Saturday, September 10, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo - week of September 12 - discuss among yourselves

¡Hola á todos!

Thanks for all the great comments. In particular, thanks to Hombre, Novela Maven and Novelera for helping me out with the phrase, 'Si pedir por fuera.' It seems like a handy phrase to know.

MÍ CORAZON: It seems like we ought to be getting near to últimas semanas with this one. We're up to 80 episodes so I suppose there are another 50 to go if it runs 130 episodes so maybe we're not that close.

After Tiberio obligingly tells Lola about all his property holdings and that Soledad is enjoying 'fresh air' in the country, she deduces that Tiberio is holding Soledad on his ranch in Tijuana.

It was very amusing to see Débora scared witless and deciding to make a run for it when she believed that  Ángel would rat her murderous plans out to Tiberio. Débora ultimately decides that she can't leave Andres. Her parents think that she is nuts.

Ángel claims that he doesn't believe Soledad's story about his mother Tamara. Later, Felix confirms the story for Ángel and now Ángel turns against Tiberio.

Rodrigo gets his cornea transplant and regains his sight. Everybody is happy.

Daniel turns his life around and is released from the clinic.

Tiberio is having bouts of excruciating pain. He won't tell anyone what is going on. He does unchain Soledad, though.

Ángel goes to see Débora. She tries to back off of her previous proposal but finally Ángel tells her that now he wants to kill Tiberio and become God or something. They hatch up a plan, which involves pretending to discover an illegal shipment of acetone in the name of Carlos Gonzales, aka, Tiberio Guzman.


Pablo succeeds in ending the workers' strike. Management's concessions are not good enough for Sacramento but the workers accept them. The sick worker, Fernando, is taken to the clinic in Timotes and promised his job back when he recovers. I gather that Peter, as company representative,  has basically overruled Rafael on the management of the workers.

Catalina's lawyers are played by the actors who played the priest and the doctor in Doña Bárbara.  They are non-commital about helping her divorce Rafael.

Zahra is still mooning over Rafael but she counsels Rafael to court Flor and she suggests to Flor that Rafael might be the one to make her happy. Flor is curious about what happened with Zahra and Rafael but Olga won't tell her.

Rafael offers to pay Catalina's lawyers to drop her case and then threatens them when that doesn't work.

Enrique and the girls of the 4Ps celebrate their victory. Zahra reminds them that they still have to get Rócio out of the asylum.

Lourdes, Mariano's witchy wife, decides to lead a decency campaign against the prostitutes in Nueva Esperanza.

Raimundo's son, the doctor, is on his way to NE.

Catalina seeks Peter's support saying that business would be a lot easier with her than with Rafael. She goes on a tour of the oil works and makes nice with the workers. Pablo picks right up on her making goo goo eyes at Sacto.

Rafael is given one of Ana's auction notices.

Piruetas is jealous of Enrique and Malicia. Enrique tells Malicia that he is worried about what Mariano will do. Malicia is nervous herself but won't tell Enrique why.

Mariano comes to see Rócio. He offers to take her home if she will express regret for what she did and love him (like a brother?) She spits in his face and he starts to strangle her, only being stopped by the asylum staff.

Rafael gives Flor a horse. She names him, Ángel.

Raimundo's son (I forgot his name), the doctor, comes home and it is the actor Pedro Rendón who played Efraín in Herederos and Carmelito in Doña Bárbara. [DB fans: I just noticed that it was Jencarlos Canela, Andres in Mí Corazon, who played Asdrúbal in the first episode of DB. I remember he was very good looking.]

Pablo takes Sacto to a secluded place to discuss who is taking the biggest risk in romance. Pablo claims that Cat is just using Sacto and he risks being dismembered like her previous lover, Alirio. Pablo says that Flor is different. She loves him and he has enough money to take her away from NE. Just then, both men see Flor and Urrieta riding together.

No novelas on Monday for the Miss Universe pageant they've been promoting, I assume.

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Not a bad show on Friday.

The scene at the asylum with Mariano and Rocio was powerful stuff. Makes me wonder what Mariano did to Rocio when they were younger, and for how long. This guy acts so good, he really sells it that he's completely in love with his sister. Did you see how fast he reacted to the guard with the gun in his face, wow!

The scene with Flor and Rafael in the field under the tree with the horses was really good too, good acting there by both of them. Gonna be interesting to see where this goes.

Ok, so I gotta give a new name to Mr. Peter, haha. "Muecas." This guy is making goofy faces with every line. That accent is awesome!

I like the scenes with Catalina and Louisa too. Catalina has been strong lately, gonna get interesting there too as Rafael already suspects. I liked how fast she put the Barba in his place after she was with Sacto.

Piruetas and the girls....I just fast foward. Although with Alicia and El Periodista, they get a pass. There stuff is interesting cause it has to do with Mariano.

I kind of feel bad for Pablo, he really is a good guy and things have just kind of gone upside down on him. From the moment he laid eyes on Amanda I guess and now he's got all kinds of drama. In the beginning he only set out to deliver a message for Sacto.

With Brigida, too over the top in almost every scene. I'm fast forwarding her too but I like her daughter Manuela :)

So who's gonna catch a glimpse of the new doctor first?? Maybe Correcaminos? Or maybe Ana?? That would go over well with mom don't you think? :) Or maybe even Rocio?

LA CASA DE AL LADO – viernes
Hold onto your DSM IV, amigos – it’s psychobabble night at La Casa

Part 1 of 2

Javier wins an early skirmish:
He boasts of completing the first step in the rocky legal path to Carola’s freedom. Eva gloats. Renato gives him a reluctant “atta boy”. Gonzalo gnashes his teeth.

When afterwards Gonzalo presses Eva to explain her distrust, she admits she has a theory – but it’s too terrible to voice aloud.

Emilio pouts in the playhouse.
His toys are broken and with Hilda gone, he’s not even interested in picking up the Iñaki trail. Hilda is gone? Now it’s Ignacia’s turn to gnash her teeth.

In jail, Carola suffers a nearly catatonic depression.
Without the whorish eyeliner, Carola’s pale staring eyes no longer look hostile. Just empty. Carola’s in such sad shape that even Ignacia notices – wow! -- and remembering his offer to help, she pulls out Omar’s card and calls him.

Omar meets Ignacia at Casa Conde. He’s alarmed by what she tells him; they have to intervene right away -- Carola is at high risk for suicide. Surely Omar doesn’t expect Ignacia herself to ... um ... you know ... like do anything? She is too weak, too fragile. Let Gonzalo do it! Omar explains that Gonzalo is at the heart of the problem – Carola is in love with him!

Omar is puzzled and disgusted when Ignacia segues into her favorite topic – herself. Variant 8107: I need to have a baby.

Realizing that big sister is no help, Omar tries appealing to the rest of the family. Gonzalo tries to throw Omar out before he can say anything, but Omar won’t allow it. He cries out to Renato and Eva: Carola is in love with Gonzalo!

Gonzalo works on abandonment issues. Not very effectively.
Not only does Mabel refuse to help him get Igor out of the Conde house, she conceals Adolfo’s whereabouts from him.

Mabel gets back in her car. As soon as Gonzalo is out of sight, Adolfo pops up in the back seat. For the moment, he and Mommy Dearest are working together. She reports that things are going well – Iñaki is running scared. But for his own safety, Ismael needs to go away and hide for a couple of months.

Mom always liked him best. Really.
In the course of their conversation we find out that Ismael/Adolfo has always been her favorite; she never had compassion for Ivan (well, we knew that); and as for Gonzaki – he’s nothing to her. What? Ismael presses for more – Is Mabel saying that Iñaki isn’t his brother??? She clams up. Hide out for two months, she repeats.

Gonzalo threatens to kill Igor if he reveals his identity to the Conde family. Renato walks in to see Gonzalo looming over the old man (the viewer can see he has his hands in a choke hold around his neck) while he says “You don’t know what I’m capable of”. Gonzalo blathers defensively – Igor must know more than he’s saying, he could help them find Adolfo. Renato staunchly defends Igor and tells Gonzalo to get used to his presence in the house.

La Casa – viernes
Part 2 of 2

Pilar is tormented by dreams of Marisol and the butcher knife...

Javier’s ego is so puffed up by his recent victory, even his pants seem about to burst at the seams.
He’s in a mood to celebrate so he comes knocking on Rebeca’s door. Rebeca makes a weak show of resistance but it’s not long before she and her cuñado get naked together. Their horizontal mambo is interrupted by an insistent caller at the door – Pilar!

What comes up must come down - or - Javier suffers a narcissistic injury.
Pilar won’t be put off. She pushes her way into the apartment -- she needs to unburden herself to someone. While Javier lurks in the bedroom and eavesdrops, and Rebeca tries desperately to get her sister to stop talking, Pilar confides that as much as she’d like to start over with Javier, she can’t get Gonzalo out of her mind. She thinks of him all the time.

Javier is a broken man. He drags his battered ego back home and when Diego innocently but insistently asks if Karen is with him, he swats his son and knocks him down.

Hilda returns home to Zacatecas, Mexico. Is that the last we’ll see of her?

So. Are we being set up for a jump to “Dos meses después”? [Perhaps in Adolfo’s absence, things return to seeming normality. It’s only Gonzalo who becomes increasingly frantic knowing that Adolfo is out there and gunning for him. Hilda gives birth in Mexico. Carola finally gets out of jail. For now, at least, she’s sober. Even the Ruíz family manages to put their social masks back on for a time. The owner of the black pants and shoes lurks...]

But the real question of the night: Who is Gonzaki’s mommy?


Thanks, Jean, for getting us started and for two recapettes!

It was nice to see Daniel without a pout. He was smiling, playing tennis, and - I hope - resigned to losing Adelita. I DO NOT want these two to end up together. Fulgencio López is a mensch and a better match for her.

I enjoyed the celebration at Rodrigo's house. It's nice to see a roomful of TN characters, all very happy and it's not the last episode! The actor playing Rodrigo Ibañez did a great job, especially choking up at the first sight of his nietita.

Ángel and Débora's plan seems a bit weak to me. I don't see how finding material used to make drugs that were shipped under a false name brings down Tiberio. They don't know this, but he'd be long dead of cancer before they got him in jail.

If I could insert the tiniest bit of forbidden (per our blog mom) chisme, it's especially fun watching Jencarlos cooing over the baby because a couple of days ago he and Gaby Espino announced they're expecting a baby.


Thanks so much, Jean, for your recap of Friday's Bouquet of Flor.

Rand, I agree completely. The scene with Mariano and Rocío was amazing. Just great acting by both of them. I have also wondered about possible childhood sexual abuse because her reaction to his physical closeness is so violent. But somehow, I think she just instinctively knows there's a volcano of suppressed lust in him, just under the surface. And she reacts to that. She seems to have such fear that he'd act on these impulses that she'd rather stay in a padded room than risk returning to her childhood home.

We are treated to another gringo bad Spanish accent. This one is from Mr. Michael, a representative of the oil company, who's come to take Fernando to a hospital in Timotes and promises him his job back.

Rafael continues to enjoy torturing Zahra. She's advising him to get Flor to love him for his own good. And then she might also be free of him. But he'd much rather have her pining for him forever.

I really like how ambiguous Pablo's character is. In this episode, it appeared he had gotten a decent settlement for the workers, while Sacto would have sacrificed the good for the perfect.

If I were Cat, I would move more slowly and discreetly. I would just get the power of attorney revoked as a first step. Again, telenovela law is completely weird. Wouldn't you be able to write a quick document revoking the Power of Attorney, have it witnessed, and voilá? Presto-changeo, you've got your property rights back.

I can hardly wait to see what Rafael is going to do about that subasta (auction) of Ana's body. This is unbelievably outrageous. The evil stepmother prints up and hands out invites to an auction of her stepdaughter's initiation and this is not illegal in any way?

Rafa seems to have the goods on Cat's lawyers. They apparently suborned a judge to get some narcotraficante out of jail.

The actor playing Lourdes is very good. Zahra, who remains somewhat naive in spite of her profession, tried to get her to help free Rocío. As cold as ice, Lourdes told her that, after her husband was mayor, she'd put Zahra in the same asylum. I think some part of her does care what Mariano does, because she wants to get the prostibulo shut down.

We had a tiny bit of humor. When Rafa showed up to tell Amanda he had a gift for her, Susana snarked that all Amanda had to do to get rid of him forever is to feed him one of her meals.


NovelaMaven, what a fertile brain you have! Your recaps are a gold mine.

I was SO hoping Pilar would catch Javier and Rebeca in the sack.

Miguel Varoni is so good in this role. He's all over the map. He puts Pilar down, pursues sex with her sister, and dissolves in tears when he finds out she's still in love with Gonzaki.

It looked like Andrea might have lost a little bit of her hero worship after seeing him hit poor Diego, accuse him of dressing like a girl, and tell his children to get out of his sight. He has all the parental feeling of a tomcat.

When Javier told Renato, Eva, and Gonzaki his early success with Carola's case, a thought crossed my mind. If you want a photograph in the dictionary of a sh!t-eating grin, that would be the one.

Ignacia seems to have selective amnesia, showing surprise when Omar says Carola is in love with Gonzaki. Carola already confessed her love for him to her.

I thought the scene with Ismael and Mabel was very interesting. This damaged man desperately needs to believe that he's his mamí's favorite. I think Mabel's favorite is always Mabel.


Novelera...I forgot about Lourdes, you're right! That scene was amazing when she told Zhara "I would be interested if I didn't already know all of it" and "you'll be next". wow!

I like how you put it Novelera...we are treated to another gringo bad Spanish accent, lol.

Weird isn't it..we hear someone speaking English with a super thick foreign accent and we just think ah well. But as Spanish learners it really catches our attention when the super bad gringo accents show up.


Great summary, Jean. It was nice to see all the characters happy, and I'm glad Lola deduced that her Mom was at a ranch in Tijuana. Of course, there may be hundreds of ranches in Tijuana, but that shouldn't stop our heroes.

I think Tiberio told Soledad he was dying, and unchained her, but asked her to promise not to leave him alone until he died. She, being the kind soul she is, agreed, despite how horrible he's been.

I also don't understand Lola and Angel's plan. For one thing, they've both been working for Tiberio, so if he went down, he could bring them down, too. True, the acetone was in the name of Carlos Gonzales, but I don't see how that makes a difference. Also, he's in Mexico. Also, he's dying. So we'll see how well the plan works.

Lola had two outfits in the show. The first was a short sleeved red dress, which covered more than her strapless numbers, except it had big holes cut out of the sides, so everyone could see her bra. I think this was her business outfit. After the two week montage, she had another red dress, but I can't really remember it too well. Debora had some very tight shiny pants. I noticed she's been wearing the exact same earrings for weeks. What's that about? :)


Thanks for the recap, NovelaMaven, I laughed several times. I really like your writing style.

Who could be Iñaki's mother? Well, I surmised a while ago that Eva may have had an affair with Igor Mora, and that Mabel left her kids because they weren't hers. Maybe Ismael and Ivan are hers, but not Iñaki. If that turns out to be true, wasn't it cool how Eva stared and stared at "Gonzalo", saying somehow she just couldn't trust him? :)

Why is Carola even in jail? Her fingerprints were found on a gun, which I guess what at the location where Renato was being held, but so what? There's no victim, since Adolfo is hiding out. The police found blood, but a) how can they state whose it is? b) the blood could be from a knife wound. Renato wasn't there for the shooting (Adolfo had chloroformed him and dumped him in the street). So how do the cops even know there was a crime? Am I missing something?

I agree that they'll probably jump forward, maybe all the way to when Hilda has her baby. Also, isn't it about time for a miracle cure for Emilio?

Yes, Javier has some nerve being upset about Pilar minutes after he's been unfaithful.

I almost thought Omar and Gonzalo were going to start fighting. Omar certainly is big and strong. But he kept his cool, and used his brain to fight, by pointing out the Carola/Gonzalo connection (which is another reason why Gonzalo shouldn't be Carola's lawyer).

Thanks, Hombre, for your comments and fashion summary. Don't forget that we also saw Lola in her workout getup, which was pretty skimpy as well.

You are right that Débora has been wearing those earrings for a long time. I am mesmerized by them, though. Only a person with a really long neck could wear earrings as long at that.

Débora and Ángel's plan doesn't seem to make much sense but maybe there's more to it.

Novelera: I wouldn't hold your breath about Adelita and Lopez getting together. My money is on her ending up with a reformed Danny.

FLOR SALVAJE- Excellent comments, Novelera. Yes, Rocío and Mariano's scene was very well done. I think I would agree to anything just to get out of the nuthouse but I guess she knows her brother.

Catalina should just be able to revoke the power of attorney but maybe it has some language in it that makes it more difficult or they just don't want that plot development to go away so soon.

I forgot to mention the scene where Flor demonstrates that cooking isn't one of her talents. That was very funny. I love Beba's faces.

True, Ana, presumably is still a minor so if Amanda couldn't keep her sisters with her when Calzones died because they were minors, how can this auction be legal? The answer may be that parents can do whatever they want with their children. I'm betting Rafael will stop this some way, though. A tip to Lourdes and her decency squad would be one way to do it.

I'm guessing that the terrible accents of the gringos are put on. Didn't we find out that the guy who played Mr. Danger in DB could speak Spanish perfectly? Wouldn't it be like one of us speaking with a comic Spanish accent like, "my name Jose Jimenez...?' But Mayor Bloomberg's accent is much, much worse. I heard him making various announcements in Spanish during Irene and it was painful.

Thanks Jean, Hombre and Novelera for the helpful comments.
I wonder why, when all our main characters are in Rodrigo's apartment, and knowing that there are bad guys on the loose who have already tried to kill Rodrigo, Deborah is just able to waltz in through the (unlocked) front door?
Hombre, I notice that you never critique Senorita Etelwina's outfits, even when she traded her suit for a slinky black dress for the baptism... Wonder if they are going to do an extreme makeover on her at some point?
J in Oregon

LA CASA -- viernes

Novelera and Hombre, Thanks! And as always, back at ya!

"When Javier told Renato, Eva, and Gonzaki his early success with Carola's case, a thought crossed my mind. If you want a photograph in the dictionary of a sh!t-eating grin, that would be the one."
Hah! Nicely put, Novelera.

Hombre, I agree it's about time for Emilio to get his sight back. Wouldn't it be fun if he recovered spontaneously but didn't tell anyone so he could watch what people are doing when they think no one is watching?

It feels as if the plot is at a new level: another layer of the onion has been peeled and there are secrets beneath secrets; what we thought we knew may not be so.

About Eva being Iñaki's mother -- The idea is appealing but thorny since it would imply that he had committed incest with both Carola and Ignacia, a thing that usually doesn't happen outright in a telenovela. (Unless, of course, Eva isn't the girls' mother.)


Ooops, you're right, NovelaMaven, I forgot about that. Back to the drawing board!


And speaking of back to the drawing board -- I just realized that OMAR is an anagram of MORA.

What's the real deal with this guy?



Oh thank you so much. Much happiness to JenCarlos and Gaby.

I could not watch on Friday - When Lola came to them to state her conclusion as to where her mom was both men doubted anything she had to say. I was so annoyed, I turned off the tv. So thanks for the recaps. Nice to know it took them 40 minutes to come to the realization that she may be right.


J in Oregon, I guess the reason I haven't commented on Etelvina's outfits is that they're not as flashy as the ones worn by the other ladies. I do find her fascinating. She's already had a little bit of a makeover (got rid of that mustache!), but maybe she'll transform more.


For anyone interested, here is the Twitcam (didn't even know there was such a thing!) in which Jencarlos and Gaby announce they're expecting a child. As always, I find it interesting that their speech is somewhat different when they're not using the neutral telenovela accent. Gaby sounds a bit Caribbean to me and Jencarlos speaks rapidly and sounds more Cuban.

It would make more sense if Renato had an affair with Mabel. Or if Igor had an affair with another woman and brought Inaki to live with them. It seemed to me that the young Inaki looked very dark skinned when there was a flash back, so maybe Igor had an affair with anohter woman. (Mabel and Igor both look very European).

I am so disappointed in Rebecca. If Carola is a drug/alcohol addict than maybe Rebecca is a sexual addict. She seems to be dealing with her grief in this manner. That would be the only explanation for why she's slept with Javier, who she hates.


NJ Sue, I don't think Rebeca is a sex addict. The writers have given us odd changes in her personality, however. She began as an amoral careerist, sleeping with her brother-in-law and resenting her half sister for the fact that Pilar's mother was the one her father left her mother to be with.

Then the writers had her become supportive of Pilar, fond of her niece and nephew, and the right hand person of Renato Conde. The culmination was her love for Matías.

I think Javier hit it on the head when he convinced her to jump into the sack with him. He told her she needed to feel something, to feel alive. Whether it's true or not, I don't know for sure; but I have heard of widows who have sex with someone they don't really love just to, as Javier said, feel something besides pain. Of course that doesn't explain the SECOND time! But it just seems to me that there's always been sexual attraction between these two, even though she knows what a rat he can be


Things are getting a little dicey for the bad guys. Angel's plan has a little more to it than just getting Tiberio in trouble for a shipment of acetone. First of all, Debora's signature is on the papers, and while the cops question her and release her, I think Angel is double crossing her. Tiberio hears of the shipment and is upset since he called off all shipments. Angel flat out tells him he ordered it anyway. He has power of attorney now. Besides, giving the cops this one shipment will satisfy them, and reduce the heat. Tiberio doesn't buy this for a minute. He summons Ramon, tells him that even Caesar couldn't trust Brutus, and gives Ramon a job (kill Angel?).

Daniel meets with Camilo for advice. Camilo says your brother Andres is a good guy, ask him for a job at the company. Daniel goes to the company. Andres isn't there, but Debora is. She insults him and tells him to leave. He points out that he knows that she had an affair with Marcelo, and also guesses that her baby wasn't Andres'. Her reaction confirms this. He goes off to tell Andres.

Earlier, Camilo had been driving around the seedy section of town, when he just happened to see Debora and Angel meeting in a lowdown restaurant. He takes pictures, and gives them to Andres. Later, Andres asks Debora where she was, and she says at the beauty parlor. He pulls out the pictures, and her hemming and hawing convince him that she's just a liar. He starts packing a suitcase, and I think his orders Debora to leave the house. He's leaving too, but not with her. He admits he loves Lola Volcan.

How can Debora prevent Daniel from talking? She tells Andres that Daniel is back into drugs (which he doesn't believe) and that he's been saying crazy things about her, none of which he should believe. Daniel does tell Sofia that Debora was Marcelo's amante, which Sofia suspected but didn't know for sure.

All of a sudden, there's a noise outside. Someone's robbing Daniel's car? They rush out to stop the robber, and the cops show up, but let the robber go. The cops say, someone called in a crime, Daniel Santa Cruz is dealing drugs from his car!

Also, Rodrigo got new sunglasses from Etelvina, Lola and Adelita worked on their new gym, and Angel told Lola he was totally in love with her. The bum!


Both Gonzalo and Ignacia scream that Omar should leave, that Renato should not listen to his crazy rant about Carola loving Gonzalo. But Renato agrees to give Omar 10 minutes. Omar explains he's a drug counselor and gives Renato his card. Renato decides to believe Omar, and orders Gonzalo off the case of Carola's defense. Also, he's to leave the house. Now.

Meanwhile, Ignacia had begged Gonzalo for a child. That would DEFINITELY solve all their problems. She knows Gonzo is sterile, but they can adopt. Gonzo tells her, I'm sorry, but that's crazy. No way should we adopt. Besides, children are horrible. They're the source of all pain. They ruin your life! Ignacia is a little put off by his reaction, but he tells her to go paint it out. Painting will calm her down. Off to the studio she goes. She sticks a paintbrush through her hair, and did anyone else picture Steve Martin, with that arrow through his head? Yes, she's a total loon these days.

When Gonzo tells her Renato ordered him to leave, she says to her Dad, then I'm leaving, too! Renato didn't think of this, but backs down, Gonzalo can stay (I think he's still off the Carola case). Ignacia tells Gonzo, you owe me. We're adopting. He still refuses, so she starts googling sperm banks.

In the other house, Javier has hit Diego, who runs to his room. Javier starts drinking, saying everything is Pilar's fault. But when Diego disappears, Andrea blames her Dad. Pilar is shocked that Diego is gone, and goes to Rebeca for help. Rebeca slips up, and it comes out that Javier was with Rebeca and heard Pilar say she still loved Gonzalo. Pilar initially thinks Rebeca is lying when she says she and Javier didn't do anything (she is), but Rebeca convinces her, and they search for Diego together. Javier keeps drinking.

Gonzalo sneaks into Renato's study and finds Omar's card. Eva comes in, and is very suspicious. She's never trusted him. Gonzalo says, I know that, and you'll soon be very sorry about that! Is that a threat? asks Eva. Could be, responds Gonzalo coldly.

We then see him track Omar to his apartment, take out a gun, and aim.

Corazon and Casa

Thank you Hombre. I missed both shows last night was waiting for your wonderful recap.

CORAZON - Thanks, Hombre. I was making jam while it was on and wasn't paying that much attention.

Debora sure is a lousy liar!


Great job on your recaps, Hombre. I knew sooner or later Ángel was going to play the love card. I don't believe him for a second.

Could it possibly be happening? I was cheering. Andrés not only left the house with the despicable Noriegas camped there. He wants the three of them out because he's selling the house. He told Débora why he was selling it. He doesn't want Débora anywhere near Chabelita.

It seems that a simple blood test would reveal that Daniel isn't using. Of course, they could still say he was selling.

I suspect we're going to see lots more crazy out of Débora and muy pronto. Her worst fear has come to pass.

I was glad to see Tiberio didn't buy Ángel's story about feeding the police a bone with the acetone shipment. He crossed a line with Tiberio for sure. I doubt they'll kill him off so soon, though. I can't guess what Ramón has been asked to do.

LA CASA DE AL LADO -- martes


"She sticks a paintbrush through her hair, and did anyone else picture Steve Martin, with that arrow through his head?"

Hahaha! Thanks for the image. Now I can't think of anything else when I see our deranged painter hard at work.

Gonzalo's conversation with Ignacia where he expands on his feelings about children was sooooo interesting. He says with apparent sincerity:

A child is the worst thing that can happen to a marriage. Don't you get it? -- los hijos son un lastre,los hijos son dolor, son sufrimiento!

He's echoing Mabel's own words. She also talked about how her children were 'un lastre' -- literally ballast, but here, a burden.

And Ignacia, uncharacteristically perceptive, annswers:
What happened to you in your life that makes you talk like that -- with so much pain, with so much rage?

Maybe we have the answer to the mystery of Gonzalo's sterility: he chose to be sterilized to avoid bringing a child into the world after his view of childhood had been warped by his monstrous mother, Mabel.

In the latest Writer's Videoblog on the Telemundo website, the writer talks about how much trouble he had understanding Mabel's nature and motivation. He borrowed from Greek myth (specifically, the story of Clytemnestra). He also talked to psychiatrists and psychologists to help him portray this difficult woman in a way that makes sense dramatically.


Both Pablo and Sacramento get a look at Amanda trotting along all smiles, riding the horse Rafael gave her. Sacto tells Pablo that "the woman we saw does not hate that man".

Rafael and Amanda have a conversation by the river, having dismounted. She asks why he named his horse Diablo. He tells her that the devil was once an angel, until he sinned and God sent him to live in hell. Amanda asks if he used to be good, and he seems to say that he was. I suppose we'll find out what turned him bitter.

Mariano is more despicable than ever. He gives Malicia a valuable painting stolen from some civic place to plant in Enrique's hotel room. What he doesn't know is that Enrique comes from a rich and influential family, so I think this plan may not work as well as Mariano thinks. Just for the heck of it he rapes Malicia and hits her several times during sex. I'll say it again! Where the heck is Doña Bárbara when we need her? She'd settle his hash but quick!

In my opinion, the sex scenes with Sacramento and Catalina are FAR hotter than those with Pablo and Amanda. Sacto, very bold lately, sneaks into a window in Cat's bedroom. He almost gets away afterwards, but is discovered by Barba Roja.

Ana has her hair up, tons of makeup on, and tacones on her feet for the auction of her favors. The bar owned by her evil stepmother is packed with guys ready to bid for her. The wicked little creature says she's going to be much, much more important than her sister. And, most of all, she hopes Rafael Urrieta will buy her.

Pablo tries to get a guy in a boat to take him to Timotes for Amanda's sake - to somehow save Ana. It turns out Rafael has the same idea, and they both get in the boat. They've both seen the volantes (flyers) that have circulated far and wide


It's pretty hard to feel any pity for Ignacia. Self-absorbed doesn't begin to cover it. She KNOWS very well that Gonzo and Carola got it on. Carola told her, and Gonzo himself admitted it, I think with the usual: a weak moment, should not have happened, blah, blah, blah.

But when Omar shows up on his white horse to try to help Carola, saying that Carola's big problem is her obsession with Gonzalo, Ignacia stands by her man, throwing her sister under the bus at the same time. Siachoque is doing a great job because I feel like slapping her nearly every scene she's in!

I was pleasantly surprised to see Andrea ratting out her Papí for hitting Diego. Gee, I hope he's just in a video game arcade (do those still exist?) instead of kidnapped by Adolfo. Didn't Mabel tell Adolfo to leave town for a couple of months?

NovelaMaven, I was thinking the same thing: that likely Gonzaki had a vasectomy so he'd never be a father.


I just hate when the good guys lay their cards on the table, so the villains can counter-act on them.

LA CASA DE AL LADO – miércoles

Diego’s story
Pilar and Rebeca assume that it was Adolfo who took Diego but Javier convinces them it must have been Ricardo Merino – and therefore it is, as always, Pilar’s fault. (And there must be some truth in that – why else would she punish herself by teeter-tottering all over Miami on towering buttercup yellow platform spikes?) But there is nothing at Ricardo Merino’s house except another opportunity to humiliate Pilar. After a terrible moment when she fears Diego is the boy just run over and killed by a car (it’s not), Pilar comes home and rushes upstairs without speaking to Andrea and Karen. And there is Diego lying on his bed – asleep or more likely unconscious – apparently unharmed.

The news of Diego’s abduction came late to Gonzalo but his response upon learning of it was to call in Mabel and ask if Ismael was involved. We later see Mabel call Ismael to ask him that very thing...

So we are led to assume that Adolfo/Ismael DID snatch Diego and then brought him back when Mami told him it was time to put his toys away.

The Saintly Omar (or is it Mora?)
At first Gonzalo’s bullet appears to have hit its target but then we see that Omar is unhurt. Is he wearing a Kevlar vest?

He shows up in prison, guitar in hand, and sings a song he composed just for Carola. She sits impassively as he plays and then explodes into rage: She needs a drink!

Omar has overheard Gonzalo asking Mabel about Ismael, remembers how Gonzalo previously asked him if it was Ismael who sent him and decides to ask Renato about this mystery.

Ignacia is in luck
She has found a fertility clinic cum escort service. She picks out a promising donor based on his photo in the stud catalog and then spots him – in the flesh – at the front desk. She makes him an offer that he apparently can’t refuse.

CORAZON: Yesterday, Novelera wrote:

It seems that a simple blood test would reveal that Daniel isn't using. Of course, they could still say he was selling.

And lo and behold, that is what happened. Daniel was found to be drug free and was released by the police.

And then Daniel ids the guy who planted the drugs, the police catch him and he admits that it was Debora's dad, Ramon who put him up to it.

You know that you are getting close to the end of a novela when the good charactes start figuring out what the bad ones are up to.

In a series of insights and flashbacks, Andres finally figures out that Debora is evil and and has been manipulating him all along. He and Rodrigo guess that it was Debora who killed Marcelo because she is a 'zurda,' left handed.

Andres leaves Debora's house and says that he is going back to Lola.

Tiberio makes a big mistake in getting Ramon to draft his will. He leaves all of his estate to Lola and tells Ramon not to blab to anyone about it. Ramon tells Vicky in pillow talk and then she tells Debora who tells Angel, who is really pi**ed off about it.

Angel also figures out the Tiberio is dying.

Debora shoots over to Lola's house and accuses Lola of regneging on their deal.

I'm sure there was more but that is what I recall.


Jean, you expertly summarized all sorts of events in a few choice paragraphs. Thank you.

I was almost sure they'd say "últimas semanas", but they didn't, so we may have more twists and turns left.

One thing that's not good is that Tiberio seems to want to take Soledad with him when he "goes".

It was funny how easily Vicki was able to get Ramon to spill the beans.

It's ironic that Angel is so upset about being cut out of the will. Why? Although Tiberio leaves everything to Lola, she won't want any of his dirty money, and would probably let Angel have it all.

Hopefully, Daniel is now finally totally on the side of good. Remember, he was the character who vacillated back and forth.

As Lola pointed out to Andrés, Débora is really bad, but she's also really smart. I bet she's still cooking up some ideas to either get back Andrés, harm Lola, or both.


Thanks for the entertaining summary, NovelaMaven. I love some of your speculations.

So far, however, I'm believing Omar is just what he says he is, nothing more (I liked his singing, by the way). But it would be fun if he's secretly working for someone. Hopefully, tonight Renato will explain that Ismael is Adolfo, Ignacia's first husband. How is Gonzalo going to explain why he asked Omar "did Ismael send you?", and then acted nervous and said forget I mentioned that name? I know Gonzo will have some answer, but Renato's suspicions of Gonzo are growing.

If Diego is unconscious, it could be from that trusty chloroform. But it's also possible he just went out on his own. Javier certainly isn't winning any father of the year prizes. Even Ignacia tells him this, but he's so smug, he doesn't see it. The scene with Ignacia and Javier was amazing. Once again, despite the fact that in real life they're married, they totally inhabit their characters, and make you believe they ARE these absolute IDIOTS!

That was wild that Ignacia found that handsome guy Pablo, and may want to get a sperm deposit without going to the bank! :)

We finally saw Igor Mora again. Now Eva is asking him if he knows where Ismael is. Maybe he can get out the name "Mabel". That might get Eva on the right track.

We also heard Hilda is crying all the time in Mexico. Like I really care.

Gonzalo has been squirming a lot lately. Good.


As always thanks for the recap.

I saw some of this last night. There was a scene where Tiberio was at a computer? and he was listening to something Deborah said. Can someone tell me what that was all about? Is he now taping Deborah, or is that an old voicemail message she left for him (which I doubt)?

I saw Omar get into an elevator with Gonzalo, then sleep took over. But I too think that Omar is more than a drug counselor, and is specifically there to get the goods on Gonzalo. He seems to be everywhere Gonzalo is and with Carola in jail, I would think he would spend more time with her than follow Gonzalo around. Gonzalo is turning into a redhot mess!!! He's planned this revenge all his life, and he falls apart like that after a few things have gone nutty is this guy?


Nellie, Tiberio was playing back a recording where Debora said you'd better not try to harm me or my family, because if so, the police will know you did it, I've set that up (we don't know if this is really true). I remember Debora saying that to Tiberio, although I can't say for sure if it was in person or on a phone call. I think it was a phone call. I'm guessing Tiberio tapes all incoming calls.

Thank you Hombre. Much appreciated. I got the sense that he knows all the plotting against him. I wonder what he's going to do next.

I had forgotten, Hombre, about Debora's 'insurance policy.' If she had that, why was she about to make a run for it when she thought Ángel would tell Tiberio about her plan to kill him and that would put her and her family in danger?

Okay, here's an idea: We know Tiberio is going to die soon. Angel could marry Lola but since all her husbands die he would be doomed as well. With Tiberio and Angel out of the way, Deborah takes over as the top villain and kidnaps Chabelita. Soledad would be set free but now Angel and Lola would be looking for their baby instead of Lola's mother.
J in Oregon

Mi Corazon

Andres is catching up, everything is moving fast. So I wonder if it's true this is going to 130 episodes based on Wikipedia. It's at 84 episodes now. I wonder what they have in store for us.


Ramon is brought in by the cops, since that drug dealer said Ramon told him to plant the stuff in Daniel's car. But it's the word of "respectable" Ramon against lowlife drug guy, the cops have no proof, and have to let him go.

His smirk doesn't last too long, as Angel reams him out for telling Vicki, who told Debora, who told Angel about the will. Loose lips sink ships.

When Angel comes to visit Tiberio with a gun in his belt, Tiberio tells him to get a bigger gun. By the time Angel returns (he's decided to kill Soledad, I think), Tiberio is gone, having figured out that Angel is no angel.

Andres has definitely forgiven Daniel, and wants him back in the company.

Lola is furious that Debora would threaten her and the baby, and when Andres hears of this, he REALLY gets angry. He accuses Debora of all sorts of lies, even possibly killing Marcelo, and although he doesn't have proof, he wants her out of there. Debora stands firm. Yes, she hates Lola. Yes she hates Chabelita. No, she's not leaving, since it's her house, too (Ramon IS kicked out).

Camilo gets a restraining order, Debora can't come near the baby.

Rodrigo, with his sight back, is going to Tijuana to look for Soledad. No one can convince him otherwise. And sure enough, as he's getting gas there, he turns around, and a car is not 50 feet away. Who's in it? Tiberio and Soledad!


Gonzalo has to admit he called Mabel, but covers, saying he asked her where Ismael was, since maybe he kidnapped Diego. Mabel calls Ismael, who says he didn't do it. Gonzalo explains to Omar that Adolfo and Ismael are the same person. But neither Renato nor Omar seem to totally believe Gonzalo, who is struggling to right his sinking ship.

Diego's okay, he was just chloroformed (they said "sedated"), but didn't see who did it. Later, Andrea and Karen find a silver locket in Diego's mattress. It has an inscription, To Pilar, with all my love, or something like that. They think whoever kidnapped Diego left or dropped it. Could it be Gonzalo? They confront Pilar, who goes into her usual catatonic state and tells them nothing, but remembers it was a present from Ricardo Merino! No puede ser! she thinks.

Earlier, Pilar had sent Rebeca with a message for Gonzalo. Pilar never wants to see you again, what you had is over. Gonzalo won't accept this, and after getting Javier out of there with a phony call from a mysterious man (himself) claiming to want to reveal Javier's secrets if Javier didn't go to a warehouse, Gonzalo confronts Pilar. Is it true? Pilar's probable response will be:
a) Yes, Gonza, we're through (5%)
b) Who told you I said that? (2%)
c) I have to deal with Diego (3%)
d) Silence, a catatonic stare, and tears around her eyes (90%)

Hilda's still crying in Mexico, although it looks as if she's rich there, when I though she was poor. Like I even care.

And Ignacia gets Pablo to come to her workshop, where, dressed in a fetching braless halter dress, she bats her eyes, licks her lips, and gives him a big check. All he has to do is one hour of pleasure. Despite the fact that he normally doesn't do that, and has a novia, Pablo folds under Ignacia's heat. Too bad Gonzo was watching! They later meet in a motel, and when she goes to change, out comes Gonzo with the trusty chloroform, and the dream of our stud has just gone thud!


Hombre, you are in fine form today and in both your recaps.

I know he's one of the worst guys on the planet, but I definitely prefer Tiberio to Mr. Too Many Teeth Ángel. I liked it when he said he could "smell" betrayal.

I guess Ángel wants to personally kill Tiberio because he had his mother killed. But I can't think of anything else that would benefit him. They already said the will was at the notary's office. Tiberio is on his last legs and will die anyway. Hombre, you're probably right that the real target of the "raid" by Félix and Ángel on the Tijuana hacienda was Soledad. And this is because she knows he's connected to Tiberio's dirty dealings.

I was SO disappointed Ramón didn't get to spend at least one night in jail with some lowlifes.

Unfortunately, Ángel also knows, per Telenovela Conventions Item No. 10 - listening outside a door - that Rodrigo is going to México to find Sole.

I suspect much of the rest of the novela is going to be Débora demonstrating the old saying: "Hell hath no fury ..."

LA CASA DE AL LADO -- jueves

Thanks, Hombre, for the terrific recapette. I especially loved:
the dream of our stud has just gone thud!

I wonder if our stud will survive the night.

Tasty moments in this episode:

-Javier's first -- and sincere -- reaction to his son's reappearance:
"Diego" he mutters disgustedly. And then without missing a beat, the effusive and false "Dieguiiito".

-Gonzalo's astute ploy in getting Javier away from Pilar by tapping into Javier's deep well of guilt.

-How Mabel and Iñaki know that Ismael is telling the truth when he says he had nothing to do with Diego's abduction -- he would be anxious to take the credit for it, had he been responsible.

Last night Carola dreamt about Lidia. We haven't had any mention of her in a while. I wonder if she'll be coming back into the story.


Oh yes, I forgot to say, Hombre -- I just loved your multiple choice!


I think those of you who aren't watching this are missing out. Like Doña Bárbara it was adapted from a novel by a major Latin American writer - in this case Laura Restrepo. There are so many interesting angles to the story.

Last night's episode was especially good. After paying big bucks to be the high bidder for Ana, Rafael Urrieta tells Flor what he wants is a true kiss. This is something she's so far denied him. They kiss (a lot) right in front of the whole bar, with both Sacto and Pablo looking on.

Enrique woke up and caught Malicia preparing to plant the painting from the Ayuntamiento de Timotes (city hall) rolled up inside a plastic tube. She tearfully tells him about Mariano's plot to blame him for stealing the valuable work of art. He forgives her for this, understanding her life was threatened and tells her he loves her unconditionally. He stays up all night painting a copy of the stolen painting, and then has Malicia take the original to City Hall to leave there, in that same tube. The copy is framed and put up on Enrique's wall. Mariano tells some people Enrique is the only one sophisticated enough to know the value of the art. When Mariano shows up with some other guys in tow, Enrique tells him he was expecting him sooner. Mariano looks very confused.

Sacramento behaves like an ass to Amanda. He's obviously burning with jealousy about the kiss, but tries to hide it under righteousness, telling Amanda she's using Rafa for the money, Pablo as an amante, and himself as a clown to play with her sisters. Zahra puts him in his place, though. She tells him he's full of it for thinking he's the only way for Amanda to be happy. And that, if he really cared about her, he'd leave her in peace.

Pablo's behavior is different. He understands that, after Rafa rescued her sister, she owed him that kiss. He tells her he wants them to leave the next day. They spend the night by the river making love. Outdoor hanky-panky beside a river? Sounds like the death of a thousand bites from mosquitoes to me.

Pablo's wife, Lucía, and their son arrive. She calls the Petrolero office and asks for Sacramento, the best friend Pablo's written her about! She's in Timotes and will arrive in an hour at the dock in Nueva Esperanza!

Meanwhile Amanda and the girls have bid farewell to Zahra and Olga and have had Dudi get their bags to the dock so no one would see them carrying them to town. When Pablo shows up, his wife greets him with a kiss, while Amanda looks on confused. Lucía asks to be introduced to Amanda, and introduces herself as his wife.


Would someone please just shoot Pilar? The eyes welling with tears, the trembling lips, the constant dumb behavior, where to start with how much I am fed up with this character.

I am enjoying the way Porras gives that 100% evil stare and curling lips when no one is watching him and then converts to his Gonzalo persona when a Conde is around.

I didn't understand his idea that he was going to save Ignacia from the worst mistake of her life. What does he care if she gets pregnant? If he wants to kill her, why does the pregnancy matter to him?

Hombre: stud ... thud. Great! I sure hope Gonzaki doesn't kill that fine specimen of male pulchritude.

NovelaMaven I also laughed at Javier's disgusted "Diego" and his catching himself to rush to the kid's side to impress Pilar.

CORAZON: Thanks, Hombre, for the great recap. I don't have much to say about the episode. I liked it when Soledad admitted to Tiberio that she had told Angel about how his mother died. Oops. I guess Angel doesn't love his padrino so much any more.

FLOR: Thanks for your recap, Novelera. I like Flor, too but I couldn't stay awake for more than 5 minutes of last night's episode.

I did see the part where half-brothers Sacto and Jose Maria shook hands under the benevolent gaze of their father.


Novelera, great job! I haven't seen the episode yet but that was a great read!


Thanks, Rand! Once upon a time at this site someone wrote that after putting up a recap, they'd like to see at least a very brief comment, analogous to someone shuffling their feet so you'd know they were there.

Thanks for the shuffle!

Pls can someone tell me,what happen next after the debra bargained with tiberio?

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