Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Alborada, 9/6/2011. Cap. 69.

Sorry so late today, folks. Every day, my boss wants me to finish my work. Imagine that!

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #26, Tuesday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 69 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's very interesting picture.

Julie's caption: "I can't believe he got a butterfly tattoo!"


Caption: "I can't believe he got a butterfly tattoo!"

LOL! Very funny Julie. So, Luis has a tramp stamp?

What is wrong with Andres? I know, he's worried he'll be like his dad. But there are a few major differences between his situation and his dad's. 1) He loves Marina and Fernando obviously loves no one but himself. 2) All Fernando cares about is money and power- things that don't really interest Andres. 3) Fernando is a big jerk. I could go on and on.

He needs to trust himself, and stop making Marina feel like she has to explain or justify herself. Anyone would know she didn't willingly "give herself" to Diego. There was no need for her to have to tell him how the rape went down, other than to get it off her chest.

I need La Poderosa to stop being so cagey and start putting heads together with Luis' men to figure out why Juana would say Luis is not her child, and why she and Diego would be so keen to see him dead. Clearly, Luis and his people mean her no harm.

Wow - more exciting developments!

I love that slow theme they use now and then - the one with the French horns (I think). In this episode they used it during the conversations between Antonio and Hipólita where he keeps reassuring her. I continue to be so impressed with Peniche.


I thought this was a much more satisfying episode than Friday's. Sure, I don't think Gasca's firing will "take"; that is, he may be officially fired but I assume he'll still be working for them behind the scenes. But it was still a pleasure to watch Isabel make Juana fire him.

Yes, Vivi, I think he has a tramp stamp. That's the only reasonable explanation for the looks on their faces. ;)

I agree that Andres is being a fool and that it defies all logic for him to think he's in danger of ending up like his father, but perhaps he just doesn't know how else to behave due to a lack of good role models (sort of like Esperanza's problem, minus the insanity). I mean, after growing up with Francisco he then becomes Diego's valet... *shudder*

Speaking of Diego, as I watched him do his business in front of Gasca today I realized why we keep seeing Diego performing his bodily functions in front of guests: I think it's meant to be a constant reminder that he's an animal. We never see anyone else do that.

I'm sure that Diego would justify this as a privilege of his position. But he's only a count, for crying out loud. (And not even a real one! He's a miscount!)

Miscount - good one! LOL!

I found myself admiring the Diego actor's well-timed grunts during his conversations. So convincing that he was doing his nasty business! LOL! And Gasca's look when Diego pats him on the face right afterwards. Eeeewwww!

Wow - so Telefutura did not cut this out like they have other such earthy scenes. That is even funnier. I guess the conversation was too important to the plot.

The producer/director does seem rather obsessed with teaching us how the upper classes took care of their bodily functions back then.


I think a big part of the reason Diego shows off his "Count's priveleges" is your basic Short Marine Syndrome. Short men join the Marines to prove that they're big and tough, because deep down they believe they're not. Believe me, the most obnoxious Marines are always short (though the reverse is not necessarily true).

Hey thanks Paula and Carlos and Julie, that is a fabulous caption also Vivi's tramp stamp addition. We could make it a he said she said caption so both comments get in.

I missed telenovela's yesterday so watched with satisfaction hours of tennis balls slamming back and forth across the screen.

On #68's recap, Anon posted the rumor that Colunga or Camil might be in Ocampo's next TN, Tacones. Since before LEP, Camil has said he wouldn't do another Mex TN. OTOH, in a July chat he said he was in talks about a project with Ocampo.

Anon's article suggests that Paty Navidad will be the female lead in Tacones. Can you imagine, Paty and Jaime as the leading pair? The comedy when those two are together is breathtaking (because you're laughing so hard, you can't breathe). I know TN pre-production gossip is almost never true, but hey, I can dream, can't I?

I saw Camil's most recent movie over the weekend, Saving Private Perez. He has a relatively minor role. I was surprised to see Ed Yañez play a bit part!

I'm not 100% confident that I'd enjoy another Rosy Ocampo show, but putting Camil and Navidad together would definitely improve the odds.

Paula, I'm curious, did Yañez steal his scenes in that bit part you saw him in? He got a lot of mileage out of his two minutes in "The Punisher."

Julie, given the nature of the scene, I think it was unavoidable.

They had just yanked a punk assassin out of a jail to go on their special mission. In Ed's scene, the camera zooms in on him, and he tells the punk the jail was about to execute him, and if he doesn't cooperate, Ed's team will kill him instead. Ed's in the upper ranks of a drug gang, and he's menacing the punk, so of course his character is intense.

Despite how it sounds, the movie is a comedy.

Great caption Julie!!

I also thought this was a wonderful episode, mostly because I enjoyed watching Isabel start to assert her power.

I remember when I originally watched this episode I was totally grossed out at Diego's "throne" scene and highly amused at Gasca's reaction. The actor really does have some great facial expressions.

Thank you Paul and Carlos.

I just read the cast of Tacones is supposed to be, Lucero, Camil, Gabriel
Soto and Pati. I hope it's true, I like them all.

OK. Throw in Sergio Sendel and we have a deal - I'll watch it even if it's terrible. You can't put that many of my favorite peeps in a TN and expect me not to watch.

Though after the horror that was STuD, I am leery. I didn't think something starring Lucero, FC, and Ana Martin could be horrible, but it transcended horribleness. In retrospect, it was actually worse than FELS, because it was bland in addition to being horrible, whereas FELS was never, ever bland. (Not to mention that I didn't expect as much from most of the lead actors in FELS.)

Um. Anyway. The more I watch the good TNs like Alborada, the less patience I have with the bland, stinky TNs. And there are so many bland, stinky TNs! It actually pains me to see actors that I like in roles that make them look foolish.

About Tacones, I don't buy it. At least not yet. Camil always tells his Twitteros first. Even when the info is embargoed, he starts dropping hints or previews (e.g. "I'll have an announcement in the next few days"). He hasn't said anything since the mention on the chat, so I suspect no decision has been made yet. Pues, qué bueno fuera!

Julie, I'm right there with you! When I'm not watching a classic like Alborada, I watch my daily novela from disk - Corazon Salvaje 93, Hija del Mariachi, etc. Since that has become my new "normal," I'm spoiled. Just five minutes of most current TN's, as I'm switching channels, is agonizing.

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