Thursday, September 15, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #29 Wed 09/14/11 Muchas lagrimas, a confession without benefit of clergy, and an extortion scheme that could easily be nipped in the bud

[Posted for Urban Anthropologist]

Please provide any missing details.  Gracias.


Short clips of about the entire second half of yesterday's episode.


Cafe:  Gerry and Lucia talk about Gerry's feelings for Alicia.

Gerry:   I swear I loved her and if she had told me she was pregnant I would not have left her unprotected.
Lucia:   No, Papa.
Gerry:   She was a marvelous woman.  [Something about not being able to talk to Luscreechia about his problems]  For that reason I kept quiet.  I did what I had to do.  I wanted to divorce your mother.  Forgive me, daughter.
Lucia:   No, Papa, don't ask my forgiveness.  I love my mother but she has her faults.  And everyone has the right to make his own life.

Gerry is crying by this time; both decline to order any food.

Lucia:   Did you think Ivan was going to ask stuff about his mother?
Gerry:   He did.
Lucia:   But wasn't he suspicious of your relationship with Alicia?
Gerry:   I don't know.  But he also asked about his son.
Lucia:   What?
Gerry:   Alex is Ivan's son.

Casa Curiel:  Luscreechia complains about Camilo's plans for the ranch, as if she knows more than he does.  [Give us a break.]  Carlota informs Luscreechia about MP moving out and that she lied about Ivan again.

Luscreechia:   If she's reconciled with him, that's OK with me.
Carlota:   But he loves Lucia, not Maripaz.
Luscreechia:   Men change their minds like clothes.  And they have a child and a child is a tie difficult to destroy.
Carlota:   A child who has disappeared.  Do you know something?
Luscreechia:   The same as you.

Cafe:  Gerry explains to Lucia how and why he stole the baby and we see the flashback.    Both are crying.
Lucia:   And so it was you who took him?
Gerry:   After what happened to Alicia, I couldn't let your sister give the baby up for adoption or have it end up in a casa de cura.  [orphanage?]  This was my grandchild.   
Lucia:   Yes, Papa, but ...
Gerry:   When your mother ordered the baby left in the servants' quarters I entered the house while Carlota was in the kitchen and got the baby out as quickly as possible.  I went to Mexico City where I had met a wonderful woman named Beatriz.  I explained my plan and she agreed.    She received him with much affection.
Lucia:   How did you register him?
Gerry:   We left Mexico and told a doctor that an illiterate midwife delivered the baby in a town where no one knew us.  He gave the baby a clean bill of health.  A year later he was registered as our child.
Lucia:   I think you did well, Papa.  Alex could have fallen into strangers' hands.  But what do we do about Ivan?
Gerry:   I never thought he'd come back.
Lucia:   But he has and he's obsessed with finding out what happened to his son.
Gerry:   I don't know, mi amor.  You need to tell him.
Lucia:   No, Papa, don't make me do this.  Don't give me that responsibility.
Gerry:   I've always been a weak man, indecisive.  The best thing I ever did in my life was to take my grandchild.  I gave him a life, a family.  He thinks I'm his father and he loves me.  How are we going to tell him “Know what, Alex?  I'm not your father.  Your father is this gentleman.  You have to leave with him.”  Imagine the child's trauma...
Lucia:   Yes, I can imagine, but I'm also thinking of Ivan.  His anguish, his desperation to know about his son...
Gerry:   I understand him.  But Alex.  Don't think...Do you know what you're going to say?
Lucia:   Papa, this is a decision you have to make.

Except we know that Lucia – or Carlota – will ultimately do that.  

Commercial Break which opens with promos for Una Familia con Suerte, El Grito de Mexico, and Mira Quien Baila.

Merry Piece's den of future iniquity:  Silvia Molina, who manages the building, talks to MP about engaging a servant.  Merry Piece apparently never learned how to cook.  After she leaves Merry Piece turns on the TV, settles on the couch, and calls Antolin to get him to set up a party for her.  She continues to lie that the apartment was a gift from Ivan.  Afterward David calls her about signing the divorce papers.

Casa Meandragon:  David visits Esther and tells her how happy he is with his new job.  She talks about how she misses him and he tells her how his opinions are valued at his job and how he will be seeing a new shrink for his problem.  Esther is convinced that all he needs is a good woman and he tells her he doesn't understand how he could have thought he was in love with Merry Piece.  Esther never approved of that match because MP is bad news.  

Bar, outdoor tables at night:  JJ is attempting to incite the other ranchers against the McGuires, accusing them of abuse of authority or something.  This is really about how they didn't give him more money than he really needed in the first place.  Those guys are a bunch of idiots to follow him.

Hospital:  Tony and Ivan talk about Gerry, with a segue to Merry Piece.

Tony:  What do you think?
Ivan:   I don't know.  It's obvious that he lied about this pretext of his sister-in-law before meeting with Lucia.  I don't know why and I don't understand.
Tony:   Better Lucia should talk to him about the lie Maripaz told about you buying the apartment so that...
Ivan:   But it was he who called Lucia.
Tony:   Surely you shouldn't have doubts?  She's his daughter, no?  Don't start fantasizing.  
Ivan:   This attitude isn't logical.  Perhaps by talking we can agree on something.  
Tony:   Something like what?
Ivan:   Camilo suspects that Alex is my son.
Tony:   Who is Alex?  Gerardo's son?
Ivan:   Exactly.
Tony (incredulous):   Por favor!
Ivan:   Why not?  He could be.  The boy is exactly the age my son would be.  The person who took him knew he was in the servants' quarters and could have sneaked into the house.  It could have been a servant or it could have been him.  Lucia could have worked with him or known about it.  They could be talking about what he should say when I question him.  Why else would he be so nervous?
Tony:   Well, we'll see tomorrow.
Ivan:   Someone called Maripaz demanding four million pesos to keep quiet about her having had a son

Tony raises his eyebrows as Antolin and his accomplice talk about it elsewhere and head for a pay phone to call MP, who tells him to call Ivan because she has no money.  She gives him Ivan's number.  When Fat Dude tells Antolin he needs to call Ivan McGuire Antolin hesitates.  Obviously Fat Dude doesn't know that Antolin and Ivan have history.  Antolin would be an idiot to tell him.

School: Lucia thinks about her conversation with Gerry as she meets David.  She's incredulous at realizing she initially suspected her mother, then her grandmother and now knows that her father took the baby.  David arrives and Lucia explains she will introduce him to her [male] colleague, then split the scene.  He's eager for this meeting and they head off.

Casa Lomieli:  Carolina gets hysterical at the prospect of losing Alex.

Carolina:    But why?  Why?
Gerry:  Because I thought she could help.  Lucia loves Alex.  She's a child psychologist.  She will know what to tell Ivan.
Carolina:    We're going to lose Alex.
Gerry:  No, that won't happen.  She told me.  She wants me to tell Ivan.
Carolina:    We haven't much time.  What is she going to do?  Lucia is...  You made a mistake!
Gerry:  Understand me.  I've been dragging my feet since Ivan got back.
Carolina:    We have to think of Alex.  After all the lies how are we going to tell him his father is a stranger to him?  What about Alicia?  There's no need!  We're going to lose him!
Gerry:  No, that won't happen.  

Carolina continues crying as Gerry holds her.

Casa Curiel:  Lucia tells Carlota about her conversation with Gerry.

Carlota:   He told you that?  I can't believe it.
Lucia:   He took Alex and that was a good thing.  At least the boy grew up with his grandfather.  But since Ivan came back we have to tell him.  How do we tell him that?   And about his mother?  Can you imagine the hurt that this will cause him?  He will never forgive us, grandma.
Carlota:   To begin with, you're right.  I'm very sorry, mi amor.  For him and for you.  Ivan called me on the phone.  He wants to talk to you about Maripaz.  In reality the apartment was rented by his father so your sister will shut about about your mother and me.
Lucia:   Maripaz isn't important.  Why did my father tell me?  I can't say this, ever.
Carlota:   Cry, mi amor.  Cry all you want.  Afterward you will be strong and try to forget this.

Lucia continues to cry, but I can't believe that Carlota wants to bury this.  She must mean something else.

Commercial Break which opens with promos for tomorrow's Mujeres Asesinas, which will start 10 minutes early (but my listing doesn't reflect that yet).  It's the ugly plastic surgeon.

Pool Hall:  Antolin and Fat Dude talk about next steps.  They call Ivan from the same pay phone outside so the call can't be traced.

Casa Curiel:  Ivan arrives when his cell rings and Fat Dude demands the money.  Ivan tells him he will pay $5 million (US) if he will first tell him where the hell his son is.  Fat Dude is so incredulous he hangs up and tells Antolin, who is frustrated by the fact that they don't actually know anything.

BTW, currently $5 million US is 16x what they were demanding.

Lucia doesn't want to face Ivan, but Carlota tells her she has to.  He's not even coming over for the same reason and this is the least she owes him for what he's done for them.

Unfortunately, Luscreechia shows up as Cleto comes in to look for Lucia.  She tells him to have Ivan come in.  He tells Ivan that Luscreechia asked him in and that Carlota went up to Lucia's room to talk to her.  Ivan follows him in and stands in front of the portrait of his grandfather.

Luscreechia argues with Lucia, who doesn't want to see Ivan.  Luscreechia leaves Lucia's room and goes downstairs.  She doesn't realize that Lucia has followed and is eavesdropping from behind a column.

Luscreechia:  Forgive me for keeping you waiting but would you believe Lucia has a serious headache.
Ivan:  She has a headache or she doesn't want to talk to me about her sister?
Luscreechia:  Oh, I know the heart can't be commanded and if you've reconciled...
Ivan:   No, I have not reconciled with Maripaz, Señora.  And it was my father who paid for it so she won't say what she knows about your mother or you.  You know your older daughter always lies.
Luscreechia:  So therefore you will neither pay the money demanded for the child?
Ivan:    There are two possibilities here.  Either Maripaz is capable of anything to get her hands on money so she made a deal with somebody about threatening the child or you all actually knows where my son is and are trying to extort me.
Luscreechia:  Of course not!  How could you think such a thing? 

(Lucia retreats.)

Ivan:   I know you will do what you have to to gain an advantage.  If you know where my son is, I will tell you what I told the asshole who called me.  I am prepared to pay $5 million dollars to get my son back. $5 million dollars, Señora. Think about that.

He exits, leaving Luscreechia muy impactada.

Lucia goes to Carlota's room to tell her that Ivan got the phone call.

Casa Curiel/MP's place:  Luscreechia calls her to chew her out about the extortion attempt and that he thinks they know where the child is.  She tells her that Ivan is willing to pay $5 million.  Carlota and Lucia enter the room behind Luscreechia, so Lucia didn't really miss anything important before.
Luscreechia demands that Maripaz come over immediately to clear this up.  She doesn't believe that Maripaz doesn't know anything and didn't instigate this.  Maybe she's getting smarter about her brat.

Carlota:   Now what other disgrace is this?
Luscreechia:   No disgrace.
Lucia:   Were you talking to Maripaz?  Could she have been threatening Ivan over his son?
Luscreechia:   I don't know.  I don't understand.  And who knows at what moment this engendro will appear.  This isn't the example I wanted to set for my daughters.
Carlota:   Excuse me for saying this, but it was.  You wanted to kill Ivan and then his son.  Maripaz is modeling your behavior, doing what benefits her.
Luscreechia:   I never did it for money.  Never did I take it that far.
Carlota:   Aha, but then she continued your bad example, daughter.

Pool Hall:  Fat Dude is ecstatic at the prospect of $5 million, but Antolin reminds him they know nothing.  Fat Dude suggests that they just find a boy the same age and pay some money and pass him off as Ivan's son.  Antolin looks doubtful, then mentions that Ivan would demand a DNA test.  Fat Dude  asks what that is.  Really, Antolin, you need smarter accomplices.

MP calls Antolin to cancel the party because she's sad (yeah, right).  He agrees to see her, pays the bill, and leaves.

Casa McGuire:  The shirtless Ivan e-mails Lucia that they need to meet.  He repeats the truth about Maripaz.  He promises to respect her decision if she decides in the end not to pursue their relationship.  Lucia looks like she's trying to decide what to do.

MP's place:  She's wasted, still drinking, and whining to Antolin about how her mother accused her of trying to get the $4million pesos and how nobody loves her.  “My whole family hates me and I have nothing in this life.”  [Yeah, right.  I'd kill for that apartment]  He tries to get her to tell him where the boy is but she doesn't know.  He then suggests they think about who might be extorting the money.  Oh, this dude is slick.  Possibly it's the same person who took the baby.  Merry Piece tells him the only people who even knew she had a baby were her family and they don't love her.  He asks if her father knew about the extortion, but she says she didn't tell him.  He asks about Gerry's marriage, when did it happen, etc., finally saying that he could have impregnated his second wife before the divorce.  MP rants about how all men are unfaithful garbage.  They're all the same, etc.  She shuts him down at that point and he looks slightly confused, but not confounded.

Commercial Break

Casa Curiel:  Morning.  David calls Lucia to thank her for the referral to his new shrink.  He's optimistic.

School:  Lucia talks to a little boy whose parents are divorced and whose mother married another man.  He misses his real father who lives en la capital.  [Do people really talk like that?]  Nothing appears to be dangerous in his current life, the stepfather appears to love the child, and Lucia tries to convince him he now has two fathers.  Lucia remembers Alex's last birthday party.

Casa McGuire, breakfast time:  Camilo comes to see Ivan who still can't get through to Lucia.  She didn't answer his e-mail.  All because of a lie told by Maripaz.  Camilo reminds him that he broke up with her first over the revelation about Don Teodoro's will.  Camilo then changes the subject to the ranch.  Luscreechia treated her workers badly and working there isn't easy.  Ivan reminds him that the ranch belongs to Carlota and his dad is in her good graces, so this can be fixed.  Onward.

Registro Civil:  Merry Piece and David sign the divorce papers.  She wears dark glasses through the signing, as though she were some movie star.  She asks the lawyer how long it will be before either can marry again.  She's disappointed to hear that it will be a year.  David asks why she's in a hurry, whether she has another guy.  We know what's on her delusional mind.  In your dreams, cualquiera.

Agricultural Office:  Receptionist tells JJ and Saul to have a seat when they come to see the Director.  JJ grouses that he deserves more respect than to be kept waiting.  JJ, stop singing that song; we're all tired of it.

Commercial Break that opens with a promo for a teen preg episode of La Rosa de Guadalupe.  We could snark that series to levels MST3K writers only dreamed of (provided we could make it through an episode).

Registro Civil:  Merry Piece actually has the nerve to ask David for alimony.  She claims to have moved to a tiny apartment because she can't take living with her family.  Something was blipped out, but I think it was that the terms of the divorce don't grant her any.  He tells her he can't give her much because he has his own bills.  I didn't get what she said about his father.  However, it ends with her smugly telling him to text her when he's set up the account.  He shakes his head as he watches her exit the office.

Agricultural Office:  JJ and Saul enter the director's office.  They try to make trouble for Tony and Ivan by saying they're reneging on their promise.  The money they're offering is a joke.  The director disputes this, that the money is fair and more generous than past offers.  Saul goes on about insults and cheating; JJ tries to stop him twice.  The director isn't buying it but says he will talk to the McGuires.  JJ chews Saul out as they exit.

Cafe:  Ivan and Gerry talk about Alex.  Ivan approaches this very effectively.

Ivan:  And how is Alex?
Gerry:  Very happy.  Now that it's vacation time we're all going to the beach.
Ivan: Good.  When I was a child I loved the beach.  I was always happy there.

The waiter brings their drinks and they toast.

Gerry:  Good tequila.
Ivan:  I almost don't drink, but ['didn't get this]
Gerry:  Me, too.
Ivan:  I always had good memories of you.  You were always likeable, gentle.  I remember when you'd pick me up from schoolv
Gerry:  You were always a great student and a good kid.
Ivan:  Despite what happened with Maripaz?
Gerry:  You two were very young and one regrets how things happen.
Ivan: I'm going to be direct.  I want you to tell me – man to man – what you had to do with the disappearance of my son and my mother's death.

Gerry es impactado.

So far I don't like the new closing song.

Avances:   Carlota advises Lucia that if she loves Ivan she should tell him the truth.  There will be multiple confrontations. 


Engendro:   fetus, malformed child


Thank you UA for a very complete recap. Secrets are flying fast and furious! When you count up all the wrongs Ivan has suffered at the hands of the Curiel family, one wonders if he can ever reunite with Lucia.

An orphanage is a "casa de cuna", I think. ("cura" is priest, and "cuna" is cradle...someone correct me if I am equivocada.)


UA thank you for your recap wonderful detail dialog.

I believe Gerry told Lucia that:
"He wasn't about to allow Maripaz to have an abortion nor give up his grandchild for adoption" ( no voy a permitir que tu hermana abortara o dejar mi nieto a una casa cuna).

And Lucrecia's line was " I don't get when I gave birth to such a bad child (no entendio en que momento dia luz a semejente engendro) ...

Wasn't it Lucia who broke up with Ivan; and when he found out the whole truth he got angrier and he's been trying to talk to her but she's the one refusing him. I don't get Camilo passionate plea that Ivan broke things off first?

What was up with the temper tantrum that Lucia was having for not wanting to see Ivan. I'm about wanting to see the poor guy with a good woman who isn't a Lomeli Curiel. The druken slutty sister is spreading lies left and right about him and the saner sister is too chicken to face him. And the poor guy is begging for a simple talk.

I may be in the minority here, I'm not going to like Camilo for the long haul; his crush on Lucia is too much for me; and I can't watch him betray Ivan in that regard.

How do you edit something already posted? I'm fairly new to this site; I'm quickly learning my way around but once in a while my fingers are faster than my brain. And it doesn't help either posting while at work.


If you sign in with a google account, you can delete your own comments for a certain amount of time. You can't edit if you've posted as anonymous, but a few of the recappers have the ability to delete comments.

Thanks for the recap, UA! Great detail.

Poor David. Maripaz looked so gleeful signing the divorce papers, and he looked so depressed. Then she had the nerve to ask for alimony? And he sort of agreed?! After she walked away he had this look on his face like, "wait...WHAT?!" But...he works for Ivan and Tony, and he talks to Lucia. Surely he's going to find out that Maripaz is being kept in luxury, even if they won't tell him why.

I loved Ivan's parry and riposte response to the blackmail attempt. THAT threw them for a loop.

"JJ chews Saúl out as they exit." Had the TV muted to talk to my daughter and she started making chicken sounds (bawk bawk BAWWWK) didn't understand until I saw JJ's head and arm movements in this scene. JJ Meanchicken.

Anonymous: ITA that I might not like Camilo at least for a while. It looks like he is going to take advantage of the barriers blocking Iván and Lucía from being together. Not cool, amigo.

Carolina seems so emotionally distraught right now, I'm afraid she will join the Antolín bandwagon. Lucía could tell her all about how Alex can make it through these secrets with an abundance of love, but it would fall on deaf ears. She's thinking more of herself than Alex imho.

Jo, I completely agree about Carolina. She definitely is thinking more of her own pain. I don't have an issue with Gerry telling Lucia about this because of her expertise with children, but it's his responsibility to tell Ivan and Alex.

If I were Lucia I would insist that Gerry tell Alex the truth and explain to him why he did what he did. To hell with Luscreechia and Maripaz; they don't matter. He also must be the one to tell Ivan because he also needs to tell him that Lucia was only told yesterday.

If this doesn't happen immediately Ivan is going to jump to the conclusion that they knew all along and were holding out for the big $5 million.

However, since Gerry is too chicken to do this, Carlota should probably do this immediately and tell Ivan to keep his money (which we know she would tell him to). She and Lucia must not tell Luscreechia or Merry Piece until after Ivan knows.

Alex is an intelligent and well-adjusted kid. If he finds out the right way he will be fine in the end.

What's going to be harder is Gerry coming clean about his relationship with Alicia. Ivan can appreciate Gerry taking Alex for his own good but he will have a harder time with this one.

I can't wait for the looks on Fat Dude's and Antolin's faces when the rug gets pulled out from under them about the $5 million.

Merry Piece has some damn nerve demanding alimony when she walked after less than a week. Considering that Tony is giving her a generous monthly allowance -- enough so she doesn't have to work -- and an apartment most of us would kill for she needs to be called out on her crap.

UA, great recap. I really appreciate the detailed conversations. It is always hard to get into a new TN.

I agree with you about MerryPutz. Who does she think she is? She acts very much like JJ. Maybe he is the bio dad but surely Lucrazy would know and would not have allowed the marriage to David.

I am really disappointed in Antolin, this will be the second time he has screwed Ivan about money. He an Carolina are very selfish people. No wonder they are friends.


Great recap, UA! I appreciate all the detail. I loved "Merry Piece's Den of Future Initquity"!

I am laughing at JJ Meanchicken. I always think "coming to you live from Alamos....its JUMPIN' JUAN JAIME!!!!!"

This is definitely not a TN of long hidden secrets. Beans spill every night....the information is just handled terribly.

I think Carolina is to be pitied. She is Alex's aunt, doesn't have a family of her own, and may never have had romance in her life.

For MerryPutz to be JJ's daughter wouldn't be surprising, since incest doesn't typically happen in Televisa novelas. It's possible because neither Lucrazia nor JJ would have thought about it. BTW, I've seen half-sibling incest in an Argentine one and I can't begin to tell you how surprised I was.

Well I'm a little disguisted at Gerry now. Coward? Fine. but to lay it all out for Lucia and then tell her not to say anything to the man she loves and the kid's father is just wrong. What a jerk.

Here's what David should have said to MP- "Are you on crack too?? You dumped me after one week! ONE WEEK! And then told the whole town about my, um, problemo. Mere alcohol couldn't make so dumb to think you deserve more, so you must be snorting something. Bitch". I have to say though, her happiness in the lawyer's office, especially when she slid the contract over to David when he hesitated signing, was really something to behold.

Thanks so much Jardinera. Gerry really is a coward! I can't believe he's putting these huge decisions in Lucia's hands, when HE'S the one who needs to take responsibility. And she was being quite cowardly too, in refusing to see, speak to, or write Ivan. But I understand that she doesn't want to lie to him, but she also doesn't feel it's her place to tell him the truth about his mom and Alex. She's between a rock and a hard place, and she's not dealing with it well.

Casa de cuna is a foundling home (cuna means cradle). So not really an orphange as there are no big kids there. Just babies and really little ones.

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