ha ha ha ha HAAA!!! Love their new hairstyles!

You mean Han and Chewy???

I'm watching the Baylor/TCU game on ESPN... BU is ahead at the moment.

Susanlynn, now every time I look at that picture I crack up.

Wow, another BU touchdown just now! 40/23. Later.


Paula and Carlos, thanks once again.

Susanlynn, you caption was perfecto.

I happened on Zacatillo today and found Tia and Ada in this TN. Tia has wonderful hair in this TN and of course, that wonderful voice. It is strange to see them in modern costume.


Paula, yes I do!!

Rosemary, I watched one or two episode of Zacatillo too, it was very weird to see Tia and Ada in modern clothing.

Ramon and Arcadio are like 2/3 of the 3 stooges. When they were carrying the rugs & did a about face was so funny.


FC lives in Miami Beach. I have to go see that play. Great caption susanlynn

I love that caption! LOL!

Susanlynn- I had inpure thoughts while watching shirtless Luis in bed too. :) Then I thought of the similar scene in STUD when JM (FC) had been shot by Valentina (Lucero), and she's leaning over him bedside crying and caring for him like Hip for Luis. Of course she feels incredibly guilty, since she's the one who shot him. They play it for laughs when he pretends to be in graver condition than he is, playing weak and near death like Luis is here. He manages to get a kiss for his troubles, which is exactly what he wanted all along. Val was NOT pleased to learn after that he was just faking. In fact, she looked like she would shoot him again. Ah love!

Variopinta, Thanks for the Manos Quietas link. I am hoping NewMexico is a large enough audience to bring the play here (and Fernando with it of course). More probable, is that it would ocme to Texas or Phoenix. We have a higher percentage of hispanics here but we only have about 2 million people in the whole state. I guess it depends on how big a theater they want to be in. I can only is not listing tickets yet.

Back to Alborada, I loved how Cristobal ordered that Arcadio and Ramon to be bathed before they are put in their new uniforms. They sure had fun at not working too hard. I guess we need comic relief since Gasca isn't too jolly and neither is Diego nor Juana these days.

I loved how Diego looked at Gasca when Juana said Luis went on a trip. He didn't want to seem impactado in front of Juana. Diego is a good actor, he plays loco beautifully.


Variopinta ~~ I, too, noticed the quick glance Diego gave Gasca when Juana said that Luis was on a trip. Too funny. The look said, ''I thought I told you to kill him.'' I am getting a big kick out of the two ''good'' [?] Samaritans who brought the wounded Luis to Cristobal's . With his corazon d' oro [?] , Cris wants to help people. The new hairdos were interesting. That w2as quite a flip on the little guy. I also enjoyed their new outfits . Their tights and ballet shoes had me thinking about my ballet days.

Your caption for the picture is priceless.


No Alborada today.
No Fuerza tonight.


Susanlynn...add me to your list of fans for that caption. And Happy Labor Day everybody.

Fernando Colunga lives in Miami Beach!!!??? My secret heartthrob is THAT close!!!?? Here I thought he was far far away in Mexico. Must re-think plans for a retirement home.

I think he does live in Mexico, but he was in Miami recently, sth about becoming a producer. There were pictures of him in one of the revistas, on a jet ski & it showed the house he rented. If I had known the address, I would have been a stalker. The house looked like it was on the Intracoastal in Miami Beach.

A lot of them do have homes in Miami though, Wm Levy & David Zepeda are 2 that I can think of.


I read FC moved here for personal reasons. He has a house in one of the islands in Miami Beach. Most of the TN stars have a house or condo in Miami Beach or Key Biscayne, where I live. Saol Lisazo has a condo where I live. My husband took a picture of him playing tennis. He recognized him from El Clon.

I did hear one time that FC had a novia cubana when he was in Miami, so maybe he did move there. But you know how the paparazzi exaggerates.


If you get People en español o TV y novelas, I'll try & find the article on FC in Miami Beach so you can see if the vecino looks familiar.


vecindad not vecino


Well, you all have almost caught up with me.  I watched up to episode 70 in June before we left on our summer trip and while I had a high speed Internet connection.  Where I am now for a week or so (the Olympic Peninsula in NW Washington) we have a good connection, so I'll follow along with you on-line all for the final bit.

Wow, this TN is so amazingly good!  The suspense is building so intensely now!  Things are really to come to a head.  Wonderful to see all these actors in such great roles.

Wow - the comedic relief of seeing the two matones in disfraz!  They sure look like payasos in their "uniforms".  And everyone wondering what they are doing there, especially Francisco who has to ask them if they are still living at Pearla's.  LOL!

By this point Arturo Peniche had entirely drawn me in by his portrayal of Antonio.  And I have seen José Luis Reséndez play several roles, and I think his rendition of naive oaf Andrés is pretty amazing.  Catalina's accent has me intrigued.  She is such a lovely young woman.

Oh, and I had already fallen in love with Daniela Romo as Juana months ago!


Colunga y Camil podrían protagonizar el remake de "En Los Tacones De Eva"

The producer is Rosy Ocampo, the one doing Fuerza
I've never seen Jaime Camil, but he & Colunga would be perfect brothers.

Here is a video

Gasca was Ricardo Uribe? Wow! I would never have recognized him.

All this time I've been thinking that something about Gasca reminds me of the Grinch. I thought maybe it was the way he combed his hair onto his face. But then I looked up pictures of the Grinch, and there's no resemblance. Now I'm wondering what cartoon character from my youth I was thinking of.

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